RetroAhoy: Wolfenstein 3D
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Ahoy
Views: 1,427,541
Rating: 4.9369197 out of 5
Keywords: xboxahoy, Wolfenstein 3D (Video Game), Shooter Game (Media Genre)
Id: BSb87DC-PtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 2sec (1682 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Not the first, though. He's also done a video on Half-Life. The RetroAhoy series has also covered a lot of other non-fps games. Some of the most well-made, informative gaming content out there, imo.
The New Order was such a fantastic game. If you've not played it yet, do yourself a favor and don't put it off any longer.
What was amazing about the 8-bit Wolfenstien sequel is, you can kill guards, take their cloths and slip past most guards unnoticed. Like agent 47.
Wolfenstein 3D was possibly my first exposure to computer games. I distinctly remember my father bringing in a borrowed copy and putting it to use on my mother's office computer. I think if I got to play at all, I died rather quickly, but I was plastered to the screen while my dad was hunting Nazis himself anyway.
Ahoy mentioned Berzerk and its intense moments. Well it WAS intense:
This dude's voice is legendary. His CoD weapon reviews were super fun to watch with all the information and effort he put into them 8)
I've seen multiple videos that covers the early 3d era for PC and every time Maze War comes up they never show any gameplay from it, how come?
Wolfenstein 3D is one of the few games that has ever made me feel motion sick. Didn't stop me from playing it all the time though. And yep, even 20 years later I'm still feeling a little queasy after watching this video. I think it has something to do with the speed of movement and the fact that there is no camera bobbing.
if you like this kinda thing, look into masters of doom