How to Stop Dog Barking! (Cesar911 Shorts)

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this is caesar 9-1-1 caesar's first 9-1-1 call comes from elisa whose mother's out-of-control lab buddy barks so incessantly that he terrorizes everyone in the family hello lisa hi nice to meet you the classic question how can i help well my mom's dog needs help and i think my mom needs help also okay he's very nervous he barks at everything my mom's lived here three and a half years and he's still a maniac when i walk in the door hey bud he's kind of going crazy the whole time he barks incessantly what does mom do tries to calm him it's okay it's okay stop barking it's okay he goes in circles and sticks right by her well she told me recently but he's like a small child you know so she wants to comfort him i said well if i walked into my house and my child started screaming at me and yelling at me i wouldn't comfort him he would get in trouble so what else that he does what else did he do you know my son who is almost 10 he's scared to come over all right mason come on in and he's trying so hard to get over it but then he walks in and buddy's barking like crazy and so he doesn't want to come over and i'm not really comfortable leaving him yeah and he said he's afraid that he buddy is protecting grandma and will eventually you know like lash out and mason say that yes he's protecting his grandma if cesar doesn't get involved now and help it would be a sacrifice of time between her and mason and a sacrifice of really being able to bond with mason now when it's important when he's young that makes me sad so as grandma feels that her grandson can get near her dog makes her sad but what can i do there's a lot of things she can do it is a sad story and you know what was the the state of mind of grandma how come grandma is not controlling the situation to the point that her grandkid and her beloved dog can't be in one place that to me is mind-blowing hey baby hi mom cesar asks elisa to introduce him to her son mason so we can hear how he feels about buddy hi mr caesar how are you man good to meet you mason nice to meet you too good to be here so how can i help you with this dog what does he do to you every time i come in buddies just starts barking so bad it just scares me he's basically really scared trying to protect himself right oh that's good how do you know that because he always backs away when it comes to good observation i'm just used to it because he does it every single time i come in i'm ready man i want to take that stress away caesar alisa and mason head to grandma's house so he can observe buddy's behavior when they come to visit ready spaghetti yes free spaghetti that's a good one [Music] quiet quiet oh great look let me show you let me show you quiet let me get in here double tension don't put tension there you go relax everybody my name is leslie wenke i have a yellow lab i found buddy on a website and when his picture came up that was it i was in love i was getting buddy for a reason i didn't realize at the time my husband wasn't well and there was a part of me that understood the ends with sneer so to speak if you've lost some someone who you've been with for a long time you understand that that pain runs very deep it can be debilitating and just having buddy there just help me through it since my husband has passed i've had to sell my house and my daughter had suggested that i come out to california hi grandma hey guys and this way i could uh be near her and her family and get to know my grandson betty i'll be right down let me put him upstairs i think right now mason loves his grandma but she's got this crazy dog buddy seems to be afraid of just about everything i have neighbors that have pit bulls and buddy would see them and start barking and i'm afraid one day he might pull me down it's kind of scary for me but to a child something that loud with teeth showing and spit flying is terrifying come on in you know he won't hurt you come on oh come on in here you want me to hold a hand yeah my grandson won't even come into the house because he's afraid of buddy no no no it's okay come here come here you don't have to you don't have to and if mason can't come to my house i can't give mason happy grandma memories it's okay mason will be 10 next month and it won't be long after that where it's going to be very uncool to hang out or sleep over grandma's house so it's very important that i get help for me and for buddy his comfort zone is so small [Music] i want him to have a quality of life that i'm sure he doesn't have now it's all right buddy [Music] i don't know what i'll do if i don't get the help i just know that we'll be missing out on so much my family and buddy oh i'm okay felicia you'll put it all the way in the top yes all right don't put it don't put tension there you go now this is what happened i want to i want to walk you through it right so we put a leash on a dog right that puts a dog in a different state of mind why because now the dog feels that the human has some kind of control no don't give affection so if you give affection you nurture that when grandma gives affection to body when he's growling that just makes him growl more she's reinforcing the behavior she doesn't want so she stopped giving affection and then the dog changes alisa is right no one can feel comfortable entering grandma's house with body in this state it could be just fear or him feeling that he has to protect leslie i need to see more of buddy's behavior before i can help the situation let's do it again can we do it again can we knock on the door again all right both of you guys together caesar asks elisa and mason to go back outside and knock again but this time caesar will observe from inside the house with buddy on a leash to see exactly how buddy reacts hey come on hey sit down if he goes on the couch yeah what what he's doing is the equivalent of him finding a finding a bed and goes under now this dog is more afraid than anything else but he uses the couch to hide it's his safe place so when he jump up there when it was a knock on the door i knew that he was a fearful dog the axe out because he's afraid he's just using it as a hiding place so i don't mind for him to go on the couch but i'm gonna tell him when to go on the couch so here this is an exercise by the way this is huge for this guy to not choose fear look at that then you can come here come on buddy very good so thank you safe so when did they gave me the couch when i sit down and relax and wait buddy has never relaxed when there were strangers in the room and stranger to him is anyone other than me who walks through the front door can we do it again can we knock on the door again do you want me to go out no from there [Music] hey every time there was a knock buddy would bark out of fear when he did that i snapped him out of it with a correction and he calmed down and after every knock the dog got calmer and calmer and the body was totally relaxed and then relax having demonstrated how to keep buddy calm during door knocking caesar wants leslie to copy his technique while he knocks so the the snap or the touch would work when you touch in that part the brain is doing this and then you touch and the brain does this and it snaps out of it wow you're ready right just keep it right there and then relax the tension let's do it again [Music] don't keep looking at it though he's right there yeah cause once you when you keep looking at him you stay like this [Music] caesar has been called by whistleblower elisa about her mother's labrador buddy whose constant barking is driving a wedge between her son mason and his grandmother leslie now caesar wants leslie to learn how to prevent buddy's aggressive barking when there is a knock at the door [Music] don't keep looking at the he's right there yeah cause once you when you keep looking at him you stay like this leslie just needed to correct buddy's reaction to the door but she was staring right at him which only creates more tension and fear in body you're missing the point the more you cater to him the more you go in the back of the pack let's do it again when i look at that face and i see him so scared i just want to hug him leslie has to get this basic exercise right before we move on to the larger issues at work here look one bar let's do it again that was it that was it leslie eventually come buddy with the correction but she's still very emotional around him that's a good boy come on her instinct is to cuddle him when he's afraid and that has to change what you're trying to do is to ask him to calm down he's afraid and i want to comfort him so when a human believes by himself the dog becomes a soul mate right because the human wants us homemade yes the human wants somebody to love and be loved so the human fulfills his need with a dog but dog needs calm confident energy it doesn't need for somebody to feel sorry for him he doesn't need that somebody tells him he's a good boy when he's not a good boy yeah yeah oh my god so that's what i wanna i wanna help you to see i need to show leslie how to treat her dog like a dog not like a human and the number one thing dogs need is leadership if leslie can do that every time her grandson comes over she will have a problem they say he can't teach an old dog new tricks it goes for old ladies too guys i hope you enjoyed the video make sure you like subscribe and comment and join me in my mission of better humans better planet
Channel: Cesar Millan
Views: 3,446,788
Rating: 4.8992643 out of 5
Keywords: cesar millan, dog whisperer, dog training, animals, training, cesar 911, dog nation, dogs, Dog psychology center, dog behavior, dog training 101, stop dog barking, stop dog lunging, stop dog biting, dog barking, my dog won't stop barking, teach my dog, train my dog, aggressive dog, dog aggression, my dog barks at everything, dog tips, pet tips, dog bite, puppy training, puppy tips, puppy barking, puppy biting, my dog won't listen, my dog won't, stop dog from barking
Id: 1ln5lpH5Nf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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