Creo Machining for Beginners

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hi everybody welcome to today's webinar machining for beginners so just a quick overlook of the webinar and the agenda so I think all of you received the description we'll do a quick introduction about boundary systems then we'll jump I think I prepared one slide and then we'll jump into the to the presentation go into Kriya and stop machining some parts after that we'll have a question and answer session but feel free to ask questions during the webinar I'm only going to answer them once I'm done with the demonstration okay so just quickly something about myself so I'm a boundary systems technical specialist been working for about nine years now with PTC product range and I've done some mold design and before that and during that time with the PTC products as well a little bit about boundary systems so these are the low logos of some of the customers we serve we're we're a PTC partner we also do been some pieces of others like a solid thinking it rage so on and we also part of the PDS vision group of global companies some of our capabilities product lifecycle management data management we also do care design and consulting and simulation and also product development so that's that's how we serve these customers that you see on the slide then some of the major accreditations so where we are BTC baton and partner we also virtual certified implementer a ptc preferred provider and then also certified training for creo Winchell mathcad and Erbitux products and then just a quick slide about all the solutions we offer I've mentioned some of them in the previous slide I think the main focus is on the PTC range but you can you can see we this a whole different software business that we use as well okay so just just a one slider and before we jump into the demonstration so I think the most important thing when you start a machine with creo parametric you need to understand the flow of how things work as soon as you understand that everything is going to be a lot easier to understand so this is just a big overview of all of that I'm gonna break it down during the demonstration and you see everything I do will have a certain process to it that's one that I found work for me you don't have to use it like this I think it's it's a good tape letoure starting point everything you need to modify that or take bits and pieces of that and bring that into your company and into your scenarios so so everything in creo is going to start with a part that has been designed so with the new trio tonight technology that that part can come from any other product or any other software vendor you can import that into creo parametric and you can start machining that so that's the that's the design phase of various things and then from where you're gonna go into the in see environment in crea so that's a that's a specific type of assembly that you will create from the you need to start thinking like a machinist then you need to specify and coordinate systems what type of machine you'll be using will it be only one type of machine will go from a milling machine to a lathe to a wire cutter for instance things like that you can do in one file and from there viously you go to the Machine and you start machining your parts ok so that's a big overview of the of the of the process so I'm gonna bring this slide back as soon as we start with the questions and answers at the end of the demonstration but you can quickly take a snapshot of that if you want to if you don't want if you don't have time whatever the reason might be you can send me an email if I've come on set if I'm busy with other projects I'll make sure the great person will the support team get all of that and we'll answer your question as soon as possible ok so let's jump into creo and it starts machines or pots so I'm gonna start with the with the melting pot so I've prepared two parts one milling and one turning one I think there's a little bit more on the money side of things and that we need to discuss I'm gonna start with that and then halfway through maybe a little bit more than that I'll go into the turning part of things but the process and the way that you will program those are exactly the same so so the first thing that you need to talk about is there is the type of the same lease that you will create in creo so I already created many one in this case but let's just quickly recreate that I'm going to show you how that works so you're going to start a new manufacturing assembly and we're gonna do it I'm in CSM so you will see that there's a lot of different manufacturing top that you can create I'm the expert machinist is a future based billing method that you can use then you also have the CMM sheet metal where you can drive plasma cutters laser machine punching machines things like that and also do the mold and cost cavities and we will say if they added additive manufacturing so I've got the full artisans here depending on the license that you have you will have the available options on the subtype so for now we just going to work on a simple three axis milling machine so nothing complicated so we're gonna say we want that and you're gonna give it a name now in this school is milling three axis okay so if your templates is set up then you can just use your default template I'm gonna uncheck that box for now and I'm gonna say okay and it will allow me to choose files from my tapered folder so what's nice about this is you can use these templates for various machines so if you have a three access machine with a specific processor or five access machine that you need to use in a certain way with default settings and things like that you can have as many templates inya as you like and then you can start off with that so maybe there's already tick some features in there things like that certain layers certain parameters speeds and feeds for that particular machine all of that can be so for this exercise we're going to keep it simple and we're just going to use millimeter star port so I'm going to create that and you can see and I have my default data planes and I have one coordinate system in there okay so if you look at my other tank that I had let's go to the Melling one I had my three access in there as well so I have my X Y and z-axis so things like that you can have in your templates so let's go back to the one I just created and it's make sure we use default so this is out of the box I've done nothing to this file so every setting that you see is going to come from the out-of-the-box set up for Korea and so I'm just gonna maximize my screen and then the next thing we'll need to do is we need to bring in our reference pot so I've mentioned the process that I will follow during these demonstrations so this is the way that I use it as well so I basically drive my my dashboard from left to right so I don't need to create extra datum axes and sketches and things like that and for this particular part so I'm gonna skip those so the next thing or the next thing that I need to do is bring in my reference pot okay so this is the part that you want to machine so this needs to be your finished product so this is there's a few ways that you can't bring it in I'm just gonna use a standard reference model so that's the model that's been designed I'm gonna bring that into my NC assembly and this quickly preview so you have to be me when you open these sponsors make it a little bit bigger so use the preview that insures that you that you select the right component that you want to do now you have the cover bought also have a mold cavity and I think this will be a nice one to use let's use our old cavity and I'm gonna stay open so as soon as you bring it open or as soon as you open it you'll notice that that the way they do is sample these spots is exactly the same way that you will use to a single normal bonds in the trio environment so if you are the designer and you make assemblies and you need to do the the CNC machine side of things then that they know it's a lot easier getting into the CNC side of things because it's using the same interface and the same methods to same old parts and it's the same for sketches it's the same for everything so it's a symbol the part I'm going to use that top and then choose the center and I'm just gonna the distance one I'm gonna make that coincident and then I'm gonna use there st. assembly and I'm gonna assemble it like that bing-bong this one okay so there it is okay so basically I've told crea now so that's my brief transport so if I need to do couch shaking or anything like that it's gonna calculate that according to this trombone and that I've added so you can add more than one part if you want to but that's that's more full advanced type of things then you need to move from g54 355 but you can do all of that in one assembly file and so the next thing that we need to do is we need to add a workpiece around us so this this would be your stock bullet so once again there's a few ways that you can bring this so I'm just gonna use the use the automatic workpiece functionality and it's basically just gonna wrap a bullet my component so you can see I will have some some time there have some mentioned values that I can't change so there is a value there I can change the thickness or I can use the option dialog box and I can tell it well in in X I wanted to be 700 and that's going to extend so maybe four clamps or something like that I need to add a little bit to my ballot so let's do that now let's say in the z-direction might need to add two millimeters okay - that music girl I need a quantity 125 and I need this 156 on what so you can add this you can drag the try to drag handles whatever is the easiest for you so that's that that's the OT automatic would be so I'm just quickly gonna cancel that one and one other one I want to show you is a symbol work piece so this allows you to bring in any part and do and bring it in as a stop bullet so if you need special holes and things like that for clamping walls certain and after grooves for five axis machining or for the transits that's on your machine you can design those bullets and you can bring it in as a standard so I can bring in anything I can bring in that component now as a as a stock so no no limitations on there well this exercise I'm just going to use the automatic workpiece and I'm going to machine that okay so so that's the that's the that's the workpiece so the next thing game down this dashboard the next thing that we need to specify is the the work center so what will be now what machine will be here what machine tool will we need use on this okay so I'm gonna use a milling machine it's just standard this is out of the box so it's gonna be a three axis machine and I'm gonna say okay and the next thing that we need to specifies the operations so the operation is basically the the coordinate system that you get a machine this port according to so this is your g54 for instance so I can go in I can create a coordinate system on the edge if I'm gonna pick up the edge on the machine if I'm going to use the same self mark bullet then I can create a coordinate system in the st. of marble this one's already in the center so I'm going to use that and so all my tool pots will now become calculated from this so this is my G 54 so as soon as I do that in you notice that my cutting tools also became available now so so I can go and I can define some cutting tools so I can do mobility tools I can do in moles or moles tapping reaming boring same to drilling so all of these I can go and create now so so remember this this was now out of the box solution so I don't have anything set up now I have to go and do that as you start working with with Korea you can save these machine setups and you don't have to go and specify the tools each time but that again that that all depends on how your shop floor is operating if you change your tools a lot around and you have different things and different different tools in and out of the machines then maybe it doesn't make sense to go and add all of this and maybe it's quicker to do them on the fly it all depends on your scenario if you have standard tools in pockets 1 to 5 you're going to do that for each tool that you specify but you don't have to do that okay so I'm gonna cancel this and I'm going to show you how how you can specify the tools on the fly so as I'm going to start machining this the spot I'll create my tools that are meet so I'm gonna cancel that and more windows that would be the next thing that we need to specify but I'm gonna show you how to do that on the fly as well so the next thing that we'll need to do is we'll need to start running this component okay so let's start off with with a roughing process so I'm gonna stop Ruffini and you can see now the icon I can't do anything I haven't I haven't created tools so cRIO is asking me to specify - alright so I'm gonna edit tools you will see this is exactly the same window that I had when I pick the tools in in the previous process so I haven't measured anything on this component so maybe we should do that first let's get some information out of this ok so let's cancel that first and we can solve the roughing as well and let's get some information on this so with the new model based definition tools in creo you can go and you can create dimensions like you would do in a normal draw so I'm gonna create on my front plane some some dimension so I'm just going to move that maybe to the top so I'm gonna create some dimension today let's see ok so we're sitting with the radius 45 hole over there that's a 30 radius and see all these the same ok so just that yeah looks like one of them all the same so I don't have a drawing I don't have anything and I can go and I can create some dimensions so we're sitting with Turks it's about six hundred ten names okay so let's see how big this cavity is wall race it's about 2 to 85 millimeters so this this will give me some sort of idea what tools I can use let's get a radius in yeah ok so that's a spline so now I'm gonna have it I need a different tool for that and now I've got got all of these pie mentions okay so I could leave them there I can go and I can hide them if I want to or I can erase them whatever the case might be okay at least I've got an idea now so instead of going to the analysis tool and use diameter measure that aside so we say it's 60 you can use the model-based definition files and you can keep them on the screen you don't have to go and measure all the time so he knew what's best for you is it's a simple part you only need one or two dimensions if it's a complex part use the used to use them model based definition things and if there's dimensions on the screen okay so I've just eaten mine and we're gonna go back to milling okay so let's let's go back to that Rafi I'm gonna create my tools so I saw this bucket it's quite big so I'm going to start off with about a it's called a 25 millimeter and tool you can give your tool some nice descriptive name remember these these lists can go through to a drawing or to this to the shopfloor documentation at the end so give it a nice descriptive names or the guys on the floor know exactly what's going on I'm gonna say this is an in-mold and it's gonna be a 25 diameter now you can specify floodplains things like that 25 hits make that about 52 length is a hundred and I can say apply and it's gonna create that first true on the setting step so this tool is gonna be in Pocket number one and I'm gonna use the same wolf set value so so that's the that's the age value in your code so depending on the post processor setup you can have different values they normally it's the same as the tool number in some cases you it can be different all the pins on how the post has set up for your machine things like that okay so let's say Y and we've got - okay so now the next thing that we need to specify is on the window okay so I haven't done that so now we need to tell creo where do we wanna apply this roughing sequence so do we want that 25 millimeter tool to go and jump into those holes maybe not ideal at this stage do we want to do I think this one was 60 even bigger than I was 45 radius it was a 90 by a mature do we do we want it to to dip in there as well so the more window is a way to tell creo way to go in machine so I can limit that and I can just take the edges of the pocket for instance so the way though I'll do that is I'm gonna go over here and I'm gonna tell it I want to create more window on the right hand side and that's kind of that's gonna create more that's gonna put me in the in the mold window conveyor art so how do I want to specify it so this this is basically a sketch and you're looking it from your spindle head on a three axis machine and you're gonna limit it to that so I'm gonna use this the pot top view and now I can decide how do I want to do that so it picked up some of the ages I can specify the ages just get that so I can sketch it if I want to or I can pick a chain window so I'm going to use then I'm gonna pick this so now I've picked so maybe there we go so I'm gonna beat that only to shift down that allows me to be just the ages so I'm telling Korea now okay so I'm just want to do that pocket you can specify a certain depth option so let's say you have a part and you it's 150 millimeters deep but you need to machine it from both sides or you only want to go a certain depth then you can specify they say in this case I think that's necessary the pocket bottom yeah we'll drive that and I can say okay so on the options you can tell create - do you just want to machine inside of the contoured do you want it to go outside or do you want a uniformly offset value for that in this guy's in this case we just want to do the inside okay so I'm gonna say okay and I'm gonna resume my roughing and I'm need to specify clearance plane so I'm gonna tell it well you can retract ten millimeters above my port okay and let's quickly go and look at the parameters so that's my cutting feed so it was a default calculation with the he'd used a relation to calculate that I can specify the setup so that's off my cutter I've specified 24 millimeter cutter stay deep 2.5 millimeters with something with 50 fluid here let's increase that to about 15 you can specify tolerances how do you want to machine that spindle speed almost 2,000 rpms coolant off so let's just use that for now and see what we've got so collecting the toolbar you can see this pocket is really big at 25 millimeter cutters was gonna work way too hard in here so let's play that and see what happened let's maybe view that from the top it's gonna give us a better view of the top of two balls created I said some are circular that 10 maybe he was a little bit too much and for the depth you could see this tapes down changed that to wireframe I so you can see that hit the bottom I'm slight slight offset on the okay so that's a that's a starting point maybe not ideal I'm so let's play it a little bit around with the with the parameters and what I want to do quickly it's just hard my stock for this exercise so let's see what the spiral option will give us it's to a constant load one a lot better it's a lot smoother it's rounding down into my into my material I like this one much much better okay so I guess mark my point with that is that you need to play around with the with the open scan area and the closed scan here how do you wanna machine those bots it's gonna be different for each part you need to play around with it you saw it's quite quick to go and show to to get a view for their toolbars you can also show the tool path so as you change it it's going to regenerate and it's gonna change that as well so very nice very quick feedback do you like it do you think it's perfect for the type of tool that you use you need to make that decision okay so let's leave it like that is at the moment so once everything is done it will calculate the time that it's going to Spain on machining that that that particular sequence keep in mind it is an estimate I mean there's a lot of rapid moves yet if your machine can only wrap it at 2 meters per minute and another machine can wrap it at 20 meters per minute and obviously that machine is gonna cut faster so what I normally tell the guys is you you'll get a feel for the machining top if there's a lot of rapid moves maybe add 10% 5% and that will give you a more accurate value but this is just cutting time so actual shaving time where you were you're creating shavings okay so we've done there so let's quickly go on to the next one so all these three roughing exercises work they work exactly the same way so I can go from a 25 I can edit my tool I can create a new tool and maybe this is a 16 millimeter anymore so we've changed the weather to 16 food lanes so I can have brackets there just put any more food let's call it 50 apply so that's gonna create in my pocket number two and I'm gonna tell clay from my reroofing and then I just quickly want to show you what you can do so you can go and you can use parameters from previous seats so this this is for everything that you create that you get me I can double click that and you can see it took those values but be careful now my step over was 12.5 I'm sitting with a 16 millimeter Katya somebody I want that five my state date maybe I want that 8 okay and I can go and I can calculate that particular sequence so let's go and see they can see it only went and with that 16 in mode can go in it finished that off so I left my stock and all of that exactly the same so it's only gonna clean up with the 25 did lot but what I want to share in this case is that the Jo you know settings and your parameters and all of that it's exactly the same okay so let's do one more quickly and then we need to move on to the turning components so I want to use I want to create trajectory running so this is really why of the tools one of the sequences I used the most when I worked with three axis machines okay so I'm going to select my parameters I'll just have a quick glance with that okay so I think that's fine for default settings and then I need to go and specify a curve cut so I'm gonna machine this bucket over here on that whole I'm gonna be there and it's gonna machine that okay so that's just dropping it so but what I want to do years I'm gonna specify a height and I'm gonna specify the bottom of my pot as long okay so you can see now it's using step downs okay so that's not really gonna give me a nice smooth cut you're gonna have those little marks on each so if I need to do two things but I don't need to add a lead-in and a lead out or I can just create a helical cut so there is a little cut on peaches way too big so let's change that to let's start with thin and see what we'll get now that's looking better maybe fifteen will give us a Morris oh this 8/8 hey it's gonna start from the top it's gonna drop in and it's gonna go down and it's got to do a finish cut you at the water so maybe for for this scenario you'll use this as a roughing cut before you I'm sticking a Remo or something like that okay so the the jig simile sequence really a nice tool to granese you can use it on ages if you want to just use the outside edge your machine ages to a specific size with the drag handles you can just quickly extend that so it starts off the part and maybe extinct then inside you can give it values whatever the base might be where you want to start yeah so things like that so just to take simile an easy tool to going big ages get your finishing done with quick and easy picking and I'm adding finish cups all you can add profile stock for a finished cut as well or for a roughing cut sorry okay so we've got about eight minutes left let's quickly jump into the studio to the lathe tool but maybe maybe I should just quickly show you the new simulation in Korea as well so for for the guys that's using the older version we're not using the berikut anymore we're using a tool from module works now and let's quickly go and simulate that I say you can say to precision and things like that I'm just quickly gonna run through that just want to show you out on your to look like speed it up a little bit so in here you can do you can stop collisions you can stop at gorgeous things like that that's everything that you that you can sit I said that's that's all part looks like after to roughing cycles and that the jigs and milling that's not making any sense at that stage and then we just landed two on the edge okay so that's the that's the new simulation tool so if you're using the later versions career I think certain versions of creo for the later versions of five and it's standard from creo 6 and this is clear six by the way Fitz is the latest version okay let's quickly do some one or two sequences on the turning pot so then import again starting with a default template additional item access things like that already created so the sequence or the process exactly the same start with a reference port is the port that we're gonna do and then my X Z value is going to be dead salads for that in parts a value that needs to be coincident and then I'm gonna put it flash with this surface over yeah okay so there's mosaics hey that should be fine workpiece again so you need to specify coordinate system I'm gonna use that and then obviously we're gonna use round boy were they over yet so you see it to grab it will take the the biggest diameter and it will grab that you can add material if you want to obviously you can't drag it smaller okay so that's great so the workpiece done next thing will be what machine will we use then you use a lathe and we just have one turret and one spindle so very basic life just eggs and same values or axes and then the operation so same as should be 50/50 for where will I calculate my tool port from when you use that one in the front and again you can add your your Chuck or your clamps and things like that you can add it in your tail stocks if you if you have those you can add all of that in and then use it as pictures so cutting tools the same so I'm just gonna use a default cutting tool over here I'm gonna create that now not on the fly and I say okay then I go and I can go into so exactly the same way that we need to tell creo in the milling side of things where we want a machine we need to do the same for turning so we need to specify a turn profile so there's a few there ways that you can do that so years old objects you can go and draw it if you need to you can link creo creo create them for you as one so I'm gonna pick my coordinate system and you can see it it calculated the like a cross-section through this component so I can tell it so where do I want to start where do I want to end it let's take everything for now and then we can break it up as we create our two paths so that one's great so let's say okay and I can create another one for instance which is the same and I can say well I want that I want to start over there and I wanted to end over here for instance okay so you can create as many as you like that what's not going to make same thing and then we're gonna start without without area turning so that's the same way as we gonna rough so we need to rough all this component we're gonna pick our tool that I've created and then I need to tell what area do I need to turn I'm gonna give it this one over yeah so now you can see there's a few things that's happening yeah so that's not really ideal the tools obviously not gonna fit you know were they I can already see in this corner yeah with the mouse cursors I mean that tools gonna that was trying to get him there it can't go in yeah so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just drag my end I'm gonna drag it up I wanted to stop over there then I don't want it to break that corner so I can just select my arrow that's gonna jump up and the same with this side so I can tell it well don't don't cut on the front of my bullet I'm gonna I'm gonna shake that first with the facing term or something like that so I can pick on that arrow and it's gonna create the two ball okay so maybe in this case that one makes the most sense it's gonna start off my material and then it's going to run from the right hand side to the left okay so let's say okay then I can pick up a problem easily oh yeah that was a little bit too small so let's see what's happening in this corner over yeah yeah so obviously that's not gonna work for us so there's certain parameters that we normally sit when you start with the with was the life things so you will have like a template file and those will be in there so it's quickly go and set them manually so it's on the it's on the emotions so the guards avoid top is said to only calculate for the tip okay so that's so we need to do the side as well okay and now you can see that section over there that's clearing that tuna so if we go and look at our tool there's a 15-degree so it's going on that 15 degree angle yes sir that could work maybe you want to groove that out first before you do this all the pins on the pot and the tuning that you are running we're giving you the tools to go in manipulate that or change the sequence as you would like another thing that I would like what I normally use on this one is I'm not going to do the rough only I'll use rough and profile so it will do the roughing and then it will just come and clean up the pot as well that's like maybe a minute or so to the cutting but then you get that smooth finish once you've wrapped your pot just a nice uniform will finish on it okay so that's roughing out the component and then we can add a profile as well so this would be our finish cuts and there's no offsets to it Lance you pick the same thing this time I wanted to go just to be as well and I want it to drop just a little bit lower but that's going to finish my outer profile and then I'll come in with a drawl or maybe a different tool and well maybe mine I finishing - is different the two files maybe that increase to preemie 35 degrees the case might be said some you turning to and I'm using that now to finish my part okay so let's quickly look at the simulation for this one as well also using the new would you work simulation we play that pick on my dad let's tape down it's a little bit too small song I'm just gonna make this a lot quicker you know that finish one see I didn't change that see that tool con getting there as well so that's actually gone so if I added my couch stop at collision or gardenia he could have stopped every day okay so my ideal machine II but we need to set our parameters great so let's quickly do that and our parameters need to go that's and and let's view that okay today you can see it's moving above that okay and then before we go into the question and answer session if you go into the help files so I know these these parameters for the milling and the turning there's a lot of options that you can choose so you can go and save these these files you can recall them if you want to I can't remember all of them so I'm using the help files as well so if you if you go file help and you go into creo parametric help you'll see all the money per ampere parameters so use usual finder if you eat control fine you can type in anything it's called scan and it's going to look for those or the scam wording okay so use that use the find you go and look for certain parameters you can not sure what it's doing or you don't get a specific tool cause that you need use use the help files just small or brief explanation will get you along like so so this is the milling parameters and you have them for the turning as well so gonna give you this cam time it's going to tell you how the toolpath will generate okay so I think that that's what I wanted to show it's very basic it is for beginners so I'm gonna give you I see there's already a few questions so let me put the slide back with the with the point details so you can either email me a question or I'll quickly mute myself and answer a few questions I have sir so get those questions in and I'll answer them you okay so I have one question about the mold milene something I didn't mention let's quickly go back to that so in the mold milling we have this new high speed Ruffy so this is your your waveform type of cutting so let's quickly create I'm going to use that particular it's quickly regenerate that so this is there are two paths more specific to to mold making okay so it's calculating I'm not sure about my step leaves and things like that now so it might be might be overthinking it now so let's give it a minute or so so maybe I'll ask some of the answer some of the other questions so we had a question about the shrinkage that's been added so yes you know if you use the mold I manifacturing license these shrinkage that you can add to your components and then you will you will add the shrinkage before you subtract it from pellets or from a diamond plate or something like that so yes this the specifics think it's to that you can use and then I think I did mention about the time that it takes for a certain sequence or process you can put it in it in a table format and I'm sure that in a drawing or any shock for documentation okay I think I should have just checked my parameters quickly before I've done this okay so while this is running I'm gonna give you a few more minutes to get questions in alone today you just gonna stop this one and they should view it from the top quickly they can see the difference they can see there's now no heart stops or anything like that so it's a nice continuous path all the time so cut to life load on the machine things like that it's really a lot less and with this type of sequence you can bump up the dead the speed and feet as well okay so depending on the material and the cutters and things like that you can really optimize all of that so this is part of the mold machining so this it's all these zoom art so you get the high speed rough the race rough the finish and the rest finish so the idea behind that is just to pick your cavity hit it with a roughing unit with the race roughing smaller to do a finishing and do a rest finishing so you can break that up obviously depending on your on your cavity okay so I'll give you a few more minutes to getting those questions you and there's one more question about the recording is the recording will be available if you go to our YouTube site they will upload it up there it normally takes a day or two so I think if you're going to check it out by Monday it should be up and running if not just drop me a mail and our separate people to give us some feedback if it's not on the YouTube channel okay so it seems like I've answered all the questions and like I said before there's any other questions please feel free to email me if I can on sale I'll get the right people to answer it or even get PTC involved if we need to as I'll in the webinar now thank you everybody for joining us and hopefully we'll see you next time thank you bye you
Channel: BoundarySystems
Views: 9,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creo, machining, nc, boundarysystems, pds, ptc, cam
Id: Y-9PojFIeUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 39sec (3279 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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