ON1 Photo RAW 2022 from A to Z

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[Music] hey everyone thanks so much for joining us today for this on one photo raw 2022 premiere event where we dive into the new features of photo raw from a to z i'm dylan kotecki i'm one of the software and video educators here at on one and i'm joined by dan hi i'm dan harlicker i'm the vp of product here at on1 and today we want to show you all the new features inside of photora and we also want to answer any questions that you have for us so during this premiere event if you want to ask questions feel free to open up that q a dialogue and ask away and we'll be here to answer any of those questions for you all right so let's dive in right away and we're going to go straight in to no noise now a lot of you have seen no noise there's been a lot of information in the media about it it's our brand new ai based noise reduction tool it actually starts at the deep raw information in your raw photos and can develop them de-bear them and reduce all the noise in one step it's absolutely amazing and now it's built into photo raw 2022 let me show you how it works in action so here we go i've grabbed a photo this one happens to be shot at 5600 iso now that's getting up there it's not as high as a lot of cameras can do today but it's a pretty common setting any of that four thousand to eight thousand range is very common for wildlife and if you don't have a very fast lens it might even go higher than that and i'm just going to zoom in a little bit here let's jump over to edit first i want to zoom in and show you what this guy looks like let's zoom up to 100 and for the screencast i'm going to go even higher let's go to 200 so you can really kind of take a look at the noise that's in this photo it's a very noisy photo yeah yeah it's kind of like golf ball-sized grain in there really especially in some of these smoother areas like the little peacock detail a little more detail yeah those should be nice and smooth clean so to access no noise you're going to be inside of the develop tab of edit you're going to scroll down to the noise and sharpening pane and then we're going to switch from the classic noise reduction now a lot of you might be asking why are there two why is there classic noise reduction and no noise ai well it kind of depends on which one you need to use if you're working on a normal low iso photo then using classic is going to be great but if you're using a higher iso or on a particularly noisy camera basically if classic doesn't do a good enough job then you're going to switch over to no noise this is a great case for that so i'm just going to switch from classic to no noise you'll notice that zoom back to 100 it's going to apply no noise we're going to see that on the right and on the left-hand side we're going to kind of see the before image the one we're just looking at so i'm going to zoom back to 200 so we can take a closer look at this oh wow yeah it's a pretty big difference i'm gonna grab a little slider here in the middle i'll wiggle it back and forth so you can kind of see before and after so there's before no noise and there's after it's pretty crazy what it can do i'm just gonna turn that splitter off i'm just gonna bring the peacock's head over so you can kind of see that's a big difference way better than it was before it does it's pretty fast it's very powerful in what it can do let me kind of give you a quick tour of how you actually adjust all the little sliders in there to get the best results now because it's ai based you don't have to wiggle a whole bunch that's the cool thing about it it's going to start off in auto mode auto is going to analyze the photo it's going to pick the right amount of luminance noise reduction for that photo and that's really key enough of your preferences as well in the preferences you can decide how much noise reduction you like if you're an old-school film guy you might like a smaller amount of noise reduction and see a little bit more of that film grain in there or more like me you kind of like most of that noise to go away so you control that right here on the luminance slider i'm just going to turn these other sliders off so we can look at these one at a time here so if i bring all these down to nothing that's with no noise reduction at all that looks just like the original now watch as i bring that luminance noise reduction slider up that's the one that's going to kill all of that noise and it said auto about 97 you know i'm going to kind of agree with it i like it something in that 90 to 100 right about there yeah and then the one the third one we're going to skip the enhanced detail for a second we'll go to color color is for reducing color noise now depending on the camera depending on the photo it might be hard to see you'll see it a lot more in night photos but you'll see a little bit of color noise here in these smooth areas of this feather where you kind of get like this magenta green stippling going off i see that yeah yeah so watch when i pull that color slider up that's just gonna go away completely now i've never found a photo where i don't want that at a hundred pretty much leave it at 100 all the time the ai does such an amazing job there's no reason not to have it at 100. other tools will smudge color on edges if you turn it up really high you don't have to worry about that with no noise ai so that's the noise reduction that's kind of what the photo would look like with just the noise reduced now let's see what we can do to enhance the detail it goes beyond just noise reduction also bringing out the detail on the photo and a lot of that's powered by that deep raw data that we have so watch i'm going to grab the enhanced detail slider this is a lot more than a sharpening algorithm it actually is going back to the bare level of the raw photo and can bring up the detail without causing any of the edge artifacts you'd see with a traditional sharpening algorithm so there we go it looks great yeah and then i like just a little bit of a regular sharpening too so just for that just for that little little smaller stuff so let me turn this on and off so you can kind of see the difference here so there's before okay no noise reduction and after let me go back to a fit view actually let's go to a normal 100 view so it's a little easier to see here let me turn that on and off again so there's before and there's oh yeah it's even really noticeable at 100 yeah and like i said this is all built in to photo raw 2022 now and the cool thing is it works just like any other non-destructive setting just like your exposure your color or your effects it works the same way i can save it into a preset i can copy and paste it from photo or to photo i don't have to generate a new child file to work on it it's just another setting it's very cool that's awesome and you can use it directly with your favorite creative workflows now because it's directly right inside of photoshop it's right there right where you want to work you don't have to go out to another plug-in another application to do this you can do it right here where you work all the time it's awesome all right now let's take a look at the next big new feature in photo raw 2022 and that's sky swap ai dylan want to show us how it works alright so in sky swap ai it's an amazing new feature that allows you to quickly replace and swap out boring skies for the skies that you envisioned when you were taking the image so let's jump in here real quick in the sky swap ai so real quick before i jump into sky swap i just want to set the foundational look for this image so i'm just going to use this handy ai auto feature i'll select that just to bring in a bit of contrast to the scene now we can head into this new tab the newest tab inside of photora 2022 the sky tab and this is an awesome awesome feature for when you're looking to take these you know bland boring cloudless skies and turning turn them into something magnificent you got a little dust there too buddy well the great thing about this is it's going to find this sky and it won't even really matter no it's just going to wipe the dust it's going to take it's just going to replace that sky anyway so and one thing that's awesome about this new feature is it creates a mask for you so you can see it's already created the mask it's seen the sky it's done all the work for me so now all i have to do is go down here into these skies and i can use any of these creative skies to instantly make my photo look way better that's really cool you look how it even changed the foreground so it looks more like a sunset it picked up the color from the sky and added it to the foreground that's pretty cool so if you go into the foreground area you can actually modify the lighting for your foreground so if you are using different skies for example maybe a cloudier sky or a brighter sky you can modify the lighting in here and switch the mode to screen obviously it doesn't look very good with this guy but we're using the multiply to darken that up and you can also choose the specific color that it it tints the foreground with so i'm going i'm going to just leave it as is here but you can choose a specific color here and you can also use this color dropper to pick a specific color in your photograph little pro tip what it does is it actually looks at the new sky that you've picked and it picks the average color out of it so that it knows the right color to tint the foreground with it but like dylan said you can always override it with a dropper or that little color well too to customize it yeah now i've got a question coming in from the youtube audience that want to know if they can use their own skies with this and yes you can skies are just another class of extras just like backgrounds and borders and textures and luts and brushes and all the other cool stuff that you can add in to photo raw you'll notice there's a little import button at the top you press that import button and you can import all your own skies plus there are tons of other skies that we will provide that you can purchase from our website in the future yeah let me just show you real quick navigating to a few of these skies so we have these autumn skies here i can just select these skies i'll choose open i've actually imported these so i don't need to import them and they'll just show up right there and we have all of our own custom skies that you know we've created or found and we can import those directly into photo raw and watch now i can go into these skies my autumn skies oh yeah see at the bottom it says my skies and those are the ones that you have imported if i open up that category here i can go down here and there's a bunch of different categories that i can choose from and then i have my own custom category here with my skies so i can roll open this sky menu here and i can just you know play with a few of these see which works which doesn't that actually works pretty good on this photograph but i really like this first one hey why we're here let's take a look at the mask can you hit the o key yeah we'll actually see what that mask looks like so you can see how it's kind of automatically found the sky but it's also kind of feathered it in a little bit try wiggling the fade edge and shift edge slider and you can kind of see some of the manual control that you have over that mask where you can control how it fades into the new sky and how it can shift that edge back and forth now dylan's doing that in the mask view so you can kind of see how that works and if you're a real masky kind of guy you understand what that does but let's turn the mask view off and wiggle those sliders you can kind of see how it lets you control how it blends zoom in here real quick so if i modify this fade edge slider you can see that i can fade the edge to you know whatever sky i'm you know trying to replace it with and it can cater that sky to my scene for me i can also alleviate a bit of the harshness of the edge with the shift edge slider and another great thing i can do is i can modify let me just set these back to normal i can actually modify the scale of these skies to make them larger and fit the scene even better yeah that's really handy and something like this where it's got kind of that that very pink highlight at the bottom of it that might not fit my foreground very well but you can use that shift horizon slider and you can move it up or down within your scene as well so you can kind of make it blend in to look a little bit more realistic as well you have all sorts of control and with the opacity slider you can also just blend it in with the existing sky so if you don't want to replace the sky you just want to blend them together you can do that by adjusting the opacity slider too now if you're a crazy mask guy like me you can also copy and paste that mask and use it in other ways inside a photo raw it's just like a normal mask there's even a new command called mask sky that allows you to generate a mask of the sky when you're in layers or when you're in effects very handy way to localize an adjustment to just the area that you're interested in all right now that's a pretty uh real realistic a typical a conservative approach a skyrocketing place exactly i want to show you how to take it to eleven so let's switch over to me let me show you how to do this one here we go all right that's you there we go there we go that's me all right so i'm gonna take this photo shot in the middle of the day and we're going to do this we're going to turn it into like wizard of oz oh dark black storm all right so here's where i feel like i should have brought a better sky all right so let's take this guy i'm going to jump over to edit you know the real cool thing about this and the reason i wanted to show you this is that the skies they're just another non-destructive setting within your stack so all the other stuff i can do all things i can do and develop all the things i can do in effects i can do sky at any time in that stack and change it so i'm going to start off with this and i'm going to go straight to effects and let's make it a black and white photo so i'll just grab the black and white filter and i'm just going to open up my little filter presets here i think that's an easy way to go shopping for one that i like i want a pretty dark dramatic one oh here we go the one i was singing too yeah that's good so there we go that looks pretty good but you know it's great for the daytime but i want it to look like it's a storm instead so watch i'll just click over to sky now it's gonna automatically find the existing real sky and then i'll just go find a stormy one instead so i'll switch over to storm nice and then let's go down until we find when they have that crazy lightning in it there we go so there we go so i've made it black and white and i have replaced it with from a sunny sky to a dark sky while i'm here i'll just use the shift edge and faded slider a little bit to clean up that little bit of a halo right on the edge of the barn see how i can adjust how it's going to blend in so uh like that there we go pretty cool hey so we went from sunny color happy day to dark ominous thunder day yeah just like that so yeah pretty cool it's crazy what you can do with the sky replacement and it could be anywhere from a very subtle addition of a little bit of puffy clouds that blends into your existing sky for someone who's being very conservative to a whole sky replacement like dylan showed you to the core of a completely stylized composite like i created so totally very flexible now i've got another question here that's coming from the audience and they want to know if their new fuji xe4 camera is supported inside of 2022. and yes it happens to be we've actually added eight new cameras in this i'm not going to read them all off because i can't keep track of all of them but if you go to the website on our knowledge-based article there's a list of all the cameras are supported including the new ones we've added plus we've added a bunch of new lens profiles and a lot of work to make lens profiles work even better so all right let's talk a little bit about what is actually my favorite feature and i think it's a sleeper but very important feature in footer raw 2022 and that's the new powerful export dialogue oh yes a very powerful feature inside yeah so if you're an existing user and you're used to using export this is going to be like export on steroids we literally went to the raw project if you guys are familiar with that it's a section of our website where our users go and they make suggestions about what they want things to do i comb through that and i came up with over a hundred suggestions from users like you guys to kind of craft what i'm hoping you guys think is the ultimate export dialogue you're ever going to see it really is you guys all right so let me show you how it works let's switch over here all right so i'm in edit you can do this in edit or in browse you can do with a single photo multiple photos a whole folder of photos folders or folders of photos you name it anything you want i'm just going to come down here and click on the export button export dialog is going to pop up in the middle i'm going to make it just a little bit bigger so i don't have to scroll so much it'll remember its size and position which is handy on the left hand side you're going to see presets presets are really important to the new export dialog it comes with some great ones to get you started you can create your own of course the cool thing about those presets is you can use more than one at a time so you could actually batch process two different outputs three different outputs at the same as many as you want yeah so let's say photo is great i want to make a jpeg with a watermark for my blog but i also want to make a full-size tif that's rendered that goes to my backup drive i could do two different presets that does that for me all in one step super handy the other great thing about those presets is you can access them inside of browse from the file menu you can actually apply a preset on the fly to a single photo or group of photos very handy way to work all right so let me show you how we're actually going to get to work here i'm going to walk you through all of the individual panes because there's so much new stuff in here i kind of want to show you everything that it can do and we literally put everything on 11 for this so let's start off over here in the naming pane which is rolled uh wrote up here let me turn it on so naming has changed quite a bit it used to be you had the options of a custom text or the original file name or a number or a date i think now you can have anything you want and you can mix and match freeform text with any metadata piece of information that you have it's a little different to you so let me show you how it works in this field right here you can type in whatever you want or you can use tokens or you can mix them so let's say i want to do one where it uses my original file name plus some free form text that matters to me and then i can add something like the date to it that's a common thing to do all right yeah so i'm going to click on add token i'll go to file name and i'll just pick file name but you notice i can also use the folder name which a lot of us use as a job name or we could also do just the number in the file name a lot of times you know the number might be like img underscore and then the number that's actually important to us and no one cares about the img part well i could just skip the img part just by picking the file name number suffix instead all right so i'm going to pick file name and then i'm going to put in a little edit for me so i'm just going to say this is uh sky swap because that's what i did yeah and then i want to add in the date that the photos taken so i click on add token again i'll go to date and time and i can put in the date and i can put in any debt i want in any format i want any bits and pieces of it that i want i just want to put in the year year month month day date that's the format that i like so there we go you notice right here at the top it gives me an example of what it's going to look like it shows me there's the current file name there's the sky swap part that i put in and there's the date you'll notice i kind of run it all together i'm gonna put a space in here so i'm just gonna put a little space in here and a little space right here just to spread those out there we go that looks a little bit better yeah and i can control the extension as to whether it's capitalized or lowercase and you can also modify the tokens inside of the text box as well oh yeah yeah like if i decided you know that wasn't the date format i wanted i can just click in here and i can pick a different date format or change it anything you want the tokens are crazy which you can pick from so i showed you the file name and the date but you can also do sequence numbers in different formats and you can use metadata from just about anything any of your camera information your ratings and labels any iptc metadata that you've added you can do all sorts of crazy stuff and you can save that as a preset we include some really common ones for you right here of different naming presets but you can save your own so that you can always access the way you like to name your files and not have to do it every time and i'll tell you this same renaming that you see here is also in the battery naming dialog and it's also in the import dialog and it shares those presets so the same thing you can do here you can also do at the import time which is when most of us want to do that file renaming all right let me jump back and we'll talk about the next pane here in export i'm going to roll up naming let's roll up some of these other guys so we can just kind of focus on the one we're interested in let's look at destination so this is where the file or files are going to go i can send it to its current location i could pick any other folder i want to i can automatically send it to my desktop we know about the desktop or i can use the ask when exporting option which is perfect if i'm making presets each time i use that preset it's going to ask me where i want to save it to so it's really handy to do it on the fly so in this case let's just say i want to put it in the same folder as the original but i could also generate a new subfolder to put it in and just give it a name so i could call it oh export maybe if i wanted to oops helps if i spell it right you notice it tells me how much space is going to be needed it counts up all the photos and all the photo sizes and tells me how much it's going to need and depending on the volume that i'm going to how much room i have available for it now if this put in subfolder is not powerful enough for you if you want even more control over the subfolders that it generates we can go down here and we can turn on generate subfolders generate subfolders works just like those tokenized names but i can actually divide up the work based on any metadata i want to so let's say i want to take all the photos i export and i want to have them put them into year month day folders i can do that so i can come down here and i'll just say let's add the year first let's do a four digit year and then i want to also do one for the month i'll do month and then i'll do day with a number so you can see it's now going to take all the photos of my selection it's going to do all the work it's going to export them and it's going to divide them up into folders based on year and then subfolders for the month and then some folders for the day nice you can do it by camera you can do it by lens you can do it by whatever you want to organize your output into it's crazy powerful what you can do with it all right then when it's actually done exporting i have some options of what it's going to do i can have it show in the finder or show on the explore and this is going to pop up your normal operating system window so you can see where it lives a lot of us do that but you can also turn on as many of these little options as you want to i could also have it take all of the results and make a zip file for just really handy if i need to share it or upload it i can take all of them and zip them or i could have it open up into another application it'll find the most common applications for you but you can also pick any other application once you've picked it it will remember it that could be an ftp application for example or the smug bug desktop app if you want to upload this mug mob you name it and for really advanced users there's even an option to run a script so you could actually put in using scripting language a script in there that could do whatever you want that could upload to an ftp server for example whatever you want it to do so crazy powerful what you can do with the results when it exports all right whoo i feel like i need a break and we're only part of the page all right let's keep going the next one is file type file type you control what file type the photo is going to do pretty obvious right so you can pick from these range of file types the cool thing is there's a couple new file types we now can export to a dng file okay so you can export it now to a dng raw file you can even export the original file while you're in browse so you can make just copies of the original very easy way and then on all of these formats you have tons more control over what the file type looks like so not only can you pick the color profile and the bit depth but you can also control things like quality and compression and if it's going to flatten it or preserve transparency for tiff and psd files every option you need based on the format you choose then below that is the ability to resize and we took every single way you could ever conceive of resize you can control the size width and height you could do dimensions you could do the long side short side width height megapixels percentage and run it out of fingers and count up all the different ways you could resize these guys so you notice these all appear here in the resize option so you can really pick exactly what you want so let's say i need to fit all of these photos into by 1920x1080 but i don't want it to crop and i don't care if they're horizontal or if they're vertical or not so i'm going to pick dimensions i'm going to pick 1920 by 1080 let's say i'm making a slideshow there we go oops that's not the dimension that's the resolution we'll use 96 because i'm doing it for screen there we go oh you're locked oops good call it also picks up the dimensions of the file that i'm working on and it knows what it is so it locks the dimensions together so i don't accidentally crop the photo unless in this case i intend to be able to do that so here we go let's do 1920 by 1080. i'm going to turn off the rotate option it'll automatically rotate the photo our motor doesn't rotate the photo i should say it rotates the dimensions within height based on the photo whether they're horizontal or vertical in this case i don't want that so i'll turn that off and i have the option of how it's going to fill that box so i'm making a 1920x1080 box right i can either have it fit the photo within the box or i could have it below the photo up so that it fills the box which is going to crop stuff off right so i control what i want so i want it to fit in the dimensions not fill the dimensions this is just one example there's a gazillion different ways that you could potentially resize your photos and it's very powerful in the options that it gives you all right next up sharpening so most photos when you export them out you're going to shoot them down inside you want to sharpen them for whatever output you're going to do we have built-in presets for the most common options whether you're printing or saving for a screen but if you need more control of that you can roll down the manual option and you have full control over the mountain radius and threshold a lot of that's going to be based on your knowledge of sharpening and what kind of settings you need for your output media and size all right let's keep going huh two more to go two more two more to go and they're big ones though all right next up is metadata so in the past we always exported all the metadata on every photo now you have control over what actually gets written into it now the default is it's still just going to write everything that was in the original photo but if you don't want someone to know your address you don't want them to see your gps metadata things like that you can turn that off or if you want to hide your camera information you can turn that off so now it'll show all the different areas you can turn on and turn off so if i don't want it to have the location i can just uncheck the gps option for example and that will go away i can also assign metadata presets on the fly which is really handy too so if i have a set of metadata that i use for exporting only that has additional contact or copyright information from the presets i just pick that preset that i've created and it assigns metadata on the fly all right how are we doing dylan great great all right you still blowing my mind one more to go and that is watermark this is a biggie so with watermarks there's actually two different kinds of watermarks you can either do a text-based watermark with a text that's live text or you can do an image-based watermark but what if i want both i can hear it i want both well you can have both you can have as many watermarks on your photo as you want using any mix of text and photo that you want to do so in this case i'm going to put the on one logo in the bottom corner and put camera information in the other corner so watch i'll hit the add watermark button let's start with the logo the image one that's the easy one i'm going to grab a logo i'm going to switch over and i'm going to use the made with on one logo and see it puts it over here that's its default spot is in the bottom left but i could pick wherever i want it to go in my photo you see the little preview up there to tell me where it's at i'm going to put it in the bottom corner it's very professional and of course you notice there's an import button you can import your own images so if you've got your little signature that you like to put at the bottom of your pictures or your company logo you can import them and add them into the watermark dialog and stick it over here and make it a little smaller and we reduce the opacity so it's not quite so obvious there we go now on the right hand side i want to put it information about the camera that i used so watch what we'll do i'll just come over here and click on the add watermark button again this is going to add another one i'm going to add a text-based watermark now there we go now that text-based watermark is right down here and i can use all those same tokens that i used when i was doing things like generating folders or renaming i could pick those here too of course i could just type in whatever i wanted to so right now it's just as your text because that's the default but does that mean let's change that yeah that's awesome let's go to metadata camera camera model i need my reading glasses done so here we go camera model and then i'm gonna hit re oops oh i got rid of it let's try that again one too many backspaces model and then i'll hit return so this goes to another line let's put in the lens uh camera lens there we go and let's put in the basic exposure information as well so we'll go down to metadata camera and we'll just grab the exposure that'll put in like the shutter speed and aperture perfect there we go cool now that's obviously way too big and obnoxious so i want to put it on the bottom right hand side oops hopes to be on the right one here this one bottom right hand side let me roll up the logo so we can see both of these guys at the same time oh there we go so there's our text way too big i put it where i want it i want it to be aligned right rather than left and i want the size to be way smaller there we go it doesn't need to be insect quite so much and we'll do the opacity down about where we had it nice so there we go it's going to put the little on logo over here it's going to put whatever text watermark i want based on metadata over here and of course i don't have to do this every time if that's what i like i can just go in and make a preset of it and yeah it will save that i can use it over and over again all right so there you go that is all the crazy cool things you can do in the new export dialogue again everything you could ever want in an export you can save it as a preset use multiple presets and apply presets on the fly from browse it's the most powerful way to get your hard work that you've done in photora out so other people can see it very very powerful very variable powerful image converter as well it is i feel like i need to need a break now all right speeches in one thing so that's a big one now let's talk about our next one that is time lapse creation time lapse creation another amazing feature inside of the latest version of photoros especially for those photographers out there looking to create some time-lapse video with their still sequences so let's jump into a time lapse sequence that i photograph so inside of photorot 2022 here i have about 250 photos from a time lapse sequence that i shot and these images were actually originally photographed in color so let's just reset one i was going to say you shot them on black and white yeah so there we go so they're all showing color um let me just up the thumbnail size here and what i did is i went in here and i applied this black and white modern preset to all of these images just like applied it to one and then just sync to all of them right yeah well basically i did i just i just selected them all and then i selected this preset and applied it to them all but um so now that i've converted all of these what i can do is just head over here to this all new time lapse feature i'll select that and it immediately pulls up this time lapse dialog and i can instantly see a preview of that time lapse in action oh that's pretty cool right it's kind of cool you can see it right away because i've used a lot of other time lapse apps and you just got to wait forever to export all the photos out if you're hoping you'll ever see a preview exactly here you can see what's going to happen exactly and then besides the preview we have a few different options we can use to modify how that time lapse is rendered and outputted so the first modifier is our raw input which allows us to modify the file type that we actually put into the time lapse if you're looking to just create a fast time lapse maybe you're just looking to create a proof or something like that you could just use this embedded jpeg that will take the embedded jpeg from your raws and it will use those for the time lapse video if you're using a raw image another thing to modify is the size so if you're looking to create a smaller file again for maybe just a proof or a draft you can modify the size in here and also what it does is it automatically crops the image or the time-lapse video for you but if you want to maintain your original ratio or the letterbox view you can select that here to get the rest of the the image in the scene i'm going to deselect that and disable that because i do like the the 16 by 9 crop there we can also modify our codec our quality and our frame rates so if you do want to modify any of these settings if you're comfortable modifying different video settings you can modify those in here and it's really simple to do i'm just going to leave them how they are i like like don't say if you're comfortable with it these are like the settings like everybody uses yeah the defaults are awesome they're exactly very rare yeah it works great just how it is honestly the only thing i would modify is the size i you know just pick which size you're gonna use and then you're good to go well another thing you can modify too is the speed so if you do have uh let's say you've only shot a time lapse with you know 50 frames or so rather than 250 frames if you want to make that time lapse a little bit longer you can grab this speed handle here and you can either speed up that time lapse or you can make it longer in duration and it will still have that same beautiful smooth effect between those those frames if you look with the title bar so if you set it at 1x it'll tell you how long it's going to be so that was gonna be like eight seconds eight seconds if i move this up if i slow this down now it's gonna be a minute in 33 seconds so we've really taken that eight second time lapse and expanded it but it's still going to get that amazing you know smooth time-lapse transition look you're probably asking how do you do that how do you do that how do you add those other frames what basically is we take the two frames that are next to each other and then we actually interpolate we generate another photo on the fly that's kind of half of each of the material it's called a linear interpolation so that when you actually play the video back it looks much slower but you don't get like these funny blurry effects like you would if you're just like take the opacity for example so it looks pretty good we like it looks great and then another thing that is awesome is it you can detect camera movement inside of your time-lapse videos as well so if you are shooting you know without a sturdy tripod or something like that it's windy it can detect those movements and it will align those frames for you yeah or if you kick your tripod yeah exactly exactly you know you're sitting there for a few hours you might take your tripod uh another thing that we'll fix is exposure changes you know for shooting time lapses from different times of day maybe from morning to night or something like that it's going to have a lot of exposure change in the scene what we can do is reduce flicker in those moments with this reduced flicker option and we'll blend those flames together uh much better yeah and a lot of that kind of depends on your camera if you're shooting time lapse in a time lapse mode on a modern camera they actually do a pretty good job of kind of automatically reducing that flicker they can vary the iso kind of infinitely so that as the as the overall exposure changes throughout the scene going from day into night for example you don't really see it it's a very smoothing but if you're using an older camera with a manual intervalometer a third of a stop or half a stop is kind of the smallest change it can make which is pretty big if you're watching a video that's where that reduced flicker can come in really handy to help smooth that out now there's also some tips when shooting uh uh time lapses make sure you don't use everything in auto you don't want your exposure fluctuating a bunch all the time on you you kind of want the camera to do that based on that that mode it makes it look a lot better time lapse is one of those kind of pre it can't be fixed in post yeah you gotta capture that one yeah it's not like it's not gonna work totally yeah all right so um i've processed that uh timeless video let's just take a look i'm gonna open that up here and here we go this is from that sequence of images that we were just looking at and there we go you know awesome i feel like you like some angel singing yeah right how fun is that and just just from a bunch of still photos all right that's pretty cool you know i love that you can actually add the effect to it you know yeah you can look at other things other other video apps you're kind of stuck with either shot in the camera or if you have to go and apply all the photos and then export out new photos to do that and that takes forever to do exactly here everything's non-destructive i can render it all on the fly it's very fast to make those changes and you can preview them right there in the dialogue you know if it's what you like so it's very handy and you can do all sorts of things you can crop in there you can do dust removal that's actually my favorite so if you go in and remove that if yeah obviously i could have gone in there but what you can do is you can actually go in there and you can remove all of the dust spots do all the retouching you need to those images before you send it to time lapse it'll take that information and it'll put it into a video and it's incredible so another awesome feature inside of photorot 2022 is the all-new not all new we're bringing it back or bringing it back to the line map or bring in the landmass toolbag and it's more powerful than ever so it is crazy powerful so the big difference is the line mask in the past if you weren't familiar with the line mask it's like a pen tool or the polygonal lasso tool say that 10 times faster or polygonal i don't know which way it is nuclear nuclear i don't know how you say it but anyway it lets you create a mask based on a shape you just draw line segments so if you had like a window it was really handy for drawing a mask around a window but the new one is so much more powerful you can now curve lines you can add line or add dots points at points that's what we call it i want to move points to a to a line delete a point you can change the feather change the opacity it's all non-destructive much much more powerful than the old one so check this out watch dylan in action all right so what we want to do here is just selectively modify the area outside of the car right to do that we need a tool that can that can curve if we were to just use a you know a poly polygonal um that didn't curve we could we couldn't get these windows right but now we'd have to do like a bazillion little points all the way around the script which is kind of the way i use the pen tool in photoshop because i can't figure out how to use it exactly yeah it's just too hard now with this super intuitive very simple tool all i have to do i'll just drop a point actually let me just zoom in a little bit more here dan's got the funny uh put a blur on it first we kind of have an idea of what we're going to do with oh yeah so what i'm going to do first is i'm going to add a blur under this image just to show you guys what i'm going to do later on i'm just going to add a blur with a little bit of motion in here into this window obviously it won't be on our uh our bride there but we are going to have a little bit of blur in the windows and to do that we're going to use this line mask tool i'm just zooming in here to the window and really cool feature that we're going to talk about later on is the gestures which allows me to zoom in on the track pad look at that those fingers yeah um and uh what i'm going to do is just grab that line mask tool i can drop this down and if i need to curve a line so obviously that's not curved there i can just grab this point and look at that look at that i've crimped it right directly on to the window it doesn't have those little confusing handles that pop out the business yeah it's very confusing i'm not french i can't pronounce it but i have just never in like 20 years figured out how to make those little things though and this look how easy this is look how easy that is i mean you drop a point you want to curve it you head back to the middle of the line just like that you're very precise perfect you and look at that in no time at all i mean if you didn't want to be as precise as i was you could easily get a little quicker um but so now let's just add in that blur to that so i'm going to go to paint in so i can paint in that blur let's just click and we're painting again because we inverted the map that's right we inverted the mask earlier so we're painting this in right now uh but now if i zoom out already it's looking a little bit more interesting back there it's not so stale and we can continue to do that to all of these these windows here really quickly with that line mask tool and i won't be as precise here dan i'll be a little bit more just quick for the the premiere yeah well the cool thing is these are all these are all non-destructive they're all re-editable so once dylan has created that shape and he turns on the filter so you can see how it's applied you can always go back and change it you can change the opacity of it you can change the feather basically how soft the edge is after the fact you could recurve the line you could add points or move points it's all stored just like any other brush stroke or the masking bug or any of those masking options and they work hand in hand with all the other masking tools so you could use for example i could use ai quick mask to start then i could use the line mask tool to refine it and finish it up with a regular masking brush if i wanted to they all work hand in hand super handy all right let's take a look here we've done another window i'm just gonna add that on knock it out i like that yeah here we go and i'll just do this one real quick here won't take too long butter being this one's a little bit easier than the rest oops there we go and you can see how you can go off the canvas if you need to go all the way around an edge look at that you know what i would do looking at that the edge is a little too soft i'd almost make it harder so the cool thing is you can go back to that one that's selected and you can actually change the feather of it after the fact there we go so you can make it harder or softer and if you actually hit the o key you can actually see what that mask looks like ooh see that's really really fast so we'll just turn that down to where we want and we can also go back to this one if we need to pick it up turn the feather down a little bit yeah a little bit like a five or something right there there we go okay let's go back to this one real quick boom i think the back one looks okay i don't know maybe we can let's go back to the we gonna take a look that's cool thing about it there we go i think it looks pretty good yeah it looks pretty good a little more feathered back there so let me just finish this top real quick we can't leave the job unfinished bada bing really easy to do i love the curving of it it's just so intuitive i like it you're such a hard worker i would've just cropped it off no there we go oh all right and then let's just view the mask yeah i think it looks good let's go there we go let's just click done and look at that there we go let's do before and after before after look at that a little bit of spice in that bag so it looked like she was just sitting in the limo in a parking lot now she's zooming down the road towards her marital future exactly exactly pretty handy and of course it's just like any mess copy paste go from layer to layer invert them re-edit them all the same stuff that you can do in a mask so i wanted to copy this mask we just created i'll add another filter obviously dynamic contrast let's surreal it apply everywhere else so let's just paste that invert it and now it's only applied around those windows perfect perfect i like it really easy way really easy way to selectively apply anything or selectively mask around layers yeah really great the other place where i've used this is on uh black and white photos like if you shot black and white film back in the day most of modern masking tools are all based on color so if it's a black and white grainy photo any automated tools they're not gonna work very well yeah you can use this on black and white until the cameras come home it works great awesome yeah i didn't think about that yeah all right let's see what else we got next uh i had a question about what's the best way to buy photo rock 2022 now most of you guys are watching today are probably existing owners you can just purchase the upgrade you can go to our website and purchase it or i guarantee you receive an email from us giving you the option to purchase it as well you can also purchase the subscription version now i know some of you guys are freaking out saying subscription well subscription is an option not everybody's afraid of subscriptions out there when you purchase the subscription to photo raw you're guaranteed always have the latest version all every year you can control the frequency you pay it whether you want to pay monthly or yearly and you also get the cloud sync service built in as well which synchronizes all of your settings all of your albums all of your extras across all of your computers and then allows you on the mobile devices to be able to actually see and edit your photos on your mobile devices remotely from your computer it's super handy so you can purchase it any way you want you can purchase the perpetual license where you own that license forever or you can buy the subscription and as long as you continue to pay for it you can continue to use it we'll always offer perpetual options so if you try this subscription you decide you know i want to purchase it you can always just switch plans as well all right let's see what else we got photoshop plugins so another awesome another cool thing this is great so if you guys think about photo raw or you think about on one you think about oh photoshop plugins they work as votershop plugins right well we've flipped it around we now run photoshop plugins inside of on one photo raw i know it's a brain twister you gotta think it's kind of the opposite of what you're used to doing but a lot of our customers are kind of plug-in collectors they've collected tons of plugins over the years and that one plugin might do that one cool thing that footer raw doesn't do or maybe it does something that they like better so let me show you how you can access your photoshop plugins inside of photorom the first thing you need to do is you need to tell photora where they live and you can do that in the preferences so if i go to my preferences and i go to the plugins tab there's two places that you can access them you can hit the default folder so we can have our own plugins folder where you can put those guys in or if you have photoshop installed you can just turn on the secondary plugin folder option and choose your photoshop plugin folder which it will pick for you automatically if it has photoshop installed once you've done that it's going to automatically pick up all of those photoshop plugins now when i say photoshop plugins i mean anything you'd see in the filter menu inside of photoshop i don't mean panels i don't mean automation plugins anything that you see in the filters menu all right and even at that not every single one of them is going to work there's a very long history of photoshop plug-ins they've been around forever not everybody does the best job of maintaining their plug-ins you might have one that's 10-15 years old might not work because it's just too darn whole it doesn't support 16-bit or doesn't support modern apis on our web page there's actually a knowledge-based article that shows all the ones that we tested and whether they worked or not and pretty much anything that you can buy as a photoshop plug-in today will work all right so let me show you how to use it so once your plugins are there you just open a photo up into edit and then we'll go up to the layer menu and you see there's a new option here called filters and it will show any plugins that you have installed so i've installed some from exposure and the knit collection of plugins as well so then i just pick what i want to use let's say i want to give this kind of an old school analog look so i'm just going to use analog effects pro nice brings it right up just gotta wait for it to do it analog is kind of an older plugin so it takes a little while they got lots of cool presets in here though so i'm just going to go in here and pick one that i like let's go back i want to grab the double exposures i think are pretty cool let's go grab one of these oh there we go looks really kind of cool it's kind of got this cool double exposure look to it i could adjust it if i wanted to and i hit okay when i'm done now what this is going to do is it's going to render those results to a new layer back inside of photo raw the cool thing about that is your original photo with all of its non-instructor settings are still intact we basically create a copy of that with all the settings applied and we apply whatever filter you ask on top of it so here we are back inside of photo raw you can see there's my original photo on the bottom and if i'd done any settings to it you'd still see those settings and then there's the results on top and of course i can do any of the layered stuff that i'm used to doing if i want to change my opacity to control how it blends in stylize that photo stylize it mask it blend it all the stuff you're used to doing you could do right inside of there it's pretty darn cool we're really excited about i think you guys are going to love being able to use your photoshop plugins inside of photo raw 2022 especially with it's so easy you just filter your plugins right now filter plugins they're right there so yeah all right i had another question from the audience here they want to know about apple silicon support so if you guys aren't aware apple has kind of a whole brand new kind of processor that they're shipping their newest computers with you'll see them as the m1 chip it's a different processor architecture and requires the application to be updated and yes photo rock 2022 does support the apple silicon processors natively so you're going to get the most performance the most speed out of them as well you can still run them in on x86 processors and you can even run them what's called rosetta where you can emulate one on the other platform so everything's there that you need to go we're also going to update photorod 2021 coming very soon so people with the previous version will still be able to use it on m1 processors natively as well nice all right what do we got next oh backing up and restoring this is another big user requested feature over the years let me just cancel out of here i'm going to go back to browse now when you commit to an application like photo raw there's a lot of information that you end up creating for your photos things like all of those non-destructive settings on a photo by photo basis things like metadata and ratings and labels and all that sort of stuff that you put into your photos now today those are all stored in a local database on your computer as well as in what's called a sidecar file that sidecar file stores all that stuff so if you computer dies and you have to go to another computer or if you move a photo from computer a to computer b all of those edits all of the metadata is all preserved in those sidecar files so all of that just gets recreated automatically and that's great on a photo by photo basis but there's also certain things you do at the application level which there's not an easy way to have moved from computer to computer in the past well that's all changed now with the new backup and restore feature it stores all of your albums it stores all of your preferences all of your presets all of your styles any of the extras that you've done like backgrounds borders textures brushes skies there's a couple i'm forgetting there's a bazillion of those things that it can do it stores all of that into one backup that you can then move from computer to computer it's really easy to do so it's really easy to do i'm just going to go to the file menu and down to backup data it's a very simple process you just pick the location you want it to go i'm just happened to save mine i like to put mine into my dropbox folder that way it's also backed up to the cloud as well you always gotta have it back up to the cloud yet yeah i do i like it well you know this computer can die why save my backup on the computer that's gonna die exactly that's the wrong places for backups at least put it on another drive if you're not going to put it in the cloud and then it can also remind you from time to time to do it for you automatically so you can it can remind you once a week so once a week when you quit it's going to say hey do your backup dude or you can turn it off or pick whatever frequency you want you just hit the backup button and now it's going to save all of that stuff like i mentioned all your edits all your metadata all your albums all your presets all the extras everything is getting stored into that backup file i'm going to hit the button here so i can go off and do that now the one thing that this isn't going to back up is your photos themselves the photo backup is still your responsibility so wherever you organize them whether it's in the cloud or on your local machine or on an external drive that's still up to you to manage that backup now let's say that i buy a new computer i buy one of those fancy new apple m1 macs right and i want to be able to use it well most people keep their photos on an external drive already so i just take that external drive that was on my old mac and i plug it into my new mac i install photora 2022 on it and then i just go into the let me show you here then i'll just go up to the file menu i'll go down to restore data this is right after i've signed into the app the first time on my new computer i just go and i pick that backup file so i'm going to take that backup file that's on my old computer i'm going to move it to my new computer you could just put it on the same driver and keep your photos that's a great way to move it and then hit the restore button it's then going to go through it's going to take all that stuff in it back up bring it to your new computer it's going to be just like you left it off right where you were so perfect way to back up and restore your data move from computer to computer or recover from a horrible horrible disaster that hopefully none of us ever have but yes you never know it could happen you never know yeah yeah all right yeah back of our store is an awesome new feature and photograph's filled with a ton of new features we could go on a really long time talking about these features but another awesome new feature coming in uh the new release of photo raw 2022 is the modification of thumbnails now you have a ton more control over how your thumbnails look what's displayed on them the size of them tons of stuff so let's jump in here i'm just inside of browse and i have a few different photographs here of some birds and all i have to do to modify these thumbnails is just right click and just choose thumbnail view options now i can modify tons of different things i can modify the appearance so the size if i want them smaller or if i want the appearance of the text to be a bit smaller i can modify that here i can also modify the fitting of that text so if i wanted to fill the area so that's what we used to call the square thumbnails option it's now put in here so you just change the fitting whether you want square or you want the regular thumbnails to show the whole photo that's just kind of a personal preference i always like to show the whole foot of myself because i can't hold those horizontal or vertical if i don't know and now this looks to me i'm just used to looking at it like a folder yeah they look like folders now but you you have control over how they have everything exactly another thing we can come up with is the theme this is an awesome thing too if you want to modify it from light to dark i know a lot of people are into modifying you know the the look of their ui so this is a great way to kind of make these thumbnails fit your workflow change the fitting back to the regular one and let people see what it looks like oh there we go there we go there that's this is actually my new favorite view i like that little lighter background there's lighter than the darker background it really makes the photos pop i really like it i like it especially if you're if you're kind of a someone who's used to the lightroom world you've used lightroom for many years this looks a little bit more light romance totally too because i have kind of that lighter background color it's just a matter of personal preference the other thing i like about it is you get a little bit more uh how do i describe it each thumbnail has kind of its own house yes you know totally you can see the borders of the thumbnails in the dirt view it's very modern so you don't really see when one thumbnail ends and the other one begins this one's a little more of a box totally they have little frames around them yeah little frames there you go that's what i was trying to say and we can modify the labels too so you can see up here we have the left and it says ratings and label and so if we look up here we have our ratings and the label but if we want that to be a different label let's say we want it to be the file name we can choose the file name to be up there rather than the ratings and then we can choose the ratings and the labels to be on the bottom you know you can you can switch this around any different way to modify it how you how you like it and we can also modify that top right area as well so right now it's the like option but we can choose maybe folder to show that this is the folder that we're looking at here or you can put like the exposure info a lot of people like to know what their exposure info was a lot of times i'll do that there we go let's see my shutter speed aperture that i used just like that and there's a few different options that you can modify down in here you know you can choose whether to show the information without hovering over it or show the information while you hover over it it's just kind of all personal preference but there's just so much more control over those those thumbnail view options nowadays yeah i really like that there's also some cool options on the bottom where you can control whether you see those little rotate arrows if you like them or if it's a folder if you want to show an image kind of that poster frame for a folder or not you can turn those on or off or even the edit badges you know those little badges in the corner that tell you if you've edited the photo if you've used no noise or if it's got layers you know you could turn a lot of those little adornments off if you don't really care to know what have that extra information so you decide what you want to show on those thumbnails now really very powerful yeah something i i kind of do is you know i have i'll set it up one way for my normal working but then if i'm going to show my photos to somebody else they don't need to see all that other stuff yeah while i'm showing it especially on like my secondary display i'll go in and i'll turn that other stuff off they don't need to know the star rating that i pick for example i just need to see the photo itself so i can turn all that jazz off if i don't want it so totally yeah yeah so you mentioned gestures yeah i want to see the gestures yeah let's do that so another awesome feature inside of photorod are these gestures so let's just open up a photo here inside of the edit module this is the way i like to use these gestures especially for masking because with gestures you can pinch to zoom and you can pan around the scene just like you would you know with your track pads so what i'm going to do in here is just go into the effects tab i know i've added dynamic contrast a bunch but it's just a really awesome way to add in detail what i'm going to do is just selectively apply this with a brush here but what i'm going to do is just show you how easy it is to use those gestures while you're selectively masking so obviously i'm zoomed out if i want to zoom in i don't have to go back to that view tool or that zoom tool i can just zoom in with my finger and i can also pan around the scene just like that i wish you guys could see this i don't have like a camera on the track pad for this but these are the same gestures that you'd use on a track pad or in a touch screen or if you're using a like a tablet before it's the same idea so you know it's two fingers to drag the foot around to pan it you can use the pinch and spread gesture to zoom in and pan the photo there's also other things like if you swipe with two fingers it'll change photos it'll go to the next photo or the previous photo or if you're in browse and you want to change the thumbnail size you can use that same pinch gesture to change the size of the thumbnails in the grid view as well so it's very handy now you're probably asking what are the things that you actually need to use this so on a mac you just need to have a touch pad so if you're using a laptop or trackpad yeah if you have a trackpad built on your laptop on a mac that will work or if you have an external trackpad surface like that like a track trackpad yeah yeah yeah that works on the map yeah i think it was yeah i'm gonna try that myself uh on windows right now you'll need to have a touch sensitive screen so if you're using a tablet uh windows tablet machine or one of the ones those laptops you can kind of fold in half you know you can use your fingers to do those gestures on there we're working on adding gesture support for the little windows trackpads on little windows laptops that's a little bit different that'll be coming in a free update in the future as well so nice but if you're a laptop user it's so much more natural to use that little very natural and i love it when i'm masking it's like my favorite thing i don't gotta switch to a different tool i can just zoom around and pan around it's awesome yeah it's very handy so i did mention a couple things on the export dialogue i just wanted to show you how those are also mirrored in places like import so i'm just going to jump oh i'm just going to jump over here i want to show you guys the import dialog real fast you'll notice over here in the import dialog in the destination section there's that same generate subfolders option so you can now divide up the photos on import into folders based on whatever criteria you want if you want to divide them up by date rather than just being a couple data options like you had in the past you can divide them up into any format you want or by camera for example you name it you can divide those up and when it comes to renaming you have those same powerful renaming options that you had on export so you can use your own mix of text plus any of those metadata tokens so it's not just an export where you get those cool features and in the standalone batch renaming dialog you have those same renaming options by token as well so very handy way to go through and do that another awesome new feature inside of photora is the all new favorites pane which allows you to drag and drop your favorite folders or frequently visited folders so you can instantly access them over here inside of inside of photora here i'm inside of the browse module and i'm just in this browse tab to the left and you can see i have this favorites pane here this is going to show me these different folders of mine that i can access to find these favorite or frequently looked at images that i'm constantly working on another great thing about this favorites pane let's say i need to go in here and maybe add in a new folder for those favorites so this is kind of like a shortcut right it's just exactly that folder because if you kind of look what he's doing right now in order to find that folder he has to go find his hard drive yeah exactly open up the hard drive go to your user go to your photos and go to whatever the subfolder is and it's a pain to have to constantly do that to find wherever you keep your photos exactly so what i'm going to do here is i can just i'm just going to make a new subfolder just to make it easy it's going to add a subfolder let's name it panel images i'm going to move those images in there and i'm just going to scroll back up here and i'm going to drag that right there and now i can instantly access those panel images if i frequently want to look at them or edit them and it's just a really really fast way to always know where those images are stored yeah and if you kind of look at the breadcrumbs bar at the top you can see the full path where it started at you know started on that folder and went through all those other subfolders of course you can navigate through there as well so a very quick handy way to get to the those frequent places and that could be on an external drive or a network folder it doesn't matter anywhere just in places you get to all the time think of it kind of like a catalog folder but it doesn't have the overhead of actually going through and cataloging that folder it just takes you right to that place you go all the time very quickly and easily all righty well i think that kind of covers all the big features in photoroute 2022 there's probably some other little fun tidbits out there that we didn't get a chance to talk about today but i'm sure you'll find those and tell us about them now one last question was information about system requirements if you go to the product page it lists full information about the system requirements for what you're going to need it doesn't change much over last year i think the only big difference is uh mac os 1013 has been removed that's just too old at this point but anything else that's modern anything in the last five or so years you're going to have no problem using photo raw 2022 in awesome yeah yeah thanks so much for watching we really appreciate it i hope you saw a bit about the new features and are stoked on the latest version of photo rob we're very excited for you guys to get your hands on it and start playing with it yeah we can't wait for you guys to get your hands on it give us some feedback tell us what you love about it we can't wait to continue to improve it for you lots of cool new stuff coming next year as well all right thanks for watching have a great one you
Channel: ON1
Views: 17,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Photo Editing, Image Editing, Photo Editor, Image Editor, Lightroom Alternative, Photoshop Plug-ins, Lightroom Plug-ins, ON1, Photo Editing Software, Best Photo Editing Software, Raw Processor, ON1 Tutorials, ON1 Training, Photo Organizing, Photo Masking, Photo Noise Reduction, Noise Reduction Software, Photo Effects, HDR
Id: qFkoJTbHdbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 55sec (3715 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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