E collar training for beginners/How to train a dog using the remote collar!

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hey what's going on guys Tom Davis here I'm here at the upstate Canan Academy and I'm going to give you guys a step-by-step process on how to introduce the remote collar to your dog a dog that you're training a dog in the future or a dog that you have at home couple things that you're going to need in order to introduce this you're going to need a good e-collar there's a significant difference between something you get on Amazon for 30 bucks and the Tom Davis dog tree unit this is the e-collar we're going to be using I'll I'll click the link in the description you guys can check it out you're going to need a long line I suggest a 15 to 20 foot and you're going to need motivation make sure when you guys are introducing the remote collar that you guys are doing it in a non-distracted environment this is my training facility but there is nothing going on in here do not at any point during the introduction phase take your dog off leash work her on heavy distraction or even work outside make sure you're doing this in a very sterile environment so you can get your dog's focus and your dog can be engaged with you throughout the process because right now all we're doing is we're teaching this dog a new language so this is the Tom Davis unit so what you're going to do is you're going to take the remote collar you're going to put it on and in this case we're going to make the bungee nice and snug now you want to make sure that you're feeling the contact points touching the dog's skin so I can feel that it's really snug in the skin I remove my fingers and now it's snug in the skin that's really important you're going to be wasting your time and your dog's not going to understand the remote collar if it's hanging down like this couple things before we get started really quick this has a 127 levels I'm going to be introducing on the four now it's really really important that you guys also understand the difference between the stimulation and the pager on my remote CER or most callar the introduction to the stimulation is exactly what you're seeing in this video it's light the dog can barely feel it they're like hey what is this oh that's you okay gravy great the pager or the front button here is the vibration it's very aversive to the dog it's very corrective to the dog they do not like it that's the point of it so when when you're using the pager it's what I typically use in intervention training when I have a behavioral case or a dog that is dangerous to other dogs and they're reactive to people we can simply use this to shut that behavior down so we can re rebuild the dog up so it's really important do not use the pager when you're introducing this because this pager this vibration just like your cell phone is 10 times more corrective than the e-collar stimulation we are using in the introduction stages in order to find your dog's level I suggest start between a four a six and go from there as soon as you start to see your dog maybe feel something physically act like there's a fly on them you want to go right below that so we starting off on a four soundbox is going to go off look at a break she knows the place command as touch so when I say touch that's what that means I'm going to be holding the stimulation at a four until the dog gets into position look at a place touch yes good that was my fault because I'm so used to saying place to my clients her place is actually touch break we're going to do this again so you guys can watch look at a touch holding pressure the dog gets all fours on and the pressure shuts off and then the dog gets paid understanding negative reinforcement is very very crucial so I'm holding the e-collar pressure until the dog gets all force on or the dog gets into a position I'll show you an example with a Sit look a Sit holding the pressure the dog gets into a Sit okay break one other question that I get is Tom do you press it at the same time yes you do please remember when I am doing this intro to the way that I introduced my e-collar with my dog this is going to be Universal for you guys but understand this is not punitive this is not a correction this is not an enforcement so we are going to ask the dog to do the behavior at the same time as the e-collar because we want the e-collar to match our voice because we want the dog to Simply understand that this low-level stimulation and sensation is in fact the Handler and the negative like we talked about earlier the difference between negative and positive is very simple in the dog training space it can be manipulated in so many different confusing ways and let's just face it negative for most people you think punitive you think Corrections you think pain positive means rainbows and butterflies and hot dogs flying from the ceilings that's not that at all that's marketing manipulation negative simply means we're taking something away positive simply means we're adding something so negative reinforcement is we're using the e-collar to tap the remote collar the dog does the behavior we ask and then we reward them let me show you exactly what that looks like in motion break good qua touch good so I'm reinforcing the place command or the touch command with taking the remote collar pressure away let me show you one more time look a break a touch yes good and she knows because the remote callar shut off that she did the appropriate right thing the beauty of this guys is I'm a able to talk to her from a half a mile away or sometimes even further and she understands where it's coming from because we're introducing the remote collar properly we're going to do it again Lota touch yes good touch we're going to do a recall looka come good Lota touch yes good stay another question I probably am going to get from those of you at home is well Tom when do you shut it off great question I typically will shut the sensation or the pressure off from the remote collar once the dog commits to me or is committed to the behavior so if I'm doing recall it's going to look like this Cota come yes good Cota touch yes good now as you work with your dog that may change in the beginning what I showed you guys before is holding the remote collar pressure until the dog commits Four Paws on the mat now as the dog starts to get more familiarized and understanding of the remote collar and understanding how to shut it off and better with that behavior the eoll or may be just a quick Direction so that means quot to come it's off cuz she's committing to me physically qu a touch and it's off because she's going there and she's committing now you have to understand that in this process the dog must know at least two things to introduce the remote caller they must know how to go to the place on command and they must know how to recall to you so we're going to go back to the beginning of the session and we're going to show you step by step what it looks like now that you guys know what a finished product looks like Breck good so you got your long line the only reason why we're using the long line is because we want to be able to hold on to the dog they don't know what the e-collar is so we're not going to be enforcing a recall we're not going to be using it punitively we're not going to be using it as a correction it's going to stay at its very low level at a four we've done this many times with humans but typically humans don't feel it on their face till about 6 to 8 feel it on their face on their wrist 11 to 20 so this is really really really low just to get the dog's attention and Associate it in conditioning Theory with our voice so whenever I say something to the dog the remote collar goes off the dog goes bingo bango that's you we're going to start long lines here just in case the dog wants to run away again if you're dealing with the dog that's not been conditioned to this that may be the case we're going to have our food ready and we're going to start on our continuous Nick so you're going to hear the remote caller go onto the dog as I'm holding it until they get to the place quot a touch [Laughter] yes good touch I'm immediately verbally paying the dog and then I'm reinforcing with food I'm using beef liver and so I say yes good job so she knows that she's accomplished the task for those of you who are clicker trainers this is exactly where you would yes click and then pay the dog okay break all right now you're going to do this pretty much for the first day over and over again usually in four to six Reps don't overdo it I would do it six times and then give the dog a break and then do it again later now for the first couple days that's all this is going to look like lowlevel stimulation almost all positive reinforcement good job great job you're doing good use your leash if you need to assist remember we're not enforcing yet so if I said uh banana peel let's say that's touched but she didn't go I would use my leash I would pull her over at the same time as hitting the remote collar good job Breck because you want to make sure that you're not overwhelming your dog with all this new information so now I'm going to show you what the recall should look like for your dog as well I've done it a couple times in this video but I'm going to do it a little bit more strategically now so we're going to give your dog a break she's going to get into something looka come yes good girl Breck as she physically commits to me I shut the remote collar off go to come yes good girl freck now sometimes a dog will take their time or their dog will diverge after you turn off the stimulation so that means you're tapping the dog on the neck as you recall them they start coming towards you but you've given yourself too much distance the dog becomes distracted puts their nose down and heads that way that's where you do two things a you hold the stimulation down until the dog actually gets to you because that's something that your dog is going to likely do consistently or B you're giving your dog too much Freedom you're giving your dog too much space you want to make sure that you're making it as as easy as possible for your dog to understand this now remember all we're trying to do in this introduction stage is teaching the dog that this low-level Sensation that the dog barely feels is the Handler so one other really nice tip and nice exercise to do to really instill that with your dog is what I call a tap and turn so all you're going to be doing is you're going to be walking back and forth with your dog and you're going to be tapping the remote and saying heal or saying come depending on what your verbiage to your dog is and then once the dog commits to you you reward the dog verbally and then you let go of the remote collar again negative reinforcement good so all you're going to do is turn go to heel and you're going to tap at the same time as you turn heel so you're essentially replacing what you would normally naturally do with the leash with the remote collar tap tap tap release good girl Kota good girl tap tap tap release now what it's probably going to look like for you guys Breck is this as your dog is likely going to be interested in other things and I know that that's going to be a reality for you guys so I'm going to show you how to work with that because you're not all going to be introducing your dog to a trained dog so tap tap tap tap turn good girl and then if your dog gets interested in something put a break you're going to be tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap yes and then once the dog commits you then release so that's what it's going to look like if your dog's a little squirly on the leash maybe not as smooth and as fluid as Lota is you're going to be simply tapping the remote until the dog commits you come yes good girl girl come good girl so those are those tap and turns guys go to heel yes good now you got to remember cot a heel that the dog is not getting punished right now so you got to get that out of your head come everyone's always like hey I didn't have to use it hey I didn't have to okay break I didn't have to use it I didn't have to touch the button you want to touch the button touch the button it's the new line of communication and new language to your dog you want to do this and flex this and exercise this as much as possible you just have to get it out of your head that this is a correction this is punishment this is enforcement this is not enforcement we're not saying hey if you don't come this is happening we're saying hey this is happening with us you feel this that's me you feel this that's me we're doing this because once the dog fundamentally understands a where this pressure is coming from and how to shut it off and B that it can touch you anywhere in the world essentially then your offleash freedom to your dog intensifies and gets way bigger and your opportunities for your dog to fulfill their natural abilities to be a dog and run and sniff and play and have a good time just boom blows up you can go anywhere with your dog because when they're wearing the remote collar you can reach out and touch them now another thing that we get as we're discussing this exact idea right here is well well what what if the dog the battery's dead or what if what if the e-collar isn't on the dog or maybe I don't want to depend on this but the reality is guys is once the dog understands that you can touch them from anywhere it gives you so much leverage that you know that your dog is going to listen because You' you've conditioned things off leash you've taught your dog to respond to things off leash a lot of dogs are right here and we're constantly four to six feet away from our dogs all the time therefore when they're on the leash they listen better or they understand that there's actual consequences for not doing doing stuff but once that leash comes apart this is the relationship that you want with your dog you want your dog to say yeah it's no big deal I've been off leash before and the way to start introducing that with real understanding is the remote collar which then leads me to the next thing okay what does a correction look like with the e-collar I'll show you what it looks like right now this is the accountability this is the only thing in the world I don't care where you live that can actually hold your dog accountable completely off leash so we're typically again between a four and a six when we're conditioning a corrective level is going to be something that your dog does find punitive your dog does find it uncomfortable that is the exact point when we're doing e-collar work so in my collar in my unit we have the conditioning levels at a four come the dog doesn't come because they're interested in what will be this case beef liver we're going to smash a bunch of beef liver up and in your case it may be a squirrel or another dog or a person and then once the dog doesn't respond I'm immediately going to hit the B button on this collar which is going to jump the levels to a corrective level so I just set my unit to a boost of plus 10 so wherever I'm at with my conditioning levels it's going to be at a six and then plus 10 is going to be a 16 Lota comes she's like nah there's something over here boost at 16 I don't know if she's going to do it because she's my dog and she usually listens pretty good but I also haven't worked her in a couple months because I've been touring doing seminars so and we're going to make it as hard as I want her to make a mistake just to show you guys what that looks like so we're going to go six and then immediately to a 16 if the dog is unresponsive so you can see what a correction looks like with the remote collar food's over here oh look at all this yummy stuff Lota is licking our chops Cota come unresponsive 16 come yes good girl good girl let good okay break good now we do have one theory about well make sure you don't correct the dog when they're doing something because it'll deter them from doing the the thing in the future and they're going to be fearful of that thing and uh that's debunked here I corrected her because she didn't come back I never corrected her because she's getting into the food I'm going to do it one more time just to demonstrate what the actual correction May look like for your dog and in most cases it's going to be I'm not listening okay I'm listening because the what happens is the stimulation from the e-collar intensifies so the dog actually may not even feel it at a level six when they're really into something really motivating to them and once we bump it plus 10 equaling to 16 they're like oh crap and then they come back so sometimes it's not even that they don't respond to the six it's because they're so motivated by what they're into they don't even feel it it would be like us having a conversation right now at a conditioning level and then you insert us into a Metallica concert I'm going to have to talk a lot louder to communicate with you because our environment's changed we're going to do that one more time go to come good girl good come yes okay break that's the e-collar correction I know that there's the e-collar or the remote caller can be this really really polarizing political holy crap we got a and it's banded in some places and I want to talk touch on that really quickly because I think it's important for this video to to understand like as you're looking up different types of ways to train your dog I don't know everything I don't act like I know everything I've just really specialized in a couple things in my K9 career to give you guys at home free advice in order to introduce things right train your dog right understand your dog in a healthy way now the reason why I think this tool is maybe looked at differently uh or even frowned upon is because if I turn this sucker all the way up and I nailed her for doing something or not doing something she'd hate this thing but I would never introduce it that way and I hope that you understand the difference and the subtleties between how to introduce this the right way where the dog understands fundamentally what the remote collar pressure is and how to shut it off now you guys just just saw right here what the e-collar correction looks like she's so into that food and she's like yeah right Dad I'm not coming back and then I went from a 4 to a 14 and she's like okay I'll come back that's what the e-collar correction is that's all it looks like now the important thing to understand after that correction is that she will come back without the remote collar just wanted to demo for you guys what it looks like but I think right now she'll do just fine qu a break let's do it again a yes so that's the most important thing whenever you're introducing either reward-based system or a type of Correction to make sure your dog is being held accountable now I love my dog and my clients more than anything else that you guys would ever know and I am not naive to animal behavior and understanding that my dog isn't going to just do something for me because I have a little hot dog in my hand or have a piece of food or beef liver in this case I understand that there's going to be things and drives and attractions and sense and all these things that are going to happen when my dog's like I'm not listening to that because this is going on and I just want to make sure I'm going to give my dog the offleash life because that's what she deserves that's where she's happiest and if you're going to do that I highly suggest introducing the remote caller to your dog so you have that accountability if your dog doesn't listen that was a perfect example of correcting my dog that one time and then I put my hands out of my pockets no e-caller involved and I said come and she boom she came right to me because she knows there's accountability if she decides to blow me off and that's because I love her if she's out and she's running at the beach or she's in the trail whatever she's doing I want her to come back when I call her and that's important to me because it is the difference or could be the difference between life and death now I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you have do me a solid favor like this video and remember I have a full in-depth course on the e-collar introduction in the description below and I am using the dog shirt Tom Davis 28c Edition which I'll also link below I hope this was informative I hope that it was helpful insightful it gave you an opportunity to see what the e-collar is how to do it the way that I do it and also what it looks like to correct the dog in a KNE collar and how it can be as subtle as I'm not listening okay now I'm listening beautiful lovely job thank you so much for listening and I'll talk to you [Music] later
Channel: Tom Davis Dog Training
Views: 150,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dog Training, Dog Trainer, Dog behavior, dog training tips, Dog Training Advice, Best dog trainer, puppy training, how to train a dog, dog videos, aggressive dog, dog training videos, obedience, tom davis, dog training basics, reactive dog, german shepherd, german shepherd dog, e collar training, remote collar training, shock collar training, how to use e collar for dogs, how to use e collar, how to use e collar for dog training, how to use e collar for recall
Id: OTUgYi-Rq2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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