Easy Waste Oil Heater made from a wood stove

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okay this is Kevin with services and what I'm walking about again just going to show you a new project waste oil eater because the last one that you saw was an electric water heater changed to a waste oil heater I was so successful on that I thought I would try something else my son-in-law and his brother gave me a wood stove real small one because basically I needed a small flame something that I could control either I could have like this inferno where I got this nice little warm flame because I have a shop it's a 12 by 17 not insulated and Tommy will pan around now and show you what we're talking about at no interest in insulating so I wanted a stove that would heat this little space without running me out I live in Nevada it's the high desert right now the temperature in the in dove shed itself is about 45 degrees this morning when I got up it was 25 degrees and being not insulated during the winter in December and January around here it'll get below zero very easily so I wanted something that I could control really good and without having a giant inferno so this is what we've got I took this waste I took this old wood stove it's not an old wood stove it's actually really good we've never been used wood stove that was given to me one over here and you can and I convert it to a waste oil heater so what you have here inside you've got your you have to have a stainless steel bowl stainless steel is the only thing that won't melt I went down about an eight dollar one down at Walmart alright so you start off you got your bucket up here for your oil feed I use transmission fluid because my my son in law's dad has a transmission shop it's free to me I attached it with quick disconnects so that it's easy to clean up disconnect fill up whatever with tygon tubing going down I've got a needle valve you got to have a needle valve or you won't be able to control the flow going down through a tygon tubing and it'll I'll show you in a minute we'll just the drip on that it'll go down it'll swing into swing into it'll flow into this copper tubing which goes straight through we've got to get a half inch black pipe tee with air coming up in the middle and then or coming up through it and copper tubing going through the straight through the middle now to get through the wall I got these little these little what do you call flanges that actually you know something that you would build a black iron like a railing or something you can do a lot of different things but mainly you'll see them in railing and stuff I've got one on the outside and one on the inside so I've got a half inch black iron pipe attached here and I also have one attached on the inside I have a fan that I use and it is just a simple little fan a Coleman fan that you would use to inflate your air mattress I put it that all the insulation is basically for noise not not heat and then I've also attached a fan to the back just to blow the heat out into the room and this again pellet stove five double-walled four inch going up it's okay to put a 90 in it because you got a force draft here and it goes out now as far as the stove also has some natural draft vents right here and then there's some in the back they come up from the back and on the inside again you can get right in there and you can see that oil drip now listen the reason that I have it on the bottom some somebody think you know some guys think that you shouldn't have it touching wood ain't going to hurt anything because the air is going to keep it cool anyway but the air on the outside of that helps keep it from getting coked up what will happen is it will get slag and stuff built up around it as the oil drips the air keeps it clean so you don't have to clean it out as much like I did on my electric water heater conversion but the reason that that's down on the bottom like that is because that oil needs to drip into one spot otherwise I get splatter and a whole lot of smoke you get smoke when you get incomplete combustion there's not enough air to the oil so just sits there and smoke so if you're getting a lot of smoke let me you don't have enough air or at least your air is not distributed drag alright you can see again that flange come in I put a 90 just so it could you know go into that that bowl all right so now what we're going to do is we're going to light this baby for you and let you see how we do that okay what we got on our Bowl I just got a real ugly hole right here because I was in a hurry and it doesn't matter I mean it you don't have to have an airtight hole it just doesn't matter so I cut a hole in there what I do is I place it in here on this grating and the reason I put the grating in there is it because it makes it so much better it elevated the bowl enough to where I could get it into that hole simple as that you don't have to have it and then it's a good idea just kind of have that push down you know and where it's blowing down into the bowl you may want you get it lit you may have to I have to adjust this a little bit just to get complete combustion and that's one of the things that I can do with this is a little bit of adjustments on it till I get complete combustion so I don't use a well I'll just show you what I use to light this is I just use some oil soaked rags you're gonna have lots of those around your shop just regular old cloth paper towels so you do you take your paper towel this is oil soaked just because I always have a mess in the shop you can be grease or anything it doesn't even have to have anything on it you toss it in there don't light it yet I come over here and I start my drip and I get it going at a pretty good click it's not the best drip sightglass but when you're cheap like me it works I get a pretty good click go and I want to let it go for a while because I want this line to fill up and then I want to get a little oil at the bottom of that pan now once I know that I've got oil at the bottom of the pan I try to light my lighter that doesn't usually like and then I give up on that and I go to a trusty one but I hope I don't burn my fingers off okay once you get it going let it take off let it get going good before you turn your fan on or you know obviously you'll just blow it out plus we want to still gives us more time to get oil down in that bowl let's see let me borrow that for a second let's see if our drip is dripping really good you can look down in there you can see I don't have a whole lot of drip going in there yet I have to give it some time but I am getting a drip so it's building a little reservoir down there okay what time that's that's going I you know it's going pretty good you can see it's going pretty good you close the door up can I come back here and I turn my fan on turn the fan on let's see if we get here nice flame now it will start off you know with a bang and it'll settle into a normal plane you know it'll settle into whatever is you've got dripping and again I can turn that down I can turn it up about a pretty darn hot in here but that's about a good flame right there for what I want I'll actually turn this oil up just a little bit okay so so you can see because I've got I got plenty of air all of my oil is being burned there's there's no you can't see any smoke at all coming out of there and that's what you want you don't want you want that you don't want too much oil to where it starts to smoke you want plenty of air in there to make sure all of your oils burning up you'll have a nice clear stack like that no no smoke no because my neighbors would get real upset with me I've had a lot of black smoke bellowing out of there all right all right there you have a nice nice clear flame it's settled into a real good when we got the door open you got that fan going on that you've got basically you've got force you got a force draft with just a little bit of natural draft going in there just to help but it's heating up real night we settled into a really really nice is this what I'm saying about being able to control it I mean that's that's nothing I can turn this into an infernal if I want but it's like I've got awesome control on this and one of the reasons that I've got such good control on it is because it's just a real small real small stove and a little bit of any amount of bear that you put in there just doesn't really matter that much I don't adjust the airflow I adjust the fuel flow and it doesn't seem to matter from a low amount of fuel to a high amount of fuel it it doesn't matter the airflow really too much that little mattress air pump seems to do the trick works great put a little little rubber hose on the end of it that may be like radiator hose that can stand a little bit of heat and let her rip so this is Kevin at rushing services showing you my super-dee-duper way stuff I was going to say super-dee-duper alright so my son won't let me say that's my waste oil heater also just how to clean the glass that's kind of important easiest thing in the world right er easy off any oven cleaner throw it on the glass let it sit there for a while come back and tomorrow and wipe it off that's that that oil film that's on the glass comes right off so this is me saying hope you enjoy it piece of cake man the first time I did this and fired right off but it's worked great ever since you don't have to be able to well you don't be a fantastic do-it-yourselfer you just got to have some piping a drill go cut your hole put it together there you have it waste oil heater for your shop talk to you later
Channel: Kevin Rushing
Views: 744,171
Rating: 4.8072786 out of 5
Keywords: Waste oil heater, free heat, shop heat, Energy
Id: BhrxwIYE5ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 27 2014
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