DOG BARKING AT GUESTS? Try These Training Techniques

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you're going i gotta go yep i can't handle this what do we do [Music] i just think that me saying like it's okay to avoid situations sometimes helps people because like a lot of people try to like work through it [Music] all right you guys so this is three dogs in one episode it's a little bit different than something we've done on the channel but basically three of my out of states and i'm pulling all of the really great information and i'm putting here on youtube for you guys to hopefully help you guys out at home and of course if you guys want to join the members club the link is in the description below you get access to all the con the full-length videos of all three of these dogs and all the other ones so anyway this is a combo three dogs in one video i hope you enjoy what's the deal she is territorial and very like reactive especially around like our house and the property so like i can take her to the dog park she likes other dogs loves other dogs good but does not want to be around anybody like people we used to travel a lot not saying that we it's like it's a problem but everything revolves around her so if we go out of town like we can't border or put her with anybody and how long have you guys had her uh two years right before i i found her running around the dog park that we go to uh just before the shutdown like literally two or three weeks before the the coverage shut down yeah she was a little puppy and once i got her because she was so sick you know once i got in my arm she just she has come a long way since we've had her uh she was terrified of everything i could hardly walk her couldn't get her in the car yeah a lot of it is is you're not going to be able to always tell people like you're not going to be able to tell fish not to swim so if you get an insecure dog street dog dog that maybe doesn't trust people for a reason maybe he wasn't socialized has stranger danger all these things are makes sense so we're not going to be able to say hey anybody that's walking on the property you should be okay with it it's more about your obedience and having the ability to like go into your relative's house tell her to go to a place in a down stay and then her stay there and then as you graduate and get better you can start moving to some off-leash work the only problem is the other people so sometimes you just have to make the decision to say like maybe we won't bring her you know going way back i was always like let's work through it no matter what people do then i started to realize it's setting the dog up for more failure putting them into situations with good obedience that people are still going to break the rules to make her uncomfortable [Music] so let's just ask her to yeah should you do implied sits when you stop okay yeah if you're doing your auto sits when you stop make sure that you're consistent with it if you stop and you're supposed to have an auto sit and she doesn't you don't have the ability to toggle between i don't care if you stand or sit so if she gets up instead of asking her to sit again you just get released pressure but that's exactly the things that we have to do so it's more about control more about leadership with you making sure that when she's in a sit and i like walk by with a distraction she doesn't get up because she's like i don't know she needs to go off of you so we're just gonna do a little bit of basic desensitization by just making a little bit of noise and just starting off very there boom if you ask her to sit and then this does this and she's like oh god i gotta get up you put her back into a sit until she can handle it if you're doing the auto sit the implied sits you don't say anything so if she gets up immediate pressure either way when she gets up and she's supposed to be sitting whether it's verbal or unimplied you have to give her pressure back down because essentially that's the reason why dogs will become less confident now when you do the place is it i'm assuming it's an implied like you got to stay there right she was really good at it when we were kind of consistent with it months ago like when we started doing a place thing she still kind of gets it but since we weren't consistent with it it's not that's good so like she places pretty good when it's time to eat we make her place where it's time to eat the other time i use place with her is uh we do have a static collar that we use for when we let her off leash outside on the property um and she'll place for that but it's not the best place like she's angry because she sees it and she knows she's going outside she knows she doesn't she doesn't associate that with where the the the statics comes all right you guys if you like this video and any of the other videos that you see here on youtube then you're going to love the no bed dog members club the link is in the description below you guys are going to get the full version of what you're seeing here on youtube sometimes over an hour long as well as all the uncut stuff we don't put on here and all the things in between the seminars the travel click the link below it's 19.99 for the whole month and you guys can learn a lot more about what you're seeing here in the videos my biggest issue with him is that he is uber protective if somebody comes over they come in the house and i've been you know i work with him have him on leash or put him in the crate like i've tried all these different things but he still has this aggressiveness where he's barking they've been in the house for you know two hours and they they make a move and it's toward me he gets up and growls you know his hair goes up i know it's me there's something i'm doing so i just most of this is how do i work with him to make him not feel like he has to protect me all the time or not be scared all the time right have you had him since a puppy um so i adopted him he was five months okay so how was he when he got him he was pretty neurotic and the reason he was given up is because he was um he didn't travel well he spent a lot of time by himself just a very nervous anxious dog so it sounds like he's been that way from the get-go have you done training with him before yep so he did three weeks of stay in training he was supposed to do two and he failed so he stayed for a third week and i have him in agility right now i do um every other week he's just with like exposure training group class not even yet it's their dogs in the rings around it's in a big warehouse so he's just working on obedience with distraction in other words he hasn't bitten anybody not yet but we're trending that way that's why i'm here yeah because i don't want it to happen you know i want to i want to set him up for success and i'm not something i'm doing right now is not working so judging by his behavior he is like you can tell he gets really like down and he gets nervous and if he gets to somebody he doesn't really know or he gets close to something he's unsure of he gets low his ears go back and that's where you're gonna get that fight or flight type of thing it's kind of like an old west kind of battle thing for him as he's like who's gonna draw first and that's where you're gonna get the reaction the lunge the barking all that stuff that's where you're gonna get that quick like he's not like an innately aggressive dog he's a nervous dog who isn't gonna appreciate or like anybody he doesn't know coming up to do anything with him touching him looking at him putting their hand out not going to be cool with him yep you can already tell just by his behavior so you have to work on putting him into situations that he's going to be successful in okay so like if you if you needed to run out to petsmart he's not the dog to like let's go to petsmart because it's going to be great right he's going to be like oh all the you know all the people and their dog people so they're like oh can i give it and you're like oh god so but places like the trail maybe even home depot where it's bigger okay it's not a dog place but they're dog friendly yep lows whatever places like that you're not gonna go on a sunday morning or you might go on a wednesday night that's kind of your management job is to make sure that you're not putting him into situations that he's gonna it's kind of like throwing a kid on a stage and they're super nervous so in my my thought process is oh you know what i've been coached on is you need to expose him to all this but basically what you're saying is i can take him to petsmart five million times and he's not really ever because it's a new person it's not about how many times he's been to petsmart it's about i've never seen you before please don't come near me why am i in this situation type of thing correct you want to challenge but you want to challenge fairly understood not gonna go to the farmer's market but you might go walk around the farmer's market understood that's really helpful because in again my thought process was oh he'll get there i just i'm not giving him enough exposure i'm not doing it but i hear you and you're just going to slow down you're going to put them into a sit like right there sit good sit so right now is when you're going to get a like a very fighty flighty type of behavior because he's going to see you open that gate and the gate for most dogs means we're out it's a portal we're off to the next world okay especially from with the big door so do you use a stay yes okay so do stay and just grab the gate stay sit good and then straighten yourself back out good you're going i gotta go yep i can handle this where what do we do and that's you're like exactly stay and just grab the handle just jiggle good now stop now go back to him and then break him freak okay good perfect what you don't want to do is what a lot of people do is the they'll say okay we finally passed this a test that we couldn't 30 seconds ago so let's open the gate and wait for him to fail got it so after he does good you break him and say yeah we did it and then you're going to put him back into us and you're going to do it again i see okay okay yep good sit good boy and then stay again stay think good enough okay yep good one so the next step you're going to take your right foot and just move it forward a little bit sit good it's okay good boy good sit what i would do differently is he's he's he's very sensitive yeah so normally you would hear me tell you the opposite of like you need to be a little bit more firm give him a little bit more pressure instead of a correction so instead of snapping just a little bit of pressure okay because he's he's got like oh sorry sorry sorry so just almost like a no no no no it's fine you're doing everything right you're doing everything that i would normally tell dog owners to do but because he's sensitive and he's trying to figure out what the hell you've been doing what you're doing right now when he gets up just a little bit of pressure okay instead of the snap because that's where he's like ah sorry okay questions on that no i mean again you see things that i'm not thinking about correct that i'm impacting so again it's like you come in and you say hey my dog is reactive or nippy or starting to get a little aggressive i'm not going to say okay let's get them riled up and correct them for being aggressive i want to go to the core of why it's happening this is why it's happening it's because when you ask him to do something he's like i can't do that right no way you can't sit here and stay you're gonna move three inches from me i can't handle that these are the types of things because that's probably the reason why he's reactive and he's nervous and he's aggressive he might be protective over you because you're not allowing him to understand fully that you can handle i've been told that so my the trainer told uh one of the trainers had told me that he sees me as his little sister yeah and all it is is what we're doing okay so if you were to come over here and say sit and stay and he plunges through and you're like yeah whatever your room he loves you like that's the thing is i always tell people like you guys are roommates right he loves you you guys have a decent relationship but he doesn't respect you he doesn't find he doesn't find calmness with you he doesn't find such a jerk yeah ah why i'm so good to you right but that's what i gave his rules boundaries all of that yeah but you have to reinforce it so like holding him accountable so when you ask him to sit and stay and he gets up and you just you either let him fly or you reset him like you're not you're just skipping steps okay that makes sense you're skipping some steps okay when he gets nervous and he starts clinging to me yeah i'm supposed to not let him use me as a security blanket right correct this is where i get confused too because why is he using me as a security blanket if he thinks i'm not protecting him or that he has to protect me think about this is if i were to come up and give you guys pressure and walk towards you and then he were to get nervous he may come running back to you and then go oh i can't escape because i'm on the leash so then he just fires off so maybe at that point it's not even a protective thing of you it's just he doesn't know what he doesn't have any other options good boy so main issue number one is reactivity specifically in the home outside with me she i'm pretty good at staying away with from people good proximity i don't let people pet her if they get too close sometimes she'll lunge there's never been a bite probably because i'm just on top of her all the time but guess in the home when someone enters the home she goes nuts most recently my grandma was over at bella um and she was my grandma's there for like three days so sleeping there et cetera i went up to hug my grandma then she started giving her kisses the second i stopped it was like a little lunge and then just second hand is just outside or any distractions obviously there's no engagement with me no control no control have you done training before yes we did the the e-collar where they used it to train her how to do stuff yeah as opposed to i think we talked about this a little bit yes i remember so we haven't used the e-collar in like three months because then we went the other spectrum of positive which then she started on walks going to people and pulling towards people which is not not the best all right um okay so let's balance it out a little bit yep [Music] all right that's good that looks pretty good so let's just stop and then let's work on a sit that's it okay good so obedience looks pretty good put that on there so what were you conditioning on they were having a start at like an eight okay so i would probably stay on a three or four the e-collar is just the reinforcer it helps understand um you kind of understand the deal right with it okay so this basically ah down you hear that pop so use it but i'll use it differently than they did yeah it's like the stem and till and then the release you get from okay yes what did they do sit sit sit sit so but that's that's why i switched units is because this unit has a continuous nick so the nick is basically pop like like on this i could i could go back down to a one like i can manually do it or i can hold it down okay that so this has a continuous nick and a nick this also has a boost so your nut does too but the boost is great because you can go up in your levels to really quick correct the dog after they understand the behaviors and understand the remote so we're going to work on a four okay so it's going to be behavior release behavior release she's sharp on her obedience so you should be holding the pressure down until she gets into the position oh yes actually one question so we're doing it the first time we ask it's not we ask and then we do correct because the and the difference between the way that that trainer particularly will do it like the majority of their franchises is as they immediately go into correction so if you if the dog doesn't do something they get a correction where i'm actually using a lot of negative reinforcement which i find to be way actually hardly any stress at all for the dog because they're understanding the stimulation before we're ever using it as a correction so we say yes good down if we say down and the dog doesn't down after the dog really understands the remote and is very comfortable with it you can certainly use it as a correction the difference between the slip collar and the remote collar is the remote collar is in association with your verbal anyway okay it's they're tied conditioned together whereas those can get kind of more out of sync this yeah and the slip is more of a reinforcement if the dog doesn't do something where the e-collar is tagged in together together together together and all the e-caller does is say hey we're doing something hey we're doing something what you were doing before is we're doing something there's like oh so you just want to influence it very positively the dog should really enjoy the remote collar training sit nice [Music] let's work on your obedience your healing whatever you want to do really and i'm going to get the faith dog out and then we'll see because basically what i'm trying to replicate is the problems you're having which is once there's a big distraction or once you go outside or once something is more distracting and more currency based that's when she doesn't do as good feel feel [Music] so that's the stranger danger bark that was perfect sometimes dogs literally come from all the way from california and they don't do anything right people like what the hell the place command will will have huge impacts in your life with her because it's just like again this is all micro macro type of like if you tell her to sit and she's like yeah i'm over it that sucks but if you have the place command and you say i want you to go to your place and you have to stay there until i release you then all your relatives as long as they're being good if she's in her place and you're like yeah she's good we've been working on this for months you have the e-collar maybe to reinforce certain things you can control her off leash those are the types of things that what i'm going to be the foundation stepping stones for you guys so do you say stay or do you just put we usually just say place right you stay stay okay i feel like because i'm the one that spends more time with her i usually say okay so we'll put her in yep so whatever's easiest that's that's the coolest thing for me and my personal dogs places just put all fours there i transfer the place to so much stuff right so here's the problem with doing implied stuff and this is where again you have to pick and choose what you like if you do an implied down after a place or you do an implied sit after a place and you ask your dog to place on something they can't down on so if i wanted my dog to place on that she couldn't down on that right so she'd be like super stressed about it and she's like i know what i'm supposed to do and then i'm supposed to be like well do i let her get away with this do i not so that's like you know same thing with this day i typically do stay mainly because i train pet owners i don't train i train pet owners they come in they already have the weight or the stay but the only problem is again is if you do an implied if you do like an implied stay after a sit or a behavior or a place say you want to get out the car and you open the car door what do you do you have no command to say i want you to stay there [Music] so [Music] it's almost like a chart or a graph think about it like that where she kind of has this progression and you can see it on a graph like get better and better better and better and if you stop it stops but if you keep like oh you're afraid of this now you're not oh you're afraid of this now you're not oh you're afraid of this now you're not and the more you do that to bikes uh trains cars whatever she's afraid of like yesterday she was terrified of the place now she's there and tomorrow she won't be as afraid of the crutches like so any it's again it's like kind of two and we're burning both ends of the candle here so we're building confidence but we're also really working on her obedience as well if you guys find this video helpful do me a solid favor like this video leave a comment in the comments below subscribe to my youtube channel turn on all your notifications and follow me on instagram the links are in the description below or right here on the screen deal once she's there i'm not like yeah okay so hackles are up a little bit this is where you got to work on your corrections okay so when you're doing this you're going to come out pop like that so don't pull pop so you have to come out pop good and just ask her to heal heel yes good heel and now turn again this is what you normally have to do right is just heal heal bella heal got it okay i'm gonna just watch the way i heal pop yes good heel here we go try it again heel yes good better you see those pops i was doing can i see you do it when if maybe i have that dog here cute so see how she doesn't care about this yeah yeah well if i switch to a prong and see how she responds to that because i don't like all that pressure on her yeah cause she you know she'll power through it she's like i want to get what i want to get it works the same as the slip you're just distributing that pressure so you should get a better reaction out of it good yep just make sure you have that leverage and that pop okay if you feel that chain start to kind of tighten that's where you pop don't get to the end heel thanks pop yep there you go that's better be the difference between four-wheel drive and like two-wheel drive you're getting full coverage turn again heel yes good now turn again inside turn yo that's an outside turn we'll do it again okay heel good and then inside will be your left leg back that way heel there you go nice good good girl good boy good boy good good boy and then just kind of move him back a little bit good wow good he's gonna go to you and historically what ends up happening is is dogs will go back to their owner if they're like this and then the owners are like it's okay and they pet them and they give them attention they're like reinforce that you reinforced it right you're telling him like it's okay you should be next to me and even if you're saying it's okay in your mind you're like i'm doing good by letting him know it's okay you're still reinforcing his behavior bodhi come here good job good body sit oh good sit good job buddy please please good place good job buddy he's he's fearing for his life almost he's not being a brat he's just really afraid and that's why i'm asking him to do very simple things and i'm standing six feet away from him i'm giving him his space but i'm also being structured with him too good job brick body cut yes good boy so that's what i'm looking for as i'm looking for less friction and less pressure needed to do the things that i want to do nice place buddy nice job awesome sit good sit good job body good job good response nice job good boy so i'm just using the place to kind of get next to him so i'm using the obedience to work on his confidence to work on his exposure kind of you know rounding things out just making his world smaller with just the leash here and like i said before he is definitely stressed there's no doubt about it but it's part of pushing him past his limits buying a new house is stressful going on a first date is stressful building a house is stressful getting your dream job is stressful going on vacation is stressful everything in life stress is is part of it and right now that's what he's dealing with is he's learning how to deal with things without you and it's stressful for him but he's doing well now i'm going to see how much see if i need any pressure to get him to come to me cody come come on good boy no pressure cody go to your place no pressure yes good place sit yes good boy good job bud good job if you look at what we did with him i had to force him to do something and now i don't have to force him to do anything because i pushed him over that limit see what i'm saying yep now i now it's he's just doing it because i kind of paved the way for him to do it and sometimes you just have to push him over that edge to get better good job b quick free thank you this was very enlightening very very yeah it was simple stuff that yeah you look overlook it it's a big deal yeah it is so coming up here to upstate k9 academy has helped me realize that ava can be handled by other people uh previous to that we thought it was just my wife and i that could only handle her and tom proved us wrong about that and let us know that most of that was just us and not necessarily the dog and how we handled her so looking forward to going home and continuing her training and learning a lot more on everything i've learned and applying it we've worked with previous trainers before one on the more negative spectrum of punishment and then one positive only um and neither seemed to work for her so coming to him i saw his videos and he explained things in a way that made sense he introduced some new tools as well as taught us how to hone in on the tools that we already knew about or had it's just changed her i mean we were able to get an elevator with a guy and that was that's a big deal no growling no nothing so i'm just really appreciative to tom and all the education he's provided the biggest piece for me was realizing that so much of his reactions and behaviors are because of me and the relationship that i have with him you know it's really important for people to build that consistent and realistic approach that's really like tom really hit on that which was there's the realism there's the being completely consistent with your corrections and i was not giving him direction and i've heard this before from other trainers but it really resonated in this session because it was between us and you know seeing the changes um so i think for anybody out there it's really important to recognize that there's so much you can learn even when you watch videos and everything you're doing there's so much you can learn from going through the experience it was really worth it and and if anything what i take away from this is that i have a long way to go but bodhi has so much potential and i just have to work with him and apply everything i've learned you
Channel: Tom Davis Dog Training
Views: 150,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: our dog bark at people in the home, fearful german shepherd training, tom davis dog trainer, dog trainer, dog training, fearful dog training, how to train a scared dog, how to train reactive dog, reactive dog training, e collar training, online dog training, how to train your dog to sit, how to train your dog to stay, Dog barking, Training techniques, Stop dog barking, Barking at guests, Dog behavior, Obedience training, Dog training tips, Canine behavior, Pet training
Id: na8I-BdbAfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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