DIY Waste Oil Burner -- How Hot Can It Get in 20 mins?

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bogi wheels Devon here I've been having a lot of fun in the last week or so building my very own waste oil shop heater here I'm gonna start it up for you guys I'm gonna show you what it's made of how I put it together and we're going to see how hot we can get it going and how quick first and foremost the expansion chamber is an old 20 or so gallon air compressor tank got it for 30 bucks off Kijiji second we have just a that's a four and a half inch diameter steel pipe that I made Swiss cheese out of that I got for free salvaged out of a junkyard didn't need to buy a drill press to make this with cheese out of it cost me a little bit of don't worry about that and finally a brake rotor at the bottom too as the cap that goes over top of my burning pot and that was just handed to me from a family member so all in all parts 30 bucks for the compressor tank and I think it was about 10 bucks for the the high heat paint not too bad also these legs were 1 inch square steel tubing that was just laying around so here's a shot of the base and the burn chamber pot that I'm using see it's had some heat run through it already stainless steel should be able to withstand as much heat as you can put over brake rotor welded onto my like Swiss cheese tube I'm going to start calling it that and to make the connector for my elbow to go up into the fluids just I just bent a steel band welded it together to make a to make a ring out of it and then weld it in place that was pretty easy now for the fuel source I've got 5/16 copper wire attached to a bucket with some waste oil in it the same bucket I showed you from my previous waste oil at an adaptation video from my old Coleman stove just going down a 1/2 inch inner diameter piece of steel pipe into the bottom there I used to have an elbow here with a bit of a flare at the end for act like a funnel but I found it it gave it more of a flue effect and it started to draw air out rather than suck air in which is what we need from anything on this end of the the combustion chamber another issue I had is I put this close to the center so I would have it sticking out underneath in the middle of the burn and that's where I figured I'd get it more efficient and I had it sticking out another three or four inches deep inside there what happened was being in the center of the burn in the hottest part it started cooking the oil inside the tubing and I was getting a lot of smoke coming out of the tube so I cut down the top of it and I cut down I can't really see it there but I cut it down pretty much to the very bottom of the brake rotor here so there's not gonna be much more cooking off on the inside this has been fun this has been a nice little expert of science experiment for me it's fun to adjust things and figure out what you need to do to make it burn more completely and more efficiently so following my tube up there's my pail of waste oil with halfway fault I still have the original setup going into the garden hose valve and a little view port that I don't really use anymore I'm going to change this out change this over to a different piece that connects better to this thread and I'm just going to get rid of this altogether because I don't use it and frankly sometimes you can see here by how dark it is that little drip stuff tends to leak okay enough chitchat let's get into the fun stuff here time to light it you just pull your stainless steel pot out and I've got a kettle of black coffee all ready to go it's actually diesel in waste oil you just dump a little bit in there you don't eat much just get a thin thin layer of it on the bottom no just you know propane torch touch on the bottom for a quick moment get it started slide it under your little combustion chamber and now I'm going to give it where I know is enough drip to get enough oil start it quick enough at the same time I'm going to busting out my my timer here from the moment we started which was just about 10 seconds ago I'm going to keep an eye on how long it takes to get this thing real hot of course I've got my welding gloves for moving stuff around when it gets really hot do not want to be touching out with your hands so right now it's just the diesel and waste oil burning that I've tossed in there originally takes a little while with my setup for the oyster to make it all the way down the tube and in I've got a solution for that coming up I'm going to be putting a needle valve closer to the entrance like really close so as soon as I make an adjustment the results of the almost instant no area can this might be tough to see in the film here but I can see it pouring oil out of the see a little bit of oil on that bottom left ish porthole okay yeah the needle valve closer to my burn chamber will make my adjustments react a lot quicker so I'm going to wait and check on how things are doing in just a couple minutes okay it's been just over four minutes now in the first couple of minutes of starting this thing oh yeah I'll show you on my timer here for 1/2 minutes there we go the first little while just needs to get the combustion pot hot enough to start vaporizing the oil and that's when you can start really putting some heat on because it's burning from the surface of the oil right now and when it really starts to get hot in the oil starts to bubble up inside there the vapors are what ignites and that burns a lot hotter and a lot more completely through here so it's warming up just before the point where it's too hot to put my hand on got thermometer here 116 Fahrenheit 46 Celsius so not that hot yet top of my elbow is 74 SL season 166 Fahrenheit it welcome my American viewers for doing the whole or a night thing a lot of people only choose one degree let's check out the flu now or sir the chimney see right there that's um put a bit of heat haze running very clean right now then you slide it so here's what I'm going to do now is to start ramping up the heat real good when I start introducing a lot more air boy I found out eating that best those just pull the pot out slightly off to the side so it's sort of just past the edge of the brake drum are the brake rotor you don't want it too too far out because somehow that leads to less complete combustion there we go I'm using a just a piece of steel on the outside there is a shim because it doesn't but up perfectly to my brake rotor to see there's a bit of play but I'll fix that later so you can hear that now I'll shut up for a second now it's starting to really roar and now I can feel more heat being put off so been filming continuously since my last temperature check let's see where we're at now 74 Chelsea is 69 not a huge difference yet we're getting there though 122 Celsius 258 on the elbow center of my canister here 71 and 164 the top of my brake rotors is where it gets real hot 155 Celsius and 1 Arthur 312 Fahrenheit that's at the seven-minute 45 second mark checking it in two minutes okay we're just under 11 minutes now let's check the temperatures two of six Celsius and 404 Fahrenheit I can feel some good heat reading off this thing the inside of my elbow is 274 and 525 Fahrenheit Center my tank 119 Oh up to 200 now Celsius and climbing pretty good so that's about 400 and pot is 230 and 449 Fahrenheit now when I open up the side of the way I'm doing here it causes air to flow pretty quickly in through this end so you end up with a bit of flame outs on this side because of your having such a you're getting such a crosswind and I'm not a huge fan of that because it does put a little bit of smoke off onto the inside here just a little bit often times that smoke gets sucked right back in through my Swiss cheese but I don't want to have this thing in meeting any smoke whatsoever when I'm inside my shop in the winter I'm getting really warm right now sitting next to the sink and the cool part the fun part to look at is if this will focus when you look through the crease of my burn chamber there it's just a swirling mass of Hell burning away in there it's all the the oil vapors burning up very angry in there right now pretty fun to look at so as for actual heat heat that I'm feeling here in the room right now it's it's a lot of reading radiating heat and my back up from a distance I can sort of feel it on the back of my hand but it's heat off what I prefer a lot is convection heat they kind of heat the draws air up and circulates it through the room that makes for a warmer everywhere in the room but I probably can't do that without building some sort of casing around it someone how Mike Holman is set up these guys a burn chamber which is a cylinder on the inside and it's got the casing on the outside it just draws out air up through there so what time were we at now we're at 13 and a half minutes to the temperature jack will check the chimney for smoke so 282 Celsius and 541 Fahrenheit I don't think I'd want a much hotter than that if I was actually spending time in here 311 Celsius and 591 center of the tank to 75 and 527 one room warm top of my brake drum or brake rotor 348 Celsius and 659 Fahrenheit I'm not going to have a cold winter ok wandering back out to the chimney and mostly heat haze with the odd little bit of smoke coming out there that's what happens when you start dumping in there a whole bunch of it at a time it does make a little more smoke if I just shove that burn pot in there a little bit tighter up to the brake rotor we'd start there and right and clean good and clean again there's the new drill press get it used so glad I finally got one of those imagine doing all those holes by hand okay it's time to tone it down a little a little bit of smoke to get it right we're 17 and a half minutes now I'm as warm as I ever want to be I pushed the burn chamber in just a little tighter up to the plate and so those little Crossman puffs of smoke I was mentioning will stop happening always good idea to have a smoke alarm and a CO detector inside your garage no matter what you're doing a little bit of smoke from this not a huge deal it's the co the carbon monoxide that you got to watch out for safety first so still putting out a bunch of heat let's find out what the top 312 Celsius and 595 my elbow is like checking the top of the elbow Otis gets usually hotter no not anymore 288 552 side of the chamber is 291 and 553 open my brake rotor 344 and 652 that's a fun number back to the chimney for one last peek now that I've dialed it down just a little bit should be nice and clear and it is nothing but a little bit of heat haze coming out of that thing I love how you can take such dirty oil and burn so cleanly with it and put off so much heat best of all my friends love me because I do free oil changes and I love them because that oil it's my shop all winter oh and as for the smoke alarm going off earlier it's worth mentioning that some of the paint from even though it's high heat paint is still vaporizing from the heat cooking off from the original painting both on the elbow which happens with this material and the actual chamber so that could have been what put it off anyway so anyways thanks for watching bogi wheels make sure to check out our friends jpr performance and subscribe if you're a big fan of this sort of thing should be getting back to the power sports part of boogie wheels soon enough open for snow you're watching bogie wheels
Channel: Bogie Wheelz
Views: 958,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BogieWheelz, how to, diy, project, welding, waste, oil, burner, veggie, motor, alternative fuel, fuel, wmo, wvo, Energy, free, heat, gerry, ozzirt, stove, heater, black, diesel, Burn, Fire, Burning, Flame, Power, drip, temp, temperature, Time, quick
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2015
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