Waste oil burner-100% Free Heat!!

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well hey everyone wanted to show you what I'm up to today I'm making a waste oil heater to burn use motor oil so this is part of our and I just looked up a bunch of stuff on YouTube so what I've got here is an old brake disc off of a car that's a five inch piece of semi truck exhaust and I drilled the holes two inches on center and then alternated one three five seven nine two four six eight and actually the pattern came out just right us thought given basically is that flames coming out it's still I think it's feeding off these air holes this is just the way I've seen them built and I did you can see the paint's burned off a little I made one test run this would be a drip feed system so here's the hole where the oil will drip into it and then I put it seemed like it was a little star for air so the only place this can get air is this is a vented disc through the two the two discs right here it can pull air through and then air through here I just kind of test I put my hand over it you could or a glove or something you could really tell a difference so I put three more holes I don't know if you can see down in there yeah I just welded right on top of the disc I made another one of these with a slot smaller pipe and it didn't want to burn very well so that's why I put this big pipe what I'm gonna use for my burn chamber is a stainless steel dog food pan and what the what the goal here is is to actually get this it's real thin and stainless steel that's what like I say I've watched people do this and this is what they've done so get this hot enough where actually when oil hits it it'll vaporize and burn and I tried it out it didn't have it really hot and I could I could drip oil on top of that brake disc and it would just ignite so that's the goal and I don't think I had enough air to it before and I didn't have my drip-feed set up so I'll show you show you a little bit more about this okay there you go it's an old air compressor tank that I just cut a door in the front of it and that right there welded this piece of angle that's what's going to hold my steel pipe going down in there for my drip feed and I cut a hole in the top of it and put another the rest of this five inch exhaust flue pipe on top of it maybe you can maybe you can see what I've done here a little this big steel plate in here I said just scrap but the the hole the pipe will fit right up in in that once the once its setting on the pan so the only air that it can draw is through that and that's what you kind of want the the rocket type sucking air real fast through it and I don't know other people have perfected this so let's go in my drip bead is that right there and I'll show you once I get it going it's an old helium tank with the kids had so I've just got it it's already got a needle valve on the bottom of it so I've got some flexible line there's goes is this it caught me talking to myself caught me talking to myself anyway so that's what I'm I use from oil feed it's just gonna gravity feed into this okay I've got it lit and here's my this is gonna be my feed tube that will actually strip the oil down in there that's the hole that will fall in you can see there there's a couple more holes there's the two extras and there's one in the back I drilled it actually does seem to be there's what you can kind of see and when it gets going it'll it'll really fill that pipe up so this is a test run as this thing heats up it'll it'll start burning better and better this is how I'm gonna simulate just gonna put a little dump it in there and maybe you can see it come out [Laughter] that's too much but you know probably want like a little dim stream like that [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay now you can see it starting to roar a little more and I probably got way too much oil in it see so it is smoking just a little bit like I say there's wait there's more oil than it can burn right now so once I get my drip feed set up right in and it's really starting to put some heat out now that's all that gets hot then this thing really starts burning good and I think the extra holes I put in it helped I kind of show you the difference when it sounds like just covering up on these air holes here the difference all right there you go I just gave it a pretty good pretty good swig so it almost kind of puts it out a little bit for you give it too much that's why a nice even just a fast drip or nice light stream would probably be the best and it would work really good yeah this thing now that it's starting to burn off what I put in it it's really going now that's what it needs and you can see I don't know if you can see or not but it's burned still burning but you can see it's burned off almost all the paint on that tank I'm on the outside of it pretty much all of it but I think if I get money when I get my drip feed you can see how high the flames getting right there to the top it's smoking quite a bit I don't know what the deal is with that but I think if I just gave it just enough to burn just enough where it would right when it touched it would vaporize I think it would burn pretty clean yeah you can definitely see that pipe turning cherry red there's a lot of heat coming out of that that's about as far as I can get my hand from it and it's just burning off I'm not even putting any oil in this is burning off what I what I put in it but you can tell it burns a lot hotter when it just has a little bit to burn yeah yeah paints burning more off the tank you can see some of the paint coming off the tank and I can see that I can see that pipe right there starting to glow red so yeah I didn't have the only thing I actually bought was that that tubing right there that was like five bucks press this stuff I just had already I had this old tank had a few of them and then I just some scrap steel I made a base for it then cut this door I'm gonna put the door back I'm gonna make some hinges for it I don't know I don't know why I guess I don't have to but I'm going to and then put it in the shop there and hook this pipe up to the chimney and I just wanted to burn it real hot out here to burn most of this paint off of it but for my little shop I think that would be just just perfect I don't have a heat gun or anything but if you got a little tank and anything I say that's five inch pipe and I don't know if that makes a difference or not but put it put a few holes around your brake disc five inch pipe I don't know how tall was I just made it where it's just inside that plate that's welded inside this sticking through there so say this is the only it's got a feed air through that and rush up and then your drip feed system is drilled a hole in the side of the tank bring this piece of copper and eventually I'll hook I'll have that hook up to it where it's just dripping it in there I just wanted to see it go out I think it's starting I think maybe it's starting to burn down a little bit I don't see how we read it look once it goes out [Music] well there it's going out there you go
Channel: Pennderosa Farms
Views: 809,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yURT-ZC_olE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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