Can You Beat Punch Out!! Wii Using Only One Punch Per Fight?

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can you be punch-out for the Wii using only one punch per fight after beating the game without dodging it's about time we gave Little Mac the Saitama treatment and ease up on the punches for this run though rules are simple in each fight we only get to throw one punch that's it so if that's the case we'll need to do our best to beat every single match by decision and when that comes down to health bars that means that sure enough we can't get hit once and with the guidelines set in place folks buckle in because it's time to take on the one punch challenge hey all of you heroes for hobby I'm skip the tutorial and here we get to the bottom of gaming's weirdest challenges and hey if this is your first time here then spare your one punch on that subscribe for weekly deep dives and do your biggest questions now it's immediately apparent going into this run that not every fight is gonna be created equal which makes sense obviously dodging one of glass' Joe's hooks just isn't gonna give the same trouble as balled balls rush but what really did surprise me about this run is how some fights radically changed in difficulty especially with certain fights getting you easier than they were before when someone like super macho man starts feeling at home in the minor circuit it begs the question why such a 180 and I think the reason this run gets so different from a normal playthrough is that we aren't triggering the later phases of their fight patterns don flamenco is the spitting image of this concept since not only do we never get to knock off his toupee but we also don't get baited by so many of his attacks making the major circuit champion one of the easiest in the game held that even applies to Donkey Kong since he just defaults to two basic attacks when we let him be and when his tie is in his eyes then that's the perfect opportunity to get the punch in some cases this run definitely handicaps our opponents but another's oh boy so to talk about those you're the seven fights that make doing 100 push ups sit ups and squats every single day seem like a breeze rank from difficult oh my god why number 7 title defenses disco kid now this fights difficult for all of the wrong reasons because on a service level this one seems pretty easy since we're only doing one hit of damage he doesn't exactly improve his moveset his infamous disco flurry tack doesn't come into the mix and because of it some simple dodges can just get us through that is until we make it to the round 3 buzzer and notice that he has his whole life bar back when I first saw that my whole life flashed before my eyes I swore that I'd hit him so what happened well unlike his contender face off this time if we don't intercept his taunt he'll gain some life back and if that goes unchecked and we lose our title in the decision so I'll at its core this fight might not be as strenuous as some of the others from title defense it's the subtle mechanics at play here that really highlighted an issue in the run one that we'd have to face in much more serious conditions such as number 6 title defenses soda pop it's like disco kid if he knew how to fight in this case we do get some of the same benefits since certain moves like his combo attacks never happen if we don't knock him down or punch the bottle out of his hand but that's not to say this one's a cakewalk to beat this fight so much of the strategy just comes down to memorizing his 9 punch pattern and once we get that down it really is just avoiding his irregularly timed attacks and picking up the weird intervals now one thing to know is that it's not too far off from his contender appearance so what makes this time significantly more difficult well just like disco kid the issue here comes down to a regeneration concept during the intermission between rounds he'll take the time we spend lollygagging and listening to doc to heal up with some scientific soda and that'll put us to a loss if we're not careful so on top of the struggle of just making it to Round three against this guy we also need to squeeze in an uppercut right before the timer runs out it's a setup that allows for a lot of error and it'll require plenty of restarts if we slip low perfection number 5 title defense super macho man unlike his contender counterpart macho man gets a whole lot of support this time through in my book the main problem for that has to be his speed on paper it's fairly straightforward to understand this a couple of punches from a right follow of my left duck the clothes line rinse repeat but when those punches on the left are almost overlapping in their timing it can cause some serious issues especially if you're as slow as I am the real suggestion to get through this fight is just learning the pattern and timing but an exhibition match might be the best place for that because the number of resets required to just figure out what's going on in the real deal is ridiculous and worst of all we don't even get to release the bogus once for this fight it's just a bad time all-around number 410 defenses bald bull this one comes down to a straight endurance match unlike some of the other world's circuit counterparts bull doesn't like to hold back with his moveset speeds that even when he requires the same pattern recognition and study as the other fighters he's a much tougher opponent to figure out but even after fighting him several times I still got schooled by his uppercuts so I guess some problems always stick but as every punch-out veteran knows the real pain here comes from the bull charge since we can only knock him down once we'll need to dodge past this punch every single time after which is to say he'll go for several of the things in a row before even Tucker's out and truth be told I almost put the contender fight in this slot because my console would start to lag like crazy after all of the particle effects from the third attack but title defense still takes the cake in the category because he goes on four for the charge instead and unlike the contender run we don't even get the satisfaction of knocking him down one time with the punch it's a lose-lose situation number three contender mr. Sandman if I had to boil down this fight into one phrase it'd have to be Swift overhead punch because good god the window dodged this one is crazy small so we can't let our minds wander for a second or else will after a start but even adding on top of that his dreamland Express move can be a real threat as well since he'll try his best to throw off our timing if we're not careful really he's a tough combo to master but it's worth it for moments like this tell your face keep my peaceful MA anyone spell and taking him down there makes the contender run possible but what about the part two in title defense number two title defense mr. Sandman so many of the problem points from the other fights that we discussed come back full force here if the speed of Macho Man was a problem then you're not ready for the breakneck blink punches where the pure patience need for matches like Bulbul reaches a boiling point here this pattern taking a crazy 18 punches before looping if you count the two dreamland expresses this committee crown feel incredibly long especially since we don't get the downtime of stun frames like you wouldn't a regular run for that reason round twos were I personally wore down across the five hour mark in this run and my cold fish brain couldn't keep track of where I was in the pattern meaning plenty of brain damage for a little Mac but mental roadblocks aside we have the full opportunity here to learn the pattern and then practice like crazy so we pair through the onslaught of afridi rushes in round three and then duck right one last time take the decision win and while I wish that was it we still haven't talked about the toughest fight in the game number one time defense King Hippo alright so what makes this fight so much tougher than Sandman I mean King hippos moves are fairly straightforward even plays like a near carbon copy of contender and his phase one so what gives well because as far as I know it's impossible now we're able to land a hit that part's not a problem just wait till he opens his mouth go for a swing and that'll throw them in a stun but it's all fake no damage is done unless we take the extra hits to knock off his tape and when I first checked that out I thought this was just the same situation as the original king hippo fight since there he gets hit in the teeth and there's no visible damage but with the way that this one is programmed we don't have that same opportunity until the first tape snaps so in my research we need five punches to get the decision here that's not gonna cut it with that said title defense might be impossible but we can take down the contender run has one punch Mac and with that folks run ten kilometers on this one in the top right to see us take down punch-out without dodging or duck to this morning the bottom right for another video if you want to support the channel and get new videos every week then use a star punch on that subscribe button but until then take care and you have a good one alright
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 3,339,406
Rating: 4.8781748 out of 5
Keywords: skipthetutorial, skip the tutorial, stt, can you beat punch out wii using only one punch per fight, one punch mac, can you beat punch out without punching, is it possible, can you beat without, is it possible to beat, can you beat, is it possible to beat without, punch out without dodging, one punch challenge punch out, punch out one punch man, punch out, punch out wii, punch out challenge, punch out only one punch, one punch, one punch challenge, saitama, one punch man
Id: wYhEGphWB2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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