Easy SPLIT SCREEN Effect added in DaVinci Resolve 17 | VIDEO COLLAGE FX Tutorial

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what's happening guys welcome back to another quick tip tuesday although i gotta be honest today's quick tip tuesday is not gonna be that quick but it is an awesome feature here that i just found in davinci resolve 17 that i think a lot of people are gonna love so uh why don't you tell them about what the new feature is you sure okay so this new feature here is called video collage so i was up at like five o'clock this morning just messing around davinci resolve happened to stumble on this thing called video collage this is way cool i've had a lot of people asking for this so uh why don't you tell them a little bit more about what it is sure i'd be happy to so video collage is basically taking a whole bunch of frames like you're looking at right now on the screen there should be six of me here and we should all be saying a little something i'm going to show you how you can make that super easy and it used to take a little bit of working around and took some time to kind of put all these things together well now they added in an effect that makes it super easy and that's what we're going to be checking out today yo yo oh man wait for me wait for me yo did i miss it did i miss it did i get here in time sorry i'm a little late here uh you know i have some things to take care of you know what i mean i actually got work to do you know i'm saying i can't jump in a video all the time so uh well hopefully i made it here on time what are you gonna do but i'm here to tell you this tip is gonna be awesome and you're gonna get it it's cold in here is anybody else cold in here it's a little chilly huh a little chilly carry on so you might be thinking why would i want to use this tip well maybe you've got a whole bunch of musicians recorded you want to put them all on the screen together maybe uh you have some kind of call or conference call or something and kind of like how a zoom call puts everybody on the screen well this effect is going to accomplish the same thing for you so you're going to be able to get a look exactly like you got on the screen here which is pretty cool and it's super easy and there's a few different ways we can do it which is why this is going to be a little bit longer than a normal quick tip tuesday hey could you hurry up a little bit come on let's get to the video all right man i gotta go i'm out of here so let's get into the video all right so here we are in davinci resolve and we are going to create this right here so i'm going to take you through step by step and show you a few different ways that you can do it but we have an effect right here in davinci resolve now that allows us to do this super easy and super quick so to find the effect you want to come up to your effects library you're going to click on that open that up you want to come down to your open effects and filters scroll all the way to the bottom there and right here you have the resolve transform effects and you have video collage so there's a few different ways that we can use this effect and in no particular order i'm just going to show you a few of those ways that you can use this and work with it here so the first thing i want to do is let's say i've got a background here and i want to have a clip be broken up into different windows on top of my clip so a little confusing here let's just grab our video collage and drop it on my textured background that i have here now once i do that you're gonna see that i have four windows on my screen here and it's basically masking out this texture so that down here the video layer that's below it is what i can see in these windows so this is cool because you can do all kinds of cool effects and you've got lots of options here on how you can change these windows around so if i click on my texture background here and i come over to my inspector i'm going to go ahead and open that up and in here we can click on our effects panel right here which is new in davinci resolve 17. so right now we're set to create a background with this video collage what that means is wherever i put it whatever track i put it on which is my textured background here it's going to use that as a background and then it's going to make tiles on top of it which are basically masks so i can see what is below my textured background clip so leave this where it is for right now and if you want to preview where those windows are going to be you can come right here preview layout go ahead and check that on and now it's going to show you where each one of these are so what's cool about this method is you can have one track that takes up all the windows kind of like we have now so if i turn it off you see it's just me in the background there or i can make a different video appear in each one of these squares so i'll show you how to do that in a second but let's just work through the inspector here so you can see what you can do again globals is means it's making global changes tiles is you want to change each individual tile so when you come down to layout you've got columns you can make more columns you can make more rows if you want you can do as many as you want you've got the ability to change them side to side you can move them vertically you have a ton of options here all this can be keyframed which is awesome you can let me just shrink these guys a little bit so we can see the changes better but you can use the rounding to round out the corners more all the way until you get to a circle i'm gonna undo that you've got uh spacing and margins and all different ways that you can adjust these windows so not only is it cool to use it just like this and you can break up your images and mask out uh things you know like this and just look at you know one big image we can also go through and quickly put individual video files into each one of these squares so if we leave it in the background mode which is right up here again look at the workflow it says background mode and i'm just going to go ahead and reduce the number of rows here let's just do three i'm gonna just double click on these guys to reset them so you can see if we look in my timeline here i've got a whole bunch of clips there down below my background so right now we currently only see the first clip so let's say i want to show the rest of these clips in these squares as well well what i can do is i can come and click on my clip i can come over here and click on my little transform guy and i can just scale this guy down and push them up into the window and it's going to automatically mask it out now with the size of the window i have i need to you know make it a little bit bigger and then maybe i'd want to crop in the uh you know the sides a little bit so it's not going into the other squares but boom there we got that one now let's say okay the next one i want to shrink that one down into a window so shrink that down put it in there make them a little bit bigger and what's cool is as you have video layers below our textured background where we drop the effect we can adjust those and they're going to fit right inside any of these boxes that we want so using this method you do have to you know maybe crop in the video a little bit or you know make sure these boxes are the same size as your video clips but not a huge deal you know you can get in there and change it how you need to before we go all the way back and i'll show you another method we can work with these here let's say you wanted to further adjust an individual square here how do you do that well if we click on our textured background here and we want to again come up to our effects here in the inspector if we come down and we click on tiles now we've got the ability to work with each one of these tiles a little bit differently so for this example and just seeing what these different things do let's just say i don't care about seeing myself i want to see where the tiles are so i'm previewing them so right here we have tile one two three and four now when we look over here at manage tiles it tells us the active tile and if we click this drop down it says tile one two three and four so however many tiles you have on your screen here is how many tiles you're gonna have right here and this allows you to select one of the tiles and edit any one of those by a whole bunch of different things we've got going on here so let's say uh you know i wanted to work with tile two when i click on tile two that one gets highlighted here and i know that's the one i'm working with you can send them forwards and then backward if you had overlapping images you can come down here you can uh turn off or mute tiles you can do custom shapes you can do drop shadows uh you can do all kinds of stuff again you just got to look through here and see you know what's there and what kind of things you can do but everything can be keyframed you can do so much stuff here it's awesome and it's super simple once you work with it and start getting the hang of it so again you can come and click down to tile three and that's going to be that tile so you can go through and adjust any one of them that you may want to so let's get into another method here how to work with the tiles now in this method we're not going to have to go and crop the video clips at all they're just going to fall right into the squares which is going to work out great so let's come back to our timeline and i'm just going to go ahead right click and say remove attributes and i'm just going to select everything i want to take it all off so now we just see my background and i'm actually going to go ahead and turn off that background because if you want to use the video collage on a background similar to how we did your background needs to be on top but for this next method your background actually can be all the way on the bottom so i have the exact same background on the bottom here right now we can't see it but we will very shortly so what we're going to want to do here is work with our first clip and then we're going to actually copy the effect properties from this clip onto all of the other clips so it helps to have your clips in order what way you might want to see them on the screen as far as one two three four five six in this case although you can work with it anyway it doesn't matter but if you can put them in an order uh that makes sense and how you wanna see them it might make it a little bit easier but it can work either way so let's start with our first clip here i'm going to pick on the video collage drag it and drop it on my clip now i'm going to turn off all the layers underneath there just so it's a little easier for us to start working with the clip here so now we see that i'm in the background and we've got square masks basically on top of me which is what we had before and that's not what we want to do in this case so click on your clip come on over to the inspector click on effects and now we want to come down to workflow and click on that and we're going to go create tile now this is going to allow us to create a tile and boom the video just snaps in there i didn't scale it i didn't have to do anything to it it just snaps right in there for us so this is where you want to set your overall layout so i know i have six tracks that i want six squares for all of my videos so in this clip here i'm gonna come and i'm gonna add uh one more column and i'm gonna have two rows now if i can't see where they are so how do i know what i'm doing again come back to this preview layout here go ahead and click on that and now we can see where all of our windows are going to be so what we want to do is set up this first clip to be exactly what we want and we're just going to copy it and paste on the effect onto our other clips and that's going to give everything the same properties and it should all fall right into place for us so again you can go through and adjust all these things the spacing the margins all that kind of stuff you've got options there and if you want to adjust individual tiles again you can come over here to tiles and you can make adjustments here if you want so let's say i come back to the globals i want to round out the corners a little bit more about like that okay so i'm happy with that i'm going to go ahead and turn off the preview layout and i'm going to go ahead and turn on the rest of my tracks that i turned off i'm also going to turn on the background which you'll see that that will fall behind all of our images in a second here so i'm going to come back to that layer i was just working with that has the effect on it i'm just going to select the clip hit command or control c then i'm going to select all of the other clips that i want to paste this effect on so the next couple layers down here i'm going to select those and again as many clips as you have i'm just doing a few right here but you can see they extend out so i would copy it to all of these but just for uh you know not killing my machine here i'm just doing these first couple so once you have them selected go ahead and right click on any one of them come on up to paste attributes you're going to want to come to your video attributes and you don't need all of them you just need this one called plugins and go ahead and hit apply okay so now it applied that to all of our clips so now you're thinking all right cool how come i don't see them where are they where they're supposed to appear over here so the next step is pretty easy but you're gonna have to go through each clip and do this our first clip right here we see it no problem our second clip we want this to appear in the second window here so select your clip again come back to the inspector over to effects over here we're still in create tile everything should match it as we originally set it up on that first clip and in this case we want to come to tiles now down here we have manage tiles and we have active tile so where do we want this particular clip to go well i want it to go to tile 2. so i'm going to go ahead and click tile 2 and boom it's going to snap it right in there for me now how do i know which tiles are numbered which ones again you got your preview layout go ahead and click that turn that on and there you go it's going to show you which tile is which number so now we're just going to go through the rest of our tracks and put them in whatever tile we want to see them in so i'm going to turn off the preview and i know i put them in order that i want them to go so i'm going to come down select my next clip here again come over to the inspector the effects tiles select my active tile come down to three and this is how you're going to be able to sort out all of your windows and you can do as many as they allow you to create here i didn't crank it all the way up i don't know how many exactly they'll let you do but then you're going to go through each clip and just select wherever you want it to appear so again just to reiterate select your clip come to the inspector to effects your video collage effect down to tiles go ahead and drop that down and pick the one that you want it to be in and it doesn't have to go in order you can put them wherever you want i just think for this example for me it worked out pretty good to have them in this order again tiles and down to six and now you can see i've got all of my windows here now uh if you wanted to actually change any one of these individual tiles because your effect is copied down you would have to change each one of them individually you know if you wanted to resize the content or something like that so there you go now you've got your six clips you didn't have to rescale your clips or worry about any of that kind of stuff and they just fell right into wherever you created your windows all right guys so this effect is super helpful i can't tell you how many people i've had over the last year ask me how to do this in davinci resolve and the fact that they added in this video collage effect and it's that easy to just drop it in there i mean you can even make a template i'm sure save it and be able to use it over and over again and all you have to do is drop it on your clips you can change your your tile location where you want it to show up and uh it's going to work out pretty good for you so i hope this was helpful for you guys and anybody else online looking for this kind of thing in davinci resolve super helpful again i'm running a version 17 the beta 2 i'm assuming this was in the beta 1 although maybe i just didn't see it super cool super great feature here video collage here is a new effect in davinci resolve 17. so hope you guys found this video helpful if you did like it give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and i look forward to seeing you in the next video oh next quick tip tuesday will be a quick one i'll see you in the next video guys peace
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 65,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Split screen davinci resolve, DaVinci Resolve Split Screen, Multicam, Multiple Video Angles, Multiple Video Files, Edit Multiple Angles, DaVinci Resolve Multiple Videos, Resolve, Tutorials, Video Editing, Multi-Angle, DaVinci Resolve Multicam, Editing in DaVinci Resolve, Filming with more than 1 camera, Multiple Screen, Resolve 17, Davinci Resolve 17 tutorial, DaVinci Resolve 17 Tutorial for Beginners 2021, Resolve Tutorial, Split Screen DaVinci Resolve 17, Virtual Choirs
Id: mKqoyPDu0fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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