Make a Professional Subscribe Button in DaVinci Resolve Fusion | Preset Create #1

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if Fusion scares you then keep watching I'm going to walk us step by step through making a subscribe button animation in this video we're just making the different parts of the animation but for the rest of the series we'll be going over making this amazing animation into a preset otherwise known as a macro so for the rest of the videos in this series we'll do everything with macros in mind but for today let's just make a really cool looking graphic today we're making this I know there's no animation yet but this is the foundations for an amazing macro today we're just focusing making every part of it itself but in the future we will be going over making it into an actual macro we'll be animating it with macros in mind so that's why it's not animated just yet but I also have some particles in here that are going to act as confetti so what we're doing is we're trying to recreate replicate the Subscribe button animation that happens when you actually press subscribe on YouTube and what happens is this border comes out it spins around a little bit and then some particles pop up and then it all goes away then it switched from saying subscribe to subscribed right anyone who's subscribed before has known this which if you haven't subscribed yet make sure to hit that subscribe button but if we spin this we can see we have all those colors in here that are going to spin around and then when we want to switch we just have to change this foreground background do a gradual change on this CU it gives us cool little like fading effect between the two we're going to like so to explain the animation I guess we're going to be having having this hand this this cursor come up in this regular cursor form I guess and then we're going to be having it hover over this and then instead of it looking like this it'll look like it's about to click it it's going to look nicer than that I made that really fast and then you're going to click it it's going to probably shrink pop back out and then everything's going to happen as it is expanding out from that animation but today we're making all the different parts of this we're making our Mouse we're making our buttons we're making our border we're making the particles and we're adding it all into this one Fusion comp so that next episode we can animate it in the way that I just described all right think this has been long enough let's finally get into making this this actually pretty interesting Fusion C like I said the very beginning if you're brand new to Fusion you're going to learn a lot in this video but if you have used Fusion a bit you might learn a thinger to so at a new Fusion comp let's go and start with the text and the Subscribe button so let's start by dragging in a text plus node from the top left left you can get it from right here in our quick access bar or we can get it from doing shift PL uh shift space or you can also do control space to give you that exact same menu there's a not really difference there's just different ways to access it or you can get that same stuff from over here on the effects panel in the tools you can find it under generator first we want a button that says subscribe and we're going to keep it on the default fonts because I believe they use the open sand font anyway or maybe a Google version of it but this will work for our for our needs it may be needing to be slightly different maybe needing to be maybe medium instead of bold I I'll make it semi bold just to ease my ease my worry let's go ahead and make this uh let's go and make this black and before we continue let's go ahead and get our reference so what we want to do is go over to a browser and we want to get a reference of pressing the Subscribe button so that we can see what it actually looks like when somebody presses sub subscribe we won't be taking every element of this and converting it directly into our animation but we will be taking aspect of this as inspiration for our animation so on Windows if you press the start button shift and S it brings up a screenshot menu and you can do screenshots that are rectangles so you can draw a rectangle on the screen that makes a screenshot the full window the full screen which if you have two screens it does both or any free form so like like a masking like this but however the heck you want or we can do video which does just a rectangle are we can just do the entire screen or a small section and it will just record in whatever resolution you selected when you made that box so we can make our box I'm going to make it kind of big so we can make sure we get all the different parts of our animation we can do that and it has a little box here and now we can press our start button up here we can select if we want to have system audio or we want to have a mic recording and it selects all the mics that you have set up we don't want any of these on so we'll just mute them and press start it tells us where our little area is and it gives us a little countdown we can just come into here we can even do our little test for our cursors so we can have regular cursor template right there and then a little clicker cursor template right there and then we can click it and we can see our animation we're not going to do every part of this like we're not going to include the bell and there's a few different parts of the um actual Sparkle particles that we're not going to include as well but if you want to I can show you how and it's not too difficult all right let's let's start building this so now we have a little template for our buttons so if we play this we can see this is this is when I we're doing our setup so this is our little template for our Mouse and then this is the template for our clicker you already heard me say this but I'm saying it again just for clarity the way that these pop up it's not really confetti but we're going to do more confetti than we're going to do just like glitter Sparkles cuz I feel like showing you the particle system more as a whole may be a little more helpful for you there maybe much better ways to make the confetti so if you know a great way to do it let me know I would love to update this for the next video by the way but what we're going to do is we may not change it to be green but we do like that sliding animation and there's not really a border on this I might actually be wrong about the Border thing you know what that's fine we're going to stick with our plan but if we want to do an animation that replicates this exactly let me know and I'll do this in a future series but I should have looked closer at this before making my little animation I went off of memory not off of actual example that's why you always go off of reference if you want it to look like the actual product now we just want to look to look cool so that doesn't really matter all that much to us so we just want to replicate the colors so this first button is going to have white text with a black background and how you make the backgrounds you can obviously do like a background node with a rectangle mask and make the rounded edges and all that stuff but then if you have the text change for example it'll get smaller or bigger or whatever so what we're actually going to end up doing is going over to shading and going over to four activating our blue border over here changing from Level from word to text so it takes up all of the text in the actual text box R out those Corners some and let's change our background color to be a bit more of a black I might change it to be a slightly off black there's nothing really is ever off black off black usually puts puts people off when they're looking at ey elements so that's a pretty good uh black right there can then change move be our horizontal to be a little wider yeah we can then also change our position of it to be a little further down I think that looks pretty good for our button we can then just increase our size of our text to make it even bigger drag this all the way down here and let's make a duplicate but we want to have this duplicate reference back to the original this original text so if we change anything about our second text it would reference back to the first text or vice versa so we can copy this this just like normal with a contrl C or right click and copy and then we can just do a contrl shift V to paste an instance so let's go and merge those together so we can see them both on the screen at the same time go over here to instance text one and we want to come into here rightclick and D instance probably don't need me to explain this but going to make sure that it allows you to change this but it won't change the original text so this still says subscribe this now says subscribed but if we change anything like the font right here you would change that font right here come into shading go to element one and right click D instance group and then change the color to Black and then change Four's color to a close to a white and then I'm actually going to go back and change this to an off black again maybe a little bit blacker than it was before okay so now we have two different buttons we can see we actually messed up some somewhere we didn't de instance the group here so what we want to do is just dein this de instance the color group now go back into here and we just want to reset this to a nice and dark color put it around there sure now if we preview both of these on the screen we can see that they both look pretty good they both look like the sub the Subscribe buttons not the Subscribe buttons of old but the Subscribe buttons of now which is fine I missed the little red subscribe buttons if you do want those as an option obviously you can change the colors it's not too hard so so dissolve node can perfectly like go between two different images so we can do is we can bring background and foreground down helps to preview the right thing in the window we can just reset this to our regular timeline size by just merging everything we've done so far over an empty background just like how we've done just there we by putting the background in the yellow input and everything else in the green input that has caused it to merge over the timeline resolution so now it is the timeline resolution up in the top all right now we have these two sitting in here they're centered they're looking great we don't really need to be making sure that they're lined up just fine just because of the way our animation is being set up we kind of blend between the two to where you can't really tell what's the difference between the two of them but we have to do now is add a border to this so the way that you can add a border to things really quickly is well first off in this you can quickly just add this make it an outline or make it like a border outline make the thickness really big so it's visible let's turn the Blends down and like we can try to like fiddle around with this to make it work right and stuff and we can try and we can kind of get this to work and it can kind of do some things but it's kind of more a than helpful and it's just like a huge headache CU it doesn't know the actual border of what we're wanting to border now you obviously if this is a one time thing feel free to do it in there if you want to have the time to Fed around with it you can also turn this into a macro and it's really easy to use so let's go ahead and add a background node and we can feed this directly into the background node mask input this is going to give us a solid basically a map view of of whatever plugging into it so if it has some transparency in there you'll see the transparency and all that stuff this is now the color of the Border we can then add a erode dilay node which kind of does what it sounds like it does so when you increase the amount if we preview it on the right screen it mess with the mess with this amount here it's going to increase and decrease the amount now all we have to do is merge the original image back over our border and then preview our imit let's change our background to White and let's just extend our border and look at that we have a border when it comes to this weird curve that we have going on we can see this weird flat Edge that appears whenever we use it we can change filter to Circle and that'll change it to actually match the edge of our curved edges and that is the plain and simple of how you can add a border to anything three simple nodes merge a road dialate and a background really easy to do let just plug this into our output copy these and paste them on over here and there we go pretty easy but what we're actually going to do is we're not going to paste them we're just going to do another instance of all the notes so that if we change anything about this first border the second border changes with it we're going to hop into here and and actually we're not going to De instance anything this time everything that is in here is just as it should be let's come into here to background two and change this from type to four corner and now this is going to give us a four corner gradient that we're able to position however we want so we're going to choose like some pelish colors up random kind of and then we can change the image scaling to be a little bit smaller so it matches our actual background so if we come into here and unselect auto resolution we can just bring these down to the exact size of our guy and now our colors are way stronger now the only problem with making it this tight is when we go to actually animate this how we want to which let's move these up and let's add a transform nodes in here and we're going to once again instance the transform node and if we do a rotate in here we got some weird stuff going on so what's happening here well for one we aren't rotating the color we're rotating the entire image which is not what we want so what we're going to do is we're going to add a workaround so if you're not going to rotate your background don't worry about this this is really just for this specific like this specific instance let's scoot these up a little bit also need to put this down here it looks like so now between the background and the Transformer nodes so we can move these transform nodes down no we need to move the transform nodes up with the background sorry we can add add my special opacity node if you don't know what the opacity node is if you watched my very first macro video where I teach you guys how to make your own nodes then I teach you guys how to make a how to make an aacy node so what we have to do is put the yellow into the output of transform then you'll plug this back through this is a mask input so all we have to do is take our mask from the background and put it into this opacity now if we were to copy the opacity or first we need to then put down opacity in here so that it actually affects if you were to preview this now we can see that the inside is invisible so if you were to get rid of the actual image we would have a cutout of it so now we can copy the opacity node and once again instance it right here uh and then we also have to press apply mask converted all right now if we were to spin this around we can see we're almost the effect we want but we're still getting things cutting off what's going on here well what's happening is we're not quite big enough size what we need is to be a big enough size to where we can fit this way and this way so we got to do is we got to make this a nice vertical so I'm guessing 90 come to our background and we just got to increase our or change the height until we're meeting the requirements so a little bit past that point now if we spin angle we can see we see all of our colors dancing around in our little circle and if you were to preview this one as well we can see the ex exact samea the exact same result happens to us here or actually if there was any color at all that's what's going there we go now if we actually plug things into the right places now things are working correctly okay all that looks just fine I think the text is done go and start tracing out our cursor so we can very easily use a shape node for this but we're going to go and jump into using a regular polygon node just so it's a little bit easier for those who don't know anything about how to use like a spline tool so you get a little more introduced to it a little bit easier because this is just a spline tool this is just a polygon tool you can draw similar to the pen in like Photoshop an illustrator similar to but not quite so now if we were to put this on up here and give us a background for a color plug it in like that and if we were to draw any shape into here and then preview this we can see it gives us that shape with the color of whatever the rectangle is just like how we showed you with the borders here how the masking turns it into that shape when you mask into a background like this it turns it into the shape of the background or it turns into the shape of the polygon pretty easy right so now all we have to do is reset this node and just draw Mouse so we can easily bring back up a reference we can maybe even take screenshots and pull them into the software so we can grab this did our hot Keys again we're going to screenshot a screenshot and break some laws and I'm just going to drop our screenshot into here and we're going to make our next one let's take in our other one and we're going to use these as references so let's go ahead and drag them both into here let's make sure that we know which one's which so this one is our pointer this one is our Clicker and we want to put this over a background so that these are going to look like they're on the same scaling so masks are really weird they really like it when you have the same scaling as whatever you're like tracing so you don't have a really forked up mask and it's kind of annoying but it also kind of makes sense so you don't accidentally mess things up but you can also easily mess things up this way too I don't know it's kind of a it's kind of a lose love situation what we can do is we can just start then tracing this and we're going to trace the inside not our white border doesn't have to be exact doesn't have to be good just want it in the same shape I think that looks pretty good now if we look over here on the screen this is our final result it is a nice green um cursor there we go and now if we were to put this through a background generator like this one we can or a border a border generator like this one we can then easily make our our little white border thankfully for us I have a little simp simple border plugin this isn't released or anything cuz it isn't really Fusion friendly I would say uh for many reasons but mostly because uh buttons like this aren't liked in Fusion uh I need to change how the button works but that's not important there we go we have a duplicate of my cursor that I have right here it's not perfect like I said that doesn't really matter we're going to just do the exact same thing get another poly line get another background keep our background black put our poly line into there preview that on one and let's get traced this one's a little bit weird our hands are a little weird in fact curves can be a little weird what we got to do is do either side of the top of the curve then we can get a good-looking curve going so if we do either side of our curve like this and we want to try to make them as straight as possible so holding down shift makes a straight line and we can do that all the way down to here as well and we're going to make sure that we have our curves for down here so two lines there two dots there two dots there and so on down here we want a DOT here and then we probably want to dot down here then we want to dot I'm going to release shift now where we want to dot maybe up here maybe one right here and I'd say one here and one here and we can come up here and finish her off okay this is where things can be a little bit more complicated this mouse was really easy to make because it was a lot of sharp edges that didn't need any forms of curvature this is all curve baby every single one of these needs a nice curve if we just select all the parts do a shift s to do a smooth we can see man isn't this mouse just beautiful that looks horrendous that looked great I mean that looks just fantastic I don't know who wouldn't love that okay let's make this look a little prettier let's make this actually our primary focus point for the moment because it's going to need a little bit of TLC I would say this is pretty good let's maybe make these a little bit closer closer to like the inside of the black I would say this is maybe a good Arch maybe make it a little bit taller to avoid getting the weird swings that we're getting with this part of our bar if we were to undo this and hold down control and then drag this around we can just control one side of our handle go and bring this up a little bit grab this one bring them up a little bit to try to make it symmetrical for these that are swinging out let's make these as straight as possible cuz these need to be straight sticks of the fingers then we want to just make sure these are all looking good too and it's pretty much all that we're doing for the rest of the uh time for the Hat we are just adjusting these until they look good making sure we're using control to separate uh what we're doing to each of the different parts of our lines so our handles okay and after a little bit of TLC we are left with this monstrosity which is a little bit closer if we even fit with this a little tiny bit more which I missed this you can see it looks pretty much like it should right it looks pretty close all we have to really do is add our border onto this one now which we probably want to make sure that this is an instance border so that it can be the exact same We Now preview our border let's just make both of the borders a little bit bigger so we can fill in the Gap now that looks like how it kind of should may not be exact like this is a little wonky that's pretty much it this is maybe a little bit thicker but I'd say pretty good for a good little quick Trace now we have to make sure we can uh see between the two of them so if we remember back [Music] to our different images here we are dissolving dissolving between the two right we're just going between the two just like that well that's exactly what we want to do here but on the dot what we do is we bring in our dissolve node connect everything up and when we preview this if we were to key frame this to happen over one single frame see it instantly jumps into the clicker so that is how we're going to accomplish that effect all right and I think we are even lined up pretty well what I might do is come into our hand bring in a transform mode and just make it a tiny bit smaller in place I think that's going to look good and maybe even bringing the pointer part over a little more and I'd say bringing down a tiny bit I just want to line up the two points that are actually pointing and clicking on that specific part so when you switch between the two of them you can hardly tell something's really changed if I were to animate this again really quick just to get our our kicks in we can see it looks pretty smooth because it looks like it's coming from the same place sell that reality and then we can add a transform node at the bottom down here connect this up with a merge node now you have a centered mouse that you're able to move around with a transform node if we were to preview our merge our media out so let's scoot this on down here out of our we I'm even going to make our borders a little bigger I might even go with2 so we have the button we have our border and we have our mouse that switches between the two different types now all we need to have is particles so what we're going to do is start over here by just dragging in a Peter a p turbulence or a p Direction and then a p render these are all of the particle nodes that we're going to actually need in this video let's connect all of them up in the direction I have them light out here merge this over the rest of our stuff we can change it to blob and we can see all these little blobs come flying down or we can change it to bit map which gives us this little input here which allows us to actually add a shape for the each particle to iterate over what we can do is we can come and do our little polygon tool which we've became quite acquainted with drag it into the emitter itself and this little mask uh data turns into the shape data for our particles draw a random rough shape that looks like it could be part of confetti so maybe not that shape maybe more of a rectangular shape like this maybe we have to do then is plug this into a background and that gives us both the color and the shape of our little guy of our little image if we let it go it just kind of Falls like rain we just have to change a few different things in this to make it look like it's coming up and then falling back down we're going to have two different spouts going out to the left and one going out to the right and then they're both going to fall down after that so if we were to take out P Direction and if if we were to play through this we'd have particles appearing but not really going anywhere P direction is was making them all fall and then the P emitter just creates them and then the P render just allows you to see them with everything else probably make the drop a little slower so bring down our strength looks pretty good but maybe even a little slower yeah it looks pretty good maybe a little faster okay that may be a good speed for our little confetti I'm going to go into here to color controls go to color variants and just increase the variance on all of these all the way up okay so I just discovered that if you don't have the background on there they will actually do what I'm telling you to so the background was giving it a solid color and it wasn't allowing it to actually change the color of anything but since we're now giving it mask data it's now accepting the fact that it can select the colors itself at least that's my assumption I actually don't have any idea why it's doing that but if we were to change any of these colors to be like a I don't know a bluish or like a greenish we can see we have a big variety of colors going from green to black and white so green is more like the middle point cuz now we have a bunch of color variants of all different kinds you can probably do is we increase this side a little bit so the darker ones are a little bit more transparent to make it feel like you can see through some of the uh the ones falling down to make it a little more interesting we're also then going to add some size variants and some different things I'm also going to Center this all right so I just made my background white so it can actually take on different colors and I've also censored it using my mask centered which to explain this really quickly I don't think I did earlier it has this this is what you're actually taking the autocrop from the autocrop then crops it by setting all these values this crop then takes the X and Y side seator is permanently on so that no matter what sizing it is it'll always be set to the center of the croing you're able to use a transform uh in between those and then the very last one takes everything from the first crop so the one that actually gets the autoc cropping and then this is the one that we can optionally make it keep the center so that if you end up moving it around the screen inside of the crop you don't have any like weirdness happening but it's centered now so if you you were to adjust the size it's going to actually adjust the size of everything from the center of the images instead of off to the side where I originally drew our little outline and what you can do is if you want to have multiple different types of uh confetti fing down make multiple of these plug them into like copies of these two and then you can have as many of these as you want I believe there may be be to randomize it as well maybe something that you have to get back to me on you may also just have to have multiple emitters like do this exact same setup and just duplicate it over how many different designs of confetti you want and you can merge them with a p merge and then you're able to have multiple confetti cannons what we want to do is come into number and guesstimate whenever we want the button to be pressed right so probably we want the confetti to start fing maybe around here we want to key frame go for forward one frame key frame then go forward a couple of frames and then key frame first key frame is going to be zero second key frame I think we're going to keep it 10 and this key frame we're going to make zero so what's going to happen is it's only going to generate 10 over maybe a couple of frames looks like it only generator 10 once so let's actually extend out this last key frame out a bit more so it gradually goes down as it adds more and more over time we can do do it maybe maybe out to there maybe even a little bit closer or we can also do another key frame one frame before this and set this to be 10 so now it'll be strongly 10 every single frame until this Frame and we just fall so we can do instead of it just falling like that let's come into here go to region this to be sphere put it straight in the middle so that it originates from the very middle here let's make this a bit bigger we're going to control uh we're going to make lifespan 999 but in a future video we're going to make sure lifespan is the size of the comp that's going to be part of a different video because that's you know we're not in the mindset of macro right now when we're in the mindset of macro then we'll talk about macro stuff but for now we're just looking at Da Vinci Fusion stuff so about velocity then let's make velocity a little bit High make angle about 90 and that's going to put it straight up and then it's going to start falling back down what we want not that much velocity maybe only about that much we can make a decent chunk of uh variance in that then we also want to change angle for this one to be a little more to the left where it's like leaning over to the left and then make our angle variance I don't know make it a little high so we can have some confetti going in in in a bunch of different different places it doesn't look all like uniform like it's all coming from the same place all right that looks pretty good if we were to play this though it does kind of look like confetti but we don't have enough strength so let's add some more strength in there real quick let's just add a little bit more to our strength here so that our confetti is not just flying off into No Man's Land yeah so if we play it there we're not quite coming out of the bounds of our button here which is what I'm looking to do so let's actually decrease strength a little bit and maybe increase the velocity and increase that angle of tiny bit play through this now we can see it comes out to the side it doesn't quite look like G Fred yet and we'll fix this in future videos but we're going to copy this Peter Make an instance of it right click angle D in we're just going to make this angle the opposite way so we're going to plug everything together so we can actually see what we're doing and we're just going to flip the angle to be over to here and there we go one more thing just so we can see difference between them a little easier de instance the group and let's just make this more of a blue now if we were to play through this we can see confetti pops out both sides looking pretty good we can maybe randomize some things about them but besides that looks looks pretty good we can refine that change that up all we want but the next episode of this I may even have a different way of doing it this is just how I thought of about doing it pretty quickly for the two weeks that I did uh Design This on I didn't work on this non-stop so don't worry I didn't I didn't make just this Non-Stop I was also taking a short little break so if you did miss me I so sorry that I missed you and then you missed me if you really looking forward to a video last week and a stream last week I am sorry but I was just suddenly hit with a wave of not wanting to do crap so I was just like all right well I'll just take the week off and it was nice it was relaxing I was able to just watch shows and stuff so it was pretty cool that's going to be it for this week I'll see you guys in the live stream and let me know if you have any questions about making macros and if you have any questions about making this uh this project will be in the description as a downloadable file so you don't have to necessarily follow along give me some thoughts about what we can change about this what we can maybe you know mend to make it a little bit cooler let me know also let me know if you want to see that Series where I go over making a Super Hyper realistic uh interactable like UI element of the Subscribe button like how it actually is ver is how maybe you imagined it to be all right that's just it for part one we just made the outline of everything that's going be put into this if you like this series so far Please Subscribe I will making more in future weeks I'm also doing a Luis series if you want to learn Lua and scripting for Da Vinci please stay tuned for that for next week but if you haven't seen it yet go ah and watch the first episode of this series where I teach you how to make your own macros so you can get caught up watch it right here and I'll see you see you there
Channel: Asher Roland
Views: 400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Asher, Asher Roland, Roland, Davinci Resolve, Fusion, Presets, Templates, Davinci Resolve Presets, Scripts, Lua, Davinci Resolve Plugin, YouTube Subscribe Button, Subscribe, Animation, Davinci Resolve Fusion Basics, Follow along Tutorial, Davinci Resolve 18 Macro
Id: 3uLPfFJQrGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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