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hey what's going on guys tom davis here america's canon educator in today's video i'm going to give you five things you must know about the remote collar first thing i want to get into is the why the e-collar is one of the only things if not the only thing that actually can communicate with your dog with some sort of reinforcement completely off leash i want my dog to have the most freedom that she could possibly have off leash and join nature as dogs are intended to do want my dogs to be happy i want them to be the most fulfilled that they can possibly be and the remote collar allows me to safely humanely accomplish those goals so for me it's simple i love my dog and i know that she's an animal and i know when i'm outside or i'm in different environments it's important for me to be able to reliably reach my dog without any leash to make sure i can get her back or do the obedience i need to keep her safe and possibly the other people or the other animals around me safe so you guys probably can't see this but there's a woodchuck down in this valley and lakota was like hey there's a woodchuck she can probably smell it she can definitely hear it she's interested that's why i use the e-collar for examples like this guys is what if your dog decides to run after something what are you going to do if your leash is completely gone and you don't have the ability to communicate so i don't want to be naive to actual animal instincts and i want to make sure that she can have her cake and eat it too you're going to be off leash but if you see a woodchuck or a gopher or something like that i also have the ability to communicate with her off leash reliably and responsibly [Music] with modern remote collar training we've come so far and the things that we can do with technology today are remarkable and they've certainly progressed so the precision for most dog owners who aren't professionals who have a hard time are struggling with the timing or maybe just how to correct a dog with a leash is unmatched there's nothing out there that has the precision like the remote collar from a push of a button every dog tree unit has a level from zero usually ranging up to 127 levels humans usually feel the e-collar roughly on their skin about an 11 or 12. lakota for an example is usually around a six or a seven now if i put a six or a seven to your skin or your face you guys wouldn't be able to feel it so how does it work for dogs how do they feel it and they have a lot more nerves on their neck than we do so they're a lot more sensitive to it they're not used to any type of stimulation now the e-collar has absolutely zero boundaries when it comes to the usage and the things that you could do with it dog treats collars are 100 waterproof so you could go on top of a mountain you could even go into the water you could go into your apartment you can go into your house you can go into your field it works in a car the e-collar can really work anywhere you and your dog want to go having your dog unleashed has a brand new meaning when you're e-collar training your dog you have the ability to reach out and communicate with your dog anywhere anytime in the sand in the water so as you guys just saw cody's in the water splish splashing around i don't need to use the e-color but if i did i certainly could very safely it's much like if anybody out there like i have been to the chiropractic therapy center you'll know that they use tens units often the e-collar sensation is directly the same as a tens unit it works the same it feels the same the low level stimulation feels just like a tingle and then the higher you go the more intense you go i'm communicating with my dog a half a mile a mile three-fourths of a mile all day long by a sensation that humans can't even pick up on their skin or on their face [Music] one thing i love about the remote collar guys is i don't need it that's a question i get often is do you always put the e-collar on your dog when you're out i give the answer like this do you always put a seat belt on when you go into your car and you drive somewhere in public yes because it's not always about how good you are and how skilled you are as a handler or even a driver in that scenario it really matters about the things you can't control nature reality other people that's why i use the e-collar when my dogs are off leash because i love them enough to make sure that if they do run into something that i have the ability to communicate so i just want to show you guys that the e-collar is just a reinforcement for things that she already knows so in this case like with her the e-collar is off corda sit good sit plats good plots stay left good heel good break left good so i just want to demonstrate really quick guys that she'll listen to anything i say with or without the e-collar why do i do it because i love my dog and i want to make sure that if that chipmunk or that deer or that homeless person whatever happens when i'm out with my dog and i have her off leash that i have the ability and a backup plan to make sure that i can get her attention and get her back to me safely because i love her if you're interested in the e-collar get one try it out return it if you don't like it but one thing about the remote collar i can promise you guys that when you're conditioning and you're working with the dog responsibly the way that you should it doesn't hurt it doesn't shock it doesn't cause the dog any type of pain or anything on the conditioning levels that the dog is conditioning on off leash so i always tell people if you don't know what it is or maybe you're against it or maybe you don't feel comfortable using it get it put it on yourself i urge you to do that that's something that we do at the upstate k9 academy with all of our clients we have them put it on their skin so they know what they're dealing with it's the only fair thing to do to make sure that the owners feel comfortable using the collar i have a ton of videos on the proper introduction of introducing the remote collar to your dog which i'll link up here and i'll link in the description below as well so it's important for you guys as you introduce the e-collar to your dog that you do it properly the dog needs to understand that that sensation that they feel they're like hey i wonder what this is is actually coming from you so in my opinion if you guys do have a balanced dog trainer in your area that introduces the e-collar like the things that i'm saying i would recommend introducing this with a professional where i do understand i have clients all over the world which i'm very grateful for that you guys don't have the opportunity to actually work with somebody in person which is why i have a lot of free videos here on youtube that live here that you guys can watch over and over again and of course if you guys have any questions you can leave comments in the comments below and our no bad dog army community will certainly help you out i'm sure now the e-collar is something that all of my dogs and all of my clients dogs look forward to when you get that e-collar out they should be excited to put that on because that means they're going to go on an adventure off leash and they're going to be able to be the most fulfilled dog that they can possibly be so cody ready [Music] now the remote collar isn't for everybody the e-collar is something that takes a lot of consistency and time layering in to make sure the dog fully understands the process in which the remote collar is supposed to be used so listen guys there's so many different ways to train dogs there's so many different ways you can do recall but for me and my personal dogs as well as my clients and the people that i train with all over the world we like using the remote collar for all the reasons i listed here so i hope that this video was beneficial if you haven't yet do me a solid favor you guys no bad dog army like this video subscribe to my channel leave a comment in the comments below if you guys have any questions about the remote caller i'd be happy to assist and i hope that this is beneficial for you guys moving forward in the future out yes and i appreciate you guys watching you
Channel: Tom Davis Dog Training
Views: 226,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 34cHjbaP_Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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