Creating a Vibrant Commercial Look in DaVinci Resolve | Color Grading

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hey what's up guys so in this video I'm going to cover how to create a commercial look in Vinci resolve and go from this to this in case this is your first time here I'm Fred Travino I've been a professional colorist for 15 years for bean boox studio and I've graded about 60 featurelength films and hundreds of short form projects for companies like Versace ESPN Under Armour just to name a few also my channel focuses on the creative side of color grading there's tons of great channels out there that focus on the technical stuff like monitors and color spaces color space transforms things like that but here I like to focus The Venture resolve on pushing your story forward and making things a little bit stronger on that end in this video I'm going to focus on creating a commercial look I have a lot of stuff on creating a cinematic look but it's always great because to be honest with you that's what typically pays the bills is working on commercial stuff and it's something that's very helpful to have in your Arsenal how to look at the footage how to go about it step by step so let's Jump Right In This intro intentionally left blank okay so here we are and here is the clip that I'm going to grade today um and by the end we will make it look like this again so let me walk you through step by step my thought process on you know what I was looking at and how I got a look to go from this to this okay okay and before we get started I just want to thank you know black pixel production uh for letting me use this shot very talented company so if you are in the New York City area definitely check them out also check out the link to their website Below in the descriptions okay and just a little bit about this clip as you can see in the description down here it was shot on the Sony fx3 and slog so this is the base image and the first thing I did is really just the base grade which was a very subtle adjustment of going from here to here and it really the point of this was just to give it a little bit of pop a little bit of contrast so again it was just before after and this was just a really simple adjustment honestly of just a little bit of contrast a little bit of pivot and then in the HDR tools here I just boosted the overall exposure a little bit and you know very subtle thing but this is a good place to get started the next thing I adjusted was the color temperature and I simply gave it a little boost there before after just to warm it up a little bit and again a very simple adjustment in the color wheels and I just boosted the color temperature a little bit and then what I wanted to do is with this being kind of a commercial Fashion Beauty video I really wanted to bring out her outfit so what I did is I key her outfit here to make it pop before after before after and if you see the key that I did I basically selected anything that's in the greens because I really wanted to almost create a sort of you know semi teal and orange look um you know contrasting her skin tones with her outfit in the green in the background so again this was just a quick before after and I did that by keying all the greens especially her outfit and then you know where before in the previous node here I boosted the warmth I wanted to cool all that other stuff down to create some color contrast so you can see very simple steps that kind of go a long way this is one of those adjustments that really you know the others were pretty subtle but this one is where you can start seeing a look develop before after and then from here the next step you know I stayed with the outfit and I just did a very simple outfit saturation and that's it before after before after like that and that's it and it was again just a very simple boost here in the curves here if I go to Hue versus saturation you can see I selected that color which was already vibrant from the previous node and I just brought that up again I did a kind of more commercial saturation not a film likee saturation something like subtractive or the typical HDR tools or something that's a little bit more um organic because in a lot of commercial shoots and a lot of commercial stuff they really just want that very vibrant kind of saturated look but just with my own taste as a colorist I also didn't want to look too electric so I just gave it a little bit of boost here in the curves and again you can see the difference was before after before after and we're kind of moving along making a look and then I wanted to grab the face on this one and again with it being a Fashion Beauty video this is the before you can see that you can see a little bit of detail here you know kind of like skin imperfections and I just very subtly adjusted the midtone detail I keyed her skin tones adjusted midtone detail to take it from before after just to soften everything here on her face and also honestly a lot of the other Browns to kind of take away that super sharp crisp video look uh because Sony cameras tend to be super sharp but I wanted to kind of soften things a little bit in particular her face before after and again that was just as simple as king her skin tones and anything that's kind of in a skin tone color palette boosting just a tiny bit of color temperature in her skin but then also going here to the midone detail and softening that a little bit and that's what gives us you know going from here to here and you can see it's gone a long way you know we started off here and just going from this to this to this to this her face and after all of that you know I was pretty happy with it and this is the face where I kind of start experimenting a little bit so I decided to you know see what else I could add so I went into the um ofx plugins added this ofx plugin here um which is called aperture defraction to just kind of give things again staying with the theme of this you know of beauty and fashion and softening things up making things look more on the prettier side and the aperture defraction just kind of takes highlights you know and blooms them a little bit and adds a little bit of warmth to those highlights as well and that gives this before after before after and this is one of those things that really you can only see while it's playing back and go on the full screen you can see it kind of in action here what that kind of does to it and if I turn it off here's with it off and here's with it on just gives it a little bit nice Misty prettier look and yeah this was a very basic one this is one of those lucky things where I dropped it on there it looked good and then I just made an adjustment to the aperture size just to kind of spread out the highlights and make them look as soft as possible and so that was the aperture defraction and then here it's just kind of polishing things up a vignette and I specifically added it you know only outside of her like this so that one's a pretty simple one so and then the last thing I did was just more of a stylistic choice and that is adding this dehancer plugin here where I turned off everything about this plugin except this over scan look um and it's really just a thing where it's just kind of a creative choice I wanted to see how it looked and what's cool about this is that you can adjust how the sprockets look the softness of everything and that's just kind of what I did so if you go down here to overscan I picked the gate type and I picked 16 mm 1.66 you can see there's all kinds of options you know different sizes and to me that one fit and then also you know ijust in the exposure of the sprockets you know you can remove them make them very bright something like that and that's kind of a place that I thought looked nice and then also the focus on the gate which you know you can keep it very crisp and sharp but I just kind of went with a softer look which is kind of an overall theme for a lot of these Beauty commercial videos and that was it with the over scan and I just kind of thought it added something nice to this shop you know some people may like this some people may not but that's just kind of what you usually do as a colorist is you try things you walk away you come back you see like okay what do I like better and what does the client like better do I like this look or do I like that look you know so you know again it's all about creativity which is what I like this channel to be about trying new things experimenting you know this is this over scan might be a thing where you might add in you know for a split second on a shot just to kind of keep the audience's attention but some people might also prefer just this kind of original look of the clip okay so that's it Here's the final grade again big difference going from the this here to here again before after okay that's it I hope you learned something any questions comment below like subscribe once again thanks to Black pixel for letting me use the footage and I'll see yall later
Channel: Fred Trevino
Views: 3,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colour grading, color grading, da vinci resolve, DaVinci resolve
Id: SdhwJuLsr94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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