Dwarf Fortress: New Embark - The Stone Castle

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all right so here's the plan today um I've had this this itching to build a castle and so today into our Fortress tournament we're going to build a castle um I don't think anything too crazy nothing like a giant castle we're gonna go with a with a nice Stone Castle you know with keep and and maybe moats and and uh I just want to make a castle so we're gonna build a castle today into four Fortress so we'll start off with a new world here and we'll um I don't know if there's anything we want to do oh you know yeah we'll change this over to like a um like a region map that's fine we'll leave everything else alone create the world here I don't have any mods or anything I do have the DF hack uh added in here so we can pull up like stones or uh sounds Stone sense and take a look at our world in 3D if we need um but we'll take a we'll just build ourselves a castle today and see what we can get ourselves into um we've got since I've last played we have babies uh babies with baby dwarves baby animals all kinds of babies and uh there's been a couple other little things that have been been added in here so we'll take a look at it and and go to the the destined dimension and see if we can make ourselves oh there's a dragon hanging around oh Dragon never mind dragon's dead not a dragon there's a Hydra no hydrostate there's a few monsters around but they seem to die quick consider our ice team ice our demon ice tune to be a castle well you know uh castle of stone made castle of ice uh Elsa can do it why can't I think I'm assuming there's water up here to the uh to the north but we may not be uh seeing it here but um we'll go about 100 years or so I'm gonna use right there and uh we'll we'll see if we can get in here unless we got some some humans are out this way we got some Elves over here uh I don't see any dwarves maybe that's what's sprinkled in through here um let's see what we got oh this is a little bigger bigger there's a nice Lake on this side oh yeah it's kind of nice I like this world what is this the destined dimension we had a bunch of humans up in the corner here it's like a dwarf Lane right on the the top of this this uh cane mountains goblins up around this way yeah what a nice looking map I like it okay we will use it now all right so let's go and jump in here and do some Dwarf Fortress let's just straightened out yet there we go [Music] it's a big thing to be added in Dwarf Fortress uh I don't know there was mentioned on one of the uh updates that they uh there was talk of Adventure Mode I'm sure that's the next big thing a big big thing I'm not sure if they have anything anything small plans uh between now and then I'm sure there's some little little updates the um the kids is the newest one that I noticed uh but let's we'll see [Music] Hydra did the hydro died of dehydration is that what I said that'd be great if it was all right so let's go see what we can do so uh what's the positions we have we have three different dwarves we've got those North fellas the crested barricade that's a good name for them for them up there the glaze of counselors okay amongst the elves there and we have the plain Castle well we're gonna build a castle so we should be part of the plain Castle King urist work addicts I mean that's just my calling we gotta do this one so what I want to do here um we'll probably we'll do kind of a smaller hassle because I want to get it built you know I don't want to go like jumbo size we'll get it we'll get a nice one night probably more Castle uh um but we'll we'll try to mostly above ground you know we'll do some below ground stuff for like bedrooms and things um but we'll get some walls and and uh turrets and all that kind of stuff but I think we should probably stash ourselves somewhere we'll put ourselves where the action is look there's some Elves around here um let's see let's see let's go like so I don't mind if there's an aquifer we can dig through aquifers if we need there's let's see what's up this way it's like the Goblins up that way there's some humans over here there's a dwarves that way there's a nice volcano here and I'm always up for a good volcano uh there's a nice look at that it's a good looking Road there okay that's like a nice looking Road um I think I look at the the bottom of these looks like kind of what I want I forgot to I was going to change my my mineral amount so it wasn't so much I forgot uh there's a human fort over there at Old pepper tub over this way um well so our kingdom is like right in here I think maybe we need to like we need to Branch out we don't we've done the desert thing we're not gonna do the desert thing but we need to Branch out and claim some land West I think I think that that volcano is just like it's just like sitting there right in the middle of a place I kind of have to don't I I can't resist okay okay let's go a little smaller and we'll like we'll stick the volcano like in the corner so we got we've got Sands um of course we got soil we got the aquifer there uh everything's there there's goblins nearby hostile goblins nearby there's some humans and some Elves nearby mirthful surroundings trees are a bit sparse um that's fine we can dig down and grab our rocks we don't need a wood place if I do it this way I won't get any water in there but there's an awkward so what kind so let's slap it down like right there so we'll have a volcano in the corner um we'll have uh we can get a lava moat lava moats are always nice I'm happy with this okay um I don't know if I care about very carefully I think I'm just gonna go and just jump into the game enemies normal economy normal yeah I'm just gonna let's just get in the game let's play some dual Fortress all right you've arrived in this little divot uh in the world do we have is that a snake what's the name of our place uh all the glory of Bim and rimtar uh a new chapter of Dwarven history begins at this place Thomas suzu shove oil Tom we're gonna call it Tom Castle Tom no that was just a bag all right let's go zoom out here a little bit so it's not as it's not as flat I was hoping as I was hoping for let's zoom out here and get a little look at what we've what we could we see here not quite as flat as I was hoping for it's it's so much for that um well okay so there's our there's our volcano I think what we want to do is I guess we're going to do a [Music] um like a Helms Deep kind of thing [Music] we have this little this little um Nook uh right in here we could potentially like flatten out this spot in here [Music] and build it in this little little crevice here or we could go all the way up and like build it I'll go right next to the bucket I've done that to me uh many times so let's just go Um just like plan out is that all find a good crevice [Music] this little this little spot right in here isn't going to be our our place I think's what I want we'll start out here we'll smooth out this land on the side so we can have a little bit bigger area drop the tree down our walls can kind of um maybe go maybe we'll have our walls kind of go along the edges underground Castle we've done that many times I want to open the open Castle okay let's go let's go let's go plan it out like right in here somewhere I'm not sure how we'll get our moat in there and all that stuff but we can cross that moat bridge when we get to it so uh I'll start off the basics let's go ahead and get some things chopped down that's a big tree there how many more trees we got yeah we'll get these trees chopped down give us a bit of wood here uh we'll just throw it into a stockpile there for now okay um we're going to get to work there uh we'll go ahead and get some let's go you know what let's start let's start by digging let's dig um look let's just dig over here and and there and start digging down just to get us some Stone to get our Stone source and we're starting our walls up quick hey even how's it going [Music] yeah I think that's what we're gonna do we're gonna start channeling this out and flattening this stuff so we get more space and so we'll flatten all this around here I could put it like in like in a corner you know that would probably be more defensive but I like the idea of having like a like a nice a nice four turrets keep in the middle old-timey oh classic kind of Castle you know so we'll do that a dad joke so uh this guy's walking along the road and he's looking at this uh he looks down and he sees a strawberry a little baby strawberry crying his eyes out he says what's wrong little strawberry he looks up and he says my pants parents are in a jam he's having a nice nice timing Harley all right uh oh our poo got dumped over there uh well let's go ahead and get some people busy uh with a few things we'll can move some things in a minute we're gonna throw a carpenter down um I'm just gonna stash him over here real quick and what we'll do is we'll get him making some beds and things and looks like we've already got Doug in there we'll be finding sand and silt loam microcline alanite we could have like pink walls would be a pink castle oh yeah we want this stuff I don't know that's all it's gonna be we also did blue the Blue's cool too we're going to start getting some walls put up as soon as I gets done we'll throw them in here and I'm gonna go ahead and set up a stockpile like here and we'll set that thing up as Stone right there I have the sound off in the game I'm just playing the soundtrack I have like a soundtrack plus the old Dwarf Fortress um soundtrack um playing the latest new pack soundtrack give us a little more variety yeah a talking strawberry that's right that's right the problem with my talking strawberry jokes plant some of that we'll chop that tree down over there let's see what we got for uh dwarves here so we got a little Cyril here um who's going to be um mammals sigoon who's gonna be clay man you've got Tarak the Mason no kids yet we'll see some kids in a second we'll see how tiny they are uh we got uh um Harley the metalcrafter is who's our fisherman going to be [Music] oops that's the wrong button that's the wrong button uh a Ben how do you spell your name Aben us Oh I thought it was even house I've already seen your name wrong the whole time I thought you were Aben house who are we missing uh let's get racketh in here I guess losanas is here Lo thanis what a name with a name like that My Expedition leader okay you love tarok not quite all not quite as Pink as I thought it was going to be but it's okay um let's go ahead and get started on some of these walls here though so we got some rocks pulled over there probably a good idea actually to go ahead and get started The Carpenter's there already it's going to get whip in uh whip up a stone worker to whip up some blocks whip up that's what I'm trying to say whip up some blocks I'm gonna go ahead and tell this guy uh we're gonna over here get ourselves a manager manager Lo fanis um the fattest is going to be uh um our magical we'll give him a chair here in a minute but we want him to go and tell him to make some beds uh more specifically with work orders make some beds and make like a few of those and I think most stuff's gonna be made out of out of stone I think Stone's gonna become our main thing here Danish basically means open house ah there you go I thought Danish house was h-a-u-s am I wrong about that is it a German thing to us or Diego throw letters away should have a nice nice clean language like English nothing bad ever happens to the diggers okay now you are digging away go ahead and move this over to my my zoom 2 spots uh nope wrong button it's been it's been like uh two months since I played this game outrageous isn't it I'm gonna push the buttons wrong for a second here so when we get this thing all set up I'm gonna let me pause real quick because I want to take a look at something this will help me visualize some things maybe you as well let's run some Stone sense this likes to crash and so we'll see if we can do it without it crashing if you do a baby steps baby steps steps baby steps okay um I figure I had a look at there we go add more levels um [Music] okay that goes back over there oh um okay [Music] we go up so yeah it kind of goes to this just sort of just a just a peak there isn't it to this big volcano right here and then and then it just sort of goes back down back down this way I'm sure if this has helped me visualize or not Big Trees in here so we're gonna build our Castle it's gonna be like sort of in the middle here it's really only steep I guess on the side [Music] maybe we're further this way yeah okay uh that didn't really help any but there we go okay continue I was playing with this earlier and I played this before with with um with stone sense I played where I was able to play Dwarf Fortress in the uh you know old-timey mode mode but I would have Stone sense like playing in the corner on the stream so you can see the 3D mode while I was building with the 2D mode it doesn't work real well here it gets all um well it just doesn't work basically okay so I'm gonna make make some rock blocks and I want you to just Chuck them over here like that and throw all your blocks right over there and make it a little bigger and we'll make this castle out of blocks you know we're not we're not cavemen we use blocks so let's get ourselves some walls here and oh planning tools here now ah nice I've messed with do you have hacked much with the new version um I'll select the material for the First wall is here and I think what we'll do is we'll kind of like we could go down a level if we like move everything down a level we could Channel it down um no you know what let's just let's follow here first of all and we'll make it out of we'll give it a minute give it a minute because it blocks in beds are done already we've struck all kinds of things downstairs including some copper I bet caveman not to build it a volcano I don't know what you mean by that uh the digging fella is downstairs doing a lot of digging so he's not gonna get anything done upstairs here so um let's go tell racketh here who's doing nothing we should get some planting done in seconds um I would like you to also um do a little mining [Music] I'll help Channel out some of that stuff or mine whichever both of them are big jobs um I think I will go ahead if that's gonna be our Castle right there maybe we should go ahead and put a down area there because we'll go ahead and set up like we'll say the center of the castle can be something like this so we'll go like um here whoops uh there and then go down [Music] we'll plan it going like down there there's an aquifer here but we now may not get to it well can we just free underfloor heating that's right [Music] give me a lot of mine then too as well it'll be fine we got I think we got enough rocks right now let's let's ease up on the uh on the mining here this stuff cleaned up real quick mammals and Rockets are down there hacking this way look at that cleaned up and they'll go do the flat in the place out and then we'll get some work done it looks like a copper just hanging out here good stormy free trash shoot that's right that's right okay so again silty clay and more silty clay there's some sand there um some silt loam there as well clay this is a lot of dirt it's like rhyolite there I think it's gonna be let's do this would be farmland [Music] so we'll build Farmland there [Music] and we're into the rhyolites um what's next let's see if we can find something a little bit a little nicer what level is a microcline at oh yeah I think that's that's the micro handle it I'd like to build into microphone shout out from Finland hello on real thanks for popping on over here [Music] oh I tuckered out look at our Farms put in and we also want to get um the bedroom setup reasonably quick before we really do too much too much canceling but I like to get like an initial wall up it seems like probably a pretty good idea in fact we won't worry about outside walls let's worry about inside walls first and in fact I am going to keep on being the wrong level here um let's just trash this stockpile [Music] and that one for right now and let's get some um uh walls done here let's do something like [Music] a little too small maybe let's go one bear [Music] thank you okay we'll make it out of these blocks [Music] of our initial keep this [Music] mm-hmm if the music's too loud let me know [Music] he wants um I don't know that one not that one that's what I want sorry sorry okay I'll get these figured out in seconds get those out of here um and let's continue channeling some of these guys [Music] thank you want to make sure we have a little bit of a gap between us and the wall of the of the mountain because uh things can just climb in from the wall from the mountain you know hop into our Fortress we don't want that oh it's pink I have a nice pink Fortress oh I like it I like it okay so we'll clear that out uh let's go ahead and get these while they're done since they're done digging we'll go ahead and get this stuff done too but let's worry about the Necessities here that's all done now let's worry about some necessities and it's going to be Farmland let's go ahead and get the farming started lots I'm not sure what we brought it with us actually we'll just do that's gonna be a plenty for right now [Music] oh yeah that's right let's go to our kick Zone and turn off no eating seeds no cooking no cooking plump helmets and um yeah it's all good no cooking oh wait yeah no no cooking the beer either okay there we go okay so we're gonna go and put in this bad soil but that's okay I put in some pump helmets and some more plump helmets and how about a few more pump helmets and maybe a few more minutes make sure we get that set squared away and there we go we got blue uh blue and others land so um let's go do a little bit of digging here and put that on that level maybe we should go one more so that we are away from my mining level foreign workshops and things upstairs this is mostly like bedrooms and in and that kind of stuff down here the main the main idea down here and for now we'll just sort of build a little a little um probably a little dormitory actually just so we have people just so they have a place to sleep you know we're not we're not go we're not goblins there's a rabbit and a dog fighting we found all kinds of things uh it's some pretty walls in here some copper in the walls right there we go so food is is uh on the menu I'm gonna go ahead and throw in my still down here to make sure that that is squared away and we'll throw in a um the other necessities uh the uh the the kitchen go right over there I may put the fish shop over there too but you know what there's actually isn't any water on the map is there we didn't make it over that to the river over there so don't worry about that Brew drink from Plants uh I would like uh yeah that one oops edits we want to get um I want at least like we'll do 30. um and I want my um oops I think's what I want to do and then we'll say I want this thing to be all right I want this one to be we'll say 60. so 60 60 the drinks if it goes below 30 we we make more okay and then the biscuits um you know I noticed that with the DF hack we can probably do the the other the old timey DFX thing in here can we but we worry about that was just some easy meals uh I want to have I want to have like 50 of them rounds and if there is less than 30 and whip up some more so that's all squared away let's go ahead and get our bedrooms our beds set up in here and we'll set up this is just going to be a temporary dormitory I think I need 10 bids so there we go and then we can even give them we can even whip up a table and chairs real quick just for them to have a place just for now so we get that out of the way so we can focus on our Castle so let's come over here not not tarok um whip me up a um well we need we need a door um go and give me a couple tables and a couple of Thrones something like that just to give us a nice uh spot for it I suppose to eat and keep our dwarves happy we're gonna get just the basics done and let's Castle okay so we need a wall here it's gonna go something like which way do we want our front door maybe we should worry about that I guess we'll do it this way because I've already got it that way put a couple double doors there and then this is gonna be just the keep we'll have a wall going around outside the keep so let's go and remove let's go and get our wall up I'm gonna use all pretty much all of this all right so we don't want to use a specific oh I did look what I did look what I did outrageous that's not pink stuff let's go get some walls material we're gonna go I don't want to go to well we can always where's the yeah we can go we'll go one short of air something like that use those blocks and on this side we'll go we'll go we'll smooth that out real good and we'll go to like right here with our uh with our wall we gotta fix that that hole up there too there and we got our doors in there as soon as we get one more block done uh I suppose I'm telling to make block cut or whatever um it'd be cool to have a nice pink castle all around though so we'll we'll focus on the alanites and in fact we can change that uh here at the shop um that one um B what's it called um alanite yeah that one LNA blocks so do all your jobs when you're done with all your jobs make some Ally blocks and down here we're gonna go ahead and whip up a table and chairs just to get them a place to see sit and eat and and do dwarfi things whatever else that may be uh we'll put a couple chairs in there on a table oh yeah so those will be that'll be a dining room um I don't really need to set up as a as a Zone just yet I suppose I can set it up also said it's dormitory [Music] and I'll make the dining hall in a minute that's fine [Music] if you tell me the music's too loud now I won't listen to you [Music] okay let's go like right there uh no I did it again [Music] do I have pink doors as well nice [Music] little problem here with this let's put a floor in I think [Music] floor that Gap up a little bit [Music] and make it out of oh my god of wood I like having any having wood in here is gonna hurt anything What's It Gonna burn down I don't think so I'm not my castles [Music] boss we gotta put these big castle walls up what do you need for foundation I just put some planks down it'll be all right [Music] the cheese animation for the bump elements look at that food now we got a brown chair [Music] yeah I'm not building this swamp I'll be all right [Music] okay so that's um what's another priority here let's get some let's get some hatches here [Music] however I need I need a couple of those 74 of those uh what can our oh we need to make some barrels I'm going to set you up with a work order on barrels I'm trying to remember my my usual routine here so we do barrels and we'll set up um how do we normally do this I normally do it to where um I can set it to where we've got like two barrels but if it's if it's less at least one if we have at least one then they're fine that way if there's an empty Barrel if there's Not An Empty Barrel you know then if there is no Empty Barrel then they'll make one or they'll make two actually uh so we'll always have barrels around so we don't have problems with barrels being non-existent and we need to get a good food supply of a food stash so if that's going to be who knows what they'll be in a minute but we'll do the same thing on the other side and we can start getting a little bit of a kitchen and a little bit of dining room stuff set up um it's kind of tiny for a kitchen and so we can do a little bigger if that's gonna be if that's what we want out of that place [Music] um we could also go down one more level and have like the whole level just be a big kitchen that sounds kind of cool so let's do that and then of course the you know the Lord or whatever he'll have his his will be up in the keep [Music] what is that Chicago gabro and hematite [Music] so it's something like like a nice a nice five six a nice jumbo [Music] jumbo Tavern dining room is that square no it's not [Music] there five six yeah [Music] I don't want to go two down down too far that's ruins the spirit of of our build here but some necessity Jim no doors oh you only made one door uh can I get another one of those okay how's those hatch covers coming along and there's one oh it's nice and pink [Music] I got a gold one there [Music] yeah Jeffrey protagonist is always breaking barrels on RPGs [Music] I might just die I'm gonna put a uh I could drink a drink spot right there um I said it's food and then I'm gonna actually um I'm gonna say none of that stuff and just throw in um well I guess we have food over there too [Music] um yeah just different so we'll stick we'll stick food in that spot it won't fit very much but it'll fit a little bit [Music] okay we have those uh those blocks down looks like we do let's go to the wall here and so this one we're gonna put something like over here I mean these Corners we need to have some sort of a turret in the corner so let's figure something out about that on one short [Music] okay I get to making them blocks what are you doing over here besides not making blocks we need a stock room in here too somewhere Let Me Maybe actually just do this outside here you know what let's um we can do like uh um some buildings out here let me make him out of we'll do wood for right now attend the same pair before Sam pair I make sure we clear one of these out wrong the pink castle of Doom oh migrants migrants have arrived hey migrants all right oh a Dwarven child Dwarven child would you say are you tiny well you're not tiny I thought the uh maybe maybe I guess he's a little tiny he still has a beard of course all right welcome welcome children how many of you we got 17 now bully bully okay uh if you want to be a dwarf uh use the uh use the channel points so I can have a nice list over here use those Channel points and then I'll get your names in there if you want to be a dwarf so in here uh I think I'm gonna move a couple of these these workshops over here for now though let's go worry about um maybe I may just make a stockpile for right now just to get things organized we're arranged in seconds um I don't want everything what's I don't want like no bars and blocks no food up here the corpse is none of that nonsense no no uh no stone and no wood everything else can go there let's talk about we may put some workshops in there eventually we'll have another one on this side we can actually put a big one on that side we put down here and we can have a nice um useful buildings outside all right so [Music] claro there's an H in your name claro the minor which kid you want to be you want to be the the little one you can be the little one emush What's um what's six minus the s why are they just standing there nine foreign can't find my zombie uh how about camps um can I type all that in there can't find my zombie excellent all right anyone else Brits all right I got it in there so you're uh no changing it now once it's tight yeah eat the whole thing Two Lovers okay wood barrels completes uh good uh so there's a bunch of junk in there including that thing so let's go get that door the hatch door oh we adore you let's get uh a door there can I get the EA pink one uh and then we also want to get a hatch um so we can have we gotta we gotta make a pink one we can't have one brown hatch I would like a new task of a hatch cover and I would like it to be Allen I it's very handy to allies on very top on the top there starts with an A I made it extra handy that's right no take backs [Music] okay so maybe we're gonna go up a little higher to like about there a few blocks and then we're gonna like that [Music] Just Go With It Go with it I'm trying to be creative here okay now that we can just go well we can go like we can actually follow this one down we'll see what that if I feel like this is okay up here foreign how much does it cost to do that is it still a thousand let's change that if anyone else wants a dwarf it doesn't have points to shout it out at all and I'll get you in there I keep meaning to change that not from being so expensive um let's go what do we have yeah there we go [Music] let me bump this out a little bit so I have like a like a tower there we're almost uh done uh let me do a little bit of of deucing that a bit [Music] or reduce these so we can push these back a little bit [Music] that's true if anyone has a much extra uh identity points it means is unfulfilled the dead bird over there [Music] okay there you go um [Music] here you go matchless you get sniffs there you go there you go uh wubble star path you wanna starpath in here look at that they want to fall we'll follow this down [Music] thank you [Music] morning out of alanites what is alanite [Music] um what what do you get is alanite just this is a pretty ore is that just a kind of a pinkish color door [Music] oh it's so pink it's great what are you doing up on that wall so what we'll do is we'll get this this wall done and then we'll put another wall and for the safety of the fort we'll bump our wall out just a little one notch um for the safety of the fortune [Music] what what about Starbucks not close enough close enough [Music] um uh the gem cutter darp ath uh let's go find the uh the most insignificance of the uh the dwarves a fisherman oh you already you already have a name um sorry about calling you insignificant um missed him thunder outside if I uh if I disappear I've lost power oh we have all dwarves we have 19 Dwarfs we need some we need a bigger bedroom uh we probably start working on bedrooms so I was going to make this as a Tavern let's go get a couple things you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna set up a second where is it a second Stone worker I'm just gonna throw him down here and I'm gonna have him just go nuts making chairs and tables and all that kind of stuff [Music] I'll turn this down just a little bit there we go maybe a little lap okay so and we'll stash all of his uh Stone constructions which will be in finished goods uh over there actually it'll be Furniture you can still furniture turn this into a Tavern but he's gonna go do his job for a minute and whip out a bunch of of uh chairs and tables and and we gotta get some beds made as well um as well as well look at all them plump helmets looking good making me hungry I think or thirsty I'm not sure what what's making me uh I need some beds and I need like well like even more than that actually I need like 15 beds okay Praise on tinting okay we got sniffs we got we got star path let's go get maybe we can make it like we can make it like like diagonally straight you know what I mean kind of the point this pre-zone tinting has been going on so long that I'm I'm starting to get where I can't even hear it now I'm just doing it out those of you watching on YouTube I apologize I'm sure it's really annoying and if you think that's then you can just get out of here because otenti doesn't like that kind of talk let's go like that and that's and that's uh let's go one more to there then we'll go up you channel that out yeah Chance some of that outs some of that out and a little bit of that and a little bit of that nice and flatter out yeah looking good okay not as castly yet as I was hoping for oh we have to drop where's our drawbridge gonna be oh yeah drawbridge um I didn't think about that part I think what we do is we smooth this out a bit more and we make this our opening yeah when tinty's from a little while ago no you know what a castle without drawbridge is not a castle we gotta fix it oh my animals I forgot the patch of my animals I knew it was something I was freaking probably multiple things I'm forgetting um we'll just toss them down here in this this little area I feel probably about to die so we want who else uh there's piglets look at the little pig he's so tiny uh donkey Keat and the goose uh the other guys can hang around we got a hunting dog with us we brought a hunting dog with us maybe one of the one of the migrants might have brought up wait why didn't I why didn't that Zoom where I wanted to go wait a minute tell you something wrong this oh that the emergents are here I don't have it but I don't have a Depot yet uh if there's gonna be the front Gates we'll have the depot we could have it outside the the drawbridge is going to go down there we'll just let's stash it out over here we'll make it Pink of course um and we'll we'll I'm going to clear out a couple of these of these uh spots here strawberries will be a nice nice four why is that big enough maybe five size drop rich remove those and I need a mechanic Hut so let's go ahead and get uh Furniture uh Workshop mechanic he's gonna hang out right over there host [Music] ah let's go thank you very much thanks it's 20 months gold thank you very much we need to get uh um as soon as that time we'll get mechanisms and we'll make our Bridge we'll have a big drawbridge right here um and what Pharaoh let's do with the uh with them with the magma situation okay I want to make I don't know a few of these diplomacy uh clumsy hello we're all the same as ever doing on all of this I don't pay much attention to this we don't meet we don't have any fish so we'll probably go pick up a little bit of food if they're if they're itching to train um what do we have a few Like Biscuits we can show you I haven't really made anything um oh you know what I know we can't we probably came with uh we'll keep our Quivers around we probably came with uh some like yeah splints we can make splints anytime anytime and we make wheelbarrow stepladder we can make all those things pretty quickly part a bunch of copper things we only have one pick um you can even make buckets we'll dump the bucket down too damn we'll do that let's bring a few things over there we could we sell a few things we'll just buy a bit of meat um maybe yeah maybe we'll bring some cats we can eat my elf would be nice if there was like a little bit of symmetry to this I don't know it would just make me feel better a little bit of symmetry maybe you feel even better if we had this actually closed up okay found the way Barrel's done all kinds of things happening about food puppies we have puppies okay um some dogs trained let's go see that broker do we have a burger let's get a broker looks like little Thanos uh well mammals is a is a good judge of intent and a good appraiser yeah we'll put mammals in there animals you're also going to probably be my bookkeeper then another rackets is going to keep keep the records no medical dwarf just Gents we'll send them over there and and we'll have a chat with those uh those dwarves not humans dwarves this guy down here your job is to make me some I could still make blocks no we'll we'll do uh some more quarters here let's tell them to make some some tables 10 tables is fine and ten Thrones for right now and make me some doors and let's go and get some cabinets and and chests um I want to do that I think that's probably we'll hold off on that let's do that for right now just get some things created here and then uh you know we'll just hit another bedroom up on this side just because it's here it'd be nice and organized nice and and Sami and then we'll get our downstairs is where we'll put our um our uh in you know okay so build a bridge uh we want to get sprig it's gonna go raised that way and it's gonna go fill up I suppose this whole Gap we can have it fill up like that okay uh and then once this gets done we'll get our mechanisms done we'll get a lever pulled in so we can pull the thing up look at all this stuff going on thanks matchless [Music] okay by typing in oof tinti I assume you mean um son of of undindi I think it's named up no one gets named I'm tinted because well it just doesn't work that way um here we go yeah you open our spaghetti wall construction that's exactly what do you uh suspended for yeah so the walk from here to here you gotta walk all the way around so we have to fix that we have to adjust some things there uh I put this three where three wide so I can put some things in there and I haven't done that so let me go ahead and throw some things in there we'll get rid of the we'll get rid of the carpenter outside and throw him in here well I don't know we've already got it downstairs let's go ahead and get them set up let's go and get them set up upstairs my fans okay so now we got to build the second level this is important do we want to look at do we want to try Stone sense again and see if we can if it looks okay probably not that was confusing before uh we want to get a wall it's going to go it's going to go up a level and then we're gonna have a wall outside here this makes sense in minutes like that oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no first off we need to get a Stairway up there I guess foreign more bug I think you get to be a kid yeah how many points you have 180 000 points sorry oh um I never I never traded okay whoops sorry I got sidetracked you know what I didn't really need to trade anyway um now you know why I didn't really need to trade um so um what do you call a habanero stockpiles food have I told this one before pretend like I haven't a doomsday pepper the stairs go up gold stairs go up and then we're gonna we're gonna floor this place um no no stop it with the I wish that would break resets maybe that's a DF hack for that so I can reset that thing I always I always do that it doesn't go it goes out to selected material because I do want it made out of come on come on I'm gonna let me like that uh let's do it out of wood we can go top some trees down praise there's not not a ton of trees around here we saw it we saw at the beginning big tree there though which one that was a spicy joke I have to go and get a butcher set up uh there's probably is there any animals hanging out around here magma crabs Ravens that's about it I could have had a bunny dead rabbit out there oh cave blobs I'm familiar with oh look at that dragons what is it I said joffers voracious caved Crawlers what town do all peppers come from Scoville at Scofield ah good stuff good stuff that's better than my joke if you're allowed to come in here and and tell like a dad joke of Jason jokes is what I tell but you're not allowed to tell better ones okay to gauge them before you go tell them because I can't have you in here telling better jokes foreign room time table time let's go choose whatever we can get we'll just set up um and we'll do four of them do we have any chairs I got three of them I'm gonna go ahead and take this whole place up as a dining room the walls because then the walls get counted towards the the beauty of it like that okay one dining hall I won't make it in yet yes we're gonna have a we're gonna have a lava moat definitely gonna have emotes if I can figure out how to get the lava down the mountain and around my um my castle without burning everything so we may have a moat we also may have just a burned castle one of you one or the other why is this not being done keep walking over it those bees honeybees you're gonna make my stairs yeah they are okay so a tree topped yet floor here that's and then we'll do another we'll do another wall pink of course [Music] [Music] let me try this planner thing out [Music] manually last all right last use hang on hey so if I were to do like this I don't want any material [Music] so when they get alonite they'll put that there all right [Music] Maybe yeah lava modes yeah so we're at a volcano we got a big volcano up here so the um the the lava is going to come careening down the mountain and and fill this whole area up it'll be fine I don't see I don't see any reason why that would not work what are they doing there this didn't work out more migrants oh migrants coming in set that up as a second dormitory and down here we got one little spot for uh for Eaton we should probably have a little more planned okay perfect wait a minute William has been possessed he's claimed The Carpenter's Workshop okay we'll keep an eye on him in a second we'll go look at him and make sure he's he's doing what he's supposed to be doing tables in here some plan tables as well I might work out all rights here cap chair I didn't do that right how do I canceled now yeah this is all right I mean I love I loved uh DF heck back in the oldie days it was great being able to do this and have everything planned out things can go ahead and get built you can just get things all set up and ready for everything when they eventually get there all right something funny thanks for popping on over here I am in Central Time Zone Central us a little bit of a night owl how do we get out of this yeah we go get some more alanites if I were to say um Fortress is out of out of food we should deal with that uh I want you to to mine at work um it's not like a like a proper or I guess this was not gonna get just the alanites like I could do it for tetrahedrites but not gonna do it for the hollow Knight all right um yeah our front part probably needs to be a little bigger people have been coming in here and we haven't really haven't done much about expanding so let's go expand that out uh where are my food hats so we have plenty of we have plenty of Spawn we have plenty of drinks we have a ton of drinks no food so uh let's go we'll dig that out and then we'll do a little we'll do a quick pick here and gather up some plants that'll fix some of our problems you can always eat the goats we need don't tell the goats um also I was going to come in here to my Carpenter which I'm gonna get rid of in a second a second ago but go to the uh uh oh you're right right oh you went gems I don't have any gems I don't know if you've done what cut Gems or not cut gems if when we cut this cut when we when we mine this all out there'll be some gems down here we'll see if that's what he wants um if if not I'm going to throw in a jeweler down here and we'll cut some gems just so that we can make sure we get that get that dealt with me and I'm also going to tell them to high priority cut these gems we'll know if it's if it's good if he comes down and grabs those things if he doesn't got some gems all right let's put a like a gem stockpile right there uh gyms get a little bigger was oh it's just that's just that's not him think about rainbows he's still there yeah he wants he wants cut gems okay we're getting cut now so we should see him come down there let me pause real quick and we'll follow him foreign we should see him pop down there I hope did he run down already oh did it oh yeah there it is okay cool [Music] all right so those are getting done um any more walls done yet palettes slow to get up here [Music] oh yeah it's not getting done it'll get hauled up there and it will be set those gyms will give us something to sell also in a minute I'm gonna pop in here a stockpile um a stone block pile and it's going to be specifically um alanite so throw it all right there and it's only a few steps down to get it to get it put a ginkgo wood cabinets offers it to the furnaces of relief that's us okay um so I set up I I was gonna do some bedrooms we set the the beginning stuff up here I was gonna put more bedrooms in and I think this is fine for a bedroom level level so let's go do some bedrooms now [Music] I'll set out something like that and then we'll do we'll go like a like a bit of a Crossroads we'll kind of build them off off over here how do you get the number out of here possible [Music] that's fine I'll probably go there four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve twelve across and we'll put our bedrooms [Music] yeah I might do something a little smaller well uh we'll keep it I guess we'll keep it how we normally do it [Music] maybe not for everyone the initial folks though because they can have some nicer bedrooms small ones on this row [Music] actually [Music] let's come back down a hallway that goes down like that [Music] [Music] [Music] here we go yeah yeah we got a cabinet we'll look at it here in seconds let's see what it is um uh most most dead buckets no no cabinets shamed quick uh what's what's it what's all about it's Ginkgo wood cabinet crafts worship is of the hottest quality it's encircled with bands of Ginkgo wood and round brilliant cut yellow zircons on the items image of the elf problems and solutions and the phylite brown codex uh oh it's it's is a book on there um on my uh on my the cabinet cool uh are you making tables I guess we need oh you more don't we we need we need 10 more tables I forgot I didn't set up enough of those 10 more of those uh I should do this one 10 more tables and 10 more uh Thrones and where I need some more beds we've got nine food again which probably should have a little more than that um let's get a farm another Farm plots I'm just gonna make up should we do this I want to do all of it plump helmets we'll do most of it plump helmets though like that the elf no one is called shamed quick yeah uh what was the value of it value of 3 500. plump helmets more plump helmets we'll add some variety here a little later uh this smaller one here I'll do like dimple cups um sweet pods we'll do a little variety with this one um [Music] around seeds so we'll do Corey bushes we'll have a little Variety in that one and the the last one I want to be uh pigtails when we can do it there we go okay so that should help out that uh I need to adjust my my work order here manage a bit of this stuff uh uh I want you to be let's change that to 120 we have a ton of drinks and if it's less than whoops make sure there's at least 75 and then easy meals I got that 50. we could we could just instead of doing easy meals we could add an additional one um some fine meals I'm not sure we have enough variety for fine meals but we'll put them in there and we'll say oops I'll do the wrong one um this one uh we'll do 50 of those and if there's less than 30 we'll do you know our thing here oh just the other one also to be please it's 30. uh and then we'll go back to this one and we'll change it I'll bump it up a bit I'll say keep like 75 around and if it's at least 30. so we should get some some biscuits getting cooked up here um I'm assuming that tasks will get fixed in seconds there it goes there okay manage it we need we need like a manager spot also um I'm only able to Castle but I got all these little things we should we should probably fiddle with before we do that let's uh how much do we have plenty of blocks yet we're getting there um I'm gonna set up a stockpile here we'll get rid of it in a minute but I'm gonna set a stockpile right there and this is going to be blocks but most specifically it's going to be uh alanite blocks since you have this up to 50 if it falls below 30 they'll make 50 meals or it falls within it if it falls so it's a I haven't set 50 meals if it belows below 30 uh then they make 50 more meals not up to 50 to make 50 more so it's I should be somewhere between 80 and 30 at all times on the meals okay that Wall's done my blocks are uh slacking what's the deal here where's the work order at um oh you know uh well yeah we'll set this up um we'll set it to like 125 and if you got less than that I could I could just say just do that I'll say if there's less than 50 make more with lots of lots of lots of blocks the one of the problems with with it is I don't have my manager going around normally my manager goes around he goes to the shops and kind of helps this out we should be more efficient if you had an office he doesn't have an office so he's a little bit inefficient here's what we'll do we shall fix that we'll give him an office anyone's in office he gets one I'm gonna get a door though he's not that fancy so we'll give him office there we'll stash it right there and that's going to be um office for the bookkeeper uh we won all these images first off uh which was mammals is mammals the major oh offense it'll be the Dennis's office we'll give him a desk um that one that one can be for for mammals uh actually we'll do one for mammals and then we have another one here for racketh [Music] we'll make them nicer don't you worry don't you worry I know what you're thinking you think those are ugly who wants those for an office Rockets is happy though he loves it he said he couldn't think of a better office like you know what what are you thinking you'd be thinking president if we had it if we had a table what's going on down here you know what we don't okay let's make let's make some tables [Music] tables um I'm tempted to just tell them to make tables forever hey Sammy how's it going it's been going on for Halloween about an hour a little over an hour to block the blocks will get thrown over there uh do we have a baby baby boar we've got barrels are just always the barrel order which is always done um so let's let's do a little let's do a little bit of make sure we got organized some things going on if we get attacked we're in trouble I don't know why this wall doesn't get made I'm not sure about that one um so we're not really defended we will get we need to get a second wall up here and that'll help out a lot um best thing we do is we can shut the hatch and hide underground we we have the beginnings of bedrooms which we can yank these beds up and throw them down there and and fill these up which um I think we'll just leave those in reserve and we'll put we'll just make more bits I got a bunch of cabinets we built I can go ahead into the bat set the cabinets in closest someone just fill this place with cabinets just to get them out of the stockpile um someone born a cabinet or a chest yeah you just have they're gonna have a cabinet and a bed right there as they walk in they have to kind of stumble over the bed to get to the cabinets it's not the nicest there we go um oh you know what let's do the let's do the thing set that planner up anything I don't care what you make it out of [Music] this is great and it'll just it'll just happen Okay cabinets over there uh we'll do we want beds and we'll again we'll set it as it is so we'll leave we'll put beds there I guess foreign I don't really have any chests but I'll go ahead and set it up and we'll fill in the other spot for chests if you're in a small room you don't get a chest if you find something you want to keep you can put it in the dresser okay and then the last thing is doers so we got a few of those to make do I have that many doors no yeah I do have the main doors we'll come smooth that out and make it look nice in minutes well I was I knew I was gonna have to put the bedrooms Underground I knew that was going to be a thing because I otherwise my cats will be end up being too big and I wouldn't get anywhere I've tried doing castles like above ground it just takes too long to get especially with bedrooms up there or there's two options either you you either end up giving people tiny bedrooms which is what I've done um or just like tiny dormitories I did it again um or you have to have a giant castle and I would never get that thing done trying to make it smaller it still ended up being bigger than I was initially uh thinking we could we could crop this side here and and that might save a little bit of space if you wanted to really uh crop mix things a little bit more symmetrical this can just go straight across um know I think hmm let's re let's let's reconsider some things I'd rather have a straight straight Castle than uh than a funny Castle I can actually clear this right uh like that remove those let's do a little redesign just a minor minor redesign they'll tear it up real quick you can always put floors down and make this thing look look better it'll kind of float but it's okay it's gonna burn anyway as soon as the lava comes okay I'm gonna shrink this a little bit do that and that'll be the the bar alanite one that I had and we're going to select our placements and this is going to go just straight across and this will actually go out here move our stair in a second in order to get attacked while we're doing this uh all in manual ill has been appointed to the position of Sheriff of the famous Channel of one of my one of the other one of the other places around here somewhere all right I never lived there this week we had enemies with goblins I don't even know who we are there's elves there's a lot of elves down here this is a cool map another volcano there too it's really cool man another volcano over there too I'll have to see if I can how do you find the seed after anyone had to see it after I've already made the Fortress find that people always ask me for the for the seeds um we're gonna floor this and let's just do something like that we'll make it out of um some rhyolite and then build our our wall oh we can't because that's not that yet when that gets done we'll put our wall in there the famous Channel all right that's exciting [Music] okay yeah put those blocks in there what we'll do is when we come upstairs here we'll do a little bit of uh we'll make a little nicer we're waiting for that to get done let's go ahead and get these done that's we got over here Masterpiece barrels that's food looking we have we have about 10. um yeah [Music] can I say bookkeeper why don't you make them a little bit better precision and then I promise I'll get you a chair the promises when it's gonna show up [Music] tables and some chairs what a lovely looking office they'll be very happy to see that tons of drinks a tiny food stash is is Tiny we could put another food stash in here I only have a tiny food stockpile so we'll put the rest of it let's do uh we'll do a little something a little creative we'll build like a a kitchen off of off of here this is where we'll move our kitchen stuff throw it in there it's good okay so this stuff's been moved down here um I wonder if we can do remember we can do this yeah multi thing and then you can just kind of paint will it work with the with the doors like that oh it does with the uh with the oh it's great with the planned things it works 22 bedrooms created done whammo oh it's great I'm happy I like how they put the beds over here which I always do the backwards and then the dressers are on this side horn blend okay uh I need some more beds let's make me some more beds to move that staircase in a minute it's like our um our walls are coming in we have some floors here so we can get these Corners done so that's done there let's go ahead and get this this closed off look at that okay [Music] a little bit something a little bit creative over here [Music] um [Music] [Music] about wood I was hoping that would be the closest material because it's right there it was supposed to be a like a round it wasn't around at all was it I'm trying to make a turret okay but it's not the most you know see I made that a little wrong wall okay so we're gonna go out hey Shredder how's it going out four uh-huh over three and then we'll do another three three it just doesn't look very round it's okay foreign events that are natural disasters in the game is there any risk to a volcano erupting no not on its own I I may have an impact on that myself but not on its own that sadly that we kind of neat to have something like that okay some stairs so now we can remove those and we can finish our walls okay some of them anyway and it's six food again I have to go to do a quick quick pick [Music] when we when we cut into that volcano we're gonna have we're gonna be we're gonna be killing some frames because we're gonna have some some lava moving through the whole place you do it quicker than later otherwise maybe FPS depth by moving that lava around [Music] [Music] okay that's gonna go and this has gotta go put a new one in [Music] um it doesn't get really erupt you can you can like cut um it just kind of flows out it's just a liquid there's no erupting though too bad though that'd be cool we'll do is we'll continue this down here so it looks right foreign [Music] ERS there in seconds okay I'm gonna go ahead and build a lever [Music] and we'll put it [Music] put it here in the main room wherever that wherever that was [Music] we'll attach it to our Bridge so we can shut our door we're nearly enclosed but things can just crawl over the walls like that so that's no good [Music] so we gotta get a few more blocks done and we'll continue our wall around the edges here we'll get the base we'll get the wall up and then we'll worry about making it prettier let me take a quick PE break here well I'm gonna play out and then I'll be right back anything bad happens it'll it'll pause for me give me just a minute well um maybe we'll maybe we'll pause it our book's been possessed where you going buddy where are you bug my little kid so he's so bearded where's he running off to where is he going I don't he's a kid I don't know what he wants we'll deal with it in a second so I'll be right back give me a Smith all right I'm not sure what this guy or this kid is um is one I'm worried he's gonna want to be a sniff I don't have any skills in anything other than planting I think I have made all of oh crap I don't have a craft store shop that could certainly be it let's go let's rearrange this [Music] good place for uh craft store shops right over there yeah that's why he's running off he didn't have a workshop that he needs uh built and hopefully it's that as if not it'll be most likely metalsmith so I have all the other ones that are Fey mood things and we'll see if he comes charging over here is that him yeah [Music] okay he's claimed it he's out running around grabbing stuff we don't have a stock room yet and I'm gonna just Dash it over here on the other side of this we'll just go we'll go a couple over here and we'll make a make a good sized stock room [Music] uh he's already begun okay good [Music] foreign good [Music] [Music] Show's away doing this [Music] any any building material of alanites [Music] done does that mean if I say this it will work [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I think I just use everything we had I'm not sure that's working right foreign [Music] bug has made stegos buff a native copper amulets or is it to us they all right we'll put it in our we'll put it up here as soon as we as soon as we get a spot for it [Music] well then more bug let me get a stockpile here uh basically anything I'm gonna say everything in here uh it shouldn't put in though like the you know the like no stones my Stones no wood we could put that elsewhere um yeah just just that and I want to make sure that we can have yeah bins and things and let's go make some bins make me some bins ten bins will do plenty foreign I made this bridge I kind of feel like it should be pink I'll leave it for now we'll make him actually fix that okay in my lever we probably should get that thing hooked up [Music] curious now how how it looks over here let's go away those are oops I'm gonna make those not easy alerts go I don't remember my keys for this um together the walls aren't pink but I'll just crash it yeah oh I just crashed everything ah okay no more no more playing with stone sins thanks Stone sense when we have an auto save last I've always recent Stone sense are you what uh what was it this what were we um destined silverware like this bang Stone sense I was worried about it crashing I forgot that I didn't realize it would crash everything um okay where are we at here um well we're a little ways back ah bummer yeah more like an Amy lamp oh that design I did uh tell you what I'll get rid of that stockpile you know what I have a feeling maybe we should go ahead and build a crafts table to hunch you know maybe we should do something like that and that guy's built in there I don't have the lever made yet oh how far back are we just a little before P time I think looks like those are all good those are all marked as bedrooms yep okay so we're not that far back um I set you to work on bins like those bins okay and you're still doing blocks yeah oh that's not even done on there ugh [Music] [Music] all right and then wall still there man it's been a while that's annoying dad joke this will cheer me up um [Music] so um what uh what that joke is worth a thousand dollars [Music] a Granddad joke I feel better already that's all I needed who's ants Chris thanks for uh thanks for for cheering me up we all needed that right now none of them they're priceless [Music] all right so there's that all right let's build a wall again uh you know what let's just finish the keep first that resets doesn't it keep looking [Music] okay hey chaos how's it going so this is our this is our keep this is where like a fancy folk should hang um and we can give them bedrooms I suppose you know we could put like a wall in here and and give the fancy folks a bedroom yeah why not they can have their own fancy dining room they could have all kinds of fancy things aren't gonna be very very nice maybe a little bigger than that hey chaos thank you very much even even after that Dad joke foreign [Music] okay so we'll put we get beds and all that kind of stuff in there nice ones they get to live in a fancy uh a fancy place oh I can't close there's no roof yeah we'll have to go up one one more so we will build some stairs uh I already put stairs there can I put stairs on top of that okay yeah yeah because the data of Excellence if we want I think we want wood there I'm out of wood any trees around here any more trees around here there's some such a nice amulet as well and now it's nothing [Music] let's do a little food haul here trees over there uh this is a yeah fresh with this stream yeah so but a couple hours here okay so when that wood comes in we'll we'll this stuff up is that a floor right there is that is it all floor this isn't it I guess I did finish that I'll go up one more we'll put a floor on top of everything foreign [Music] blocks stacking up around here [Music] nope okay he's got the job so he'll get him eventually okay might be in these bins oh yeah they're on the bins we've got the bins I mean now so things are getting a little more organized or combined anyway um debating if that's where I want to put my nice my stash stare down uh we'll go a couple couple ways down then we'll just make a big big spot there I do an update of the month video for June that's the remote uh yeah I haven't done any update videos in a long time um I used to do them when I did I was like you know only YouTube I would I did them because every month I would like I feel like I needed you know things things to talk about uh things to update folks on but ever since I started doing like mostly twitch live streaming things I can't say everything that I want to say during live stream so I when it comes to like the monthly thing I don't have anything to talk about um so yeah I miss doing the the um death matches too I should I should do those bring it again it was a lot of fun it's been so long a lot of folks don't even know what they are probably anymore except for folks like chaos have been around here for like what five years or something you wanna I think you're one of the first whenever I got a patreon account in a long time foreign 's getting done uh where is this guy down here are you making me some some tables and chairs please do let's make that like I don't know if we need to well we'll make 20. of each yeah yeah yeah YouTube yeah definitely I certainly appreciate it okay I'm gonna put in like this is the kitchen this is the new kitchen so um Vermin catcher's shop let's put a kitchen we're gonna put a new a new kitchen in and butcher is usually best best done outside because he's stinky but you're in Tanner and all that I'll put a fisherman in there just I'm not sure he's gonna do me any good put one in there maybe he'll stumble across a pond somewhere um I'm gonna put my still in here also oh Eros is is the new more bug hey Tiki how's it going make sure he finds a spot he has claiming the garbage Workshop he's standing there looking dumbfounded what's wrong with you buddy you know what you need square blocks skeletons you need bones okay well I can get you some bones um I'll just uh have to hack up a oh how about a yak bowl that do it for you when we get that yak Bowl slaughtered we'll we'll keep the Tallow uh plan so we can get some soap made also I don't have a butcher so we're gonna butcher that guy at I guess I guess we need to butcher something um he can go he can go in that little spot over there we can't actually oh yeah he fits it's like the food got back under control that's good okay let me get a couple beds in here match and we'll put in some doors okay let me forget beds doors chests cabinets beds um door I would like Stone doors I think Rock doors 10 might be enough a little more and then uh I made any chests so I'll make some we'll make them out of wood 30 of those because all the rooms have them and then we need some cabinets Rock cabinets okay there's some jobs for us okay uh this guy should be ready to go and he's gonna Slaughter that yak there he goes [Music] okay he's been slaughtered we're gonna take that to the kitchen are you going to Let's get to the kitchen rendering fat um yes so as soon as you render that fat and it shows up down here as as if done uh then we're gonna go make sure we make sure that they don't cook fat because what they do is they'll they'll render the fats it'll come down here it'll be in the on the floor of the um of the place and they'll immediately turn around and make a meal out of it so we're gonna go in here and tell them to not do that don't cook the fats [Music] where is it [Music] yak yak fat oh I see why don't I see it neat I'm going to forbid it oh because it was already planned to be made with he's already planning to make it into a fine meal [Music] what's going on that's what's going on I caught him why is it showed up in in here beautiful in the yak fat showing up um I don't know okay we've got it so no migrants [Music] it's okay we've got it uh side so we can go make some soap out of that now I'm gonna go ahead and quickly make a stockpile here of food let's get another another building over here [Music] [Music] we'll make it like not a giant one [Music] because I want to use this for the walls for the outside walls [Music] okay and so we got a nice spot over here so we can do something like a soap maker stash him in there and remember a long time ago he's still waiting for the skeletons wood boxes blocks you with the bones bones right there so it's not you don't want bones [Music] what's he want what does he want [Music] [Music] finished goods uh there do that one can be furniture we can he should go grab the bones on its own I want to be grabbing the wood because it's I don't know why he's not going to win hey look at the food 200 food maybe oh yeah he probably could use a chair oh he's got one buddy sit down and do your job why is it so bad [Music] Ruckus what are you slacking for [Music] what does he want pictures of a Forest Wood here he has it already skeletons he doesn't have the block he doesn't have the blocks good blocks B that isn't wood [Music] okay I don't know what he wants um oh you know what maybe is there something to do with him being in the bins that can't be it [Music] blocks laying on the ground right there [Music] thank you [Music] huh [Music] none of that one I want refuse bones anybody have any any ideas what blocks could be unless he's looking for like soap I don't think that doesn't make any sense one of my my fat huh I don't know what he wants [Music] [Music] so my early videos were my Sims 2 early Rainbow video seven years ago for some of your children were even born yeah that's true [Music] yeah the Sims 2 was one of the first things I ever did um x-com the original civilization Master Ryan civilization and um Sims 2 that was my early stuff first stuff [Music] a bunch of cats all righty what oh they're both girl cats boy cats okay I'm sorry I'm sorry this is this is rough but sagos yeah I think I remember naming uh a Sim after you uh in on the Sims 2 I think maybe um I can't remember that [Music] was a doggy dog fat [Music] no use don't use that [Music] he's still there um [Music] yeah Sims 2 Series that is one of my favorites I love doing that [Music] um I had um I'd like I started one where I I started with nothing empty empty neighborhood Simpson's great so much I enjoy it so much more than Sims 4. um empty neighborhood and then I uh I started with one family and I had like a rule where um if I needed I could not wasn't allowed to use buy mode so if I wanted to build something I had to have a um a shop I had to have a shop in town owned by one of the Sims in town um before I could buy it so for one of the bed I had to have a bed shop it makes sense like that if I wanted um a computer I had to have a computer shop in town and so I'd make a new family that would run that shop um a lot of fun and I ended up with like a full town I had I had um I don't know how many different families I had in there but I'd end up with a full town of businesses and and um everything Sims two revisits I've tried I've tried to revisit Sims 2 but it just doesn't work uh I can't get I can't get it to run on on my computer now windows 10. square blocks skeletons I got bones for you square blocks blocks are right there I thought it's unless he wants like a wood block something wooden and he wants [Music] Square block though I guess it could be cloth [Music] that's what else could it be it could be oh it could be iron it could be iron block or metal metal block yeah of course it's got to be it pink smelter and then we need a um wood furnace yeah locally sourced instead of insta delivered from Sweden um I yeah I've tried so many different ways where'd he go did he get it did he go nuts he's gonna start writing mad or is he [Music] um is he dead I don't see him who is it was Eros worry being able to play the bua yeah I don't I don't have any um I don't have any okay I can just throw you out of town will that work you got a lot of kids um I don't want to throw all of you out but you're gonna go nuts people are gonna die get out of town see if it actually works all right I'm gonna run around and beat and you go nutso and then I have to kill you okay yeah it's got to be what it is we needed we needed that okay so maybe a couple charcoals me the logs wait I had wood I know I had wood a minute ago could that be what it was I'm running a little low on wood we have to go dig it underneath there a carriage here before too long since 4 is free download I have Sims 4 I have Sims 4 and I have a few of the um of it I tried I tried to get into Sims 4. it looks good I just could never get into it kind of complicated making this thing [Music] um the quality of life is a new thing I put a lot of time into it I even have a lot of I've got a few Sims 4 Series on my channel too back from in in the old times we killed puppies for uh for all Eros and we killed yak and what do they what do they do to repay me they go Stark raving mad looks like our nice room's getting done here uh pretty soon um I said a bedroom up actually I guess we just do we could do the multi thing couldn't we yeah you know what let's multi this multi okay so uh this this one here will say This one belongs to a little fantas can be in the middle uh the uh the top one can be um mammals bottom one is gonna be brackets there you go you got some nice rooms down yeah chaos exactly exactly I'm excited though about um uh there's two of them now because uh Paradox announced theirs which would be no different than EAS are gonna have it's the only difference is it's gonna be good and they'll have a ton of of DLC of course um and then um there's the oh what's it called the the Indie uh Studio making one um paralyzed that one looks really good I've been looking for that one for a long time um been in development forever [Music] it seems the Sims 4 free though is just the uh it's it's just the base game though right or does it have more to it okay there's wood it's like food is back under control look at all that food we got and for some reason my stockpiles I'm just not getting or stocks aren't getting organized very well I think we still need some things in here we still need some doors we need a lot of things but I'm mostly concerned about getting the dang Castle builts let's build a dang Castle we need a little bit more we've almost got we're actually almost secure um I think this is set up now right so we can pull the lever not you uh let's pull oh is it linked maybe I don't remember if I liked it or not a full dilemma I should say no migrants oh yeah they did leave with with their kids okay all right that's okay we don't watch dang kids around here anyway uh pull the lever and just link the lever to that guy and you know what how about we ought to save just the base game it's nearly a thousand dollars a while expansion's DLC if not on sale yeah whenever um I think it was whenever Sims right when Sims 4 came out or just before it came out actually a little bit before they gave away Sims 2 and and all all of Sims 2 they give away all of it for free and I bought it I bought it then I had a lot of the packs uh I would go to thrift stores and and buy the packs buy like the the CDs there and but um that was the whole the whole thing and I'm I don't think they ever did it for Sims 3. I would love it for Sims 3 I like some three quarter of it too they haven't damn it damn it maybe the Midland Sims 5 comes out or before yeah it's almost like I don't know I can't it's gonna be Unthinkable to spend to expect anyone to pay full price for all those DLCs crazy man I'm making them block still make it on blocks Tarak that just sold job buddy what's with the pause why are you not responding door Fortress on every single pack of one two three said no more no way then my daughter fell in love foreign to Animal Crossing I love playing Animal Crossing um I just wish the multiplayer worked better that'd be a fun game to play with my daughter but it's kind of a pain to work to deal with multiplayer but even on it's even um like single player I think it'd be cool to try to get her into it she doesn't she's not taking any interest might be out of uh out of pink stuff yeah probably so let's do a little mining yeah flight simulator is expensive um the um the truck simulator games are doing that too aren't they where you can buy like you know you get what Cal the American one you get what California and maybe Arizona is that or maybe it's just California for part of the base game and then you can buy every state trucks and DLC is actually good okay [Music] oh yeah dingum I played Dinka when it first came out I'm I'm assuming it's just gotten better that was that was really fun one too yeah it's Australian Animal Crossing we will finish we will finish this this wall dang it be more more mining downstairs okay so we've got uh can I get some charcoal we got logs now uh maybe a couple bits of charcoal let's just get a couple hunks of iron around once that charcoal gets done and whip up a couple a couple hunks of of something I think I've got copper laying around here so we'll get some copper Main I need um charcoal and then I need the uh um uh Coke um which is there am I doing that right I asked you in fact we've already set up a work order for ash I don't think I need 10 of them we'll just set up like six Ash and then but if there's any less there's less than four make some more oh I do uh with the Sims 4 though I do enjoy watching uh lgr's reviews of them so I'm okay they keep on cranking them out that's that's the the silver lining oh we have hematite also uh yeah we'll build up a hematite and we'll whip up a um a copper [Music] a lot of beds in here are all the beds placed yeah look at that you get some migrants in here [Music] okay anything as long as everything's kind of ugly so we can we can pretty some things up let's go down here do a little little pretty enough uh we'll start out with let's start with our with this room we should move some things around so what is that that's Karma I'm gonna remove this guy and we'll get rid of he's pretty handy to have around but I'll get rid of him and we'll get rid of this stockpile [Music] and we'll set this place up as a proper place skull thanks for hanging out again as always thanks again look at that and then we'll do get those smoothed it's gonna be kind of a busy busy task but it'll make things look nicer then we can engrave the things and then I'll crank up our our values people may come in here and live here [Music] for everybody making babies playable a playable life States oh right you can play as a baby ah nice [Music] um I I was I played the on I think it was on the DS Sims or Animal Crossing on the DS I think is the first one that I is when I was into I can't remember if it's DS or the um [Music] Vance [Music] I think it's I can't remember but um the handheld why I was really into that and um like everyone else I was in Animal Crossing during the pandemic for a month and but once you got once I got to the the beginning stage done and and uh what's his face the dog KK's last name once the dog showed up and and like the the the daily things was done I kind of lost I lost a lot of interest even hosts has uh fell into a move he's been possessed let's hope we've got a spot for my friend this time claim The Carpenter's Workshop oh boy here we go again what do you want do you want you want gems and wood well I don't have any wooden okay okay this one I can solve I know we had wood before because he had some sitting under his feet before okay with chop of that tree down uh we're gonna go hunt for some more trees because there's not a lot of them on this map okay that'll be enough for a little bit all right how are we doing here we getting some of these we got a little bit of alonite in there good aha that's it no we got one more one more that's it hooray the very rectangular Castle is complete not the prettiest thing yet but it will be I'm gonna go you know what I'm gonna pull this lever hopefully no dwarves are standing on us while we pull it let's pull it okay good good good good uh pull that over again it's a great pink castle [Music] okay so now now the reason we've got this the overhang is because if something comes up to here and they try to climb they're going to hit the head on it they can't climb that's the reason for that now if we wanted to like if we wanted to unleash the volcano say that was that was something we were thinking about um the volcano level is like right here so I think we basically would flood the whole map so that wouldn't really work but if we could if we could let some of it out fill up our uh our moat was a big build emote and and then close it off so then the um the remote fills and then we can not worry about flooding the whole world um then we have it we'd have emotes we would we would have a lava modes I'll take some it's gonna take some engineering some Dwarven engineering and we're up for but not tonight we're up for it uh another another time um what I really wanted to do is so on these Corners I was going to put in some some turrets it's a castle and so what I wanted to do is another level up and have like something rounded here and then we could like shoot out of it um we have a ginkgo wood cabinets she offers it to the furnace of relief everyone loves cabinets in this Fortress there's one thing that they love in this Fortress it's a good cabinet you know you don't know you're alive until you've got yourself a cabinet uh I'm gonna put a stairwell there we'll make it out of uh it can be gravo we'll say this pink stuff uh I want one I did that wrong I want one there and I want one there [Music] okay foreign ly go a little higher what we could do is we can put in some flooring here I don't think we have enough for it [Music] you kind of fill that up so we'll have something to stand up there and we can shoot out right because we can put in uh shoot Audi things uh we call those [Music] um uh Arrow slits we call those we can do them every other because then that would be kind of cool [Music] you know that looks pretty cool we'll see how it looks when it gets built I might need to go a little higher [Music] I'm crossing around and across around the DS so um Animal Crossing um what was that what was so well that was the first animal crossing that was on the game queue what was the second one though was Animal Crossing is New Horizons the new one that's a new one right they're Sports they're like three or four of them now I can't remember the names of them what's that rhyolite okay let me get some more of this pink stuff in which I think it's getting made we're gonna build some some turrets my goal will end this stream as soon as we have the uh uh uh inkling of a functioning Castle that's all I'm looking for we haven't been attacked yet shouldn't shouldn't jinx it was a pretty peaceful day there's only 21 of us though we don't have a lot of dwarves we got a bunch like they were streaming in here pretty quickly at the beginning but then we haven't really seen many dwarves lately kind of they're kind of done with the place like what are you making more cabinets we don't want to be here New Horizons is a new one what's the what's the what's the DS one gotta finish the museum yeah and I I um it's probably been like a year or so maybe longer than that but I I've got out the DS and I I pulled up Animal Crossing and that song played oh man the Animal Crossing folks know how to know how to know how to write some music wild world yeah there you go that's the one [Music] which was floors first one [Music] well thanks Devon original original Crossing was on the GameCube if I had some more of them them fancy Stones I think I need to know the stoneworker let's get one let's get one in here it'll kind of it won't really be like yeah we'll just kind of stick them over there don't work right there um I put that other carpenter down here and I kind of wish I'd put him upstairs um okay so let's get more let's go finish this up so it looks good down here I don't care what you make it out of okay maybe we won't make that one we'll do that and then we'll get some some chairs New Leaf was on the DS also okay look nice and smooth now it'll increase our value a bit Caravan has written a Riven rated as arrived from a bimin rimtar you know what this time maybe we should uh maybe we should actually talk to him this time but we're gonna trade him uh we got the same stuff we had before beds we've got some we can tell them some bins if they want there's a bunch of junk in the bins a lot that's the problem with with these bins is like you get stuff in there and you're like what's in there who knows a bunch of gems in there we'll dump that off because that's worth some money what do you all the other crutches and things which I was gonna sell before but now we'll keep them uh they don't want the body parts but we can we can maybe dump them in there so they'll take him if they can carry them except for some of these keep the bones around we'll find plenty of shells this stuff won't sell for anything but we can just get it off of our map or we can just throw it in the volcano what am I thinking let's talk about you know [Music] I think that's everything yeah I didn't make any more of those so I'll leave them bins so yeah we won't or uh control buzzards it was in body parts yes we won't do any of those so yeah why don't we throwing stuff away that's not a volcano so we can go over here and say first off this is a garbage dump which we'll just do on my pets there goes the trash and we'll toss a bunch of shells away okay well we got anything new uh much to share go ahead go ahead uh I don't think there's anything else I care about we'll move that stuff over there send the broker in okay new Leaf was 3DS okay I never had a 3DS yeah um it wasn't cool enough for that one still doing the same work orders that we've got set here they'll still share places um even house you know how to fish that sounds like you know how to handle medicine so you could be a medical dwarf is he coming here he comes black bronze okay so you can have all of those that's all I got that's all I brought over here yeah that's worth what that's well maybe two thousand okay we've got food is under control now we don't worry about that oh the Green Glass I missed that Green Glass Tower um a Gong mini forged I can have a billy goat deal with food if you've got like some good there's some nice weapons in here we can maybe get I don't have an army or anything so we can pick up like a couple weapons came with a few Spears so we can make that um crossbows are really easy to make I'm not gonna worry about that I'll get a couple picks though because a couple extra miners a male shirt I'll take that those are expensive boots not buying those I'll take a cheap Shield you've got that's like um I want somewhat defending so we can get someone to get some some gear good on this spawn I will however buy a leather that's what I was looking for I'll buy leather I'll buy cloth um that's kind of expensive I just love it it's only 90. why is the cloth so much [Music] um I'll take it but I'm not happy about it [Music] by that one we're gonna end the yellow now so we may not be able to get anything else bunch of meat [Music] or threads just in case and I think that's all we're gonna get from you if you've got like oh you got nothing there okay we'll see if they take this any knots foreign [Music] okay now it's done too good good Rock doors complete uh we got all kinds of cloth and things we don't have any tailor yet so we're not making any clothes yet um we'll get there we want to get so you can climb up to this level now so now you can make I want to make like a um a turret not closest material don't do it oh look at that one of these days I'll look at that and I'll learn to not do that but I still have one of those still in your orders he's got it you just gotta go do it foreign my next My Hope for the next Animal Crossing is they make something it's unlikely they'll do that because for some reason um make multiplayer things is is not happening even even on like a switch not not a lot of multiplayer stuff going on um I hope we get some sort of a um a good multiplayer like good good multiplayer for next Animal Crossing that's what I want I'm missing missing uh on Rotten hello Fanny uh uh uh unrotton Tallow fatty glob yeah um yeah it's still there foreign no migrants again man we are migrantless hmm so we found the pond somewhere that's where all the food came in we found a pond somewhere and those Turtles out of it and we have just like a ton of in this this bin is just filled with junk my fish I just just tossed the bin because I don't think there's anything in there I hope it's the bones out oh you know what we can do it go to the stockpile and we'll say it's refused but we don't want any bones in there so Corp you know whatever that stuff's fine but I don't want um no bones in there skulls shells can go okay so then they should they should empty it and then we'll go through it and then volcano yeah it's mirthful yeah we um I I did look close enough because I didn't realize there's so many so many volcanoes around but um yeah I was trying to go for a nice volcano volcano Castle and it was here in the merciful biome but we have multiple choices oh look at that oh it's looking good looking better uh let's go do some more of that so we'll do something like we could do every two just for the cool looks like that we'll do some more stuff right here um we'll line it up does that line up yeah crenellation that's the word okay let's crenellate these walls speaking of crenellating walls I ran out of food this week and uh I'm ashamed to say but I had to I had to steal some from my uh my next door neighbors uh herb garden but but all she had was was uh [Music] one herb and uh I'm living on borrowed time I know the dad jokes today have just been a little little subpar I'll do better next time I won't but I just feel like I say that maybe it'll it makes it maybe eases the blow where are my dang blocks I'm mining down here oh we might there wasn't any any pink stuff uh okay the old time jokes okay oh it just have been made yeah good that's where all the wood went to those chests I forgot about we I made all those okay so this guy uh into the trash just throw the whole bin into the volcano if you do it I want to watch you do it dad jokes get better with age just like a beard it grows on you [Laughter] foreign actually you know what I think our bedroom's actually looking all right so we got are they done okay we're done yeah bedrooms are all done except for that cabinet these rooms are separate I'm not sure what to do with these but just they're leftovers um we could make an in and make those as like our our storage fluffy wobbler hahaha I saw some of those earlier I wasn't sure what they were oh merciful okay you're making me some you making some now oh great okay we got bedrooms for these fellas we could make them like a dining room like a like like a neat dining room that's a that's a good a good way to go uh go out here better if they're all pink but I'll accept whatever they want to put in there table would be a lot cooler if they're all pink wouldn't it hey you uh make me some uh Rock tables um just forever but I want well I want them to all be that game now you can make them [Music] oh turquoise cool there we go there's a bunch of that's um you have a wheelbarrow here right should probably make some more maybe some more of that wood he was a long we have such a trouble getting any new dwarves in here is our so pretty well if yeah it's not the best uh maybe we'd get in army so we're a little or like halfway prepared here for something uh civilian alerts so commander is going to be uh uh wubble star path this will be a metal metal armor Squad I didn't mean to do that the named syrups perfect okay what was gonna leave the lead the pack and who's gonna be in here what do we need in here backpack can go in there I'm gonna put a couple people in [Music] son of otenti and [Music] these people are all important I don't want to throw them on there uh lothanas took the stoneworker's shop I need to adjust your gear [Music] oh yeah I I broke it um [Music] actually you know what I'm just gonna say where whatever you'll find something you like put it on I don't care what you wear use this is going to be the uh the whatever okay so the grab whatever um and they'll start grabbing some stuff what you putting on well that's not the most defensive stuff you gotta melt you got the male shirt you gotta okay so they're getting there someone we make some better stuff they'll they should auto fill it out it may not be like perfect but they should fill in some things here's what a wobbler meant Wiki says it's a statistic success 3D graphing thing for finding zones of Rapid change Okay now what's the problem here I must have cut gems yeah I kind of ruined that [Music] do that some more uh do we have some gems around okay we can get some [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] show up okay we'll do this one over here first no blocks should go flattened that a little bit why is that for bubbles poison attack that can kill his buddies and War Tails we don't talk about that thank you foreign we're getting there we almost have a turret it's Darius construction let's see what we get out of this guy floor is done get more walls up here since we get more more of those blocks made so it was a real pain getting getting these done because you got to put the floor in first so they can get the corner ones [Music] uh an alonite figure of figurine of humans humans all right I need a wall to go across here otherwise they'll just crawl up here and they'll just jump over and and dive into attack because my doors are kind of dumb um they liked it charge attack for some reason so these walls should be able to get done now are anyone there and there [Music] Let's do an experiment for this one in a minute [Music] okay we'll remove that's [Music] take a look at this figurine we got a couple things little patch actually so we have the other cabinet we got Maiden uh the ginkgo wood cabinet sitting in a stockpile it's decorated with Ginkgo wood and circle of bands of points and cuts milk quartzes dorm of hanging rings of Ginkgo wood and menaces of spikes of gingo wood and I think I would the other one was this little figure here figurine of humans the long one twelve thousand uh masterfully designed image of humans and goblins and alanite by lovenis are our exhibition leader humans are fighting with the goblins the artwork relates to the attack by the entangled Nations on the hate of snarling and The Honorable Sienna Hill in the Battle of autumn of 69 during no lock nador the battle of craziness circle with bands of pigtail and oval yellow zircon cabochons obvious object Menace of the spikes of native copper and turquoise what a what a figurine on the image on the item is an image of dwarves and alonites the dwarves are laboring the artwork relates to the foundation of dangled trumpets by the Fatal seals of the plain Castle in 12. well we got to put that on display that belongs in a museum uh let's make a display case you make me a Worthy pedestal now star control two oh man good stuff hey Prismatic flux how's it going sorry I missed you there did he make it I wasn't watching we'll find out I want a display I'm gonna put it um go to the end of the hall um we'll right there maybe somebody will make it at some point I'll probably hear me scaring that he's carrying the rock around it's gonna go a long way to carry that rock yeah we need to make we need to move this I've been meaning to move these two these two shops for a long time and I still have never done it um I set up well I've got the uh this guy is here I can move the carpenter guy probably pretty easily what's over here are you still here why are they still here you should go home they already said they're leaving I thought okay we got a pedestal in there so we can dip the pedestal there or or it's always good to have pedestals and there's like nice looking things like where people are walking a lot there's a lot of walking going on like around here one of these Corners actually might be a better place for it because everyone will see it then and they get get happy seeing that kind of stuff so we'll throw that there and then we'll put that figurine on it here we go we'll add that [Music] wherever it is there he is toss them on there and that'll that'll make people pretty happy and then of course we can come in we can engrave some things let's engrave engrave this that's pot can use this Engraving and we could probably do a bit of engraving in the main hall here you know maybe we'll worry about we won't worry about the um the floors just yet we get the walls done [Music] I'll crank up the old value by nothing nothing yet was that 67 000 before and we just made this this super nice thing [Music] block are getting cranked out now [Music] so here's what I do we're gonna cut the corners on this one may look dumb will change if it does um actually let's stick on back one oh because I think we don't need him out here [Music] [Music] I think we can actually I don't know if they can reach that to build that I can't stand there and build it we have to put a wall there our floor I want to go like I don't want to be like out like that I want it to be a normal wall shape we'll see what happens I don't really I think if I need a floor out this way prepare you anyway [Music] okay they can walk on top so it's fine it's actually perfect [Music] chaos thank you very much thanks for hanging out again I hope you have a good one it's my bedtime too I can get I need to get to bed this is probably a good place to call it a day actually let's do that we got we got the beginnings of a castle we have that oh here's what we'll do uh uh before we wrap it up let me let me save uh what I call this uh cast Castle again um and then we'll pull up Stone sense and we'll take a look at it and we'll see if it actually works if it crashes you know no big deal we got it saved we'll take a look at our castle and see if it looks like a castle [Music] hopefully [Music] and I don't it won't be quite as Pink as we're hoping for but it's getting there it took a took a few hours but we're getting there okay so now let's go pull up Stone sense and the trick Stone sense is is if I make those go away will it go away um make this slowly bigger but not crashing anything foreign s are we gotta get rid of that is that ain't gonna work I like it how do I get rid of those um okay keyboard commands F2 there we go okay uh Zoom is period in comma look I wish it was pink but look at it it looks like a castle it reminds you of the battle of craziness look it looks like a castle okay so we just Mouse will go up and down if you want to see more levels hit control and mouse wheel yep okay look at that there's there's some turrets ah what do you think it's kind of like it's not the not the it's not the greatest okay it's gonna take a little time to get to the greatest it's almost like it's like uh like one of the first Lego castles you know it wasn't fancy but it was yellow and it was great we go down we got all the corset underground stuff which does look better in stone sense there's the bedroom lands and we got the uh the dining hall let me zoom in a little bit there we go okay so I think so next time I think my goal my goal is clearly to make it look good in stone sense so we could like maybe floor some of this stuff or put some roads down so that this this grass gets taken out of here because it's grass inside a castle how do you rotate the thing around routine is enter oh yeah [Music] we want to rotate it like like there's our front gate there [Music] those lock box no it's just one game this is just a this is a so I guess I should say that um this is just a utility is the program that uh basically just takes your fort that's playing right now you can technically play it with stone sense running doesn't work very well but you can and um puts in a 3D eye and an isometric mode um viewer and so you can kind of see your castle and so this is this is my this is 3D Castle this is Duty Castle it's pink that one's yellow I'm not sure what the deal with that is but um and you can even uh if I pull it up here it's hard to show it on stream easily but if I move oh it's actually not locked there's a way it's f yeah so as I move my mouse as I cursor up or whatever it changes I think you can see it in this the screen I don't I don't mess with stones it's too much it's very crashy uh if I if I go up it goes up and if it follows my my camera around um well you get the idea it's like you play it with this with this sort of running in the background um if I here I'll I'll play this one I noticed that stone sense however is very sluggish so you can see this like we're looking at like 10 frames a second here I'm gonna move through a slow with don't sense running but you know it's a castle it qualifies we need to keep needs to be a little bigger we need to put some we need to put some uh some uh um what kind of license on top of the of the keep and we'll have a tiny a tiny castle okay well I'm happy there we go all right quit it's already saved so I'm really quick thanks for hanging out tonight I certainly appreciate it um this is not the same world as the pyramid no um I was gonna do that but the uh the dwarf the DF hack thing came out I wanted to play around with a little bit and I don't know if that would work with the world that I had with the the pyramid one so that's what I was gonna do originally and I saw that DF hacks I was like well I'll just do a new one so we will eventually we'll go back to that one the one where we're trying to re-rebuild the Empire but anyway thanks for hanging out tonight um and uh we'll call today I'll be here tomorrow we'll play something else and we'll come back to this one we'll check it out here I don't know a few days we'll come back and play some more of that
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 38,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dwarf Fortress gameplay, Dwarf Fortress nookrium, Dwarf Fortress, kobold df, df, colony sim, simulation, nookrium, base building, fantasy, dwarf fortress mod, modded, gaming, lets play, live stream, youtube live, bay12, kitfox
Id: palsxGs862o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 23sec (11363 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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