Cajun Dirty Rice with Justin Wilson | Cowboy Remake

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hey folks we're taking a trip down to the bayou this weekend whoo what are we cooking some dirty rats but I got a great famous friend gonna help me who is it Justin Wilson but you know I'm gonna put a cowboy twist on it come on I'm loading up to Peru and going down to Bayou [Music] hey welcome to another episode of cowboy cooking my name is Kent Rollins and welcome to some of the best Oklahoma weather I ever seen cloudy drizzly and a little cool pitter-patter of rain it is a great day above the grass sidious and if you're a new viewer before we go any further reach up there and hit that subscribe button cuz i don't want you to miss out on anything that we're doing and hit that dingy down bails and oh man what better fit weather than the episode we got coming up today I have invited a friend alone guess who it is just Don Wilson hi all are I'm glad for you to see me I guarantee so you know that start this whole thing out I have watched Justin Wilson when I was that tall plumb to one ever he Twitter and then videos and passed away and a great shelf a great Cajun he was and just a great man to be around a lot of people have compared me to him on YouTube on your comments about hey you sort of like that Justin Wilson guy cause both of you full of bullies well there's been a recipe that I've been wanting to do for a long time and we sort of recreated it and put our take on it it's Justin Wilson's dirty rice and old folks it is good Justin's going to step in here and help us along the way as we go through it but it is a great day and a great way to celebrate a great dish the rice not dirty know that just a good name for it and it is good to our guarantee we put this on low now we get the readings out of here look at that got so many ingredients to go in this you got to take to Trader do it now this is a really easy dish it is you just put it together it's a one-pot wonder sort of cooks itself it is a little time-consuming but hey all of us just cook time you're sitting around there waiting to reap the benefits now to start this way we've got to have the great meat that goes in it now that is ground hamburger meat and ground pork sausage now I like to use an 80/20 and that's what we got today and I've just got me some good old Potter's sausage but traditionally I know I can hear all patience down there South what about you saying it's got to have chicken livers any Kent got to have hearts and gizzard them giblets I'm sorry folks the cowboy just can't do that now you're gonna see Justin can do it on this I got to pound a ground beef that B see that put it all in down to pound of ground pork put all in down this is a pound of chicken giblets is not no never just the giblet that means the gears odd and hard they got to grind him up that's what the giblets are you know but folks I told you there was a cowboy twist now the chicken livers hearts gizzards all that really dark red sort of that dirty color that makes one dirty rice but where we gonna get our dirty color from and kick it up on a cowboy a notch I'm talking Teresa any spicy pork sausage that you want to throw in there if you're not a fan of chicken livers give it to hearts what all that stuff is not me I'm gonna use it this way now today we're cooking this in a 12 inch deep Dutch oven but hey folks somebody got me one of them big enameled large cast iron dutch ovens is that what he called [ __ ] enameled wise and hey I've been cooking this in the house so you can do this on a fire you can do it on the house and that you can do it in a stew pot but let's get this Dutch oven on the fire and get this meat to go well we got our 12-inch Dutch oven getting hot so let's go ahead and add this ground beef er I like to hear that sizzle and assaultive we're gonna give that chorizo we just cut the package in half and just chunker in there folks and it does look better than that chicken lizard gizzards in heart I promise you now you go ahead give that just a little mixing right there but looking here what we done got the Holy Trinity of all things it is the thing we got to have is we're gonna cook us some good paging foods and that is celery bell pepper onions and it is gonna be good now I have added me some parsley owners and some chopped green onion I got me four garlic cloves now let me go ahead see if I can I get that in there that bell pepper is what's happening and I got me a big old yeller onion now folks y'all see me y'all accuse me of putting peppers and onions and everything I got well just to tell him about onion a cup of onions chopped up take money away from em ruined just absolutely Road can't cook a thing then I put a cup of diced shallot he would call them green on y'all not knowing no better so let's put these onions in cause me and Justin gotta have them to cook and I don't know about you folks but it's already smelling good where I'm at let's give that a little mixing and it's a right colorful little dish it is now to that folks we're gonna go ahead and add what a stick of butter now you can do it any way you want to or just throw it in there whole I don't care but we got to have a stick of butter and then there's that stuff that Justin just calls it Lea & Perrins he don't even try to say that Worcestershire so we're gonna put us about 3-4 tablespoons in there which is getting pretty close to that Plus that that is what we call just right a little coarse ground black pepper because I like some of it I do a little salt not much because y'all know what's coming don't you Red River Ranch original we gonna season it up wailing give it a good stir now folks we got this on what I'd call a medium heat we're just gonna let it all get together get that butter down there on the bottom where things can get to cooking and the broth that comes off that sausage and that beef and it's just gonna blend that and that chorizo is gonna float in there and say all the time I was trying to tell you how it was better than chicken liver and gizzards and I want you to look down here soon you see this dog here this is duker out here braving these elements the other producer that we have in culinary trial test owner is uh sitting in the Dodge pickup over there somewhere out of the rain have little wheel travel folks when you get it to there let's let it get covered because we want to trap in that good moisture in that heat but also we need to let this come to a really good simmer get it to going and then we're going to add some bay leaves to it that's what I'm talking about folks when I said we needed to love to come to a simmer and what we got here two bay leaves now Justin listen said you're gonna put them in there and then you gonna sneak up later when somebody watch them and take them out because we're just gonna leave them in there but we just want them to give the flavor we sure gonna take them out before we serve them so we're gonna put the lid on it we're gonna let that cook for about two hours stirring it occasionally don't forget it and don't walk off and leave too well it cooked about two hours it did and I reached in there and I remove them little bay leaves and discard them because don't nobody want to eat them like that mm-hmm and then I put the lid back on put it over that medium heat and let it cook for about another hour it's been on so it's time to put on the rascal Wingo had no dirty wing got no rice to go with it but I want to tell you a little something about what Justin told me about rice and that is folks you got to get fluffy rice I'm talking good fluffy white rice now to me the first way you're going to start that is to rinse that rice you got to rinse it get that star chill for so we can get that fluffy to jump up there and the number two thing just cook it like the directions on the package but where it says water scratch that out we're going to use chicken broth now today I'm using about 2 cups of rinsed white long grain rice and 4 cups of chicken broth that is exactly what's in this box it's 4 cups now as me and Justin Wilson gonna tell you we're gonna put that on low medium medium low if y'all like me wondering how long this has got to cook why don't you tell them Justin how long it's gonna cook see their water going out of him right what we're gonna did now we're gonna cook all that water out into there just a little bit left and then we're gonna put the lid on it and let it steam for about an hour and then that it is cooked for four hour we're gonna combined all of it in that but first we're gonna put this mushroom suit let it cook 30 minutes then we put the rice in there and let it steam for about 30 minutes to an hour what we like to do we like to fix this the day before and steam it up and eat it the next day now this recipe calls for 10 Cajun 2000 other people it'd take at least 20 other people to eat all this but 10 of us can eat that right now ain't nothing to it I'll tell you that for true and we love it it's a simple dish to fix it looks like it's hard the only thing you got to remember he's got to cook that link to talk [Music] [Music] well folks as Justin said it's cooked that long enough this rice hey why not you and you buy sack of rice hey look at them directions because all of them are different on every sack of rice but I love to always omit the water and use chicken broth now when it gets to bubbling and bubbling and you don't see no more water in there that's when you turn that burner to low look how fluffy that Rossi is mmm that's some fine dining right there and just let it sit with that lid on it for 30 minutes let it steam and it is gonna be some of that tender now I'm gonna go ahead and take the lid off this one we got us a can of mushroom soup yo Dukie it is simmering right along it is buddy so we get all our mushroom soup in there dokie I want to go ahead and give it a stir really well right now before we ever mix that dirty rice back in there see that good color it's got their full tang and it didn't even have no them chicken livers in it so even though the rice folks and we're gonna mix it all up we got our mushroom soup in there got our rice in there guess what folks is just gonna sit there and just simmer for about 30 minutes with the lis at home while it's doing that I'm gonna make me some garlic bread and get ready for this deal cuz it is gonna be good ain't that pretty cool folks I've been waiting for this all day it's been sort of cold I mean look at all that I mean you see them spices just jumping out in there it's silvery that onion that's jewelry so I can spy it right off can y'all smell it oh the wind ain't in y'all's favor unless y'all on the east side of town over there so let me have a bite Andy give me some of that Cajun music within duplication shuffle [Music] justin wilson sigh i'm so proud you done told us to make that dish right there hmm goes well with some of that garlic bread but before we go any further folks i've had some really good help today and they got to have something or they'll quit thank you all so much now this is one of them dishes you can make remember it takes a little while but you ain't doing nothing it's doing all of it on its own and just sit back and wait for it to get ready but cook it the day before then just warm it back up the next one you money ahead make a bunch of it because you're gonna need it folks it will fill you up but I want it to also fill your table with people you know we have found out through y'all but this is more than YouTube this is family that is what y'all mean to us and when you can set a plate of food on the table everybody pull up a chair take them hats off gather them hands bless the Lord praise him for what we got hey me and Shannon so blessed to have all y'all with family because it means so much to us that you watch and y'all touch our hearts every time you come in we try to get all the emails back to you try to answer all the comments on YouTube and hey we're just so proud of our YouTube family and we appreciate it it's a little sentimental time but remember now when you're putting all this together make sure you start out with good quality meat and if you want to put some chicken livers in there and then gizzards and them hearts I'll let you it's alright but hey if you want a cowboy it up a little bit get you some of that chorizo we put in there well as always folks I tip my hat to all our servicemen and women and veterans and all those who protect the cities and the counties wherever we may be to keep that old flag of flyin high being proper me and Shan or sure proud of y'all we are now I got some shoutouts this week there's been some folks that have been watching a long time one of them is usually maybe first second or third ever coming and that's all Randy Waterbury so Randy thank you my friend for always being there and another always seeming he got that a wag tractor he named his bull thrush thank y'all so much for watching now remember that book is coming out we're gonna be on that book tutoring all around check upcoming events on the website we hope to meet you all there I want to shake your hand talk to you and visit with you so remember folks everything you need to know will be down there a little link below and guess what's coming up st. Patrick's take a look at the Irish be with you it is corned beef oh and I got a special twist on it so be sure and tune in god bless you each and every one and I'll see you down the Cajun good ok listen good give me what you think about yeah that'll work right there you ready [Music] you
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 350,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dirty rice, cajun dirty rice, new orleans dirty rice, justin wilson, justin wilson recipes, rice, how to cook rice, rice recipe, cajun recipes, southern recipes, how to make dirty rice, homemade dirty rice, cajun rice, southern dirty rice, dutch oven rice, dutch oven cooking, dutch oven recipes, cast iron recipes, outdoor cooking, cowboy cooking, cowboy recipes, kent rollins recipes, cast iron cooking, dirty rice recipe, cook dirty rice, easy rice recipe
Id: 3wYV6ZHK7a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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