How to create Apple Earpods in Creo Parametric

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hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to another roof solutions video I'm really bo kaap and today I'm going to be creating the Apple ear but in Korea parametric for so I've got it on screen here a quick render of the finished model they use keyshot to generate this render if any of you are interested I'm just going to show you how I went about creating this earbud so what we're going to be doing today is using standard career of functionality not going to be using any extensions that come with Korea so no is the XO anything like that so standard Korea functionality I am going to make use of a certain tool that some of you may have heard or may not heard of which is free-style which is great for generating sort of freeform surfaces and that's what I use may need to generate sort of the so the ear piece of the Apple here buddy so if I just close out of this render and close that down I'll jump over to just jump into creo here and this is the final model that I created okay in Korea so a lot of work here had been done using this freestyle feature here and I'll be showing as we have as I said this is all standard career functionality so if you've got a recent career license you should be able to a follow up follow along no problem with this with this demonstration so it's going to start a new part here and we're going and I'm recreate this compare this ear butter so give it a name let's call it gear but okay now I'll just turn on my planes into all the systems so the first thing we're going to do is create each stem of the earbud okay and just to do that we can use traditional parametric surface scene and generate an extrude arms in Korea for here so making use of the mini toolbar to jump straight into an extrude feature here now let's sketch our circle and get that a diameter of 5 mil okay on the sketch so now create a an extremely cylinder here it's going to flip the direction over us and you use the drag handle and pull down and we're going to give that dimension of 25 millimeters this is currently a solid boat so I'm going to do I'm just going to swap over and change that into a surface using the right mouse button there so that's the first feature done nice and straightforward I'm going to do to navigate around up front here and we'll turn off our data and get away and now most of the work is going to be done using the free style tool so this is basic functionality of Korea and you can access that from the surfaces group here so you click on freestyle and that enters the Freestyle environment so we started a free-form surface modeler and you work off we start with a primitive shaped like a sphere the circle and then start pushing and pulling it around it's kind of like welcome to play down adding bits on rolling it out that sort of stuff we're going to start off with a primitive shape okay so from the shapes drop-down we're going to choose a sphere and then I plug that down right on top of the default coordinate system with in Korea now what this has is developed a mesh around the sphere and we can start picking and clicking on this mesh pushing and pulling rotating adding bits on using sort of extrudes and that sort of stuff it's going to do that back to the start and again I'm just going to rotate now to the flow so really use freestyle to generate the main shape of our earbud so what I'm going to do first of all just do a big box selection now to select the entire mesh as a whole and then gonna start moving that sphere around as an entirety under the right-hand mouse button we have a lot of the tools that across the data top of the dashboard here ribbon and they're all available under the bottom months but they're scientists or ever to a scale and holding ctrl I'm just going to increase the scale of our sphere okay so these look at that overall to the big hoop bring that down to slightly so holding ctrl and dragging on the axis skill thing as an entirety rather than just the specific orientation or specific direction I should say okay I'm now just going to rotate around to the right hand side and deselect by clicking in the background drag another box selection around this right hand edge here and we're just going to convert over to translate rather than the scale and call that front surface of that surface back there okay so this is creating that front face of the year but I'm going to do now again just rotate round to the backside here and I go click on this front surface or this back surface I should say back side of a mesh and what I'm going to do I want to sort of subdivide that face as I want to end up with a smaller face inside of that bigger face and I can do that using this face split here okay new people face bit and that gives me a smaller square inside of a bigger square okay now that I've done that I can rotate around to that the backs are nice and lined up can a box select this front edge again transform over to a scale and then not holding ctrl this time we're just going to bring that front edge down my gives you the sort of pointed effect on the front hand side they're also going to do select the entire item again use the translate tool and just going to pull that forward slightly okay so here but it's slightly offset and then I'm going to do the opposite with that central face in the middle so just clicking on that face I can select that and I'm going to pull that face to the left outside just to try and sort of Center this up above the main cylinder of the ear but rotate around slightly and now what I'm going to do I'm just going to pull that face outward slightly okay after doing that just rotate around to the right and box select this in these inside edges in here okay so this these vertical edges here we're just going to pull out and again I'm just going to pull those out a bit further and I might just do the same with this spot right here so with freestyle your work in with this match which is generating your services underneath and say Korea's doing all the hard work so everything is doing is generating four-sided matches and everything we do here is curve it to continuous it so again really high degree services out of the free startle so got this back face now what I'm going to do is I'm going to add another bit on to this this front face and do that using an extrude so into the right hand mouse button again for to pick the face and we're going to create extrude that's just going to give us another solid lump or on that backside there again all I'm going to do is using this dragger it's going to rotate and reposition this front face okay now one of the tools in here it's going to tell the planes on and is the planar motor tool so once I've chosen this flow face here I can click on plane and ice and pick a plane and then it will align those that face but I've selected on my mesh parallel to the datum plane Ardis chosen I think so we've got a good rough shape going on here but what I really want to do is I want to start I want to join this to my main cylinder so to do that dude's rotate around again I'm going to select this bottom face of this mesh which is actually controlling this little bit of surface here on the bottom of this edge include I'm going to do I'm going to delete that surface out so with my front face selected and hit delete on my keyboard and that will remove that surface well that surface patch what I'm now going to do is I'm now going to select these edges and I'm going to align these to my parametric geometry so I'm going to line them to the top of this cylinder so to do that to turn on my planes to declutter the interface lightly I'm going to select my first edge okay I'm going to hold shift and highlight over the same edge that I've just selected and that will highlight the edge loop okay and I'll select that with the left arm aspect with those edges now selected what I do is align those to this cylinder so under the right-hand mouse button I have a line like up here in the ribbon is a line as well I like to get from the right mouse button one Adam do is pick the geometry on or align it to okay and then 3-star you from the line of two edges or sketches okay so this is an edge of a surface now pick my first edge hold shift pick my second edge and then middle mouse click to finish off the alignment okay now what you can see has happened is creators merged my freestyle surface with my parametric tulip but at the moment you can see it's just kind of gone for a free connection okay so there's no sort of tangency between this surface and this surface here so I'm going to I'm just going to click on this dotted line and I'll align that normal to that face so now we've got a nice tangent connection between these two bits of geometry so you see rather quickly we started to develop our ear bud shape and what we just can do now just go ahead and start tweaking the model slightly okay so just go start clicking on bits of the mesh and pulling and pushing them around slightly to get a slightly more realistic look on my ear bud you okay so I'm happy with that overall shape now that's all I'm going to do I'm just going to hit okay and that's our freestyle syrup is completed so these are two separate quilts if I just swallowed my selection filter here to quilt we can see these are currently two separate clip so I'm going to join those together using a merge so clicking on my first quilt call it control clicking on my second I think I'll emerge in my mini toolbar if you don't have a merging your wheelie - well you can easily customize this by right-clicking and saying customize you can add this to a simple drag-and-drop function but as I've already got it in a good castle or you can come up to the top here obviously like if you in Korea or two or three or three come up top and to emerge from there as well so now we have one quilt so nice thing to do is start to trimming bits out of ear bud so to start generating some of those holes that are in the efforts I just jump back to the render you see I've got some homes in here and so we just can start creating those little bits of geometry there so turn my planes on and the first one I do is just the little cut out on this front face here so you can generate a sketch on my front datum plane here and to create a sketch on there and then I'm going to use a tool from the palette okay to open up the palette and I'm going to drag in a red stripe shape and so just drag that into the middle of nowhere here scale that down slightly and just drag that roughly into the right position scale that down a bit further and I'll hit OK on either end or dimension that up a bit better so let's say five from him by less maybe input five so look at that I think I might be a bit too wide or drop it under four that's pretty good and box selecting that and just use rotate resize just a freaky drag that I'm not too concerned about the position of this you could obviously go in and fully constrain that and dimension that if you wanted to I'm quite happy with it just in that location there it's going to hit okay well now we're going to do with that still selected so it must get selected here I'm going to project that onto my quilt and I'm just query selecting there so rightly the right-hand mouse button clicking through cycling through the available options till I find my entire quilt and then I'm going to select that with the left mouse button that's been projected that curve let's sketch onto this surface now there is another one up top here a very similar cut out on the earbud so again I'm going to replicate the exact same thing I've just done there by creating a sketch on my top datum plane jumping into the palette pulling on our race track this time doing a rotate so grab the drag handle rotate in that round I didn't need to do that on undo that and we'll just drag that into position and scale that down okay so it's pretty much in the center and that looks about good actually so I don't K on that which of that once you're up in that scale that now okay on now and there we go and again I'm going to project that onto my quilt so before we go ahead and thicken this out what I'm just going to do is I'm going to trim this quilt so I'm going to end up with sort of the main body and then my cutouts are separate surfaces okay that'll help they'll just say we're an extra step later on so again I'm going to select my quilt this time when to a trim I'm going to pick my curve that we've projected onto the surface here and then using the arrow in the dashboard here I'm just going to click that twice turned it with two arrows putting both sides of the trimming object which is our curve here and middle mouse click that now gives me two separate quilts okay gives me the house cycle and that inside crypt I'm going to do the same for this side here so selecting my quilt choosing true picking my object and clicking the arrows twice to generate a quilt before the inside on the outside okay I'm going to do now is we're going to solidify as I would no not we are going to thicken out this surface or this quilt I should say okay so pick my quill I am going to choose thicken and we want to thicken that by the second point to and because we've already trimmed these creases and leaving those and those little bits of services out of this operation just exactly what we want so middle mouse click has been thicken that object out by two millimeters okay next we're just going to cut this front end off to leave ourselves with an opening on this on this front side here the termite plains back on I'm going to create an offset plane from my original right hand datum so generally you plan from that with generating offset plate I just rotate onto the top here and we'll pull that out about 13 millimeters what I want to do is create another plane that is a slight angle to my original object okay so to do that I want to generate a new plane but I need something to rotate around so I'm going to create an embedded data axis okay so I'm going to click access and out just stuck at my datums so I want my access to run between the intersection of this plane here and this plane here so all in control and select both of those planes give me an axis running down the intersection point okay middle mouse click I'll jump straight into my datum plane which is automatically chosen my actors in reference I'm going to hold ctrl and select my new datum planes for DTM one as my second reference okay that gives me in rotation enter in -15 let's say okay I'm a locator to cut this little bit off I'm going to use a solidify so with the plane still selected I'm a crest solidified I'm going to flip direction that's going to cut this side off and I'm going to head okay so the moment knuckle is a bit big so it's going to take DTM one I'm just going to edit that slightly so double-clicking on that I can drag my datum out slightly and to produce a slightly better cut click in the background to deselect that okay so that pretty much finishes off Aria but just got a few finishing touches to do so the first things first is going to round this front edge off so pick up on my outside edge here in the mini toolbar it's going to start around the whole control and select the inside edge and then to the right a mouse button I'm just going to make that a full round across the top of that in a mouse click to locate that feature and so the last thing to do is just fill in this front face with the surface might be other always a built in earlier so to do that it's going to turn on my planes and the first thing I do is just create a brand new plane so I'm going to be slightly offset and so it's on the inside here rather than right on the edge so it's going to crown offset plane from our angled DTM to plate here so create new plane will create an offset and we'll go for about 0.3 you near okay so it is offsetting on the inside edge there I'll rotate onto the top we're just coming in point three and then we'll come a bit that's what it want to and we'll hit OK so I'm going to do now is I'm going to create an extruded surface from our top plane so our top lane that runs through here and just going to create an extrude off that plane so draw a line and I bet it's going to run through so hold ctrl and alt I'm going to click on my surface plane sorry as a reference I'm going to pull a sketch line through there and we're going to extrude that up through our model and so convert over to a surface I always put up through making sure our surface completely covers the whole and the entire bar as at all I'm a Harrigan so I'll actually want to do I want to trim this surface back now just so this this bills the whole and it doesn't overlap like it is at the moment so to do that I'm going to use another surface to trim this surface okay it's going to be the inside surfaces of our ear button so we're going to do is I'm just going to query select the inside face okay so as I hover over I'm selecting the outside clearly selected to that right now mouse button to select that inside surface okay I think I might just be clipping this surface as well so just as a precaution hold ctrl and hit the inside face of that surfaces brown what I'm going to do is I'm going in a copy and paste those surfaces so we're taking a copy and pasting those in place I'm then going to utilize a trim so picking up on the surface I want to trim trim that and our trilling object is clearly select the quilt and so those copy surfaces through there we can see our our hashed area is the areas can be kept and then the long hashed area so they are going to get rid of under options I'm also going to tell creo to get rid of the trimming surface okay so those are those copied surfaces we just made I should have the lottos in my model to uncheck this box under the options get rid of that surface okay and that finishes off and at the earbud so hopefully this video has been useful and showing you some new things hopefully freestyle a really useful tool you use it in a lot of different situations all I've been done is taken that model throw into key shot to produce that render so I don't nothing different just taking that straight into key shot I'm not going to cover key shot in this video if you'd like to see the workflow in key shot say so in the comments get around to making a video on that also if you have any other ideas for any other videos you want to see us do again leave those in the comments and we'll try and get around to doing those but for now thanks for watching Cheers
Channel: Root Solutions Ltd
Views: 7,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: root, solutions, rootsolutions, Root, Solutions, Ltd, ltd, LTD, PTC, ptc, how, to, create, model, make, apple, earpods, earbuds, creo, parametric, 3.0, 2.0, 4.0, freestyle, isdx, freeform, modeller, surfacing, concept, design, indutrial, product, music, surface
Id: 2CY3PeQUkyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2017
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