Easter Eggs - Dishonored

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[Music] welcome ladies and gentlemen to 2012 dishonored my name's camel and in this video we're going to have a look at all of dishonored Easter eggs secrets and funny little curiosities that you may not have known existed within the game and of course as you may have imagined this video is going to be very spoiler heavy and thus you have been warned continue as your own plot related peril now that I have you all gathered for whiskey and cigars let's begin anton sokolov is the head of the academy of natural philosophy and the royal physician to the empress and of course should be after to the lord regent however in addition he is also a prolific inventor and is the primary source of dun wolves militarized technological advances now anton sokolov here may get his name from Nikolai Stepanovich Sokolov from Metal Gear Solid 3 not only do they share the same last name but dr. Nicolai from mgs3 was a rocket scientist so they have the same last name and very similar occupations and now that we're talking about anton sokolov it is definitely worth mentioning that on the very first mission returning home Sokolov can be found in the royal gardens painting a portrait of Thaddeus Campbell on the mission high overseer Campbell inside high overseer Campbell's secret chambers on the wall we can actually find this same painting but finished and as interesting as that is it does get more interesting at the start of the game before speaking to the Emperor's we actually want to spend a little bit of time with Sokolov and gamble again Sokolov painting away painting exactly what he sees but if we dare have the audacity to move the crystal cider and then stand in between Sokolov and Campbell therefore interrupting the painting process Sokolov will have a little tantrum and rage quit and as we can see now that we've taken the decanter of cider the painting no longer matches the scene in which it is meant to represent however circle of dots have an eye for detail provided we took the decanter of cider once we head to high overseer Campbell secret chambers we will find to finish painting and we will notice that the decanter cider has actually been painted out of the painting the cider has been rejected I suppose you could call it an out cider next up during the mission dishonored as we make our way through the dumb walls sewers at one point we will come across the safe and like most safes to be opened it needs a code well if we look up behind some whiskey bottles on a shelf there will be the safe combination and after rearranging the decor we can see that the code is four five one not only is this helpful because it's the combination to the safe but it is actually a reference to something four five one is a continued reference which started with the system shock game series from the now-defunct game company Looking Glass Studios for which dishonored schoo creative director Harvey Smith worked this reference is also observed in more games by ex-employees of Looking Glass Studios the number itself 451 is a reference to Ray Bradbury's book Fahrenheit 451 a story about extreme censorship in a dystopian future the title of the book Fahrenheit 451 is also the temperature at which book paper catches fire and burns in a reversed interpretation its use by game developers symbolises creativity this next Easter Egg can be found at the hounds pit pub oh and here she is now this character is the former hostess of the hounds pit pub although lacking the title she basically runs the place and keeps it going and her name is Lydia I think it's quite obvious by now who she is referencing Lydia here in Dishonored of course takes her name from Lydia in Skyrim who is the Nordhaus carl of Whiterun Silvo coming from two completely different universes which require two completely different sets of responsibilities both Lydia's placed somewhat of the same role as linear and Skyrim is your sword and your shield Lydia in Dishonored is your maid and your feather duster and while one of them is smoking hot the other is just smoking next up just across the alleyway from the hounds pit pump is Piero's Workshop once we make our way inside and head up the stairs we will find a bricked over doorway with a very interesting and slightly familiar sim there's also a note on the wall pianos door to nowhere the door to nowhere has proven to be a safety hazard but for me this project is an endless source of inspiration with the proper application of energies I believe I can transform the doorframe into a window of sorts one that will allow a traveler to cover the distance from my workshop to some distant arbitrary point in a single step currently four step leads to a sheer drop straight into the courtyard but in time it will bridge gaps that will boggle the mind such work as many years away to be sure but if I survive this plague I'm sure to succeed now although for us the play it doesn't function in game in this letter he said he actually did get it to work suppose you could say he turned this doorway into a portal this strange symbol can also be found on the other side of the brick wall as I'm sure you have worked out by now this symbol this doorway this portal is of course a reference to the portal games and as we can see on-screen Piero's don't know where's symbol and what the portals look like in the game a portal are of course very similar it is also worth mentioning that during the dunwall city trials dlc specifically on the trial mystery foe these same portals are found and also used by party guests to escape when you have been detected and portaling through to the next Easter Egg I hope you all brought your stimpacks in dishonor there are two main taxidermied animal heads that we can find in game the first of which being a gazelle which on the brass title plate is clearly labeled a gazelle and then we have this thing which annoyingly is labeled damn Damus i don't know why that is especially considering that in the law it is a blood ox it is an actual animal in the game so why it's labeled damn Damus I damned well cannot figure that out now these blood ox or damp dermis are obviously influenced from the fallout franchises deathclaws the shape of the head the creepy clouded eyes the nulled twisted horns the big thick fangs the similarities are quite apparent and quite a lovely little nod to another of Bethesda's games at the very beginning of the high overseer Campbell mission at this glum dock next to the sewer pipe we will find Arthur's note dearest de Guerre the city is going to burn I've sold everything so there's nothing for me here now except you I'll wait for you we're clever in beloved crumbles into the river where we used to meet we'll take the money I've made and bribe our way onto a passing whaleship I won't leave without you and if you won't come I'd rather be rat food love Arthur so a touching piece of text from Arthur to his love Gwen this secret meeting place that he speaks of in the letter can actually be found nearby on the other side of this bridge support we'll have to use this chain by the water to get up here once up here we will actually discover quite a grim scene to love hearts with Darren plus Gwen can be found scribbled on the walls of this area Darren plus Gwen now we remember that letter was from alpha to Gwen given that Arthur said he was going to wait for Gwen in their secret lovers spot I can only assume that this is the body of Arthur once I forgot here to wait for Gwen he discovered that Gwen was in love with Darren ending his life and becoming rat food this could be a reference to the book the once and future king of course being our theory in law involving Arthur and also involving the forbidden love between Sir Lancelot and Guinevere which could be shortened to Gwen its although having a Gwen and alpha I don't really see where Darren fits in it should be Lance ever so interestingly though during the mission the house of pleasure if we come back to this very spots the unnamed body will have vanished but there will be one person here a person who is now a weeper infected by the plague and although like the body before her she is also nameless and simply titled weeper I would assume that this is Gwen coming to meet at least one of her lover's at this very special spot was she here for Darren or was she here for Arthur one of the lovers is dead and now she's a weeper poor Gwen can't cut a break except for neck fly free my oh never mind at least that went swimmingly on the same mission if we pay granny rags a visit she will have a little job for us she will also continuously mention her dear little birdies once we get rid of her wanted guests she will say this now run off my baby birdies are hungry so precious hmm if you try and follow her to her birdies get out she gets pretty aggro she'll then tell us to shut the door and not to peek so of course what we want to do is peek through the keyhole she'll begin calling her little birdies where did my birdies go and there they are her sweet little birdies our in fact plague rats so although they are hated throughout the entire kingdom granny rags as house is a safe Skaven for plague rats on John Clavin Boulevard we will find this building the offices of dr. Galvani as is made quite apparent by the brass plate according to the game lore Galvani is on a short holiday out of the city but although we don't get to see him in game it is made quite apparent that he is a scientist of some sort again according to game law he is specifically a vivisectionist which in laymen terms just means that he is a type of biologist this is further backed up by all of the scientific and biological displays and equipment found around Galvani's officers now Galvani in Dishonored bears the same name as the real-life famous Italian doctor Luigi Galvani he was an Italian physician physicists biologists and philosopher who discovered animal electricity he's recognized as the pioneer of bio electromagnetics so it is quite obvious that Galvani in game has taken his name from the real-life galvanic inside the office of the high overseer we will find urns on display these urns contain the remains of previous high overseas and high Oracle's the level designer rich Wilson who created this beautiful scene right here he named most of the high overseas after other level designers from fire shock to as rich himself had worked on Bioshock 2 as a level designer also if you take the time to read them most of the high overseas had very ironic deaths and although not being too ironic high overseer benjamin holger does have a notable death when we read the brass plate high overseer benjamin Hulka his words will dry of us ever onward founder of the order roots reform and tradition knife driven through his high during the siege of white cliff and knife driven through his eye and although that sounds painful it's not particularly special until we head to high overseer Campbell secret chambers next to the entrance there is a bust of high overseer Benjamin Holger and to open the secret chambers door we need to push the button that is the busts I so the fact that it's a bust of Benjamin Holger and the button is his eye is most certainly a reference to the way in which Benjamin Holger died a knife to the eye as if being stabbed in the eye wasn't enough now he can be poked in the eye forevermore once again during the mission high overseer Campbell if we choose the non-lethal route high overseer Campbell will be marked by the heretics brand which makes him quite easy to recognize now that he has this scarred up face although dealt with this is not the last time we will see high overseer Campbell five missions later during the flooded district if you so choose to go and retrieve your equipment high over suit Campbell can actually be found wandering around surely after finding him he will of course find us now although at this point he does not have the name high overseer Campbell anymore he is simply called a weeper but there is no mistaking that face that heretics brand living out his last days as a branded heretic Reaper perhaps simply killing him would have been kinder now once we exit the high overseers offices we'll make our way onto the rooftops but if we take a second to stop and look up towards the moon those are the keen eye Oh we'll spot something very suspicious a humanoid silhouette looking down upon us that will quickly blink away if we sharpen our gaze now we can't actually get behind it and take a closer look without zooming lens this reveals that it is in fact a dummy no not a dope but a practice dummy there is however a point at which we will hit its line of sight and it will blink away quite mysterious indeed for whatever it is and whatever this dummy is meant to represent has either been marked by the outsider or has had the outsiders gifts given to them by someone who is marked and although I suppose it's kind of open to speculation apparently it has been confirmed that this figure is in fact a whaler one of doubts men who had been sent to keep an eye on Corvo now in Dishonored there is a place called the golden cat it is a brothel but before heading there at the hounds pit pub we can find Piero the inventor talking to Calista he says some interesting and suspicious things I know the golden cat not as a patron mind I designed some specialized devices for them kept the blueprints if anyone is curious don't I brought you tea as a courtesy to a colleague I won't make that mistake in the future I'm sorry I only thought never mind what I thought thank you for the tea I have to get back to the Admiral he has news for me so he made some special devices for a brothel I mean I was getting some sus vidas and now I know why Tamil Calista nearly got the schematics to a Vista and speaking of pleasure on the mission the house of pleasure if we head to the distillery district and into the dunwall whiskey distillery we will find this gentleman slackjaw now slackjaw bears a strong resemblance to bill the butcher cutting as portrayed by daniel day-lewis in the 2002 film gangs of new york slack jaws accent and attire are both similar to that of build the butcher accompanying this slackjaw also carries a huge meat cleaver like weapon much like bill the butcher does all throughout the gangs of new york movie slackjaw also has a gold tooth and if you speak to granny rags she will tell you that slackjaw uses a meat cleaver as a weapon again both references to bill the butcher cutting furthermore in real life there was a purchasable packet of cards called the dishonored tarrant card deck the similarities between slackjaw and bill cutting are more prevalent as flexure is seen wearing an outfit that could be compared to the typical outfit of the natives cutting gang accompanying this slackjaw even where's the trademark top hats and carries a knife much like cutting does in the pivotal battle scene at the beginning of the film and will though in-game slack Joe's moustache she doesn't really resemble that of Phil the butcher's if we look at slack jaws wanted poster we will notice that he doesn't have the sideburns but he does have a curly mustache just like bill the butcher cutting now we get to head inside the brothel of the golden cats we will be greeted with lavish and lush interiors and discombobulated by decadent Leedy Borchers decor with mild undertones of sexual slavery something we will quickly notice is there are plenty of portraits plastered across the concave curve of the wall and many of these same portraits can be found scattered and littered throughout the golden cats but there is one portrait in particular that I do want to take specific note of now the lady in this painting is thought to be a representation of Lena Hades character in the 2012 movie Dredd known as mama straight away you will be able to notice obvious physical similarities the dark hair the hairstyle the dark eyebrows the dark eye shading the scar on their right eye the red lips the pale skin she even has the exact same black thinly strapped singlet underneath her black shirt as we can see the gap between the two pieces of clothing on their left shoulder and of course this kind of floral patterned tattoo furthermore as we find out from the film itself mama started her life out as a block [ __ ] in the sector 9 pleasure district so not only are the physical similarities uncanny Mama's occupation is quite appropriate for the building next we will be heading to the golden cats steam room down here we will actually be able to see someone getting a [ __ ] you can't say that I was lying but I bet you're slightly miffed down here is Morgan Pendleton he is locked in a private room with one of the courtesans provided we have the golden cat master key we can actually possess one of the guards outside the steam room then we can walk over to the locked door and head inside Morgan Pendleton will say this well hello another pretty face with a pardon it turns out the flawed Pendleton is into some things that go beyond the everyday hand job something tells me then he's not going to enjoy this extra sword and while we're on the topic of Pendleton's let's talk about the to Pendleton twins Morgan Pendleton and Custis Pendleton these two brothers take both of their first names from Custis Morgan the pet squirrel of general robert e lee he was an American general known for commanding the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia I've no idea that's their accent or not but there it is he did this in the American Civil War from 1862 until he surrendered in 1865 once we returned from the golden cat and head back to the hounds pit pub well Piero's back at it again I'll let you see for yourselves I know it looks I was inventing a new kind of lock the tumblers shaped like snowflakes the truth is there is no snowflake lock I was just you know looking well I suppose we'd better check it was telling the truth about spy and yes indeed he was spying on Calista bathing first a special contraption from the golden cats and now she can't even take a bath in peace poor Calista suppose we better check if she's okay can't you see I'm about to bathe Corvo under other circumstances I assure you I might welcome your advances but rats plague and tyranny have a way of killing the mood this damn play cock-blocking Calvo and of course you can try and jump in the bath and this will end the game immediately as the Loyalists conspiracy is dissolved due to irreconcilable hostilities so it's definitely time to pull the plug on this mission so now we're going to be moving on to a mission called lady Boyles last party first of all we're going to inspect the missions influences as this mission mostly takes place inside the Boyle estate first of all you are stunned and bedazzled by the incredibly ostentatious aesthetic of this entire level design and secondly your proper notice that everyone is wearing some kind of creepy ass mask firstly these likely draws influence from the mask of the Red Death a story written by Edgar Allan Poe in this story there are Nobles trying to avoid a deadly plague known as the Red Death and these Nobles hold a masquerade ball of course the masquerade ball can be seen with the guests wearing masks in this level and a deadly plague is a common theme throughout all of this on it and secondly I definitely get some muffled whiffs of Eyes Wide Shut a film directed by Stanley Kubrick in which a masked ball is held within an ultra lavish manner much like we see here in game these next three topics although completely reference lists a rather droll firstly at the entrance to the estate if we head into the guard house we will find two guards and on a table we will find an apple be sure to eat the Apple for a unique reaction my Apple what do you think you are that God sure is not happy that you just ate his Apple I suppose that you could say it was the apple of his eye when arriving to the boiler State one of the first things the you will notice are these huge lanterns hanging above the manor wouldn't they just be so fun to pop well good news pull out your crossbow and ruin everyone's fun for no reason whatsoever the lanterns are destructible inside the boiler state they have put on an extraordinary spread which includes jelly once again with no purpose whatsoever the jellies are destructible as with the lanterns be sure to pull out your weapon and ruin everyone's fun attending this ball that the boils are hosting there is a guest in a suit and with a rat mask here we concede that his name is Lord Brisby furthermore if we check the boil party guest ledger third from the bottom we will find it is Lord Timothy frisbee Timothy Brisby with a rat mask Lord Brisbane here and his mask are a reference to Timothy Brisby from the secret of NIMH series but better known as being the protagonist in the secret of NIMH to Timmy to the rescue and 1998 direct-to-video animated film and as cute and kitty as that is I do believe this is meant to reflect Lord Prince bees Ratish activities throughout this mission but on a completely different note we have the piano that can be found within the Boyle estate it can actually be played by the player character too no musical avail interestingly if God happens to walk past the piano they'll give it a crack - after discovering they have no musical talent or whatsoever they will swiftly head bark on duty as we saw a minute ago there is actually a Boyle party guest ledger with a list of all of the guests names and given the call goes undercover with the sole purpose of assassinating the host it's not something you'll want to sign but you can and upon doing so when we check the guest book we can see at the very bottom Corvo attano given corvo's a wanted man that's sure is likely to mess with someone's head which it did in the next mission return to the tower if we head to the Lord Regents bed chambers on his desk we will find a note the purpose of this note is informing the Lord Regent that lady Boyle has gone missing Lord Regents our search for the missing lady Boyle continues with limited results no one seems to know what happened to her though there was a rumor circulating that she left the party by boat it seems unlikely but in any case the witness in question saw nothing more so even that lead went cold also it's undoubtedly not worth your time and I hesitate you even mentioned it but apparently on the night of the Boyle party someone signed the guestbook as Corvo attano it must be a perverse joke surely however you asked to be notified of all such matters and in truth we never located the Royal protectors body so I thought it best to bring it to your attention sorry for trampling you with this matter so as we can pull from that letter yeah signing the guestbook really did cause some confusion as it states it must be a perverse remember at the start of the game that gazebo where the Empress was assassinated by doubt well in the mission returned to the tower for the first time we get to go back there unfortunately the grim grips of the Lord Regent have made this place much less tranquil and as strange as it is revisiting a place of such sorrow it does actually get substantially stranger the first time you come to this level and come back to this gazebo several hauntingly large pulses of wind will roll up and I'm hesitant to say that there are some whispering voices accompanying this wind no words can be made out but it is incredibly eerie check this out feel free to go back and listen to that as many times as you need to because I swear to god there is some creepy whispering child noise it's really really unsettling in Dishonored although there are many lines of dialogue between guards this particular one has become an iconic phrase among the dishonored fan base should be gather for whiskey and cigars tonight indeed I believe so should we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight you will find that fries scattered throughout anything to do with Dishonored now building off the whiskey and cigars once we head back inside dunwall tower up on the second floor in a corner we will find a fireplace on the wall next to this fireplace is a lamp we can actually activate the lamp which will open a secret door at the back of the fireplace leading into empress jessamine cauldrons secret room and in here we will find nothing other than a box of titan cigars and a bottle of whiskey so in this secret little room the empress enjoyed some whiskey and cigars there is also something else of interest on top of the bookshelf that there is a bone charm which isn't too interesting until we have a little read of a book called bone charms I'll just read the final paragraph once the whole trade begun the practitioners went to engraving the bones of those great beasts rendering charms that sing in the night and grant some small boon to a man's vigor all defence against pregnancy defense against pregnancy now given this is a book on bone charms and pretty much the only information it gives is that bone charms are used to grant vigor for men or defense against pregnancy jessamine cauldron wasn't a man the only other option is she had that bone charm in the room as defense against pregnancy so although not plot twisting it is definitely curious that the Empress was trying to prevent herself from falling pregnant again if of course these puzzle pieces are being put together correctly I tell you what if a bone charm won't do it why not gather for some whiskey and cigars I'm sure that's likely to ruin a pregnancy now while still inside wolf tower if we head to the Lord Regents bedchambers there is a safe up against the wall and the combination to the safe is 935 this safe combination 935 is thought to be a reference to the call of duty faction group 935 who were responsible for creating at the zombies inside dunwall tower we will also find the broadcasting station once up here we will find the propaganda officer this guy attention you are required to cooperate with overseers as you would members of the city watch and elite guard they speak with the Lord region's authority the guide that appropriately spews propaganda throughout the city of the speakers you may be sick of his voice and you can choose to kill him and if you do something interesting will happen when you return to the hounds pit pub after finishing the return to the tower mission before heading from the boat inside to the pub and talking to have locke if you spend some time in the surrounding area you will hear this attention dunwall citizens please prepare for temporary disruption in city government services remain alert for further details so the propaganda officer has been replaced by a female propaganda officer although I do love it as a detail I do find it a little bit strange that they would go to this effort when the only possible chance ever of hearing this is if you choose to kill the propaganda officer and then actively go out of your way to avoid finishing the mission walk behind the pub and then hear the propaganda officer unless you do that very specific and unlikely thing you will never hear the female propaganda officer and as strange as that is it does get even stranger when you find out that the voice actor for the female propaganda officer is none other than Carrie Fisher the beloved actress who most famously played Princess Leia in the Star Wars series in terms of voice actors on dishonored she probably has the biggest name out of any of them it seems so strange that they would use the biggest name they have for something ultra minimal during the flooded district mission we will encounter several of Doubt's assassins we will also encounter the assassin's blade a weapon we can pick up at the start of the mission and is also the favored weapon again of Dowd's assassins otherwise known as the Whalers now the sword they wield this assassin's blade may be based on the Indo Persian Khyber knife and the assassin's blade also shows a resemblance to the knife used by Philip K Decker in the 1990 film but a night breed showing extreme similarities with the pattern on the blade towards the handle it could be a reference or it could be a stab in the dark inside the Chamber of Commerce building which is now doubts hideouts we can find a wail of being trained all the dialogue during this scene is taken directly from the opening tutorial of the game of thief thief being one of the pioneering games of these stealth genre so of course it influenced dishonour to some what and now it is receiving a nice long nod also inside doubts base if we open up this door jump onto this chain and head down three levels we will find a letter to the director so that's it we're closing down after all these years after we just unveiled the new statue of Jessamine kaldwin a broken wall and some rising water and we're just going to abandon the building and split up our officers into the lesser districts are you insane as your brain turned to play grants have you been drinking the outsiders piss any of these explanations I would expect sooner than the relocation assignments we all found our desks this morning if this is truly how you plan to operate as our director then no I will not accept my relocation orders consider this my resignation signed Percival Cox former deputy chairman runt your chamber of commerce now you may have caught that name at the end there Percival Cox which is the name of a character from the TV show scrubs better known as dr. Perry Cox this letter is also written in classic dr. Perry Cox ran style now back of the hounds pit Parbat during the mission the Loyalists if we head into corvo's sleeping quarters there will be a drawing on the wall done by emily kaldwin if you have up to this point played through the game on high chaos the drawing emily does will beat this one which is of course the character you play Corvo with his iconic mask however if you play in low chaos up to this point she will do a drawing of Corvo without his mask on and now that we've passed the first trial of base game easter eggs let's move on to the dunwall city trials only easter egg this can be found on a trial known as burglar a safe on one of the upper floors is surrounded by busts of Hyrum burrows they're all sitting you just shown looking in the same direction it's strange I feel like I'm being watched in this room nothing oh Jesus as soon as you turn away from the busts and look back they will all be facing you as horrific and creepy as this is it is of course a reference to the quite famous or weeping angels from Doctor Who famously being statues that come towards you when you're not looking at the fullest next Easter Egg we'll need to head to the rough wild slaughterhouse during the mission a captain of industry in of course the knife of dunwall dlc here we can find an interrogation room with of course an interrogation chair next to it however there is a table with a note on it this note is called worker signatures the contents of the letter are pretty boring but what is of interest is the third name down J manda Lee this is likely to be a reference to Joseph mandaleet from the deus ex games ricardo bear and Harvey Smith from the dishonor team both worked on Deus Ex as well as we learned earlier there are many lines of dialogue between guards that can be overheard think you'll get your own squad after what happened night yes of course here is another classic think you'll get your own scored after what happened last night this has also become a commonplace phrase among the dishonored fanbase and he gets a recognition in the knife of dunwall DLC during the mission eminent domain just before we head through to the legal district we will be able to observe and overhear this I just want to say congratulations on getting your own squad congratulations on getting euros what a lovely little nod put in by the developers unfortunately not even his newly acquired squad could save him later on in the same mission inside the Tim's estate admits that lavishness down on the bottom floor there is a dusty old room in this room there is a desk with a pack of cards on it as we can see on the Box there it says game of Nancy tarot deck now this is really awesome because in real life they actually printed out some dishonored turret decks and this deck of cards in game greatly resembles the deck of cards in real life or perhaps vice versa and also in the brigmore witches dlc on the mission a stay of execution for lizzy there is a cell in that cell and there is a table and on that table is a very similar deck of cards once again bearing great resemblance to the cards that were printed and sold in real life as Daud at the end of the knife of dunwall dlc if you ever so rightfully choose to slay that backstabbing buffoon billy look well first of all justice will have been served and that Miss luck is the punishment for sacrilege but provided we killed Billy luck at the end of the knife of dunwall DLC at the very beginning of the brigmore witches dlc inside doubts base we will actually be able to find a shrine to Billy look although a betrayer she was an excellent assassin and we can actually blow out the candles on the shrine if we do so doubt will comment as such baolian for this one dilemma after all it was Delilah's promises of power that corrupted Billy look at the end of the day she was just a silly Billy during the mission a stay of execution for Lizzie when we return to the cold rich prison inside cell d21 we will find a toilet specifically a clogged toilet which can actually be activated upon doing so dad will comment it's better be worth it as funny as that is and as sorry as I do filled for doubt now that he has poo hands my deepest sympathies do lie with the poor bastard that had to expel this corrupted charm from his body that was desensitizing as pooja are nothing will prepare you for this inside cold rich prison there is an interrogation room inside which we will find a scene a scenario which is actually more horrific than it looks the floor has been upheaved pipes on the roof you've been broken there is an interrogation chair in the centre of the room where the charred corpse still strapped in with M blank particles and waves of black mist emitting from it incredibly creepy with not much explanation luckily there is an audio graph player that can hopefully shed some light on this strange site she's trapped in right good doesn't look like much does she [Music] comfortable all right we'll get this done let's start with how you got into dunwall tower in the first place was it one of the serpents of the you in one of the guards nothing all right corporal use the hammer that's right can't really tell if she felt that don't want to break anything let's try again how did you wait you hear I'm kind of ringing in your ears by the sounds of that were on the event horizon on the waltz we can find human shaped blood splatters whether she unbridled fury of the roots crushed their meager bodies against their now concrete grave given that this black essence emitting from the corpse isn't going up I don't think it's meant to be smoked it seems to be something much darker and as creepy as this all is it turns out this was one of the brigmore witches who attempted to go super saiyan during her interrogation so as haunting as a charred witch corpse is given the current state of this room it does actually get creepier there is a voice in the room it does not show up with subtitles turned on it's distorted and pitch shifted or in this case which shifted regardless have a listen and let me know what you think it's saying feel free to go back and listen to that as many times as you need to but I swear to god it sounds like it's saying I want to be a good boy a bird which Corpse saying that it wants to be a good boy much like the corpse I have something to say and that's see later mate now in the brigmore witches dlc there's a character named Lizzie stride which is short for Elizabeth stride this character in game Lizzie stride takes her name from Jack the Ripper's third victim Elizabeth stride now in game Lizzie stride has all of her teeth sharpened to a point at which they could rip this could be an allusion to the fact that Elizabeth strand in real life Jack the Ripper's victim was found with a row of her front teeth missing but now Lizzie stride in-game has her teeth and they can rip flesh just like Jack during the mission the dead eels in the brigmore witches dlc when we come out into the waterfront area we can overhear two dead eels saying this never get that creepy feeling of being watched and that a bunch lately funny you ask that I looked up on the roof of that building over there and there was a lady up there right I seen her - just staring then she was gone and a wink yeah you see the same thing should we tell the others about it [Music] the others might think we're seeing things first side of the claim here so that's kind of creepy but then if we head to a rooftop one of our Whalers will save this dad this is the second time now I see something or someone out of the corner of my eye but when I turn they're gone someone is watching us I'm like tequila on a Friday night this is making me uneasy we'll leave the entrance to the waterfront area we can actually find a creepy looking lady standing on a rooftop crouching hunched over observing spying on everyone around her name is na RIA and it turns out she is actually a scout for the brigmore witches and just like the mysterious blinking figure at the end of the high overseer Campbell mission earlier on in the video if we sharpen our gaze too much towards Neriah here she will blink away in Dara saith the blink of an eye during the final mission of the brigmore witches dlc inside the now mired megalithic mansion that is the brig Moore Manor admits the atriums and verdant fens and Glen's on the second floor we'll find a room with an overseer inside it as we approach him he will say this don't make me eat any more brother Marcus and then he keeps blabbering about random stuff but the main bit is that first sentence there please no don't make me eat anymore I cants for other markers I wonder if this note on the table has any answers oversee our interrogation I was unable to extract much from this one he was well trained feeding his former companion elicited mostly useless sounds and mess I'll try again tomorrow unless it becomes violently deranged in which case I'll have little choice but to put him down so this poor bastard here as part of his interrogation was force-fed his friend and to make it worse he was a vegan too it gets quite dirty when you realized there is blood-stained sheets everywhere and you can also find the mutilated remains of human body parts including a head not only is it disgusting but it's unhygenic to leave meat unrefrigerated the exterior of the brig more estate is quite naturally charming with eden-like overtones tucked away in a dark corner however there is a small graveyard and decrypt the Crypt has a door and can be entered if you so choose to be asked it's not up to you whatsoever we're going into the crypt in the corner you may notice there is a statue a statue of two Lila as we can see she is standing there as statues do with her hands over her eyes and then we try to pick up the bone charm the statue is now moved it's gone from see no evil to pure evil this of course is once again a reference to the famous weeping angel statues from the Doctor Who franchise they remain statues until you turn your back on them and only move towards you when you're not looking at them luckily this is a prototype version and moves no further than this and for the final Easter egg we will need to enter the void and face Delilah at the end of the Brig more witches DLC the non-lethal neutralization of Delilah is similar to the final mission of thief the dark project in its the protagonist switches out a critical object for a ritual surreptitiously which in turn backfires against the primary antagonist of the game the trickster also both Delilah's powers and the tricksters powers are related to nature so a lovely not there to thief the dark project right at the very end of dishonored favre Delilah such a strange woman the end to the first and the beginning to the second [Music] and there you have it ladies and gentlemen I've been camel and this has been the dishonored Easter egg secrets and funny little curiosities that you may have missed and to hopefully you've thoroughly enjoyed this video if you did enjoy this video please feel free to leave a like it is encouraging for me and also lets me know that people enjoy these kind of videos if you have any theories or pieces of information to add to any of the things covered in this video of course be my guest and leave a comment letting us know your thoughts and findings if you think you know someone who would enjoy this video please feel free to share it with them and if you yourself enjoyed this video and would like to see videos similar to this one in the future please consider subscribing it helps me know that people enjoy these kind of videos and in the long run will result in more of them and as I'm sure you can see on screen I do have links to the other Easter egg videos that I have created there is also a link to the Easter eggs playlist where you can select the videos you wish to watch freely the links will also be in the description and with all of that said once again I've been camel and I would like to thank you ever so much for checking out this video so I'll see you very shortly when we gather for whiskey and cigars [Music] [Music]
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 1,000,255
Rating: 4.7938275 out of 5
Keywords: Gangs, new, york, looking, glass, smith, harvey, bethesda, studios, arkane, zenimax, camel, camelworks, works, easter, eggs, secrets, dishonored, dishonored 2, two, one, DLC, knife, Dunwall, brigmore, witches, trials, emily, jessamine, kaldwin, corvo, attano, house, pleasure, funny, curious, best, all, top, mackenzie, rowles, mack, game, mission, chaos, high, low, story, playlist, star, wars, princess, father, movie, reference, duad, serkonos, duke, abilities, 2012, 2016, GOTY, year
Id: D6A77hD_iCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 13sec (2833 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2016
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