DIY Oil Furnace

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all right happy new year everyone believe it is January 7th it Cornett vironment Canada we are sitting at minus 30 outside in the garage here I guess that would be what - 14 - 12 somewhere in a boat there it will focus so today we're getting ready to start up the waste oil furnace for the first time in this winter season so I've gone ahead and plugged in our power bar to at least operate our battery blanket to try and bring up our oil temperature kind of help its viscosity out all our valves are still shut off I last season I did leave oil and it don't know if you can tell where the mark is or not but we're sitting bolt bucket not quite I guess it's over half-full and that has caused sweating I don't know if it's leaking or not but it's at least sweating in our line so that's something I'm going to have to change I'll know if I'll do it during our winter season or if it's going to get changed out at the end of the season and I'll keep in mind not to leave oil in it probably just move this shutoff up to the tank so I can shut it off up there and drain the line completely when I'm using it or I guess when I'm finished using it so nothing else has changed with our components I guess from the last videos I moved my stainless steel shelf it was sitting on the other side of the wall just outside and I moved it in here as we made some major modifications to the back of the Grad so I had to accommodate moving some things so looking inside as you can see I just left everything in it did a shutdown last time I used it and pretty well just walked away from it so it looks like it's been dripping probably just a normal condensation or rain or something coming through the cap and collecting in the bowl before I do a startup I'll see y'all dirty vids is the inside but we're going to do a clean-out of our burning pot get it ready for our first burn okay so before this was full we've now emptied it out scraped it as best as as we kind of could for doing that I just use this a little pry bar so looking inside you can see where a lot of its blown around all the ash it comes off the ash builds up on this piece here and will flake off and blow all around so just take a minute and clean the bulk of all that up and then get this pot sitting on those railroad spikes back in a second alright so with assembling stacking the pipes we're just looking for some room for extra air to come in I'm just kind of Center that how it goes we'll have to careful how this move in the past I've always had these in the bottom as well so this is the top ring from the propane so there it is with all its markings that's the very top this is the inner layer and then this is the bottom of the panel so I've always had those just in the bottom of here underneath kind of wedged up to make sure just to build up the height for optimal fuel efficiency so let's take a second and get some oil in here and start it up [Music] [Music] you all right [Music] [Music] [Music] okay once we kind of get the fire going as you see it here we can adjust our fan which will plug in this fan is off of a hot water tank and we control it with this dial here there's how much oil is dripping the pot being as full as it is with oil it's going to be burning rich for a bit so on startup you can see it is fairly thick white smoke and it's going to stay thick and white until the bulk of that oil in the pan burns off and once it gets running how it should being optimal it'll just be burning off that amount that's dripping so our flu temperature is already wrapped once around before I walked outside is that the 700 mark so we're coming up all the way around on to the 300 mark so thick smoke is a little thicker and darker like I said that's going to burn off when not pan empties out so we'll monitor that as we are going here so looking inside other than the crazy amount of heat the bottom of the pan is completely burned off so the only thing that's burning now is what's dripping out of it which I can still see the stream coming out but is catching fired point quickly [Music] our temperature just inside is coming up on the 1100 mark and our flu temperature did make it all the way around up to the 400 but is now coming down closer to the two and up there all you see now is heat vapors so if I could have controlled the amount of oil in that pan before I started it we would have avoided a lot of that smoke [Music] all right so while I'm working in here I do have this little magnet temp which we're sitting at minus 12 minus 10 inside the garage and we're just going to let this run for a while monitor the smoke and see how warm we can get the garage inside temperature is well call it 22 Celsius and this is right in the corner right near where the furnace is running so compared to starting it up -15 it's done cool alright we're going to do a shutdown which is as simple as turning off the oil flow confirming that it's off with no more oil dripping through and ergo so you can see the smoke going you can see how red that black pipe belleville kind of goes you can see that there's a layer of soot on it so that's where a lot of that flaking goes into the bottom of the tank shut off the air completely that's just up here pushed in any typical fan switch and you see a little bit of residual oil coming out [Music] but that's it that's as simple as it is to turn it off and again it's shut off so there's an old no smoke to come out so the last thing I do when I'm done is just turn off the fan and the battery blanket and call it a day just one thing to take a look at is how much oil did we use so from what I can see we're sitting about where my thumb is and I believe we started up here so an exact measurement is going to be a guess but probably two liters but we'll fill it back up and I'll take a look the next time we go to run it anyways thanks for watching bye
Channel: MrAzspike
Views: 476,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WMO, waste oil furnace
Id: 9l5g-ww6D4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2017
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