DOOM 2016 - Easter Eggs

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Okay now this is awesome!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mgtube 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
welcome back ladies and gentlemen to doom my name is camel and today we will be taking a deep dive into the depths of Hell and checking out all of the Easter eggs that I could find in 2016 doom of course brought to us by id Software now I grew up playing the original doom games they were actually some of the very first gaming experiences I ever had so naturally I have a strong love and nostalgia for the franchise and somehow doom 2016 managed to hold up and fortify these feelings with of course the assistance of thick creamy Easter eggs scattered admits the demons and Hellfire now time stamps for each of the Easter eggs can be found down in the description along with links to my other Easter egg videos and my social media be sure to check all that out after we return from hell so let's kick this off with the sugar and caffeine high so while I was literally wading through trash in doom along with a bunch of crumpled up paper I found these cans belonging to a refreshing brand of beverage called choco Cola the name is of course pulled from Coca Cola but kakko stands for choco demon in this case as we can see with the logo which is the retro art of the original kakko demon enemy from the original doom games and while we're talking about the original doom games while we won't run through all of them on each level there is a secret classic doom room but to enter them we must find the secret lever and pull it upon doing so some old-school do music will play and this will also open the respective door to the secret classic doom level well it won't be the whole classic level it's still cool to walk around in the classic graphics get some ammo and experience some of the nostalgic flashbacks also while we are in any of these classic level areas if we manage to die in a manner that sees us gypped ie blown up into a million tiny pieces of meat the doom Slayers helmet will occasionally fall facing the camera if this happens inside the helmet we can see the face of the original doom guy evilly smiling Bacchus the natural smiley reaction to having your head blown off and it's also a face that we will see again in this video and while we're in the realm of retro it's soft we're about halfway through the sixth level catting gear sanctum there is a path beneath a cliff which leads to a hidden cave at the end of this cave we can find the skull on top of the spike wearing a helmet with doom branded on the side this is a reference to one of its software's first two game franchises commander Cain and this would appear to be the skull of none other than commander Cain himself also the fact his head is on a spike is likely a nod to John Romero's head on a spike in Doom tube which we will see later on in the video John Romero being one of the fathers of its software and do but for commander Cain it looks like the only thing he's in command of is a serious headache now there is a turquoise colored book that we can find throughout the game in a few places what is the time we'll just walk past it and not notice it at all but if we stop and take a look we can read that it is the UAC complete guide to snap maps now snap maps besides being difficult to say are of course a feature of doom 2016 in which the player can build their own map so of course this is 4th wall breaking and kind of funny that it's referencing a feature of the game within the game but also in snap maps if we go to the hell props and then to rock 11 we'll see the description says finally the Rock has come back to hell this is of course a reference to Dwayne the rock Johnson who played the primary antagonist in 2006 --is doom movie which was a box-office flop and we never saw a sequel so finally the rock returns a hell with a literal rock which is good because I absolutely love Roxanne nothing I just love rocks now on the multiplayer map level ritual we can find a poster over in the corner reward lost pet rabbit Daisy if found please call one two one zero one nine nine three now it turns out that this is not a phone number at all it's a date 1210 1993 or December 10th 1993 which was the release date if the original doom game now Daisy the missing rabbit here is referencing doom guy's pet rabbit Daisy from the original doom series who was decapitated and impaled by the legions of hell whereupon the game says someone was gonna pay for what happened to Daisy the old pet rabbit suggesting that the reason doom guy returned to hell in Episode four was to avenge his pet rabbit Daisy so this poster is a cute little nod to that strange piece of doom law now at the end of the ninth level Lazarus labs we can find Olivia Pierce's personal office at the back of the room we can find a terminal with some suspended software on it named Durham a demon deconstruction which appears to have been brought to us by the same guys that made turbo turkey puncher 3 as seen with the faint watermark which is something we'll see later on the game best of all though it's actually playable now doom demon deconstruction is a Kinect 3 puzzle minigame in a demonic retro doom style that in my humble opinion should have been released as a mobile app as well I mean who wouldn't download this it's way cooler than playing candy crush I'd much prefer be playing kakko crush now once we finish our rounds will be met by the highest score screen now this is full of Easter eggs firstly heed mum underscore DJ is a reference to Donna Jackson also known as heed Mom or miss Donna who was hired into its software in 1992 as an office manager and notably as of 2019 is one of the longest-lasting members of the company / school 12 10 1993 is a reference to December 10th in 93 which is the release date of the original doom game next we have Olivia P which is of course referencing Olivia P as the main antagonist of the game and the very woman whose office this is found in her score 926 1983 is referencing the date September 26 1983 the day video games nearly died during the North American video game crash of 1983 the legendary event in question is known as the Atari video game ferial which took place in New Mexico this was literally a massive burial of unsold Atari game cartridges officially verified that over 700,000 cartridges buried that day in 2014 it was excavated to reveal the hacker tomb of titles mostly comprised of 80 which is commonly referred to as the worst game ever made now next we have K 10 UD this is referencing the its software dev Kevin cloud who was the doom snap map lead producer on doom 2016 his score 5:13 2016 is of course the date May 13th 2016 which was the release date of doom 2016 next we have our LG 9000 this is referencing the it's software developer Roberto Garcia Lego or logo who was one of the producers of doom 2016 and the 9000 on the end is of course a reference to the BFG 9000 whereas this guys are LG 9000 his score 2014 630 is a reverse non-american date which would make it June 30th 2014 which was Roberto's higher date at its software next we have me my score 1 million two hundred twenty one thousand eight hundred is referencing how many hours I put into researching scripting filming and editing this video it's nice of them to put that in there next we have RP a Duffy which is a reference to the ear dev Pat Duffy who has been an artist at it since doom 2 his score 8 3 2004 is referencing to date August 3rd 2004 which was the release date of doom 3 next we have shale vomit who has been confirmed as an it software developer and will remain on named because I don't know their name their score is quite clearly 666 and then another 666 making it twice as evil as 666 is the number of the beast and represents the devil and hell and what doom is all about and bla bla bla you get it finally we have tenacious Diaz which is referencing the ear dev mark Diaz one of Doom's programmers a helpful chap and the one responsible for this minigame existing his score of 5 9 2014 is referencing the date May 9th 2014 which turns out is not his hire date but instead the date he graduated from Full Sail University and was then hired by Ed 18 days later on the 27th of May and with big dick moves from Diaz like that we conclude the deep law of the doom Diamond D construction minigame now on one of the terminals midway through the game we can spot something pretty funny actually down the bottom we can see the login is that of DMM RN this is shorthand for doom marine that we take out all the valves will get DMM RN so it would seem that either samuel Hayden or Vega created a login just for our character now inside dr. Samuel Hayden's office found on the 8th level advanced research complex on his desk we can find some old books with an ancient piece of paper which depicts the doob Slayer slash doom guy beating the crap out of demons clearly highlighting that we are all part of some prophecy firstly the artwork appears to resemble the original doom box arts this image also appears to have been stylized off of the Ark of the Covenant woodcut illustration from Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark not only this but it also seems to have been based in both concept and image off of the page in the Necronomicon from the Evil Dead 3 the army of darkness where this ancient book the Necronomicon has similar arcade pictures depicting Ash a man from modern day holding up the chainsaw in the ancient setting much like how he see doom guy slash the doom Slayer on an ancient parchment despite being a modern man with modern weaponry although he does enjoy using his fists from time to time as seen in the image and while we're on the topic of the Evil Dead throughout the game we can find a few assorted books one of which is this one evil cabin an evil cabin lives in the woods at night it's evil now while this may seem generic it's actually a nod to the original Evil Dead movie set in a cabin in the woods which takes place at night and there's a whole lot of evil going on now the Evil Dead also had the main character ash wielding a chainsaw on a shotgun and this was actually the inspiration for adding the super shotgun and the chainsaw into the original doom games which of course are now absolutely iconic to the series so Thank You ash and also that fortifies that this is in fact a nod to the Evil Dead at the very start of the game a minute or so into this kind of tutorial intro section that isn't technically part of the first level and the only way to get here is to sudden your game you know the part anyway the first big room we enter with the first gore nest will have a big locked door at the back of it as we approach this door before it opens or get some time to take in the grand design of such a huge model vault door like this no doubt another engineering feat of the mighty company of the doom universe the mix them who make just about everything but upon a closer inspection we can in fact see that the mixen logo has been bolted onto the door and as slid off revealing the true architects of this vault like door vault-tec accompanied by the vault tech logo now voltec is of course the companies that built all of the fallout bolts in Bethesda Game Studios Fallout franchise well it turns out they even had time to jump into another franchise and make some stuff from Mars to scattered throughout the levels there are tons of various pieces of paper that we can find lying around on the grounds one of which if we take a closer look actually breaks the fourth wall while remaining obscure it reads welcome to doom you are doomed to do more not to doom speak of the devil as far as I can tell there are no hard references in there but nonetheless it does break the fourth wall and references the game itself within the game throughout Doom in the health related levels we will occasionally have to use one of these demonic teleportation pad as we'll see this is clearly a pentagram however it didn't used to be in the original ports of doom 2016 all of the green held teleportation pads looked like this something quite different to what we see in later patched versions this original shape is actually the transmutation circle for humans from for Metal Alchemist why they were patched out is unknown but if you watch any old playthroughs you'll notice that all of the teleportation pads in hell looked exactly like this the human transmutation circle yet in recent playthroughs and if you play the game now they have been patched with pentagrams whether this was originally an intentional reference or if both franchises pulled from the same hermetic source material is unknown but it's worth mentioning nonetheless especially now that it's not in the game anymore now working on Mars is hard Yakka and you don't always have time to make your own food but as we'll see all around the UAC bases there are some pizza boxes for this chain called a ghoul Army's pizza the mascot or face of Ghulam E's Pizza is presumably ghoul army himself I suppose he is now official doom law but the face is actually that of Hugo Martin the creative director of doom whenever this guy comes on stage at a con you know something good is coming which is actually the very opposite of this pizza brand as we can actually find some notice papers scattered throughout the game explaining that ghoul Ami's pizza has been shut down due to customer organ rotting that sounds like most pizza change around here to be asked but while we're on the topic of Hugo Martin towards the end of the game on level 12 Vegas central processing we can find a unique poster Martin pet groomers fantastic pet style cuts so cheap so fresh so styled call today and make an appointment dial zero zero four - hash pets located next to girl armies in Olympia station south check web zone mountain pets at web zone so sadly there doesn't actually seem to be any in jokes with this and apparently it's just artists having some fun with the ridiculous nature of the poster a pet grimace on Mars referencing its next two Hugo Martin's Pizza brands and the fact that it's also Martin's Pet Grooming is obvious that the artists are having some kind of laughs with their superior Hugo Martin on many of the terminals found throughout the game we can see this and sadly what we want is sideways so we'll have to flip 90 degrees here where we can see the words crash override are written now this is a reference to the 1995 movie hacker as you can imagine it's a movie about hackers and the main characters alias is nothing other than crash override so perhaps he's the one ruining all the computer systems on Mars now on level 10 there is a false wall that we can actually jump up through to access a secret area around the corner at the end of the short hallway we can find an interesting sight indeed a dude wearing a party hat who has been strung up with some kind of a cold book in his lap on the ground is an ocean-themed birthday cake for some reason that amazingly despite being completely themed on the seed does not have a dopefish on it and above this birthday cake we can find a big happy birthday balloon are you thinking what I'm thinking okay so be sure the balloon this happens we hear a bunch of children cheering yay however if we shoot the balloon on either the 30th of September or the 10th of December we'll hear this now the reason we get booed on these two days is because dooms birthday or release date is the 10th of December and doom twos birthday or release date is the 30th of September the two dates we get through don when we shoot the balloon now I did try this on the 3rd of August which is doom 3s birthday but I got the standard cheer instead of the booing looks like the demon children didn't fancy doom 3 now while we didn't find a don't fish on the sea themed birthday cake and you probably don't even know what dogfish is don't worry there's plenty of dope fish coming up and what is don't fish well dope fish is an enemy from one of Ede software's first games Commander Keen in goodbye galaxy specifically the secret of the Oracle chapter which is considered the 4th episode in the Commander Keen series anyway dope fish was first in that and for some reason it's become an inside joke in the gaming industry and can be found as an easter egg tucked away in many more games than one may suspect doom 2016 is most certainly no exception to this firstly on the foundry level in the staff locker room inside an open Locker we can see a very large and clear outline of dope fish drawn in chalk at the back inside various drink vending machines throughout the game we can find this beverage called Grima o Karima the brand logo is very clearly a little yellow dip fish scattered around the place we can also find these noodle boxes dope Qian noodles again our fishy dopey friend is the frontman for the brand around the place we can also find these little red boxes a packet of potato crisps called granules as you can see the mascot for the brand is a little dope fish beyond this though granules here is a nod to the real-life Pringles you know those bastards you can't stop after you pop not only that but the dope fish on the box mimics the features of the Pringles mascot known as Julius Pringles the round headed fellow with a moustache and bowtie but it does not stop there oh no there is a brand of low-fat chocolate flavored milk or a protein shake or something of the sort called mud butt I mean a chocolate flavoured brown liquid drink called but that's pretty funny and surely I don't need to explain why so I want its diarrhea but on the back of the bottle there is a super low detail outline of a dough fish the mascot of having a mud butt but luckily there are plenty of other refreshing drinks to quench our thirst on Mars such as a doctor bubbles which is a clear nod to dr. pepper being similar in name liquid color and labeling color theme on the back of dr. bubbles is also a very small a little dope fish outline one of the harder ones to make out but it's there nonetheless and if dr. bubbles isn't what you're into there's always diet growth on the back of the can we can find a very clear and detailed outline of dirt fish which is a fittingly refreshing change for my eyes compared to these lower resolution ones and on the back of the diet group bottles we can also find a dopefish outline though this one has much less graphical fidelity now we want to relax a bit more and not drink soft drink there is another beverage for us Grug Light beer obviously mimicking the real life Bud Light beer not only a name but also in packaging and color and all this now on the back of the grub lights you won't believe it but it's a dope fish and thankfully this little fella is the last of the dope fish on the food items trust me I check them all but it's not the end of the dope fish as we can find a few of these duffel bags scattered around the game and on this circular face we'll see a similar low detail outline of our beloved dope fish and there is one more that I'm actually unsure of but in the levels set in hell we can find these giant stone murals around the place it's all pretty monotone in color and nothing really stands out except for a suspicious bright and highlighted outline around the nose area of the demon depicted and if we really think about it this demon's nose looks like a Doge fish outline I don't know if it actually is one but the similarities are definitely worth noting and it's suspicious that the shape that looks kind of like a dope fish is the only part that's highlighted much brighter than the rest of the mural so let me knows what you think about this one because I'm fence but while we are on the topic of these murals if we take a look over in the top right hand corner we will see a doom guy looking guy holding a cube and destroying demons before him this item is the soul cube a weapon used in Doom 3 to obliterate the legions of hell this mural is likely a prophecy foreshadowing the event of Doom 3 where we actually get to use it as a weapon and while we're on the topic of the soul cube on level 9 Lazarus labs inside olivia Pierce's office over in the corner will spot something familiar the very same soul cube we were just talking about sadly despite being the most powerful weapon in the game of Doom 3 here in Doom 2016 we are unable to interact with it it's just here is a little nod and tease to all of the doom 3 players clicking furiously on it trying to pick it up now on level 9 Lazarus labs we can find the legendary helix stone earlier on in the level on a terminal we will see the ID number of the helix tone is I D D Q D while it might seem random this is actually the god mode cheat code for the original doom game and when you are in that mode you are of course pretty much god and cannot be harmed on level 11 the necropolis right before the end of the mission we will come out into this huge open area of Hell showing off the awesome art direction of doom 2016 in a full hellish fashion there is one centerpiece of this although which will catch the eye of all and rail up nostalgic fires in the hearts of retro gamers the ironically iconic icon of sin which was the final boss in doom to hell on earth in which we had to shoot it through its opening into its brain to kill it and if we look at the icon of sin here in June 2016 we'll see that there is the same opening and if we are curious enough to shoot something into its brain this will happen the original retro spawncube will be fired from its head with the original sound effect - once this reaches the ground it will leave the collectible doom go figure hazmat guide a much better reward compared to the enemies it would spawn and doom - sadly John Ramirez head is not contained within the icon of sins brain although as promised we will see his head on a spike in this video just not yet now when we entered this room and speak to dr. Samuel Hayden via the monitor over on the screen to the left there will be a list of all of the casualties resulting from the demon invasion despite one of them being Sean Bean this is not a Sean Bean joke about him always dying every single name on this list actually belongs to the ear software Debs that made June 2016 one of which just happens to be a guy named Sean Bean and if you do have the will or need you can check every single name on this list against the game credits and they will all match up but hopefully despite being harvested by demons the guys over it can still make some more games from help on the multiplayer map helix we can find a dead purple imp now this imp has a strange skin color that we don't see anywhere else in the game interestingly this purple imp is actually the original imp model from the doom demonstration at 2015 S III for some reason the purple imps were replaced with the orange imps that we see in game now now if we follow the blood trail we can find six pods five of them have the same purple imps and the sixth is empty of course from where this one escaped and dragged its blood itself to this spot looks like it just couldn't crawled far enough to make it into the final game now whenever there is a terminal which we must play an echo through we'll see there is a mention of presumably the central security officer of Zed SEC Qian J now this name is actually a reference to the it software developer Jerry Qian who was the mission director of doom not only this but what he is the head of the security in Doom Zed SEC is actually a reference to an enemy in Doom 3 the zombie security whose name was shortened to Z so there's a sneaky not there to on a few of the levels we will hear the UAC spokesperson say this Jessica in human resources is actually a reference to Jessica Harris who is in software's human resources manager in real life now the name of level 6 Karen Gere sanctum is likely a sneaky reference to the Sumerian name of the city of Babylon garden gear rocky meaning the gate of God now if we take a look at the side of the pistol we can see that it says lfg mark 2 lfg is a nod to the BFG which stands for big effing gun so lfg would stand for little effing gun which it is it's the pistol and on a similar note if we take a look at the model of the Gauss cannon we can see in a very fine print here it says try not to die while firing this beast and neat little secret tucked away for you to finds and again in a similar fashion if we find some of these heavy-duty drills around the map we can actually find something pretty funny on the side here it will hurt the whole time you were dying it looks like there was more text above this but unfortunately it never made it into the viewable surface of the model but again it's just a goofy line for you to see and chuckle at ah yes now the soundtrack of doom 2016 1 Games soundtrack of the year the reason for this finger music is beast as not only this but the music actually holds some Easter eggs of their own and for these first three we'll need to analyze certain tracks through a spectrogram firstly the tracks cyberdemon in the middle when inspected through a spectrogram we can see inverted pentagrams and the numbers 666 of course both symbolized the devil in modern culture and also at the end of this track we can see the face of doom guy from the original doom games hidden away now at the end of the track skull hacker we can find this shape over and over again this is actually the impaled head of John Romero from inside the brain of the icon of sin the final boss of doom to hell on earth so as promised we've seen John Romero's head on a spike and in the track authorization Olivia Pierce we can find the number 36 the reason for 36 is because if we add 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 and 35 and 36 together we end up with nothing other than 6 6 6 the number of the beast so 36 is a reference to that without actually being 666 now also found in this track authorization Olivia Pierce if we increase the speed of the song by 6 times and then increase the pitch of the song by six half steps we can hear this Olivia Pierce saying you couldn't save them anyway and finally on the final track for doom there is a drone noise in the track that has this very strange kind of phase out in the middle of it now if we make this section of the drone noise into a mono track and reverse it we can hear this someone saying Jesus loves you now this Easter egg and all of the Easter eggs in the music were implemented by Mick Gordon the composer of Doom's soundtrack as jokes that he thought no one would find and are pretty funny now well you could say that most things in doom 2016 re-imaginings of old original doom assets and ideas there are a few rare ones that really make you smirk and get a wave of nostalgia such as the hanging barren of hell gutted and strung up on the wall or the beating heart on the altar the pile of candles and skulls and of course the original and iconic doom doors they're all kind of thing you walk past and double take or don't even notice at all but when you do notice them you go oh I see what you did now on level 3 foundry we can find the plasma rifle carrier box on the side of it there are the initials B Zed this appears to be a nod to BZ plasma who was a twitch streamer and self-proclaimed best doom streamer so his initials B Z end up on the side of the plasma rifle box so B Zed plasma and the cord damage sphere is based on the powerup of the same name seen in the quake series also developed by its software of course in addition to this the noise heard when the player fires their weapon while under the effects of quad damage is the same noise heard when the player picks up the powerup in quake [Music] now the doom Slayers predator suit appears to have been modeled someone off of the armor and helmet worn by crash in quake 3 arena while this may be pure coincidence the armor looks similar and has an almost matching color scheme and the helmet looks even more similar still I'm not sure this was intentional but it's worth mentioning nonetheless especially considering that quake 3 is another of its software's games now right at the beginning of level 8 advanced research complex right after getting off of the Train if we enter the female bathroom and look up we'll see an open hatch if we jump up and crawl through the secret passageway and drop down into the staff locker room we can find something really cool over near the dartboard on the right side while it is covered in blood we have a poster which shows the box art for the original doom released in 1993 and on the left-hand side we have a poster which shows the quake 1 logo also in this same room over on the inside of one of the locker doors we can find this same quake poster - all of the blood and contamination but this one is wider for some reason so we got a thick boy here which of course makes it better now on level 12 Vega is central processing there is a room filled with big pylons for cooling Vegas courts but if we look for a minute at the Assembly of the glowing blue pipes we will see that it looks exactly like quake threes logo whether this is a coincidence or a subtle design for few to notice I really can't say but it is worth pointing out nonetheless now on level 9 Lazarus labs we can find a computer screen in this surgical room it's rather hard to read thanks to a bright light directly across from it but we can see that it is the Sabbath moon sacrifice possession report and we'll also notice a long list of names all accompanied by nicknames which is odd the reason for this is all the names shown are actually the names of QuakeCon volunteers from throughout the previous years so that's actually pretty cool subtle and entirely morbid acknowledgement from its software and Bethesda and whoever runs quake on now on the second resource operations we can re-enter the facility through the airlock chamber we'll find an array of knickknacks and power tools and bits and pieces but there is one unique item in here this water bottle welds spring water eighty-six percent contaminant free not responsible for hair loss in potency or mutation please drink responsibly this is reference to one of its software's other franchises rage where the main town is wellspring where they pump water now you may know well spring better from rage - but of course in 2016 at dooms release rage - was three years off so we are seeing a reference to the og well spring from 2011 s rage now dr. Samuel Hayden the grey character of the story may have something more going on while it may be a coincidence the mysterious nature of his quote-unquote accident that gave Samuel cancer and his persistent reminders that humanity needs hell to survive suggests the possibility that he was never entirely human or has motives that did not lie with humanity his name also appears to be hiding something Samuel meaning name of God or God has heard and Hayden one derivation of which is from old high german hidden meaning heathen sub hap sees the name of a heathen God the heathen God has heard the name of God is hidden or God has heard the heathen take your pick also dr. Samuel Hayden is a collection of three words each of which consists of six letters forming the number of the beast six-six-six it's also worth noting that a combination of his first initial S and his last name Hayden is s Hayden and words said together we get Satan which sounds of course like Satan but you make up your mind there nonetheless he's a suspicious chap now all throughout the game hidden in secret areas there are collectible doom guide toys a fair few of which have themed references such as classic game who resembles the classic doom do go with the exposed abdomen and all vaunt guy who resembles vault boy from Bethesda Game Studios Fallout series rage guy who resembles an authority enforcer from in software's game rage Phobos guy who resembles Phobos from quake 3 arena in the preto style pinky who is bright pink and named after the classic doom enemy the pinky demon elite guy who resembles a UAC Elite Guard better known as the dead blokes in red armor King guy who resembles Commander Keen from Commander Keen hazmat guy who resembles a biosuit zombie from doom 3 resurrection of evil and finally quake guy who resembles Ranger from the quake series now if a kakko demon is killed with nothing but shots to the eye it will start this animation in which it starts firing randomly before exploding this appears to be a sneaky reference to a bug in the original doom version 1.1 in which you can make Cacodemons and other enemies kill themselves essentially self-destructing like we see here now during level 6 cannon gear sanctum just after fighting through four barons of hell in this very same area we can find a cave that leads into the side of the mountain in here at the back of the room leaning against a stone pillar is a shriveled and mummified corpse which will straightaway look familiar firstly he is wearing the iron helmet from the elderscrolls v skyrim popularized and marketed as the recognizable Dragonborn helmets but along with this he has an arrow in his name of course making reference to the now meme dialogue line said by the various hull guards of skyrim i used to be an adventurer like you then I took an arrow in the knee which apparently means getting married but this is a very literal arrow in the knee although how the dragon bones got out here I don't know maybe hell is one of the planes of oblivion now as we've mentioned a few times we can find many pieces of paper lying around scattered all throughout the levels of the UAC mass spaces there is one though which is a first sightings report of the demon and enemy we find throughout the game the revenant it reads as this is a super scary thing it is identified as something too spooky for me why for the love of God does this thing have missile launchers on its shoulders as if it weren't enough this thing being the damned boogeyman if you happen to encounter this abomination either run for your life or kill it with fire or maybe some big gun the last line is a cheeky nod to the BFG referencing some big gun but the reason we're looking at this thing is the picture down in the bottom right you'll recognize as the dancing pumpkin-headed dude from the spooky skeletons meme just reinforcing how truly spooky the revenant is now remember earlier we were talking about the ancient piece of paper that shows either the doom guy or the doom Slayer being part of some prophecy destroying demons well along these same lines at the start of the final level ardent donor we can actually find a huge statue of the doom Slayer an ancient statue of the doom Slayer mimicking the model of our character again fortifying that we are in fact part of some ancient prophecy either that or it's a statue of Master Chief now on level 8 advance to research complex right near the start of the level there is a room filled with the UAC s employees and their achievements one of the employees listed is one smiley chap named Steven Seraphin he is listed as the head of product demonstration now Steven Seraphin actually worked for its software but sadly passed during dooms development Steven demoed doom in 2014 at QuakeCon this is likely why he is listed here as the head of product demonstration in the credit of the game the player can also notice the name of Steven Seraphin marked as technical producer-- with a kneeling translucent Murray next to him in honor of Steven at the end of the full credits we can also see a dedication to him in loving memory of our friends and teammates Steven Seraphin so may you rest in peace Steven it's one hell of a game you helped build so thank you now in this same that we found steep and we can also find a bunch of names on smaller plots these are the names of other its software developers that worked on June 2016 as we can see with Kevin cloud and Pat Duffy just to show you some that we're already familiar with and above all of these plugs there is actually a huge monitor that says all hail the Dark Lord which does not appear to be official UAC marketing but it's there nonetheless and is of course referencing the devil now on this same level advanced research complex after leaving Samuel Hayden's office and passing a bunch of old artifacts we hit outside but before continuing there is a room that we can access via an airlock in here we can find various relics and artifacts taken from the dig site three from doom 3 now while this is super interesting we'll be able to hear some weird music playing and if we get curious enough we'll have a poke around and at the back of this huge pile of crates we can find a working version of the super turbo turkey puncher 3 arcade machine this is an arcade game where in retro doom art style we literally punch turkeys to death it was first seen in Doom 3 and there was even an achievement for getting a score of 25,000 sadly that is not present in doom 2016 now Super Turbo Turkey punch of 3 is also based off the real-life game Street Fighter Alpha 3 by Capcom as we can see with the title art and fonts and the company that made Super Turbo turkey punch a3 in Doom is called nab con again referencing Capcom but I think it's safe to say that super turbo Toki punch a3 is in fact the superior game actually no game can compete with it now on level 3 foundry in one of the computer rooms we can find a screen which references the mining station of teh Tenga which while being a cannon location and seen on screens in the original doom games teh tango was actually meant to be the original setting for episodes 1 & 3 in Tom holes do viable which was the original source and concept document for Doom in nineteen and 92 so while teh tango was scrapped as the setting it has been subtly rejected into the canon now on level three foundry there is a massive pit of molten rock or molten metal or something that we could lazily call lava for the simplicity of this video now if we fall into it or in the case of filming this video intentionally jump into the lava we will die but as we sink into the glowing pool dooms Leah's hand will curl up into a thumbs-up this hands action is a reference to the end of 1991 film Terminator 2 Judgment Day at the end of which the reprogrammed t800 model 101 Terminator destroys himself by lowering into a giant vat of molten in the script liquid that will again call lava the last shot we see of him is his raised arm and his fingers curl up into a thumbs up just as we see here in do and on a similar note on level 4 argent facility in the room with the cryo tubes the floor is covered in a layer of this supercooled substance if we jump down into it the doom Slayer will freeze and shatter into pieces this death animation is once again a reference to terminated to Judgment Day specifically to the scene in which the t1000 is covered in liquid nitrogen freezes and shatters into pieces although dooms layer does not have the fortune of melting back together now when we go to flick the switch and turn Vega off Vega bingham as powerful a I computer in existence we have to go up this diagonal elevator shaft now I don't know if it's pure coincidence but at the end of it software's 2011 game rage when we go to flick the switch on a supercomputer we travel up this diagonal elevator shaft to with similar color schemes and designs at similar points in each game when we're going to do similar things it could be pure coincidence it could be a cheeky nod or it could be the fact that the tube games had a bunch of the same artists who knows but it is worth noting but what I do know is once we get to Vega any retro gamers might feel a wave of nostalgia looking at Vegas core as it bears a great resemblance to the mother brain from the Metroid games Vega and Mother Brain are both super intelligent artificial intelligences sharing more than just their incredibly similar appearance and while we're on the topic of Vega on terminals throughout the game we can see this script come up on screen these are phrases from the real-life 1985 programming language Emacs Lisp so it looks like someone is attempting to run this simple text editor on Vega the most powerful AI computer in existence and the penultimate line also reads spawn item shell filename spawn item is a common console command in games to do just that spawn an item although they are trying to spawn the shell filename so it's all very meta and deep and to end Vega and I suppose the video on an awesome note when we actually shut down Vega there are a few frames we'll need to take a closer look at right here when doom Slayers hand is on the console if we take a peek behind the doom Slayers hand we will actually see the evil smiling face of the doom guy from the original doom games fitting considering we are shutting down a supercomputer and being about us in general [Music] and there you have it ladies and gentlemen I've been camel and this has been my Easter egg video for 2016 Dhoom I do hope you thoroughly enjoyed it and learn something new about this awesome hellish game I'd like to give a quick thank you to everyone on Twitter that helped me figure out a bunch of these Easter eggs I really appreciate that and if you do know anyone who you think would like this kind of content be sure to share it with them please leave a like leave a comment and if you'd like to see more of these types of videos please subscribe it helps me know that people are interested in these kind of videos and will result in more of them in the long run my other Easter egg video links can be found down in the description and down there in the OL description you can also find links to all of my social media be sure to follow me on Twitter and Instagram and if you would like to support the channel in a more personal way you can become a heroic patreon patreon or a sponsor of the channel right here on YouTube as I'm sure you know all of my time and energy goes into making these videos that I create for you to enjoy so your support is most appreciated and welcomed in any and all forms so feel free to check out the playlist on-screen thank you very much for watching thank you for supporting the channel and I'll see you very shortly in the next video I'll see you there soon
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 858,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DOOM, II, III, Original, id, Software, bethesda, game, studios, softworks, secrets, mysteries, detective, hidden, legends, stories, theories, top, 10, list, most, interesting, facts, best, easter, eggs, unique, camel, works, camelworks, mackenzie, rowles, crazy, lore, canon, tales, locations, confirmed, details, tiny, things, you, need, to, know, zenimax, media, trivia, tips, tricks, rare, weapon, armor, slayer, guy, eternal, dlc, demons, hell, on, earth, evil, dead, invasion, mars, uac
Id: 21Xjdtc8rUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 22sec (2782 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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