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oh ladies and gentlemen hey what's going on guys tom davis here i am in phoenix arizona and today i'm going to teach you how to safely properly introduce the recall using the remote collar let's get it the reason why i'm making this video is because a lot of people go out and they buy a remote collar and they get a cheap one that they don't really know how to use and they try to put it on their dog and they really do more damage than good i mean what happens is dogs just don't understand it then they're off leash and when i mean damage that means that the dog is just off leash and uncontrolled and doesn't know how to respond to the e-collar and that's dangerous i want to make sure you guys know fundamentally how this is supposed to work when you're just teaching the recall there's so many different things and i have a ton of videos on how to introduce the recall universally throughout your whole dog training life with your dog which is what we're going to talk about in all the other videos that i do but in today's episode we're going to keep it simple and clean so you guys can get your e-collar at home and if it's something you're going to do i want you to do it right so let's get into it so all you guys need to start this what i'm using right now is a dog trailer 280c which is dog tray is the company the 280c is the model 30 foot long line 15 foot long line 20 foot long line something that you can navigate him because this is the introduction stage he's not going to be off leash so i need to make sure that i can give him some sort of pressure with the leash to guide him and navigate him through the other thing that i'm going to be using is the dogtress sound box which every single time that i use the remote collar you guys are going to know when the e collar goes off because timing is really key and the other thing i'm using is a bag full of treats i like to use beef liver treats because dogs love them so in a perfect world you guys are going to want to be introducing this with not a lot going on maybe a room where there's nothing in there you got your treats you got your e-collar you got your long line but dog training isn't perfect we're never going to be in a perfect scenario i'm training him in his driveway with not a lot going on first thing in the morning so we're going to let him out and i'm not going to hold the leash or anything because he's pretty responsive to verbal cues in the first place i'm just going to start associating that low level stimulation benny come yes good boy good calm sit yes good good man break make it fun this is fun so when the e-collar goes off to the dog he feels that stimulation i pair it with hey come he comes to me and then it shuts off it's a classic form of escape training this is not a correction this is not a punishment this does not hurt the dog all it does is gets his attention from a distance without actually physically touching him which is brilliant because we're using modern technology to train our dogs off leash which is wonderful huge advantage so we're gonna do this again benny come yes good come well done sit good benny come yes good come well done good boy sit yes so that was an out of sight recall which was brilliant and and again if you have a dog that's already pretty responsive to your verbals all you're doing is tagging this in one thing a lot of people do and they make the mistake of is they will actually put their dog in like a sit stay and then they try to do the recall which is not suggested because that's unrealistic as ever you want to make sure he's out he's getting into stuff he's doing whatever he wants and then we're going to work on recall that way benny come yes good come buddy sit yes good boy good me so a couple frequently asked questions guys is when to actually hit the remote at the same time you ask your dog to do something say their name hold continuous and then the dog will respond to you accordingly so there's two different functions here on the dogs or 280c so there's a nick and then there's a continuous very simple the nick means that you're just nicking the dog you just tap like this even if you hold it it only goes once and continuous is exactly how it sounds you hold the button down until you release your finger so that's what i'm doing with recall he's over here he's doing his thing he's sniffing the garage he's sniffing flowers whatever scorpions maybe and then i tell him to come and then he commits and he says okay i'm going to commit to you instead of what i'm doing and then i release the pressure classic form of escape training what i want to do is stay over here like where it's easy and then transfer to the grass so i'll have you do it here so you can do it for me too so benny come yes good boy sit good i'm gonna draw him in just a little suck him in a little bit more benny come good sit yes god good man break go ahead and try it justin so now we're gonna go kind of like to the phase two and again he's been pretty conditioned uh benny come yes good boy good yes good boy sit good so we just recalled him off of this gentleman over here that's doing landscaping really really really good and then we're paying them of course because that was brilliant after you guys have done this for a couple days and you're familiarizing yourself and just take everyone rushes rushes russia's they want to see something right now don't do that take your time don't buy an e-collar and go out and just slap it on because you're going to hiking for the weekend or camping or the beach or whatever just take your time to introduce this thoroughly in the beginning so you can sustainably use it forever and it's great benny come yes good come good so just using that nick same time benny come yes good come you guys can do this in the morning with your with this kibble half a cup come out with 25 pieces of kibble really close buddy come yes good and he come yes then right so you call him right now nice let me show you how to size it benny come yes buddy good come sit yes put it right on the side of his neck so keep it nice and tight right against the skin is it gonna sit underneath nope good question right on the side you want it right on the side this is where the area like this is the biggest part of the dog's neck up here is like his spine and down here's his throat keep it right on the side right buddy when you're doing the nick because some dogs like i was saying before like the continuous they're like they they stop to figure out what you want so you say their name and they're like hey i'm going to come to you and then they're like wait what what do i do with this i'm not and he's in the stages of you know so if you just do the nick benny come tap some dogs get they respond better that kind of accelerates them some dogs with the continuous they kind of shut down a little bit good now give him a break good [Music] [Applause] that's that would be your morning session that's it you're like hey do you get it okay good just making sure you're still sharp that's it but what i would do in the next three days or i'm sorry in the next two weeks is do that three times a day recall to you good calm come done put him in a set good job benny good man benny you're so good you're doing so good good yes all right you guys so now that we have benny in a really good spot you guys have the information that you need to do it right and that's really why i made this video because i the e-collar has has i think it's really overwhelming for a lot of dog owners and there's a lot of misinformation out there you guys just saw when i came to phoenix his owner was like i need him to come off leash and for me i love dogs so much and i want to do what's best for the dog and the owner and to responsibly humanely be able to use something that can actually reach out and communicate with the dog completely wireless i have found to be the best most effective most efficient way to do that so he's at a good point if you guys have questions i highly recommend hiring a dog trainer in your area that is comfortable using the remote collar that can help you establish your e-collar basics as well as going through all the videos on youtube from people who are professionally trained using the remote collar and the way that i just introduced it but again i wanted to make this video just to let you guys know to let anybody know the e-collar is not this scary shocking mythological crazy thing abusive thing at all as you guys saw this dog is now as happy as he can be running around in the acres that he has and his owners can now go to the beach and other places like that and travel with them and have him responsibly off leash just because we care we need to be able to communicate so anyway i hope you guys like this video i really really do i hope that it was insightful for you i appreciate you guys watching if you haven't yet do me a solid favor you guys like this video smash that subscribe button we put videos out like this every single week sometimes twice a week i appreciate you guys again i will talk to you next time peace [Music] okay you
Channel: Tom Davis Dog Training
Views: 203,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4fsymbNOgBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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