Pączki - Polish Jelly Donuts - Oven Baked Doughnuts

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you know growing up polish I used to love punch key what I didn't realize at the time is they're actually doughnuts fried doughnuts filled with Jam but they were so good I had to find a way to make healthy polish punch key and I have and they're not fried so let me show you how I do it okay we're gonna start with one and a half cups of all-purpose flour into a mixer and a quarter cup of sugar this is the dry ingredients first a quarter teaspoon of salt and 1 package of instant yeast so let me tell you about this yeast okay this is the kind that I use and this is the kind that does not require proofing you can just put right in with the dry ingredients it also reduces the first rising so you save time and work with not proofing the dough so this is the kind of yeast to use and that's your dry ingredients you just mix them up a little bit and then we're going to add the liquids and we start with 2/3 of a cup of milk now the milk needs to be for this particular yeast at least 120 degrees so it's really helpful to have an instant-read thermometer and it is yeah between 120 and 130 according to the package directions so we're gonna add 2/3 a cup of milk around 120 degrees 3 tablespoons of oil now here's the thing I'm using canola oil because it's flavorless and heart-healthy I always use it for baking this would normally be melted butter but I'm not doing it cuz it's too much saturated fat so it's 3 tablespoons of canola oil 2 egg yolks this is a kind of an eggy recipe so it's two egg yolks and it's 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla this is my brand and that's all the liquid ingredients right there now we're gonna mix this up and you beat it for about 2 minutes okay it's been about two minutes and you can see it's still a very liquid kind of a dough and we're gonna thicken it up a little bit now with about a quarter cup of flour additional flour I'm just gonna stir that in slowly the way you would make sort of any other kind of bread dough or something and it's usually pretty close to a quarter cup you just have to gauge it until it's thick enough to use to kind of knead it and make it into a solid dough so here's the the dough you scrape it all out it's still a little bit sticky but we're gonna fix that you can see it's a little bit yellow from the the two egg yolks but that's what makes punch key so good all right now the kneading process is easier if you have a scraper which I have I use a scraper for just about every time I need anything I bake a lot a scraper just helps to pick it up now I've got my extra flour I'll just put a little bit more on here and you're just going to work it until it becomes kind of as they say smooth and elastic but it always helps to get it started with this scraper so about fifty turns is all it really takes fifty turns like this and you'll see the dough comes all together nicely so three four five 46 47 48 49 50 and that's usually enough and you can see it's a nice active dough here and when you use that particular yeast all you have to do instead of rising it for an hour you just cover it with some plastic and let it rest for 10 minutes that's it so I'll see you in 10 minutes okay it's been 10 minutes now we're ready to make some punch key I have a baking sheet right here line with parchment paper ready to go we're gonna unwrap the dough and we're gonna roll this dough about a half inch thick but it might be it might stick a little bit these scrapers as I said are great so you want a nicely floured board so they don't stick and we're gonna roll this just about a half inch-thick it doesn't take long at all and a little you know what I'm gonna put flour on here because we're gonna dip the cutter into the flour so that'll be easier and a little bit of flour on the top so it doesn't stick and doesn't matter what shape because you're going to use a round cutter so I think that's how long it takes you can almost Pat this out but of course the rolling pin gives you a nice even thickness so that's about a half inch thick I'm going to use a two and a half inch round cutter like a biscuit cutter and as with most times you cut you it's good to dip the cutter into flour every time you use it so we're gonna dip into the flour and cut whoops dip into the flour cut flower cut and I think we can squeeze one more out of this and then you find something to lift them with and I have a little lifter here and they go onto your the baking sheet okay I'll probably get two more out of this well you just take the dough and kind of lift it up again smoosh it together and put a little bit more flour down and I think we can get two more out of this there we go yeah and I kind of roll long wise like that so you can has you have room for two more cuts so into the flour one and flatten it down - okay got room there and got room here okay that's all there is to it so now we're going to cover this with a cloth or like a tea towel and put it in a warm place to rise for about 45 minutes I'm going to put them in my warming drawer if you could beYOU can put a lamp over to try to find a warm spot because they'll rise up faster set your timer for 45 minutes and yeah Blonsky are traditionally filled with jam usually plum jam but you can use any kind of jam however I love custard filling if you're going to use a custard filling I'll show you how to make it but you have to do it now while they're rising because this has to cool before you fill the the punch key so here's the recipe very very simple it's a quarter cup of sugar into a small saucepan one tablespoon of corn starch and 1 cup of 1% milk all the milk I use is 1% as I used before in the recipe as well and the best way to incorporate it is to slowly whisk it in because that way you won't get any lumps so you slowly whisk in the milk take your time you dump it all in you'll you'll you're likely gonna get lumps so you just whisk it in there and the same thing with the egg yolk there's one egg yolk in this recipe we'll put that in whisk it all together alright and once it's all whisked in you just transfer it to a burner put it on about a medium-high and you bring it up to a boil and keep stirring because that way you make sure you have no lumps and also it won't burn and after about a minute and a half two minutes it'll come to a boil and it's done it's that simple ok it's been about a minute and a half maybe and I can you can hear it bubbling a little bit so take a look it's starting to thicken up and I'm actually gonna switch from the wisps lower the temperature where you'll have a big mess to clean up I'm gonna lower switch to a a spoon ELA and that's really it you just bring it to a nice bubbling boil like that and it's done because it's gonna thicken as it cools so and again this has to be completely cool if you're going to fill the punch key with it so the best way to cool it is to spread it on a plate expose it to as much air as possible and if you're a fast cook you can even put it in the fridge to cool but it has to be completely cooled but usually when you expose it to a lot of air like that it'll cool you don't have to do the custard filling it just happens to be my favorite will do Jam when we feel the punch key but this is how you make custard if you want to do a custard filling so be back when they're all risen up you're ready to go in the oven okay it's been about 45 minutes and this is what they should look like after about 45 minutes now they don't have to be doubled like you're baking bread just kind of puffy like that and it might take you an hour if you don't have a really warm spot but that's how they should look and they go into a 375-degree oven at 375 for 10 minutes so let me put them in the oven I've got that all heated up and set your timer for 10 minutes and while the while they're baking you're going to get ready to do the filling which is the really fun part so it's a little bit messy - so we're gonna lay down some wax paper and love to use wax paper and you're going to we're gonna brush these with melted butter so you can you melt about a tablespoon of butter which I've done here and you get a brush to it to brush them with we're gonna coat them with sugar and I find it easiest to do in kind of a produce type soft bag so about 1/3 cup of sugar into the bag for coating and then for filling get your fillings ready I'm going to use it has to be a thick Jam I'm going to use for fruits but you can use other flavors certainly but it has to be a thick Jam apricot jam works really well but this is the one I'm gonna use today and I also want to show you the custer remember i told you it was kind of thickened look at this i'll put in the fridge for a few minutes and it's nice and thick and that's perfect for filling because if it's too soft it'll kind of run out so and i found the the best possible thing to fill these things i got this at the grocery store it was five dollars and 49 cents and it has that long tip which you just insert and fill very very easy so this is the perfect way to fill these things and you even get your your bag ready you love if you thought filled anything before you know you you fold down the bag about half way that way you'll fill it and then you'll put it back up but we'll do that when the when they're ready to go so that's it we're wait for them to come out of the oven and we'll finish up these punch key thank you a little man it's been ten minutes they should be done let's see how they look oh yeah this is absolutely perfect look at that that's exactly how they should look you see they puffed up really nicely even though they weren't doubled in size so now what we're gonna do this is the fun part we're going to coat each one with melted butter it's messy so I'm gonna put on some gloves to work with we coat each one with melted butter that's the only butter in this recipe is one tablespoon and all about it all the punch key we're gonna roll them in sugar while they're hot and then fill them so okay that's why it's nice to have everything ready to go when they come out and you can work with them hot it's fine so you take one and you just coat it is messy you just coat the top and side you don't have to do the bottom with melted butter you toss it in the bag when I say toss you really do toss you just kind of roll it around that's why the produce bag works for this because it's soft coats it with a little sugar and that's it and then they look like that okay they all have the melted butter in the sugar now we're ready to fill we have our bag already we have the jam we're gonna put some jam in the bag you just kind of twist it until it starts to come out and you keep an eye on that tip you get a good grip over here to push it out the end and oh there it comes it's ready to go so this is how easy did you take it you just pop it in the side like that and squeeze that you do by feel by how much you feel like it's gonna be going in there put them on a plate take another one poke it in the side and squeeze keep a grip right here on this so it doesn't come out the other end and squeeze with your hand yeah okay okay they're all done in filled remember one tablespoon of butter in all of these punch key no grease lightest can be and let me show you how they look inside look at this look at that does that look awesome look at that
Channel: Jenny Can Cook
Views: 2,231,172
Rating: 4.8900638 out of 5
Keywords: Jenny Jones, jenny jones, donuts, Donuts, Doughnuts, doughnuts, celebrity, jenny jones show, recipes, healthy recipes, baking, cooking, paczki, Polish paczki, Paczki (Food), Polish recipes, Polish donuts, how to make paczki, oven baked paczki, Polish food, healthy paczki, Jenny Jones recipes, best Polish recipes, Polish jelly doughnuts, oven baked jelly doughnuts, best paczki recipe, best paczki video, homemade paczki
Id: 17jL5nZrgPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2012
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