How I Make Motion Graphics in Fusion! - DaVinci Resolve Tutorial

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today we're making these awesome Motion Graphics in Fusion kind of a stop motion cutout sort of feel with lots of texture and we're going to learn a ton of Motion Graphics techniques along the way so to get this started I'm going to go up to our workspace and let's reset our UI layout and I'm going to go to the upper left and open up our media pool and I'll rightclick here in the empty part of our media pool go down and say new Fusion composition and we'll call this Graphics one and hit create that'll create that composition here in the media pool and I'll double click on it and that'll open up our blank composition here in Fusion all right I'm going to go ahead and hide our buttons down here just so we have a little bit more screen real estate up here in workspace let's just untick show page navigation the first thing we're going to do is put down a background that'll give us a background color and it'll also set the composition size so I'll just drag a background node down in there and connect it to our media out let's select that back background and over here in the inspector we'll twirl down our Color Picker here and I'm just going to pick kind of a orangey background like this and now let's get our text going so I'll take the third icon over here grab the text and I'll take the output of the text and drag it over the output of our background and that'll automatically make a merge node and put the text into the foreground and with the text node selected I can go over here and add some text let's just say Fusion like this and let's pick a font I really like Poppins and we'll just do maybe Poppins black maybe push up the tracking a little bit and we'll push the size up there we go this should already be aligned pretty much in the middle and let's also pick a color let's do kind of a dark purplish blue little bit desaturated something like that and now let's get some kind of animated little elements on here I want to make a little bar goes across the bottom and so let's just grab another background drag this down I'll hit F2 to rename this we'll call this say bar undor BG take the output and merge it over our background like this that'll make a black screen let's make this more of kind of a dark red something like that and I'm going to take a rectangle mask and drag this above our bar background and connect it here to our mask input and now I can size this bar let's just make this roughly the size of our text and we'll just grab this widget and drag it down something like that and that's good to start out with and I want this to fill with different colors by the way I've been getting a lot of inspiration Lately from this guy Ben Marriott who is a Motion Graphics wizard that works a lot in After Effects and I was inspired by this graphic right here with these rectangles moving and I just thought that'd be something fun to build so we're going to go for something like that so we have our rectangle here and there are a lot of ways we can fill this with a different color one easy way would be to just grab a color corrector like this drop this on and make sure that we have our privide post multiply option selected here and we can do something like change the hue maybe pump up the saturation and the gain a little bit we kind of move this around maybe make that like a purple and then we could connect a rectangle mask to this color corrector like this and now that color correction is only going to happen inside of that rectangle so we'll just size this to be sort of close to our bars size doesn't have to be 100% I'm just going to line this up on that right side there and let's animate this to help us out with animation I'm going to open up our key frames panel like this and I'm also going to hit this little button right here which is going to push our inspector up kind of move that out of the way so we have a little bit more room down here in our key frames push the key frames to the right and I'll hit this little button right here this Zoom to fit so now we can see our timeline here and I think I'll just have this fill over you know half a second or so so maybe 12 frames and I'm just going to click this little key frame diamond right here to key frame our Center for our mask and then here at frame zero we'll push this over to the left and that's going to animate the mask for our color corrector and fill in that bar Zoom this in a little bit but I don't like how that's animating I feel like it's too jerky so I can select both of my key frames here and hit F on the keyboard to flatten out those key frames you can see just a little bit how this line is more of a curve right here it's a little bit easier to see in the spline panel if I open that up and click displacement here we can see these key frames have been then eased out there we go we have this kind of coming in like that in fact I might even pick this spline panel up and grab this handle and I can hold down alt and drag this to the left to sort of change this shoulder shape and now it will ease in even more whoosh like that so good okay let's lift this up and let's do one more color here in fact actually I want to have this end not quite off the side so we'll just push this like this so now it just goes to the end like that and let's do sort of the same thing again I'll select this and hit contrl C and crl + V and then I'll hold down shift and drag this in between our color corrector and our merge and we're doing a little bit different color correction here so let's just change this to be something we like H something like that take our gain down a touch maybe we'll go for more of a orangish yeah take that saturation down something like that and this time at frame 12 we'll put this over here like that and now as we change the Hue on this first color corrector it's kind of flowing to the second color corrector so if we like that I mean it works out the other thing that we could do would be just to merge another background over this so if I take this merge a background over it like that and then I could just take the same rectangle and apply it to the background like that and use this same kind of rectangle here could just change this background color to whatever we want and that might be a little bit easier depending on what we want to do but you know this works that's a way to do it I think I'll just take these rectangles out and let's not do the color corrector thing let's do a merge and a background we'll throw this rectangle on this merge over here and we'll use our same rectangle mask for that one we could also just take this bar background and use that as a mask for our background that would work let's do kind of the same thing here add a merge put that rectangle in there we'll grab another background copy paste like this and take the output of this merge and put that into the mask input of our background and that's just limiting this so now we can just pick the color we want so I don't know let's do maybe something like pink maybe this one will be a little bit more red something like that move this around until it's something we like and now we have both of our colors animating on at the same time so if I take these key frames I'll just select these two masks that'll bring up our key frames here I have an option here under our menu ticked for show only selected tools other than that you can see everything which is sometimes nice but I like to usually just select whatever I want to adjust and then that'll pop up here in the key frames and I can twirl these down and here's where I can grab the key frames and just move them around if I want to I can select a bunch of them and move them I can select a bunch of them and grab this button right here this time stretch and I can stretch these out in time make it shorter or longer whatever I want to do but I think we'll just take this second one and just offset it a little bit so now we have those growing like that yeah and let's do this but kind of copy it and rotate it up there and the cool thing about using nodes is you don't usually have to copy things you can usually just plug things into multiple different notes and so I can take the output of this which is sort of like its own group right if I hit one on the keyboard and bring this up this is kind of like what you would think of in After Effects as like a output right here and make another merge and I've merged this over itself so if I take this and move it you can see there's actually two of them right so this point I can reset that and I could do something like just type in 180 on the angle look at this now we have this duplicated and rotated and I don't even have to do anything fancy I just merge it over itself again with a rotation right now something that I would like to do generally is not do this angle inside of the merge just because I like to be able to see everything that's happening here in the nodes and so instead of doing that I'll probably just take a transform node and put it here just for the reason that I can see it in the node graph instead of having it hidden in this merge but there's nothing really wrong with doing it in the merge it's the same thing it's just a little easier to figure out what's going on by reading the node graph right yeah okay so now we have some some pretty pretty epic stuff going on here and because this is duplicating the same thing if I make a change anywhere up here it's going to flow down to both of these in fact I think what I'll do is I want this rectangle to animate on First and so again I think I'll take these key frames here select these and move these over just a bit and before those start going we're going to animate this first rectangle on we can do that by adding another mask and I'll just add that mask after the original rectangle you can modify another mask by adding a mask after it so if I just take this and put this down here right here in between my rectangle one and my bar background I now have another rectangle and by default it adds The Mask to it which isn't really what we want here where it says paint mode I can set this to do different things add subtract now subtract is almost what we want but we actually want to subtract everything outside of it so we'll just say invert so now we have a mask that's masking that mask and look at all the cool stuff we can do look at that you do all kinds of neat things just with this one mask that's pretty fun but I think what we'll do is let's make this wide enough and we're just going to have this kind of do a similar reveal in fact we could probably even just take the same kind of mask let's just copy this rectangle to put that there I'll hold down shift to drag this one out and shift to drag this one in like this and again let's take this paint mode and make this subtract inverted now let's see it oh baby it's happening we just got to change the timing here move this down towards the beginning have this happen a little faster yes there we go only problem is this end point isn't quite over far enough so let's make sure that's all the way over there we go so now very cool okay so we have our animated little bars here let's add some more animation shall we let's take this text and animate that now there are so many ways you can anim animate text but we're going to use something called a follower and a follower just animates the different characters in a word or different words or whatever over time and it kind of offsets the key frame animation that we add to it so I can just rightclick here in our text and we'll just say follower and that's going to add a modifier back here doesn't really tell us about it but it's there and by default our delay is at zero and we have a bunch of different things that we can key frame here so let's just go to shading and and here if we scroll down we have something called position now this is position of the first layer of our text which is the only layer that's on so that works out and what we're going to do is animate this offset and So within about 1 second let's say in 24 frames our offset's going to end up here and so I'm going to click this key frame diamond and it's going to open a path this is just something that it does when you're animating this kind of specific thing you can just go back to follower and scroll back down and now we have this offset and up here at frame zero I'm going to push this offset down a little bit something like that so now everything kind of pops up like that but because we did this in the modifier we can go up here to timing and I can make a delay between each character like this and look what happens now we have everything rising at different times can make a little bit more delay pushing that here and this is the delay in frames let's have this be six frames or so in between like that nice let's actually take this first position down quite a bit so now these all pop into placeo bloopo like that and it looks like we manually animated each of these but it's procedural so we can take this text and anything that we add to this text it's going to animate on as well which is really powerful so I can switch this word at any time and it's still going to animate on the same way which is pretty neat so we'll just keep this at Fusion and so now we have all of these popping up like that and we could mask this text so that these kind of rise up out of nothing so we'll just make this text nice and wide in case we want to make the word longer so now these will kind of just rise up out of nothing yes good good good so we have our first layer kind of animated with our Fusion text there but we can go over to shading and add more layers I like to just start with number three black shadow and hit enabled and that's going to add a drop shadow here and I don't quite want exactly a drop shadow let's actually make this more of a white and let's take the softness all the way back down like that and maybe change our position now we have kind of this drop shadow thing we can even use an image to stylize this and everything but I'm just going to make a gradient here and for this bottom one let's do kind of a warmish yellow top one we'll do kind of like that there we go just have a little bit of subtle gradient there and now those letters kind of just lift into place also maybe just G to take these lines spread them apart a little bit I can do that with just a transform and I'll just bring this down a little bit and it's spreading them apart because we're taking this transform and flipping it that's the nice thing about working like this is you can always add something procedurally anywhere you want let's add a little bit of grime here I'll go to my media pool and I have a couple of textures here I'll just drag this texture in bring it up on our first viewer and this is just a still with just kind of some little spots and everything here and I can take the output of this and put it over a merge like this let's take this and just under apply mode just go to screen that's going to add these kind of little white dots and everything around it and that already does quite a bit we could do something like add a brightness and contrast before we merge it and I'm going to make sure to clip black and white we can take this kind of push the low end up here's what we're doing we're just kind of making the darker parts darker so that we aren't adding these lighter Parts on there something like that now we have these little dots but I want this to be animated I don't want to just have this texture just sitting there let's make it look like it's kind of grimy film you know like each frame has a bunch of dust on it or something like that and to do that you could use kind of a film Grime quick time or something like that but we can just make our own by doing something kind of crazy here this is a little bit higher resolution than our comp this is a 4200 wide and so if I grab something like a transform here we can see how big this is and so I could take this and just grab like one corner of this like this and I could use various parts of this and it's going to look like it's a totally different frame nobody's going to know it's different parts of this same image and so why don't we just start right here and I'll just key frame this Center and then I'll move forward I don't know five or six frames and we'll just take this and move it to a different place move forward a few frames move it to a different place move forward a few frames and so on and we can kind of do this for as many variations of this thing as we want and now we'll have this kind of moving around which is almost what we want we don't really want this to kind of look like it's snowing right and so I can take this transform and I can go to something like the spline panel and here is our graph of our motion well I can select all of these key frames and take either step in or step out and look what happens if I hit step in it makes these stair steps and that means that it just holds that key frames value until the next key frame and then it goes immediately to the next key frame it doesn't which will make it just kind of jump to the next place then I could take all of these and I can Loop this and watch this if I right click with these selected I can go to set loop and loop like this and now look what happens I take this and it will Loop through all of that animation forever and it looks like we have these kind of animated film imperfections right oops we have this other key frame here I'll get rid of that we just want the stairs right like this set loop loop there we go so now this will just Loop through those different places and look what's happening here with our image it's just moving to different corners of that image and now we have kind of a cheap way to make our own looping overlay so easy that's cool and we built that all in this transform node I can just select this transform node and let's rename this let's call this um offset motion Loop rename this media in we'll call this Speckles and now that's over everything let's get some more dirt I'll grab our media pool and let's grab another piece of some grunge texture this is a little bit finer and we're going to do sort of the same thing let's put this over our image but I actually want these Speckles to be dark and the rest of this to be light so I'll hit shift space bar that'll bring up my select tool palette and I'll type invert NV r t and that'll give us invert color enter and that'll invert this and make black things white and white things black that means that I can take this merge and go to apply mode multiply and now we have this kind of dark texture over here now wouldn't it be nice if we could copy this offset motion from our Speckles onto the other one well we can and can grab this and I'll just hit copy crl C select this invert color and hit crl V for paste and if they're relatively the same size which this should work just fine that's going to jump around too and it's going to give us the same effect with a different image that's the nice thing is you can always just run that image through the same node and get a really similar thing so now we have a really dirty looking thing let's take this blend down a little bit make it not quite so crazy same thing here for our merge six and now we have a little bit more character that's nice now I really like this sort of stuttery motion and wouldn't it be nice if there was a way to make this motion right here stutter well back in my After Effects days I was used to a Effect called posterized time and what it did was take this smooth motion like this and it made it kind of Jumpy stair Steppy a lot like we did with this animation here pretty much the same thing but it does it with time and fusion doesn't have a builtin effect for that but we can actually make our own which is pretty crazy that's one cool thing about working infusion is you can make your own effects pretty dang easily and you can save them as presets you can share them with other people it's nice I'm going to start with a Time Stretch node like this and what this node does if I hit two on the keyboard is it just remaps whatever time you want to show on screen and you can use this Source time to sort of scrub through what time you want to show on screen and then you can animate that right so I'm actually going to go here to my key frames and just uncheck both of those key frames so I don't have any key frames on this and instead of animating this myself I'm going to select this and hit equals that's going to bring up our expressions and I'm going to type a really easy expression I can start with time if I hit enter this is basically going to do nothing now this time stretcher is going to play whatever frame we're on and it's going to look up that frame so if we're on frame 67 it's going to play frame 67 but what I can do is I can add a little bit of math called floor f o r like this and I'll put time in parenthesis now what floor will do is it will round time to the nearest integer now it's already in integers so it's going to work fine but if we said time let's say divided by two then it's going to divide whatever our time is and normally 75 would be 37.5 it's going to round it down to 37 and then we just multiply that by that same number like this and what that's going to do if we divide it by two is nothing but if we divide this by six and then I click nearest like this what that's going to do is posterize that time and it's really only going to use every sixth frame from our original stuff here so we can make this like three that's going to pretty much use a third of the frames so now we have this kind of stuttery look which looks pretty neat so I'll hit F2 and we'll call this posterize and we'll just run it through that like this and because I use this enough I've just made my own macro called posterized time with a nice little slider where I can change the frame duration and so if frame duration is one this pretty much looks exactly the same right but if frame duration is six then it's going to like that so let's make this like three for now and now we have a little bit more of that kind of stuttery look awesome now let's take these edges and roughen these a little bit you can do that a few different ways but I think before our transform here let's add a displacement so I'll select merge 4 and type displace and then all we have to do is take a fast noise and run that into the green input of the displ place if I hit one on the keyboard I can bring up the noise we want to put a lot of detail in this and push the scale up and look what happens this kind of roughens these edges right so let's do like 40 and we'll take this displace and take this refraction strength and turn that down and the closer that is to zero the less craziness happens but I can push that up a little bit and now we have this subtle kind of roughening of the graphics there cool right we can animate this fast Noise by pushing up the see rate and we'll make that a little bit bigger like that and now we have that a little bit rough I think I'll maybe push this scale up even more and take this refraction strength down to touch just so it's very subtle yes now it looks like a little bit more handrawn and we could add that to the letters too if we want but I like it like this that looks cool the last thing I'll do is add a little bit of a shake we can do this again with another transform node just put this transform node here and again we're going to use another modifier here under where the center is I'll right click on Center and go to modify with perturb perturb Wiggles things back and forth and by default it's way too strong so let's just take the scale to 0 0 and let's just push up that scale just a touch on both sides and now we have this moving ever so slightly we'll push up the speed a little bit and you see what we're getting at there and since we're already running this through the posterized time it's going to just jump to that space in our transform we'll just push this sizing up a little bit so we aren't losing the edges around here now we have a really nice effect that just looks like we spent a million hours on it but it was pretty easy to do so this is great for a nice little title and again anytime we want to we can change this text call this you know part one and it's already animated again because everything's procedural that's just nice you can do so much stuff in fusion and it's such a great tool for Motion Graphics I'm having so much fun any requests for certain kinds of Motion Graphics or anything let me know in the comments also make sure to check out that free Fusion Workshop the nine nodes you need to know to make almost anything in fusion and I hope to see you I hope to see you there you know hope to see you doing stuff there until then I hope that your graphics are motionful and your effects are visual I don't know thanks for watching
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 27,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic design, casey faris, how to, free video editor, tutorial, davinci resolve 18, resolve for beginners, davinci tutorials, editing, fusion, davinci resolve 18 tutorial, motion graphics tutorial, motion graphics tutorial fusion, motion graphics tutorial davinci resolve, davinci resolve 18 motion graphics tutorial, motion graphics davinci resolve, motion graphics tutorial for beginners, motion graphics full tutorial for beginners, casey faris fusion
Id: kT2tnCq-Gk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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