Easy Artisan Ciabatta Bread Recipe/Rustic Italian Bread/No Knead Rustic Bread

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this ciabatta bread is one of the easiest breads that we can make at home to make this bread we'll need only four basic ingredients and we don't need any special equipments to make this bread and I tried to simplify this recipe in such a way that we don't even need a proofing canvas which we usually don't have at home and the process of making this bread is so relaxing and satisfying and the resulting bread is a circle with that crispy crust and with that light and airy soft crumb inside all that we make use in this recipe is a good technique and some time so let's see how to make this rustic artists and ciabatta bread in our own home kitchen [Music] say let's start by preparing our bread dough into a bowl add in the water he refused lukewarm water which is not called in our heart but just slightly warm then add in salt and yeast and mix until they get the salt and then add the flour and combine everything together here I'm using the very end of this pudding spoon to mix them together and that's it our bread dough is now ready so if we need to prove our bread dough for two hours so wrap it with a plastic film and keep it in a warm environment or on the countertop usually to give more structure to our bread dough we need to knead the dough but as this is a high hydration dough we can't knead the dough by hands but during this proofing time we are going to do a magic which will transform our dough into a well-structured dough so we are going to stretch and fold the dough in every half an hour which is so satisfying to do so it's been half an hour and we are going to stretch and fold the dough to align the gluten strands and now we can see if we touch the dough it's too sticky to handle but here we have a simple trick when our hands are wet the dough won't stick to your hands and it will make it easy for us to handle the dough say don't forget to dip your hands in water before we do this stretch and fold so stretch the dough and fold it onto itself and turn the ball 90 degree and repeat the same on all the four sides and you may see the dough may tear at some parts but that's ok it's because the gluten strands are not developed [Music] here I'm doing the same steps once again so that we are doing double folding in this first round [Music] and now cover it with a plastic film and keep it in a warm environment or on the countertop so it's been another half an hour and you can see our tool has risen slightly and that Luton stands are now more uniform and more aligned and now we are going to stretch and fold it once again so we did our second round folding let's wrap it again and leave it on the counter or in a warm environment for another half an hour and now it's the third folding or the final folding [Music] and now it's been another half an hour and a duel has risen well and now let's transfer this duel on to a well floured work surface and remember until is still very sticky and at this point to prevent it from sticking to the surface we need to test the work surface generously with flour and again just the top of the dough with some more flour and now we need to stretch the dough from underneath and shape it into a rectangle and we need to take care no to deflate the air pockets completely and it's totally ok if we happen to dig yes a few air pockets here and there [Music] and now we need to roll it just as we've all had jelly roll and pinch the edges to seal and now divide the dough into three equal parts and transfer each portion into another well floured work surface we need to give enough space between each dough as it will expand during this time and dust the top of the dough with some more flour so that it will not stick to the cling film and now we need to prove our shaped dough for 45 minutes which is the final proofing and after the final proof in our dough has risen well and let stands with its own to a parchment paper [Music] and while transferring this dough gently stretch the dough to make it an elongated rectangular shape and now our dough is ready to go into the oven so carefully slide the parchment paper with the loaves on to the preheated baking stone if we have one or we can also use an inverted baking tray and just as after in here and immediately spray with some water and close the oven door and bake it for 50 fan high preheated oven for 10 minutes and then reduce the temperature to 400 Fahrenheit and bake for another 12 to 15 minutes [Music] and after baking will get beautiful ciabatta bread which is a golden brown in color with that crispy crunchy crust and with that crumb which is super soft full of air pockets and the bread is ultra light and airy and it's so good to slice them and to help them with some plain extra-virgin olive oil or to slice horizontally and to make a sandwich and whichever way you decide to enjoy the bread I'm sure you will love the texture and flavor of this bread and I hope you will make this at home and I hope you will not only enjoy the delicious bread but also the process of making it and if you like this video please give your valuable thumbs up and please write to me your valuable comments and please don't forget to share this recipe with your friends and family who love baking bread at home and thank you so much for your love and support and thanks for watching this video see you next time [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bincy Chris
Views: 1,539,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artisan ciabatta bread, artisan ciabatta bread recipe, artisan ciabatta, ciabatta loaf, artisan ciabatta panera, ciabatta bread recipe by hand, artisan ciabatta bread panera, artisan rustic bread, rustic artisan bread recipes, rustic bread, country rustic bread, rustic bread recipe, rustic italian bread, ciabatta bread, ciabatta bread recipe
Id: 9dCcTK7oJLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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