Vortex Rocket Stove Pt 1

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the vortex the holy grail of rocket stoves the Crim that like rimmed the vanilla essence of rocket enos something that I've never really tried to actually do well it's it's always been an afterthought most of my projects sort of oh you know look at that I found something in the bin that looks like it could be turned into a some kind of Burnie thingy and I reckon I'll do that but today I'm going to try to really achieve a healthy happy vortex and to do that I'm going to do something very unusual and that's apply some scientific stuff to the build [Music] hold this puppy in front of you okay that didn't work hey Google what direction does the water swirl in the southern hemisphere counterclockwise here's a summary from The Guardian objects not attached to the surface of the earth will create a vortex going the opposite direction it moves clockwise it moves counterclockwise well there you go nice just remember your your cuts are only ever going to be as good as the line that you've scribed and so whenever possible I like to use a steel scribe when working with metal because I can if I can split that line then I'm doing pretty good where with a pencil or a sharpie or something with a thicker line I do find that my cuts aren't as accurate and so something just to keep in mind that if you know you don't have to spend a lot of money on a good scrub or anything this is an old small computer Phillips screwdriver like a there's little fiddly ones and it's probably been the best scrubber I've ever had anyway yep nice fine lines you'll end up cutting a much straight along [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hang on what's going on here that's going to create a clockwise the back in the southern hemisphere again now that was a close one okay as I cut this out I want to keep part of this and swing it out to match up with this so it's sort of a nice sweeping would you call it joined transition on what the transition to be smooth now to work out how much I need to Kate I'm going to use my dividers and bring it out to about yeah one of those six marks is the one I want to keep [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] hey we're gonna get lots of good swirly swirlies [Music] I've got he's a heap of these 60 13s and 6012 2.4 male made using up once you open a packet and sort of the flux begins to exhort the moisture in the atmosphere and just makes them like you can still weld with them but they're they just become a little bit more tricky to use if you've got an old packet of welding rods sitting around that's you know you opened 15 years ago before you start that next welding job maybe consider throwing those out and buying a new packet just a friendly service announcement [Music] it's amazing what five amps does just tell the slightly tighter our claim dropped it five amps and the slag just Falls for the end yeah that's a keeper that's how is the last world that looks the best isn't it makes you want to get a grind off the old ones and do them again anyway this is a piece of the riser that I cut out earlier on I really didn't need to cut it out in retrospect but you know that's hindsight for you isn't it so I'm welding it back in but I'm welding it in on a little bit of an angle so that there's slightly more room at the bottom and less room at the top that's sort of in a roundabout way creating a slight cone-shaped and reducing the diameter at the bottom and hopefully making a really nice helping create a really nice vortex [Music] this is just a bit of our 12 more plate we've had lying around for ever just gonna make a nice base hmm my hand is a bit so what I want to do is is introduce a secondary source of air that's preheated right here into the swirl chamber into the vortex generator so the thing with with adding that air is you want it close enough to the heat source that there's still enough heat that the extra oxygen you're adding creates that secondary burn if you add the air in too far away from the heat source is you know we know that the fire triangle which is apparently outdated a square now but basically yeah you need fire heat and fire you need it the air you need fuel and you need heat oxygen fuel heat Wow you want the you want the air to be introduced into the system where there's still ample heat so that you get a good solid secondary burn so that's gonna go on there I'm gonna what stitch it on and the more I weld that the better surface contact it's going to have and the better the heats going to transfer through into it in the end we'll just cap it off and do a couple of holes here right at the start of the vortex generator to try to what maybe I should say right before the vortex generator I don't want to mess with the with the vortex too much if I can introduce it just before us that extra injection of of good and that oxygen should really help turbocharged the whole system I'm gonna come back from the start of the vortex general 30 male sister [Music] so let's go 20 inches 50 mil [Music] [Music] I can clamp that in tonight sliding up it's totally dodgy I know that it's with that [Music] mmm bit ugly bit ugly it's alright grind we'll fix it see airtight that's amazing [Music] Oh lift with your back I'm gonna spare you all this grinding and welding because this videos hardly getting fairly long we're just gonna keep skipping on ahead to the meat and potatoes of the bill hey Dee I just want to point out the fact that I am aware that my grinder is slowly eating itself and I do fix the guard later on it's just rubbing against for this okay so because I need this part to fit around this larger piece of tube which will become the the pellet hopper and I want to be able to remove it so that if I want to use normal wood I can just pull it out and it'll be sort of like a short little just a retainer and I can jam sticks down into the stove but what I'm getting at is I need to weld this in position so that it holds its shape and then I'll probably flog it with a hammer until it's a nice fit but I don't want the world to penetrate through into this otherwise I will have welded this ring on the collar if you like on to that and well it's not removable then is it so there's a few tricks you can do with your welder if it has poles to be able to minimize the penetration and thanks to Jody over at welding tips and tricks I know this that man has taught me more about welding than anybody else I know I've been watching him for years and here's a big part of the reason I can well the way I weld if da da M says the maximum current 10 amps is the base current 33 pulses a second and 33% background current and what's that what that is again to allow me to do is weld my part together without the world penetrating deeply down into the the the pellet holder and so I'll be able to separate the two parts once I've welded it together and hopefully this will work okay this really strange buzzing noise you're hearing it sounds like I'm almost welding an AC but it's the volts jumping between fifty eight amps I did bump it up to about 65 later on it just wasn't quite enough to the milk that they could fill a while definitely not Instagram welds but it's totally I've achieved what I needed to achieve and sticking the collar together without sticking it to the pellet hopper and I'll clean it up with a flapper [Music] that is a very tight fit I'm sort of going to air tight maybe not that tight but a little we're in with use one battery and six days later we have four holes all right all righty let's run with that said an undefiled tungsten would be a good start mm-hmm both of those are defiled I'll be back [Music] okay this is going to be the pellet hopper what it needs what I need is a means of getting air to the front half of the pellet hopper the part that's going to be the farthest into the stove so this half is going to get plenty of air because of the air naturally flying in there but the back half is going to be a bit of a dead spot some figures I've heard thrown around as you want 30% air getting in there now I have no means a way of actually accurately working out what 30% is that's just a bit above my paygrade but I have seen other blokes get around this by welding RHS inside here that goes all the way down and all it does is take air down to the front half of the burn chamber now I don't have any RHS little that is the right size or or stainless I want it to be stainless steel so I'm going to make I'm gonna make a piece out of this sheet here and go over to the other shed where the folder isn't folded up you got a choke did you yeah she'll go back to the other shed okay yeah what she's doing hostage we should fire her we should in the Weber way across measure the distance it's 32 divided 32 and a half so 30 is 15 1 16 nice right here and I'm gonna do some welding so you're gonna have to depart [Music] well Bobby can stay here as long as she doesn't look at the welding out okay make it look away thank you okay I'm just making a really quick trick to end up all of these so they're all gonna be the same I wasn't even sure if I was going to show this but I thought you might feel cheated if I didn't show you so this is how I make a really quick rough roughest gets jig I've just got a bit of Steel that I can easily clamp to the bench I'm just tack welded this washer and I've made up my first piece this is what I want to copy just gonna copy that radius I need to put a pin right there in that corner I'm gonna cut that off okay you can see the pencil mark of the the shape I'm going for and you might just think you could just weld a pin right there and another be a jig but if you did that you would not end up with the right shape because you always have to go past the point that you need now to achieve this I need to bend this in one hit and try and take note of where it stops to get that because even if I have to do this in two hits at that point I'm work hardening the material and it just won't be the same I want it I want to get this fair shot so this might take a few attempts but looks like actually I'll need to put another supports all so let's do that real quick all righty so I reckon that a spring back getting closer it's getting very close let's go again I'll call that so that's my final mark there and that's where it wants to be so if I transfer that down to there right take this over to the drill press that's the final shape all right so so we now have that one look at that brings it up pretty good now what I want to do is keep going around that's pretty close this is a little backstop that'll be adjustable okay that's locking naps I can put two in there so it means it so that will allow me to adjust the length Oh fill er up that I cook through this big do that again now I've already done all this off-camera but I'm just going to show you the process so you know how you want the gap in your basket to be just a Fraggle just a Fraggle smaller then so that's six point six point five two what is this guy measure well it's five point eight four but that'll be like a six mil drill bit yeah so that's just slightly larger at six point five two s and I'm making the gaps five point eight - well that's exactly what it would be but we'll just call it six mil for simplicity now the old razor here has a spot function that guy so I'm going to use that to weld these bits of wire I'm just going to hold that there I've already primed the TIG torch to make sure this because it's a first time with you turn around in the day it's a good idea just to click it that means any oxygen that's in the lines out and you're not going to get a young a burst of oxygen when you should be getting a burst of argon that's pretty bad no just I'm gonna favor the the heat on the thicker material and hope that it just runs across oh wow that's a big spot that just blow to bits can we slow down the spot do it just pop on that okay that's what I was after so the spot function has a few extra little features that I wasn't aware of that sort of means this one's toast it'll be shorter than the rest it's alright I have a jig oh nice [Music] [Music] it looks good not perfect but very close very close to what I'm chasing that's that's probably good enough for what we need now I'm just going to do a test fit so with this design the basket is not going to be attached to this wall but it's going to rely on it to keep the pellets in the basket so it comes all the way out and the gap should be roughly between the the wall and the edge of the basket is about the same maybe a little bit more but it should be okay as all these gaps here okay that little hook I'm going to cut that off but that's just going to stop this from rolling away just put a little bend in it [Music] who that spot function is brilliant normally I'd use my little gas burner to light the pellets but it's out of gas so a little Messier stove we'll have to do the trick in fact it did a pretty good job in retrospect I might have to make something that sort of more permanently fits in there that I can just pour a bit of spirits into and light up now we're still only running the Methow burner but I just wanted to demonstrate what this little you're in secondary air intake is doing okay the basket is seated all the way to the bottom and those pellets are finally starting to go which is good kissers this methadone is just about empty to putting out some hate oh that's well this video has been going on for a very long time and my voice is a bit funny because I've just had a cold and I'm recovering from it so I think we'll call this part one basically I'm waiting on some parts to arrive from the UK I've ordered some glass that will go on a window here so I can really see what's going on inside the vortex particularly I want to be able to see what's going on so I can tune the secondary air and take a bit better it's what I don't think it's working at all actually I I I struck a match and blew it out so there was a bit of smoke and put it in front of the the opening there and it didn't seem to draw smoking at all not compared to the air intake in the pellet hopper that was drawing air even just when the meth I'm gonna was was running so so yeah I've gotta wait for that stuff to get here and this video has already gone on for a long time I've done a lot more talking in this video I'd like to hear your feedback as far as whether you like that this sort of new style this format I I can't please everyone some people tell me to shut up and I talk too much and other people ask me to talk more I have invested in a new microphone probably it's this fella here and so so the so that hopefully the sound quality is a lot better on this video so I'm sort of more confident to talk and yeah you might hear a lot more rambling and the the oddities that come out of my mouth as my brain is trying to work out what on earth I'm going to do thank you for watching I'll see you in the next one right pellets are feeling nicely too
Channel: Little Aussie Rockets
Views: 439,515
Rating: 4.7841554 out of 5
Keywords: Rocketstove, rocketstove, Rocket stove, rocket stove, building a rocket stove, building a rocketstove, diy rocket stove, DIY rocket stove, best rocket stove, how to make a rocket stove, pellet rocket stove
Id: UBIBW1z2gks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 4sec (2344 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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