Virtual Orchestra Video Alignment and Editing

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hi in this video I'm going to go over the video editing process for my virtual orchestra panel video that I'm creating on Dragon Slayer I've got DaVinci Resolve opened up which is a free program and I've got the folder that has my student videos and the audio mix down that I did from cakewalk I'm going to ctrl click and select all these things and drop them over into the media pool and resolve I'm gonna go ahead and let resolve choose my framerate because these videos are all over the place so it's gonna set that I'm done here now and now I'm gonna start dragging these videos and audio into the timeline here I'm gonna do this in the Edit view I find that it works a little more intuitively and I'm going to start with my audio track I'm just gonna bring that in drag and drop it below the line is the audio and I'm going to let's see control - zoom out a little bit and I'm gonna go to about a minute before I start this because most of these videos have a fair amount of empty space at the beginning and I think my first note is somewhere around here so I'm just going to drag here pull that out to about a minute into the video I'm going to confirm here where my first note is ready play okay right here I have my first note and I'm gonna go ahead ctrl + zoom in a little bit and I'm gonna drag that first note back to one minute just so I have a consistent start time and I'm gonna go ahead and just drop a blue marker in there just so I can find it quickly alright so now I'm going to go ahead and start bringing in my videos now you've got to be careful when you do this because I don't want my audio track being overwritten by the video audio tracks which it'll do sometimes it can be a little bit weird so I'm going to insert a stereo audio track and I'm going to right click and move that track up so I've got a blank spot for my video audio the audio attached to my video to drop into the and not mess up my main audio track here so I'm gonna come up here and let's go ahead and just start building the violin section first so I've got they didn't manage to quite alphabetize these alright so V student 1 violin student 1 I'm gonna drag him on down here and you see where the video shows up and the audio shows up right below it I'm going to zoom this out a little bit and you can see over here where his playing starts so I'm gonna bring that over to about right here and I'm going to just make that bigger so that I can see his waveform just for ease of lining it up and I've got my marker right here I'm going to zoom in bring his first note in line with my first note and I found that my guide phrase which I use these very frequently in my own editing didn't work so well in this case because most of the kids did not say this in time the first note is nice and strong and it's a little bit better of an alignment guide right so I'm going to zoom right on in there's a little bit less flexibility in the video for aligning because you have to move by frames in audio alignment I could move by samples in this I have to move by frames now I have found C I'm gonna bring him back to let's say about right there if you have to make a choice it's a little bit better for the motion to show up a little bit before the sound if you have to choose one or the other but for now I'm just gonna back this out and I'm going to check to see if his bow motion aligns with the first note in the audio and to do that I'm going to mute his audio because I'm not going to use this at all I'm gonna throw it away in a minute I just want to make sure that it lines up so let's back up enough that I get to count in and we'll see if he plays the first note with the track - one two ready play okay looks to me like he's playing and he's in time so I've got that one alight next step is I'm going to get rid of his audio so these two clips are linked right now so I've got I'm gonna right click on it I'm gonna unclick link Clips deselect the whole thing select just his audio and I'm going to press the backspace button to get rid of it make sure it's the backspace button the delete button will cause some unintended moving around of other things so I'm get a back space and now I have my first violin player in and aligned and I'm just gonna go through this process over and over again until I get everybody in and their first notes lined up I'll be back when that's done alright so I'm actually back a little bit before it's done because as I was doing this or it's a little bit of cookie behavior that I thought it'd be worth showing you so to bring in the next video and the process for bringing in each additional video is gonna go like this just to make sure that things don't get overwritten alright I'm going to add a new video track I'm gonna take the existing new track I'm going to move it down or you can move the other track up doesn't really matter so now every new video that I add I want to add it into the video one track so that it's audio comes in right here because otherwise it just over writes things and move stuff around in unexpected ways and that's just kind of annoying so when I bring my violin students who in I want to bring her into video track one so her audio goes into track one and again you know I can see where the first note is and I'm just going to go through the alignment process now the other thing I'm gonna do is you can see the student ones video is still here I'm going to click on this and disable his video so that I'm going to be seeing my current student whatever video is on top and the timeline is the one that displays so I'm turning that one off so I can see her and now I'm going to go and continue my aligning okay so I'm still working on the process of getting my videos in and and I've come up to a little bit of a problem here where a couple of my videos have this media offline problem and I think what it has to do is I've been doing some research here and it has to do with the h.265 codec that some of my students sent me instead of the h.264 so I've been doing some research I'm gonna try and fix that and let you know here in a moment what I have to do to get that working alright so I got that figured out what I had to do is go to the Microsoft Store and install a codec for this particular type of video which is a newer format so if you have that problem and it has to do with h.265 video see my description I've put a link in there where you can go and get the right codec from the Microsoft Store alright so as I can send you to get my tracks put in and lined up a couple of things that I'm noticing one is as I add my new tracks they continue to go on the top and moving them down and down and down and down as kind of a paint so what I've figured out I can do is I moved my audio that I'm using up to audio 1 so now as I bring in my next video I'm gonna put it in video track 5 and the audio is going to stay below my finished audio and it's not going to displace it at all it seems to be a much quicker workflow so again I'm gonna keep at it alright so just a couple quick tips as I'm ready to bring in my last video the first one is as I add a new track I want to make sure that I'm disabling all the other tracks before it because you're gonna run into some processing trouble otherwise your computer is gonna have a hard time keeping up with playing all these video tracks and the more of them you have the worse it's gonna be so try to only keep active the tracks that you're working with the next thing is I bring in my last bass player and this is a weird little one if I bring this video in from above it's going to create an extra audio track if I bring the video in from the side then it does not it puts the audio in the track that already exists which is uh I don't know that's weird but it's just a little thing with this program the other thing is this marker has proven to be really really important in handy on the first note so let's say I've been singing a video I'm gonna and I'm over here I can shift up arrow and it jumps me straight back to the first note of the song or if I'm before it I can shift down arrow and that has been really handy for me to grab a hold of the first note here and just pop it into place before i zoom in and finish aligning his track alright so I'm gonna get a couple other things done and then I'll be back again okay so I finally have all of my videos in I have all of my videos aligned I only have the single audio track now and all the videos are turned off one more step before I start getting the videos cropped and put into position I'm going to create one more track and I'm going to add a grid track that I can turn on and off to help me with alignment to do that I'm gonna come up here to the effects library I'm gonna go to effects and I'm going to drop in an adjustment clip here on video track ten there we go I'm gonna drag it all the way out for more time than I need for my video and then I'm going to go to open FX which are the free effects that come with DaVinci Resolve come on down here to grid and I'm going to drop that onto my adjustment clip so now I have a grid here I can turn it on or off as needed and as I turn on the videos underneath it you'll see that as I start resizing these and positioning them I'll be able to keep everything nice and tidy alright so I'll be back in a second with some video resizing and positioning tips alright so I'm getting my videos in place and I only have nine videos in this so it's a pretty easy math twenty squares across in the grid so six and a third squares per video just gets everybody on screen and I'm gonna go ahead and just get everybody on screen I'm gonna do a couple of picture changes in this but this is gonna be my basic all of the videos layout and if I take the grid off you can see I've got them they're not perfect but they're pretty close and that's good enough for now I'm gonna come back and refine it later once I've got everybody in because I know I've got at least one kid who did his in portrait mode so I'm gonna have to you'll work that out when I get it but I'm gonna go ahead and get the next video in and use this as a demonstration so here we go I'm gonna enable her video and she takes up the whole screen so I need to get her cropped and zoomed if you look over here on the right I've got my cropping tools and I have my transform tools which are zoom and position here this button up here expands it up and down the entire right side of the screen now down here I also have controls rike and crop so I can do my cropping right here with my mouse you know what I think I just cropped my grid on accident I'm going to undo and make sure I don't have my grid track selected I only want her selected see there now I'm cropping without taking out the grid and I can do a little cropping here or I can use my controls over here which are a little bit yeah maybe finer or you don't have to keep changing buttons so I can transform over here and now I can start resizing her so I can crop from over here while I drag around and resize from here and I'm just gonna go it so you know whatever makes your workflow best is what you're gonna use so let's say I'm going to go ahead and just generally get her to match the video above move her around a little bit here almost got her there alright just a little bit of playing around until you get it and that pretty much has her closed and that's the basic idea I'm just gonna go through all my videos and get them to fit and then I'm gonna come back and refine alright so now I've got my nine videos laid out and I found that I pretty much had to abandon that idea of just putting the nine evenly spread by the time you know I had somebody there was a portrait mode and the kids just left a lot of negative space so for instance my cello player right here if I uncropped him you know there was just a whole lot of his room so I'll undo those changes and I decided I'd rather have the kids clearly visible so if I cropped out all that extra space I can make them bigger and then it was just a lot of playing around and getting them to where I thought they kind of fit the one principal I did follow is I wanted them in position roughly in the video where their sound is coming from if you're listening in stereo so the violins are a little bit over to the left my viola player is over to the right my cello players off to the left and my bass players off to the right so I have high and low left and right so the next thing I'm going to get ready to do is a set up for a couple of picture changes to get in for the section so Li's and I'll be back when I've got that ready alright so I'm just about finished setting up my picture changes the first thing is to split the clips around where you want your picture change so I've got whole ensemble here I'm gonna go upper strings here back the whole ensemble and then lower strings right here so I've found in the audio the spot where I want my picture to change I'm gonna come down here and select video number one scroll up shift click all the way through all of my videos so it doesn't matter if you have a few or a lot you can do this pretty quickly for this program control B splits those clips alright that's the first step and now I've got to go within my picture changes and rearrange the videos alright so I've got all of my picture changes set up so I've got a violin solely here back to Orchestra to a cello and based solely back to Orchestra and there's a spot over here where the music jumps back and forth so I want to again jump back and forth between those sections so I set up my violin section viola section upper strings anyway and then bass and cello upper strings bass and cello upper strings back to the whole Orchestra well to get the upper strings back into this format I did not have to go and redo everything manually it's actually very quick and easy so I'm going to show you this so I'm gonna do a copy on my top track bass player here ctrl C and then I'm gonna come over here and just do a drag and select those two and over here I am going to paste attributes you can use alt V for that I'm gonna put in video attributes I'm not retiming anything and I'm going to apply and this bass player now has been put in the same position he was over here so I'm gonna repeat this for each clip here copy select alt V apply copy select alt V apply copy select alt V apply and so now I've missed something on my cello player you know I wonder if I did did the wrong thing so I'm gonna try that one more time for this last cello player old V apply the area is alright so I must have done something wrong and so now as I switch back and forth without having to have done all that work to do those manually again it's actually pretty quick and if I had screen sets with a lot of students and I had a couple of basic templates I could take you know the the crop and position settings from one video and apply it to a completely different set of students to move quickly without having to manually resize everything alright and so I'm back and I'm ready to wrap this thing up you see that I changed my mind about how to layout the main Orchestra I went back to the 9 and there's a couple of discoveries that made me decide to do that one was just that alt V paste attributes which made getting things in place so much easier that was a recent discovery before I showed you guys about it and I was able to just do one video up into my grid and then copy those attributes to everybody and it didn't take long actually to fine-tune them all into their squares the other thing had to do with figuring out how to modify my grid if I select my adjustment clip come over here to open FX I'm going to expand that you can actually specify the number of rows and columns and the thicknesses of the lines and all that stuff so I actually made it 9 rectangle grid and decided to leave it on after all because I think the the white lines in there are just a little bit cleaner looking than trying to make the negative space the black in between the frames consistent so I just decided to leave that on now as I was doing picture changes I had to turn the grid off otherwise it would you know stay there during the picture changes and as I went through yeah I did a couple of spots where I did similar picture changes so you can see the final result on YouTube but at this point it's time to trim the video so I'm gonna go ahead back to my starting point here and I'm going to bring this up to here and I think I decided that I'm going to leave one measures worth of silence before the I have a kid start playing so I'm going to the beginning of my countin right here and I'm going to go ahead and select all of my videos ctrl click control B splits them apart I'm going to backspace got a backspace there it goes I'm gonna get rid of all of that I have to select the audio separately same thing control B I'll go ahead and backspace that but in addition I don't want my countin in there too one two ready play so here's my first note I actually have to bring the sound back separately and it turns out that I actually left a little more oops than one measure I started in the wrong spot too ready okay so right here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and reselect these and at this point since I have set it on my audio I can just drag those back right there everything's ready to go video wise I'm going to drag my audio band play right here so now we should be starting after a measure of silence I [Music] think that works pretty well for a beginning as a matter of fact I think of is maybe a little too long so I'm going to maybe just do two counts let's try that again select everything it's a little bit funny sometimes there it should go all right okay all right test that out I like that we have just a little bit of warning that the song is coming or did it come on down here to the end and trim the end in a similar way and I think about right there I'll let a couple of the kids turn their videos off and I will trim everything else let's see control click control B to get everything up here in my selection backspace that and I will just drag the audio back to the now time and I'll check that ending yeah I think that was pretty good gave the reverb tail time enough to go away and it's just kind of that your end of a zoom meeting sort of thing where people are punching out at all different times and headed towards the camera I think that's a nice ending okay so last step is to set this up to render to do that I'm going to go to the deliver tab I'm going to come over here now there's a couple of things I could do I could drag the whole thing back to the beginning but with all the cuts I don't want to fool with it so what I'm going to do is Mark in right here it marks out at the end so now I'm going to I've got my render in an outset I'm gonna pick the YouTube I'm going to go to mp4 and all this looks pretty good I'm going to give my file a name I'm going to give it a location and I'm going to add it to the render queue now I all I do is a start render and wait for it to do its work and then upload it to YouTube so hopefully you've gotten something out of these videos I know they were a little long at time so thank you for sticking with me if you did and thank you for following me a little bit through my own learning process is this is the first time I've done something quite like this I hope you got something out of it hope it was useful for you if you liked this video and got something from it please remember to like the video and subscribe to my channel thanks
Channel: Seth Gamba
Views: 4,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cakewalk, Bandlab, Elkins Pointe, Elkins Pointe Orchestra, Dragon Slayer, Rob Grice, Virtual Orchestra, Orchestra, Sonar, Davinci, Resolve, Davinci Resolve
Id: xaoB2H_d08s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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