How to Condition Your Dog to the E-collar ⚡️ FIRST E-collar Session

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in this video you'll see onyx's first off leash training session in Arcanine which is our offlease training program and you'll see how we condition him and introduce him to the e-collar you'll learn about the philosophy behind it why we do it this way and how it works hopefully you take away a thing or two before we begin I have to say after watching this video do not go out and buy an e-collar for your dog the e-collar is not a shortcut it's not a Band-Aid solution it's not a quick fix it's not going to improve your dog's Behavior it's not going to improve their obedience it's not going to change anything about your dog alright so don't go out and buy an e-collar after watching this video if you're going to use the e-collar work under the guidance of a professional because it's a powerful tool and you can up your dog if you don't know what you're doing enjoy the video so basically with the e-collar what it is is it's a way to apply pressure at a distance so the leash and the prong right now is just your tools to apply pressure and it's pressured that the dog understands because it's pressure with direction right you make pressure in one way he understands that to turn it off he just goes in that direction right it's easy friendly grasp but for the e-collar it's pressure with no Direction so it's just pressure right so you can imagine what that's like pressure with no Direction yep just stress yep so he has to understand like fully and completely how to turn it off otherwise he's just going to get stressed out and nothing productive is going to happen with the training all right so the first order of business is conditioning him to the e-collar okay and what we want to do is we want to teach them that the default response is to turn and come to us so we just want him to be able to feel the stem even if we're not around or he doesn't hear anything from us he understands that when he feels that if he doesn't get any other direction from us to turn it off come to you that's it and the pressure goes away okay yep default recall all right ready all right nope we're gonna do this on you yep these are the contact points you just have to make sure this is touching skin yeah I think that's good yeah all right so what we're going to do is we're gonna find what's called your working level so your working level is your lowest perceptible level okay you barely register it barely okay and the working levels what we're going to use when we start doing the conditioning when we're teaching you in this case how to turn off the pressure but when we're teaching him to turn off the pressure as well so the working level is going to be different for every dog and every situation so you're at this park it might be a little bit different than if you're at downtown Bellevue right all right and for every dog it's different they all have different sensitivities so in something like the mini educator you can see you have all the numbers here right [Music] so yours probably going to be between like a maybe like a most dogs are between like a six and a 12-ish like around there it kind of varies a lot all right but you're gonna go ahead and tell me I'm gonna go through the levels and you tell me once you can feel it all right all right it should feel like a slight uh tingle sensation foreign maybe you can hear it okay okay there we go there yes there yes okay is that it do you feel it yeah it's very very very funny yeah there we go uh-huh got it okay all right so then that would be your working level so now we can go ahead and begin the recall training essentially so what we're looking is where if when we do this on him and we find his working level you'll see it but we're just looking for a slight change in Behavior you know maybe he his mouth was open and then he closes it right maybe maybe he was looking one way and then he looks another way right just these slight little things that's what you want to see no big reactions you shouldn't be like oh right not that yet okay yeah that's intense okay you feel that yeah okay you feel it right yeah okay so you could tell me when it's on yes all right good so now to begin the recall stuff what I'm gonna do when I lift my hand well you should be able to feel this dim but when I lift my hand that's when the Sim is going to be on when I drop it that's when I release the button so when the hand is up my fingers on the button and it's holding it down it's down I release it all right is that for me Yep this is for you so this is for you to see you can feel it and then you can also see it visually okay so just to show you how this process is going to go you're going to be kind of just drifting around minding your own business I'm going to make pressure Helen off good right and then I'd phrase and reward you okay so we're walking around again you're drifting off Helen off good right exactly like that so all we're doing we're just it's just negative reinforcement right it's just like with the prong we're just going tap tap tap tap tap if he doesn't listen to recall that's all it is just pressure you give him Direction with the command he already knows once he completes the command off boom that's how you win that's how you turn off the pressure okay right are you also doing that visual cue no no this is just for you yeah so for him here's like what it would look like my hand would probably be like in my pockets if I was actually training this and we'd just be walking around wait till you sort of drift off and I'm not paying attention there we go Helen off good right just like that so we're just using the recall to bridge the gap and help them understand what this is right what the pressure is that's it okay now you're gonna practice on me all right so the button you hold hold that in your right hand yeah and the button you push is the one on your pointer finger so that black one right there that one is the it's a plus five it's a boost button so it'll just plus five it uh-huh yeah so just yeah yeah turn it down all the way and then you're going to want to find my working level okay all right so you just go ahead and go through the levels and I'm I'm lonix I'm just drifting off not paying attention to you and you're gonna go through tap tap tap the buttons until I show some type of reaction oh right there okay okay I went up on I went up high on purpose I could feel it earlier the reason why I did that is so you could overcome come that feeling of when it's usually on a number but he's not feeling it and you have to go higher right because this is going to happen what you'll notice with the e-collar is what people tend to do is they get attached to the numbers so they'll be like yesterday he was at a six he doesn't feel a six right now he must be out of six though that's what we've been working on right you have to release the numbers and go up in that instance and find his working level in that environment the numbers aren't going to be constant all the time right okay we're good yo what's it at 13 yeah so that's the kind of the purpose of it all right so now let's go ahead and work on the the recall stuff okay so I'm walking around I'm Onyx you're gonna work on your timing the timing is pressure command and then release once I complete the command so in the case of the recall it's when I go from this to this that's when you release okay it's the same the time you release it is the same time you would mark and reward and is it so when you hold it hold it yeah yeah when you hold it down it's pressure consistently if you want to do a tap tap you just tap tap the button okay all right so let's work on the timing so it's going to be constant so just raise your hand up pressure and then command and once I complete the command release okay all right let's go ahead and work on it release okay let's go again there you go okay let's go again yeah she's saying it very quietly under her breath yeah yeah come good good there you go yeah it's good that's good okay let's go again there you go okay good good timing so that's pretty much what we're going to do we're going to get in a bunch of these reps and we're just going to teach them that that pressure is the same pressure it's like leash pressure it's the default response right you feel the pressure turn and come you get paid every time there's going to be lots of treats and stuff in this okay all right so now time to move to the actual Beast s my I think he might yeah let's go ahead and walk around here not really seeing what I'm looking for not really there either so I'm gonna go to a not really there and he's peeing we take a pause good boy good party okay I'm not really seeing what I'm looking for and I'm going up I went up to like a 12. so that gave me an indication that it's not making contact because I have context I know that Onyx is relatively sensitive to pressure right especially pressure from the prongs so I have a feeling he'd be sensitive to this pressure so just the fact that he's not feeling it at this level yet he's like um probably it's something else right so probably the points aren't making consistent contact so let's go ahead and fix that instead of going up further in levels right so this is the same sort of process you would do too all right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to adjust this a little bit and this this is the biggest pain in the ass in e-collars is getting consistent contact but what will help you is that bungee will help you and then these contact points that I'll send you will help you as well okay oh there it is okay there it is all right so I'm gonna go back down he was at a 10 and he was giving me a little bit more than what I was looking for right I don't I didn't want any like I kind of I tapped it and he was like and he like sat down and I tapped it again he was like right I don't want it to be that uncomfortable I just want it to be like barely noticeable right okay so we're gonna go back down we're going to roll out a nine and we're going to see how this goes and I'll go ahead and start off the conditioning and then I'll hand it over to you and then you take over so here we go starting the e-collar conditioning when my hand is up the pressure's on when it's down it's off okay oh I forgot to mention if he blows off the recall at any time if like you're making pressure and he just doesn't come you're just going to make pressure with the leash that's it so that's why the leash is on at this point this is not a toy all right Onyx good boy good job you can see he felt it there it almost like he like kind of froze in his tracks and was like what is that that's what you want it to be you want it to be confusion it shouldn't be like extremely uncomfortable yeah just confusion Onyx good boy good job very nice good okay leave it good Onyx chip good boy good job and you can see there like even though I said Onyx he still I kind of stayed at the ground for a little bit and it was still smelling around that's because this pressure is so low it's not it's very light negative reinforcement so we're pretty much relying on his recall at this point but that's why we have the leash on to provide that additional layer of negative reinforcement in a way that he understands right because he doesn't if we just go up on the pressure when he ignores the recall it's not going to work out yeah onyx Chicken Boy good job buddy very nice good job good so right now just for reference he is at a 10. with with the level of competing motivators we're at with all these smells on the ground in this day in this environment right this is where he's at onyx good boy there we go and I kept the pressure on that whole time if you notice my hand was up the entire time the pressure was just on I was just holding it good okay I'll do one more and then I'll hand it over to you Onyx Chocolate boy good job right and then you just complete the recall as usual okay so when you release the pressure you release the pressure at the same time you chirp basically if you want to keep the timing right all right there you go nice go down like one what was it at it was that ten now you got a nine yeah okay nice yeah good job nice very good this week all we're going to do is e-collar recalls and that's it okay that's it okay for this entire week just e-collar recalls you're going to work on your timing you're going to get your reps in with him and by next week I want him to have a really solid understanding of the pressure how to turn it off right just sort of he gets it what you should be able to do if you know you'll know you're doing it right when you can just make the pressure and he might turn to come without you even saying anything right if he starts to do that then you really know you got it okay uh that's all we're doing this week okay he caller recalls for the first like several days I just do the come every time every time but when you're like ready to test it a little bit right just kind of like walk around and just make the stem and make more make a big delay between when you say the come Command right so just hold it down and then Onyx come just give him a chance right see what he does what I like doing for like this sort of thing is I'll come out to a dog like in a park like this and we'll just clip on the long line we might do some play or something we might play some Fetch and then we'll take a break I'll put the toy away and then we'll do some e-collar recalls all right that's it we'll just let them kind of zone out check out hold down the button recall there you go all right you can go to um we do this in Discovery Park too in Seattle I don't know if you've ever been isn't that isn't that uh probably not this time of year um but yeah there's like little back trails and stuff they're like very wide Trails but you can go like have them on a long line have them like explore smell all the smells and stuff and just randomly like on your walk you know hold down Onyx come boom there you go get the Reps in that way and he gets to explore yeah thank you yeah so that's all the that's all the plan is for this week just e-collar recalls just e-caller recalls and what I also want you to work on is healing around distractions just on the regular leash and stuff okay all right sound like a plan all right any questions
Channel: Hamilton Dog Training
Views: 105,645
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Keywords: dog training, dog trainer, hamilton dog training, balanced dog trainer, balanced dog training
Id: TVgrA_0HnSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2022
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