Eat It Or Yeet It But Everything Is Blue

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- Why are you smiling so much? (Courtney gags) - Ew! - Why would you do that? (crew laughing) (Damien gags) - [All] Eat It or Yeet It! - We are back again with another "Eat It or Yeet It" episode and today the theme is blue da ba dee da ba di. - Give me that Smurf meat. I know it's coming. - That's right. It is blue foods today. What are foods that are blue, you may ask? I'm so confused. Well, you're gonna find out today. Here are the rules. First to ding the bell, eats the dish. That person is then out and safe for the rest of the game. Last person standing eats The Big Bite, which is either the best or the worst dish of the game. (upbeat techno music) How does everybody feel? - [Tommy] Good. - Confused. - Hungry? - There's no such thing as blue food. - Maybe a little blue? - Yeah. Aww. - Aww. - I'm just generally skeptical every time I'm here. (laughs) - Why? - It's a healthy feeling. - I like the flavor blue but probably won't today. - I think you guys are gonna like today. I think you will. That's just me. - Jackie, what's the bluest bug you can think of? (Olivia laughs maniacally) (upbeat jazz music) - Meal number one. - [All] Five, four, three, two, one. (bell dings) - Oh! (Damien snarls) - Eugh! No! No! - Mix that up a little. (overlapping chatter) - It's turning purple! - It's like those cups from the nineties. - Wow, it's a real experience. Ugh, that's a lot of lemon. (people laugh) - That's what he gave me. - Let's drop some Tums in there. - You really critiquing the foods on this show, bro? - Oh, here we go. - Enjoy! - Yeah, just take a little sippy sip. Just one little sip. - Big, big gulp. Big gulp. - I hope it's like the ocean. - It's really blue. - I hope it's ocean water. - [All] Three, two, one. - Whoa, he guzzling. - No, you don't have to do that. - He gulping. - He guzzling. - His tummy's gonna be so... - Actually guzzling. - He's gobbling. - I've never been more confused. I don't know how to feel. - You're just drank half of it. - Well, t's an Eat or Yeet show and Kimmy wanted it, so I don't wanna waste it. - Thank you so much. (laughs) - What are you experiencing? - It's got, like, you know, on the back of the tongue when you have something that is milk-based and there's that richness to it, and it's a good level of richness, but it's the consistency of water, but it's warm, like tea but it tastes kind of milky, but also a little bit oceany, and there's some lemon in it. It's like I've never had a flavor like this in my life. - Interesting. After all these years, still keeping it interesting. - You like it. - Not really. Wait. - Can I smell? - You don't like it? It's almost like there's- there's definitely a tea element to it. Yeah, give it a smell. - [Olivia] Is it warm? - [Damien] Yeah, it's lukewarm. Like, it used to be. It's really a take on what the idea of warm could be. - [Olivia] Give me that! - That smells like cat water. - Cat water. - Cat Water! (laughs) - Is it cat water? (people laugh) - What that beverage is is a butterfly pea flower latte. Butterfly pea flower, oat milk, lemon, and honey. - Oh! I'm sorry. I'm sure you get this all the time. What is a butterfly pea flower? - It's when their bladder's full and they give them a little squeeze. - We have them in the kitchen, which we could have brought them out, but they're a really beautiful blue flower that you put in a beverage, and when you pour lemon on it, it turns it a really cool purple. It's a fun little chemical reaction. - It usually tastes green tea-ish. - Yeah. It's great. And it also tastes like victory. - Hell yeah. Well, you're safe from the game! (people applaud) - Thank you. - Good job. (upbeat jazz music) - Any of you guys want a little snack? - Yeah! - Snack on some snacks? - Yes! - Yeah. - Okay, 'cause I'm sorry. - [All] Five, four, three, two, one. - Honestly... (bell dings) - Oh my God. - Ohh. - There's so much oil. - Olivia! - What is that? - I would use one of those chips to stir up the stuff. - Think you're at a fancy party. - I really love pita chips. - Yeah? - Well, that's not the only thing you gotta eat. - No, no! - Stir it up! - Okay! - Yeah, get that weird purple- (Kimmy gags) - That looks like cat water. - [Kimmy] I don't like that consistency. - [All] Three, two, one. - Such a cute bite. - Oh! (Kimmy gasps) - I'm so into this. - What? - Whoa! - Really? - Seriously? - She's just eating it. - Is this like the peanut butter tuna situation? - It actually smells really good. - You're liking this? - Mm-hmm. - What? What is it? - I need to try too, bro. - This is the trap. - You know what? Leave a pita chip for me. I will taste it after I explain what this is. So what are the flavors? What are the flavors you're experiencing? - It's so delicious. - Is it sweet? Is it savory? - You need to go to the doctor. (all laughing) - What are you talking about? It's like savory and sweet. I love it. - Okay. What you are just shoveling into your mouth is blummus. - What is it? - Garlic hummus, blueberries, and sugar. - What? - That sounds great! - Blummus! - Blummus! - Blummus! - Blummus. - Blummus? - Blummus! - [Kimmy] Ew! - Yeah, this is so good. - All right, Liv, you are safe from the game! (all applaud) - Oh my God. Good job, Liv. (upbeat jazz music) - Ready? (chuckles) - Oh, good luck to us all. - [All] Five, four, three, two, one. (girls scream) (bell dings) (people laugh) (girls scream in slow motion) (bell dings) - It was Kimmy. - Oh! - I want that so bad. - Viper hands Kimmy. - I want it! - Oh, that's thickems, though. - Yeah, dummy thickulous. - Oh, it's not moving. - It's glue! - Oh my God! - Dude, that's NyQuil! That's NyQuil right there! - I cannot express this fork's stuck so hard to that plate. (people laugh) Ew, Ew! Garrett! - Gotta get a big ol' bite, Kimmy! - What if it's like, what's that stuff they put in cars? - Antifreeze? - Antifreeze. - She's doing the whole thing. Ready? - [All] Three, two, one. - [Courtney] I love that. I love that for you. - [Olivia] It looks so good. (people laugh) - Thunk! - Splat! - Wow! - It's good? - Oh, that's a flavor dirty. (people laugh) Ooh! It's sour! Ooh! - Sounds like your mouth is stuck together. - You getting more? You getting more, bro? - No! - Is this glue? - Oh God. It's so sweet. It's so sour. It's so blue. It's blue inside and out. I'm confused as to what makes something this... This has to be melted something. I don't know. It's a part of me now. - Like a five year old kid at a birthday party. - Oh my God. - Are you gonna take another bite? - You want me to? - No. (overlapping chatter and laughter) - Okay. Kimmy, what you just ate was blue waffle. - Oh! You nasty! - Wow! - Why? - Blue Frost Gatorade, blue dye, and waffle mix. - And the syrup is a simple syrup made with Blue Frost Gatorade and a little bit of malic acid. - Is it good? - That little bit of Garrett-y special. - It really tastes like you just melted down a blueberry lollipop or something like that. - Oh, wow. It's like leather. I think you just invented new leather. - It's so funny. That is what's so funny. If anybody knows the blue waffle that we're talking about. Don't Google it if you don't. Garrett had no idea what that was. - What? Really? - Tommy, do you know? - Should I Google it right now? - Actually don't. - Actually, for the sake of the video, it would be funny if he Googled it right now. Is that okay? Okay. - Can I see it, too? I think I know what it is. - Go to Google Images. Google Images. - Oh! (Courtney laughs) Whoa! Whoa! Nah! (people laugh) I don't need it! - Don't Google it. Kimmy, you are safe from the game! (people clap and cheer) (upbeat jazz music) - Why you smiling so much? - Oh my God, what is... (Courtney gags) - Ew! - Why would you do that? (Damien gags) - Three, two, one. (bell dings) (people laugh) - Distraction. - Sabotage! - I choked on my own spit. - [Olivia] That looks so good. - I only saw the spooky top part. - Oh my God. That is so- wow. - Wow. I'm screwed. Have a delicious time. - Oh, it's the play together the pink pie. - Oh wow. Really good baking skills, Garrett. - [Garrett] Really? - No, this is thick. (Courtney coughs) - Sorry. (people laugh) - I don't know why- I just felt like everything aligned. Courtney coughed, Tommy was distracted. It was my chance to ring the bell, so I did. - It called to you. - [All] Three, two, one. - Mm. - You're so brave. (overlapping chatter) - She's not a big bite. (people laugh) - Something's happening! (people continue laughing) - Uh oh! - Oh no! - Oh, no. - What's happening? (people laugh) - Oh, it's not natural. (people laugh) - That's not natural? Oh, no! - Jackie, you love my pies. - You okay? - Ohhh! Whew, that's a smell. - Wow. Wow. - At first I thought it was a chicken pot pie, and then it started changing into something else. And then it got in the back of my throat. - Oh, you okay? - I'm not gonna throw up again. I didn't throw up the first time. - Is it sweet and savory? - It's- No. - Oh, wow. - Cheers. - Wow. I love this. - No. Stop! Stop. - I'm not joking. - Don't play me, Olivia. - Get off my set! - He needs to spit it out! - Help! Help! Help! (people laugh) - I'm gonna go ahead and say the two against one. - So what this is is a blue cheesecake. - There we go. - Blue cheese- - Oh, no! - Blue cheese dressing, sugar, blue dye, and just a little blueberries on top. - And egg. - And egg. - What? - It's so potent. - [Garrett] Thank you. - But I love it, though. It's sweet and savory. Do you wanna try it? - No, I'm set. Thank you, though. - No, guys. It really is not bad. There's something really good about the sweet and the savory. - She needs to go to the doctor. - It smells not good. - What? - You need to go to the doctor! - This smells like a McDonald's PlayPlace, Olivia. - I think it could be fun. If you like blue cheese, I think it could be a fun taste. - Jackie, you are now safe from the game. (people cheer and applaud) - You did it! (upbeat jazz music) - Ready to finish this off? - I guess! - Cough again so he gets distracted. - (chuckles) It was a accident! Okay. - [All] Five, four, three, two, one. (bell dings) (people laugh) - All right. Yeah, you got it. - Oh, God. - I just wanna remind you that my drink was really good, so. - So this cost $400 to get? - This was actually 17. And I know this. - Oh, really? - And you know this, man. - Before you do that, let's do a little.... - Wanna just swirl it a bit? - The bottom. What's going on at the bottom? - [Courtney] I'm not really sure. I don't even know if it moves. - It's probably OxiClean. - Or Tide. - Just bleach. - It does smell like detergent. - And edible soap. - I think I'm just gonna pop the top and take a big slurp. - No cap, guys! No cap. - No cap! - No cap! - Good to know that it separates. - [Courtney] Ready? - The smell is giving me banana but something maybe else. Here we go. - [All] Three, two, one. - [Courtney] Oh, whoa. You sucked that in. - [Kimmy] Oh, no! - Oh, wow. - Do we need a bucket? - It's giving. - There's some... It's fine, but- - It's fine? - There's something- hold on. (people laugh) - Tommy, what are you trying to say? Tell us! (Tommy mumbles) (people laugh) - It's okay. I think it's okay. (people cheer and applaud) I think I got a big glob of whatever this whipped stuff is. - I hope it's sour cream. - It tastes good? I can drink mine? - Yeah. - [Garrett] Okay. - Oh my God. - Whoa! Garrett, cheers! - It is good. Okay. - It's banana something. Why is it blue? - Olivia, correct me if I'm wrong on this, but Tommy, what you just drank was Marianna's Coconut Cloud Smoothie. Milk, pineapple, banana, avocado, almond butter, vanilla collagen, vanilla stevia, Blue Majiks, and coconut cream. - Did you say milk? - Malk. - Malk. - Malk, sorry. - It's Malk. - Malk. - How much was this? - [Kiana] It's actually $20 to get it delivered. - We need to eat the rich. I swear to God. $20? - Can I just say it's not worth it. It's really not that worth it, but it's good. - Tommy likes it. - It is good. - Worth $20? - Oh, no. Not a chance. - What part of that was 20- was it the coconut? - I think it was the collagen of babies. - And the Blue Majik. - Also, collagen, if you drink it, it doesn't help your body. We don't absorb it like that. - You know what? Every person on this cast is boycotting Erewhon starting now. - Hey, hey, hey! No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. That's where I get most of my food. - Well, Tommy, you are safe from the game. And we all did it! (people cheer and applaud) You eated, too! - You eated it! - Congrats. Even though you yeeted it earlier with the cake, the coughing. - That felt good. Thank you for doing that in solidarity. - It was International Women's Day yesterday. - So this was fun! I like this blue episode. Is there any other colors we should try in the future? - Black. - Red 40! - Brown, but I might throw up. (people laugh) Brown, but I might throw up. - Let us know in the comments if there's any colors that we should make a whole themed episode around. I love this, and I promise I will not cough next time. - [Garrett] Navy blue. - I want clear. - Clear! - I want clear, too. - Let's do clear. Clear's possible. Guys, we have two other videos if you're not done watching content today. Sometimes you're just never done. The content just keeps rolling in. Two videos right here. Oh, you got a blue 'stache, buddy. - Huh? - The blue lip. - There's two videos. - Two videos! - There's two videos on screen. - Enjoy! Drink water! We love you. Have a good day! - Bye! - Goodbye.
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 669,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, eiyi, eat it or yeet it, blue food
Id: poBP9VmF8cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2022
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