DXO PhotoLab 5 Local Adjustments, Mask Selectivity With Chroma Luma ft FUJI X Series RAF files

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welcome to another new video of dxo photo lab 5. in this particular video i'm going to show you how to use local adjustment particularly speaking the u-turn technology of dxo photo lab 5. now also in this video i'll be using the raw file from fuji xtrans cameras or fuji x-series cameras especially the rough file which before you could not use it in dxo photo left 4 3 2 now you can officially use it which is a fantastic news cannot be better than that so two good news for you now obviously you can clearly looking at the photos from the fuji cameras four photos from the three different countries from germany berlin colosseum outside in the night and inside and from spain now three four different photos two in the night time twin a day time everything looks natural from fuji cameras inside dxo for lab now i'm going to use the new option of u-turn technology in dxo photo lab 5 especially the mask selectivity which is a new addition into the software now before i get into the details i've got a couple of requests one if you like to have this type of contents in future please do like and subscribe helps me a lot you have no idea and the second thing is that um in the description i do have a couple of um affiliated links for the topaz and on one no noise ai and so on and take a look if you like to purchase it helps me a lot obviously and they give me some commissions and also if you like to contribute more you obviously have couple of lines um online links which is a patreon and paypal so any kind of supports helping lot by word or by um purchase or by financial contribution because this type of work takes a lot of time and patience and test which is excluded in time and you know only thing motivates me to continue it's your support obviously now let's move on to the actual video so local adjustment so i'm going to go to the local assessment directly without any wasting any time and then i'm going to turn on the local adjustment at the top it's normally on already but if it's not on obviously you have to click it separately and then i'm going to right click it and it's going to give me some option now if i click a graduated filter you can clearly see that in the mask selectivity option is off so it's not on so if i right click and go to control line again we got nothing there but if i right click again and turn on control point and click it immediately you have it on which is brilliant um i'm going to delete it and check one by one see which one is giving you the max relativity option so i'm gonna do graduated filter turn on and see that max selectivity is not there i'm gonna change it to control line see what it gives me actually the control line also gives you my selectivity which is brilliant so we established that the graduated filter do not give you the max selectivity which is the newest addition the brush should give you also the mask selectivity option now i keep saying that max select video what it is exactly so i'm just gonna drop in a control point make it as big as i possibly can and try to cover because this photo is particularly interesting because we have the blue sky and the blue water so it's kind of like a mono chrome color and this makes things a little complicated which means that you have to you see they're both blue so i need to work on the sky without affecting the bottom so how i'm gonna do that so in mac you do have a button called um show mask here i don't have it so i'm gonna click m in my windows computer and you can see where the mask is being applied now here's the fun part begins so i'm going to play with the sliders in chroma and luma chroma is chrome chroma is latin which means color now luma is obviously luminosity which is the brightness so we can in this case my objective is to work on the chroma which is the specific blue color so now i'm gonna make it as big as i possibly can let's see what happens and pinpoint so more you go more restricted it gets you can clearly see that obviously the water reflection because it's not far from the blue channel so it's been affected obviously but majority is happening at the sky now to make it a bit more controlled so i'm gonna work on the luma so try to work on that specific brightness of that specific blue but i'm not gonna overdo it we can clearly see that you can already see a little bit of a distortion so it has to be fluid so don't concentrate it so much too much it's fine if it goes a little bit in the water but not too much and that's our goal majority should be on the sky and now i'm gonna click m again in my windows computer and see what happens i'm going to change the hue here is the best way to verify exactly if it's working or not so let's see in the color section i should have my hue there we go or even saturation but let's see with the hue first it's gonna go up and when i change it completely you can see the affected area now i'm going to play with the chroma without showing you in the mask if i go backward you can see that it's affecting almost everywhere if i go forward it's concentrating at that particular channel but the bottom is not affected at all same with the luma go up and it's going to be even more concentrated in that brightness channel if you go backward no effect at all it's going to apply on very basically everywhere um so that's what i meant to say i'm going to show you another example using another tool so i'm going to delete it first come here now here we have a better contrast we have the blue sky inside the colosseum and bottom is more like a red brown so i'm gonna right click select the control line go down as much as i possibly can and click m in my windows computer check this one out it's amazing isn't it because you know officially that there is no effect going on uh almost to no effect going on at the bottom but the sky is completely bright so i don't want anything inside the colosseum to be affected so i'm gonna work on the chroma because obviously if i show you sky is blue bottom is not that much so i'm going to work on my chroma to make it more concentrated but not too much again because you want to make it as natural looking as possible so maybe up to that let's see what luma gives us so the luminous channel with the brightness we can make it even bit more concentrated let's see it's always um the game of trial and error obviously no doubt about it but you want to make it again as natural as possible in this case i'm going to go backward with the luma channel and forward with the chroma channel that looks a bit more natural to me so i'm going to click m again now let's see what it gives us if i want to make the sky bit more saturated or even change the hue you can clearly see that it's doing a fantastic job and i can bring it down as much as i can maybe [Music] up to that much and you can see that the the bottom is not that much affected so if i bring down the hue to let's say green green is a better way to show you exactly the contrast so every single blue almost every single blue turn into green now you can always play the chroma as much as you can make it bit more concentrated and play with the luma to make it even more concentrated i can play see the changes so this is it i mean if you are a dxo photoleft 4 user you already know the majority of the functions but this is the new one in that local adjustment the use of mask selectivity with the chroma and luma which already existed in the the dxo nick collection so now it's brought in over to dxo photo lab 5. and clearly just a reminder i'm using the fuji x-series raw file from the x-trans cameras so another good news i hope those two good news made you happy and that's very important and of course please do like and subscribe and help me and support me by clicking the links in the description below look after yourself that's really important and bye bye
Channel: Treasure Hunters Digital
Views: 979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography, dxo
Id: 6PJ4fOUd9n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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