The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Retrospective
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Channel: WillLovesVideoGames
Views: 1,805,818
Rating: 4.7446046 out of 5
Id: Vp4-9G47uF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 297min 58sec (17878 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2016
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A truly excellent video. This got a bit of attention here back when it came out, and my understanding is that it's picked up some more attention recently. It's a shame this guy has stated he won't be sticking to the format.
For those who are skeptical of the runtime, I do concede that this is by no means a concise review of the game - it amounts to a thorough autopsy of a massive game, picking it apart piece by piece. But it's also masterfully written, and if you've played Oblivion to completion and have a passion for it or the Elder Scrolls series as a whole, the hours fly by.
It does look at the game primarily through the lens of game design, so an interest in that field also helps. But this really is an achievement.
It's an interesting video and certainly worth watching. It feels shorter than it is because it's really interesting.
Very thorough analysis of the game in an engaging format with great transitions. Easy to watch in a few sittings.
An amazing video. I need to watch it again at some point
I think I'll watch it because I love Oblivion so much.
I didn't know about this video until today and I just finished it. Can't believe how quickly it went. Very insightful, and really rekindled my passion for the series.
probably gonna watch all of it at one point.