Plumber Physics - Glitches in Super Mario 64 - DPadGamer

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hey there I'm d-pad gamer and it's time for another video exploring glitches tricks and other weird stuff this time for super mario 64 let's start out very fittingly at the beginning of the game as soon as you gain control of Mario you can perform something called the lakitu skip it's not quite a glitch but is definitely unintended when you walk across the bridge as normal Akito will stop you to introduce themselves instead if you long jump on the very far edge possible to get past the dialogue trigger next back outside let me show you how to get on top of the castle without having all 120 stars on the far right side of the castle you need to do a triple jump the first and second jump should be on flat ground with a third being on the slope angle to the left so that Marta slides down the wall and jump as you see here it's a little luck Marv will grab on to the ledge and you're on the roof unfortunately all you'll find here is 3 1up sandbox can open Ivan assembly Oh shiii now I understand if that's a bit of a letdown so if you'd like to kill yourself let me show you how ok that's probably bit dark ok let me show you the castles corner of doom on the roof if you walk over to disk for a real careful light Marv will grab onto the edge when you pull himself up he dies it's a bit bizarre but I think I understand what's happening when order pulls himself up he can be seen pushing an invisible wall from the other side since he's technically out of bounds it game to straight up kills them for the last glitch involved in the castle we're gonna get inside the castle to make this easy let's use the wing cap found on the roof with a few well-placed jumps in a bit of flying mark can reach this spot here now just walk up the wall and morrow fall right through yep that's right we're now behind the castle door this small rooms where Marv walks into during the transition between areas if we try to go through the door we end up back behind the door on the other side we're stuck here forever Marv we'll never be able to see the light of day now all we can do is block through the wall ok I guess that works too for my next trick I'll turn Mario into a zombie freeze glitch we'll need both a cannon and a bomb and to make more interesting wing cap to start us off bring my results down to either 2 or 1 sections next grab the wing cap and head over here now you need to either grab a bomb or have it follow you over to the cannon you want it to blow up and push Marv into the cannon at the same time Mario is now a zombie you can try to collect coins but his health will stay at 0 it seems that death is inevitable for the plumber because he dies as soon as he touches the ground it's homes as if the floor is lava I say blatantly transitioning to the next glitch [Music] [Music] over in the level boughs in the fire seat let me show you an awful way to die over at these moving platforms if you position Mario just right this can happen crash to death and burned alive pretty rough however lethal all the land has an even worse version of the death head into either the fifth or sixth star so that we can grab the Koopa shell right over to this area and move the lawn when to trolling right the show right into it [Music] yeah that's that's actually really brutal I will say though that noise makes me laugh every time while we're here in deadly magma world let me show you a neat trick if you perform a sidekick mark and actually bounce the lava once without getting hurt the way I understand it sidekick bounce animation takes priority so Mario won't get hurt until the burned animation in play or something like that I'm not totally sure let's look at one last double death head into the secret course vanish camp under the moat and drop my results real low stand in front of the edge like this and let yourself be hit with fire Marv will lose all his health falling into the bottomless pit this will spit him out in the water or heat immediately drowns talk about adding injury to injury or something like that here's one last wish to finish off this unofficial death section of the video if you either die or clerk to star on a rotating platform the camera will stop falling Mario it's not really useful but I think it's pretty interesting in this game ledges are very weird there is more than one spot remark and clip through wall by grabbing on to a Ledge let me show you what I mean on the staircase leading up from the castles main lobby jump around here Mario will grab on to the ledge of the wall and slip right through the ceiling it's a minor time saved I can come in handy during certain mario 64 speedruns down in the basement you can do something very similar Mario will slip through the ceiling and end up inside one of the lobbies pillars it's slightly less useful but definitely neat one last example of the edge hook can be found in bombing battlefield on the first mile bridge is possible a clip right through the lowest end wire shows no lead grab animation but he ends up on their side all the same those are just a few examples of edge clipping though there's probably more useful ones scattered throughout the game if you know of any let me know in the comments now here's something quite useful there are certain slopes in this game that look like climbable yet maro always slides down one example of this again is in bomb home battlefield on this slope you can actually climb it all the way up at the base jump and hold a button while still holding a bun feeling foam cakes with sediba Mario will jump kick all the way up if you don't hold a button for a lot of go part way you're likely to perform a diver racing hard progress there is another speedrunning relevant trick that I'd like to show you in this level it's possible to get the star behind the chain chomps gate without breaking down the gate even when it's shakily performed by me that track looks really sweet let me break down what's happening first we grab a bomb like so the first jump is to get some momentum since walking while holding something is really slow during the second jump we let go of bomb which angers a little guy and he tries to blow up we need to grab him again as he's doing his exploding animation which looks like this he's now much larger and strangely enough pushes Maura backwards for a short time this is used to slide Maura over to the gate we want to throw the bomb out and actually push his Maura backwards let him clip through the gate and get the star it's a bit of practice you too can save those precious frames have you ever wanted to fly while holding your wing cap in your hand no let me show you anyways this can be done wherever there's a wing cap in an exclamation mark block first hit the block and love to camp sit on the ground riot is is about to disappear the block should respond hit the block pick up the first cap and grab the second cap and immediately after if done properly Mario is now holding his cap you can still fly like normal it just looks a bit weird though when you grab a bomb it turns invisible Marv will also take more damage since its considered not wearing his hat once the wing cap expire is Mars cab will remain in this hand I'm sure there's more to this glitch but I'll cap it there next time you're playing super mario 64 and you find a homing 1up travel eating it you can crash down and you can crawl around it'll just keep falling Mario it seems that just like death life is inevitable alright it's time I'm sorry I lied to you because this entire video was excused to show off this clutch a backwards long jump first let me show you what it looks like [Music] pretty awesome right I'm gonna tell you how it works by repeatedly performing long jumps while going backwards Marc can build bunch of speed very quickly it's a wonderful trick used in most if not all super mario 64 speed runs you haven't already figured it out I really like speaking tricks let's look at a first example of this glitch skipping through the upstairs star door for most instances of blj when your wall or slope to jump against here it's two stairs start at the bottom like so and long jump while holding backwards here admire sounds like this foot that's roughly the pattern our jumps you need to do getting faster the farther up the stairs it's surprisingly easy to do with a bit of practice here's what it looks like if you use it on elevator I couldn't get enough speed to do anything useful but I think you get the idea normally 70 power start is required to climb to endless stairs but with the blj is possible to climb it whatever like so [Music] the endless tears at any boy in the game are finite as Mara walks up the stairs at a certain point to gain teleported back to give the illusion of endlessness the backwards long jump allows Mario to bypass that trigger oh let me share a fun fact just like the stairs itself the seemingly endless music is also finite the music is a modified type of Shepparton a Shepard tone is a sound made of a repeated sine waves that gives the illusion of the pitcher Isaac forever I'll link some Irish team stuff in the description if you'd like to explore the Shepard tone more all right fun fact I'm over let's finish off this video with Myers seemingly teleporting using the backwards long jump enjoy [Music] thanks for watching this video if you enjoyed it perhaps you'd like to check out my video Easter eggs for the same game or instead glitches for Super Mario Sunshine I still want your suggestions so if you have a game in mind that you like to cover let me know thanks again I'll see you next time
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 773,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Glitches in Super Mario 64, Super Mario 64 Glitches, SM64 Glitches, Glitches SM64, Super Mario 64 Is Glitchy, Super Mario 64 Is Buggy, Super Mario 64 Lakitu Skip, Super Mario 64 Zombie Mario Glitch, Backwards Long Jump Glitch, Super Mario 64 Bomb Clip, Mario 64 Glitches, Glitches in Mario 64, Super Mario 64 0 Star Glitches, Super Mario 64 Speedrun Glitches, Glitches With DPadGamer, NathanielBandy, Simpleflips, MinusWorld, Shoutouts To Simpleflips
Id: mx-rNkTqa1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2017
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