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hey y'all hey y'all doing we're gonna be doing a video of the vine it--at for my biomass wood stove waste oil heater burn you know veg oh oh on it burnt motor oil a little bit everything it's pretty nice little system I mean it's not bad she's Joan dress to me if you're gonna build something like it uses her wrists not responsible what just what I do and I'll show you a little bit about it alright well the conditions outside are 44 degrees 10 mile an hour about 37 degrees heat index in the temperature and he right now is about 44 degrees let's fold it in here cool anyway and it prompted her that's rising it's a windy sunny day outside cold and him it is about 72 percent so we stay we can't change that all right I just got to dumping some home use all Adam a cooker might let you cook her I love that little pine it's a proper where yeah yeah part would work but I just got big dumping him put new oil on it it was time and wouldn't have you got wait slowly what I do it the digging put in the garden this night night I probably used ball my rear in with but like I say I put dump in my old reservoir that's why you see ground stuff over the years and yes it's pretty cool but right when this when this would say pipe heats up its stay pipe heats this old reservoir up and you get imagine that's 44 degrees probably temperature layer colder and he just hates us up and but you got to keep this on you don't want any oxygen - I mean spin safe so far it's been pretty good I got the fire extinguisher handling the wall over there but uh you know it does a good job it preheats or not that's a big amount of oil preheats it and that way it can drain to the UM the pipe easier and I got my this manual so I I just put in the drip mode or just get up big shot of old forgot green wooden there which I got burn any kind of wooden here I mean when you got oil hot oil you want to put up a Greenwood that's pump iron you know the old saying you can't get something burn put some motor or motor or from diesel if you want you'll burn but it's been when it's hot at it burns clean so anyway get some scrap wood projects I've been doing old deck boards I love them burning them in your house but I burn my here because I got some big area and I've got some green maple so it looks just eaten together some oak that's seasoned oak down there another piece of oak there we're gonna give her that you'll see it in action you know I'll say it's - pike sorry but we all track sometimes but uh right now he's just a pipe going up and here's a here's a bracket of bracket I built from box you get it that much bottle away from Eve overhang so I could clear it so yeah that's the whole purpose behind that frame I built that frame but anyway all right you know I'll shoot minutes operation burnin I'll let you see what all dripping let's see what it does but it's gonna be a pretty good video all right so let's give it a whirl okay y'all take the butane torch get the dams opened up you got another damper up here but nothing I got a little DS on there all right she's going and I like to do take a little oil drop down on there I'll shoot about to see like dripping I'm not yeah she's coming out of there Oh anyway yeah gonna get her going then we'll come back then I get up to get to meet better get get to all preed first bits wood and yeah all oil back up all right she is humping right now stack temperature I had even rose up yet all come back okay yeah the people went down real quick place war stuff on there let me peace ash on there it's all there we're helping ignored stacked up too right now about 300 degrees don't know if he's wooden there ain't room for that alright but yes that temperature y'all there she is there we go I give back stay tuned for updates yeah yeah stack temperatures coming up and the fan come come it came on it said about 150 degrees welcome you put up the blower do the air tubes I said we're good burn temperature right now and anyway great burn temperature this one whose magnetic deals and if we get down and they could either one and it's about the same till there it is that's operation McCrea salt not a good stuff but she had stuffing right along which looks like yeah yo I got her in a slow drip mood right now if it goes down it heats up it just makes me loose it's dripping and wood helps people it wants to get temperature gets right yeah yeah the temperature now is about 800 degrees looked a bit over 800 degrees Fahrenheit she's cooking y'all she just picked and that's what oil and wood and being out in the shop like this I want full heat to help sell all right means a minute I don't like that then working station all to her thank goodness for trap ya see that so Mario amen let me show you what it does and special mert mert all all I got put her our Slayer drill that's a slow drill right there and you said what what you want there's a man little bit she is which is big enogh you check outside see that what's doing on Saturday places up with wicker and the damaged water she's cooking right now 800 Gries barn that does good show yes I'd say I've seen the same burns no tricks or gimmicks yes years y'all let's get back away from it Oh by believing Robbie even recycle your reason but no I mean it's no it is no smoke coming out of there at all but the with wall you want a hot heat and it's burning hot where's the wind's blowing but you'd be able to see smoke but that's just she's clean burning y'all all right just want to show y'all that I would do some more updates from going side hey y'all the tock tick tock valve the ball valve is about barely cocked so yes we got and I'd say all gets heated over here back here I say this is least three inches clearance and the Heathman stack heats all res war but only used during risk and what happens is heat saw and you're gonna keep top on there this is probably she wore definitely keep this long you don't get mouths this right there we go I've been anyway and I got I'm gonna show y'all some temperatures out of here say right now to old reservoir just a bit later on there she is 200 by 300 degrees yes that's hot enough to fry Friday night as well Jade for on the side here just 148 in the wall 31:29 degrees that's it I got it cool down at the bottom 80 degrees the cool air comes up in there and goes up to the top they can ventilate 115 all right in this wall over here and that's a eco for an honor 11 she's toast you every year 84 Adri yeah the heat heat gets most I mean he just deflect most often that so that's where temperatures are and I got this stainle blower pieces that gets too hot I'll crank that puppy up and I'll circulate a latte or two up shop Pastis and serve temperatures stainless steel stack right here all right and stainless steel stack as a heart and 20° black iron 542 degrees that's the beauty of a sled stack she's under 1 degrees 6:58 that's chicken but sugar temperature line yeah that's around six-month degrees that line right there 200 200 years I get 200 300 to 200 they're all high school down the pike also yes you're going today right now hold one second check the air coming out the yeah air temperature about 319 degrees air temps from another year right now that's toasty which the door five five thirty degrees it's up now higher you go now down on your face with apartments are 300 degrees all right side bar bricks button Midway up okay Oh Arturo's yeah your temperatures are 410 degrees all right check this side and that's region-wide got that insulated that wire coming up through there good at eco for it's lady pitbull 500 degrees I wanted I'm just imagine our cable time short now that's 115 degrees I'm bad yeah just want to give you a little update what's going on plays that damper let's check out the situation here anyway y'all she's doing a really good job on a slow drip right now you've got some green wood on there it's awfully good for that because I hope keep it going I guess look here's to drop you some maple I'm thrown they're green green make what that is just cut not longer now puts ball right now open up get things going and help a burn anyway I just wanna give you a little tour on what she's doing ladies dampers off good luck mohit want chimney food and dapper a little bit doing great thinking super warm it's seven eight hundred degrees right now stack temperature someone's like Brian bacon in here when I get out the door opening that is you see a whole doing her job that's that burning off up top in just the would sucks in the wood and burns I mean some people have a paying I need about this and that this is what you call a hybrid wood and waste all so when you got Greenwood and their problems you should be still burn Greenwood is that all gonna get super hot and it's gonna burn so I mean it just it works so yeah if you see my other videos where a famous stack out its cleans up things of what does that people hot fire well how get back on pooja standing up stay tuned for more updates okay I'll just do another piece of maple on there that's all hot this whole green maple she has taken off much that overl it helps unless you've got green welcome Bert I just just would it and Prejudice it burned any kind of wood you got what the waste talk we'll wait for it to waste all and you use it when you want to know how to use it that's just what I got for example don't do this I Oh God but that little shadow on there in the puppy go she's taken off all right that's what me about is we're gonna wrap it up and I'll share the stack again since we put that dump a little oil in there with the in a pickpocket valve please papa yeah but the stove in our 1994 that's what I caught fire 94 she's coffee out here now but I dumped some more on there so we could go outside and I can see what's up but if you want it in drip mode or just one off right against the opposition one dumps more oil and ever since I got some green wood in there so get super hot in there it's open I mean that thing starts turning like a white white Oh playing you know she's super hot she looked out but you can hear sucking air right now if you do you know intake right there at the dampers and they got the damper or some I plays up here or Freeport away I would say sprout there and check it since we dumped small and see if we got any and emissions come another dark could get dark color coming out oil we dumped in there not lucky you got a little bit of smoke coming out there not much but that'll clear up in a minute since the burn burns off and now it's a whole lot of oil that's veggie oil oh sorry about that that's veggie oil and let me get back in the distance okay there you go so not too shabby just clearing up that's about the most oil smoke you'll see our emissions I mean let's veggie oil burnt Moodle all mixed together so not use your wit your used oil for heat but anyway all right Chum Bucket back inside I'll show you the temperature what the shop is now when compared to what it was earlier and I got the fan on up there the bill Emerson outdoor fan I've got that turn on about hello I would say and stack temperature now that's poppin that's at a and 700 Greece Fahrenheit and it's about 350 365 solstice or my folks overseas or open Canyon for you she's gone she's up there in a lot of this would I get by getting woods Ross will hunt or hunt and my neighbors cutting down trees and limbs I'll burn anything light set which state is not Freight racialist or prejudice they'll burn anything you got alright temperature out in the shop now is a whopping 50 degrees 50 about 53 53 degrees we started and it's only been running on top wire so I take it takes time you're gonna do work out here you need to come out here a little more and get the fire started and let her do it like let it do it let it do its thing you've hit he's dropped down to about 65 percent you mean just humanity level so that's really good drives out the shop right much once these plating concrete floors and it gets damp so but yeah that's my little my little video I just want to show you an operation how it's doing and all that good stuff mob people requests they'd like to see it running an opt-in operation so there she is y'all said anyway sarve the lone movie steve justice oh well anyway it's are often long drawing up video I just want to show you the fire 94 hybrid biomass would save in the sucker stovepipe and then some good stuff but you saw temperatures inside so you imagine well heck let's take off stack temperature over outside so they can see how hot that stuff gets okay make small bigness trying to get better my video in skills but for example right the base okay alright vase is 44 degrees the stack is 44 degrees y'all pitchers and that's set the clean-out yep cold to the touch if we're going here get some bear going this one ain't it we go in here and check the temperature out of the stack yeah that's that sucker double-wall stainless or super pet a buff self her okay that's on the stance part you see the lasers that is 82 degrees s that's s : now you get the single ball fire they get a little closer 5:24 babul oven stainless steel is like 96 and 380 on the all yep ghalsuu but anyway I hope that makes sense but on the video all right now we're going to sign out so y'all have y'all got any questions or comments please ask leave me a comment that's what I'm here for help people out but use that young risk you know at least 3 inches away and like I said I'm not responsible for anything you make just be safe alright y'all thanks for watching and just for structural purposes only and thank you very much watching y'all have a good one now thanks for watching please subscribe god bless and Semper Fi alright now I'll take care
Channel: KVUSMC / Kenneth W Viar Jr
Views: 133,066
Rating: 4.6395941 out of 5
Keywords: Used Motor Oil, Wood Stove, Used Veggie Oil, Wood Heat, Renewable Energy, Cold Winter, Boilermakers, VIAR 94', Heat, Wood, Waste Oil, Veggie Oil, Union Made, Biomass Heater, Boilermakers Local 45, Green Wood, Dry Wood
Id: knDvc2BIdw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 22sec (2122 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2016
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