Easter Eggs - Wolfenstein: The New Order

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Doom guy on the chainsaw made me so happy. I can't wait until they connect both story lines!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/bigguyal2k 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2017 🗫︎ replies

A lot of these I didn't know existed. I wonder how many I missed in the Old Blood.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/-dead_slender- 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome ladies and gentlemen to 2014 s Wolfenstein the new order my name's camel and in this video today we will be taking a look at all of the Easter eggs secrets and hidden funny little things that can be found in Wolfenstein the new order be sure to let me know if I've missed any and hopefully that will be known you can also find timestamps in the description for each of the easter eggs if you so wish to browse them in that fashion be sure to hit up my social medias and check out the other Easter egg videos that I've already done links to them can be found in the description and just a friendly warning this video will contain spoilers as the easter eggs are scattered throughout all points of the game so you have heard fair warning and for those unfamiliar and easter egg is an unexpected or undocumented feature in a piece of computer software or on a DVD included as a joke or bonus so while easter eggs often are references to something by definition they do not have to be so let's get into the Easter eggs for Wolfenstein at the new order you ready for the first one there it was wasn't that good you probably missed it before the very first cutscene of the game a simple slogan of get site will flash up on screen for only a few frames in a kind of pixelated font get psyched is actually a throwback to the loading screens from the original Wolfenstein 3d as we can see here the original get psyched loading screen would be seen in during Wolfenstein 3d to let you know how insane the level you're about to enjoy I was going to be a perfectly appropriate way to start off the video and to start off the game now this leads straight into the opening cutscene where BJ is actually asleep and he has this dream sequence it's essentially him in another life where the war has ended and he's been able to return home and get married and have children this is actually a rather clever reference or homage to the original post-war timeline of Wolfenstein where BJ retired and married Julia Marie Peterson that timeline was scrapped and made way for the current Wolfenstein timeline of BJ so this flashback dream sequence is both an easter egg and also I suppose a clever way of saying the older orphan then games were just dreams oh yes now on to probably one of the strangest Easter eggs in this video or in any of my Easter egg videos at the beginning of chapter one death heads compound you'll be in a plane and things are going pretty badly engines are blowing up planes around you were dropping out of the sky you get shot at you've got a runaround put out fires closed pipes open doors pull levers secure hatches all that kind of stuff it's very intense now one point to survive you have to jump out of the airplane and to do so you need to open the door however if you choose to not open the door furgus will asked you to do it again and if you still don't do it well this will happen what I'm as confused as you the third time he asked you to open the door a crowbar comes out of the console and swings at you not only that but there's a strange voice that calls you a dick for well quite frankly being a dick the planes going down you got to jump out it's a matter of seconds yet you're choosing to stand there to do nothing then this omni vests invoice calls you a dick and swings a crowbar at you fair enough no idea what that's about but it's definitely worth noting now throughout this same level you can find some nazi beds around these beds are various pictures and posters but next to one of them there is actually an artwork called the film tasks or the young hair which is a watercolor and body color painting which was done in the year 1502 by the German artist Al brushed dura why it's here I don't know I suppose this guy just has good taste rabbit does taste good now on this same level on chapter one if you set off the alarm interestingly it's actually the exact same alarm that's used in 2001 s Return to Castle Wolfenstein as you'll hear here [Music] now the reason that this is particularly notable is because this is the only level in which the original Return to Castle Wolfenstein siren is used all the other levels throughout Wolfenstein the new order use a completely different siren sound so pretty cool throwback there oh yes one of my absolute favorites that blew me away when I found it around the start of the game when you go to onions grandparents house there's a scene in which you encounter a chainsaw it's also the only time in the game in which you get to use a chainsaw and if you look a little bit closer at it you'll see something very interesting looking right back at you can't see it yet well zoom in a bit more still nothing all right a bit more you see it you see in that orange circle there's the face of the original doom guy oh pause the video so it's not moving around so much but you can pretty clearly see that this is the face of doom guy on this chainsaw and for some clarity here is the face of the original doom guy and here are all of the faces that he pulls throughout the original doom games which variation is used here on this chain sir I'm not too sure but regardless it's pretty clear that his face is here and this makes sense because it's software founded both Wolfenstein and doom and when one thinks of a chainsaw in games it pretty much goes straight to do so the fact that doom guy's face is on the chainsaw and Wolfenstein a game founded by its software the same company that founded Doom it makes sense that's a lovely little companion to have there with you on your chainsaw oh yes during the start of chapter 3 we can actually find a shed where it would seem the Nazi soldiers actually dislike their superiors specifically Frau Engel and booby as on the wall here we can find very important pictures of them with knives and bullet holes in them of course suggesting that the soldiers use pictures of their superiors as target practice not only that but this is the only place in the game where one can find watermelons and unlike every other article of food they cannot be eaten but they can be shot and exploded into small lovely bite-sized pieces that ironically you can't bite on this same level on the lift in which you have to raise there is a truck above for you raise the lift behind the truck there is actually a chi hold up on some blocks in the garage and you can actually drive this car well kind of Thank You Darla now that we go for a spin okay back to work an Easter egg that's going nowhere fast but nonetheless still some fun at the beginning of mission 4 before making your way into the prison once you clear out all of the Nazi soldiers from this room the phone will call you can actually pick up this phone and I suppose you're a funny one-sided conversation yes quite a funny one as you will find around the game references to Nazis being on the moon like in this article here first German lands on the moon yesterday afternoon astronaut Hans arm stuck became the first man to walk on the moon blah blah blah blah blah Wow isn't that some strong imagery did you catch that the astronauts named the first one to walk on the moon was Hans arm stuck this is Wolfenstein allusion to Neil Armstrong the first man to walk on the moon and arm stuck in German literally translates to Armstrong so we've gotten the alarm strong and then the alternate Wolfenstein version Hans Armstrong and I tell you what BJ's not too pleased about it in fact in the london nord ago he's quite vocal about it okay you put a Nazi on the moon [ __ ] you more now the character Frau Engel actually carries a golden pistol with her this is likely a homage to the classic James Bond weapon the Golden Gun while of course they don't look identical though you do look pretty similar and you will actually be able to snatch this thing up later on as a treasure and here in the collectibles tab we can get a better look at it now miss angles companion here boobie as she calls him well his actual name is hands or hands and the nickname boobie is a direct reference to the film die hard in which the film's antagonist hands Gruber is referred to at one point as boobie for no particular reason and apparently that line was actually improvised but regardless we've got a hands in Wolfenstein who is nicknamed boobie and we've got a hand in die hard that is nicknamed boobie and let's move on because now all I'm thinking about is a big pair of boobies now on the train we can actually find a poster that looks a little bit familiar do Kieffer interesting anyway on this same train we can actually find a newspaper article talking about this D Kieffer as we'll see here D Kieffer well tour begins in Berlin next month the dynamic for will enter the stage bubble bubble bar to perform their music from their latest album does flower Obot which translates to the blue u-boat which is of course an allusion to the yellow submarine and interestingly the bear named D Kieffer translates to the bugs which of course is the Beatles so we've got the bands the bugs releasing an album called the blue u-boat again clearly reference the Beatles and the yellow submarine however the Wolfenstein parallel universe music does not stop there as in the home base there's a bedroom here where we can actually find the vinyl for the Beatles album the blue u-boats which of course has that famous imagery of the Beatles Crossing Abbey Road not only that but you can actually pick up this vinyl then go your collectibles tap and play their music which is all being recorded in German and again it doesn't stop there there's plenty of Wolfenstein germanized music to be found as later on in the sewers under the bass we can find a vinyl for Volks of music all-stars which includes the track House of the Rising Sun again it's recorded in German [Music] and finally much further into the game again in the sewers onto the base we can find another vinyl and for some reason when you pick it up you can't play any music although it prompts you to but the interesting thing here is it's a record from cow and Karla this is a clear homage to Paul and Paul who were a famous American pop singing duo that only lasted three years but they were big in the 60s and again of course we have here Wolfenstein is version Carl and Karla now throughout the game we will encounter these Panzer Hornets but it just means armored dog these big robotic dog things they have quite clearly taken influence from the zero morphs from the Alien movie series particularly the heads the nice big long smooth heads with no eyes and just these savage metallic teeth ready to snip you in half well inside the tools room in the base when you walk in everything's normal until you look up and the cinematics or imagery is clearly positioned with the xenomorph from alien in mind check this out those big metal teeth looking down at you ready to kill you just as we see so many times throughout the alien movies and just for more clarity here's a comparison between the two menacing mandi now during the Wyatt timeline specifically there's a character called Jay who can be found locking around the headquarters now Jay is 100% meant to be Jimi Hendrix the Wolfenstein version of Jimi Hendrix he plays the guitar and he plays it left-handed he was born in Seattle just like Hendrix his father was drafted during World War two just like Hendrix the ambient music that you can hear Jay playing while he walk around the resistance headquarters sounds suin to the song the wind cries Mary by the Jimi Hendrix Experience [Music] and last but definitely not least Jays final act of defiance against the Nazis is to play a special rendition of the star-spangled banner' the sound of which strongly resembles that of Jimi Hendrix's famous performance on August the 18th 1969 at Woodstock [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and just as a little laugh and nod to the 60s in Jai's room you can find his guitar on the workbench if you interact with it he'll come to the room and start talking to you well it gets a bit heated it ends up a bit 6 dimensional as you sit down to jam with Jay Jay will take an eyedropper and put into BJ's mouth the fastest acting psychedelic substance known to mankind and in that moment BJ will go on a lovely ride and well yeah you can actually trip out in Wolfenstein the new order then I'll wake up and straight back to it [Music] no one has taken in that moment [Music] now just as Jay is unique to the Wyatt timeline there is a character called Tecla it was unique to the Fergus timeline and just as Jay is a tribute to the pop culture icon Jimi Hendrix Tecla is a personification of a famous person Nikola Tesla and of course she is a homage to him as she is an over achieved genius whose every waking moment consists of making calculations and while she scrolls complex quantum physics equations all around the room there is one very important thing that she has written down it can be found right here on this piece of wood leaning against the wall idk FA this is actually a reference to do one and do two as it is the famous cheat code did ever on you from the original tubes where it gives you full helpful ammunition and armor as well as all the keys and weapons in the game so as mentioned it's definitely the most important thing to write down now if we go into Max's room well we can find a bunch of toys and knickknacks lying around LEGO pieces to step on and all on his bed we can actually find power stars from Super Mario in the form of of course lovely plush cushions so that's a cool little Nintendo reference there hopefully not enough for them to need to take all of the revenue from this video and if we actually look up we can find another one hanging off the mobile now we go down to the hangar of the resistance base I'm sure you've all seen this but it's really cool and definitely has to be pointed out young these two huge hangar doors circular doors one could call them vault doors yes indeed ladies and gentlemen this is a reference to full out 3 specifically vault 101 in which you the player character is born and grows up or barge as basically where the game fallout 3 starts and as we can see here in Wolfenstein in the resistance base these huge hangar doors are similarly shaped as the vault doors not only that but this hangar door has the numbers 101 on it so this is quite literally the vault or 101 are lovely not there now while down here in the hangar there is a point in the missions when we have to cut off some mouldy concrete to do so we need to find a circular saw finding it's a bit of a mission you fall down as the sewers no problem but once you get back up to the concrete and start soaring it's while the noise causes a bit of a ruckus for poor odd max there there is something very missable yet very cool slapped on the side of the circular saw I'll have to pause the video and do some flipping and things like this but as we can see there is a logo on the side of the saw you think no problems the Wolfenstein logo all good well if you look closely the eagle actually has two heads now this is actually the logo used in 2001's Return to Castle Wolfenstein where as we can see here the current logo Wolfenstein the new order z' logo just has one head of the eagle so for some reason one of the developers decided to do a little nod to their older Wolfenstein games by using the old 2001 Return to Castle Wolfenstein logo on the circular saw in Caroline's room we can actually fight a big poster of a kind of I don't know a German pin-up girl who is straddling this bomb and writing it down first of all this image here is clearly based on a scene from the movie dr. Strangelove in which major Kong straddles a falling bomb while waving around his cowboy hats probably one of the most iconic scenes in all of cinema history and as we can see him this lovely lady is straddling a bomb and she's got a cowboy hat on I'm not only that but if we look very closely at the logo on her cowboy hat we will discover that it's actually the logo of machinegames the studio that has created Wolfenstein the new order so they are quite literally tipping the hat to themselves as this lady here is tipping her hat with their logo on it so how about that a now a final easter egg / - easter eggs that can be found within the resistance headquarters i'm sure you've all seen a million times on the top floor over in the corner lit up by a latin there's a dirty old mattress now on the wall behind the lamp is actually a poster which was one of the loading screens on menu screens from the original Wolfenstein 3d and if you looked out of the mattress you can actually activate it to begin the nightmare what the nightmare will do is actually teleport you to a slightly altered version of the first level of the original Wolfenstein 3d you get to take your weapons and things like that through but for the most part it's the original one now again I'm sure you've seen this a million times so here's a little something else that you probably haven't seen before in this nightmare level there is a triple secret that reveals an easter egg as there is a secret wall you push the wall it reveals a new room within that room there's another secret wall you push that it reveals a room that contains the secret hidden exit but before you exit there is actually another third secret wall that if you push will reveal the final secret room in which health packs have been laid out in a fashion that spells out the letters M G M G of course representing the game's studio machine games the guys that made Wolfenstein the new order so pack that in your lunch and take it to school now finally once we get out of the resistance headquarters base we'll be making our way to the London Nautica now in this car I'm sure you've seen this a million times as well on the keyring we can actually find the rocket launcher from quake 3 I pause the video so we can get a really clear comparison here as you can see the keychain there the rocket launch is there and here is an image of the rocket launcher from quake 3 now in case you didn't know it's software founded Wolfenstein and they also found it quake that's probably why the quake reference is in here now something you probably didn't know is if you spend too long looking at this damned here keychain you're gonna miss what's out the other side of the car as you're driving towards the London Nautica keep an eye out for this sign here machine and Spieler which translates from German to English and says machine game machinegames once again the gaming studio that created orphan Stein the new order and apparently their headquarters is just to the right according to of course this highway sign now there is a character called set Roth who is a Jewish scientist who joins the Allied rebellion he's also a retired watchmaker this is likely an illusion at to Albert Einstein as Albert Einstein was a scientist who left Europe to join the Allies not only that but Albert Einstein was also a watchmaker as once the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima Albert Einstein made the quip I should have remained a watchmaker meaning that yes Albert was once a watchmaker and set off the Jewish scientists who joined the Allied rebellion in Wolfenstein is also a retired watchmaker and the antagonist death's-head he definitely has some similarities with the Marvel Comics and Captain America villain Red Skull both of them are high-ranking Nazi officers they both have a skull themed names slash aliases they both develop advanced weapons and to admittedly vastly different degrees have a skull like appearance also deaths head's creation the Super Soldier when they're face masks are knocked off it reveals what's underneath disfigured faces that look very similar to red skulls face oh and just a little tip bit of information but by the time the end of all who signed the new order rolls around deaths head is the oldest living character in this series at 100 years of age so happy birthday to him now during the concentration camp mission we will encounter this giant walking robot thing called a hair Faust I believe that sounds pronounced which basically just means mist of fists which is what they call me on Friday nights but anyway mister fist here is heavily inspired by the ironically heavy Walker of the Red Faction series as we can see here a side-by-side and on this same mission when you get to sneak into Frau angles office at the camp over next to the window she actually has a liquor cabinet with a collection of her favorite alcoholic beverages Gamze goes out of their way not to name-drop companies into Wolfenstein because companies get funny about their brands being associated with you know Nazis and while they didn't name drop there is one bottle here that is quite clearly Jack Daniels fryer angles here got a taste for the good old American Tennessee Jack Daniels whiskey and in case you're unfamiliar with Jack Daniels here's a Jack Daniel's bottle and of course I mean similarities are uncanny of course again machinegames dare not put the actual name on the bottle but it's pretty obvious that this is a good old bottle of Jack now these next to Easter eggs will leave us wondering why as on mission 12 that you brought to bridge if you make a rather daring jump across to this secret area we can find a staircase that runs up the pillar of the bridge and in this stairwell on the wall we can find this text why you're beyond that's a good question why Torbjorn well it doesn't really answer why but if we look in the credits of Wolfenstein the new order we can find one Torbjorn Alan who is the senior environment artist at machinegames so the only person that we can ask as to why this is here is Toby on and that question would be ironically why Toby on although there is a second person we can ask as later into the level in an office there is written on a wall why Emel and would you believe it in the Wolfenstein new order credits again if we look we can find one among claisen who is the technical animator why these exist no one knows except for Toby on animal now also on this bridge mission basically you blow up half the bridge it's a huge attack to the Nazis every soldiers on deck to stop you except for this guy he's really hard to see but if you stand on the very edge of the bridge and look down we can actually find a Nazi officer sitting on the edge of the bridge you can even see his little legs kicking there he's not standing or contemplating jumping he's just sitting chilling enjoying the view he's got his back to all the action and he's on a little vacation there's no way to get to him or interact with him although you can shoot him and kill him but very strange indeed what is up to I don't know if you stuck around this long you've earned this for a ward we're going to the moon yes that's right in Chapter 13 when we go to the Nazi moon base we can find two very interesting things first of all in one of the soldiers of rooms there is a computer and on that computer we can clearly see on the screen that this guy has been playing Wolfenstein 3d as we can see one of Wolfenstein 3ds loading screens present on the computer screen of this Nazi officer on the lunar base and what's even more interesting is the computer that it's being played on now I have to give a quick thank you to my followers on Twitter who helped me figure out what was actually going on here so be sure to follow me on Twitter so you can help me with my next Easter Egg video but here we go on the lunar base I noticed that most of the computer screens are unreadable except for this one now with the help of a German follower on Twitter he was able to translate the whole screen for me unfortunately it didn't reveal anything interesting it's just about security and stuff like that but something I did notice was in the bottom right hand corner there's a circle and the German word flama which translates to plumb now we all sat there together on Twitter and said why the hell does the same plumb and then Bing it clicked one of my followers figured it out this is a homage to Apple the computer brand Macintosh Apple this is the Wolfenstein variant plumb not only that but all over the computer systems in the lunar base we can see this same word plumb not only that but the logo for the computer brand plumb is a kind of rainbow plum just as we see for the vintage Apple logo which is a rainbow Apple so quite hilariously we've got the Wolfenstein version of Apple which is plum penultimately on the final mission in deaths heads base in one of his scientific rooms we can find one of Leonardo da Vinci's works live a true vien man redesigned restructured as one of deaths heads super soldiers as we can see it's been adapted to the optimal proportions of the Nazi super soldier and finally during the final battle with deaths head when he hops into his big machine and he becomes mecha death said he will yell out this which is a direct reference to once again the original Wolfenstein 3d as the final battle in that game is against none other than mecha Hitler first of all you're fighting the game's main antagonist in their mecha form in their robot suits and secondly during this fight in 1992 s Wolfenstein 3d mecha Hitler while fighting you will say the exact same line which translates to die allied pig dog so a lovely way to finish off the game and a lovely little nod to finish off the video so I do hope that you enjoyed this video of all of the Easter eggs in 2014 - Wolfenstein the new order if you did enjoy this video please feel free to share with all of your friends and be sure to leave a like on it makes the video look good be sure to leave a comment with your favorite Easter eggs and be sure to let me know if I missed any Easter eggs balance in Wolfenstein the new order of course if you did enjoy this video and you want to see more videos similar to this one please subscribe it helps me know that people enjoy this kind of content and in the long run will result in more of this type of content be sure to click the little bell icon next to the subscribe button right here on youtube so that you are notified when I upload a new track video now most importantly you can find all of the other Easter Egg videos that have already done in the links down in the description be sure to check them out they're a lot of fun and I put a lot of work into them so you can enjoy all the hidden easter eggs in your favorite games be sure to follow me on Twitter and if you'd like to support the channel in a more personal way you can of course become a heroic patron on patreon links to everything can be found down in the description and as I'm sure you know all of my time and energy goes into making these videos that I create for you to enjoy so your support is most appreciated and welcomed in any and all forms feel free to check out the playlist on-screen thank you very much for watching thank you for supporting the channel and I will see you very shortly in the next video I'll see you there soon [Music] [Music]
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 583,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wolfenstein, return, to, castle, new, order, the, old, blood, Colossus, id, machine, games, bethesda, softworks, game, studio, zenimax, online, quake, doom, two, three, one, 3d, camel, works, camelworks, easter, eggs, secrets, hidden, areas, references, cultural, facts, trivia, mario, power, star, beatles, yellow, submarine, apple, fallout 3, vault, 101, golden, jimi, hendrix, jack, daniels, rocket, moon, walk, armstrong, red, faction, hans, gruber, die, hard, super, 64, nintendo, alien, xenomorph, da, vinci, mackenzie, rowles, bj, blazkowicz, germany, usa, chainsaw
Id: LNLz0j53DTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2017
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