E5 Creo Parametric 4.0 - Assembly Basics 1 Tutorial

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exercise five in this exercise we take a look at something different than site creo 4.0 we're actually going to work with an assembly and this is going to be utilizing what's called the bottom-up method the bottom-up method of assembly modeling is essentially taking parts that are pre-existing from a library you might say nuts bolts whatever and you just assemble them and you assign constraints to the surfaces or relationships that will enable it to assemble what you see on the screen in front of us all so we'll take a look at dynamic assembly motion which is one of the effects that are given when you apply these mates in a certain order so I think it will find it very interesting exercise so let's begin first of all make sure you download the files those of you who go to that you could go to the Britannia one comm and par files you'll see I have the creole files here and these are note they're only for educational licenses so if you try and download this to a commercial license you will have some problems it will not let you I put on some exercise 5 I just parts and those you could actually import and utilize those on a commercial license you'll just have to import them and save them save them all in the same folder would probably preferable and then you could go ahead and assemble this so my apologies I don't have the regular commercial license here this is for educational purposes only ok so let's begin start off with a new assembly file so here you're going to click on assembly and go ahead and give it a name of e5 and hit OK now we're going to go up here this is going to be the bunt we're going to use quite often for bottom-up assembly modeling bottom-up as I said refers to taking parts are already constructed for you top down or skeleton assemblies are a more advanced topic where you're actually building the parts inside the assembly and that is we start looking at that very minimal at by exercise 9 I believe so skip ahead if you're interested in that but here I'm going to go to assemble and I already have my files ready had downloaded them and I'm going to go ahead and grab the very first part is the sheet metal bracket to go ahead and hit open now we'll bring it in and these little arrows and rings allow you to rotate it or reposition it and that's very useful when you are trying to get it all assembled but right now this belongs actually just on the origin so if you hit the little arrow to the right of automatic use the default that matches the parts origin with the assembly origin and that's very useful for top-down assembly modeling you might find that in files that you get from other customers and such that they might all be locked into the or decentralized origin but not necessarily all of them so I was just apply it on that one now you can use the planes to mate but I'm going to disable those planes and axes you do have the ability to select those and align them together but what we're going to do next is we're going to go ahead and bring in another part so again we go to assemble and this first part I'd like to bring in is actually the yoke male the yoke male select that and now here's where we could actually use these little arrows find the green arrow head grip it with your mouse button and drag it up you can see you could relocate it you can also go ahead and drag the red arrow and things like that but really what we want to do is in this case we're going to go ahead and align it to that pink hole that you see right over here so so like this surface of the boss that sticking out of the yoke mail and then go ahead and select that pink surface of the hole on the sheet mail bracket now if your bracket or your parts in this exercise do not have the same colors that I have a mind don't worry just select the faces and I'm selecting because I try and turn up these parts and we'll see if I could upload them for you to use but currently the files that I used in 3.0 and 2.0 only are pretty much just monochromatic go ahead and select that face all right now we're going to go ahead and apply another mate this top base if you can see this remember if you can't see you can always drag it up and then rotate this and select this underside yellow face of the bracket and now it's coincident now if you don't get coincident by the way you always have the ability here to select it manually okay because it will give you a distance option and distances are very important and very useful for example tolerances and things like that so be aware confident is not always what you're going to get in reality there's coincident face face contact but when we look at tolerance stack analysis and other things like that you definitely want top tolerances in many of these parts and real in reality hit the green checkmark to apply now zoom in and out or hit the windshield wiper to repaint the screen if you have any fragments left and now I want to show you this go to drag component and typically you should be able to drag the component however this one I forgot to enable an option so if I click on it unfortunately I cannot drag it so over here on the right I'm just going to hit close this brings us to an interesting tool on the left if you want to see these features hit the little Settings button up here it looks like a hammer and screwdriver go to the tree filter and turn on display features not everyone cares to have that on but I like to have it on and now you can see the full feature tree with the feature trees that came over from the individual parts as well if you have a little arrow you'll see that these are these are actually important models okay so now what we want to do is we want to go back to this yoke mail and edit that so right click and find the Edit definition button this will bring us back to those coincidence States now bring up the placement tab here and turn off allow assumptions unfortunately when you don't turn them off the first time the kre-o keeps adding them hereafter and hopefully sometimes I see where it seems as though it didn't but we might be stuck in to disable that every time now but if you disable the very first time when you first assemble them all usually it remembers that setting and now once that's applied hit the green check mark and now we could go back to that drag component and there we should be able to click on this part and rotate it so remember the allow assumptions button important ok and as what we've done there too we removed the degrees of freedom of this model notice that it can no longer travel vertically it could only rotate its place because we added that coincident and a concentric okay let's move on to the next part go to assemble and the next part we're looking for is called the spider hinge it opened and again this is one you could get closer proximity to the geometry desired and now we're going to go don't hit the apply yet we first want to lock these holes into these holes here so see that blue hole right there go ahead and select that surface of a blue hole and now select this hole over here notice it's in alignment vs. this is a perpendicular hole you don't want that one but sit this one right here okay now we can go ahead and select this face right here and be very cautious as to what face you align it to depend upon proximity or location of this model you might end up getting it lacked in on this side by accident so make sure you select this face notice I rotate it with the middle mouse button to get it centered if you have difficulty with that my suggestion is don't necessarily try and bite off more than you can do by editing mode where I just showed you how to edit these mates you might actually want to just delete the part out of the assembly and try it over again for new users once you become more adept to the software you can go and modify things very easily but go ahead and hit the green check mark so I hope that's what we do that let's make sure allow assumptions and see as I said before unfortunately now it's stuck on on a regular basis so we're gonna have to turn off allow assumptions there okay let's see what we've done now if we go to drag component if we click on this part and move our pointer left right up and down you can see it now pivots and rotates okay hit close up here or middle click now we're going to go ahead and bring in the next component let's go to assemble and this is going to be the yolk female hit open and if you like you if you get a close approximately though you don't have to I'm going to go ahead and align this hole here to the red hole and now I'm going to go ahead and select this red face and I'm going to rotate it around and see through there and select the inside of the leg of the yolk and that one coincident and again there placement and look at that now allow assumptions is turned off which is good okay so we're still here now here's the thing if you do turn on placement now when you want to add additional constraints that for example we want this bottom surface of this plunger to align itself parallel to this surface on the bracket so what we can do is you could hit new constraint hit the little arrow right up here and I could add another constraint this time select this face here on the underside of that plunger to this face right here now it tried to go with coincident and it didn't do anything so Clinton does not be option we're looking for here we actually want to go with parallel and and if every color coat started okay so here we're back I have a little issue there but basically if you can't get to this to where you can see it looks for this little blue ring and rotate that up a little bit let's try that again so I'm going to go to placement and new constraint and instead of automatic I'm going to go with parallel from the very start select the bottom face of the plunger and select this little green face right here and it should align itself and hit the apply what I would recommend doing is because I you could see that I had a little issue and I had to pause there I would actually end up maybe it's you can't get back to that maybe delete the part and reinsert it and just restart those steps my apologies for that go ahead and hit the green check mark and let's take a look at what we just done here if we go to drag component we should be able to click up here and rotate it and all the components move together compel to click two times that map alright now what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and put in the pins so go to assemble and let's drop the red pin in first so click on the red pin open that up and what we're going to do is like the length of the shaft to the red hole and then this end face of this pin we could try a tangent but I'm at instead I'm going to go ahead and align it to this red face right here and then we'll set it to a distance we can actually pull the pin out just a little bit or else just double-click and type in point oh six right here for the distance offset hit the green check okay now I'm going to go ahead and bring in the blue Tim's and there's two of the blue pips assemble and find the blue pin open we'll get that little closer proximity to where it needs to be mated and now we can go ahead and select the length of the blue pit right there and then the blue hole and now we could select this end face to this blue and flat face of the Spyder hinge and we could set that just like we did last time point zero six and hit apply and finally the last one we could see it from the back here let's go and assemble another pin find another blue pin and get that up there you could even rotate it a little bit if you like select the length of the pin to the blue hole and then this M face to that blue face and set that to 0.06 again and hit apply all right so now that we have those components in place let's go ahead and put the handle on now the handle is actually a sub assembly so we could go to assemble and find the handle sub assembly and see it looks like a little yellow owl and there's our handle open that up and drag it way up there and what we're going to do will first make this cylindrical face right here to the pink surface of the yoke mail now go ahead and select this surface right here actually hold ctrl and deselect that that's not the surface we want just yet we actually want this little yellow flat surface right here to align first otherwise it's going to be difficult to see this select this little face right there and then select this yellow flat face right hand I'll be careful there's a radiused yellow face you don't want that one you want this one right here so select it and it should be coincident and then finally we could go ahead and select this face to this face and set the distance to point zero zero five and we should see there's a small little distance gap between those two hit apply okay let's test this out and see how it works go to drag component click on the handle and as you rotate everything should move together and that's dynamic assembly motion which is somewhat it doesn't account for friction or inertia or anything like that but that would be more of a kinematics and dynamics package you would require for that but this gets you an idea of how it's going to interact how will interact I should say okay now there are a couple little yellow holes here if you want to drop in some additional parts this is optional it's just good practice you could go over here and you'll find the fastener and open up the fastener and get it over there and rotate it so that looks like it's going to go in one of the holes oops okay just rotate you can see it goes out of the screen pretty easily we actually want the length selected of the fastener to the yellow hole and let's see where it went oh it's over here so drag it close you can actually drag it right in or else you could go ahead and just do this right away select this flat face to this face and coincidence is the option you want remember if it's a distance you can set it to coincident right here and you can just go through and add those additional holes there if you like it's optional it's just good practice okay and that concludes this exercise 5 however we do have the lab 5 B which is the assembly project and that incorporates using your lab 4 part along with the other parts in it so you could assemble that if you like I am NOT going to go through that at this time as I don't have the files right you
Channel: vertanux1
Views: 35,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creo, tutorial, cad, 4.0, assemblies
Id: xJeEXxxUocA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2017
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