Wood stove waste oil burner made simple

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hey everybody out there in YouTube land this is Mike then okay I want to talk about what I did for my waste oil wood burner stove in here converting a burn a little waste oil on it a lot of you guys wanting to do something like that I don't want to do something like that for several years and just finally got her on the watch enough YouTube videos get some ideas but anyway let's go and check it out we go out we soil around here different toys and whatnot from like this guy Oh guess I'm on my big truck out there and I'll track you're sitting out here dog he likes to supervise and help but anyway it's kind of our redneck version of waste oil furnace here but let me show you what I got hoping to meet me help funny like some of the ideas out there did meet what I got is an old hearthstone soapstone stove almost kind of nice this too nice to have in the shop but price was right and I got it and they'd give it to me and works really well but I got this little setup setup here going on all it is is a one gallon tank probably it was off a snow blower well it comes the engine I believe and a barbed fitting coming out bottom here I just put all about six inches a rubber clear hose here and this little needle valve here and another piece of rubber hose to tie into this copper line that goes right down to the stove kind of simple home not much of the windows maybe getting a little glare there but that's kind of the idea and what's nice about tank up here it's far enough away where it ain't kind of melt but it's a it's close enough so that oil stays warm in there and flows through a little better so well we got and let's open up the door here I'll show you it's just a little fire in there right now and you can see there ain't a whole lot for logs in there I just lift this up here about oh maybe an hour ago and I got a dripping about half speed any decease you just kind of going along see that pipe sticking through up there but she just comes down and drips out on her and keeps our going now if you put a lot more logs in hearing stuff he's she'll get a whole lot hotter but right now she is pretty darn good put a log in once in a while she just continues to drip down on and keeps going does well so then pulls her back up but that's we got oh you know it's a warm day here in western New York and you know normally in the winter it's pretty cold here and I'm looking forward to this heating up a lot faster and our shop here is not insulated we don't know much for do you see much for insulation around here and guys this winter what kind of complained it was getting cold by we're drinking beer and working that stuff out here but anyway it does work good and I got that fan behind it and they don't kick that fan out she'll warm up the whole shop pretty good and once we do put a little insulation up here this winter and her over fall it'll I'm sure where I'm gonna stop up really nice there's about 49 outside I think it was about 40 finale tonight when I walked in here and open the doors obviously but a thermometer around the wall was 59 degrees already within the hour so it does warm up good and I think the whole that five foot piece of copper tubing is the only thing I really had to buy about the hardware had this little needle valve sitting around for a while probably bought at some point but other than that was just stuff I had laying around I just drilled a quarter inch hole down through the soapstone here and drilled another hole through the metal part of the stove on top and it got it down into the stove oven she works pretty darn good but we do I do is we just I got barrel waste oil 55-gallon barrels and I pour it in some jugs and I bring it back here and I'll run it through the funnel strainer and there just in case there's something in there and that being a gallon jug on a gallon tank once it's empty it'll hold the whole jug so I think the next generation we're going to fabricate well probably put a little bigger tank up there and something either clear or with a sight type of tube glass or something out of but they say right now that works pretty darn good I mean for anybody if wants to get rid of some waste oil and get a little more heat in there shot so I don't know I hope this helps I'd watched a lot of your guys ideas out in there boy there's a lot of good ones but I figured out let's just try to do something pretty basic so that works for us and hopefully it'll work for you or something there's one of your own ideas but anyway please don't be afraid to hit the subscribe button on here or like and share a comment on it and let us know what you think we also put up a mess of cool tractor pulling videos and stuff from time to time you follow us on Facebook - they're spending their inheritance but this is the kind of what we wanted to get across so hope everybody is healthy and beats us Corona and everybody's doing well so in the meantime have a good day guys thanks
Channel: Spending Their Inheritance
Views: 12,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #workshop, #boredduringcoronavirus
Id: WkODsCo9J74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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