Dwarf Fortress: The Kobold Village [part 1]

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it's Dwarf Fortress day and more specifically it is Cobalt Fortress day so we're going to build ourselves the world and we're going to not jump down into the mines we're gonna go build ourselves a Cobalt Cavern uh there's a mod here called gadgets Cobalt Caverns um and uh with this mod the only mod I'm running is this one I got this one plus plus like an additional one to kind of go along with it uh but we are Cobalt today not dwarves we are Cobalts uh Cobalts are carnivores we have to eat meats and fish we can gnaw on bones or eat some eggs if you want for some occasional treats uh but we must contain cooked meat or fish ingredients to make meals for our Cobalts so we're gonna have to have some sort of a food source rats or spiders or whatever um and along with Cobalts we get different kind of different kind of creatures Segway rats and spiders and snakes and that kind of stuff we've different kinds of weapons we we don't know how to deal with metal work metal working we can smelt a little bit but that's about it um and uh we we know how to make some different kinds of weapons mostly we do like bone crafting so we're gonna have like bone armor bone beds uh that kind of stuff we got a different kind of leadership and a difference uh um personality or cowardly and weak and we like to steal stuff uh I have added in a second uh an additional thing to this I'm not sure if I can find it in here um uh this one the the skulking filth Edition and what this one does is this makes it makes everyone hostile with us so we're going into a world we're going to create a world right now and in this world uh we're gonna go in and um choose ourselves a medium well we'll do a small region let's simple here and we'll add in our mods which is the Cobalt caverns and skulking filth Edition build ourselves the world so everyone's going to be at war with us because we like to sneak around and steal things we cannot make artifacts um we only steal them and um we I don't sure what else I lost my train of thought there um we're weak we steal things uh and we'll probably die because everyone's at war with us that's that's that's the story Cobalt is derived from the German Cobalt from Cobalt meaning Goblin well interesting Superstition term uh used for the ore of cobalt by miners interesting so in the um I played a kobold fortress a long time ago in the olden days of tour Fortress and um again that's where otenti comes from but in the old days you had to like lay eggs and those eggs you would like you'd have clutches of eggs and that's where your cobals would hatch from uh that doesn't work this in this one um there's a word for it the eggs are like hatched in the belly like some animals do that's like like platypus or something I don't know there's a few animals to do that um they lay eggs but they actually catch in in whatever um so that's that's I guess a story here so we're gonna work we grow fast we we age up real fast and uh we die quickly basically what's going on here I think this is 250 years on this one the dimension of Soul it calls it and lots of things are happening here uh so in the world it's it's same world gin it's just there's gonna be some Cobalts in there as well and as we start the game we can probably assuming there is exploring the Cobalt huh um we'll see how this works I've done a couple of these generations and [Music] um I had one which we had a decent size size of Empire of cobalt I was kind of surprised the other one had like you know 50 Cobalts in it or whatever um but we'll see what we get here so we can choose the Cobalts or the dwarves as we get into this here at year 250. so let's begin and I try to adjust my screen a little bit to fit a little better it look a little better a little more Square foreign relentlessly steal from Neighbors with raids yes that is what's going to happen we're going to go and do a um uh uh careful embark and uh prepare carefully and we're going to choose all of our creatures what we're good at and what we are mostly we're gonna choose animals to come along with us that's the main thing here where almost our points are going to go into [Music] when all the world sucks so let's see what we got here and I I really like Regional world I don't know why I wasn't doing it before but I like the look of this this is like I don't know the d d nerd in me likes likes this so let's go choose our origin civilization we have we have two uh Cobalt civilizations we have the calm snarls 180 cobals living in this little fort down here and we have the ocher Avalanche which is a whole bunch of them there's 1700 Cobalts in this spot this is an Empire an Empire of Cobalts I like the sound of that but I'm more interested in the columns Gnarls and with 180 of them and we're gonna go venture out into the world looks like there's some goblins up this way we got some humans around um I don't see any dwarves there might be some I'm sorry what do we got here these are these are all Cobalt hillock uh do we have any dwarves Fort there we may not be any dwarves in this world uh nude forms and tour Fortress it's just Cobalt this time uh lots of uh goblins and the Beatles are disgusting is the name of that stream I like this I like the sound of that that's the kind of stream that we should be living by uh luck murder is also the name of that one so this this little tributary here is called The Beatles of disgusting and that's typically how I find my places um what do we want to do I think I think so I've got an idea how we're gonna do our Fortress here and one thing is we we don't necessarily need to drink alcohol we like alcohol as a treat but we should have some water around um and metals are a problem we can deal with like copper or whatever we're gonna be at war with everyone so we want to die immediately however just like like diving into the mountain and closing the doors is kind of boring and so I thought what we might do is do sort of like a little like a hillock kind of thing build little Hills kind of like um uh I don't know a little little Dome Hills style we'll see how it looks you know um let's go take a look peek over here though and see what we can find so there's an aquifer nearby uh which I don't care so much about because we can just sort of plow the land a bit build uh little Mounds dirt Mounds um around the rasp of odor over there I like I like it what is this is uh goblins over here we can probably deal with goblins um I noticed my eyes uh are drawn to this volcano over here it's also a Tarot here by the Cinders of dispersing um I like the sound of that I think is an Elven Tower over here um human monastery we want to be near some things that we can steal from I guess there's a lot of towns around here it seems like you know uh some call them towns some call them monasteries others call them um the mall because we're gonna go take some things from them some Elves over here we can steal from I think I'm a major river huh I'm really it's a terrifying biome also it's a terrifying biome it's because of that Tower and uh and a um we would die immediately okay I don't think we could I don't think I could survive that do we want to try it [Music] there's an aqua first we can get some water um foreign terrifying biome there's a tower right there we're gonna get attacked by Undead in no time we will die immediately do I want to do this I don't know it's perfect Harry Gord or we can try to do something with some joyous Wilds over here yeah it's gonna be hard enough being a cool wallet like the one thing comes through here it's gonna kill us there's some terrifying things up here as well um let's see um you know okay I'm gonna stick with what I said before The Beatles are disgusting I think that's that's gonna be our our thing goblins around we can handle goblins yeah reanimated cow hoof Slaughters try Big E Cobalt that's what would happen we don't want that all right let's go a little three by three here uh and we're gonna we're gonna tuck ourselves into this River The Beatles of discussing this clay there's soil there's aquifers there's trees there's elves nearby there's humans nearby there's goblins nearby I think we're gonna go with a spot right here it seems like a nice a nice spot The Beatles are disgusting I like it okay so let's get some little Cobalts oh he's got a little earring on okay uh as far as what we want uh we might as well spin some skills I'll just I don't know um I'll make a minor in a um I'm not really sure what I I know I'll go through what I want and then we'll deal with yourself later on I do want a Fisher and think mostly that's all I really want him to do just someone's gonna go fish and we'll we'll cover the bases bases and then get the rest of the stuff we want a Fisher uh and we want to butcher a butcher and like an animal fella probably the best Star for for those uh we could do a planter and a brewer um to make sure we get some uh uh some some wine and stuff brewed up or maybe outside stuff I suppose so go ahead and get a brewer and a planter um I might actually go and do what I normally do and grab somebody that knows how to fight and a doctor and like an administrator so let's start with our fighter we'll get a little Dylan here Dylan was gonna use what's Dylan gonna use or probably a spear I think spear feels more more cobalty than anything else um and and uh maybe a little bit oh we can have a whip maybe uh we'll give him uh we'll give him some fighting and dodging maybe not necessarily like armor using we'll give them like a point but dodging oh a biter so uh speaking of Caravans uh we will not get a caravan most likely we may get other folks if we are friends with other folks we get one but we're not friends with anybody so we're not gonna get any any Caravans coming in most likely um maybe one showing up from our people but unlikely is what the thing says so we won't even worry about that um we need a doctor something like that [Music] um and then we'll need an in a like an appraiser judge of intent all that kind of stuff organizer we'll let him be sort of like the guy in charge who's this Zumbas you go do all that stuff and then Groban I think I'm gonna have you so we need someone that's going to deal with like the animals which actually let my butcher do that I was like I may have separate person for that um oh the fish man fish man needs to go and do fish dissecting and she's making all that kind of stuff we can do let's get an animal trainer caretaker um you can do like a milker and sheer these are all like I don't normally do this kind of stuff because they get these skills real quick but we get the points now with the steam Edition so I might as well might as well spend them um and then I guess you can press some things if you want so um uh Nazi you want to do that you want to do the Butcher and stuff okay so the butcher we want them to also be um I guess they're gonna be the hunter as well so we can give them like a bow um we'll give them a bow let me go buddy go shoot a bow or something and then the fishermen we're gonna make sure that they can go do the Fisher stuff fish cleaning fish dissectors and and fish cleaning that kind of stuff okay so there's our there's our Cobalts under control uh yeah who do I have for the farmer is this fella right what skills did I give you planter and Brewer okay yeah so we'll get that we'll get you I'll get your name whenever we get into there uh items wise okay so we come with our you know our basic things some Camel hearts and lampreys and quivers and all that kind of stuff um we'll get rid of those I think I can make those I think anyway uh I'm mostly gonna come in here with animals and look at what we can bring as Cobalts we can bring monitor lizards that's that that's that's pretty cool oh we can have snakes we can have rats and some of these I know like the giant rat for instance and well you can see which ones and the spiders can be trained like the spiders can be trained for hunting we can have a king cobra we're gonna have a whole bunch of king cobras snakes and Gila monsters we gotta find we gotta figure out which one of these we want to be as as our um as our uh uh pet that we will also feed on and it makes sense like the modernism we could train for war so maybe we just have sort of a an assortment of things how much money do we have we got 1200 points to spend so let's bring in a boy monitor lizard and a couple girls um oh I don't know if they spit they might the cobras we definitely want some spiders they're woolly spiders I'm assuming we can get something off of him we'll just take a a boy and a girl uh they have hunting bats as well these giant rats I think I might bring in like the little rats as well uh maybe the gila monsters because we can just snack on them uh we're gonna make the king cobras as well and they're cheap they can't be trained so maybe the king cobras what we're going to be they can't be trained for war or hunting they're just going to sort of hang around in our in our base and we would eat them but they're cheap so we can lay eggs and we can eat them uh same thing with the adders and all that we'll bring we'll bring a few snakes and um you know I'll bring a gila monster too we'll have a whole assortment of things we can we can eat um so we have a modern lizard which we can train for war helmet snake I'm not gonna bring those in uh do I want to I do with the spiders and do I want a giant the giant rats expensive can we like ride them yeah Cobalt dark yeah that's that's a decent assortment let's see about items um we got copper hatchets and and picks and I will bring a little extra food because I have a feeling uh I may starve I do that a lot um I'm gonna be drinks do we supposed to get down and get that water dug up quick um but we can bring in some barrels of of liquid I do believe we're gonna break some eggs as well um and snack on them while we're uh while we're here like well if we get fish coming in we're by a river so we can we can always fish that won't be a problem I can bring it I can bring a tame Phantom spider and it sure sure sure um what else do I what else do I want we can't do any metal stuff um we can we can go in and um we'll get some meat uh some bones and all that stuff in Time toys and pets and cheese and there's some milk we can bring in can we drink that I think so [Music] um maybe not it's not letting me bring it so I guess not there's the fish and normally it comes in like a barrel water skins what else do we want anything else I think I'm happy with everything out with everything we've got so we got camel Hearts uh let's bring in a few fish just to kind of like oh actually the lampreys let's bring in like let's go to 21 of those we'll keep the Quivers because we're going to bring a bow actually I'll go ahead and bring a bow uh let's get a um copper bow bring that ins for our Hunters we'll have a bow and we'll have some some Quivers for them and we can bring some we can make arrows uh we got the hatchets and let's get some Spears I would like some copper bronze and silver let's just do some bronze Spears it's a bronze spear a bronze spear is there's a staff bronze Spears four bronze Spears stuff for doctoring probably a good idea some thread may not be a bit of an issue because we're going to be able to get it before too long I will ring a rope though because I rope if I'm not gonna have anybody coming in the trade with me I remember we should keep that in mind and make sure we get stuff that we can that we need so we'll get it we'll get a bit of a bit of thread and bring a couple bags anything else you think let's get some more skink meat okay 100 points left I'm bringing a couple barrels just to get us caught up here and um we got buckets in there crutches are fine eggs mine carts that's a lot of money um gold dice yeah give me a gold dice we need in this place and I'll take I'll take an onyx mug okay that's right spiders will give me silk that's right so yeah I think we're good yeah um what's our Fortress name we are magic skin wander snarling I like it better wander snarling brewless Phyllis okay we are called the Curious bites perfect and our symbol is [Music] um is I think we're gonna go with this with a spider the um the jumping spider image of a jumping spider okay let's embark Cobalt Outpost you've arrived at our journey from the Cobalt homes into the Forbidden Wilderness beyond your harsh treks finally ended party of seven is making outposts for the glory of brambus Phyllis all right provide for our Cobalt expecting Caravan maybe uh uh dingo's may get hungry all right so let's go see what we can find let's put this birds out here look at our little Cobalts with his earring and his earring and like little dog faces perfect perfect so we do have a little bit of a Cliffside over here one little level of it and we got some water some stagnant water around but we have a river over this way and I think what we want to do what I'm planning like this spot right here might be nice just like a a sort of a circle of of of Domes uh for our critters so let's begin by doing a little hacking I'll chop some trees down we'll get rid of all these trees over here hopefully they'll fall in the river and die uh we'll set up a pile for the wood and we'll just sort of like stash it over there it'll be our wood pile uh anything else out there in the world we should watch out for Ravens Turtles otters okay terrible uh so yeah you can see we can so we can train our uh our lizards for war and for for hunting spiders for hunting and the giant we came with a giant cave right I think it's gonna be it's probably pulled our wagon uh for either one also okay so let me get some uh yeah we'll get some we'll get some names well let me let me get things squared away and then we'll get some names set up I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna throw the wood down and we'll build it out of we can build out of wood or we can go that's probably what we need to do bullet out of wood and then we'll do I didn't bring any seeds for anything because we got like prickle berries uh we've got strawberries and things outside we go and we'll grab that and we can we can farm that stuff so we'll gather some fruit and things and we'll throw it into a stockpile somewhere which we'll set up just like right there and we set up stockpile just of of everything and just throw it into there everything but wood now as they go and do the job let's go get some folks named so we had uh remember remind me who you ever wanted to be I hardly wanted to be a farmer I can see that there so we've got uh what and what names Harley the Harley the farmer Cobalt uh NASA you want to be the butcher right give me okay swiper only swiping [Music] okay he can be um uh uh who wants to swiper so I really be the The Warrior [Music] well this fits there you go swiper only swamping [Music] generally they prepare for crisis by stock stocking up with sausage and cheese that's the worst case scenario [Music] are you sure terock I could use a um use a name so grab all this stuff up there's my golden dice excellence and my my sap Fighters are all locked up there as well uh let me go ahead and get my animals pastured and we'll set them up here I don't know actually what needs actually to be pasted what doesn't so I'm just gonna throw everything in there for right now and then we'll figure it out in minutes um we're gonna throw everything in here so it can be sort of in the vicinity like that okay and I can do a little bit of mining I suppose but it's just Sandy Clay is there anything else that's all sandy clay that's all we see [Music] yeah it looks like it here let's do like a little a little little Dig Down see what we can find there's an aquifer in here somewhere but we don't worry about going too far down [Music] Tarak get those fishies [Music] and Ruckus uh racket The Pit Boss there you go okay as I dig down if we have something that's Stoney the Sandy Clay fire clay we'll just see we can find in here oh we had oh we hit water okay that's a shallow aquifer uh I'm going to put in my there's a turtle over there I'm going to put my my spot for fishing um water source and fishing will set up like that and we'll put a fishing Source in which we will fish by there and I'm gonna start getting these logs and start just kind of planting them around now it's gonna look funny because it's wood and not dirt but just pretend okay pretend it's not it's a it's a wood Mound so let's go build let's start off by getting some mounts so we what mountains do we need we need like we need like a food Mound uh we'll probably start with that first we need to place a sleep Mound so let's get our food Mound set up first I think what I'm gonna do is I think I want to go with something like like that and whoops I forgot that one and then wall and we'll do like that doesn't have to be square or circular um we'll leave like a like a three Gap here what I'm thinking is we'll go up and we'll go one more layer there and then kind of have like a like a dome you know what I mean uh yeah wooden forts no nothing could possibly go wrong with that so we'll throw these Chestnut logs in here and get a wall set up this will be food Land which maybe I should have been bigger actually go a little bigger um let me just bump out this back wall like that's just to give it a few more squares we can stash something back there I want to leave like a little walkway back here about something like that that's enough space at least to kind of cram a workshop or something in can you trade as a Cobalt uh so in the in the steam notes for the mod um we do have um oh I'm you know what I wonder if the uh the war with olive folks we're not war with like who's this the humans were friends we're allied with the humans the mod I got is supposed to put us at war with everyone apparently did not um we got we're at war with all these there's so many Towers in this land there's a kobold tower over there what another Cobalt Tower another Cobalt fort s we don't know who they are but anyway we're Ally with these humans over here we don't know who the Goblins are or the ones next to us uh we're only at war with the towers another Cobalt Tower over there Cobalt Tower there's our our only people are there's a little hillock here with 10 folks in it and there's a a fort here with 100 in it and uh the column snarls there so we may get a caravan but it's unlikely the um the being at War I know whenever we put it down it said hostile with everyone so I'm not sure maybe it didn't kick in maybe it takes a bit for it to kick in because it says that I kind of alluded to um where the uh the other Cobalts are going to go out and do a lot of stealing and stuff and put you at War I don't know anyways this is a Food Barn so let's go ahead and get some food set up and I guess what we need to do there's no like we'll need a still I guess for drinks so we're gonna still in we want to still and we're gonna want a like a farmer's Workshop only a butcher of course I think I can fit all in I actually made this bigger um so while the still the butcher um and then I think we need to we need a fishery as well he can have his own little Huts uh and then we'll put the kitchen in we'll do those in in that one yeah since I'm Allied I may get trade with Allied folk you're right what's another another grander place over here [Music] a little bit grander grand hall you know Grand Cobalt Dome anyway oops oh sorry which one which one erase is that uh that one and then I went how did I do that in three and then over three okay there's like a there's like the the living Den I don't know if that's actually straight or not I think it might be I'm not entirely sure um it would be nice if it lined up with there wouldn't it um let's change it a little bit [Music] it's like if I wanted to line up with that does it matter if it lines up probably not just for these first two though you know just for the first two okay uh and then we'll get a uh we need to we need a Fisher a Fisher Hut yeah kobolds probably aren't too concerned about about architecture especially since we're above ground Cobalts brave brave Cobalts or stupid one or the other can we fit that in there this is just for the uh the Fisher Cobalt like that stick is his Fisher shop in there and he'll be all set we'll eventually we'll get stuff up on top and close these things in okay so uh at the still I need to get some things same things growing and I think we'll set up a patch of of farming over here I'm not sure what all we can grow but we'll try to set up a strip of of something like that what do we have we don't have any seeds but we should find once we start getting uh we went and grab all the strawberries so we should be able to get this thing and Brew drink from um from fruit um that should be able to do it let's put on repeat for right now and I'm gonna get the stockpile set up from food which I think I'm gonna have so this will make it over here and we'll like stash it over this way Foodland can be over oops over there okay so that will be food mm-hmm yes yes what I'm what I'm trying to go for here is um whenever I can get uh Stone sense uh running then I can go in and and we can look at it and it'll look like it'll look like little Huts you know what I mean that's that's kind of my goal here foreign tricky spot to get to so that and that one can be done but with that in there we should be able to put in the Fisher right in here we go you can go in there and clean his fish until he uh and and well until his heart her his who was it till their heart is content para fish Excellence fishing is happening who's that uh Tarak Tarak the Fisher okay uh in this Zone if it's time for things if there's downtime I do it like animal training to happen in here so let's animal train as well um and I'm gonna go ahead and get started on that because if we get attacked we're gonna need to make sure our animals are not gonna die so let's go ahead and everything we've got now is our reason that we don't want to go ahead and tame them for uh for whatever I'll go what we do we want the giant rat we want the giant rat for hunting for um for war and in the modern lizard I think we'll do um yeah we'll do a couple hunting lizards and we'll see if we can get some we'll get some more as we get some babies coming in all that we also need to get like an animal pen um which we'll set up here in a minute resume that one we'll put our we'll put our wood walls over there in a seconds so that's done okay now the kitchen uh go ahead and make just do some easy meals and uh let's get a manager why don't we what do we call the manager a war leader a horde keeper keeping track of resources The Horde Keeper's gonna be racketh the master schemer is coordinating Espionage investigating enemy plots and punishing wrongdoers the chief healer that's a doctor all uh slurbus and then the head speaker communicates with visitors and Traders that's our trade guy which is Ruckus uh apparently I don't have a manager Master schemer is going to be Groban and um our war leader is going to be Naza the butcher okay now can I set up curious about this can I set up a work order ah good okay so let's go do some easy meals and uh we want them let's keep um I don't know um if it's like I mean we need 50 50 of those I'll change that to like 80 between 80 and 50. it's raining revolting why is it raining revolting filth pool of revolting filth am I in part of a I bet I am I think I was but I guess I'm in part of that of that um those pits so it's raining filth up on the North side of the map revolting filth okay okay we'll be all right uh in in this spot let's go ahead and make sure that oh we gotta assign those pets I suppose um where are they the Phantom spiders available as a pets would you have just a one because we have just the I thought we had two of those we do have two of those Phantom spider Phantom spider all right so fisherman is gonna do his job um we've also with the butcher shop which will he'll do what he needs to do um I assume yeah Phantom spiders uh let's go ahead and get another um because we've got we need to get this is going to be like food was gonna get stashed over here let's take it out of here no food over here or drinks really um the food or drinks um they'll get stashed into this room uh and we're also gonna make this into like I guess we need we need a craft place as well um this will be like food and and sleeping land and all that kind of stuff um I will go ahead and get a wall and if I put a couple uh we may not get doors but we'll put something in there it doesn't quite line up uh let's go get another wall and we need like a crafty place so let's get a crafty place yeah that'll be good enough foreign storage barn which we'll get in there as well which we may do like um oh you know what we could do is like all this stuff gets made we could we could have like a we could dig down and have like a seller for everything that would work uh lots of fish is hanging out over there we get like a carpenter or some barrels and things to get that stuff stashed into she brought some but I guess it's full of stuff to dig to the circus right now [Music] okay so um the thing is that is the interesting part of this if we get attacked I'm not gonna have any sort of like I'm not gonna wall myself up for anything of that but we'll maybe do like a moat or maybe we can do like traps or something I want to I want to be out in the open and fighting you know like um like the brave kobolds that we are uh well as soon as you can like you to get some some of that done but you can't right now what is that spinach leaf biscuits delicious uh this is mostly set up so let's go ahead and get the uh the the Carpenter carpet as much we do need a craft shop it's very important um because that's going to make sure that we get like um bone beds and stuff like that we do have a lot of wood so we can make some wooden beds it doesn't seem very cobalty though does it but in here we have bone equipment and in here we can make bone daggers and clubs and all that kind of stuff um and we can also make own crafts which is like bone beds and all of that um which is the plan so I'm gonna put in a dad joke [Music] two knives are laying side by side in a silverware drawer one knife looks to the other and says you're looking Sharp Jason stands nervously before the teacher would I get in trouble for something I didn't do Mrs Roberts replies of course not good Jason says because I didn't do my homework no that's that's garbage um okay let me get you one more um let me get you a good one what are the banana say to the dog nothing bananas can't talk there you go um I'm gonna delete this stockpile because I'll make a we're gonna make an animal land over here okay let's set up uh let's push it back a little bit I'm gonna make meal encroaching a little bit too far into my spot okay like that and we're gonna go put a wall up here and we'll push it back a bit like uh like that and um this would be plenty big I think stash our animals in there maybe like a like a um uh what's the word I'm looking for like a like a barn plants and that's there you go Barn oh there's sand there huh okay uh do we have anything else that we can uh do with this let's see how's our drinks looking maybe they do extract Jets uh we were barrels just stash stuffs in here we've got we've got me what do we have uh we have new drinks at the moment um all my barrels I think are well we have a couple extra barrels here and okay well then um let's get what's that guy talking to about let's get my animals moved into here change them into this they can kind of hang outside a little bit too you know [Music] you know that that's a good spot for my animals to hang [Music] and we'll move we'll get rid of the other one we'll just throw everything over here um and we'll put in nest boxes so like the snakes can lay eggs and whoever else lays eggs can go to that okay and then we'll set in my uh I'll be my training Zone over here also like that uh and then over here we're gonna get rid of this one [Music] praise the Cobalt mother for she blesses us with snakes all right uh speaking of this fellow over here will you make that already uh this fella uh can you get me some wood nest boxes is that made here yeah make me a few wooden s boxes in fact I'm just gonna do it as work order make me some wooden nest boxes I'm thinking about shells too oh you have to make all kinds of things out of shells yeah if we have shells I would love some shell we should use shells for most things shells and Bones that's what I want everything in this fort made out of in fact I want you to just throw in a uh a big stockpile shells just throw them on the ground you're a Cobalt act like one now this is going to be I want nothing but I think it's under it's not corpses it's under refuse shells yeah you got shells you throw them right there okay and then with those shells we can make armor we can make nest boxes we can make I think they make even make beds out of them uh we may need a couple of these in fact I know we're gonna need a couple of these I'm gonna go ahead and get a second craft shop here and we'll get to work on that as soon as we can start slaughtering as soon as we get our um it's still raining revolting filth as soon as our animals begin um procreating and we get um um we can start harvesting then we start making bone armor and all that but let's start uh getting a little few of these things next boxes we'll set in some over there and some over there um I could put in my Farmer's Workshop up here I might as well stick it inside here this is where we will pluck the webs out of the spiders and and uh do whatever else we do so in here we can we can make spider cheese we can Shear animals we can spin some thread I don't know if we can do all this stuff but we can uh are we doing it oh yeah we oh you're gonna go Shear this you're gonna go Shear the spider girl one's gonna go shoot a spider so you have woolies spider silk laying on the ground what okay if that's the case that's great we can make spider we can have spider clothes that's fantastic and then what are you doing to it now you're spinning some thread what can you do with the uh what can you milk there's some spider silk thread you are milking what I mean milk them a spider not doing it anymore he brought a bucket over you're doing something I'm not quite sure what he's milking but he's milking something um make some cheese no no cheese no cheese [Music] I don't know where it went that bucket that he had [Music] let me see what I've got just as we got no drink um drinks yeah no drinks I'm not sure what he milked yeah I'm not sure if maybe we got some Venom okay let's go get some more uh nest boxes that are they done would that say over there uh oh a Vermin catcher's shop yeah remember that Vermin catcher's shop yeah we want that what else oh there's more new things in here those are all normal stuff it's all the furnaces and stuff which a lot of stuff we can't do anything with uh what do we do here we catch live Lane animals yeah uh um I see there's nothing there nothing to catch needs oh you need an empty trap okay uh can I make those out of shells bone animal trap I don't have any bones though we can get some by doing a little bit of a little slaughtering but I want to make for some eggs first get to that let me put my dice up also I need a stockpile room let's move uh if we get any bones I'd like them to come in here that's going to be all uh not corpses but uh bones we want [Music] bones and skulls can go in there and then on the other side I think we'll put in we got shells already over that way um we'll save and see what we need to say okay look at that rat he's gonna save me if we get attacked by something that rat's gonna be my only hope um we do have one Cobalt that knows how to fight let's go ahead and make that Squad uh new Master's thief's Squad appointed by Master schemer or a new war Captain Squad I'm sure out of [Music] I'm gonna say [Music] I'm gonna put metal armor in but then I'll change around the eviscerated confusion I love it all right the leader is going to be um the only person with skills which is swiper it's a swiper and uh I think just you I mean Squad so if I need help if any if I need you we can get you in there I'm gonna get your equipment done and I didn't bring any gear which maybe I should have brought that's what maybe that's what I should have done we'll get something whipped up as soon as we can Okay so like I know the ramps are not necessary but um neither is playing a Cobalt [Music] ever since I've discovered that ramps look like this in the in the steam version I can't control myself I'm I must have them you want a cobra named Tony right Tony did it work only did you want you want the clumsy week one I'll give you this one uh I don't think oh that's more characters well maybe that way okay [Music] it's not working is it that works I'll name you Tony Tony okay you show up on here as Tony yeah straight Tony okay so now we can go up and um we can add in another ramp foreign have to go um okay I think I think I gotta figure it out I think the ramps will fix themselves what I'm trying to say here I put a wall in next to him I think they will fix themselves okay see what so you've seen I'm going for here it's a little uh domed Hut that's the plan okay floor let's floor that um oh yeah no accidents if you got a ramp up to that um you stick a wall there you get there remove that one for me real quick foreign that's kind of the kind of the plan we're going for here uh oh migrants Myers have arrived good good okay um let's get some of these uh more of our priorities done here uh the animals are in there hopefully we'll get some legs like getting laid at some point but I assume snakes or whatever else it is there's my mug I do need a place to drink and all that which I haven't set up yet so let's go get that set up and we'll set up our um our meeting area is just gonna be here and if I remember right on the the thing they read is the cobals they don't care if like noise and stuff they don't care they'll happily live in a little dormitory with everyone else so we're gonna make this Food Spot uh and everything else you got a nice green what are you wearing green stuff Golder gold of the jeweler uh let's go put in so in this spot which is which is my my meeting area and also going to be in my dormitory which also like separate a little bit over here we can dormitory on this side and then the other side we'll put in our dining hall right over here like that how they feel about rain no um what are your thoughts buddy annoyed after drinking water without a well I can fix that uh and I would like a pack of chairs you found a new romance did you swipe her all right Swiper the war captain and always sleeping in the grass lack of chairs yeah I've got some some issues here um I I do although I think what I actually want to do I think mine as I do um I think I'd rather just just all be dining land we'll put in chairs and all that kind of stuff and it will set up we'll set up a spot for them to sleep and I think we almost like like a like a small spot here in the Middle where we kind of huddle together what do we want a big um we can stick it right here foreign [Music] we don't sleep in symmetry here we go okay but um let's try that let's grab some some things uh yeah I'll get some some names if I want some want some names stomas the Hunter and uh we got Tony in there and Magna anyone else want a uh want a Cobalt foreign Chief healer it sounds like a name like a word like a thing for uh old mammals you can go and uh heal us what is that microcline where'd you find that [Music] oh you got through the wait I thought that was a quifer there oh you found it okay there it is okay it is it's just slowly filling up okay uh if they want to well we'll give them a well uh we can we can dig that out real easy in fact it was so shallow I think I can probably just dig a channel right in the middle and probably make it deep enough for um I could probably get deep enough to get the aquifer and get the well going maybe he might get he might get stuck in there maybe not [Music] foreign like that and then we'll keep on channeling next to it there it is [Music] let's go a little ways down and deep enough hole it'll slowly fill up with water we'll stick our well on top of it I got a magnet in there too hey Raven man okay and these boxes are complete I had 10 of them I only got six of them let's get a couple more of those [Music] okay there's a b that'll be Nest land it's raining filth foreign I don't see any shells piling up over here do I have any laying around I want shell crafts can I make a shell I can make shell dice is that a normal game what was it [Music] it's not equipment equipment I can make shells Shields I want shell like I can do shell beds I'm gonna start digging that again um [Music] are we doing our creatures here no one more slaughtering yet foreign okay well there's plenty would be the same quite the same kind of cobalt Fortress and not uh checking Cobalt in the name of undinti but we'll I'll see if we can get if I can handle that hey School let's change um we'll leave that there I do need a stockpile like I've got Junk laying around let's just put the stockpile back here and we'll make this thing this is gonna be the all-stock pile except I will take out the stuff I've already got so separated so no no food um and no wood in there everything else can go in there that stuff is is separate we've got a spot for it um I think they're gonna dig that out a little concerned about that cancel those foreign try this again it was a little bit of funny business whenever you hit the aquifer and digging and all that see if we can get to that giant fly out there I think we have so he's chopping trees down everyone's just throwing stockpile stuff we've got meals getting made uh we don't have any drink in the stockpile yet or in the Fortress we've got water Cobalt of mind lots of fish around I don't know that that's gonna get done there still seems to be an issue with with uh digging it may be he may be busy hauling things around uh what about you are you uh good with anything nope [Music] um okay fish is good let's go get we also make our shells if I would say you want to make a shell um a shell mask can you do it yes okay so there are shells around they're just not in the stockpile there oh there's a bunch of them right here okay okay so let's get some shell stuff made so out of shells what can we what can we make what do we need most oh we can make I can make shell blocks I can make the whole town out of shells let's make some let's make um I want a shell breastplate I want to get at least my one guy armored up he won't do anything he's gonna die if he gets hit by something but we'll try um I want to Shell shield for him um he needs a shell hat and um I got a spear for the guy Rock blunt equipment I'm gonna make a rock stuff there too okay so you never get the job that allows us to count our stuff kobolds bro seem to be a numerous yeah probably so okay so shell is complete let me take a look at your equipment buddy uh let me go adjust your equipment so you get all this stuff on metal which is not which is no good I'm going to change the stuff over to [Music] um I'm Gonna Change it to anything really when I get rid of I got rid of body just any armor uh yeah just switch it to anything I don't care what you put on just put on whatever you want scary raid noise hey deep thanks for the rain thank you very much I certainly appreciate that all right there's gonna be uh anything uh armor so we're playing Cobalts today Cobalt Fortress and uh we have sort of Just Begun I suppose about an hour in but 12 Mighty Cobalts are uh attempting to build a small above ground domed Hut in a scarier world where things reign scary stuff this is going to be the anything and you are assigned the uh the anything uniform so he will grab a shield he should be able to get a um armor as well in a minute we'll see if he does it go get some stuff and we'll get it trained up actually is there anyone else that knows how to uh how to fights anybody have any skills uh Magna knows how to handle a sword and told us knows how to handle a whip perfect I'm only getting dug out uh let's go and get I need to get some beds [Music] I wish I could make um beds out of shells shell caps earrings no beds there so you can make equipment um in crafts is where the bed is yeah like I can do it out of wood it just doesn't it just doesn't feel right but I might just have to just because they're all sleeping in the grass and they're getting kind of cranky about it can I make shell chairs figurines they're gonna be in a in um um equipment no not equipment in crafts goblet Hive jug nope blocks though I should start making everything out of shells [Music] remember before I anytime fishing I would have I always have tons of um shells laying around so for fighting a beetle versus Beetle how do we win there's some blood my monitors out there chasing down some beetles or a beetle Judah let's take this guy apart and um I'm gonna break down into it I'm gonna I'm gonna have to just um I'm gonna make some wooden beds [Music] let's build a carpenter just for this foreign whip up some wooden beds just so we get our guys some a place to sleep you know it needs to be inside also doesn't it so let's go ahead and get that set up and um let's do the ramp thing oh yeah oh yeah we gotta rant the bottom first my Phantom spider over there out doing Phantom spider things stairs will do more ramps okay what kind of got these these cool balls worship we don't have a a temple yet as a matter of fact [Music] I'll get one in just a second though your couples are very busy when you get that dug out but they're just um well let me let me we can we can always just oh you know what I bet you I put him in there I bet you minor who's my minor Naza um not him but I'll I'll give uh uh oh plursness some mining jobs as well let's see if someone get done we get our well done okay so that that's there we can get our our wall put in that for now Claiborne we need a master schemer sure all right our Dome I'm starting to look dome-like uh the carpenter shop is done so we can go ahead and whip up some beds and uh I'm gonna tell them just to make make me some beds I'll get that set up we also need to get some chairs and tables which I really want to make out of bone we're not there yet it's just gonna take too long to get to that point so let's go ahead and just get the let's get him in the Fortress whatever you want to call this [Music] make some wooden chairs and we'll make some money thanks Claiborne uh some tables as well 10 of each okay what's this oh we got a wooly excellent we got a baby spider excellent there it is that makes me happy okay perfect all right now now we're getting somewhere okay so what I did this on purpose so I'm gonna put in a floor here floor that up once I get down we can put more floor in and cover the whole thing up same thing it's over here [Music] it's a little strange but we're Cobalts and we do things a little weird so it's okay those trees are part of the mod no trees are um nothing new with the trees chop those let's do a little gather and probably get since we have no meat which that's right we have just fish we're just eating fish here um if we can get you to whip up some barrels also along with everything else that you're making foreign we can't eat we're not vegetarians we cannot eat fruit and stuff but we can turn it into into um booze and so we're out of our prickleberry seeds which maybe let me maybe cooking them or something I don't know um perch biscuits I'll have to get a stock room for uh for My Goods but uh when this when this gets done we'll get our beds in there's the main Hut ramp this fella up uh it's gonna be a little weird because it's on the edge [Music] get my out of wood again yeah I'm glad I picked a forest for this I suppose we could have done it with stone or shells okay so in here let's go and get some beds in a couple of them anyway we'll go ahead and Mark this thing this is the uh the big dormitory I think what I might do is I might put in like little Cubbies and so we'll put in like the offices and things in here as well and you know the important Cobalts they can have big bids of our own beds so I could go and put in since I do have a roof like above this I could set in a wall and just set in like um a little too too big for kobolds probably put a door there a door there um door there so we have a room there this will be the dormitory so we have like three offices whatever we can get in there with some of our Cobalt do want offices so or they want what do they want we want to study which I can that's what we could do over there remove that and then we'll set in [Music] um an office put our first office in right right there big office okay and in that office is going to belong to probably uh racketh or Pit Boss because I think he does all the jobs right yeah racket has a lot of stuff and then Claiborne our schemer wants one as well so we'll give Claiborne one also um we'll put an office in right there and they can have his own bedroom too you know he's an important Cobalt this will be claibornes not easy being the most important Cobalt but I believe in you almost being um the office isn't gonna have a table I hope you're okay with that this tree needs to go drop on leaves all over my house uh migrants four more came in our easy meals are done we got plenty of food logs um a two minutes coal huh oh we do that stuff out Rockets can't update records needs an office well he's got one now and he still needs an office is that what he's yelling at me about he got an office we'll see he might he might need I think he might need a table yeah so um I'm going to give him a table and chair this isn't really gonna fit there you go now he's he's happy now okay so now you can go and get this stuff straightened out for me now let's work on uh this one over here and get this set up I'm expecting any moment to get attacked and then and then we're all done for if I can I think my my only hope is if I can get enough animals trained then I think we'll be fine well not fine but we'll live longer and um so we go ahead and I think we could probably go ahead and start training some spider in there I can start taming these guys hmm I think the Cobra's pets right now we just have I don't think anybody is nobody's trained yet foreign we can she or a woolly spider as a matter of fact we did it earlier we'll I'll show it again here he goes are you having a spider and uh stray woolly spider silk we can whip it up into some thread as well and uh make some spider silk foreign and then we're gonna go upstairs so I can get this place covered up because we can get some tables and stuff in there like that uh is there military aspects of the game Nebuchadnezzar uh yes um I streamed that yesterday and and I I showed it off the very end of the stream I got I got to the fighting [Music] this might look kind of funny whenever we look at this in like in a stone sense or whatever it's gonna look real funny use your imagination cover that one up and then uh and this one actually I could I could do this one now okay look like that's starting to look like something pretend it's dirt and not uh not wood and then it's okay all right so we got a hole here and he's filling up with water how far down let's go okay I'm way down there okay but we're starting to get some mud it'll start to fill up and then we'll get a nice uh well spot so let's go ahead and get well spots uh we're gonna put in a workshop and then I forget where Wells come from Wells I need to get a um mechanism don't I mechanism in a block uh you know what let's make a shell block shell is a craft a shell block maybe a couple of those and then make me a Shell mechanism a couple shell mechanisms um and then a shell altar I'm gonna place that in there we're gonna have a we're gonna we're gonna you know have a we're gonna have a religion talk about the clothing for dwarves or Cobalts what's needed for a full set how would you set up work orders do something I always available uh yeah it's a bit of a process um I'll get to it here eventually whenever we get uh in here but it's the um the easiest way that I have done it um is by using the work orders so you come in here and you set up something like I'll set one up with um what's a good one we can do um we'll do shell blocks so Pretend This is a uh a robe so we'll make a robe and I'll set it up as um like one or two okay two and then I'll say if it gets less than one then they'll make another one so I'll come and check if there's if there's less than one robe he'll make two of them and then so what's gonna happen is every time your dwarves need to get clothing they will go in and they'll grab it from the stockpile and so when the stockpile is empty then your guy will go make two more so you'll always have a sort of a a constant flow of clothing um fresh clothing getting getting made and um we deal with with uh with you need a shirt and pants uh I think I think we need I I don't know what what what all dwarves need it's something to cover your body eat something cover your legs and I think gloves and feet are the four things but then if I remember right thanks EXO uh um when um like if somebody comes in with a robe or whatever and uh they go shirt trousers shoes those are the those are the three okay let's get gloves was one of them but okay um let's see so anyway he should whipped up some some Lego shell blocks he made a bunch of them um so we should go make uh make that uh well now right there okay and because this is done mostly and they just wear a huge stack of cloaks and be otherwise naked yeah um they will they will keep their old stuff on and they'll just be mad about it and you'll see it here in I am separated from Jamin I can't give into sadness you'll see in here they're they're sad about uh their clothes being all um uh falling apart and stuff and you can see it in their items as well whether they're falling apart or not I think they last like a few years before they're gonna toss them and get something new that's for dwarves I'm not sure alcohols work there you go there you go you dang Cobalt you got chairs to sit at what a place finally got a nice uh a place to sit and eat no doors we don't need doors here in Cobalt land yet unless you're fancy Eid foreign okay now in the center of this Fortress meeting area here right there this is going to be a new uh Temple who is used to be a temple too so we got problem the god of lust and depravity floor blurber uh or discipline nonsense uh drudis oh drutas of the sky this is where umtinti came in is there an untinty in here that would be great no no identity kobolder a theft got a theft we have a Cerulean sect um death and War this is the sky drutas of the sky um slurper praise lerber I I kind of want to go with Colbert Co Boulder because it's theft there's uh what are you loyalty in your loyalty caverns and mountains I think we're gonna give it to the Cerulean sect um should we just say you know I don't even know the difference if we said it for give it to the cyrillian sect which I guess is a branch of or which is a a guild of um drutas floor it's blurber slurper oh Supply carrying came in what I said I wouldn't get one um we're gonna give it to drudis no we'll give it okay we'll do it we'll give it to slurper fine the poetic Shrine for for flurper okay uh I'll be a trade Depot I wasn't expecting that we will set it um right over here tinty's not gonna be happy about this entity isn't under is an understanding uh deity the world leader got bit by a phantom spider that put a damper on your day I was not expecting um some some Traders let me see if I can what can I trade you I don't have anything to give you I got some blocks for five bucks a piece um I can give you uh these crutches are worse sometimes I can make them real easy so I'll give you some crutches I came with those um I should make some mugs forget about that oh my God I got an altar with the altar in the place I'm keeping my dice looks like I have an extra shell um this box and it's all stuff that I've came with so I don't have much to sell them but I'll give them a little bit Romantics witnessing spider Cobalt's origin story yeah that's where it went where that that's box what happened there do you have Turtles oh I like turtles foreign like a little bit of that from ramps and then we'll go talk to those guys in a second but we're going to put in some walls here mats and foreign [Music] okay see what they got looks like they got some rats too what do you got my efforts are Legend there oh yeah well I got some crutches for you you want those um you got bars lead bars leads good stuff to make like hammers out of or something I wonder if we can be like more than just dumb Cobalts we can be like you know like I don't know something a cobra is that what that's what we have right giant bats [Music] kangaroo milk I'll take some kangaroo milk I don't mind if I if I do there yes smart Cobalt that's right uh I got some bronze male shirts some copper boots chest I should make some chests lots of water we make lots of other things silver step ladder we have silver mine carts more than I was expecting um if I can afford a little bit of leather I'll take it I know actually I might buy snake 50 bucks I can't afford it 300 bucks for that rats I'll just take that um my rat is what is a boy so I don't I don't want another boy those are king cobras hopefully they'll start breeding um you know I guess I don't need anything else from them shell blocks let's go ahead and put my altar out there kind of offering place is that what that is there we go muscle shell altar I love it uh can we make shell statues book bindings and buckets and goblets oh yeah um golets and toys dice okay make a couple of crutches to make up what we what we lost there we'll make one I thought we don't need a bunch um it's going to look like a like a doctor's spot you know what let's let's see we we can get done here like I was thinking we were gonna die immediately we were gonna get very far but I'm I got high hopes now and that means we're all gonna die um if I want to make this wall it's like the material muscle shell blocks I got one here though I can make a I can make a shell Hut this is going to be um some I'm sorry build this with a plane in mind no I forgot what I was gonna do oh I missed my glass Fort my glass forts gone lost and lost in in Dwarf Fortress time [Music] um how do I put that guy out there I thought I went out [Music] how come he's in there oh I missed I didn't oh I missed one and scroll down all the way okay we'll give him as a pet so then he'll get out it looks like uh this rat's gonna name pogus oh he pogus pogus the rats must have uh chomped on somebody [Music] well if um let's see what we can get here um how how strong of a fort we can get out of this I'm actually kind of curious now I was thinking we're gonna die immediately like you know um we're gonna get hit by something and die immediately but I have High Hopes now like those guys came in here and they're showing me all their cool weapons and things that they've got I can do that I can survive with Cobalts why not anybody else came in here want to learn how to fight no uh but flaw blur flaw Burr here flawber once wants to learn how to fight let's go ahead and start getting these guys set I'm gonna do one more uh let's get in this no you know how to mill you know how to swing a sword uh you guys are all on the right equipment rights you're on the uh anything equipments okay well let's get some equipment set up in recorders I want some shell things we want [Music] I have the weapons for them but I'm gonna need 10 of them but I'm gonna go ahead and just make 10 of everything just because it's easy so we do 10 breastplates and we'll do ten uh whoops um ten boots not bone breast bites I'm not I don't think gels are very good we can get like bronze at some points um ideally we're gonna steal stuff also another thing we can do is we can we can steal and smell stuff down so if we find stuff that's iron we can steal it and smell it down into whatever we want um let's make we got high booty legs so we'll make us some armor up for our our uh our Squad if this works for you might have the dwarfs just eat the Vermin never seen one adopted all right foreign spider [Music] put that there and I realize I can't put my my slopes in there now [Music] and I hear the screams of a dad joke and I I don't know if you're sure if if you know what you're doing but you're getting into here when you call for the dad joke because [Music] um all right Devil's dandruff One Day Josh runs into his friend Carrie his nose is all swollen what happened to your nose she asks I sniffed a Bros Josh tells her there's no B in Rose says Carrie there wasn't this one he says I'm trying I'm trying to I'm trying to try to get the joke I don't get it oh B there's no B okay I get it there's there was a b in okay good that's a good one okay that's a winner I take it back I take it back okay let's go get um a wall here there and right there here we go we got a dome a dome for our doctor's huts might be a little big also need some meds uh I wish I could make shell beds also we need we need to get a cat explosion so I can start making some bones or an invasion that we can handle a small Invasion that'll be nice I took my uh my computer out today do a little cleaning a little dusting and uh you know it's been a while so I figured I'd clean this thing clean it up a bit and as I took it out I discovered that one of my um one of my fans on my video card wasn't spinning and it was because there was a wire that was like in the way of the fan I was like I wonder how long has that been like that so a little uh little increased performance I suppose that's what I'm gonna be hoping hoping for here I have no idea how it's been like man like probably a year since I was last in this so who knows what who knows how long it's been like that moral of the story uh jacket chords one tinty yeah I think I can do just that and then we need we need we need walls here also I think we'll see what happens okay beds are done get the beds uh beds in there a hydrates yeah cheers to the video card uh fan moving um track Dimensions require require tables and mechanisms I think I've got a mechanism number two sorry about the lip smack there um we got lots of armor here which I you guys should be picking up okay they are I need to give them a squad uh spot to store all that and and equip and everything actually let's do um yeah okay a couple things I'm trying to do here let me go ahead and get a uh if I can make a shell chests I will make one see it in there I suppose we can look like a coffer shall Coffer or chest or um no so we'll make a wood we'll make a couple wood chests um and we'll place that in this we get the mugs done we've got a couple of shell goblets I was working on give me like one [Music] so goblets uh I got rid of that last one because I wasn't using it every time I picked the plants I forget to do that and then it's not really too big a deal for uh for these guys I suppose we could tell them to not cook strawberries looking at Brew strawberries oh he can't he can only Brew well we can do that we have a lot of snake eggs let's not cook the snake eggs don't cook the adder eggs we'll oh King crobag yeah don't cook those I want more king cobras and modulus is for sure I'm assuming those are fertilized I don't think it says if it is or isn't I don't remember foreign we need uh we need a we need like a tower I think like a central tower we got that in the bottom we could we could build it I don't know we're Cobalt maybe maybe not a tower we need some sort of a military spots maybe we just stick it down here where we got a little bit of an opening how many shells do I have a bunch okay let's go and make some shell blocks make me like 100 of them walkways connecting these things around it's like uh this would be like mud domes is is the idea and I don't really look like that but that that's the goal right mud walkways yeah like I have a table there I don't know if I have a mechanism um he's very busy this guy's very busy as well so if you can whip me up a shell where are they mechanism a couple of those foreign muscle we want to we're gonna have a shell building all shelled slurbus became our chief healer slurbus are you in the military where's where's slurbus at is that his name foreign no no mammals is the is the Healer yes and uh I'm gonna give it a gold or the Jeweler We're not gonna need jewelry right now and we actually probably could though we can make shell jewelry which is typically a good thing you can do with it there's our shell stuff we can decorate that too early I'm gonna say like an opening here and we'll we'll come around this way so this will be our uh our barracks might be kind of cool I'll try a little uh uh a trick with this one also which might fit our theme a little better uh what I make what did I need to make those traps I'll trap [Music] 10 of those [Music] oh crap there is I see see the typing thing isn't working yet it's still a little buggy [Music] how are we doing here two thousand we get something we need an instrument in there we need a chest in there which I think of the chests are probably done by now sewing your chest in here we go and we need one over here and we could probably use a couple in in here in minutes I am trying to capture Vermin yes I'm gonna eat them I'll tell you we got plenty of food foreign I think that um it's it says in the in the steam um mod thing that we don't start with metal crafting so I don't know if that means that we can we can get it like it it sort of the way it was worded it alluded to the fact that we could get it but I don't I don't see how that's possible I'm not sure um but I think I think it was was meaning that um but yeah make attachments uh I think I was trying to say that um you know you can't just smelt iron but you can you can melt uh um tools and things down to get iron I think we'll try and say so if we get attacked we can whip up some good art metals and things uh can I make a we're gonna make a traction bench that's not that's not gonna be here that's going to be a mechanic shop I mean it does foreign want one of these stash it there for right now I'm gonna get rid of it in a minute so we have we can make we can catch live animals becomes a team of small animals who happens with that bitten by a phantom spider that guy just bites everybody I um I want to get some sort of clothing setup going sure how we're gonna do that though probably set up a whole I'm gonna probably do a whole um that kind of building for it so I think my plan is to do this just for the effect because you'll see how it's going to look here in seconds so to be like uh like a you know you're going down into the into the thing foreign [Music] it's still eight so it's that's fine we got plenty of muscles foreign [Music] okay got it so you know me so so you go in and you you have to step down into the into the the uh the barracks which is going to be this Zone uh in the barracks uh is going to house the eviscerated confusion uh in fact you guys can sleep there do everything there I'll get some beds for you oh I'll get some beds as soon as I get a roof for you which I can do here I'm gonna make some more shell blocks and then we'll go do that uh but inside here we should go and make a couple of things if I can I would like to make a shell like a um let me see what I can make here can any Rock leather equipment oh we can make whips okay but binding let's just make it out of wood um I want a armor stand and a weapon rack oh probably a couple wheelbarrows forgot about those [Music] we'll toss them in there we'll put some beds in there also how's those blocks going do we make all those hundred blocks not or more I see shells are starting to pile up live hamster is not its way out of confinements is that what happened here foreign by this let me watch this oh yeah he like places it was going on the tameable small creature another baby spider Masterwork stuff cool uh I want to get some traction mentions I just need a couple of them anyway guitar we can toss them in there I got too many shells just saw the pile up um let me get a couple more barrels done actually probably use a bin okay now I have enough ramps for this [Music] well that's I think we need one more right there okay and then we'll do some walls that will give it the look we want not sure how we get all these walls done it might be a challenge we'll see hey Luke how's it going foreign should go up one more and then put the floors on but um you know for the sake of um it look of just the look that's all I can go in for here it works and plus we have a little cubby up here so we can put something up there you know foreign a hole there we go so now uh look at this little the armor they've got on them look at it's purple that's fantastic okay so uh we want we'll put a couple beds in here this is where they're gonna be sleeping I got one uh let's go against that's the armor stand that we have uh military weapon rack and our armor stand there if we get into the bed made we'll put it there and then they can train and stash all this whatever they've got and uh migrants [Music] I didn't even buy a Phantom spider it happens a lot we do have I think we got enough for one traction bench I think I solved that'll work okay now all this junk over here a lot of the stuff well the goblets can get hauled over here I hope they shouldn't they should make their way in here on their own I think dining hall and oh it's not in the end is it the Obscure lunch there we go so now they should move those goblets in foreign they'll all get into the tavern here we're making some visitors also and the stockpile seems to be pretty full okay baby matter deconis has given birth to twins oh right I forgot about that that being a thing from the other uh from old Dwarf Fortress days twins um if I if I want this stockpile to have bins any stockpile has been I wanted to beat that one so I'm gonna go ahead and tell you to make me a bin and I hope you put it over there because we just really just one over there one bin will will solve all those shell problems I can fix it by saying you don't have bins hopefully there it is okay so that will be all shells over there and um you guys okay so we're looking okay we need gloves we need boots for everybody we also need Shields and gold here doesn't have a weapon so let's get a weapon for for Golder and I think we may have something we can we can do what can you make me as a weapon can you make me a rock not there from there gym there's gym blunt there's Rock blunt equipment so if I can get you like a rock mace or a rock Mallet if I got you a rock and I can probably do that this is all getting filled up uh over was it over here that we had a dig site it's all filled up now I don't see any rocks lying around let's go I'm just gonna dig down right here hopefully it'll get a rock out of that there's an aquifer so they'll yell about it we could we could go past the aquifer but I'm not really interested in doing digging down with this one okay I'm gonna train all of you guys for War I think maybe I should do yeah I'll um like I'll put them all at War that's probably fine for those guys and I guess no migrants have brought anyone else in I don't think of any new pets have shown up I think it's all I came with mixture everyone stashed there oh oh pogus here I'll stash pogus in there okay he just hit the aquifer get them on presents claystone clayson's one of the ones that you can't just smooth to get away from it I'm going to put a wall in here just to in case we have another reason to have a more Stone we'll go ahead and get past this aquifer I think it's only those two it might be oh lignite huh [Music] um let's dig that out all right everything's capped right that one looks that actually looks okay I'm gonna replace all these with I could probably make it look a little better if I removed all the uh the floors and replacing with with the walls it doesn't look bad I can put them on top of there can I foreign fixes that problem up right nice a little more wasteful in materials but uh it's cool looking that's mostly what we're going for today sorry sorry quite quiet time uh door forger's building I'll try to talk more fill that in and we'll go fill that in and that'll give us uh that'll probably be good with that just that spot there we'll fill these in here there we go that should be a little better [Music] I'll do those because that might be a ramp there if it is it'll help it look better okay then once this is done let's go look at uh making our Fortress a little stronger uh we'll get some traps made so if we get attacked we'll have to deal with that um and then what time is it okay before the stream is over we should go steal something we're Cobalts and so uh our itchy fingers are just um you know starting to come become a problem so we have to we're going to steal something and we will do that before we go uh but let's get some traps built and we can do them at well we can do about it here but I think most of what we're gonna do is we're going to come over here and set up some some to get some shell mechanisms and do like um like 30 of them and then let's go here if I make about a shell I'll make more shell things I'll make some shell um cages can I do that no I'm thinking about a bow and I think but that's about it uh I could tell them I could get my job to sell some something to sell so we can make what would sell good we make dice or um [Music] see if I can make like shell anything out of shells it would be a would be a a good thing [Music] because they are worth nothing but we got Masterpiece wood bin got a monitor lizard uh damn stone yada filth and pogus is now a giant rat this which I forgot to set up is a meeting area meeting area with doctor [Music] I do have the thread let's make some soap doctor let's get mammals and then diagnostician will put uh gelinkus and then surgeon is I guess going to be Harley [Music] because you can't both so Harley um you surging away and then bone doctor is gonna be tarok a fisherman okay so uh back to the equipment also we need five Shields foreign and whip up five Shields uh you know actually go ahead and do ten we'll have 10 of everything so we can we can get the squad up so up to ten will be a set a little better uh we need gloves can I make can I make shell gloves what do they call them gauntlets yeah shell gauntlets and we want boots I thought I thought I made boots [Music] we'll make um seven and then I don't have a leather Crafter to make backpacks that'd be a good idea though we'll put the leather in this we'll make any other place to build anyways because I need a place to put my um um my clothing industry [Music] [Music] our trees need chopped actually areas clear of trees around me [Music] advance [Music] okay so we'll make a clothing and leather works in here [Music] foreign and then we'll uh we'll we'll do the top and all that but mostly we want I'll put them side by side it's one square short [Music] um what I wanted but we can get in here now we need a leather guy I don't know that we need a I guess we could use a loom but he can spin thread at the farmer lumick cloth nevermind um so yeah we'll need we'll need a bigger place [Music] that'll work for now uh I don't really have any leather laying around though so I can't do anything with it it's red lizard has like a little has a bandana a little bandana around his neck plums thanks for following okay so now here at the Clover shop what we can do is set up some business so we want to go and we can share a bunch of animals sear a whole bunch of animals I need a loom I'm gonna put my loom at this isn't quite big enough we're gonna throw it upstairs you might give me my one two-story building [Music] will fit yeah uh no I won't now if I do it the way I want to do it give me a hole there man wait wait where are we gonna Loom at just for now gonna be a busy a busy shop we might have to build up like a shop over there or something that's gonna be a busy one uh and let me make some more bids okay so he's gonna automatically turn that thread in the silk which I don't think I want him to do I don't want to do that is my doctor's office stocked with the thread that it needs yeah so it's okay okay so he can go make a bunch of uh of that and all that fur is gonna get where taken over away as well we can spin some thread up we'll do as much as we can and over here at Clover shop this is where we'll do the uh the work orders I was talking about earlier so we will make what kind of things do our uh our Cobalt wants head scarves obviously um but let's get them the basic stuff we'll get some trousers and I'm gonna set up where we make two of these things but if there is less than one you'll make another one I'm just gonna do that and uh we'll do another I will not have one let's go in here easy on me if I click on it rights so we got we got we got pants and we need something to wear on their on their body which could be a cloak oh I think that was cloth which is what we have oh we may have silk actually foreign I'm not sure what the spider fur counts as maybe it counts as yarn how to look so we'll make we'll make a silk uh robe maybe the cutest Cobalt ever those little silk robes and and spider fur pants it's gonna be terrifying we'll be whipping up right now woolly spider silk thread I think I think I don't know that we have any um cloth you might all be silk spice spider silk loin cloth lovely lovely so what kind of traps we want to do we can do uh there's but I don't have a lot of rocks to grab um we can make cages and cage things we can just do weapon traps and like cut them up with um oh we should do weapon we can make oh we have all this we have all of this uh uh shells we can cut up a bunch of daggers and things and make weapon traps I think these are my weapons a little bit of ammo could do that use it with ranged weapons and load the ammo you do that let's just do a bunch of traps foreign so um these guys are when you guys are done I'm gonna be a little busy for a minute when they're done I took I took 100 shell masks don't do that yeah I did I did I meant to that sorry I mentioned that oh that's fine they made a few uh I forgot that's what I'm trying to sell um I want you though to cancel the block order and go make me shell what kind of weapons do we want that's not where they're at no they're in here um maybe it is I thought shell was in here for weapons foreign I know I know I still shell wait I don't think it would all right boom boom yeah I got to kind of bone most ridiculous thing that happened to you in dwarforce mine was when a child choked on a stone toy and then the other dwarf in creative [Music] made legendary cabinet out of that dead child oh no that's terrible I mean you know like that happened no man I had um my Dwarf Fortress story told a few times um one of my first fortresses I had a um aware aware of something I remember it was where something came in and bit some folks and one of my one of my um dwarves got bits and so I locked him away in the caverns locked her away in the caverns um well she had a baby and so she carried the baby around with her and then whenever she turned into a uh aware Beast she would keep the baby with her walk around with the baby as she was out uh doing nothing really she was just kind of locked down in the basement or in the in the in the caverns chewing on the occasional thing um until like the third or fourth month and she put the baby down and then she ate the baby when she put the baby down poet thing with the name of the the dwarf was poet foreign if I get a lot of bone oh more migrants then that'll work nothing better than the mother's love my dwarf put everything in bins all Iron copper and stuff they don't want to take it out and they complain there's nothing and they make them take stuff out of bins uh bins were always kind of a finicky thing in in the in the olden days and so I usually stay away from them um I I try not to just throw everything into a bin I know I've done it before on stream a few times but I try to keep them relegated to certain spots like this this place can have a bin because it's where my shells are hanging out um because if you put it into one if anything thrown in there and then they have trouble taking things out for some reason so I I tend to stay away from bins for that reason so I'm sorry I don't have an answer for you other than stay away from bins yeah I've stayed with bins for like for like big stockpiles that kind of stuff and I'm out of cloth so the the pants are gonna have to change so the trousers are gonna have to switch over to um well silk silk soap pants the only Annoying Thing about doing this is you do get the uh the pop-ups there's ways of turning it off I forget how to do it though this is checked every day you can you can there's other things you can do against like I said like a monthly thing which is probably a better one because you don't get the annoying pop-ups over here but I ignore them anyway so it doesn't bother me anymore look at that right there so we got Shields now so everyone is equipped we don't have the uh the bags and the water skins we don't have any leather yet um but I need to get you guys trained I mentioned it a long time ago so let's set them up on a schedule so I want um I'd like five of you to train at all at all times you're working I guess at least five year train I don't need to do any sort of like Burrows or anything just just train so that we can get um you set up and I want um I'm like one every time I will take [Music] we'll do every other month if I had more Cobalt around then I then I'd let him do it all the time but there's 24 of us okay so every other month they'll get some training done and then they might actually learn the fights would be all right it's raining revolting filth Okay so if I eat bones to make weapons it's the easiest way of dealing with it oh we do have a lot of lignite here we make rock the traps or with a lignite starts melting some things let me stuck a shield in the altar there is that worth any value yet let's make a statue I don't have a stone worker I don't know that I want a stonework is there a statue I can make in here new I can make a bone statue outrageous okay so that's clothing we don't have I don't have shoes taken care of yet oh we could do that while I'm thinking about so we want um silk silk shoes same thing we'll do two of those and there's less than one some more and then we'll make silk um gloves let's make let's make some some head scarves just because [Music] it's been a peaceful day once I get some training done we're gonna go do a little bit of stealing now the only thing that the problem is Everyone likes me and I don't like that we're buddies with everyone the humans are over here and they're they're buddies they don't have gobbles when you know who we are there's a dark Goblin Fortress over there this things that we should try to find a small place and steal from there we go there we go perfect perfect there's ten goblins living in Magic clusters and they have the mystery of the farm I'm curious mystery of the farm what does it mean I gotta go steal it [Music] and over there we have the introduction to the farm well we know where we're going the birth of breads okay yeah we gotta go do some stealing stockpile over staircase if you have that staircase uh later they'll dig updates petition Cerulean insects have decided to uh to build a priest and a temple here I approve of that uh you guys want to want to want a temple I will give you one and uh if I can't I'll put you like I'm on top of one of these buildings you know we want to stand up here and shout and do whatever you need to do I'm gonna put chip on top they can get up here let's put up here this is your spots this is the um the temple for the Cerulean sect there you go you know you worship the sky well there you go there's the sky for you scream and shout let it all out looks worth a thousand bucks already they wanted uh a chest up there we will give them a uh we'll give them a shell altar I keep doing that not not crafts uh equipments nope not equipment crafts we can alter and what else can we do to make what's worth money we can put in a pedestal this sort of solves our problem or brings on the problem because we have a temple now but there's nothing in it and I believe the temple needs something so we're gonna have to go steal the only solution my gold dice can go in there though [Music] in fact we can make another one let's make another make me a few shell pedestals we'll throw a few of them around here it's that green stuff ah whip Vines I have a whole lot of shell blocks the altar's done so we'll get that placed up here just sit right there and then we'll it'll be flanked by a uh um a couple of pedestals I don't know how good these uh this shell armor is I'm sure I'm sure it's garbage [Music] foreign woman in labor shouted shouldn't wouldn't couldn't can't the daughter said don't worry it was just those are just contractions I want a pedestal uh don't put that your your robes on there Oh I thought you made one all right fine make make another make another one why did you know why'd you stop I mean I thought you were done still [Music] yeah okay we'll throw that up there uh this we will not put our clothing on it we will put a mighty dice where is it where is our Mighty dice it's only worth 30 bucks but it's something what's it in I thought it was in dice crafts I don't know where it is [Music] tools yep okay put the dice up there does not help much we had a thousand dice isn't there yet there it is it's there now what's it worth now a thousand um okay so we're gonna make something fancy up here we should build uh engrave that right engrave that floor oh everyone's gonna go do it you're very green aren't you Galder are you a Cobalt you look different a little frog man he lost his name his name is Pat swamp frustrated and unable to acquire something for too long we're gonna solve that I think right now you are a um yeah you're certainly a Cobalt small humanoid glowing eyes pointy ears and penchant for mischief chin whisker is somewhat short hopefully hopefully we get some value out of that I could do that in here also I made those beds I forgot about we got beds laying there put in here let me move those rocks out of there they're cluttering up my stockpile [Music] let's just make a stockpile outside here [Music] that will be my rock stockpile this one will not have rocks no rocks uh no refuse either um yeah get that out of there okay how we looking this is a thousand it looks pretty nice if you ask me all right let's go get it let's go get something to make this place nicer uh the problem is well we um not very good bombus uh Krogers here knows how to how to use an ax let me get crocus and bomb this [Music] into the squad also you guys are you guys looking as far as gear we need three weapons an armor and a boot oh we can make rock rock things okay maybe like five rock mallets and then make me a boot wrong one as always bucklers right um where do I get the the armor at boot [Music] foreign [Music] future I want you guys training every day all train all the time [Music] foreign hunt okay modern lizards um I think maybe we should go and set them over here I'm not sure as a as a hunter foreign joke um let's that's okay I got longer for you did you just hear a Wilhelm scream which is which is always a sign of something nefarious to come a couple of sitting inside the fire inside by the fire when the radio announcer comes on we're expecting up to a foot of snow tonight so please make sure you're parked on the even numbered side of the road husband goes out and moves the car next day the same thing happens the announcer comes on expecting up to a foot of snow tonight please make sure you are parked on the odd numbered side of the road again the man goes out and moves the car a few days later the same thing happens and now she says we're expecting up to two feet of snow tonight make sure you're parked on the where the power goes out the middle of the announcements the husband starts panicking which side do I put our car on his wife looks up from our newspaper and replies how about we just leave the car in the garage this time oh um foreign [Laughter] what happened when I didn't understand math my teacher summed it up there you go there's a there's a second grade joke for you all right now after all that nonsense uh we got some woolly spiderlings being born um we need some silk uh it's raining Raining filth and we need something to make this nicer now we could go in we can like build statues or whatever that's typically the way I do it but that's that's uh for Chumps so we're gonna go in and we're gonna make it um the fun way and that is by going into the goblin Hamlet of magic clusters I'm gonna go and we're gonna sneak in there we're gonna go in there we don't wanna we don't be seen we just want to go in and steal things go get them our first raid as mighty Cobalts I think it's just a book probably not worth much but we're still gonna put on there they leave already I missed I missed him running well there they go away they go well wait some of them go Soldier cannot leave sight why can't you leave the site and delete the site one of them left I guess you're a simulating flubber um why can't you leave the sights swiper Piper's my main guy is everybody still here everybody's still here hey you got a job to do you guys go get him why are they just standing around hey no leaving doesn't require a building you tell them to go and they go [Music] no they're on they're on Mission I don't know why it's not working but they have to go that way and they can't cross the river the only thing I can think of we'll get this bridge built and we'll see if that fixes it um I don't know uh unless it's done a little differently because we do have we do have the um what was it the war leader you coordinate raids and defenses Patrol type raging War uh not you who was it the master Thief which I thought I had one I don't have one anymore so I'm gonna give it to Golder actually Thief is that just like another Squad yeah oh there they go that was it they couldn't cross the bridge okay now they're off okay [Music] I hope they don't die I hope they'll all die I'm concerned I really want to know what the mystery of the farm is so while they are our way uh let's catch some live animals they've returned already it was quick looks like they found themselves some some iron bars some lead bars well good job what else what else happened they walk down there they all they snuck in the forces of the Curious bites searched around with a mysterious The Mystery of the farm was stolen by the kobold tobus also stole some treasure we got lead bar and iron bar we know that okay well uh I got a spot for it as soon as I get in my get my pedestal in here humans come back and wear humans okay so on that we're gonna put my book I just picked up which may not be worth anything but it might be worth a lot who knows was that a codex yeah mystery of the farm out what it's worth here in seconds I need a cobal that knows some that knows some value I don't know any value is it in there yet we don't know the value of this place I'll put a chest in here because I don't want one of those there's the book can we tell what um what that book you is um is about mystery of the farm bismuth bronze codex written portion consists of a 49-page guide entitled of a mystery of the farm authored by a gozath [Music] concerns the hamlets Helms relieves the writing is quite cheerful overall the prose is not awful but it's not very good either man we're gonna have to go and make statues aren't we [Music] another easy way to um get some value sure there's something we can make in place over there like an instrument or something I can't place any of those things no not the wrong one um I guess I could jump with a lignite I could do that I could make an Inc instrument but I didn't use it needs a boldest a boldest stick what the heck is a boulder stick a symbol of boldness but I gotta I can't do that because I gotta get a bowl to stick first I'm gonna Bowl this stick from [Music] a good thing I made a value is a big barrel of food hmm best thing I know is statues so I'm not surprised that the uh the engraving didn't do it let's build a stone worker [Music] migrants oh my gosh we got four more migrants they seems to be coming I think we get like four every time cancer is not his way out okay so whip me up a couple statues here what's that all about okay that's like an ore what'd you find out here oh microcline okay that'll work thank you mine this stuff what else we got in here late nights yeah we'll find some good stuff in here nice and blue there we go so let's get a microcline statue in here now we'll make like four of them should be enough foreign huts uh that it's gonna be real talk well difficult to defend against but it'll be a lot of fun and interesting to see if we can if we can defend against it it's 28 of us uh we're not the most uh tough Fighters that'd be interesting uh let me go and I'm gonna engrave that little spot right there and I can't put floors down when there's things already built kind of a bummer I wish I'd done this thing with everyone because I think it's neat to have it kind of sunken into the ground I think it adds adds to the Allure the dumb uh engraved is a uh is a slawless uh Flawless griegas rendition of the Sorceress whim well-designed image of a jumping spider image is a symbol of the Curious bites local Cobalt government gorgeous kobold hovels there well thanks we have a statue of octopuses two of them it's got to be worth something I love the it's my favorite part of the steam version is this stuff like this look at the eye the eyeballs on that thing [Music] surprised we've only had two babies so far I thought for sure we have more than that [Music] um no one else wants an office do they oh we care about anything like that everyone seems to be mostly happy some people are like super happy this is the happiest group of of uh creatures I've had playing Dwarf Fortress steam version [Music] okay there's my octopus statue how are we doing now it still says a thousand it means which means it's way below that and statue is probably not worth much [Music] can we tell 25 bucks [Music] okay we're gonna go steal something else a lot of stuff there our allies it's over here most things are going to be like books [Music] as long as they have candles they're happy what's this this is a freebie yeah we'll go take well we'll go there take some freebies what's going on over here get out of here okay chop the rest of these across the way oh this one over here you know we got uh there is mead hanging out or some honey we could get a whole meat operation going I think that's that's doable with what we've got uh Mead is at uh still and then we gotta take it it makes it make we make some hives can I make some hives out of shells [Music] show hives yeah make some shell hives we'll make um make a few of them you know I'm gonna do I'm gonna do a bunch [Music] it's gonna be this is gonna be our thing honey [Music] everybody make mead if they did they just drank so fast and never noticed yeah I always have trouble with me that's I've tried to do it many times and I always have an issue with it um because we also need to get a what is it Kern it's Kern right that's current is what we need I know it's a screw press we need the jugs and the screw press [Music] which you might be able to make you make a shell jug shell jugs okay make 10 of those they can make it they have returns what'd you find out there explored Apple legend or a pure Legend by us we found the introduction of the farm we all bought Farms now [Music] the stuff that we got though is is nothing real fancy it's just sort of like books lots of books [Music] a lot of heirlooms that that's the helmed Sanctum [Music] yeah we got all these books in here now we have an introduction to the farm now this one's um authored by uh by it by Geet it starts the Hamlet Mead Temple completely serious overall the pros is amateurs at best you know we could have a a library in here now we have an in you'd stick a library in here somewhere I know we know what we could do we could add like an addition you go to the library or we can we can attach it maybe in the back and we stick up on top somewhere you have a like a bubble coming out here but I want to take away from my Town Square going on over here whatever that's supposed to be foreign I have more rocks than I thought it did [Music] you know I could I could throw I could make this a room clear this back out and make it into a library put a floor down put a floor on top Library foreign [Music] magical hack thanks for the raid s foreign this thing up and uh there we go thanks for the shout out there Holly uh Holly Harley because we need to get um floor up here foreign maybe the statute can be worth more than 20 bucks although the oh what's this one oh oh the spider Chicago shows it like this the spider Cobalt or something I guess we kind of are as our symbol okay so now we're gonna make this into a meeting room and uh it's gonna contain the walls of course maybe include those it's gonna be our library now uh for our library I'm gonna go get some I think I can make a shell bookcase I make book bindings no what's that a caravan has arrived from somebody it's been so peaceful like nobody comes here and tries to trade with me okay I've got some things to sell you this time because I did I made some masks I hope you guys like masks I don't know where they are I got these books that's worth a thousand well maybe I don't know what my guys aren't very good at knowing what things are worth um let's see where's my um where's my masks [Music] where are they at where the ants maybe they got put into a bin I must have yeah there's an armor being here must be put yeah no yeah there's well there's one mask in there lots of clothes and books and hives where's my masks at I thought I made some masks maybe I didn't I'm gonna sell some mechanisms I made a bunch of these I made a lot of these I made them with the intent of making a bunch of traps which I still need to do but only weapons so if I can if I can take these and then sell them and uh buy weapons out of them like that'd be worth it three bucks a piece those aren't worth selling I'm gonna hang on to that that true duel that's good stuff foreign [Music] mass is worth what 10 bucks all right five bucks a piece for these shell blocks and I have a they won't be able to carry all those things but I'll bring them over there no they have a couple rats and there's one guy here two people here there's two Cobalts carrying this whole thing and a couple rats it's Dane's advice okay we'll show you some rats uh and then we're gonna go on another Expedition an expedition a bedtime Expedition is there a hydrate in there what is that I see a bag I'm gonna buy leather from them um I don't see any animal popping up in there but if they've got animals we'll buy some of them I notice these guys don't talk to us we don't get a like a an Envoy or whatever that chats with us dwarves [Music] I'm gonna put the mechanisms into a pile and then uh let me set him over here what I can probably do is just set up it probably won't take much in fact I may just do one square I'm gonna say this is just gonna have just mechanisms uh we're over there [Music] I don't even need that it's made out of what are they made of shell even in here must be in here shell there it is so that'll be all the all will go in there and it'll hold a bin and we'll make a bane we'll throw the bin in there and so that all of our mechanisms are going to a bin try to keep them a little more organized last couple of inches so we're just throwing bins in willy-nilly and it has been a little bit difficult to find my way around them for instance or that okay still waiting for some things we'll still see what we can sell for let's see what they have so you get a rope you gotta I'll take a water skin I'm a little short on those uh you do have a green glass boldus I'll take it some bull some boats I'll take some boats and a dolly uh copper Hoops I'm not sure what to do with that but that's worth a lot of money I can stick it on my my temple cave rats uh there's a cave spider not a monitor lizard I'll take yeah I'll take another one cave spider venom sure 3 000 bucks yeah let's see what we can get rid of well that's all we brought over so far as the blocks okay well I can't buy it yet copper breastplates what else you have in here yeah I went I want the the leather those big gems yeah anything worth worth taking a cool and a castle hedral how many sizes in a casahedral dice that's that's uh kasahedron a 20. that's a 20-sided dice I had no idea that's what you call it I'm playing DND for for 20 years and I had no idea it's called an acasahedron okay see Dwarf Fortress not only the uh um the uh I don't know I don't know I was trying to go with this you get you get to learn things too that's what I'm trying to say what a game I had no idea foreign spider so educational exactly [Music] it's all he's going to do is move our blocks around I may just sell all of them though if they can carry it I'll sell it to them and I'm gonna buy that D20 that's for sure it's gonna go next to my other dice [Music] a casahedron I know I I don't know dodecahedron is 10 right what's the what the 12-sided called I guess now I think of it I don't know any of the names of any of them D6 is a cube thanks MassLive laughs my rat was running around I gotta go grab them oh a decahedron is 10 and a dodecahedron is 12. okay okay all right so let's go and do some uh some oh where you at sleeping foreign let's trade I got some blocks for you and I got some gems for you we're exceeding the weights we're gonna have to see if we can get away with um taking some heavy things off of them I will take a boldus I was trying to buy some things that are that are heavy boats aren't heavy but I'm Gonna Take It uh I won't take the expensive doll in in the hoop um I will however take the spider and a lizard and I'll take the Venom ooh a silver whip I'll take that and uh silver mace is probably pretty good expensive though no not sorry I was gonna put you in your story but knock zone is even better uh bronze breastplates that could be good stuff I've got the money as long as I've got the weight we're good saltwater crocodile scale shirts how can I say no to that bronze Boots the cheap um Buckler I'll take some gauntlets chests and bags and most importantly some leather this will get us like our um uh all the the water skins backpacks we want to make foreign s um I need something something heavy exploded 16 I got 183 I just could buy a bunch of cheese it's not enough there's the dies of course a couple of those nobody have that's real heavy gold bars I'll take if I take you two gold bars then then we'll be set but they're oh I took a fire clay there you go I'll take a fire clay and then everything's solved because three bucks but it's real heavy so that way they can carry stuff okay perfect uh give me a free water skin so save me from having to make one immediately and somebody can profited 900 bucks can I have your rat I'll take your rats what I see here is not enough excuse me [Music] I want the whip [Music] fine I I don't want to get rid of that I like I like the saltwater crocodile shirt 900 bucks I thought for sure we'd be fine there we go that'll work okay glugen is pleased he better be he's made a thousand dollar profit all right so um uh paulgus sitting here around doing nothing you are now Stoney congrats let's go make some bookcases well we're getting another pedestal up here do I have another one yeah to hold my to house mighty 20. 1400 we're almost there so this will hold that which is I think in tools [Music] [Laughter] okay I'm making it all I can hold whole set am I gonna die soon that'd be great I wish I put me yet oh 2000 there we go we got it okay maybe we'll maybe take a little more look at a pop-up here if we hit it what's with the outside what's with the outside the mountain theme uh it's so I was trying to think of something that was we're doing a um a Cobalt play through and I was trying to think of something that would be you know a little different and I thought little huts little um Mounds basically not basically Mounds if it would you know mix it up a bit [Music] I'm sure to put inside here I can raise it a little more I guess we can do more statues just make me some statues we'll find one here somewhere okay um so that's there the bookcases are getting done we'll go ahead and throw them in okay and we need a table and chairs in here also do I have a table available I don't think I do foreign d8 has six points and eight faces a D6 has eight points and six faces hmm interesting since that is a library it should automatically get filled with things yeah written objects already in there we need a chest in there and some some writing material like that parchment paper that they had that can go in there also uh we'll get look at the table place if it's made in Camp and then when you get a chest in there and then if we get a scribe and all that we start writing our own books giant fly fighting I guess we got it it's way up here though blue jay remains okay do we make some more statues here two more statues will that will that Push Me Over the Top we need two thousand were there about not quite let's see if that pushes us over the edge lots of statues of Cobalts here what's our what's our value at hmm who must have sing strident wants to sing Go sing in there let's do a little more a little more thie even there's monsters all over the place and they don't have anyone Adam well most of them don't um human town here but it's got some things the elves in theory we've got the elves of it this way we're supposed to be eye with allied with but that seems ridiculous so we're gonna go steal some things look at this place 50 people there but look at all the stuff they've got pursuit of the path of the Moon heirs in the moon like the moon over there Fort Cobalt this place is just like over on my color this is I've made I made three two different worlds with Cobalt in it just to test the mod out to make sure it was working you know and both times we're like just you know like you'd expect with just a few Cobalts and that's it and this time of course the whole world is just covered in Cobalts there's 20 people here but look at all the stuff they have and I think we're gonna try for it for sneaky or a little Cobalt we can get in there and get that get in there and get that you guys are wearing wearing your gear right most of you are you two don't have anything I'm gonna make two weapons I've got some rocks now so we can make some rock weapons Rock um not in there where was that at rock equipment he's a I want you to sharpenable rock with a sharpenable rock be not be I guess I'm not microcline maybe I'm out let's go down a little further hematites [Music] I'm going to switch this book out with something else surely we have something that's worth something that hoop that was in there was nice hmm let me stick a stick spider on it drudis more statues of drus and blood gnats put a toy on there are these toys worth anything are they worth like they weren't much [Music] foreign worth some money wasn't it let's throw that on there that'll push us over the edge it'll definitely do it once it gets moved there assumed maybe not foreign [Music] major the easy way put that on there uh did we get are they back yeah they've returned okay let's see what happens so reports we're still allied with them is that who we went to I think I don't know which if we went to allies or not to write Raven these are you the elves well we were undetected so we uh We snuck in there we we discovered some things we stole some things okay good to go steal some more things ah there it is the priest will be recognize now all right that did it so pushed us over the top so yeah yeah let's let's let's do that uh we'll do it here recognize that priesthood there we go so everybody's a high priest the sacred Heaven of uh of this place is going to be um the first way to the pacifier The Negotiator uh let's give it to Galder is in the Army I don't think cholbus is not though so chobus can go in and um do some Priestly things apparently I have a hole there is that all open no it's not the muscles lead we found lead I got a lead floor oh I got a like the lead that I stole from that that town I I get there a lot of sparring you think I can um do some proper sparring now all right so now where they at here I want rock equipment sharpenable Rock I'm not sure what that counts as a little bit of coal it's about it though well I think we may have hits a good place to call it a day here it's been a very very peaceful Cobalt for it a lot more peaceful than it would have been if I had started next to that Tower in the volcano however um here we are at the uh the river of whatever it's called um and uh we haven't angered the the go ball uh the gobalds the Goblins next to us yet which we should do so far we've we've snuck around and and no one has noticed us yet very sneaky Cobalts so we're gonna go and steal all the world's Treasures stash him into our Fortress and uh we'll we'll build statues of them and then defend the place with our mighty shell armors maybe we'll get some weapons If eventually uh did someone die sure happened there we will send uh baroldis who's supposed to be in there broads can come do this also um and we'll get uh uh Jewelers anyone else we got one more oh there's chobus the sacred heaven who knows how to handle a sword should I just take them are they gonna be busy ah that'll be fine foreign [Music] to uh back to the on and off orders there's not enough enough Cobalts in this Fortress to be bouncing around like that anyway uh let's let's wrap up the Cobalt Fortress for for today and a good view of of the um little domed Hut things I don't have to have hack installed on here um so we can't look at we can't look at it in um Stone sense as it is I don't think let me let me see if I can let me take a look here um I don't think I'll be able to get it without having to like close and and Fiddle with it for a bit but let me try real quick because I had it in here but then it got a new update and it's not there anymore I wonder if I can just run DF hack I mean uh um sometimes I don't think so [Music] no well um I'll see if I get in stone sense working for next time [Music] and then we can take a look at um Stone sense uh the the look at this in stone sense for now we have to just imagine it which probably looks better than what it really looks like but um thanks for hanging out tonight save and return and I'll be back tomorrow and uh we'll play something else maybe maybe more of this but I think I'll probably I'll probably try to keep dual Fortress in like a like a weekly thing so I don't get uh I don't get burned out by it and um keeps it you know keep some variety on the channel you know I've been playing tour Fortress for like seven years so I don't know if I'm gonna get burned out by it anytime soon anyway uh thanks for hanging out tonight there's there's uh some some Cobalt Fortress for today and uh again I'll see you all tomorrow and uh we're gonna go find somebody to raid and call today I'm gonna go to bed
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 60,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dwarf Fortress gameplay, Dwarf Fortress nookrium, Dwarf Fortress, kobold df, df, colony sim, simulation, nookrium, base building, fantasy, dwarf fortress mod, modded, gaming, lets play, live stream, youtube live, bay12, kitfox
Id: d46k6Uz68es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 209min 25sec (12565 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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