Watch German Shepherd Owner Realize Why Her Dog Is Protecting Her

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dog owners have an opportunity to see what your dog is capable [Music] of I've been doing this program now for close to four years it's changed evolved and grown and and getting different sometimes I say I don't have a lot to do with it which sounds silly but it's just like this 3 days we've had some really gnarly dogs come in the program like you can't we can't even talk and in accumulation of 6 hours they're in group class and sometimes there's times like I don't know what the hell happened like this is amazing why is the whining stopping make any sense as soon as I gain ground and have a game plan with this dog she puts a kink in everything and changes everything that we thought about her that was incredible I I I'm happy with that I'm over the moon with that very rarely do I see somebody that has a healthy relationship with their dog yeah wow I never really would have thought that that's interesting like when a dog walks into a room he shouldn't have a meltdown there's no there's no reason right I hate to see it because the dog is in such a disarray of emotions like it's very unhealthy I'm like that shouldn't be the case it's like somebody sitting there like oh did you see that what was that like like just constantly like freaking out right right they come in here and they're like I want to fight everybody you're like dude what is your problem that's exactly what it's like you're sitting down eating breakfast at a restaurant a guy comes in and says I'm fighting everybody in here and you're like there's something wrong with you when I first came in I was afraid petrified really to bring tux anywhere near near another human being that I wasn't familiar with or um I was worried about running into kids or running into other dogs um so I had a level of intensity every time we did go out in public you know reason why I think he's very fearful and insecure and just reactive is because if he actually had a problem with me it wouldn't be this right he's desperately trying to get back to you so it really comes down to him looking at you like I got this but I don't want to get it come into a room he's like you take the back seat but I don't know how to drive but it's interesting his Dynamic right especially because you guys probably haven't had an opportunity for somebody be like oh your dog looks like he wants to eat me let me have him yeah right where now you're seeing like oh crap like cuz normally that if somebody comes into your house that's enough for them to go I'm out of here right but that's what he wants just like the person that's like I'm big and I'm bad they're only doing that because they don't know what to do this is tux obviously German Shepherd he's reactive he's a big baby that's what's going on put him on your left side where your hand is yeah perfect okay stop for a second so your leash is going to go right here which it is and when you're handling you want to be able to ah or sit and right now when he's turning he's coming around and then your leash is hooked up like this and you're kind of dragging him through so you want to take your collar turn it a little bit so it's angled right here towards you and when you're handling him right now what's happening is in order for your correction to happen or for you to touch the the actual dog is you have to come all the way up to get like you have to come all the way up here so you got to choke up enough to where you can just flick your wrist and it touches them it's going to take a couple minutes but keep working on it slow down a little bit he's a yes good nice good boy he's a dog you want to slow down you don't want to speed him [Music] up but what's really beneficial in this program I find is yeah sure little things with handling um but also just like how to handle like with clients what to do people ask me like how do I start filming how do I get more clients how do I do the reality is is like you just have to try to separate yourself and and and be different because you talk to a dog trainer like yeah some dog trainers are better than others for sure um but the reality is is when it comes down to is like do people like you do they relate to you can they learn from you inside turn there yeah and then you just inside and it just [Music] tux is doing amazing 's over here this is a dog that we couldn't even talk in the same room he was so reactive and so he's in group class right now with almost 10 other dogs and 20 plus people and he's walking in group and this is something that we do at the upstate Canon Academy every single month this is a 3-day transformation program and I'm grateful to be able to offer it we've been offering it for years but this is what we do every month we take in the most reactive dogs and then get them into group class within our program and really the the the proprietary thing that I really try to focus on other than what other people are doing is working on the owners like I've handled I haven't even touched that dog I I grabbed the leash in the first 10 minutes I met him and then he ran back to his owner and I haven't touched him so working through the owner so the training is sustainable if you guys are working on leash reactivity you shouldn't hire a dog trainer you should hire a coach it's really what you need to be successful because dog trainers are good with dogs if I take that dog and do really great it's not going to help them at home but this dog is crushing it in group class this is something that we do every single month and I'm so proud of these guys if you guys are struggling with your dogs I'll leave a a link in the description where you guys can reach out to join this 3-day program we usually sell it out a couple months in advance and we're doing the shadow program for dog trainers if you want to come watch the whole process have lunch with me talk about it stuff in between it's a lot of fun but this is what we do change dog owner lives dogs are the easy part the owners need the work usually [Music] he's doing great look he's just chilling he's got dogs working like this is how I want everybody to live with their dog when he came in he was barking and reacting so much that we couldn't even talk I can't hear you get a little closer an accumulation of less than 4 hours right we did two private sessions an hour each and then we did an accumulation of of group stuff an accumulation of less than 4 hours he's laying down there's dogs barking there's dogs moving there's two other dogs here and he's fairly calm actually he's really calm considering where he was so it's really good to see uh I'm really happy for you guys just because where he was before I'm looking at it like oh man I feel terrible for this dog cuz he feels like crap you know but now he's like really handling stuff I'm amazed that we were in a room with all those dogs when we have 10 12 dogs in there and Tux was was handling it and that just that made me so happy because the poor dog's been stressed out he stressed out I'm stressed out you know so now it was it was really a great a great success story to watch him evolve from the moment we walked in to now when we're leaving to go home [Music]
Channel: Tom Davis Dog Training
Views: 93,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dog Training, Dog Trainer, Dog behavior, dog training tips, Dog Training Advice, Best dog trainer, puppy training, how to train a dog, dog videos, aggressive dog, dog training videos, obedience, tom davis, dog training basics, reactive dog, german shepherd, german shepherd dog, reactive dog owner, reactive dog training, tom davis dog
Id: 7TpTKccbHnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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