Easter Eggs - Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

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[Music] welcome ladies and gentlemen to 2015's Wolfenstein the old blood my name is camel and in this video we're going to be taking a look at all of the Easter eggs that I could find hidden away within the game be sure to let me know if I've left any out hopefully it's nun timestamps for each Easter egg can be found in the description along with links to my other Easter egg videos and my social media links and just to be clear an easter egg is an unexpected or undocumented feature and a piece of computer software or on a DVD included as a joke or bonus so while Easter eggs often are references to something by definition they do not have to be and finally just to save my own hide given the amount of foreign names and words throughout this video I do apologize if any of them have been mispronounced I mean I could hardly speak English let alone German now the very first Easter Egg isn't even in the actual game it's actually the main menu art with a shirtless BJ kicking a German soldier over it might look familiar well this is direct homage to the box art of the original 1992 Wolfenstein 3d Jia Jia Edition box art as we can see the similarities are uncanny just simply mirrored and modernized in a similar fashion there was the second one you might have missed it so let's go back there is a frame just before the game starts in which the text gets psyched flashes on the screen this is a homage to the loading screens from Wolfenstein 3d in which this gets psyched text would prep you up for the intense battles ahead straight after this get psyched throw back BJ will wake up in a car being driven by Richard Wesley also known as agent 1 we'll talk more on him later on but for now what we'll want to do is look down at the very familiar dangling red rocket launcher this is a keyring version of the rocket launcher from quake 3 another gaming IP brought to fruition and popularized by hit software the same as Wolfenstein at the end of this car ride once through the first security gate will be prompted to grab our fake a German passport / citizen card ID if we pause it and look really closely we'll see that the fake name that they went with is helmet friends while a perfectly normal German name helmet is also slang for a man's genitalia specific the tip and while there was a German conductor called helmet friends I think it's more likely that machinegames went for the old dick gag over reverencing an almost unknown conductor they'll also notice that this fictional helmet France is from the city of Frankfurt this plays into our next Easter Egg which takes place as we attempt to make our way through a passport check Rudi Jaeger the Aryan beast will come out and this conversation transpires oh yeah I'm hotdog the velum envy under Martin lyta crater by pose this hot dog phrase the blaskowitz expressed out of anxiety during the document check by Rudy Jaeger at the guard post is an old joke in regards to poor voice-acting of the enemies in 1992 s Wolfenstein 3d with many people hearing guard saying hot dog instead of a roll I personally cannot hear any similarities but it would appear that machine games had a good old and very public laugh at the ancient 1990s hot dog meme now just as we exit the security check if we turn to our right we can see a key on the bench grab that once downstairs come out of the elevator and head to the gate on the right we can open it with the newly acquired key head down the stairs and we will find a bedroll with a poster which bears the artwork of the original 1992 Wolfenstein 3d box art not only that but if you activate the bedroll this will transport you to a special revamp to version of the original 1992 Wolfenstein 3d these are known as nightmare levels within Wolfenstein the old blood in this first nightmare level there is a secret hidden level within it near the end of the level through the second secret wall where there wouldn't only be a secret exit it is actually a secret elevator that will transport you to a secret level once in here and after wandering around the purple rooms for hours on end eventually will find a key as soon as you pick up the key if you turn and press this wall a secret will be revealed at the end of the secret hallway there are the letters mg laid out in health packs MJ in this circumstance represents machine games the very gaming developers that made Wolfenstein the old blood and the new order and the new Colossus a very well hidden easter egg four layers of Secrets deep in fact and also once you finally get out of this first secret level I noticed that the bottles laying next to the bed actually bear the face of the original 1992 Wolfenstein 3d BJ blaskowitz face will have to zoom in a little bit to see it properly but we can see the resemblance forget resemblance isn't obvious not next once we make our way to the castle via the cable car as soon as we hop off we can run over to the ticket booth and stick our nose he heads through the window and listen in on the intriguing phone call okay is not that intriguing but it is kind of funny the man on the phone is Carl and he is talking to Helga von shrubs one of the main antagonists of the game at first it seems like a standard business call but will soon realize that there is a fair bit of flirting going on here Carl and Helga sitting in a tree hei li ng and now while this isn't entirely amazing we'll come back to hell growing tall in a minute as for now though we might want to get something from the vending machines I'm feeling a bit thirsty what's on the menu boys Oh would you look at that Nuka Cola that sounds refreshing and as energizing as a healthy dose of radiation now a nuka-cola is of course the famous fictional brand of Cola found throughout the Fallout game series the Fallout series and the Wolfenstein series are both also published by Bethesda Softworks also the supersoft logo which can be seen right under the nuka-cola logo well if you familiar with fallout it might be ringing a few bells of course this little fellow also bears a striking resemblance to vault boy another if not a more iconic figure in regards to the Fallout franchise so a pretty cool double nod I mean personally I've never played fallout but I'm sure some of you have running down a similar vein and into Helga's office while we can find many ancient artifacts there is one here that stands out an iron and rather Nordic looking helmet look familiar this is of course the iconic pine helmet or dov'è helmet found in the elderscrolls v skyrim famously worn by the Dragonborn in all of Skyrim's promotions and advertisements once again the Wolfenstein series and the Elder Scrolls series are both published by Bethesda Softworks and although the iron helmet in Skyrim has a base armor of 15 when you pick up this one it will grant you 11 Armour which annoyed me greatly again me personally I have never played the Elder Scrolls games but I'm sure some of you have now as mentioned earlier there are a number of ancient artifacts scattered around Helga's office two of which are Egyptian trophies now they may be a reference to the cursed sands prologue campaign that only appears in the ps2 and Xbox console ports of Return to Castle Wolfenstein and while The Return to Castle Wolfenstein timeline and the current Wolfenstein timeline aren't the same throughout the curse sands campaign you chase a woman named Helga von Bulow around as she tries to find magical and ancient Egyptian artifacts so to Helghast doing the exact same thing in two different timelines that's why I think these Egyptian artifacts are likely a cheeky nod to that cursed sands campaign now building off of these Egyptian artifacts there are other artifacts from different cultures some of which are just interesting like the Easter Island head but others may have more clever ties to the Nazis for example this in Grecian or Roman style pillar if you look closely it actually has barnacles on it meaning it's been under the sea and when you think of underwater ancient structures with a Mediterranean style to the architecture we generally think of Atlantis now in real life Nazi mystics believe that the Aryan race originally came from Atlantis and there were actually exploration parties actively seeking the lost city so for this appropriately styled column to be here with barnacles on it could this mean that the Nazis in the Wolfenstein universe actually found Atlantis an interesting thought and if you like that we'll check this out upstairs in Helga's office we can find the paratus skulls from Peru these exist in real life and are quite notable for their elongation of the skull the cause of this elongation is debated but they are often used as evidence for aliens on earth or alien human interbreeding I mean think about it if you had to design the skull of an alien it'll probably look like this that's why I think rather like the Atlantean column these skulls give us a little nod to let us know that the Nazis in Wolfenstein is searching for and have possibly found alien and I must say Wolfenstein the new Colossus may have traces of extraterrestrials so keep an eye out for that but more importantly keep your tinfoil hat on so this lady we keep speaking of Helga well this is her lovely mug Helga von shrubs appears to be a nod to both Helga von Bulow and dr. sharps characters from the older Wolfenstein timelines looking at her face it seems that her physical form was inspired by a true real-life SS concentration camp guard namely her grease the hyena of Auschwitz the beautiful beast the [ __ ] of belsen she was sentenced to death for crimes against humanity executed at the age of 22 Irma was the youngest woman to die and judicially under British law in the 20th century quite a woman for Helga to be based upon DOMA was also allegedly promiscuously active with other SS soldiers she was also known to force herself upon prisoners and she was even a Bed Buddy a vault yosef Mangler now why is this important well if we remember Helga was flirting on the phone to Karl earlier which could be a nod to her nympho manic tendencies building of Helga's flirting with Karl if we come over to this bookcase in Helga's office there's a blue book that we can inspect and well you'll see hello Carl nothing this is literally the 1946 equivalent of send me nudes I mean forget Netflix and chill let's have a Nazi and show Helga you minx you now moving well on into the game next up we have a classic that can be found on the second mission the grammar nazi nazi [Music] week most orders it to links iron to leave Tibet his name and his grandfather Laura he kissed her on a dish profits economist trace this power max to stranded off a the man schematic home well Acadia I don't dare I night one drop wouldn't assurance graphic lover mr. Barba right now dammit anything you say stay in this exactly clapping it's pretty self-explanatory and for anyone who has avoided modern culture a grammar nazi is someone who uses and enforces proper grammar at all times hence the double entendre in this situation on mission 3 as we approach Ruby Yeager's room we'll hear this certificate maybe diversely isn't she like to sit up seat once we move this guy out of the way we will indeed see that there is a book and it is indeed upside down we can actually interact with it and flip it the right way up and I made sure it opens a secret passage but if we look at the book we'll see that it is actually a copy of Shakespeare's Hamlet this is amazing and all but if we turn around on the table behind us there is a skull which we can interact with alas poor Yorick oops bj will hold up the skull and recite lines from Shakespeare's Hamlet and then clumsily drop the skull onto the floor now this might actually be a nod to the fact that Urich the man whom the skull belongs to was a court jester so when an appropriately jester Lee fashioned BJ drops the skull onto the ground like a full wood also in Yeager's room there is a dog bed for Greta his favorite hound you've probably already spotted the kakko diamond dog toy in the bed this lovely red spiky ball a kakko demon is of course a classic enemy from the doom series which was founded by in software the same company that popularized the Wolfenstein series and to be honest I never thought I'd say this but this kakko demon is admittedly cute now making our way through Yeager's room down the hallway and through the broken fireplace we'll find a small hallway with four statues while these statues are common throughout the game these four if we look closely actually have name plates these names reference various people who can be found within the credits of Wolfenstein the old blood our old s is Harold Simon from ZeniMax Europe Heiko k is heiko Casper's it was a German sanitization tester Detlef R is Detlef rich der it was a German sanitized tester and Chris H is crisp Heights from the thanks list a lovely and punctual way to be immortalized within the game there is a silhouette less punctual fashion but we'll go through that in the final easter egg now in Rudy Yeager's torture chamber we can find some schematics on the wall that depict a Vitruvian Man which is a famous work done by Leonardo da Vinci also in here we'll talk about the character who was driving the car at the start of the video Richard Wesley he is a nod to Webley / Wesley an agent from the old Wolfenstein game timelines who died a captive in Castle Wolfenstein does this Wesley suffer the same fate well play the game and find out in here there is also a chalkboard and if you look ever so closely you will notice the word Sweden written out and spelled in the Swedish way with the s CH W because his little connection between the Wolfenstein Nazis and Sweden other than the gaming studio that made Wolfenstein the old blood being a Swedish studio we can only assume that machine games is giving a nod to their home country because otherwise Sweden has no relevance being on this chalkboard now next up in the cable car connection tower down on the bottom floor will spot a rather familiar looking poster now I must give thanks to my Twitter followers for figuring this one heart be sure to join them so you can help with the next Easter Egg video anyway here we can see a poster with a turtle and some text that translates to something like chunk of the turtle says Duck and Cover a message from the Department of Biochemistry this is a direct homage to the 1951 civil defense social guidance film called Duck and Cover which is often popularly mischaracterized as propaganda this film featured a character named Bert the turtle obviously this chunk of a turtle is Wolfenstein version of birds and he's doing the same thing spreading public safety information that has a strange flavor of propaganda next up back in the passport hot dog room we can find this movie poster and while I did give this one to Twitter to figure out ultimately it was my very own mother that cracked it so shout out to her I will also use this picture of the very same poster from the concept art because it boasts much higher resolution of brightness anywho this poster sets the gifts of our homelands along with a bunch of fictional names and so on now it is also worth noting that Wolfenstein the old blood is set in 1946 yet at the bottom of the poster the date 1960 is clearly labeled implying that this film the gifts of our homeland is actually set in 1960 this is a reference to the 1994 movie titled fatherland it too was set in the 1960s and hosts a plot in which the Nazis won world war ii during the film valuables stolen from the killed or imprisoned jews are referred to as gifts so this fictional title is likely a reference to that aspect of the film ironically the fictional plot of fatherland is the actual plot of Wolfenstein the new order the nod is one so this movie is actually a foreshadowing ah next up we have a bunch of characters firstly when we enter the village will be met by one charming young lass named Annette Krause now she is a reference to an Frank a Jewish girl who famously hid herself away from the Nazis and kept a now world famous diary of the events that transpired a net here is modeled off of Anne Frank in both physical form and mail if you go upstairs you can even find that Annette has been keeping a diary ain't that cute but doesn't had survived the Nazi occupation play the game and find out next we have a man named Ludwig Kessler he is a nod to Kessler from Return to Castle Wolfenstein both Kessler's play the same role and are met with and interacted with in a similar fashion finally for the characters we have Rudy Yeager the man who laughter the hot dog Joe girl your honor the video his physique and more nostalgic Lee his mecha-suit are a direct throwback to Hans grouse from Wolfenstein 3d both are towering blond-haired Nazi soldiers and they are both ultimately fought while they wear mechanical suits boasting dual chain guns now much further into the game during the sixth mission when all hell breaks loose and we make our way back to the Boatshed if we take a second and look at the workbench you will notice a super high resolution cigarette pack lighter and cigarette case all holder the lightest as fewer mm meaning fire mm and the cigarette pouch translates to evil [ __ ] while neither Twitter nor myself could figure out what this reference is for I do believe that it's just a meme calling the Nazis evil [ __ ] quite simply the item belonging to the Nazis is labeled evil [ __ ] instead of something more endearing likely just machinegames having a giggle along with the evil emoji face cuz you know emojis weren't really a thing during 1946 now a few seconds after we grab at the shotgun from the boat this will happen hello [Music] this is actually a reference to the 1987 film Evil Dead - one of the best films ever by the way in which all undead hell breaks loose and the movies protagonist ash while standing in a room boasting incredible similarities to the shed BJ standing him will saw the end of his shotgun off Ash also uses the shotgun to stave off the forces of evil just as BJ does through the next three levels of Wolfenstein the old blood pen ultimately on the seventh mission before heading into the church if we turn to the left and head up the stairs into the house over in the back right-hand corner there is a familiar painting which we actually saw in the Wolfenstein the new order Easter Egg video this is a famous piece named the young hair in German it is a 15 over 2 water color and body color painting done by the German artist Albrecht Durer why is it here who knows maybe the Nazis just have good taste after all rabbit does taste good now this final Easter Egg is brutally long-winded but definitely worth going through but don't worry I actually have a bonus Easter Egg for afterwards just as a little treat between you and me so on the final level in the awesomely designed graveyard by the way we'll find the names of just about every bloody person that can be found in the credits list of Wolfenstein the old blood keep in mind if you are one of these people this would be the greatest thing ever for us well let's see how fast we can do this Fredrick said is Frederick's are a gameplay programmer Tommy TB and Kat Rhea be our Tommy towards you on björk senior narrative designer and while she isn't on the credits list I assume Katri of B is his wife Oscar G is Oscar goth Berg who was an intern Matias W is Matias when lund was a sound designer Magnus L is Magnus Larsen it was a senior artist all er is Ollie Rosenquist senior gameplay programmer Karl s is Cal's duck senior environment artist Christian G is Christian grew at a senior technical level designer Johnny H is jonathan heckley creative lead Diedrich b is Diedrich breakfast acting Quality Assurance lead Frieda a is Axelson who was an animator Lars J is Lars Johansson head of production Sandra s is Sandra's Paul senior animator MLG is Hamill Gustafson senior technical level designer Frederick L is Frederick young dull see new gameplay designer Nicolas our is Nicolas renal audio director now Dan and Oh Anna could either be Daniel Erickson or Daniel Johnson whichever one has a wife named Oh Anna I would imagine given it doesn't mention their last name it's impossible to pin down which Dan it is cos is Theo Severus senior gameplay designer Marcus H is Marcus hammarstedt senior animator / G is / gallop senior concept artist Yandy is Ian Dory effects artist it almost sounds like a slang term Y and Dory now Errol T I do believe his axel tour vinius spelt incorrectly he is an art director Jim n is Jim Nara an intern nicholas C is nicholas court senior 3d artist Eric H is Eric horn strim gameplay designer back man is Anderson back man senior AI programmer jf Gustafson is jerk Gustafson managing director and executive producer he's essentially the Todd Howard of machinegames tour F is tour freak art director P W is Pierre will bow Quality Assurance tester Carl Joe Andy is Carl Joann dimming sound and vo designer Frederick s is Frederick stud Mancini environment artist Jacques s is Jacque sauce additional game designer Ivan n is Ivan and mr. Ralph it was an intern carrying an H is carryin Hagstrom environment artist Mattias D is Mattias devil ter 3d artist John J is John Jennings senior producer K Clint is Christopher kind gameplay designer arcade B is arcade burg senior game designer Peter L is Peter Lance UI artist Patrick W and Iser WR Patrick will boast senior gameplay programmer and I assume his wife Aiza will bow the office manager Jonas n is Jonas Nordstrom senior gameplay designer King Jesper L is Jesper lovest the environment artist and I do believe the one who is probably responsible for this entire car aviod easter-egg considering that they have labeled themselves King Jonas l is Jonas Allison environment artist Thomas L is Thomas Aled strim senior lighting artist Magnus a is Magnus or Vernon senior engine programmer Matthias P is Matias Peterson concept artist now this is actually an interesting one because only the name at the top is in the credits list Nicholas s Nicholas siren senior character artist and I assume he is shouting out his entire family including his newborn baby baby s now there are four tombstones that I could not figure out who or what they are for Spenny if you're out there Spence sorry buddy you weren't in the credits list binge lling again if you're out there you didn't make it to the credits list and then we have h you a and C I you no idea what those are for then finally in the tenth there is a family tree of King Otto each of the names on the family tree can be found in the credits list I'm not gonna go through them all they'll have to add a whole bunch of new names to the graveyard including mine and most of yours after our mass sacrifice after having to go through more credits so post ultimately if that's a word that I totally just made up we have the bonus Easter egg now this one isn't actually found within the game but it is found within the game files and I do believe also in the game files of Wolfenstein the new order it is a movie poster and it is 100% a homage to James Bond the poster reads as follows my name is Borah yoga and beer in the main role Stefan Kaufman with Ursula Adler his code is O double eight it is said he has a license to kill if he chooses where he chooses whoever he chooses secret agent o double eight Jurgen burea against doctor no from this we can figure out that it is more directly a reference to the 1962 James Bond film dr. no boasting very similar poster designs I mean the movies have the exact same name obviously instead of double-oh-seven it's over double eight you get the point overall an awesome easter egg that knee he slipped through the cracks Shane was never in the game [Music] and there we have it ladies and gents if you did enjoy this video please do me a kindness and legal-like because share it with your friends leave a comment with your favorite Easter eggs in this video and be sure to let me know if I left any outs and also stayed any games you would like me to make Easter egg videos for and of course if you enjoyed this video and you want to see more videos similar to this one please subscribe it helps me know that people enjoy these kind of videos and in the long run will result in more of them my other super smashing Easter egg video links can be found down in the description down there are also links to my social media be sure to follow me on Twitter so you can help me out when I get stuck making my next Easter Egg video and if you'd like to support the channel in a more personal way you can become a heroic patron on patreon again all the links down below as I'm sure you know all of my time and energy goes into making these videos I create for you to enjoy so your support is most appreciated and welcomed in any and all forms alike a subscribe a patron all of it is a great help feel free to check out the playlist on-screen thank you for watching thank you for supporting the channel and I will see you very shortly in the next video I'll see you there soon our Vida Singh [Music] [Music] and [Music]
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 253,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfenstein, The, Old, Blood, New, Order, Colossus, ID, Machine, Games, Bethesda, Softworks, Studio, Game, Zenimax, online, quake, doom, two, three, one, 3D, camel, works, Camelworks, Easter, Eggs, secrets, hidden, areas, collectibles, nightmare, cultural, references, all, facts, trivia, hot, dog, meme, level, retro, gaming, nuka, cola, fallout, vault, boy, elder, scrolls, five, skyrim, iron, helmet, dragonborn, irma, grese, grammar, hamlet, shakespeare, credits, cacodemon, toy, DOOM, Duck, Cover, Bert, Turtle, Evil, Dead, Ash
Id: EkAOxfqoO1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2017
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