Eat It Or Yeet It: Field Trip Edition

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- Three, two, one. - What the (beep). (group cheering) - Oh my god! - [Everyone] Eat it or yeet it! (group cheering) - Hello, welcome to another episode of eat or yeet it. I don't know if you notice, but we're not in the studio today. - What? - Woah! - Nature is healing. We are in "Flower burger". This is an adorable restaurant chain originally from Italy. And this is the first L.A. location in west Hollywood. - [Everyone] Ooh! And I don't know why we're out here, actually. Garrett, what's the occasion? - I just, I felt so bad after all the bad food I've been giving you, I thought I'd take you out to lunch. - [Everyone] Aww. My heart grew a couple of sizes and I just wanted to get you something nice. - So. I now have thimble of trust for Garrett. - I don't trust this man. - So it's gonna be all delicious foods today? - Okay, so this is Giuseppe. - [Everyone] Hi Giuseppe. - Hi. - He's the chef here. He made all five burgers. - So, well he put his hand on me. So I got to say... - Oh no! - Oh so you've had some of them. There were a couple of times he turned his back and my nature came through. - Ah! - [Girl] Okay. (group laughing) - So, this is gonna be an interesting episode. Fingers crossed. How do you guys feel today? - I don't want any of Garrett's nature. (group laughs) I trust Giuseppe, He seems very nice. - Thank you. - [Girl] Yeah. He's very friendly and trusting. (group chattering) - So due to the set up of this adorable restaurant, we don't have our round table today. So instead of the dinging of the bell, we have our familiar battery buzzers for today. - I haven't practiced with these. I'm not used to being on the side of it. I don't know what to do. - Oh sure! He was practicing. Here are the rules. First to buzz the buzzer, eats the dish. that person is then out and safe for the rest of the game. Last person standing eats the big bite, which is either the best or the worst dish of the game. (bouncy music begins) Also the Garrett care station is all like little dishes from Flower burger. Look at that Edamame, potato wedges. Look at those treats my goodness. - I wasn't allowed anywhere near these, until just now. - Good. - Wow. - Alright, Let's get round one going. (group cheering) (upbeat jazz begins) - For those of you watching at home, never let Garrett anywhere near your kitchen. No matter how much of a masterpiece you make, if he gets near your masterpiece, he will turn it into an awful. - [Girl] Yeah. he'll make it scary. Alright, ready guys? - Yes! - Oh! - Five, four, three, two, one. (indistinct chatter) (group cheering) - Oh my god that's purple! - Oh it's like SpongeBob. - I didn't react fast enough cause' I was just at oh. - I know, I was like "Oh it's pretty". Oh my God. There's so many. I get rainbow. It all makes sense now. (group laughs) Okay. I'm excited. This feels like a good burger, - Make sure to take a big bite. Big bite. - Okay, okay! - [Group Counting] 3, 2, 1. - [Jackie] Yes. - [Courtney] That looks hot. - Okay, okay? - Oh my God. That's very good. (group cheering) Walk me through it. What are the the flavors that you're experiencing right now? (indistinct) - All right, let me swallow. - No, you have to talk right now. - I got it, I understood. - I'm trying to figure it out, yeah. The Patty was really, really tasty and like super, like there's a nice little crunch to it. The bread is awesome. I don't know what makes it purple, but it's so like floppy and light. There's a really good sauce on there too. I don't know if you guys see it coming out the side - Ooh. - and I'm big, Imma saucy bitch, like I love me some sauce. This is amazing. I know there's a lot of pickles and some of these guys that are really crunchy. Oh look bean sprouts! Oh cool! It's just, so many followed things all in one, I'm so happy. - I wasn't allowed anywhere near that one. - So what that was was the "classic flower burger". It's a purple carrot bun, seitan red bean patty, lettuce, tomato confit, soy bean sprouts flower cheddar, pickles, and magik sauce. - All vegan. - Hell yeah! - I love that so much and I'm a carnivore. That's a lot. (group laughing) - All right, Kimmy you are safe from the game. (group cheering) (upbeat jazz continues) - Time for number two. All right, You ready? - Five, four, three, two, one. - No, no, no. Yeah! - Oh, Shayne (indistinct) - No, no, no, no. Yeah! - God damn you. - You tricked me, that worked. - You tried to gas light the other people again? - [Kimmy] That's insane. - That is classic (indistinct) Too bad you weren't still in the competition Kimmy. - Yeah, too bad. (group laughs) - You did a bunch of commercials. (group laughs) - I would take out the toothpicks. So they don't like impale your. - No, no, no. Leave them. - I'm not three years old. - Is it part of it? Oh, sorry. (group laughs) - Three, two, one. (indistinct chatter) - What's wrong bud? - Yeah. (group laughing) - Oh is that Garrett touch burger? - Giuseppe I taste work. (group laughs) but there's a darkness, it's like a see the pearly gates, but Garrett's evil, evil embrace has pushed me further back. - I was just having fun. - Why would you do this? - I just brought in a little extra something. What are you experiencing Shayne? - Yeah. - Power. An evil force. (group laughs) It's like fire coming out of my nose. Know that feeling? - That sucks. - Maybe you want another bite. - Yeah! (group cheering) - Giuseppe said you should. (indistinct chatter) - Giuseppe said. - I don't think you get it yet. - No, eat more. - [Garrett] Do it. - Yeah that's right. (group cheering) - The burger part keeps you coming back. - It's hard to turn and show how good the burger is. Garrett did whatever he could. (group laughs) - Well that was, Shayne was the "Tangy chickpea burger". with purple carrot bun, chickpea patty, lettuce, tomato, flour cheddar, tartarella sauce, and in all caps and underlined, horseradish. (group cheering) - Yo, my grandma would've dug that. - Sick burn! - A little goes a long way and a lot goes a longer way. - There's about a gallon of it in this. - Alright Shane, you are safe from the game. - [Kimmy] You dit it! - Shayne do you need anything from the care station. - Yeah. I'll need all of that. - [Garrett] Yes. - Ooh. - [Courtney] That's a big ass cookie (indistinct), that's a lot of care! - Cheers! - Cheers. - [Courtney] I'm just gonna go ahead and. - [Jackie] Everything is vegan. - Oh yeah. - You got it all over this. - [Courtney] Close your eyes. - Close your eyes guys. (upbeat jazz continues) Round three in the building. Open your eyes. - Is it like a granola or something? (group laughs) All right, ready? - Five, four, three, two, one. - Who's gonna do it? - Come on! - It looks good, it looks, okay. - Jackie! (group cheering) - Okay. - That's (beep) Damien. - I'm glad you got it, I wanted you to win. - [Courtney] Take it. - No, no. I'm happy for you. - I have a trust in Giuseppe. This is gonna be gone. - Three, two, one. - [Kimmy] Oh big bite. - [Garrett] Big bite! - Y'all I'm so impressed with your burger bites are so cute. - [Noah] Wow. - I can't tell her reaction. All good? (group cheering) - Oh man, is it, good! It's (indistinct) Giuseppe? (group laughs) - Like I'm very hungry now, this is a good ass burger. - That was like it's good to meet you. - [Kimmy] Oh, yummy. - This tomato is nice in here. I mean it's like refresh. - Fresh from Italy if I'm not mistaken? - The tomato? No, we buy next door. - Okay Jackie, that good ol' lush delicious burger is called the "Jungle burger". It's spirulina and turmeric bun, red bean and oat patty, lettuce, tomato, zucchini, crunchy onion and wild sauce. - This is definitely the healthiest thing I've had in about a month. Like for sure. - Well you're healthy and you're safe from the game. - Yes! - You're telling me I can purchase a burger? - You can go to Flower burger in west Hollywood, Los Angeles, California. And get this. (upbeat jazz continues) - It's a perfect burger but Garrett took a dump on it? Just the boys left. - Alright (group laughs) - Five, four, three, two, one. - What the (beep) (group cheering) - [Noah] Oh my God. - Three, two, one. - What the (beep). - Through the table. - There's something on the way! - Three, two, one. - Ooh. - That's some sauce on that one. - That's smooched. - Oh, he's processing, okay. - It is so good. (group cheering) - What's in it? What you got? What you feeling? - It's something like very rich and creamy. I think that's the sauce. Gosh, what am I tasting? It's so good. It tastes, I can't really fully describe it or liking it to anything I've had before. It tastes like cheesy in a good way. That is not overdone. There's a little bit of like (indistinct) there in the sauce as well. We have some sprouts, looks like some lettuce, very fresh. - Please eat this little thing. Please. - Oh, don't worry. - [Kimmy] Oh my God, those are the biggest I've ever seen. - Why didn't you take that big of a bite for anything I make? - Oh, he's so slumped out of his chair. - So shy. - Oh men. - All right, Damien, well that guy is called the. "Cherry bomb burger". - Hello dad, hello mom. - Yeah! - Cherry and beetroot bun, lentils patty, lettuce, tomato confit, soybean sprouts, flower cheddar, and rocktail sauce. - Ooh. - It is really good. - What is confit? What is tomato confit? - Tomato confit, like the cook would be in the oven before with some spices like this, they can be a little bit sweet than a fresh tomato. - Ooh. - Wow. - I prefer when he talks instead of Garrett. (group laughs) - Okay hungry boy you are safe from the game. - This was great, I didn't had to pay for that or nothing. - [Kimmy] No, it's so good. (upbeat jazz continues) - The cherry burger was really good. - Yeah. Well, this is my issue. It was good bad. Good, good. - [Jackie] Mine was also good. - Five, four, three, two, one. - Yay! - Whoo! - [Courtney] I'm excited for you. - Yeah, just a really big bite. - I'm living a dream, everyone knows about pretty patties, you gotta come to Flower burger cause they serve some pretty patties. Let's do it. Let's go for it. - Three, two, one. - [Garrett] Big ol' bite. - [Kimmy] Wow. - [Jackie] Oh my Gosh. - Oh! (group laughs) (indistinct chatter) Garrett ruined a delicious burger. With some of the hottest sauce. - Oh! - You good? Well, I'm going to eat this out of respect for Giuseppe. Cause the burger is good. The burger is actually delicious It's just really hot, it's so painful to eat. I'm gonna do it. - You're gonna keep doing it? (group cheering) - This was the "Spicy chickpea" Tumeric bun, chickpea patty, lettuce, tomato, jalapeƱos, tropea onion tartar, spicy sauce and all caps, underlined, habanero. - That's why it's familiar. - [Garrett] Yeah. - Oh, that burns. - Yeah, three habaneros I forgot to deseed. - Oh! - Ups. - Noah, you're bathroom later is gonna look like Garrett's kitchen. - Yeah. (group laughs) - Good job Noah, I'm very proud of you. (group cheering) - How does everybody feel? - It was delicious. - Does anybody, do you want? - Cookie? (indistinct chatter) - What are these guys? - This are the, flower bombs. - Ooh. - What? Yum. - I'm so jealous turnout. - Nice! - Guys, this has been the most delicious episode of Eat it or yeet it, no offense Garrett. I feel like I've come close. (buzzer sound) Thank you so much to Giuseppe and to Flower burger, - Thank you, thank you guys. for having us. I'm coming back and I'm just going to make sure Garrett is not here that day. - Yeah, don't let him in your kitchen ever again. - Okay. We're not eat done eating clearly. Maybe you guys aren't done watching content. If you guys want to keep watching some videos, we have two videos right here on the screen to choose from. Hopefully they're as good as the dishes that we ate today. No, no, no, no. You know what I'm saying? - I think so, I was kinda only half listening. (group laughs) - What? (indistinct chatter)
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 659,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, eat it or yeet it, eiyi, flower burger, pretty patties, spongebob pretty patties, colorful hamburgers, vegan restaurants, vegan LA
Id: ePWzAa0A6EI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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