Easy Lower Third Graphics in Fusion Page - DaVinci Resolve Motion Graphics Tutorial for Beginners

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in this video you'll learn exactly how to make a simple custom lower third infusion here's what we're making it's just a nice little animated panel with a little Shine On It animates in and out and building this is going to teach you a lot about Fusion my name is Casey I teach content creators how to use Fusion I also have a free video course the fusion Survival Guide it's down in the description below more on that later let's jump into the tutorial so in this video we're going to be designing this graphic and in a future video we'll take a look at how to make this a reusable template but this is just the design part okay when we make a overlay like this generally you go to the media pool and right click in the empty space and make a new Fusion composition I'll just go ahead and click create and now we'll have this Fusion composition that lives in the media pool this is a better way than building this effect on the footage because you can take this and move it around and adjust the length and put it on different clips and everything like that it's independent from the clip right and you know you can take it off and put it on really easily so I'm going to start by double clicking on our new Fusion composition in here that's the one we just made that's empty and that'll give us a blank Fusion composition like this the first thing that I like to do to start with is to drag a background node down so we grab this background node drag it in and then take the output of this node that's the gray square and connect it to the yellow input of the media out anything that we connect to the media out is what we're going to see in this background if I select this and go over here to our colors I'm going to take this Alpha down all the way that'll give us a clear background and it will size our composition to 1920 by 1080 because that's what our timeline settings are set at so now we have kind of our blank canvas let's go ahead and draw a color which again I'm going to use a background for so I'll take this background and just drag this in and if I want to preview my background on this left viewer I can select the background and hit one on the keyboard that's going to bring that up so I can preview things and let's go ahead and make this like we made red last time let's make like a blue or maybe a purple yeah purple so now we have this nice purple I can rename this background by selecting it and hitting F2 on the keyboard and I'll just type in a new name we'll just say purple and now I have my purple node and my background we'll rename this clear I'm going to take my purple background and merge it over my clear canvas here there are a few ways to do that one way is I can grab this merge node right here and just drag this in and then take the output of my purple and put that into the green input of the merge and that will do it a quicker way to do that is just to grab the output of my purple and drag it over the output of the clear canvas right over that white square and that will automatically make a merge node and connect the purple to the foreground and the clear to the background okay so now we have purple over clear of course we just see purple because it's the same size here in the second viewer this is what everyone is going to see I'll just go ahead and close our first viewer by clicking in our second viewer and then clicking this viewer button that's just going to show us one viewer so we aren't confused and now I want to take this purple and I want to mask it because I only want this to be a little rectangle kind of towards the bottom of the screen so to add a mask to something I can grab any of these masks up here that are right under the transform controls I'll grab this rectangle mask and I'll drag that down that'll make a rectangle mask and I can take the output of that mask and put that into the blue input of the purple and what that's going to do is generate this purple background only inside of the Mask okay so we'll take this mask and we can resize it and everything and I'll just put this kind of down here for now something like that we can make it whatever size we think is appropriate maybe somewhere in there so now we have our little purple solid just sitting there ready for some text let's make some text over this to do that I can grab the Text Plus tool which is the third tool over from the left on our toolbar here I can grab this and just drag it in like this and kind of the same thing I'm going to merge this over this merge one by grabbing the output of text one and dropping that on the white square that's going to make another merge and so we essentially have three layers here our clear our purple and our text but where is our text we don't have any text well if I select text I can go up here to the inspector and I can type my text so now that's placed our text but we need to move it around a little bit we can do that right here in the controls for our text plus we can adjust the size and the font and everything if we go over to layout we can adjust the center which is also the same as just grabbing this little doohickey here and I'll move this over like this okay and I think we'll go back to the text controls here and for a horizontal anchor let's pick the left side so that's going to align the text to this point right here so we'll kind of put this point here and I want to make sure that we're inside of the title safe it's maybe not that big of a deal these days but still good practice so I can bring up the guides for my viewer by hitting Ctrl G when I'm clicked in my viewer and here we have our title safe controls this is just to make sure that the text doesn't get cut off by somebody's old TV or something like that and I like to put this just right inside that inner box that looks good now that we have our text placed I can place our rectangle a little better so grab our rectangle like this and we have some adjustments here we can make on screen so I don't know something like that that looks nice maybe we want to change our font I'll change this font to something I like I really like Poppins that's a nice font Poppins bold that looks good and yeah okay that works I can go ahead and hide my guides by clicking on here and hitting Ctrl G and I'll zoom in a little bit just so we can see what we're doing and now let's adjust the design of this a little bit one thing I like to do is add a drop shadow to this shape gives it a little bit of definition and we can do that a variety of different ways probably the easiest way is just to select our purple solid right here I can hold down shift and hit spacebar and that'll bring up my select tool panel where I can search for any tool in fusion and I'll start typing Shadow s-h-a-d-o-w and we have a couple different effects we have drop Shadow and Shadow I'm just going to click Shadow because that's the built-in Fusion effect and I'll hit add and now I have some controls over here and I'll just push this Shadow offset to the right and down a little bit you can soften it you can do all kinds of stuff maybe we'll soften it just a little bit and maybe we'll take the alpha down for the shadow color just a little bit maybe halfway or so now we have this nice shadow coming in makes it feel a little bit more real and we could also do that for the text if we want to but I'll leave that up to you so now we have our basic layout for our Graphics here now it's time to add some fanciness add a little bit of Animation one thing that I think looks nice is when there's a little shine that goes across an object you know like it's shiny it's glimmering right again this is something we could do in a lot of different ways but one way that we could easily do this would be to grab this purple solid and the rectangle I'll just move this up a little bit because we're going to add another node right here and the node I'll add is just a color correction node let's grab this color corrector and bring it down and just drop it right between these nodes when it turns blue and yellow and that will run this purple through a color corrector now nothing's happening so far because we haven't adjusted it but if I move this around it will adjust the color of my little box there I'll just reset that by clicking this little reset button up here and what I think I want to do is I'll just grab this gain and push it up a little bit that's just going to brighten it a little and I'll also just take this and maybe push it a little bit warm it's nice to kind kind of tint things a little warmer if you're going to brighten them with a graphic design but now I want to limit this color correction to just happen during part of this so we're going to kind of draw the shine on here so a way to do that would be to grab a rectangle mask again I'll just grab this rectangle mask and put it over here to the left and I'll take the output of the rectangle mask and just drop it on the color corrector what that's going to do by default is connect it to the blue input which is always our mask input and so what I'm telling it to do now is to do the color correction but only do it where this rectangle is so I'll select the rectangle and now I can move this around and that color correction is only going to happen inside of that rectangle so I can adjust the size of this rectangle and I can even rotate it so we have this little shine I could even go to my mask controls and grab the soft Edge and push that up a little bit and now we have this nice little subtle shine that we can move back and forth and we have a little shiny thing going on so to animate this all we have to do is figure out where we want it to start in time so at frame 0 and then where we want it to start in space and I'll have it start kind of over here off screen and then we're going to set a keyframe so a keyframe is just telling something where to be at a certain time okay so at frame 0 we want the center of this to be right where it is right now so if we look over here we have the center at negative .05.21 and I'll click on this little diamond and that will let Fusion know that that's where I want this to be at this certain time now we can move forward in time on our little time slider here and let's say I don't know 15 20 something like that 20 frames in we want this to move over like this and we'll just grab it and drag it over like that so it sweeps past this as we go to frame 20. and we don't have to hit this icon again it'll automatically change it and animate in between these two places which is really cool so I can just click on that and it just animates across oh looks so good got our little shine going and it's not that hard to do all right so this is looking pretty good but let's have this animate on as well we don't want this just to appear we want it to slide in or something like that let's go ahead and use a similar kind of to mask this rectangle mask and I'll drag this down below our merge and I can connect this to our merge like this and again it's connecting to the blue input the input color is very very important here okay and that purple is only going to show up under this mask now the reason why it's masking the purple and the shadow and everything all at once is because everything that we've built so far except for the text is plugged into this merge and this rectangle mask is telling the merge to only do its job inside of the rectangle and the merge's job is to put all of this stuff over the clear background so if it's not inside of the Mask it's not putting that stuff over the clear background right so what we can do is animate this mask and look it looks like it kind of grows out of nothing when we animate it right now we could just keyframe the center of this mask just like we did and there'd be nothing really wrong with that but I think it's nice to actually put the middle of our mask just off screen like this and to change the width of our mask to reveal what we want to reveal I can't quite make this wide enough with the slide so I can do like 1.5 here and that'll make it wider and that'll change the slider's range and so that I can have a little bit more room to move my slider and I want this right Edge to be just beyond where this Shadow Falls okay so now if I want to completely wipe this all I have to do is go to a frame that I want this to be completely on so maybe frame 10 and I'll add a keyframe to our width and then here at zero I'll just take the width all the way down like that so now as I play this back which it comes across animates on and then we have the shine coming on after that it works really nice oh cool we're almost done here the one thing that we're going to change here is we don't want this to animate on and then stop immediately we want it to kind of slow down before it stops so the way that we can do that is we'll open up a new panel here in Fusion that's our spline panel so in the upper right we have this little button that says spline if I click on that that's going to open up our spline panel down here and this is a way for us to control how things are animated all we have to do is Select what we want to adjust which I'm going to select the width for rectangle three and here we have a graph of how this is animated over time so it starts at zero and then it goes at a constant rate all the way until our next keyframe and then it stops we don't want it to stop so suddenly so I can select this keyframe and I can grab the little handles here and I can kind of soften out how this animates so I can grab this and kind of move it out like this so it's a nice Soft Hill so it ends really gradually look at the difference so that comes in and it's not such a jarring stop it's it can kind of slows down before it stops that's a really nice way to animate pretty much anything when you're making Motion Graphics you want it to kind of slide to a stop okay so that's great I can go ahead and close our spline panel now and now we have this animating on like that oh so beautiful but there's a problem our text is not animating on why is that well because our text is hooked to its own merge and it doesn't have a mask that's being animated to reveal it so we can fix that really easily by just grabbing this mask and taking the output of it and putting that into the mask input of this other merge and so it's masking two things at the same time which is one of the really cool things about working with nodes so now that animates on and it slides that in and it reveals the text and the background all at once without having to redo any of that work oh very nice if we want this to animate off we can go kind of towards the end here and I'll go maybe 10 frames from the end so 110 or so and again I'll just add a keyframe to our width and then at the very end we'll take the width all the way down to zero so now this animates off as well animates on holds and then animates off so we have the basic design here for our Graphics so if I go to my edit page and I grab this Fusion comp that we've been working with I can grab this and drag it down and put that in the track over my footage and as I play it back it comes in with that nice little animation and then towards the end it animates off as well very cool now the way that we've built this if we grab the edge of this and extend it out it's still going to end at about five seconds because we haven't told it to be smart with the length of things that's a problem that we're going to tackle in another video so this is a pretty simple design what would you add to this design if you were going to make it just a little bit better let me know that in the comments and hey if you're learning Fusion make sure to check out our Fusion Survival Guide it's a free video course it's available right down below there's a link to it thank you so much for watching I hope that this lower third wasn't too low for you but that you eat a third piece of pizza because it's such a party that was a little bit of a stretch wasn't it
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 25,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Davinci Resolve 17, blackmagic design, casey faris, how to, free video editor, tutorial, davinci resolve 18, resolve for beginners, davinci tutorials, editing, fusion, how to make lower thirds, how to make lower thirds in davinci resolve, davinci resolve lower thirds tutorial, davinci resolve lower thirds fusion, davinci resolve 18 lower thirds, davinci resolve 18 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve 18 tutorial, davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial
Id: yG4IK-f3eHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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