Lower Third Template with Logo DaVinci Resolve

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hello jackals in this video we'll be making this slower threads animation template in davinci resolve from start to finish now let's get digital so at the end you should have something that looks like this so we'll have the logo inside the circle with an outline will have two texts that come out and you will be able to change what the text will be we'll then also be able to change the duration of the clip and have the animation go back you'll also be able to go to the effects type the name of the macro in this case it's logo third it's this one but i don't have any settings because i've just exported it to be as it is so in this case it doesn't load let me go into the fusion so i can double click and it doesn't load because i've used different fonts and i don't have the fonts enabled so i have to go to the to text nodes and simply click on the font to display it and in this case i also have some issues with this project not the fusion composition because the colors and the image don't look right so just keep that in mind when i use the background nodes and the image if they don't look right at the end it's because this project has an issue if i copied everything to another project then that would work just fine so to start things off go to the media pool right click inside it make a new fusion composition you can give it a name you can change the duration maybe you want to have a base duration of 10 seconds make it and let's see maybe this one so it is this one then select it put the playhead over it and go into the fusion page now the first thing that we need is an image i already have mine inside the media pool so i can put it here but if you want to make this as a macro so you can use it as a template in the edit page just as i've showed you so this one has an image included and if you want to use that you can't use the image as is rather you have to use control space to open the select tools type in loader this will open up find the image that you want in this case it's a transparent image of my logo and as you can see as i've said the project is messed up so it doesn't look correct but do i want to use a loader node instead of just a media in is because the media in has a media id that will change if you just copy this to another project whereas here it has a path to the file name so just make sure that when you make the loader node you have an image inside the folder that will not be moved because if you don't move the image this will not work but at least you have the option to go inside the fusion page browse for the image and link it again so we'll remove that now because this image is transparent i'll add the background node so that i can add some color behind it currently the background is at the top indicated by the green input meaning foreground so i'll use ctrl t to switch between the yellow and green input and in the background we can simply change the color to what we want this to be and for ease of use you can select the node press f2 and rename it so maybe this will be background icon now currently the background takes up the whole space so i'll use an ellipse as a mask and simply connect it to the background that we just made if you want to change the size like this you can do it like so otherwise you can go to the width or the height in the inspector tab type in equals and simply connect the plus to the height or the width depending on which one you chose and now you can simply adjust the height or the width and this will also adjust the other property now because these are two separate parts and if you want to scale them we will use a transfer node to do it and put it here otherwise the merge node also has the size but this only affects what is connected in the foreground so using a transfer node will adjust both the image and the background and what i'll do is i'll simply scale this down and i'll position this so maybe 0.075 and 0.125 i'll make all of the animations at the end so first i'll just position all of the elements so this is now done what we could add is an outline but i'll add that at the end by also using this ellipse for now i'll just add the background for the text so for that we need the rectangle node this one will have width as one and as for the height we'll keep it to be about the same as the height of the circle and just the y position we will add the current radius and we need another rectangle connect it like so and we need the background node so that we can see this and i'll simply connect it to the main composition now we see two rectangles that's an issue so select the second one this one now has the paint node merge is selected by default and what i'll do is i'll simply move it on so that i can see what we actually get and we need to select the subtract this now makes a cut in the bottom rectangle so simply select invert put the width to one and out somehow need to eyeball this central position so then with this bridge node we can simply animate like this of course this will have to be behind this ellipse but we can do all of that later so one is done we can basically basically copy these nodes paste them connect them here and in this rectangle simply uncheck invert and we'll get the bottom half now simply change the backgrounds the color of them like so make this centered then this would actually have to go a little bit up maybe something like this i'll copy the value and paste it in so this is done now we could also use a transfer node to animate this and you have a couple of ways of doing this and also it depends on how you want the animation to look so i could actually use a merge node here and connect this composition to here and then connect this bridge node to the transform so as you can see you have a couple of options but it all depends on how you want to make the animations now this looks a bit messed up so i'll use the range tools and select to grid so it's snaps so let's see this one is bottom one so we can rename this background bottom you don't have to rename the nodes but it helps if you do because you'll have an easier time selecting them once we make the macro now inside here if we want to make an animation we'll be simply using the center position as you can see but we want to mask this part out and also the left part out how we'll do this is we can use this ellipse and i'll use not rectangle so i'll first connect it here i can connect it to the brush node as i've said this mask applies to the input of the foreground which is this whole composition and now with rectangle selected i simply want to use invert so that i see this part now i can simply position the rectangle to about midpoint i'll make the height as 1 and adjust the position so this should be 0.5 now when i added rectangle this looks fine but to mask out the ellipse i could connect it to the rectangle but the result is not what we want even if i select different paint mode let's see minimum you can see that something doesn't look right you would expect this ellipse to be here but it's actually here so to make this work deselect infrared for now and disconnect the ellipse i can make a copy of it and paste an instance of it and as you can see this ellipse is actually here and not on here as you want it to be so i can connect to the rectangle and to get the same transform position as this one because i've already moved it i'll also copy this one paste an instance of it and connect the rectangle to the transfer node and connect this to the mask so now the leaves is okay the rectangle is a bit off so i can position it and now i simply have to switch the masks so in the merge node i can apply mask inverted and this is exactly what we want and now in the transfer node i can simply animate the central x position as you can see and it will only be visible once it comes to the outside of the ellipse and we can then simply decide how long this should be so should it go all the way till the end or just maybe to this point also what the instance does is it has the same property as the node we instanced it from so in this case all of the green properties were instanced and also all of these properties even though you don't see them but you can right click on a property and the instance it so if i wanted to move something separately maybe the center position or right click the instance it and i can now move this separately since i don't want that i can simply right click and use reinstance and this will use the same properties as the original node has now the last thing that we need is to add some text so we'll use two text nodes and we'll combine them with the merge node and then you have to decide how you want to make this animation i'll simply put the text on top of the rectangles and have them move with rectangles so in this case i'll use this merge node and put it before the transform because the transform will do all of the animations so i'll simply move it here add the bridge node connect it like so so text one will be in the top you can add the font i'll use eryl because everyone has this font so if you want to share this with someone else they will be able to use it without having to go into the fusion page and set in the text as i did in the beginning and i'll now simply copy this text node and i'll simply change this you position it down and put it to the left and what you may also want to do is use the horizontal anchor so that you know that whatever type will be coming from the left and not in the center so something like this now when i do the animation as you can see this will go like so in this case it would look bad if i made the animation to here to this point so then i would actually have to move the texts separately so in this case i just want the animation to be up to this point now lastly we can add some outline to the logo and i said this will be at the end so we can actually put it here i already have this ellipse but again i would also need this transfer node to position it where i want so i'll copy the ellipse paste an instance of it i'll do the same with this transfer node and connect it here and this will now be in the foreground because i want this to be on the top and now in the instance ellipse we want to have a border as you can see it's instanced so we have to distance it we also have to the instance the solid so that we can see the logo beneath it so the instance this and uncheck the solid and now we can adjust the border width now if you want to make any changes separately like levels soft edge you also have to distance that and if you want to make this into an animation you also have to the instance the length and the position so that you can animate the line so if you want to make an animation you can make it by simply the instancing this and in this case the position dictates where the line will start and if you want you can also the instance the width and the height to make this just a little bit bigger and afterwards if you would want to make any changes like scale this up and down i would actually suggest you use natural transfer note at the end because we have now basically the instance this ellipse and if you increase the size here you can see that it doesn't actually change the size of the outline so in that case you will want to use the transfer node so that you actually increase the size of everything but in that case you will actually have to also position the center position why you see this here well because this rectangle that i've used just covers this part so if i wanted to have big rectangle that covers everything i would have to actually position it like this if you wanted to move this composition all the way to the right side and maybe make it even smaller so that you don't see this part on the left side and now let's do the actual animation and i'll put this with default values so it's on the bottom left now for the animation if you want to have this reversible i suggest to make the animations may be starting at frame 4 because once you make the reverse animation using the time speed node if you start at frame 0 the animation actually won't disappear when it comes to the end so it's frame full what do we want let's see this transform will be hidden so it can be here and we can keyframe this then what else do we want do we want the logo to be visible yet maybe maybe not so if that is the case we have the option to do it with the merge node by animating the blend or we can animate the size to make it pop out a little bit we could overshoot not by much and then come back down so maybe i'll do just that so size 0 frame 8 we overshoot by let's see 1.2 too big and at frame 10 we'll go back down to one so it's a snappy animation now at this point we would want to hide the background and we have it background icon now you can't just lower the alpha as you can see and you can't use the blend mode because this only applies to the image so in this case what we could do the level hides everything as you can see so we could use that we could use another background node this would go to the foreground but inside here we would actually use a background node and have it transparent so now we can use the blend in this bridge node just like that if that's something that we want we could also animate the size same as we did with the image so we can have it like that and as for the outline it's this ellipse maybe it will start at this point and as you can see the level is instanced so i will instance it so now this only affects the outline so it will be hidden at this point then at frame 9 it will be visible but i'll animate the length and the position and i'll move it from this place so 0.25 and in six frames this will make a full circle so maybe this ellipse animation should actually finish at frame 8 when it comes to the full size so what i'll do is simply go to the keyframes have show only select tools enabled click on the instance of the ellipse and what i want to adjust is the level and the length so i'll simply select these keyframes and move them over so they stop at frame 8. now let's see how this animation looks like i think it's a lot better than the previous one so i'll leave it like this and also at frame 8 this will start moving in and this will actually be the strapped position which is in the middle and i'll keyframe it at frame 8 like this and then maybe it'll need eight frames to move in we can maybe also overshoot it little bit so 0.05 and then it will go to this point 0.2 so now this is the whole animation now this is basically it you could add a lot more to this animation if you wanted to and you could also animate these two parts differently but i'll leave it as it is now the only thing that we need to do is to make a macro so that we can use this in the edit page so the first thing that you need to do is to decide what is the most important thing that you want to change so maybe in this case it's the text so i'll select text one text two then we have the backgrounds so we have these two backgrounds so we have the background top background bottom now i'm selecting this in order is because in the order that you select you'll actually see the properties listed like this once you make the macro i could just select all of the nodes as in a box select but that would make everything look random and not as easy to use once you make a macro and use it in the edit page now if you want to change the logo you would actually then select the logo because it's a loader node and you maybe want to be able to change the image where the logo is located so i'll select that i'll then use the background node and then it will be the instance of this ellipse now in case you would want to be able to change the position however this should stretch out you would actually also use this transfer but if you do change it you would have to go to the position where the keyframe is set and adjust the middle and hanging position because this is keyframed you could also put the ending position here but then it would still jump to this point so that's something that you have to take a note of when you do the adjustments of animations inside the edit page so that's one and then let's see i think the transform three which is the main transform that changes the size and the position of this whole fusion composition is actually the last node that we want to change so i'll select it and now we have to select all of the other nodes and you can select them any way you want but you do have to select all of them except the media out then you need to right click on the last node in the composition in this case is this transfer node go to macro and make one you can give it a name at the end but as you can see the nodes that i've selected were listed in urdref so i have text one at this turret now you have a lot of options that you can enable i do have video on that and i'll link it but in this case you can actually go to the node that you want and go over the properties in this case it's under the text tab so this is text tab you won't have to do anything with image but text so text and text and this is style text you want to be able to change the font this is the style you want to be able to change the color you basically have to choose all three you also want to be able to change the size maybe you want to use to write um function so you can also enable that so it doesn't say do write on function but i do see start and end and these are the two options that we want now did i change anything in the layout this is the position that i've positioned it to so you could also adjust the center position and that is enter the layout enable the center so that is for text one we can do the same for text one one i'll simply do this quickly then we have the background top which is this one if you want a solid color you don't need to enable the type if you want to change it to a gradient you do need to enable the type then you have the color now if you want to have the gradient you also have to select all of the top right bottom left and bottom right and if you want to have this as a gradient you also need to enable the start and maybe the gradient type so we have gradient this is the third this is the end and i think this is about it so i'll do the same for the background bottom now the only downside of making a macro is if you make any mistakes you'll have to actually make all of the selections and do all of this clicking again now in the loader node we want this to be the file name so enable that option i actually forgot to tell you how to make the reverse animation automatically but since i'm already halfway done i'll simply make this and show you at the end but you can also watch the video data link that explains how you can automatically reverse animations in the fusion so we have the background icon this one also has to be changed then we have instance of ellipse no it's not it's this one instance of ellipse one one maybe i could decide to change the border width in this one so this is under controls border width maybe i could also decide on the cap style i'll leave the animation as it is and i think this is it then we have this transfer which is basically the animation and inside here the only thing that i would maybe want to change is the sentry and then we have the transform tree now this transform was automatically enabled when i made the macro because the output was automatically enabled and that is because it was the last node in the composition that i've made the macro from so in this node i would also use the centroid position and also the size now that is basically it now i have enabled all of the settings that i want to change then go to a file i suggest you save as group because if you do if you have to make any changes you will have access to all of the nodes inside of the fusion page because if you don't you will see just one node that has all of these nodes merged together but you won't be able to access it so save as group will go to fusion templates edit and this will be a title because we'll simply overrelate on top of a clip then give it a name save it you may need to wait a little bit so that it actually saves otherwise you'll need to restart davinci resolve now before i go into the edit page to show you how it looks let's simply reverse the animation now i have a couple of moving parts i have the ellipse outline i have the image so that's two and i have the background that's three and i have another element here i could use the anime curves so in this case the center position is animated and i could go to the modifiers go to the displacement right click insert any curves and in this case i would have to do that four times instead i'll use time speed node i'll also use a displace node or a dissolve node dissolve connect it here connect this one to the time speed connect this one to here in the time speed node the speed will have to be set to -1 this means that it will go in the reverse direction so this is how the animation will end and with the dissolve node we have to switch automatically between the background which is this and the foreground which is this automatically and instantly so when it will be zero we'll have the intro animation and then when it comes to this point this will switch to one and will have the outer animation for ease of use you can simply go to my website i'll leave a link down below i have here dynamic transitions and the code that you want is this one which switches automatically between the foreground and the background so now in dissolve you'll simply type here equals to make an expression paste the code in if it doesn't do what you want it to in this case it doesn't switch as it should we'll simply switch the inputs here ctrl t and now we have the strapped animation and we have the end animation now this ending animation will not be present in my fusion composition that i've just made and saved as a template as you can see it's here so i can put it here and i'll also add some background so that you can see that it's actually transparent but it won't have the ending animation as for the properties you can see we have the text we have the font we can change the color the size we have to write on function and we can also change the position this comes in handy if you have a different font that is a bit off-center so we have the same thread the bottom text then we have the color as you can see the color is different than what it should be but that's because this project is messed up but it should work in other projects just fine so we have that we have the path to the image so let's see if i change the image so i can change the image in this case it would be wise to also include a transfer node for the image so that we can scale it in size because in this case we can't and then we have the background so we can move this we can move the whole composition and as i've said as you can see now i have a red dot i've basically changed the animation as you can see this is not what you want so you have to find the last part of the animation so this is the part that bumps out so maybe it could bump out to this point and this is the final position and the final position would be maybe something like this and then you can simply change the text position to where you want it to be and you can also use the right thumb function if you so want but in this case you have to animate it and just quickly let me open a new project put this on and as you can see the background color looks as it should and the image is also not faded and that's it i know that this video was long but i hope that you got all of the information that you need to make your own lower turrets templates that were animated by using davinci resolve and if you found this video helpful give a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and hit the bell notification icon so you know when the next video comes out i'm simon and until next time jackals keep it digital [Music] you
Channel: Jackall Digital
Views: 1,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, lower third, macro, reverse animation, template, background, merge, time speed, dissolve, rectangle
Id: jrgj6IgcvkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 31sec (1891 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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