Dwarf Fortress: The Were-Kobold Village [part 2]

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I have a mod going we are Cobalts and I've I've built these hovels that we are living every that everything's being built into and uh more similar to dwarves we don't have the metal work we don't have the um uh this like this well the metal working and smoothing like like dwarves do uh we're also more feeble we're also a little bit cuter um but most importantly uh we are very fragile and I thought for something a little different we would build something a little different uh we have some spider pets we got some snake pets we have giant rat pets we have some monitor lizard pets uh uh and also we're doing a lot of building out of shells we're using all our shells to make mostly everything I think these walls over here this whole our whole Barracks here is made out of shells um our um a lot of our weapons and I think our I think our most of our armor is made out of shells as well uh it's like magic the conus there is walking around with a couple babies and we have 28 Cobalts in this town we have no defense and so if we get attacked bad things are gonna happen we're gonna die basically and uh so the goal today is to just to build a defense um I assumed wrongly that it's I I think I was gonna make it one day of this I thought it was gonna be a one day Fort we're gonna get destroyed by uh something dwarves or something and it'd be all over but we're still here we haven't really had an attack I don't think we have an attack at all actually um we do have an army uh we've got an army of the the uh the eviscerated confusion here and we've done a lot of raiding uh you can see some of us have weapons we got some bows and and well some of us have weapons um we'll be going around we've swiped a few things from from uh the neighbors and we're mostly at peace with everyone around us or they don't know who we are uh there are a lot of towers there that are very angry with us in fact kobold Towers Cobalt Towers now that's that's something to be looking forward to something to achieve [Music] last month I had one thing this month I have two things what is next month March thank you um anyway today I think what I want to do today is get some sort of Defense so we've got this bridge going over our River here I think what we need to do is we need to we need to uh create a moat we're gonna we're gonna separate ourselves and and uh cut ourselves off into an island so we have at least water to stop us so something comes flying in and won't stop anything but we'll have some sort of defense that we can fight on the bridges we can get some cages stopping some things and um well we'll see where it goes from there uh I think that's um our initial goal is to go around and just keep on stealing things because lower Cobalts and yeah yeah something to just can't stop so I'm gonna go ahead and dig um I'm not gonna go I'm gonna Channel like up up to the point but not all the way to the uh to the water there I might as well connect up to that why not and then we'll build the rest of it like over this way I don't wanna I wanna make sure we keep our mind inside which is gonna be fine um we'll chop up some trees here and we'll keep on we'll just kind of connect up these things here and basically run this thing around actually I shouldn't do that I'll remove some of that stuff uh um and uh we'll go and kind of build it around this way this little pool there we can connect up but I think I'm gonna leave I don't wanna I wanna have a bit of a gap so if we get more buildings in we've got room for it so that's that's my plan um it's gonna take a little while to do this because we are just little Cobalts and like that and then and then from the river we'll go like you know over here and meet up with it might not be a bad idea to something like um a choke point of some kind how would we do that could we um can we maybe do like I think I think what I want to do is I'm going to I'm going to cut a hole in this and have this like a road go through my in and have a couple more buildings on this side we can always cover that water up but if this is going to be our spot let's do something like that and then uh and do a little digging around and just have a bit of a um a binge in our River and so things will have to kind of like come around to our bridge and so we can kind of like stand here and shoot things I don't know if it's a good idea or not but this I'm just going for something a little different so we'll try that make sure we have enough Gap here so that things don't can't just jump over the water which they will do so let's go ahead and make sure that isn't connected up because it'll flood everything and that one and we're just gonna get the digging done first and then we'll deal with everything else in a minute and it's gonna be just sort of the first level of digging we've got we're gonna do this a few a few ways down but we'll get started on that let's get a little water going and um I think I'm gonna change this thing around here uh this this stockpile and I'm going to edit it a bit maybe like separated a bit like that and we'll have a rocker road that goes through here like a road goes this this if anything seems like a main building it's that one if you ask me so uh I think we'll have a road to go through here and then have a few more buildings over on this side is the uh is sort of the plan um so while that that's going to be happening um oh you know speaking of uh I forgot I had a request on on YouTube to um to name one of the most important of the Cobalts with with uh with a name uh bingas so we'll get ourselves a buttercup and uh yeah Buttercup uh uh two hey Harley how's it going we had Buttercup we had Buttercup Jr so we need like a buttercup the third or um something something buttercup butter a butter spindle or something for our spider as the game saves eventually as the game saves silently I notice there's some fighting going on here which I didn't notice uh why maybe I was a little too late what is that oh my cave rat's fighting okay uh you will be spiderling you could be the baby spider yeah yeah uh this is going to be buttercup um yeah enter put down here too um Buttercup spiraling there you go resist sickness and tough it's kind of spiders I expect keep your name yeah Buttercup spiderling stray Buttercup spiderling perfect buttermug okay we got a scholar visiting us I was thinking uh last time though we didn't have any visitors um last time did we we've held a lack of visitors so I expect some more of that I'm gonna go ahead and get a road started up where um we're gonna do a little little terraforming here and put in a paved Road and something like this I'm gonna go through here just because it's gonna kind of can be kind of neat we make those roads out of shell that's cool um we have a lot of logs we'll make all I guess we'll use the logs I was in um I was in Florida just about a month ago and this may not be this is this is not new for anyone that lives on the coast but I was fascinated I've seen this before in um Virginia but like around here when you have gravel roads it's just like you know little rocks throw a bunch of rocks on the ground travel road but over there because there's so many shells they use shells as gravel just walking around this uh like um this like nature thing and they use like shells instead of rocks and they're fancy looking my daughter was like loving it she's over there picking up the picking up the shells which I'm sure as as a um like a native it's probably like you know you're a tourist when you're walking around picking up the gravel but anyway that's my story that's all I got so let's build our road here and I think we're just gonna go straight to the edge we can build our that's uh uh over that way it's like the exact same it's it's it's essentially it's like it's just like gravel it's just little shells um and you can even go to like um you can go to like the hardware store you know like so around here you can buy the go to hardware stores to buy bags of gravel you can go to the hardware store there and just buy bags of of shells which I think is really neat and I want to have shells in my garden I think it's super neat but you know I can't looks like it'll drive my car over there and start bagging up some uh some shells there we go the moat's getting done we're gonna go we'll probably have to go like three levels down and um yeah probably good three levels down and then we'll actually we might even hit aquifer down there but we'll start digging uh and gets um get our mode built [Music] excellent question which weighs more a pound of gravel or a pound of shells the world may never know foreign now as far as um I meant my military is back so we might as well let them go and uh and and do some um some some stealing I could wait until the moat is done but that is um not very Cobalt like so I say we go and get it now so let's go steal something so we are living uh here and we've got there's some dark goblins over here we don't know who they are I guess they do know who we are because we're peace so they know who we are there's a there's a Scourge Bewitched there's a hundred of them there though I want to find something that's got a little bit less that we can maybe find something worth stealing I don't know like I wish we could that's a parchment scroll uh I guess that's a coat there we could try to find something that's that's not just a um I got book you know where's this where's this pointing at um obsidian slab is that here what's it called who is a staff no no it's not a staff it's a short sword to claim it's held by the note the Cobalt necromancer if you go that's probably a bad idea but that one what was it called Nations touched now that's the thing how it should be stealing uh oh it's got to be in there yeah what's it called the stupid bile nation's touch must must be in here we could try to go there's there's not a lot of them there oh I could we could go for it why not yeah let's go let's go raid that place no no capturing just go in there and try to steal some stuff there's some Undead there um but you know we're not gonna get anywhere if we don't go around stealing stuff so let's go get over there and I forgot to name bingas uh I'm gonna get someone who's who's marching off the war here we're gonna get um oh flawber isn't it my god named Flubber why are you so purple are you dead let's get um old tobus here tobus you are now bingis [Laughter] okay there you go sir goes fingers so yeah florber or something like that that's right that's right that was the god I was thinking maybe we need to do some sort of like um I guess I'm hooked on spiers I was thinking some sort of spire to a God but we've I built a pyramid before with obelisks and the one before that was a big glass tower so I probably should ease up on the towers with Dwarf Fortress so I'm trying to control myself you're not gonna do oh because of the water we'll get that uh eventually look at those dugouts connect all that stuff up and be kind of dangerous we may lose some kobolds here but um you can't have a fortress without breaking a few Cobalt necks [Music] and that's how the saying goes anyway [Music] a globe oh man that would be great looking that'll be incredible wouldn't it a globe we could have like oh that would be like it like um Epcot and be incredible what happened to all this over here okay let's clear that stuff out oh before I can't get oh yeah we get over here we don't want any we need to be nice long jump there before we get everyone killed that's a little bit of that probably we'll connect up to that guy I need to go one more here go this way what's going on oh they've returned and we got migrants we got a lot of migrants ah look at that okay foreign let's go see how they did okay here's a report I don't see a uh anything about what they got so we attacked the Avalanches of savagery uh Dylan led the attack Defenders were led by a necromancer um we outmatched the Cobalt with a cunning plan we surprised uh old dolger well Necromancer fought with uh with us well defeated the latter escaped on the skate so they defeated us but we ran away we didn't get anything okay well I like your spirits uh but I want that I want that sword we'll give you a little break but then you're going back out there how does anyone know is there any like downside to attack in the same place rating the same place over and over again well they like catch on um that you're rating them yes these are the uh yes you take no candle I could probably cut into this this water spot right here and it won't really do anything foreign actually I'm gonna go ahead and remove the this way I'm gonna go remove all those so it's with a sheer cliff in there oops want to put it we'll have to leave a couple of them in so we can get back out of there but we'll smooth it all out we're good and then we're gonna dig one more level down and we'll move like let's do a couple of them here in fact actually probably the best place is gonna be like well we need that to be sheer don't we so we'll do one over there we'll do one over there quick there and there just so they have a way way back out you know for now we'll we'll just in a minute yeah World's Fair I don't have any reason for any other hovels uh yet if we get more guilds though we'll build them their own little houses no little Huts um you'll probably need to get soon we'll get to get more another like living huts before too long you're looking all right let me go and do some more more digging uh commissar Cody thanks for the song thank you very much flatten all this stuff here trying to get ourselves killed fighting going on what is it there is uh just something probably yeah we're building a moat that way we'll come around here do you know that whenever um was that oh my my kit my Caverns I forgot about my Caverns I knew they were in here somewhere um we shouldn't cover those up let me let me put in the wall here like that we'll put it out of uh like microcline and we'll erase this middle one here we go so we don't want to we don't want to cover up our mind anyway do you know that whenever you uh when you dig a moat you have to do it um by shovel you can't use any anything electronic to dig a moat because if you do you end up with like you get these strange designs in in the moat like smiley faces and and um the strangest thing and the reason is because if you do that you end up with an emote sorry I created that one on the Fly I apologize can't make a move with electronic equipment because then it'd be an emote that's that's my uh attempt at a at a um on the Fly dagger [Music] um oh more spiders hey all right and we have a baby is that maybe not we're going to become a child I don't know oh he was a baby now he's a child child cool there's lots of fish in that pond there I'll go ahead and get my my bridge set up in here as well uh we will make the bridge out of something exciting um and we went to raise that way and we wanted to go um I guess let's go like oh because of that thing's in the way um okay so let me I can't really remove just one little Bridge can I have to delete the whole thing uh I don't I think I'd liked it to be a drawbridge um that may not be very Cobalt like them so we can live without heaven a proper Bridge we'll make it out of I'd love to make it out of of shells I need 10 of them I only got eight shell blocks I'll tell you what I'd love to make it out of uh bones uh what's my work order here for uh for shells we got still working on that let me get there it is shell blocks there's only two keep like more than that um keep like 50 of those things around what's my uh order here oh yeah uh if it gets less than like 30 whip up some more we got tons of shells around we might as well be using them and making them out of something [Music] I have a little Cobalt village with a glass and neon bridge for the excitement uh we got a human visiting us human uh triplets progress gifts gave birth to triplets and the humans here to visit there he is hey buddy you're so tall right uh let's let's go on another adventure we know where we're going we're going here spurt folded because we want that stick the human and shave him if he wants to join me I will I will gladly take him he's so tall he's got to be like a a God or something Giant wait you stuck it in there you're not stuck down there you can you know maybe you can't get up uh well while you're down there why don't you dig a little bit more uh in fact uh let's remove all these things well you're down there and then we will uh we'll work on getting you out of there okay get your moving good job who is that ah NASA humans are good for juggling and stuff yeah yeah all right that's the same rumors I've heard it's raining filth griegas has become a peasant oh yeah was Grievous a baby and then and it has grown up yeah there there's Greek is right there griegas good job buddy all right uh my people have not returned yet I'm a little worried they come back pretty quick it may have all been captured nice man uh well I'll give you I'll give you this fella down here we just talked about griegas who is now a peasant you are one year old and you get yourself a name ice man they call you ice man I'm good he says uh uh are you good at what are you good at you're you got a sense of humor musician singer no combat skills you're uh you're good you actually are good judge of intent for being one that's impressive can I give you a a job here would you do good as as one of these fellas golders a skilled leader which golders who are is already leading our Triumph let's get another one in here and you know what I'm gonna let the one-year-old Iceman get in there Dylan's in there uh I guess gaulder is we should do another Squad with gold or in it maybe we should not um we'll leave Iceman there we need one for gold or because Golder knows what they're doing and build a squad for Galder oh yeah I can't always forget to do this I can't do it while they're while they're away mammals has assumed the position of the Pit Boss oh not a good sign oh they have returns but it's not a good sign whenever that happens they're coming back oh they're slowly coming back what happened why did why everyone they came back what happened mammals just like get out of everyone I'm in charge now are we uh oh maybe we got ranked up boss we were we had a Pit Boss before we now have we had a horde keeper we had a schemer I don't know what's going on here uh anyway we're gonna let's our head speaker is going to be Grand Master ambusher something to be proud of um speaker speaker comedian um you are competent in a lot of things so cholbus oh you're the you're the um it's okay you can lead go to church and then come and lead us I suppose my healer is going to be chobas also we'll let jlinkus do that one my master schemer I'm gonna be service War leader leads the raids and such no one really knows how to do that um golder's already got a job horde keeper keeps track of stuff which is gonna be racketh I'm not sure why that changed the way that all went away world leader we're gonna give it to um NASA who hangs out there in the in the uh pits there can also lead the war way to go get these way to reassign all this stuff and actually want stuff now so I think we must have leveled up something so anyway let's go see our report How We Do back to Bert Fulton and Dylan let it um Dylan's planning was Superior but they had a positional Advantage um we ripped off a right foot of somebody [Music] that's something we had to run away though we didn't get anything I guess we're gonna go somewhere else let's go somewhere else fine is he still down there yeah okay um I will get you out buddy I don't want to put stairs on this side though I'm gonna get them out of there can't get out of that if I put it if I put a channel they're gonna they're gonna get um here's what I'll do I want people to get out of the water I'm gonna do this I guess we could we could we could dig it out and then um no we'll just tear it apart [Music] let me go buddy get it oh he's sleeping down there okay we'll we'll get them out of there you see the enemy ripped off one of our feet is that what it said Oh wrong one uh what was that spurtful I'm not sure which one it is a cobal necromancer his right foot was ripped by the by by trogus trogus there's trogas with a fine earring okay it's a good new Squad here I'm gonna point it to our Master Thief Golder gold is Gonna Leave This Squad Walter I want you to have the anything uniform uh blue is good the Lambs of panting and I'm gonna assign a few folks with you and so you're gonna be kind of like the um just a few of you I think is what I want not I want a whole bunch of it just like a few that can sneak in and steal some stuff uh Iceman is a master Thief who could use his own Squad but for now we'll leave it like it is and then troger and we'll do one more so just four of you [Music] send in strubus Master schemer so the four of you are going to be my uh my schemers they do Village yes defeated that's right that worked I got you out of there yeah okay we'll we'll tear that up now actually I guess we'll we'll tear it up in a minute is two levels down you think enough or should we go one more it's pretty quick let's do it one more I got you a staircase why can't you get out [Music] foreign like a autofill Channel button I should have left one of these open so we could just uh climb out of here real easy but we'll get our guy out of there then what to connect this thing up okay and then while you're down there well we'll figure it out when you get there okay did you make your way back out a second okay child bit by a phantom spider I'll give you nightmares [Music] I didn't okay 50 blocks means we make our bridge now but Bridgeman just just a wall or a floor uh we'll go like that and we'll make it out uh but then blocks we got 200 of them apparently I had more than just a 50 setup uh we may put in a oh you know what I want to put in a wall there also like that well I don't know we could a wall looks good but if if they have to climb over the wall we can like shoot them and push them off however we would also get pushed off the wall may not end well for us anything like jump off and stuff no we'll put a wall up let's do um we'll do it like that make it out of out of the um the shells thank you of course it manages with spikes what else would it do okay then I want you guys to come in here and I want you to make it look nice I forget my there it is can we just smooth it no we can just engrave it grave everything that bridge to shine got some some people that aren't quite as happy as they were before let's see what the problem is where is um mirror just you're reading the book troll group here what's wrong buddy not that uh you uh thoughts feels Wonder remembering performing the rights of the Cerulean sect in a dedicated Temple yeah you got a temple what else could you possibly want enjoyment fondness Bliss what's the deal why are you not so why what's with the uh the grumpiness I learned about the nature of belief it's wondrous you got nothing in here saying that you're mad about something you just enjoyment interest content fondness what's the deal buddy where's that smile there we go someone left their whip laying around [Music] I mean I have a oh I thought it looked funny here we go okay scarf complete I'm gonna try to send out these the the Lambs I have a well let's set the Lambs up real quick they can come in here and do the thing um actually you know what the Lambs they can have their own bear because I got extra space around here let's give them their own spots let's build our own shell place and um we're gonna put them we'll put them next to these guys I suppose um apparently the big place a little place for these guys I'm going to look as as hovel like as possible a wee hovel uh we want a ramp okay we'll give it a roof uh put some beds in there they can sleep in there um it's we might as well put I only got one bed on that side we can put a few more beds over here so then uh that'll free up some space in the uh in in the den for beds anyway what if I were to do something like that the Queen's still walk in there yeah we don't really do meat um we have plenty of food we don't have any meat laying around we've got meals so all the meals are made of meat they'll be fine um and then I think I can still get in here um I want to go I want to uh Channel It Down Like I Do The Other Place because I think it's a cool effect um and then we'll have to we'll have to smooth it out a little bit because it's a little too small for compared to the other one we'll leave that one a sunken floor yeah just like this one is over here and uh while it's sunken I'm gonna go ahead and get a floor in there and um I kind of like the look of the dirt but we'll put we'll put some shells down just like Florida okay I can't I don't think I uh I think if I put in there I don't think I can put them on the ramps so we'll see that so then we can mark this thing as a door as a uh as a a barracks and this will be my Barracks for the other Squad uh the Lambs of panting they can do all their stuff there and then we'll give them a bed and all that kind of stuff because they can be fancy [Music] hey oh no bad because it's um no roof foreign [Music] [Music] okay here we go now we have a we will have a hobble a proper hovel there you go my horrible building's getting a little better if I do say so myself and I believe they yeah they can get it just fine so now it's under water we can go get some uh some beds and we'll put a couple beds over here I got one bed so we'll make one bin and uh we'll give them an armor rack and all that stuff which we gotta make so we'll make some things so I would like um you are the one that makes I can make bone bits I can make shell beds though right I can make a few things cool out of shells of all my all my gear of course um it was it was in this the shell crafts make all kinds of stuff well some things let me do it here I forget what it was um I was only bone weapon racks well we may have another carpenter shop [Music] like a couple beds and then we'll get weapon rack and an armor stand and we'll throw those inside there these guys already have the armor stand and weapon rack they need to go another Badger so it'll be nice wouldn't it yeah for some reason dwarf beds have to be made out of wood looks like a little rock often in a cave Okay so I just get channeled so dude what happened to our our channelers okay we can make it there now what's the deal because I think we can what's the deal what am I what am I missing here down down I think it's okay oh migrants more migrants we got 47 in here now and we got a weapon a masterpiece weapon rack okay here let me do this [Music] okay and then um we'll do two of them oops guess we're done with the moat oops [Music] I don't know what I was thinking okay yep uh the motor the mode is done um slowly fill up here the Cobalt down there get out of get out of there what are you doing oh they were cutting that out and they fell in okay it'll be okay there's another oh let me put a wall there quickly [Music] so that's there I I guess it's Florida I guess it's fine it's it's at that level so it's okay um good question because we have a lot a lot of migrants here let's see if anyone has any new um has any uh new animals we have a new cave rats we got a modern lizard and a cave rats that came in I was ordered we would buy those uh barubas here the spider we have a we have a bat and what are you a worm what is that [Music] those are bats is a a gila monster hatchling [Music] well while that is going [Music] um Cerulean sects requires a temple and a high priest I thought I got one for them already this really in technology we just built this Temple for is this you want another oh you wanna oh you want a temple complex ten thousand okay well I have to grow then he's no Buttercup that's for sure that's for sure um first off we will Channel this isn't really what I wanted try to carefully Channel this thing [Music] and over here [Music] and that one and that one and that one I'm not going to end well for these Cobalts we might have some I may also don't they don't make it it's going in there now [Music] okay there buddy NASA what you doing down there let me tell you a dad joke it'll make you feel better um I think I just saw one let me see hang on hang on hang on um why do fish live in salt water because pepper makes him sneeze oh no nah nah NASA get out man we lost someone too well [Music] you know it yeah you always have those sacrifices you know you never know what's going to happen whenever you start digging these Moats you get some bad pepper jokes uh um what does a train eat or how sorry how does a train eat it goes choo choo oh boy where do Young cows eat lunch tyria kef Materia he just couldn't take the joke okay he's done some some digging good job buddy do a little more yeah there you go all right you just fell in well that's NASA who was who died then [Music] you have to swim buddy [Music] we follow you [Music] no no no follow oh you're fine you just swam out okay no problem not much of a moat when I needed was a volcano [Music] it's all been cleared out oh plursness plursness is dead oh plursness you are the best never forget you plursness I don't know who you are but I'm sure you were great you should like change this and put the bridge over here in fact actually um oh yeah I still do that bridge tonight because they've only gone on a ray they always go over this way this is where we're probably weakest because of uh this one we got these cages set up and all these mechanisms which I was trying to set up before as some cage traps so let's set up some cage traps um something like that just just to make sure that one's uh secure let me throw some over here just to keep out the filth you know humans and the like our model is our modern lizard is going as well um okay oh back back to our uh our new guys we're gonna send them on a little little mission and we've got a uh oh the monastery of festive chaos that has some things let's go get it send the new guy's in now go steal stuff I'm gonna go over there and then we've got a hamlet nothing there [Music] Castle over here with some things let's go steal from the castle Alliance Alliance shmuelians that's what we say as kobolds you see you want to Ally with us you have to accept a few things I think one being we're gonna steal your stuff I have five seeds in this Fortress are we eating them mostly routine fish fish is is our diet here fish and uh we have some traps set out for some bug catching uh oh you know what I didn't think of is if they want to come trade with us um this isn't wide enough I should have done a three wide I don't think we've they have any wagons or Cobalts I think the last time they came was just the small one so the the Lambs are back how do they do what'd you guys get searched around and you looted um Sanctuary Shields and dream dishes and Beyond or maybe it was just and Beyond a couple new things there's gonna be we got we have a mighty Temple here which we need to um make it look real good ten thousands of lots we're gonna have to put something exciting in there something worth a lot of money do you know the value of these things no artifacts I need to get an artifact I need that I need that sword be that sword all the eviscerated folks have returned as well went on a raid to the castle Defenders were led by a human cunning plan Packers had a strong Advantage though um clash with 25 humans and killing 10. what Dylan is a hero omo happened upon them they fought they fought unscathed human uh nelty his left ear was ripped off by uh by stumas melty's right ear left ear and right ear was ripped off good get the ears stumes was forced to retreat um Enid confronted and was struck down by fetus radheer was confronted and struck down by uh old deloresner fresh punches Dolores nor fresh punches that's the kind of names we need around here we have now uh we have now made enemies with the humans okay there's only 10 people there in this tomb okay as soon as I get back we're going to that tomb what is that Phantom spider silk oh some clothes humans humans uh do we get anything new out of that we oh no we didn't take anything did we what was that all about no a rainy company a ranger Guild's been established Guild okay well uh the only thing I really know to do to make this stuff look nicer is um pedestals of things we can make some more statues I got a bunch of them over there they're not worth that much though ten thousands a lot I'm gonna have to get some some pedestals and and um about all we can do pedestals I have that many I've got what people I got two two pedestals can you make um make bone pedestals oh oh Shell Shell pedestal uh apparently I don't know how to spell pedestal uh make me six of them and we just gotta go steal some stuff so this Ranger Guild wants to live here we'll give him a we'll give him a spot I'll make this watch out of whatever and we'll stash them like up um if we if we do um we could put them right here actually [Music] thank you kobold cannot get Fame moods no that's that's one of our downsides being Cobalts we can't get any we can't make our own artifacts we have to go and get them ourselves we have to go steal them which we are failing to do with um 46 of us we probably start getting attacked here pretty soon [Music] make some roads [Music] thank you just because our cobal isn't even not uncivilized enough to have roads do that we're going up this way and stockpile's kind of the way for that one for the fisherman [Music] foreign okay so our Ranger is going to go in here is a meeting area Guild for Rangers the Rainy company I forget what they want there they just want it's a thousand bucks already I just want to um we can probably put a couple statues in there statues of gloves and then we're gonna need to get a uh that's our first death isn't it um oh what's his face so we need to get a slab made enough I don't know how to make slabs I make it here you make a slab of some kind of kind I don't know how to make slaps we don't have we don't have their body I came in there um mechanic and a loom I guess I'm gonna have to get a uh did I make a stone Burger Shop I thought I did yeah like a slap for a what's her face and we'll put him somewhere now again this we can put some things on these slabs I got more uh pedestal here we can put stuff on there was a Masterwork stands it wasn't there worth that much though there's a nice bucket some nice cages the cage with a spider in it these aren't that fancy I don't know nothing I know of is we'll put the armor stand on there it's not it's not worth much we got we gotta we're gonna go steal stuff the only solution here let's fill that with stuff stolen stuff just a value now only a thousand we can smooth those walls uh well oh we can't smooth Wood Walls okay we could actually floor it would do it also uh we could change our floors here the shell I think those are those are shell floors we've already carved stuff out but if we put like if we find some metal we can do something with that make it nicer we just need to go steal I think but those sticky Cobalt fingers to work what do they want in there just value yeah give him a chest and it probably would be a good bad idea to put in a little bit flooring and we can just um we can we can um engrave it we'll just floor that one in [Music] those are done we'll engrave all of that what is what is that I do have Cobalt but there's a spider there are con statue of Cobalts items and uh images of cobalt and Michael Klein by old Groban a couple of traveling artwork relates to the foundation of wander snarling and the Curious bites by the Karm snarls at us but why is it why is it a spider on I'm so confused used giant cave rat I can see oh it's like it's off this one is of blood gnats a statue of blood blood net there how are we looking not right there they need something valuable as well all right so that answers the question we go for what we do we need to go steal there's a hundred of them there we gotta find something for small that has things we can see the 6 000 goblins there lots of monasteries there's a fortress there's 100 of them there in pursuit of the path of the Moon I'm gonna try this one one more time spurt folded I'm gonna have any luck with it we're gonna have luck this time [Music] well It's tricky to get rid of these I forget uh was it it's smoothing I believe so yeah foreign I'm gonna go to the bathroom we are back it's gonna be just a minute I will let it uh kind of play out here for a minute and I'll be right back give me a second Cobalt wearing like a red dress oh they are because they probably have a red dress I was making what am I making yeah skirts and shirts and robes head scarves you'd see the head scarf on them everyone has a head scarf oh is oh that was a hunter's Guild that's something different I came back let me see how we did Excursion nothing good [Music] we fought right away foreign we do we have tactical planning superior but we just cannot get we can't get through them shell Lords but that's me and for something that has what's that [Music] do I need something something that's valuable having trouble getting into those of those Towers we could try sending this isn't where I Pizza this we could try sneaking into that one probably stealing from Towers is always risky because you don't know what you've been bringing back it's it's defended well and and there's we're not really the best of Fighters so yeah it's going to be tricky getting in that place so we have a ranger Guild and a hunter Guild that wants once in here we got rainy company he wants a Guild Hall which is the Ranger Guild and we have oh these are the ranger folks yeah I've tried that one and then the hunters yeah we'll do a hunter one as well I don't have anything valuable really to give you uh Hunters I'm gonna put you up on top here climb up here and you can you can have the upper the Upper Floor [Music] Guild Hall for the hunters like that migrants 53 of them now that should lead us into something yeah we are Village we were I think we were a Hamlet before crafts Cobalt Guild's been established what's with all these guilds I can't keep up with them well craft land is over here so maybe the crafty Guild should be living in that's Foodland where's craftland over here maybe they should be living over here use some some oops this was our um our shell stockpile which actually isn't so it doesn't really matter let's just set them up over here they can live where they do the crafting you know that makes sense doesn't it Cobalts the prettiest Guild Hall for uh crafts Cobalts that one and again they're gonna want value it's not gonna get unless we floor it real nice and I will select the material by real nice I assume it means shells oh we do have a mad person what's the deal with the angry person coarsness what's what's the deal buddy uh embarrassed sleeping without a proper room uh bored with having it with having an intellectual discussion with an acquaintance angry dwelling on getting in an argument loathing dwelling upon talking to a pillar of society angry getting into an argument loathing talking to a pillar of society loathing talking to a pillar of society like my uh my the Nobles I may not have a good place for you to sleep because there's a lot of us here now so I probably need to get another another place to sleep let me go ahead and get the stuff I was going to do before so the beds and a couple more beds over here so if you're in the military you've got a bed you can sleep in uh I got a weapon rack and all that kind of stuff we gotta get moved over weapon rack and I have a um whatever the other one was um armor stand there is the crafts Cobalt which we've got set up [Music] now I was thinking about having to do I think we need more space over here I have my offices ideally over here which also also I have all this so um when you want we need lots of offices maybe tables and chairs I don't see there's a musical instrument right there hey the boldests I forgot about the boldus is it worth anything that bold is up there we could always throw in a few more beds that would keep a few of them happy but I think we might need to expand our uh our our hovels and have a hovel like um set one up over here like that it's gonna be a dormitory uh Cobalt don't care like dwarves kind of do like that and was throwing a whole bunch of uh of flooring in fact we'll give them uh we'll give them a nice floor oh you know what I want to do I want to do the go down because I like the look of ants I mean narcissists does it take to screw in a light bulb one a narcissist holds light bulb while the rest of the world revolves around him thank you let me expand this Zone just a bit and throw a few more beds in there I'm not sure why the military ones are are in there I think I have you guys set up to sleep in here don't I foreign I do I'm not sure why they're sleeping over there um you are yeah eviscerated confusion and you're the Lamb's panting now back over here I want to go and and we're going to remove some of these some of these ramps oh where skink has arrived a large skink Twisted in humanoid form it's crazed for blood and flesh eyes grow violets glow violets Sandy Trump taup Sandy taupe scales a jagged in close sets now you will know why you fear the knights [Music] just trying to build some some of these things where's this guy at [Music] what he's a moon oh my look at that guy I haven't seen that art that before one of the chances he's gonna just go and like step on one of those traps now this is where we have a problem we have no defense uh we have to just sort of fight it out it was gonna be a rare skink problem if we don't fight this out successfully so we're gonna grab everyone and we're gonna go move them to stand here and hope that he gets where's he going who's that run mammals run he's too fast I can't mammals is is going out mammals is dead that was quick okay I need uh what are you going uh okay burrow time let's set up bro I always forget about Burrows until it's uh until it's attack time ideally everyone kind of stays in the center here actually foreign if you want to go up here and go to the go to the library you go right ahead um I should include the the um oh yeah Temple as well as you are welcome to the temple okay uh that one uh it's gonna be just like The Home Zone and we're going to assign uh everyone and it is not paused uh I don't want you going and getting things for your for your stuff okay so everyone gets back where you guys going well they're grabbing their gauntlets all right whatever do whatever you want to do um where is he how'd you get there did you jump across my River oh he's gonna get the animals the animals are at it oh there goes the Cobalts okay um I don't know what we're gonna do about this it's just gonna be bloody and bad um Tarak has assumed the position of the uh The Pit Boss there's lots and lots of fighting did we get him quick I think we got him we got him oh who is this a lack elf sweat oh dang elves so that's Claiborne's foot who was in that fight you're injured you're injured I think only the two of you got hurt oh siligan a child how you feeling your body's cut open you're dented and then slobber here um it's cut open as well her liver is bruised and you have you have the blood all over you the others I think I don't think we're actually in on it so just those two I'm just gonna I hate to do this especially since you're just a child a little slow again but uh you're out I forget how to do that boot you out of the camp you remember how to do that I forget the uh the way to do it um there it is can I not boot you because you're a child okay I'm gonna kick scroll Browns yeah sorry scroll bro I mean I could like it like hang on you know what why don't I just lock you into somewhere and then when the time comes you can go nuts you can do whatever you want to do we've got a nice pit here uh I can build another one let's let's put you somewhere so you can just go nuts yeah um the parents have to go [Music] if I do that I don't know It's Quickly live up a little home here and then uh I think doors are fine for wear bees right they can't break doors walls in so let's go let's go dig that out we'll put a roof on it as well we'll do our ramp thing throw a roof on it Claiborne's dead mammals and Claiborne there's not a lot of named folks in here but the ones they're named are are dead and remember the names so we've got I gotta name you um you are uh you are the aware child and then we've got Harley who was it hit space bar and I and I missed it you remember who it was I'm gonna go to the mid Bay so we'll find over there scroll over so srover is the um is the worst geek all right we can destroy doors [Music] we can just lock them in there there's a skink there's a snake in there too once I get done we can just lock him in this this little home over here uh let me close my burrow and we'll um we'll we'll lock them up we got some mechanisms we can build a bridge and close it up just fine what are you guys going to get [Music] I would foreign keep an eye on the date as long as we get locked up before um we'll see what happens in the first time let's do that they may not ever come out of the of the place bridge will put right there uh and then we'll put a lever the lever can be in the main the main place over here oh he's on my mechanism so I need uh oh my manager die why'd it reset everyone why do I keep doing that wait I don't have a manager wait a minute [Music] there we go okay whatever uh um I want we're just doing out of wood or um oh we're making a mess we have to be a stone egg Rock make a bunch of those hey it's gold this is steam this is steam version [Music] [Music] and they are out and about running around running amok [Music] who's that half a season here to get this done [Music] and he's getting stepped on and not finished so let's make sure we get these he's done and we're gonna get a floor up on top so let's throw a floor down [Music] like that [Music] why is the bridge keep getting inactive [Music] there it goes okay so now if those mechanisms get made [Music] aren't make let me just do a task for one rock mechanism I need a couple of them oh I'm out of rocks I'm out of rocks what am I gonna do with these guys [Music] am I gonna go nuts uh here whip me up a couple doors we're gonna we're just gonna set up a little a little place in here [Music] like that foreign [Music] okay so this is uh this is this is where land they might be able to break their way through but I guess we'll find out um those assigned to where land which doesn't matter yet because we gotta get a door [Music] [Music] okay we have plenty of time but for the sake of of um you know making sure that uh it works we're gonna throw a stroller here our Miner and who's the other one uh old children can go over there [Music] that bro should be active they should go in there and once again there we're gonna lock the door and they can hang in there for a month they'll be fine assuming they make their way in there nothing can break doors or gates in this version unless it spits lava oh really okay reckon has opposed a ban on things I think what's happening is we're leveling up and so it's like changing us around for some reason what's the ban export of bracelets everyone needs all this stuff I haven't got all this stuff set up yet um the trader is gonna be old chobus here and the healer is cholbus as well schemer uh Golder I can do that as well okay uh and then I'm gonna set up one of these this office should be set it says racketh okay off Racket and put it back on racket and then uh this one over here should be terox [Music] and there should also be a bedroom right they want a bedroom too for rackets and over here can also be Pedro for Tarak okay how you guys feeling now about that okay you don't have your tomb or your chest and all that kind of stuff and gold or and chobus wants some stuff as well Galder needs something and I already just used up cholas's spot okay they haven't gone anything yet I get a little concerned because it's getting kind of close turn that off [Music] [Music] yeah they're gonna go uh lose their mind in a minute there's the word child right there playing with the dang boat who's your parents you don't care someone asks says to wear a child ah you dang wear a child put that boat down [Music] I can't kick out magnra and and bingas I can't kick them out why don't you go in your burrow [Music] Snatcher goblins oh I don't think so we get him well the enemy is here oh humans are here humans and their dogs okay so uh uh can't cancel that order all right um well they're gonna come in here and they're gonna they're gonna hit us right as the uh right right as the whereabees hits okay so over here's listening to the music we're skinking away um I should put srover if you're not already in here I should put you in one of these squads scroll Burr get in there and then where's that child at I can't put kids in there maybe they're old enough no I don't think so no okay so now I'm gonna inside a few more people here actually anyone have any skills uh droeder knows how to handle a sword I don't have a lot of weapons slinkus knows how to fight and um Stoney knows how to handle some Stone slurbus and uh and coorsness okay now I need everyone in their Burrows all civilians in there turn that one off okay so it says on now where you guys going where you going no job well then get back inside can't you see there's a Siege on where are they oh there's a bunch of them [Music] and they brought their horses they brought a lot of horses oh okay okay uh okay well let's get I'm hoping these guys will get equipped in seconds uh most of them have something uh I would like you guys to go and stand here please so now zoom out a bit here they come oh they're riding their horses trying to act all big and tough with their horses well we'll see about that and he's laying Siege of the Fortress they're gonna just mow through us and there is old gelorsner is just on a mission [Music] oh jalorzner they're gonna write songs about your buddy you just like scared them all away where's that guy I lost him where'd you go there he is deloresner with two lovers he's he's faint he's got some bleeding he's a little tired there you go buddy but you did good you did good they had a whole mob coming at us but jolosmer said no not today and they just sort of scattered what are they running away oh joloresner [Laughter] okay well we gotta make a statue of that guy jalorzner you are a hero uh let's go cancel the Burrows not that one and we'll cancel the orders let's get to some statue making I don't have any rocks oh yeah I got tons of rocks I guess late night isn't a rock we can make statues out of visits yeah I can't make it out of that stuff we gotta go find uh something to go mine here oh it's right in the middle of the base oh well slogan is dead that was the kid I think where's srovert oh he actually went to his burrow oh good lock the door so the kid didn't go there but he did he might have might have bitten a few folks in the process yeah he bit a lot of folks in the process we're gonna have a fortress of of where skinks which um I may or may not be opposed to because if everyone's aware of skink how you feeling buddy unconscious your hand got cut open neck got torn open they do look very cool there's gonna be a lot of dying but if we can get a whole a whole Fortress of these guys like the Hulk he's he always left is his pants come on out buddy get your clothes back on get out of your burrow yeah I think we're gonna we're gonna go for a wear skink Fortress I think that's our only hope now a lot of blood up there to the north I'm gonna find those rocks at before microcline nut doesn't count as um something we can make stuff out of [Music] me maybe because it's maybe it's just because this is full and all that lignite in there uh I don't really want the night let's let's change that and just kick the late night out I'll solve that problem they should grab that microcline bring it up here I know why it says we don't have access to it I thought you could make microcline statues needs non-economic Hard Rock him in the hospital yeah you know we're trying something different here I think I think we go out uh with a blaze of glory here hematite it is one too low isn't it if we can get into our uh our thing actually we don't even need a Stairway we can just do um ramp I guess he's already on it so we'll leave it yeah oh that that's why we couldn't get to that stuff I mean that fixes all of it so we make that was everything statue and we can select what we want to oh no another statue and we will select this statue is going to be a image of um Jewelers oh there's 1500 jelors which one isn't this jelorsner is a is a um a aware Beast is a troll bridegroom what is troll bride broom um what's who's the one that died what's his name jalorzner uh drill girlin okay drill girl Erin there he is fresh punches you buddy and uh I'd like it to um top priority buddy I I might mess that up [Music] I want a statue of you buddy the camera Caravans arrived what's why aren't we doing our um oh there's threads something about the empty cage oh oh these are animal traps not cages uh we can make them out of wood 10 cages there here come the Caravan crossing the bridge with their giant rats everyone survive here uh we lost the one so we will put in anyone have any skills in fighting we got Jammin knows how to handle a mace all right so they're arriving and I'll try everything I don't remember what I have to try to sell uh I've got a bunch of animal traps I guess you can have all those I'm not really using them at the moment we have tons of food we can say a couple of food barrels um bins of what pins of boots pins of oh yeah hives I was gonna get some meat made I got a lot of books [Music] I think I was selling masks wasn't I must have I must have sold them all I've only got a couple left whoever whoever Drew this is we love them we're gonna make more statues of him I guess table threads let's have worked for a thousand bucks we need to put that on our in our Temple okay um let's do that right now I'm thinking about it so here on this stand right here we're gonna put in that whip okay it's not gonna be anywhere near what we need we need 10 000 and we're at oh yeah like two so we got a lot of stealing to do um [Music] okay so I will give you all of this stuff which is worth what thousand bucks um what do you got you have a bat and a rat take a boat I don't have any drinks [Music] there's a bronze short sword I do want that I'll take some bronze weapons these are like picks some Dirks I'll take those uh um staff I may not go for this not the cheese some paper okay will you take that ah good good good okay a dad joke all right see what I can find you I'm the fastest animal in the jungle of the lion roars the cheetah shakes her head I don't think so let's race and see the whole population of the Jungle shows up elephants stand next to gazelles rhinos and hippos hippos line up hyenas and zebras and every other animal wait to see the outcome of the race the Lion's very confident he will win the race begins and the cheetah takes off she wins by a mile and it's declare the fastest animal in the jungle the Lion's embarrassed and can't believe he lost you're a cheater he shouts yep and you're a lion the cheer replies laughs you're a cheater cheater um what did the doctor prescribed the sick lemon lemonade you're a cheetah speaking of uh cheaters we're about to have a um is that are we at full moon or is it going the other way it's been that that quick already it may have been let me go uh clean up some of this stuff and make that into a new bedroom we've got a lot we're gonna have a lot of of wear skinks which can be a real problem when these guys show up here um it'll be interesting [Music] it won't end well we got 49 of us in here now oh look he finally decided to go in there no you're not you're not that person you're some other kid never mind we do need a uh a room for uh Golder and cholbus both need one also you guys are both making you're both making demands all right so we're gonna be three chairs yeah I need the laugh yeah the laugh track oh yeah yeah I know I know I don't know though what what what's funnier the uh adding a laugh track in or just just the silence after telling the dad joke what do you think okay here we go here it is okay so we got how many of them just turned four of them just turned there's one two three they do look real cool uh four not the corpse shower number four is yeah life tracks are terrible which is which is why it's perfect oh up here in the temple so there's gonna be a lot of a lot of biting and vomiting and all that kind of stuff um gonna be some deaths oh lots of deaths are they shooting webs skink shoot webs oh the spiders my spiders are shooting webs he's gonna put a big damper on the old uh the old animal um Farm we've got going here there's there's he's just chewing through so many of them brambus oh my he just killed everybody I knew Cobalts were weak oh man well the Mandate has ended oh man I guess I should have known that was coming but I thought maybe someone would someone would survive spider survived man okay uh brobles is mad minions mad terock is still alive and he's happy that was a little ugly I love it when I was that I was hoping for oh that may have just ended our Fortress there I was this as as well as we did before you know we we ended up with like what two deaths before a lot of bites but only two deaths and that that time nasty man all right well um we've got a lot of bodies here let's uh set up a stockpile of bodies we'll throw them over here somewhere that'll be our corpse stockpile oh that's rough and uh I don't think we're coming back from that one Harley's still there but everyone else is gonna be injured Harley is injured and uh and fetus is everyone else has probably been I did notice a couple of our Fighters though were hanging out down here watching a demonstration so they did not get hit so we got these three are in good shape but everyone else is is uh been uh chomped on animals you still out here your bones still out here somewhere um well one final uh moment of Glory I think we can do here though so we can build a statue a very important statue right here um right there that is the statue of where is he this guy that's on him unless his name is different than what it was but we saw what we saw before supposed to be where's the Statue I was supposed to be making that one is that it oh it's of uh oh it's of a goblin and jalorzner the Cobalt um so oh this Goblin is Raising jalorzner relates to the Abduction of the Cobalt deloresner from pant dusks by the goblin doloresner got abducted is that the right jalorzner get his fresh punches it must be him then he escaped I guess what a story that guy had that's why he was so brave he charged out there against all those humans there was like 30 humans out there and he charged out there all by himself he uh he wasn't able to stick around for the great uh genocide of the kobolds but he did good he did good we'll get brubas in there as well but um oh you know what everything would be great to visit in adventure mode where my statue at is he is he pulling it in here I think I just saw him Haul on it man that's crazy how um I guess I should have I should have assumed that was gonna happen I didn't see the military in um I didn't want them to like immediately kill to wear a skink I was hoping they would just like you know go for a little bit of a tussle the West he didn't seem to be doing anything before but um well he did this time are you taking that guy oh that was that was the Caravan well we got 15 Cobalt now [Music] and um thousand go ball goblins there foreign man um let's see where is my Nobles so don't stumble War Captain we don't have a um a war leader yet which we'll give that to I'm gonna let kind of most of the stuff fall under uh well I guess we'll get I guess brubas can do it he's a he's a warrior horde keeper will be uh not Dylan um Sidis let's see what happens [Music] the skin getting that's what it was that's what it was I never got a bed made we did we did get a bunch of silk cloth laying around there's one bed two beds I think that's some of that either I think my minor probably is dead yeah so uh hardly dabbles in it Harley you top wood you mind things and you also are a doctor add that to your list of things foreign coming up here in a second so we'll see we'll see who who is left and who survives difference between A well-dressed man on a unicycle and a poor Dressed Man on a bicycle what's the difference what I think that might have been my very first dad joke that I told one of the early one early early ones good stuff but these what are you doing putting the key traps in there okay Obama's the boy with the billiard okay there it is so thidis has turned all right who want me turn me turns so we got six of us have turned six of the 15 . there's gonna be a lot of biting going on I think everyone else is just gonna die but if anyone survives they will be aware Beast three have died we're down to four it doesn't include it was just we got three babies and Julius hey magical hack thanks for the rain you scared me he's out here don't go back there he's dead nobody lives in the Fortress right now mandate has ended okay so we have three left and they're all wear skinks we've got fittest slayless and korsness did it hardly die Hollywood the other one I know I knew of that was um skink oh and they got all the animals as well oh man it all fell apart so fast just just the moment I started thinking I started thinking that um we were gonna get somewhere it all went downhill the three Cobalts they're all very angry statue still hasn't been built uh any of them in the military nope um get a uh we want a war leader 's okay no more painting just these three guys what if I could send them away like if when we see the moon is almost here we can send them away I think we can think we could time it right is that I think that works right if we can send them away as they are away doing where are these things I don't remember what day it is that it hits maybe we could time that so new fortnite I had a necromancer's doctor my first wave of migrants oh nice uh we got we got some missing folks they're probably In The Water Somewhere they probably got thrown in the water yeah oh he's right there how we missed that one well I'm gonna see I'm gonna try that and see if we can we can uh um do some some raiding like as as it um as the full moon hits and see if we can get it to where they're they've turned as they arrive at a fork somewhere think I don't think it works that way it didn't used to work that way but we'll see yeah yeah that's the Cure you uh as soon as they die you resurrect them necromancy cure there's a lot of spiders and rats in this Fortress now it's a statue placed it's raining revolting filth you know I saw it before and I was curious about that I think maybe that's what maybe it's because I'm a Cobalt that it does that because we were close to these goblins but we weren't right on them so I'm wondering if that's because we're Cobalts it does the filth now New Moon we're halfway there magical hack sure sure the mightiest Cobalt well there's only three of us is there K in there Magic whack thanks again for the raid I think it's hardly for being what's gonna happen is we're gonna get some migrants in here uh and then the first full moon it's gonna be bite in time that's another idea I guess if you what you could do is if you get wear a beast in your Fortress and they're running around like that um add them to the military and then just send them away send them like a long way away this is a small map so no one nowhere is too far away like like what three days travel to way out this way but we could try like time it to get him out of the Fortress make sure they're out of the Fortress tattoos dead um so they're away as as the the moon hits but I think I think this is where we uh we call the Fortress done Warrior sadly Dead uh he's he's in um Square skink form isn't he dead fella there there's one over here too oh he's all bones now [Music] it's been made oh look at that still getting some work done good job there see this problem is they're kind of mad and so what's gonna happen it's gonna be kind of cranky and they may not listen real well I'm gonna make it webbed also like that guy is I think it happened around the first so is the first always where the moon cycle is I don't think it's always that way is it [Music] let's wait until the 26th and send them away let's go get I'm gonna send him far and I sang Hogs get them get them out of here get out get out before you turn sticks get your gear and get out [Music] no I didn't make it in time [Music] taking the time they're gonna chewing all the animals here you know so much so much for that I got like one of them they had to go get all their gear I should have said it to where they just have their stuff on well I think one of us made it out which won't do any good foreign [Music] if I if I retire here does it I'm surprised it doesn't uh say your village is dead because it hit zero and he's gonna run around and chew on some things [Music] are they back yeah they're back but now they're all another now he's away so coarsness is somewhere around here [Music] where is he would you get stuck on the Trap you got stuck in a cage trap well get out um I don't know that I can get you out of there okay get out there there you go okay he's out now I don't know why he was oh what were you doing wait what's in there something in there there's a Cobalt in there [Music] coarseness there he is who's that plursness oh he's a ghost okay yeah so he's stuck in the cage no we'll leave him there he's gonna sit there and be real mad that's what he gets it's what he gets for being aware Beast that's right he's safe now okay they'll be gone here in a few they'll be back in a few days unless they get captured that we're done for I'm pretty sure we're done for anyway but we'll get a report here in a minute from the inviscerated what's her faces will come back and that I think will be the end of our Mighty kobold novel all due to aware skink and me thinking um talk is that that kid because the one was in there it's that dang kid I could have kicked out like two of my old my original folks but I didn't uh what are we doing here oh we did we got stuff they do it Untitled is not bad they must have gotten something the pleaded outrage of an unknown civilization so we still we we got in there we searched around we still I sang Hogs and we still the grasping animal of quakes and also Untitled was stolen from there good job kobolds uh I wouldn't know what those things are what like what the Untitled thing was that there's deny saying Hogs this is a giant cave rat parchment scroll made of nice written on it is a story entitled in icing Hogs offered by a Gooker no uh no particular subject the writing skips around a lot and somewhat showy the prose is not awful but not good either I'm gonna let this guy out of here you are uh you're free buddy um if I get rid of the cage I'll get you out which I'm not sure how to get you out of there I think we can just come in here and just remove [Music] D it now wait now we've got two Cobalts left and we can go and get our stuff stolen well I think I think our uh our game of of cobalt is done for him I hate to break it to you if I don't think there's any Salvage in this one I hear the howling as we speak I think that's if if anyone has done it where you can you time your uh were beasts on an expedition I know I've tried it before in the old version and I can never get it to work um if anyone's ever gotten it done let me know I'm curious if it's if it's possible oh is that the fun we want is it right there um it's locked how do I get this guy out of here [Music] you you build it right can we construct a cage that one yeah building them out promise we're all busy um sparring at the moment with some ghosts I'm going to you're off duty right now what's with the sparring we're gonna wrap it up here well farewell to the uh the Cobalt Fortress enjoyed it while lasting always overwhelming if you don't catch the first one yeah um It's Tricky it's real tricky and yeah the only thing I've uh like you can you can let him go you can kick him out of the fort but then they just come back and fight um you can't it was an elf visiting us um I think the best way I've I've found is is to borrow them away and then lock them up and just lock them in there forever and that's that's probably the only way I found out that really works well skinks are out and go chew on that elf there that's a good that's a good finale you know chewing on an elf that's oh the elf killed it what not not cool [Music] there we go we're gonna get him this time okay we got him got him this time that's a happy ending every time the bees come out the animals just like take off it's kind of funny Adam smash him oh it doesn't count as I didn't know that animation doesn't count as a killing so it's not a loyalty Cascade starting thing ah interesting if you're not kid did he not kill that guy I guess not all right so let's uh let's abandon this Fortress uh we'll retire it for the time being and then we're gonna come back and uh we'll just we'll just take a look and see what happens to our Fortress the workplace accidents [Music] we'll throw um I was like doing Legends mode and and uh just like building another Fortress building Advantage a couple weeks and just seeing what happens to our to our people in the it was called the something Soul dimensions of Soul that's us I think [Music] Adam smashing is a good way of of cleaning up uh if you have some sort of frame rate problems as well good way of keeping the place somewhat clean I'm going to build a fortress and then we'll come back and look at it just to see what happened to those three I should have named him something so we can remember who they are they may be living happily ever after they're in their wear skin days or they may be out terrorizing the world so we are there uh it does say it's still working so let's just let's Embark kind of nearby sure there um I used to do a normal startup foreign this was an interesting start because we had so many Cobalts in the world there wasn't it was like a Cobalt Empire two I think just two of them right two Cobalt Empires interesting start this makes me miss um the um the Masterwork mod such a good mod which adds in I guess we we did The Fortress with uh we did an orc Fortress um we had one where we were like demons imps and uh like succubuses and incubuses um into a human fort and he'll be an elephant I don't think I've ever played an Elven Fort actually um was there goblins I think you can do goblins on there I don't remember what it was but um so many good things in there and I I hope it's still uh there's some life there with it I'd love to see it with the steam version I built the one of the ones I remember I made a an orc Fortress um and I made my I made like a like a stockade like a fort you know and I think a dragon came by I think it was a dragon something came by something fire breathing came by and started breathing fire all over the place and burn my Fortress down like one just it didn't like we killed it pretty quickly but it just everything burned the whole map burned including my uh my my whole Fort because everything was made out of wood um and um I did um I did a couple of them with like succubuses and things I don't think this is working oh there it is okay oh it took so long this is a uh oh we got I think we got a we got a buggy map yeah we got a buggy map we can see like weird stuff going on around what is going on here I don't know I don't want to hit oh yeah foreign space bar it's going to what's going on sections of the cavern have collapsed this is a weird a weird bug it happens every once in a while it's happening twice now like we're in the caves but we're not in the caves yeah one of these again if I had space bar it's going to like freak out so I'm not going to so I'm just going to abandon this Fortress and then we'll go back and look at our our uh Legends modem if it lets me yeah surface Cavern last time I had it was it was even weirder than this one we like saw Adam antine already if I hit spacebar then all the water effects start happening and it just freezes weird bug but it wouldn't be Dwarf Fortress if it wasn't a bug or two or ten so uh what wraps up um if this saves we'll give it up we'll get a few more minutes we may not get uh we may not get we may not get our lenses mode but we'll wrap this up here in a minute and uh and call it a day end a little early a little too um um enough stream time left to get into a different game so we'll wrap it up and I'll be back here tomorrow and we'll play uh we'll play something else I think it's gonna work yeah yeah um error is all around if we were to pull this up let's see I just want to know if my Cobalt went on a rampage and started like chewing on people that's all I really care about in uh the soul one next Fortress I don't know what should the next Fortress be I I had um I did that other world where I had never I had like a few dwarves in the world and I was going to um I built the Pyramid one and my goal was to build multiple places so I may need to go back and do that and see if we can build add-on to that world um I don't know so I don't think we're gonna get much info wasn't it I remember my place [Music] I don't even remember pant dusks if I type in someone like um sites if I go to something like Harley and they'll tell me where they lived no [Music] what was jelorner there's so many of them fresh punches I'm curious about this guy anyway I was born on 142 youngest son of stringus so as a child he's abducted from paint dusts by a goblin he was imprisoned by the monsters of neutrality settled in there and then he ran away he was there for 80 years and he ran away and became the next year he became lovers with bulbous became a ranger in pant dusks his paint dust where I started is that my place I don't think so and then they broke up he gave up being a ranger become a carpenter became a member of the company of more more out mortality we should be 250s where we're at um lovers again and broke up again and um oh and then met Galer [Music] Cult of holes became a thief operating out of pant desk because if figurine was stolen from here by Jules oh you stole he stole a figurine huh brought Panda so that's what you did you gave up your carpentry job and you would become a thief and then you stole all kinds of stuff you stole a ring you stole a ring you stole an earring an amulet a bracelet all kinds of stuff and then in 250 I think this is me you settled in sneaked dipped no I don't know when you showed up with me settling wander snarling that's that's me wander wander snarling is what is me so you love yo yo finally you married dorber and then you left all these things and then you came to wander Starling which is me modern snarling curious bite that's me and you fought in the crazy assaults uh which is where I sent you I situated spurt folded a couple times uh you went to flare squared the eviscerated confusion led by Dylan clashed with 25 humans and killed 10 of them that's where his confidence came from and then you met radere and you struck down rhodier in flare Square good job when you came back became a member of the Rainy company which is a bunch of Rangers I think uh Rangers are Hunters you another attack on spurt folded and um you fought in The Siege the Searing Siege they called it and then you bled the death slain by a human Eason with a battle ax [Music] what a story you got one kill plus uh what's her face are you well you killed rodir in that fight and he also uh killed someone in flare Square there um so I'm gonna look at The Wanderer snarling where we want to go there we go oh look it's blue okay so we all settled in here then arrows we stole things I don't think yeah we're not gonna because no time is passing anything after this is a bit of a problem there's not really any way of doing that unless we unless we can settle without it going nuts that's not what we do this this is two weeks worth of Time volcano temple with a lava moat I haven't done really anything with with uh lava this time okay I've done any magma forges or anything like that um I'm not an ice an ice Fort might be kind of cool to try let's go somewhere like I don't know we go somewhere here in the sand make a tiny tiny Embark most likely for things to be weird focus on making some religious zealots yeah that could be interesting to try like like Focus all in on on the temples and whatever that could work this one works so let's retire this one and then we'll go back to wander snarling and see what happens so two weeks have gone by we could also uh I could have sat there for 20 minutes which I probably should have and let let like a month or whatever go by unicorn Glade forts I haven't done anything with uh like terrifying yet um I tried to do haunted and didn't work out very well yeah you can get you can get volcanoes and icy biomes it's rare but you can get them um I've always wanted to do a fort where I like I dig straight down and start building in the caverns I've done a bit a bit on my own I never done on like a stream and it's kind of hard to it's hard to make anything like the caverns are because it's a crazy like looking place it's hard to get uh anything of looks breathable down there if that makes any sense okay so a couple weeks have gone by anything else new happens um nope just some folks visited but I didn't say anything about going nutso let's look at schlallous we look at schlawless mystery tuft [Music] oh yes mystery craft a grasping animal of quakes female Cobalt she bit the elf passing on the skink monster curse and then struck down the elf that's it we haven't gotten a far enough far enough time yeah you could do custom yeah custom World Gym could certainly get it in there so one installing is is still kicking but it's only been a couple weeks a lot of folks visited and got probably we'll get bit here in a couple more weeks but yeah let's um see what we can do here so deep detail Mode's kind of neat there's all kinds of stuff you can change in here and um like a million things and there's there's you can make your own um and like save them and make some pretty cool uh stuff and there's some really neat things that people have done on um find online of some really nice looking Maps um I don't think nothing nothing is in here but um I should go look and see if I can find some things [Music] best for next time I don't know well I'll automatically something somebody has some good ideas let me know we'll find something to something to do something out of the ordinary what a tiny world age of the bronze Colossus and Mountain Titan tiny world I love how tiny it is there's tiny little there's there's dwarves We Got Elves we've got a volcano and some goblins perfect I wanna I wanna keep it but no it's bedtime posting stamp world nice I'm going to bed thanks for hanging out tonight uh I will be here tomorrow and we will play something else um I'm not entirely sure what but we'll play something so uh thanks for hanging out again
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 10,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dwarf Fortress gameplay, Dwarf Fortress nookrium, Dwarf Fortress, kobold df, df, colony sim, simulation, nookrium, base building, fantasy, dwarf fortress mod, modded, gaming, lets play, live stream, youtube live, bay12, kitfox
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 27sec (8667 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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