Webinar Replay Creo 4.0 in 60 minutes

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good morning everyone welcome to the webinar from Tristar my name is thiago Pawlenty upon today the topic is going to be talking about the updates in creo 4.0 in the next hour or so just a few things before we start the presentation this webinar will be recorded so if you would like to look at the webinar replay or some of your co-workers would I would like to see this webinar please point them to our Resource Center or in our YouTube channel we will have this recording made available by the end of the day just a few things so regarding the time limited offers from Tristar that is offer that's being offered this quarter you have a few offers on Creole extensions you can trade in your existing licenses with for free free free extensions one of the three free extensions you also have a N word offer on creo training general a PTC training as well as an offer on PTC mathcad as well as the perpetual a PTC licensing so which is going to be the end of this year the you know as you know PTC's it will be the last quarter with the perpetual licensing so you can take advantage of those offers if you would like to know more information about these please reach out to our reps at Tristar or please visit price trap calm and there will be more information regarding these time limited offers from a negative standpoint I just want to try my best to cover as many topics as possible the core areas mainly the user interface part modeling sketcher assembly drawing surfacing and sheet metal and if time permits we can even talk about a few more additional things like additive manufacturing as well as pro building some of the enhancements that was done in a variety of areas in creo in 4.0 and towards the end we will have a Q&A session so if you have any questions feel free to start typing in those question area currently all of your muted but towards the end I'll try my best to answer as many questions as I can pria for the biggest enhancement or from a usability standpoint in my view is of any toolbar and the full-screen mode right the mini toolbar is essentially you know divided into three rows of area you can have your editing operations your feature creation operations as well as your visibility operations so you know want to really have to do a right mouse-click you're pretty much selecting the geometry whether it's a surface or an edge or a component what have you the system automatically gives you based on the context a mini toolbar and that you can customize this mini toolbar out-of-the-box has kind of most of the common operations like for example you selected a surface you should be able to create a plane off of it or you know maybe extrude or sketch or create a hole on it but maybe you want to offset that surface that may not be available but you should simply be able to customize that mini toolbar and add as many commands as you would like right so the intent behind this mini toolbar is the users focus is going to be on the design rather than the software right where the user interfaces mode etc you don't have to do that you're just focusing on your design right the less mouse travel making you more efficient when you use creo 4.0 and it works in Park mode sheet metal sketch mode right what have you right except drawing pretty much all modes have this mini toolbar that you see some screenshots in here even in creo simulate right when you do and you select the surface you want to apply a load or you want to play it constrain you can use a mini toolbar and sketcher I want to select a geometry or a couple of lines or a couple of circles and I want to make them equal or I want to apply some rules on them right geometric rules what we call constraints all those constraints are made available as you can see here right so these are public advocate's their constraints right can add dimensions you have conversion tools locking dimensions cetera right if you select a feature or if you select a component in assembly mode then you will get a different list depending on how you customize that right but by default out of the box it does give you a pretty good one if you have a sheet metal model and if you select the edge of the sheet metal you should be able to extend it so you have the extreme tool and you should be able to add a flange wall or a flat wall or maybe added hem just like the surface you should be able to bend it so the mini toolbar is one of the big things that happened in 3 or 4 one of my favorites when I use three or four point oh combined with the full screen mode you know the mini toolbar and the full screen mode really allows you to you know maximize your graphics area right here more real estate essentially to work on the CAD model and also you don't have to your mouse travel right you're not looking for commands in the ribbon or different tabs you can get it that's required on demand it will show up by default and just say f11 it pretty much gives you a full screen mode and except the graphics where a toolbar right where you can even access that for quick view orientations or maybe changing it from a hidden line style to a shaded with edges etc the full screen mode it's kind of what I would suggest using linear news creo 4.0 wherein the mini toolbar essentially you know it helps you do design faster right rather than searching for the types um the number of keyboard shortcuts many of you may be using Mac keys but 3:04 has a lot of built-in keyboard shortcuts so there you can compare it has a list as you can the screen shot you know you can see that the commands with assigned short pitch it's already built into the system and you can also create your own so you can go and say show me all the commands that does not have shortcuts and then you will be able to create your own shortcuts and it will give you a red flag or it'll tell you that if that particular short clip is already being used by the system for some of the commands so compared to the previous releases where all we had was control-c control-v or you know control V control I for undo redo and the usual Windows one you know like the control G for region array or control D for standard view Korea for has a lot more shortcuts and you don't you no longer have to record the command like you used to do the math keeps right you know one or have to create a map key and then go and you know record your clicks mouse clicks and then that saves the map you can still do it if you wish for multiple commands but all the commands are there and then it's just a matter of you going in then adding a shortcut that you wish right right here so if and when you update the creo 4.0 you know try to challenge yourselves in just using the full-screen mode without the interface without the ribbon right without the model tree just focusing in your design right so here's an example of an arc apart as I call it right where I've captured my design intent as a skeleton or maybe to have my sketches done I have my datum features what have you then and then the next step is obviously to create the solid model and in order to do that right I'm a traditionally if you would go to the command and then select the geometry or the sketch but then the three or four then you should try the f11 and then just select the sketch and then start you know using the keyboard shortcuts for example for an extrude you should have a short different extrude to create a plane to be able to hit P to sketch a rectangle you should be able to hit R so there's a lot of predefined macros you know if you like keyboard shortcuts or the mini toolbar so the combination of the keyboard shortcuts the mini toolbar and the full screen it's really going to help you design faster smarter with the power of trio that we all know right you can also assign appearance States very part helpful in part models as well as assembly models where I might want to have different for example I met one had different colors for different surfaces right in the same model but different states so I should be able to go to the view manager and say okay give me a an engineering view or the manufacturing view from a standpoint of color right I want to show all the machines surfaces in my in my casting for example I would like to show that with a certain color right or in an assembly I would like to have different colors and appearances textures what-have-you for different parts but then I should be able to capture that as it appears right you don't even is not clear and appearance and then create another or apply another appearance you can have asked me appearance states as you want and also use that in the combination states in the view manager as for materials you do have a quite a huge list of materials compared to the old legacy library that we had so all the way on the left hand side you can see the old legacy materials but then PTC has partnered with granite and then you have over 50 materials predefined you can always customize them and these are the new materials can Hannah see that how they are categorized with subfolders and inside of that they do have NPM files quite a big huge list iPod compared to the previous releases of Korea let's take a look at things that I talked about before we go further so I have Priya four in here from the get-go you're able to go into your appearance and you've got like three teams to begin with the light team the dark team right and the default pin which is kind of like a great team right let's say like this team and I I'm going to use the same the x11 and I hit f11 or I should be able to click on this man right here right this icon right there that essentially takes me to a full-screen mode right and I'm in full-screen mode and I should be able to pretty much select the geometry the geometry is a default selection tool for now and I should be able to activate that part for example or I should be able to select any geometry and say let's open that part in a separate window right and if I go back to my full-screen mode on this part right here I should be able to select the surface I should be able to edit right to be able to go do edit definition so so you can see that you're really no don't you don't really know need it don't have to go all the way at the top to access your your dashboard or your ribbon tab if required it comes up on demand as I mouse over right to the left maybe I want to take a look at my model truth exists or maybe here and gives you but by default right might be a you know pretty good practice starting 3 or 4 to start using the full screen and the mini toolbar now as I'm doing this right I noticed that I have the ability to create a plane right I can quickly create an offset plane I could start sketching on it cetera but I'm looking for a command like one of the commands it's not in here right maybe an offset speech feature I'd like to offset that or create an offset surface I could just quickly right mouse on that and customize it right and these are all the commands that I have entry all right and I should be able to just search for the plan and there's my offset and I should be able to just put it right in right wherever right I would like to have something like that right I already have in there but there it goes and now I should be able to just say hey let's just the offset right and use an expand graph you still can access your dashboard it's required but you know pretty nice feature pretty good way and new works all right over using the full-screen mode and the mini toolbar it reflected in all ways I also some of the keyboard shortcuts that you might want to use for example I can I can just go to my options here and so you look at all the keyboard shortcuts commands with assigned sharp that's right there so you can get a huge list you know from from the get-go it gives you like you normal shift and right shading shading with edges they have pretty much most of the commonly used commands that you use for navigating or while working on your 3d model they're available as a keyboard shortcut but you always say show me the commands the tout assigned short that's right that's an option to where now it's showing without assigned shortcuts as you can see here right and I should be able to just go okay so I can just go to one of my features here right and one of my commands here and I can type in any any shocker that I wish so better than recording it by clicking it and then recording it using the Mac Keys right and if f11 essentially takes that out right so that's about the interface with the mini toolbar so have an assembly here and maybe I want to open this this body and I'm looking to again let me just use the full screen mode here I have the graphics window here but ask for the appearance that's right I'd like to go to my view manager and I can just set up a few appearances I have a master appearance and default appearance but let me just do in the appearance here this column demo here now let's say I want to sign one of these appearances here for the entire part right so what I've applied as an appearance within tear apart it's in some color right it's it's it's a glass or I gave it a transparent color right here so I can go shading the veges for example to see the edges maybe I'm interested in selecting all the energy on pre here right and I would like to give a specific color to that surface again I'm going to use my seat and boundary selection right shift and select Elise right so there's a so quickly I was able to get all the inner surfaces by just selecting a feed and all the boundary surfaces and I should be able to just go say okay let's say I want to give a different color for that and that's what it's going to be saved in there right so that it goes right I can do a copy of it or I can go back to my master appearance and I could just say do a copy or just add a new appearance right there let's follow this for engineering right and I should be able to go Jays and a totally different appearance right the different colors or even different you know so I can just say hey the surface the surface the surface should have that color so I have my appearance here I have my clearance here master appearance right the default and similarly I should be able to so I just did a control W to close out that right in assembly mode also you should be able to see if I could open up my assembly again in assembly also interview manager I should be able to go to appearance states and create a bunch of appearances right so - that's an appearance where I probably want to go select this part like this color here let's go this guy here right then I can go back to my master appearance and I can you know like this keep creating surreal appearance dates I can go back here goes have different appearance states and this can be part of your overall combo states as well right you can redefine your combo and you can reference different states moving on to part modeling here a few nice enhancements you do the extrude you do get the second Direction depth in the right mouse button and you're also able to assign a negative depth to the second direction so you're sketching plane could be somewhere however your extrude need not be on either side of the sketching plane it could be on just in one side I'll show that as an example and also you can control the up the surface or to selectively reference it could be offset linearly right you can do a translator and offset and one of my favorites in the partner modeling side is the midplane creation you can quickly create a mid claim when you select two geometries it could be two edges two surfaces two curved edges I just want to have a data plane that I forgot when I created my initial design I forgot to think about my design intent to mirror it maybe now I need a plane right I know I could use a point and created the center and right relations but you should be able to create a quick Nick claim between the two surfaces so you have a Mik plane option and the whole right you can create a whole on curved surfaces really quickly and also control the orientation of the whole right you no longer have to have the whole normal to the surface it could be at any angle from that point so typically what happens is when you select a curved surfaces and you create a hole using the point the point to be on the surface now you don't have to have the point of the surface but you could also control the orientation right so sometimes you might have a non 90-degree hole on a flat surface you can you know you know you no longer have to do a revolt cut or an extrude cut or do some angular datum planes etc all you have to really do is create a hole and select the point and then use the orientation as a reference you have some additional options there you can also go to insert mode within a group so you have a a group like this you no longer have to ungroup it and then go to insert mode you can do that right away right can just track you see my insert mode is within a group without ungrouping in it and when you convert your models would say from anglish units from inch to millimeters or millimeters vice versa you have the ability have a better you have some config options to control the accuracy right do you want to convert the accuracy or do you want to keep it the same you have that's a new enhancement in creo 4.0 so let's take a look at some of the part modeling enhancements here so if I were to open this so have a part here simple sketch and again I'm using my mini toolbar to to notice it's almost like I'm forcing myself to using the mini toolbar by using the full screen yeah I can I can I know you know use the shift key you know like in the previous release I should be able to snap to that surface but the second side you always have to go to options here right and then go to the second size of that about just your focusing in your design right here you just right mouse on it and say let's go to the side too and the side to again right I know I can go the side but what about a negative dip right even though my sketching plane is there I can give it a negative dip I don't have to go back and edit the definition of the sketching plane and then to have this work right so this will help um and also with the offset when you do a two selected you got two options right there than I can offset that surface without the need to create an additional plane and negative or a positive offset or I should be able to translate when I translate that as you can see it translates in sight so it depends on what kind of office if you want right I mean it's going to offset from the face or it's going to translate along the extrude erection that's really what's happening here right that's going along the extrude erection versus this is trying to it's still keeping it reference to that it's the most like the system creating an imaginary surface for it to go rather than you're creating going to you know dad um and then creating a new plane there okay this works on drew ball features as well right you could do so if I had this and if I want to do a revolve I could do one side the second side same thing that's right so there's my first side and I could you I should be able to go to a side - and there's my site - right so if they haven't designed like this maybe it was imported geometry right and I forgot to use my default atom planes or something I should be able to simply select the two surfaces here and I need a Mik plane right between the two so I should be able to go to select the surface hit plane and click the surface and it understands to use the mid plane option right there okay creating a big plane right in the center not only that I should be able to go create my flames for example I should be able to just go and say okay let's create a plane ride in here and I don't make plane right in here you get two options right either use them by sector one or the bisector - or you should be able to go select these two surfaces and create a plane there right give an edges you know I should be able to select the geometry here create a plane switch that you McClain and there it goes right I should be able to select a McLean right between those two edges that so I've just had my plane sitting but you get the idea here so how I'm able to use that McLain command pretty much for you know on an edge like this on the circular edge right there at the whole you should be able to go even Mik plane actually another edge but the surface right if I go to the surface and say type in P I should get a plane through it but I should say I should be able to go Mick play and say let's go through the mid plane the two surfaces sketching you can find you are now able to clip the model the sketching plane so you don't have to go to it northern style like in this design right here you know if I need to go into I'm sketching something on that face right there instead of using shaded view sometimes you may have to get a noted in style to look at the geometry right you want to essentially clip it or maybe create a temporary cross section but while sketching you just say I want to clip the plane and it will clip it for you with the color of the clipping plane being the same as this derives from the 3d model color and you can change the thickness of your sketched entities from 1 to up to three units tick and you also have the mini toolbar to sketch them out right and you can see all the constraints they're all having the same commands icons instead of the LR I know that for for left or equal radii or constraint or collinear right they use the same commands and references you know all you have to do is you just have to visit the geometry and when you visit the geometry it will quickly add references you know you could add references in the Alt key however just for example in here as I'm sketching I my cursor over this edge and it understands give me a midpoint guide and end guide and a guide here so I can quickly snap to that geometry while sketching so much better workflow right so let's take a quick look at some of the sketcher atmosphere if I have a do have a sketch in here where and I might want to select drag select so when I do a selection like this it's going to sort everything inside and I do a selection like this it's going to select everything that's crossing so the AutoCAD type selection technique is available in sketch mode depending on are you selecting sketching there through the right hang on the left to the right or from the right to the left right depending on that so that's improve so I want again quickly mirror this over I can do that using that selection technique very helpful for countless sketches good so if I want to quickly sketch on a face hero and start sketching on that face I would like to see the inside geometry or on a cliff it I should be able to simply click on this cliff model right here and it should click the model for me to temporary as soon as I'm done sketching it should unclip it right and whenever you sketch right the entities like when you do any shape if you want right so let's say I'm going to sketch my rectangle here and I just left so 10 for me and I'd like to make it thicker under scheduler settings you should be able to control the line thickness here to example it set larger value here you can go up to 3 um regarding constraints so when you start adding constraints you know you can see this constraint commands shown up right so that's telling me it's coins sedan versus vertical you have two choices there right we've set it to work ago right now I've sketched let's I said something right like that where I meant it to be horizontal but it's not I should be able to simply select that geometry right and said to horizontal right there or I should still be able to you know just add my automatic constraint so it's parallel right now as I'm dragging it's parallel and equal maybe I don't want to make it equal so I'm just gonna do a right-click - so you see if you notice in here I have two options here and just using my right mouse click to kind of with the query selection I'm toggling I'm saying I don't want that constraint right so it's again like this now I could go to the pad key in my keyboard and say maybe I want to make that I want to lock the parallel but not equal something like that so pretty much all the constrains you see in here are pretty much the same as what you see in here for the commands right and you're able to do that quickly with I can do that in full-screen mode without the need to have go to the ribbon and you're focusing on the design using those mini toolbar so in sheetmetal you have quite a few enhancements or the biggest thing being flexible modeling so some of you may have to work with non profiles where and you may have gotten a sheet metal part that was done in another catch system it could be something like maybe it could be solid births or it could be in banner or could just be a step file and you're trying to make changes to that you're trying to flatten it you're trying to change the bend radius you're trying to change the dimensions and obviously since it's a dumb solid you're unable to do that but now that the flexible modeling extensions support sheet metal and three or four you have sheet metal specific editing tools inside of three or four so this could be a part model that was not done in three or four right that's not even done in any of the creo is in a non prio file it also works in for your files but then the intent is you know you can just go dragged geometries added geometries change the bend radius right yes sheet metal specific tools like modification tools feature recognition tools you came in Romo so I don't have to go to the feature tree and do an edit definition I want to do a quick mode and I can give dimensions to it too right as you can see here and when you do a for example you have a flat wall and you add multiple client walls the corner reliefs right near the edge treatment you have an option to close the corner now so you can see the word difference between the previous releases and what we have in Korea for able to close the corner you can check those change the the relief tied to an operand rectangular or it can even do a custom one by unbending it and creating the Atlanta the cut and then bending in fact but then the overall the usability of these features for example the twist walk right it has a much better UI where you're really able to see what's going on so you're able to click on the drag handle you know at specified end with start with you know specify the angle the counterclockwise angle there and then the length of the twist right and when you convert solid models into sheet metal parts you have better control on the relief types or edge bends so let's see if I could take I show you a quick one on the sheet metal so I have a design here which it could be done in creo it need not be done in Korea right but I should be able to go to flexible modelling it identified that as a sheet metal design and so it gives me the pool wall command I should be able to pull the wall and I should be able to drag that wall right I should be able to just drag that wall or maybe use this pool wall and when I did this one and I dragged this as you can see it's trying to extend it as it's doing more if in geometry edit right so if I do this one could see what it's pulling right so this is something that you know it's more like a geometry edit we already don't care about the origin of this sheet metal design we don't care what features were used to created it could be done in a totally different CAD system but you're able to edit that using sheet metal specific editing tools right can also mo you can do offset you can edit the bend right for example I want to edit the bend there goes right so this particular sheet metal could be done in a totally different CAD system however it's able to identify the inside Bendery that I can change or maybe I could I could even change the you know I could change the angle right change the outside right there right I could even change that there it goes depending on the inside been raised outside Bend radius you know you might get but you are able to edit the bend radius even though it's the sheet metal part was not done in creo specifically and I also have the mini toolbar that supported and the sheet metal the way you create a twist wall now is essentially going in here I mean if it let's say there's something that I don't have in my toolbar I can just go and customize that I can just say sheetmetal give me the twist right there and just add that in there there it goes right and all this will be part of your can take that UI you know the user interface just like how you used to customize ribbon right very similar to that so moving forward when I collect an edge I should get that twist wall right there and I should be able to just you know it's a lot more dynamic in the sense it's dashboard driven you know you can make it from the center you can control the end rip or the start with you can control the angle right and also the you know the length of it etc right so all this you know was possible in the previous releases but the trio for it's really making you know the focus is on usability like I said right you know you're able to you know use all these the power that creo has had for the last 20 years or so but then it's really very intuitive and very simple and easy to use for any new user right now the experience or without experience you when you have form features like a diaphragm or punch form you now have the ability to control it as the dependency if it right you can either if you have the option to go and say I'd like to do an automatic update when the original tool on the punch model gets up data or do a manual update or just make it independent and so you have the inheritance you know you're done with an inheritance feature here purposing people right if you do a lot of industrial design I probably are aware of the free style and the style features that you have had in creo for some time now you use a free style you can now use multiple objects as you can see here right we can we could create a create is one outfit here a second object here and then I can connect them right so that's possible now and also you can import obj files I mean you could import obj files and trio previously however into the environment of freestyle your able to import the obj files and also in the style environment you do give you a higher degree of control for the curvature continuity on the acceleration so g1 g2 and now it's g3 you can also apply a g3 continuity between the two surfaces so you can you would see the change in curvature from this surface to this surface is also going to be gradual right you wouldn't see a sudden change in there right with j2 all you get this okay there's no it's it's curvature continuity right what about changing curvatures from one on the other side of the boundary to the side of the boundary I could just control that acceleration so you have a new g3 acceleration continuity that you can specify inside of the style in mind and when you have closed loop splines inside the style you have the ability to convert it to a periodic or non periodic curve so I can just flip that as you can see here and use it for other operations so what I mean by the surface thing maybe let me just take a quick look at the surfacing also here so this was done using the freestyle right that's included in the base packaging here now let's go to this freestyle and redefine it you could see how it has been done with multiple shapes right two shapes I can insert shapes right the following shapes and here or I can import and mesh and that could be the obj file directly as you know freestyle is traditional based modeling essentially like clay modeling right or quick concept design it's very helpful so I should be able to just select these regions or the faces from the mesh from multiple bodies and I should be able to connect it there it goes and manipulated now similarly I can keep doing that on either on all the sides so essentially converting using multiple shapes to do your concept design and then finally or converting into one shape assembly we talked about the appearance state that's available in simply State in the view manager the regeneration icon the red yellow green stop light has been replaced by this little regenerate icon so if your model is out date out of date for example your mass properties are out of date or maybe you forgot your hit freezing array right it will let you know right here that you need to record regeneration if it's grayed out everything is cool right that's what it means it's kind of like the old the green stoplight and you do have a notification right so this notification if something fails you will see a red flag click on that and then the notification center opens up telling you why it failed and then you take it from there right to be a missing reference to be a missing component etc when you work on really large assemblies you no longer have to use the old simplified reps that we used to have for a long time you do have a new automatic rep that automatically uses the most lightweight graphics rep possible so when you say whenever you want to open a very large assembly try opening it to the automatic rep it by default you know what it tries to do is its bring in the light graphic surface if you want to do like a measurement or an operation on it you can on demand say I what I would like to have the geometry or I'd like to convert it to a master but by default you get to say give me the automatic rep great way to work with large assemblies from a performance standpoint because you don't want every single thing every single detail to be loaded when you work in a large assembly and the automatic Reb is very beneficial for that there is a new symmetric analysis when you try to mirror it sub-assembly instead of a top level assembly or a component the system tries to use it analyzes the geometries that are available instead of the parts and the features and it will help you make that decision should I be reusing this or should I mirror this geometry or should I exclude it right so it's going to help you through that process which you can override of course but it from the get-go it gives you a pretty good symmetry recognition or what we call symmetry analysis tool right so I can show that in a little bit here you can also make your components switchable so when you have multiple materials you can add multiple materials in the top level and then you could say I want this component without the need to create a family table you could just say I would like to have a different material for a specific occurrence of that part right using flexible materials and then you can manually add reference backups or you can remove external references right so as you can see under the placement tab you have the ability to go to your model tree and show references so there was an external reference that was used maybe they didn't use top-down design they just referenced component a to component B you can just write miles on that part and say I would like to back up the references or remote or the fact of references right if it's manually done you'll be able to remove it if it's done by the system you'll not be able to promote it and you can also create a local copy geometry in the parts you know you don't you no longer have to be in the assembly mode to create a local copy geometry you can be in your part and then do a local capture let's take a look at some of those so what I'd like to open up a component here real quick in assembly so just like opening representations I can open an automatic representation so when I say automatic representation there goes red it is kind of like giving you the the light graphics so if I hover over the surface as it completes a light surface right what if I really want that geometry I should be able to just select this and my mini toolbar allows me to retrieve the geometry so it's more it's kind of like saying give me the most likely possible I don't want to create my reps ahead of time or there's almost like from the get-go you open any assembly I could get a very large assembly with a lot of details in it and you want to retrieve it really really fast just use retreat the geometry or our or I should say automatic assembly and then ask required to get say okay for whatever is now going to retrieve that geometry I want to work on it I want to do some edit or ready definition on it see I can do some some operations on it and then it automatically goes back to automatic correct so as you all know large assembly management is one of the strong points of career right for several years right that's the main reason why heavy engineering industries use Creole or the old pro engineer and the continuous improvement has been done and now Creole for it's really nice that we they have this automatic correct and automatic correct it's not just for opening your assemblies you can even open a rep as automatic so for if I have an assembly let me go just do the same assembly here and I know I can do an open rep and let's say you know I do have some reps in here if I go to my preview I have an inside rep engine Rev so these are different reps right I've created just that it's almost like I'm making it lightweight I'm not unnecessarily retrieving every single component in there right so I should be able to so yeah I should be able to just open for example this one right if I open right now all these component that you see that are included will open as full geometry with full definition but I should be able to say open that so it's kind of like saying I would like to open your rep I would like to see your rep and then open it as an automatic rep so it's like on the fly doing the light surface again that it goes right all these are light so you can also see how it's telling that it's do you have some excluded the default is excluded but whatever is in there right so the impellers there in a few components that within the engine there are a few components are there right here so these are the components that we included but included are set to automatic correct with those light surfaces so big and probe you know enhancement on the performance side when you work on assemblies when you mirror an assembly so I have I would like to create a mirror of this entire assembly I do a save as for mirror assembly because it could give it a name I can make it dependent or independent but I could also perform a symmetry analyses at the time I could say what should I do right should I consider curved surfaces for example if I had a skeleton you know it's not going to mirror that right it's going to ignore it but if I put my advanced tabs here it kind of tells me right here if I just do a preview it has done the mirror for me I've yet to commit to it however if identified the stopper cover the simple simply okay as you can see those are mirrored as you can see the symmetry analysis automat you did that however when it came to the stopper plug right which makes sense it just reused it right it didn't see a reason to to mirror that geometry and then the stopper screw as you can see these are being reused now if those I could always go to these guys and say hey let's go and exclude that right of course I don't need this just those crews to be on the other side it's just these right so you can overwrite what it gave but you know that's is it's pretty quick to do the mirror assembly especially when you have that geometric analysis with really large assemblies and that works for parts and sufficiently mirror as well the the drawing PTC's focus you might have heard about it is very much on the model-based design right that's something that's been I mean the annotate feature and 3d mode has been there since was for 2.0 and the three or four they have really improved the workflows on you know how you can do this in 3d or entities so let's say in 2d mode you're going to create a geometric tolerances right you need to place a detail you have sent the datum first and then you have to create the G tall now it's a lot more quicker for all these so there you want to do a datum Target or datum feature symbol you can have semantic reference for example so if you rename that datum you will see it update in the detail they also have a prebuilt syntax checking so if I try to for example here and this one I try to apply a symbol that's not supported in the 14.5 2009 standard it will give you a warning similar to that even in your play Agito for example you're trying to apply a blackness to a cylindrical geometry or a concentricity to a flan geometry it should can give you right so maybe you're new it should get it can I give you a little warning telling that it's not possible so there's it's although behind the scenes it's that there's something there's a company called Sigma tricks and they have something called I know detail advisor that allows you to really check for all these when you apply your details it's a lot easier than before right and you can quickly replace views when you have a family table design or a simplified direct you have a drawing you like quickly replace abuse it'll try to keep the dimensions all that it can and the rest of it won't be there with a quick way to replace the view models of all the views in the drawing sheet if it has a family table instance or if it has simplified way and you also it also supports an industry standard pattern files dot dot dat it used to be the Xth before and you can also have nonlinear pattern styles starting three or four quick look at that a 2d drawing pretty straight simple part here and if I need to add data right I don't I'm not setting the datum anymore I'm just adding a datum feature symbol right here right so if I go to the datum feature symbol that it goes and I thought this is long overdue right I mean it should be as simple as that right so if I go to the data feature symbol I should be able to add another one right here and maybe I'd like to know an elbow here or for whatever reason I wanted to make that into a see I just change it so you see the layout you know the top as you can see here there's a datum whenever I select on that I get it's almost like I'm editing the property of that guy right I just say okay I want to have it a seat that it goes right similarly I can keep adding references I mean of course I can always show so if I have I can always show it in the model if there was any datum stunned I should be able to go show model annotations I should be able to say showed Adam and I can just so show by view so for example this page was something that I had in the design in the 3d model right that's part of my NBD I defined it there I should be able to show that right but this is something I created quickly here right similar to that if I want to add a datum target when I have dated target here I should be able to just go to date empower get you know select the reference and then you know that's pretty much it now what kind of an area I would like can I do I have to really do a draft area or can I just do a circular area or rectangular area right I could just control the the say 1 by 2 or something like that right there or maybe I want to make it a horrible target I can just rotate the symbol right so you see the ease with which I'm doing all this right you can be a new user and you could just see how you know do you want to go to the far side or the near side right no leader with leader right straight leader is it to be out on the outside or is it just a regular symbol there okay so really quickly to create those I can also attach for example I want to create a datum feature symbol on this look at the right I should be able attach it there I want to create a datum feature symbol on this dimension that it goes I should be able to say ok I don't want it there I should I wanted right here so not on so now and I know the dimension right it's a pretty quick and easy to apply to this or if I were to apply data-feature symbol on a data that it goes right so really quickly you know the hopefully you know if you have not been using flying G DM T in in in Creole so far I'm sure you will you can start using it as it's quite quite easy to place an outright it's a very quick and easy so if I go show you some more examples really quickly here maybe so have I need to sign a perpendicular G tall for example to the space so it's a right all I have to really do is go to the G tall right here and interpret an old dialog box getting and then you have to walk through it the system is helping you through it right now you know what to do you're essentially selecting that geometry there and once you select that geometry now this is really helpful right there's this entire thing right here all you're doing is moving from the left to the right right with your options pretty straightforward right and all you're saying is that here I get to specify for example I look today we want to do perpendicular right and what is a data right for that again I could be able to select that and say okay my dad and the reference should they'll simply select this there a ghost that's my data on the reference right I should be able to add symbols to it right I can just go to my symbols make it add symbols there so you could see the ease of this you're applying these these three things that I just quickly show or if you want to replace a drawing so you're done with the drawing and you have this this dimension etc right here but I should be able to quickly replace the view model they just go to replace a view model and I select a parent view and as you can see automatically picks up the children really quickly and I should be able to say okay let's go with its family table instance or sim prep and I should be able to just say without handles I just swap the views with a different instance off the family table and you see how it tries to keep order of dimensions possible or I should be I should be able to go replace the model and say let's use a simplified rep as you know you can create Park level simplify breath I had the holes filled of that breath there goes so as we are getting close to here just getting through this just a couple more things on the creo for Orwell's right you know Pro building as you know it's been there you know it's something that's included the base license for a long long time from the old crones nowadays it's been there but it never was solid right it's just a surface crea for you can create a solid wealth so which means you can use it for analyses right and also the mass properties are going to be more accurate right it's a fill it well or plug weld or you know so so for all that it's going to be a solid geometry and you can you know have accurate mass properties and you can use it in pre or simulated using to use creo simulate you can access this instead of simulate as well familiar from a part of the additive manufacturing has how the industries are adapting to manufacturing so PTC is trying to bridge the gap between the 3d CAD model and additive manufacturing world so the first step obviously was in creo 3 they introduced a 3d print price if you have a stratasys printer you know you are able to check for print ability you know place it on the tray all that you're able to do right from within creo right instead of exporting an STL and then doing that in the printer software you're able to do that instead of creo right now there's also the sedative manufacturing file that you can create wherein you're able to create the lattice structure right so they support two and a half D and 3d lattice structures like honeycomb styles right hexagon octagon you know all those are predefined and all you're doing is selecting the surfaces where you want internal surfaces you want and you're able to use this for optimization right so you could take this design into creo simulate and run an optimization study for weight for example as you can see here I've optimized all the weight right just just a quick note on that one and maybe I'll wrap it up with this year if you need to create really cool images of your products obviously for sales and marketing purposes the rendering you know so creo for render is powered by you know the bike eShop right so they partnered with lucky and they have it's pretty good now so let me quickly demonstrate that one last thing here I could open up a assembly so I'm just going that shading with reflections and I just said let's do an ambient occlusion so that you know the areas where the light is occluded will be darker giving you much more realistic view I want to add the same background also but I would like to get a perspective you see that's like the same I should be able to go to change the scene from let's see here we'll just go use the scene right here that goes right so just really quickly I was able to create a decent amount of rendering here now I'm thinking for these for the parts maybe I want some metals here so maybe some some now let's see if I could pick up a specific aluminum you made now and let's just say I want to get these parts and you can see that the finish there or if I want in the library that they have pretty good library where I could just sit they will use something to fabric for this seat right so you could see when i zoom in right so I'm not using any advanced reference extensions as at this point but if I if I'd not yet rendered it right it's just I'm just saying out-of-the-box rendering but if I want I could go make it on the surrender studio and I could make it I could you know this is where as I know effect you if you look at the the real-time scene information as you can see it gives me the rendering you know you see the resolution the number of see the higher you zoom in you see how it's rendering it right so so this is when this for this render studio when I click on this render studio that's when it's accessing the key shots rendering engine right that's what it's doing and for that if you had an advanced reference rendering an extension you can you'll be getting this also in Korea for otherwise use the base package one point so again all that is perspective view and you're getting right there okay so let's see see okay so that's just I just wanted to leave before we get into the questions here if you have some useful lengths to hectare together here you can get it off of the knowledge base also but just you know if you are in a previous release of creo or even in wildfire or you know these are some good documents to kind of get you started right the readme first to the platform support I showed you the rendering rendering it three or four so maybe what about the graphics card requirements right do we have supported ones do we need to update the driver what have you write those things better to have it your admin or your IT take a look at these write the check list there's a checklist nice document from PTC on that and also what's new right I just give you a quick preview in the last hour or so what's new and if you use Winchell PDM link what about the compatibility what wind chill release should you be in order to install and work with creo for right so all that information right including a lot of knowledge base articles durable so let me see if we have questions the question area okay so how is the tree visible in full-screen mode so John I think that's what I showed right so in the post frame mode your model tree is it's a by default it's hidden but you know all I had to do is i cursor over to the left hand side where the model tree is it's almost like on-demand and thinking I want to see the tree so I cursor over to the left it gives it it shows it or it maximizes it and then when I move away from that place it goes away so you're essentially working in a full-screen mode and so yeah it is available if you move your cursor near that do the mini toolbar customisation need to be saved manually or they automatically remain and be available in session okay that's a great question they are automatically saved now there are it depends on how you're in your admin are they using a Creole admin customization dot UI or do they have all the users use their own UI just like the config dot stuff and the config dot Pro for the user for the customization also there's two you can have you can overwrite the users with an admin UI or the user can have their own UI so so so long story short if you if you change anything go ahead okay it's there but if you would like to export to somebody else you'll have to go to file options and export it just like you used to do in the create prior crea releases yeah I think that's what I answered that same thing how do they say that can you use the part appearances and the symbol like family table unless and I think cutting your question is that could be used those different parts appearances that I created in the family table not yet so the intent is for the different states right so in an assembly I could have different parts having different and in colors that's kind of what you're getting at I see that but it's more of a view state or I think of that not as a family table is a view state so currently in the family table you cannot select that appearance state now let me see if there's any there okay can an existing wall be twisted yeah absolutely yeah I think in my demo okay I see I see that question so you can select the edge of a wall and then add a twist but if you want to tooth an existing wall okay depends on how you want to do it there's a couple of ways of doing it there was a feature called Wharf wherein you could select any part in Creole and then you can warp it maybe I can quickly show that here if I can so please it's a way here so if you had any any part right to be sheetmetal or it could be any part let's just do a simple one fairly quickly here let's assume this was a ten-part or something right so if you're good at editing there's a there's a warp command and the warp command all you're doing is let's see if I could select the geometry which is the part itself and then for the direction I'll just use a coordinate system for now and here you have the twist and if you've tried this you know you can change the axis and all that good stuff with yeah there it is right this is what you want right so this is I know it's not using the width and height and everything but it's more like you can warp you can stretch it there's so many things in here that you can play around with it rises right here all right I can stretch it switched you know so this look it's just it's been there in the wild for David sales but that's something you can do again let's see there what are the other questions can you show an example of the flexible components with variable materials yeah absolutely so so if I have a an assembly let's see here if I have an assembly here let me just take out my rendering okay so ah obviously like my features and the place and folder and all that good stuff I didn't have my can fix it but yeah okay so you get the idea here right so starting creole you know you do have the material access from here so i could select any part right click and I can simply go edit materials as simple as that right Achatz and then remember there's the the new materials that they have right legacy material the same old one day last year but my goal is to make it flexible meaning I could just go to the top-level assembly where I have this components and I should be able to go edit materials and let's say I want to add just just starting around them some materials you can do otherwise okay I've added about five materials to my top a little assembly right all I have to do now is go to the body here right make it flexible right-click make it flexible and when I make it flexible it is giving me this little you know the bear you define flexibility right you know same as before the new thing is the materials and I should be able to add and see assembly I'll have to select a part in the fehb assembly but it picked up the current material but when I go here I get all those that be added to the top below so I could say hey this one should be this one right and so it should be sixties we should be twenty fourteen right there and I hit OK so now as you can see let me expand the materials here and expand materials here I am used I could use any of these and I'm wearing it so hopefully that gives you an idea of how you make it flexible will this be available online for us to do yeah all our webinars actually can quickly show that as I could open up so all our webinars right so to go to try starts website to go to resource center CAD and you will it'll take you to this NEC so a few weeks ago I had done a Creole licensing FAQ within our tips and tricks you know all that you know myself and my our entire team we do it on pretty much all the pieces of products whether it's a wrench opinion length whether it's automations instead of Creole or maybe autumn animation apps for windchill PDM link or its map cat so we do have an engineering team that has been in industry and so it spread across the country so we are we support pretty much all the pieces of products right so we do have quite a lot of good information of videos in here you could always go to our YouTube channel try sort of the YouTube channel and this one that you're going right now oh that we were delivering right now should be available in this area as well right so as and as and when we get the recording done I mean I mean by today or early tomorrow we should get this up and up in this list right these are all the pre prior Thursday webinars it done so if you want you can take a look at those we were informated all right let's see what are the questions we have here can we get a copy of this record yeah if anything the coffee I it's more like yeah you have to go to the our YouTube channel or to our Tristar CAD Resource Center and you can even view it right in mirror assembly for reused parts let me just read that question take it out write it okay oh there you and mirror assembly for reused parts and pattern okay will it update the assembly as the pattern changes if it's dependent yes right it depends on how you so remember when I was then when you're learning and assembly there was an option to make a geometry dependent and there's also an option to make it placement dependent so let's say I'm understanding your question like this right let's say I had a flange with a bolt hole pattern right and the sub-assembly and you change the bolt hole pattern right for example I don't know from 9 holes to whatever right so the placement is updating the boats update so on the mirrors of the assembly if you were to reuse it it will also update provided you had selected the dependent placement option and how do you obtain a copy day oh yeah it's available in in our tristar's website or in the youtube channel then customizing the mini tool toolbar how can you take it to another computer so all you do is your your file options right any toolbar customizations you have done right you should be able to export it right so it's okay this is all the customizing right if you click on this customize you have ribbon quick access shortcut menus keyboard so all these right right here so if you see this the right mouse thing into the mini toolbar so all these customization you should be able to hit X for right and you could say export it right if I say export you see this the one I was talking about earlier where it creates a creo parametric customization that UI now your admin could rename this and say admin Creole admin parameter customization that UI and you can roll it to the entire company but you know I would think everybody prefers a different UI so this is something that should be left at the user level but this is how you export and then you can import in another computer right this is this works by the way for ribbon right you can export import even for quick access toolbar you know anything you know this whole export thing it's it's great that you can save that UI out and then bring it back in right just know your head looks just click and get to a few more questions here Assembly appearances that use part appearances oh no no no I see what you mean no they don't have a way yet to reference the part appearances at the Assembly occurrence date yeah that'll be nice to have if it is include assembly section rep with exclude assembly section rep it excludes I mean yeah look let me make sure that I get that right so it's more like you know if you if you exclude some some component right in an assembly so for example I'm going to represent and I'm going to exclude this right and what you're saying is you go to section you should still be able to create a cross section and everything right the Bixler component was I hope I'm getting that through that question right but I mean in an excluded assembly cross sections is always being possible on the GD&T or the drawing datum shown in the 3d no the reverse is true the departed atoms if you set up in the 3d are shown to the TV are there any changes in the cabling and wiring modules not much on the cabling and wiring modules I don't think they even have the mini toolbar yet on that is there any advantage between T shot of the new advanced rendering actually - what you know the the rendering engine that's working instead of creo for its key shot right it's kind of like a lightweight key shot you know smoking may view the full tee shot but what pieces it did was you know if you you know remember the old photo looks library in the photo render library also depending you have to buy a license of advanced rendering extension ARS now if your customer that owns krx you essentially get that render studio so when I went into applications and click on the render studio I have advanced ARX that's why I was able to access the key shot rendering engine that's that's so it's not different it's more like that's what is running cenchrea for can appearances be used in drawing this great question absolutely using the old state remember there isn't the view manager you have a combination state so in the combination state you should reference an appearance state and the combination states can be shown in the drawing Florence's o'meara trail engineers watching a presentation oh thank you I'm glad it felt yeah it's just a quick overview I know if you went over time but hopefully all of you got a quick overview in an hour but again you know the resources here I think just just to recap here if you want to know more about those time limited offers that we are running through through December 28 write the following it's about you know you can get more information or reach out to your reps right the trade in your existing active licenses to get the three every one of these three extensions here right are the three extensions I should say and then on the other training on the PTC training and also to the map caddy use map CAD for engineering calculations as you know it can can drive a Creole parameter with the mathcad worksheet and also the perpetual licensing right so perpetual licensing is coming to an end in 2017 so if you think here and we talked about where you can access such recordings right whether it's on any simulation data management CAD and tristar's YouTube channel right and just I want to just talk about these last two things I mean if you have if you're a maintenance paying customer please create a ptc comm user customer account and you have a lot of resources in here can search for anything right and it should be available there for users and then is a learning exchange PTC calm there's a good resource for all of you a lot of videos in there right you should be able to go to creo depending on what you do it for refuse right wind chill up Rio and it's a good good if I would bookmark those or I've decided to makes a break if you are a crea user all right let's see I think that we got pretty much all the questions fear supers all right so just to kind of remind you on this ten limited offers that are that we're running through the end of this quarter or this year and these are the links you can either go to a resource center or you can go to youtube channel but this recording should be made available hopefully by tomorrow all right so thank you all until we you know actually at the next webinar looking forward to seeing you all the next webinar until then you all have a great rest of the week and a great weekend thank you you
Channel: Tristar, Inc.
Views: 2,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTC Creo 4.0, creo 4, cad, product design, product development
Id: Wc2i5mEQSUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 27sec (4767 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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