Beef Stroganoff Recipe - The Best Beef Stroganoff

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He has a great blog. One of my favorites. I have made this dish twice and it is delicious.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/daynedaman 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2013 🗫︎ replies

I'm making this tonight!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/megustanpanqueques 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2013 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello this is chef john from food wishes comm with beef stroganoff finally i've gotten a lot of requests for this and since I had this amazing homemade creme fraiche sitting around hopefully you saw that video I decided I needed to make some beef stroganoff and I did and it was pretty amazing alright so you're gonna need two pounds of beef chuck talk to your butcher they're very nice I told him I was making beef stroganoff and I asked if I could have a piece that came from a single muscle or as close to it as possible that way you don't get any weird like pieces of membrane going through or big sections of fat all right so I'm gonna take my piece of beef Chuck I'm gonna cut it in like I don't know half inch to 3/4 of an inch thick steaks and then just cut it in like 1/2 inch with pieces I think the French term for that cut is baton but I call it little strips of beef your personal exact shape and size doesn't really matter as long as they're consistent once those are cut salt and pepper generously on your cutting board we're gonna go over to the stove where I have my large stainless steel pan on high heat all right you want to use a large good pan for this I'm gonna put in some vegetable oil as soon as it starts to shimmer and almost smoke I'm gonna throw in my meat now you always hear on TV don't crowd the pan you know what for this cut of meat for this recipe you can crowd the pan what happens when you crowd the pan as you can see is before it all Browns nicely the water is released and it starts to sort of simmer in its own juices this would be terrible for certain cuts of meat but because we're using chuck and this is gonna simmer for a long time and get tender it's okay what you're gonna do is you're gonna keep it on high the liquids gonna come out it's gonna boil off and then the meats gonna brown in its own juices it's a beautiful thing alright look at that perfect all right once the meat is nicely browned we're gonna pull it off onto a plate to reserve turn the heat down to medium throw in a chunk of butter alright don't wipe out the pan I want all those beautiful brown bits I'm gonna toss in some thickly sliced mushrooms and a half of onion that I just roughly sliced we're gonna give that a nice big pinch of salt I'm gonna saute that in the butter on medium until nicely browned and one thing that happens when we do this kind of technique the mushrooms also give off some liquid along with the onions which kind of deglazes the pan a little bit and those mushrooms start to absorb all that beautiful flavor from the beef drippings once that's all nicely browned I'm gonna add a couple cloves of garlic just give it a swirl for about 30 seconds I'm gonna throw in a tablespoon of flour I'm gonna stir that in and cook that for another minute or two and then our liquids I'm gonna go with some dry white wine pretty much anything will work anything drinkable some beef or veal stock and I'm just gonna let that come up to a simmer again we're still on medium heat it's gonna thicken up a little bit I'm gonna scrape and make sure I got all that beautiful goodness off the bottom of the pan I'm gonna add my beef back in a little more beef or veal stock all the measurements they'll be on food wishes of course all right so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna make sure that's all mixed together nice and evenly I'm gonna bring it up till it's just barely simmering see that just a little bit of a bubble all right low heat I'm gonna cover it and we're gonna just let this braise for about an hour maybe every I don't know 20 minutes give it a stir now depending on your beef and how you cut it this is gonna take a little more or a little less time so you can have to play it by ear but I'm gonna guess at about an hour you should be getting close so if your meat is still not as tender as you want add another splash of water or stock let it simmer a little longer but once you decide your meat is pretty much ready the last step is stirring in a big beautiful gigantic dollop of homemade creme fraiche you can use sour cream but it's not as good sour cream can curdle and separate when it gets hot so really I want you to make your own creme fraiche watch the video it was so easy and amazing now of course any time we do dishes like this it's up to you to adjust do you want it saucy err then you should use a little more beef stock and creme fraiche if you want a drier don't put as much up to you okay once the creme fraiche and or sour cream is mixed in I'm gonna stir in some freshly chopped chives I'm gonna taste for salt and pepper and we're done I highly recommend it gets served over beautifully buttered noodles I like those big fat wide egg noodles so delicious all right time to taste this amazing Russian recipe also you don't have to but I like to be Putin a little more sour cream on top then I'm gonna be Putin the fork in to taste it and yes I agree 1 Putin joke would have been plenty this is just one of my favourite beef recipes of all time and I'm 25% Russian so I think it's in my blood to be able to make this pretty good is that racist probably let me taste oh my god so amazing so anyway head on over to food wishes comm where you'll find all the ingredient amounts as usual and as always enjoy
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 2,535,454
Rating: 4.9256926 out of 5
Keywords: Beef, Stroganoff, Recipe, Best, russian, meat, stew, braise, dinner, entree, chef, john, foodwishes, cooking, food, kitchen, allrecipes, recipe, recipes, Beef Strogenoff, how to, how to make, how to cook, learn, Strogenoff, main dish, easy, simple, delicious
Id: 2J482y8WVdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2011
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