How To Train A Dog To Come Back Off Leash/ How To Train Dog With Remote Collar

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as he got further away we lost more and more control and the next thing you know this guy's kicking our dog and then it was like a whole another issue that loss of control it was was so scary it's the worst it's the worst feeling hey guys we just flew into New Mexico I'm here to work with my dear friend Ally Ally is a professional dog lover I don't think I've met anybody that loves dogs as much as she does she had an unfortunate scary event with a guy trespassing on her property her dog wouldn't come back it's really scary for her and so now we're doing some e-collar training for her dog so her dog can live a happy safe offleash life here in New Mexico so I hope you guys enjoy this video and if you guys are interested in getting your dog off leash safely and reliably like we're going to do with Bruce this weekend you guys can click the e-collar course below or watch this video and we got some new merch if you guys are interested to support the channel let's get into the video hey buddy oh yes so he when he sees something it's game over when you sees another dog um not in an aggressive way just like let's be crazy and nothing matters and so that feels like a safety risk the remote caller is really cool because it allows you to remotely communicate with your animal but you have to have that communication first yeah it's really important to understand like it's hard to learn a new language if you don't have one to begin with yeah so when we get the e-caller on we're going to be doing Place work recall work sit work work it's a lot of the same stuff he's already been doing we're just layering in the remote collar and the goal is is he feels the stimulation he knows where it's coming from that way when he's a half a mile away when you turn it on and you say come he knows what to do you guys right now you can get my e-collar course for $99 off we take a completely untrained dog that does have an any experience with the remote caller to fully offleash in this course it goes over everything you need to do to safely introduce the remote caller to your dog at home click the link in the description below and use the discount code to get $99 off and remember this code isn't going to last forever so make sure you get it today bruy please e-collar is on yes good place e color off okay break levels that you're going to be using are going to change depending on your environment just like how when we are talking right now I'm not yelling because I don't need to right but then if we cranked up the music or went to a concert we'd have to communicate a lot differently because of our environment so once he gets out here his conditioning levels might go up to a 15 okay yes good place nice work I might do some what I call tap and turns outside we have the long line out and basically we're going one way I turn and I say come and I tap the collar until he comes to me let's go good so I moved up to like a level six just because we're outside gy come it's all I'm doing is I'm good boy Perfect come tapping tapping tapping tapping let's go tapping little bit of leash let's go good boy come on good come it's a level eight it's a little high stayed on to a six so you see him like kind of rear up and get a little like hey what was that that was like that higher level so we just went down a little bit py come good boy good boy so that was a perfect example you can see how he looks down so there's a seven we're going to go back down to a six Bruce come tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap yep come on yes good so see him looking at me and looking in the direction then he comes with me and commits and it shuts off it's going to be really good for recall Bruce let's go good boy good so it's kind of like recall but not it's just a simple directional change so I'm trying not to use the leash just this yeah just that yeah yeah in my voice Bruce come responding to yes good boy yes see how he's like is that you yeah come you call her so once he commits so you're going to go up a little bit seven see that change come Bubba yes good boy it's like a really really really good example on how that eall or communication starts to work I'm like hey come to me he's like yeah but like mom and dad and so he freezes and he's basically just I don't really want to so I went from a four to a seven and so remember a seven is like just when we start to feel it on our wrist and you're just going to feel a sensation it's not going to be anything crazy oh yeah I feel yeah okay it's like your leg fell asleep so that's an eight okay so his corrective level was between 8 and 10 that's when he does this like oh that's what that is he can feel this that's I barely feel it yeah that's what an e-caller like pressure will look like right so always talk about that like what does the correction look like what does pressure look like what does turning it up look like it looks like the dog not listening and then the dog listening all right so now we're having Ally use the remote so it's really important that the owners know the buttons and the features and get a feel for it and you know ask any questions that they need to so that's what we're doing now to see how she does and how Bruce does Brucey come yeah that's it good boy Brucey come come come good boy yes there you go it really is just a tap tap that's it that's it so basically six seven recall well directional changes he does good give him a break that's it that's what training is going to look like for for the next week or so with them after I'm gone is you're just tapping that shoulder and making sure he's responding properly okay so we're not really doing full recalls yet um we are pushing this a little bit faster because I want you guys understand that when you're introducing the remote CER like he has such a good Baseline personality and behavior he's not anxious he's not fearful he's confident he's a blank slate um and so we are jumping into things a little bit faster than you normally would see on this channel or or some dogs but this is exactly what eoll train looks like it should be fun it should be exciting and the dog should be eager to work now you might be asking yourself like well my dog would do that without the tap that's that's fine and that might that might be the actual situation but I want you to realize that right now we're just introducing the remote color sensation to the dog so the objective is is for him to feel this and know how to respond to the Handler that's exactly what you just saw here in the demo we'll pop up the screen again and I'll be down here talking about it the dog comes out he sees the my baby he sees my wife he goes I'm going to go there instead good Bo Handler turned the e-collar on the dog was like oh nope I'm going to come back and that's exactly why we do remote collar training if you love your dog you want your dog to be off leash that's the happiness that's the happiest they're going to be and that's what e-caller training allows you to do good that's a Breaky good boy that's a good Tor why don't you come out to the road and we'll use you as a distraction we'll do some recall off them okay before and correct me if I'm wrong it was basically saying his name to get his attention telling him to come and if he didn't come it was like oh whatever or we'd ask him again y now it's different for him where we're like we actually wanted to take action yeah exactly we want him to actually come us to do that what we're saying yep and then me not being frustrated cuz he's not doing it and then him continuing to not do it and there's no solution to that so we're recalling off of baby and Taylor and Abby and then what we're going to do um we'll do this a little bit and then we're going to copy and paste it out out in your backyard okay and that's going to be like a more realistic thing okay um and that's the area that he normally like that's going to be harder for him cuz that's where he has used to been like oh yep so it'll be a little challenging but we we'll break through it all right so we're going to go three recalls we're looking for three solid recalls in a row and then we break so when you're when you're doing this and you're training just look for those three consistent really good ones and then break cuz we're looking for are we understanding things or not good boy that's a good one okay go ahead bruy come nice good boy that's it good job nice job go ahead Bruce come perfect good boy now give him a break break good awesome awesome so now we're transferred into the backyard which is like the most realistic space they're going to be training in cuz right outside of this yard is uh some property that they have and so this is really um a really good test uh until it goes pretty much alive this isn't going to be tap and turns this is going to be like come right come right back to me okay come yep good good job buddy good job good job what you want to do is do exactly what you did you basically have have a 20ft long line and you do like 5T away recalls 5 ft away recalls and that's what you'll do then you'll start doing 10 and then you'll do the whole long line and once he gets 100% three out of three and then a break you'll drop the long line once he gets 100% on the recalls as the long line is getting dragged cuz there's just something about the leash attached to dogs that help them um kind of facilitate some of the training towards you like they feel you a little bit more it's attached so once you get all of those together then you un unhook it and then you start to then it just becomes then we graduate to that next level then it's everywhere all the time the off leash 100% in the aoro yep okay so you're just you're taking it that's really helpful to understand that that's the progression first coming come good boy yes good come that's my good dog good job buddy that feels great looks great yeah it's good where she come good boy come on good job buddy good boy that's it that's it that's it yes yes yes yes yes yes good boy good job doesn't get better than that y'all really nice work really nice work it's the best uh so that's what it is guys e-collar introduction off leash takes a couple hard days of work but there's nothing better than seeing a dog live their life completely off leash safely that's the most important thing guys is this this dog can now go anywhere anywhere with their family and be reliable off leash I have an e-caller course you guys can check the link out listed below and this exact e- call you can get on Amazon Rey I'm so proud of you buddy [Music]
Channel: Tom Davis Dog Training
Views: 27,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dog Training, Dog Trainer, Dog behavior, dog training tips, Dog Training Advice, Best dog trainer, puppy training, how to train a dog, dog videos, aggressive dog, dog training videos, obedience, tom davis, dog training basics, reactive dog, german shepherd, german shepherd dog, remote collar training, e collar training, how to use e collar, how to use remote collar, shock collar training, off leash training, off leash dog training, tom davis e collar
Id: zaj335LM0QU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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