THE KINGDOM OF THE DWARFS - Warhammer Lore - Total War: Warhammer 3

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are we going to let these trespassers get away with their sneaky shenanigans do we let them steal the treasure and valuables which belong to the angry and clan by right no we do not a long time ago the dwarves came upon the mightiest mountain range of the world on their journey from the southlands in search of a new homeland from which to dig more tunnels and veins to mine minerals and precious materials in the world's edge mountains they found a new home they mined and mastered the stone and ore giving life to breathless rocks within the cold darkness of the bedrock gleaming cities were carved as if to reflect the stubborn nature and glory of their builders watchtowers and forts were built on the high grounds gazing upon the snowy rims and steep slopes of the mountains for the ages to come in their glorious days the world's edge mountains belong to the dwarf kin in its entirety and its splendor was undeniable their kingdom or the karas angkor as many know it was full of architectural wonders and riches beyond the wildest of imaginations i see beside me brave dwarf and hearts such courage will imbue my rune helm this is the day to strike many grudges from the great book a vast realm that is now shattered under the heavy burden of countless tragedies and unrelenting war a pale shadow of its former glory in this video we will explore the dwarf realms although many of their ancient strongholds now lie in ruins and have become the layers of evil creatures there are many others that still endure and remind the noble dwarves of the glories of the past as the golden era crumbled away a dark period known as the time of woes befell following devastating earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that shook the core of each and every dwarf city foul creatures came out of their lairs to grasp the opportunity from the deepest and darkest of shadows they came never before seen monsters suddenly shaken and enraged preyed upon the dwarves with the start of the goblin wars soon after the natural disasters orcs goblins trolls and other dangerous creatures advance towards the weakened holes as if to gnaw at a wounded animal marching from distant lands or seemingly arising from never before seen tunnels and dark passageways tunnels of the partially destroyed underway became swept with fouls skaven and goblins alike as they attacked relentlessly at the noble dwarves before long countless strongholds and cities were either abandoned by the dwarves or invaded and overwhelmed by enemies of all shapes and forms it was a war on a thousand fronts a war the dwarves had not a chance of winning with thousands of their people slaying and ancient strongholds ruined a thick mist of grief and despair sent across the entire dwarf realms already stubborn and mistrusting war and betrayals battered the hearts of the mighty dwarf kings [Music] to protect their people and survive the ever-growing darkness of the convoluted world the kingdoms shut their gates to the outsiders with their gold metal and gems protected in enormous halls and vaults the suspicious king sat on their thrones struggling to protect their own realms from total annihilation never forgetting nor forgiving their crutches now the dwarf strongholds are known to be sources of light and hope in a sea of darkness but there are also many smaller settlements mines and outposts scattered throughout the world's edge mountains and across the wider world these settlements are far humbler in size than the ancient glorious strongholds many dispossessed clans hoped to make a name for themselves by fortifying their positions and dream of establishing a new stronghold worthy of the karas and core many other holds have fallen and are now destroyed home to countless foul creatures many were destroyed during the time of the goblin wars and their ruins litter the mountains these include mighty holds that once were thought impenetrable and indestructible the terrible earthquakes and the bloody wars against the many enemies of the dwarves have taken their toll on the mighty dali many of these holds are connected through the underway by a network of tunnels and passages that the dwarves have made over time with the earthquakes floods in the ensuing invasions by skaven and greenskins many of these passages have fallen but many more still stay connected to each other let's begin exploring the many strongholds that make from the holes that still stand defiant to the ones that have already fallen a treacherous road built through a winding mountain pass climbs to meet the mighty city of karaz a karak in the world's edge mountains hidden watchtowers manned with sharp eyes spy on the travelers long before they reach the formidable gates carved into the mountainside a visitor's trek is hazardous for the pass is haunted by a myriad of perils may it be icy blizzards or ruthless foes hidden behind the next turn of the road children of the open skies are often mistaken to expect to find a kingdom claustrophobic and cramped beneath the earth yet if an outsider is by some miracle trusted by the ever-weary dwarf masters their eyes are met with the most precious jewel of the kara's encore the ever peak an impenetrable fortress the main city and stronghold of the dwarf race behind the 400-foot tall gates is a remarkable city the likes of which has seldom been seen by outsiders countless levels carved into rock each connected with majestic bridges and stairs hold a bustling city within built in the enormous chambers thousands of pillars rise to the ceilings adorned with shiny gems and runes giving life to splendid and magnificent architecture beneath the busy halls priceless heirlooms and treasures are hidden in the dark behind the sealed doors laid within lavish tombs bygone kings are remembered by their descendants for there is hardly any other folk as loyal to their past as the dwarves the strongest and the most enduring of all the dwarf cities the everlasting capital of the proud dwarf kin has never fallen to the hands of the enemy karaz a karak is said to be the most fortified stronghold in the entire world strengthened with high walls reaching to the snowy peaks its ancestral builders designed many defense mechanisms in and around the city the hills around the gates hide engines that can cause avalanches and even collapse the path of the enemy into the crevasses as deep as the root of the mountain when the siege is dire even the ever watchful dragon sculptures engraved onto the gates are known to spit rivers of lava onto the invading army all in all it is the dedication and pride of everpeak's inhabitants that won't surrender or give pass to the foes only but two times in its long recorded history the gates were besieged yet both times neither the strength of the gates nor the determination of the dwarves yielded before the grim era of the time of woes the gates of everpeak were never shot and visitors of all sorts were welcomed into the majestic city but once the dark shadows and phantoms grew large the king at the time ordered to seal the main gates to spare his people from the doom that could befall the mighty city for many centuries now the main gates remain closed to strangers and only open for the king's armies when they march to war just as his ancestors before him the fiery high king thorgrim grudge bearer rules the city without bowing down to anyone it is him who now keeps and protects the great book of grudges and has sworn to avenge all wrongs made to the dwarves to bring back their mighty and noble race to the golden days of all although times are grim and the great book of grudges is thicker than it has ever been the high king believes in his heart that better days shall come when the ancestor gods smiled upon their race once again days just like in the golden era when the gates of karazhakarak were reopened and only the dwarves shall rule the glorious world's edge mountains once more the inhabitants of the kingdom of carrick kidrin pride themselves in being the protectors of the peak pass a long stretch of mountain roads spanning from the far lands of the east to the old world in the times of old the pass was fortified solidly and connected to karak kadrin through tunnels and passes serving the purpose of connecting the eastern and western strongholds peak pass made it possible to trade and send each other aid in the times of need however since many eastern strongholds have fallen during the somber time of woes and the subsequent catastrophes the pass is now an invasion path for orc and goblin war parties to the great fortune of the western civilizations of the old world carrick cadren still stands as a barricade before the enemy flowing from the east like a roaring river guarded and defended adequately the real strength of the city comes from its fierce dwarf slayers and their unmatched skills with the axe the slayer warriors are called upon and welcomed home in caracadrin since the days of king baragor many moons ago the king had taken the oath of a slayer at a time of utter grief and had thereby became an important part of the dishonored cult of dwarfs the slayer's oath is a binding promise that requires its taker to live in exile while seeking redemption by attaining the most honorable death battling monstrous creatures only in glorious death shall the slayer's oath be fulfilled and any shame or dishonor removed torn between his kingship duties and his slayer's oath varagor became the first slayer king and passed down his legacy to his descendants who came to be known as the slayer kings it is now king ungram who carries the responsibility of honoring the warrior god brimnir fearless and protecting the people of his kingdom although besieged many times carrick adrian never fell into enemy hands and resumed the task of watching over the peak paths indeed not only do the fighters of carrick kidrin defend the peak pass but also ensure continuous trade that is the life vein of many cities and kingdoms it is this flow of business that once transformed carrick adrian into the center of trade and provided the city with its riches not to mention the constant flow of dwarves from all over the world that travel there decided to become a slayer [Music] standing at the western end of the death paths and neighboring carrick eight peaks carrick drag was once one of the three strongest holes of the dwarf realm mostly spared from the calamitous earthquakes that heralded the downfall of their civilization the real tragedy of the kingdom of character came with the ensuing relentless attacks of the foul greenskins after unceasing raids and full frontal attacks the last blow that finally entered the dwarf reign in carrick dragged came from the orc warlord zogbab the destroyer by conquering one of the most ancient homes of the dwarves zogbad turned the kingdom into the largest and the most lavish orc stronghold the statues and sculptures of their hero gods and goddesses corrupted and altered into the vile orc gods crude totems that stood defiant against the rest of the world's edge mountains the huge black granite fortress became a stinking monument of shame for the karazhankor attempts at recapturing the stronghold were made but they all failed in the attempt the dwarves paid in blood and many lies were lost as the place was always running rampant with greenskins and other hostile creatures it took centuries before a living dwarf finally entered the long fallen kingdom the successful attack was led by none less than the current high king thorgrum grudge bearer who wished greatly to revenge king casador and prove to the realms that his people would never yield bolgrim's army penetrated through the gates and slayed thousands of greenskins including their warlord disturbed and deeply saddened by what he had witnessed in the chambers that used to be the home of his kin thorgren sealed his lips and never said a word about what he truly saw in his expedition finally crossing a great grudge from the book of grudges thorgrim left the stronghold still greatly infested with the greenskins swearing that a mightier vengeance will come one day to those creatures that still reside there although successful in dealing a deadly blow to the green skins of the place now known as black crag thorgrim returned to the ever peak with a heavy heart functioning as the center of industry jufbar is perhaps more of a ceaselessly running loud machine than an architectural site to behold almost fallen during the time of woes the city was ingeniously rebuilt and fortified to protect it against the many enemies that now continuously assail the dwarves jeff bar is built and equipped with mechanisms that make it almost impenetrable allowing the city to stand strong against the evil tide and sustain its industrial production home to the principal altar of the dwarf engineers guild juff bar is a true gem of opportunities for the inventors to test and design heavy industrial machinery that is then produced on mass and sent to the many halls in dwarf settlements across the mountains and beyond certainly not constructed with the intention of disguising anything one can hear the mechanical noises of the city echoing from miles away behind the mountain peaks surrounding it the stronghold itself is built in a crevasse carved within the mountain by the deluge of a waterfall the energy of the torrent is put to use through a number of water wheels and pumps that turn all sorts of rattling gears joofbar is truly the center of metalwork for the kara's encore when night falls over the mountains the chasm is illuminated by sparks of fire powering the machinery that melt and forge all sorts of metals into impressive weapons and engineering marvels the fame of the city comes especially from the weaponry created from gramrill the strongest and the most enduring metal existing in the world in the past the oar was mined from under the carrick of arm to be crafted into the most exceptional swords shields hammers and armor within jupa although providing grammar became challenging since carrick varn's fall [Music] many expeditions still take place to mine and bring the resources into the city looking over the black water crater the location of the hull enabled the dwarves to mine precious grom reel and create exquisite weapons for centuries long a lot of this gram reel was taken to the city of zhufar to be properly treated year after year they delved deeper into the bedrock until finally coming across the waters of the lake and thereby weakening the foundation of their city when the earthquakes hit the kingdom the base of the city succumbed for the most part and the flooding of the black water crater was so rapid that none of the dwarves in the lower levels of the hole escaped remains of the inhabitants along with hoarded heirlooms were either washed away into the smallest tunnels or sunk into the depths of the lake finding opportunity at the time of carrick varn's despair packs of skaven rushed to the city in the hopes to drive the surviving dwarves away unlike the dwarf kin who valued grom reel above any substance found within the earth the agenda of the ratkin was different their eyes were set upon the green lit warp stone that laid buried under the vast rocks with time changing influences and corruption of the warp stones spread along the veins of the city and spoiled the kingdom forever although the dwarves abandoned carrick barn considering it fallen for good and cursed they could not lay the reserves of drumrill behind engineers designed special suits to dive into the lake and the flooded tunnels allowing regular expeditions to mine the star iron and collect their sunken treasures these expeditions are considered heavily dangerous and many have been lost never to return a once mighty hold now fallen and shattered these days only treasure hunters and adventure seekers dared to dwell in the haunted ruins of carrick asgal the kingdom was so rich that it was known as carrick isil the city of jewels valuable heirlooms and hills of gold were stocked with an iron vault and were sealed with runes of hiding to keep them secluded from jealous eyes [Music] the stronghold was incessantly attacked from below by the skaven [Applause] while entire armies of greenskins raided the above ground city following long years of raid by the skaven that burrowed tunnels into the city and the orc armies that smashed their gates with boisterous war machines karakaze by the enemy many dwarves lost their lives valiantly defending their homes to the annoyance of the invaders however the farmed jewels of the city were nowhere to be found the dwarves know a thing or two about protecting valuables and they were prepared and determined to not allow their riches to get into the filthy hands of creatures such as skaven trolls goblins or pitiful orcs the riches were well hidden enraged and displeased the spiteful creatures marched further to other settlements to plunder leaving the destroyed city in desolation and ruins but even with the last of the kingdom's defenders dead and the invaders gone carrick asgal was not to be left alone a dragon named grog the terrible claimed the ruins as his own lair and delivered any creature left in the city's halls a scorching fate the vault sealed so cleverly by the dwarf runelords was found in no time by grog for a dragon's nose smells a scent of gold better than anything else the monster nested upon the vast amounts of piled gold and gems for many years countless heroes and hunters attempted to slay the beast and get a piece of the immeasurable riches that soon became a legend in the old womb but all died in vain finally as the end comes to any creature that draws breath it came for the giant beast as well a dwarf called skulf succeeded in taking the mighty dragon's life by cutting its throat with his axe thereby becoming skullf dragon slayer although grog was slain the dwarves were too few to properly reclaim the city and build the doomed kingdom back from its ashes instead the greenskins grasped the opportunity and infested the once mighty hold once more getting their filthy hands on the precious metals that were once hidden from it is said that the green skins became so rich that trolls fed exclusively on gemstones rather than seeing more dwarf blood spilled in endless battles with the goblins and skaven to take back the city scauf and his kin established a new settlement nearby today kargen skousen claims the kingship of caracasgal but he does so while set up in a small fortress outside the main entrance the stronghold has grown too dangerous to enter thousands of green skin and skaven alive but their fate has already been written in the demos prawn and the dwarves will not rest until they take back what is theirs as the last of the southern holds still under the rule of the dwarves carrick azul stands atop the richest iron reserves of all the world's edge mountains the armors and blades crafted by carrick azul's master ironsmiths are among the finest and the highest of value in all the dwarf realms invaded and besieged uncountable times in its history it has endured like a solid rock against the numberless waves the closest the kingdom came to a defeat was when the greenskins forced the dwarf warriors to retreat from the western halls and lower levels of karakosul after countless unrelenting attacks only by sheer stubbornness in the unceasing flow of new and enhanced weapons the dwarves finally took back their home after 10 long years under siege and many losses although not fallen the hard long battles took its toll on the spirit of the dwarves of caracazul the population of the kingdom grew thin within the fallen warriors and the survivors were forever haunted by terrible nightmares and grief even the great king casador was not spared of the tormenting laws of his own kin in the hands of the orc warlord gorfey the blind pursuit to avenge his family was finally realized when the high king thor group presented king kazador the head of gorfang rotguts and free the survivors of his family eternally grateful for this action king casador devoted himself to the causes of the high king fervently rather than waiting for the cold claws of death and grief over his lost beloved ones come the foolish grudge makers of them all king kazador has been spending every day of his life bringing doom on the enemies of his people caracazool stands defiance the coastal kingdom of barak var remains one of the most exceptional dwarf halls it is relatively smaller when compared to other dwarf strongholds especially the ones that are built under the vast world's edge mountains built within the caves and cliffs of the vast mountain ranges and carved by the tides of black gulf the city enjoys being the most cosmopolitan and perhaps the most welcoming of all the dwarf settlements the enormous port witnesses a bustling traffic of trading ships coming all the way from lustria to the southlands they bring merchants and goods of all kinds together in the city markets such network of diverse people and cultures keep the dwarves of the sea gates rather humorous and hospitable and in turn easily distinctive of their cousins who are somewhat known as grumpy and distant to the strangers although dwarves are not famous for their love of water a notable portion of barrickvar's population consists of capable sailors the safety of the trading ships and the port is ensured by the epic fleet of barrickvar that patrols the waters day and night from potential invaders the respectable sea engineers guild is located in the kingdom of barak bar and they are the creators of the remarkable ships of the seagate fleet in contrast to the wooden ships of other seafaring races the dwarves sailed with large iron vessels powered by steam engines [Music] the heartache of every dwarf is undoubtedly the loss of the once glorious kingdom of carrack eight-weeks from the days it was first built during the golden age until its downfall the kingdom rivaled even the ever peak with its beauty and riches hidden within a sunken valley crowned by eight majestic mountain summits the glorious surface citadel of the kingdom sat atop the largest network of mines overflowing with precious jewels and untold riches whilst countless attempts by foul creatures to conquer the city above ground failed due to its protection by the mountains surrounding it the disaster came from the depths of the rocks so familiar to the dwarves crawling through the tunnels of the underwear uncountable skaven attacked and gained control of multiple underground levels and settlements for many years the dwarves contained the majority of the attacks however they were forced to retreat one level after another until the sole chance at survival was to abandon their home with heavy hearts and promises of vengeance the last dwarves abandoned their once mighty home adding a significant grudge into the demes crawn subsequently the chambers and the plazas became swarmed with bands of orcs goblins trolls skaven and many other dangerous creatures that lurk amongst the shadows all battling amongst themselves with the ultimate supremacy of the once beloved kingdom of the dwarves blood is shed every day above and beneath the mountains in a fight for control of the damned home over the long ages since the days of king lund who came to be the last dwarf king of carrick eight peaks before abandoning the hold many attempts were made to regain the rule of the city yet the swamp that spread into the kingdom from its deepest tunnels up until the citadel was too thick to clear one after another the descendants of king lund lived and died far away from the distant dreams of their fallen home finally after a time it seemed like eternity bellagar managed to reclaim the citadel with the help of the high king and thorik iron brown although the subterranean networks and chambers still belong to the creatures that were not meant to own it belighar's victory spread hope in the hearts of their brethren all over the world's edge mountains there are three main factions fighting a cruel war of attrition for control of this vast hole queek head taker the lord of the city of pillars and warlord of clan moors skarsnik king of the eight peaks chieftain of the crooked moon tribe and bellagar ironhammer leader of the angrand clan and rightful ruler of carrick apiece constant warfare and unceasing attacks are part of the daily life in this place for no faction is willing to let go of their hold on caricatures below the ranges of the world's edge mountains rages a bloody war that is far from over inch by inch tunnel by tunnel each step forward is paid in blood so the battle drags on and on not a day goes by and carrick eight peaks without some plot probing raid ambush assassination attempt or full-scale assault with every attack tunnel invasion or counter-attack the unforgiving warfare under the tunnels evolves we will explore the ongoing conflict surrounding carrick 8 pete's in the future video but the fate of the greenskins and skaven that have infested the place is already written in the great book of grudges and the retaking of the mighty hold has been sworn by many living dwarves the unexpected fall of the ancient kingdom carrick angor became the first great loss for the dwarves during the goblin wars prior to its downfall the inhabitants of carrick angor relished the oars excavated from the deepest mines beneath their feet digging further down towards the heart of the bedrock they eventually depleted some of the mountain's resources and abandoned most of the tunnels the consequences of this action were not foreseen at the time for there was no creature known to dwell underground other than the dwarves themselves after the mountains quivered with terrible earthquakes during the times of the great catastrophe the passages and tunnels under carrick ungor cracked and many crumbled far from sight out of such fissures poured the night goblins of the red-eye tribe filling the tunnels like rising water all the while king moritz stonehammer and his army were still marching to the west and by the time they came back to the fortress city their kingdom was far gone infested with goblins of all sizes and shapes they had conquered all in their path and slaughtered hundreds of the noble dwarves cut off from their home by the impenetrable walls and gates that they proudly built themselves and the unexpected numbers of goblins in the red-eye tribe the dwarves of carrick angor retreated to the neighboring kingdoms of carrick kidrin and zhufar so was the mighty carrick angor taken from its builders and conquered by the filthy greenskins that called their new base the red eye mountain the chambers where the statues of ancient kings once stood are now gory stinking battlefields where the goblins and the skaven horde fight for the command of the city when approximately 500 years passed since the loss of the hold king skarry morgrimson led an assault to reclaim their rightful place during the battle of a thousand woes the dwarves managed to cut down thousands of greenskins and got a hold of the southern valley and main gate but unfortunately they were unable to get into the citadel itself the goblins of the red eye tribe attacked relentlessly at the dwarfs and after many confrontations and sustained losses the dwarf army was forced to abandon their attempts and returned to karazhan karate decimated and in failure under a heavy sorrow and shame king skory passed his crown to his younger cousin rodney stonehammer and took the slayer's oath leaving on his own to seek his destiny it is said that he died shortly afterwards time has passed but the real owners of the kingdom have never forgotten their home three high kings have been slain in their attempts to take back carrick ungor it is perhaps the high king thorgrim grudge bearer who will finally succeed in leading a dwarf army into the city and reclaim the home of his brethren but to accomplish this feat thousands upon thousands of greenskins and skaven must be slain before even attempting to establish a hold on the once proud dwarf kingdom they committed blasphemy by turning away from the ancestor gods and practicing magic magic i tell you they are our greatest shame and they will be dealt with in time dwarves who left their ancestral home in the southlands and journeyed north along the world's edge mountains as time passed they spread amongst the mountain and over a period of many hundreds of years they excavated cavernous underground cities sank mines deep into the mountain roots in constructed tunnels which carried them further north a handful of them moved forward towards the east upon arriving in the great skull land the sanest of them all turned back west and followed the southern veins of the world's edge mountains to settle in familiar ground a group of hardier ones headed further into norska where they established themselves despite the unforgiving weather and the proximity to the chaos wastes conditions were harsh already yet there were a few exceptionally stubborn clans who ventured deep into the hostile mountains of mourn with time and the coming of chaos from the north in the event of the great catastrophe the connection all these drifters maintained with their kin in the west grew faint and ultimately disappeared altogether the dwarves of the east based their head seat in the city of uzkalak also known as the place of the skull the rest of the dwarves of the caraz encore believe their kin dead lost against countless corrupted hordes and tribes in service to the chaos gods but the dwarves that remain there as stubborn as they are resisted the tides yet survive they did not as the beings they once were but as something sinister unseen among the dwarves of the old world at an uncertain time and perhaps for an uncertain reason the dwarves of the east abandoned their ancestral gods and turned to the evil bull god hashut the father of darkness as they call that entity some say that this was their only way to survive the living nightmare of chaos that haunted them every day by worshiping a being of utter malice and greed the dwarves rejected the elder traditions and embraced chaos from then on turning into chaos dwarves and condemning themselves to eternal torment what was once deemed honorable was forgotten and the binding oaths were broken chaos worked a cruel change upon them desire of sovereignty corrupted their hardened hearts as their souls went astray the magic users who were once the runesmiths were granted terrible magical powers and arose quickly as the ruler priests of their condemned society advancing further than any other dwarf magic practitioner the demon smiths mastered the ways of dark sorcery and bending the fires of hell driven by the thirst of power and superiority the chaos dwarves created a nefarious empire ruled by cruel tyrants unceasingly working factories that blew black fumes into the air were built all over the dark lands to fuel their war industry their traditional knowledge in metal works and weapon making were wholly committed to vile acts and agendas to the dismay of their still honorable kin the chaos dwarves adopted terrible practices such as mixing the pinnacle of engineering with the seemingly unlimited power granted by the dark gods resulting in terrible living engines of destruction that scream incessantly seeking to destroy and devour everything they come across emerging as smoking constructs from their hell forages covered in black smoke the war machines shake with demonic sentience waiting for the darkest hour to come we will explore the chaos dwarves in more depth in a future episode as their lore goes deeper and many dark secrets await to be discovered for now we know that the temples once built to honor the ancient dwarf gods decayed within the chambers uzkalaq remained bound to the rotten heart of this empire the capital city of jar nagarand the lower levels of the stronghold are permanently sealed shut and hidden from the curious eyes for there are always terrible practices and machinations at work to punish the traitors and oath breakers of the new corrupted empire long before the arrival of sigmar the dawi were still green in their waves of rune magic for long years the secret guilds of runesmiths practiced the craft and experimented to master the art inevitably the differences between the practitioners resulted in much tension and they bickered with one another there were some who favored caution and discipline and some who wish to see how far they could push this unique form of magic not long after the dwarves who longed to test the limits of their powers split from their brethren and traveled far up north where the strong magical energy was abundant yet untamed during their journey the departed clans first arrived in a dreadful place where the winds blew dust from the ancient fields of bones troubled by the evil that still seemed to have a grasp on the unclean ground they hastily left the plateau that is called the great skull land but a number of them remained some of the bravest amongst them chose to travel afar into the mountains of norske and borrowed new holds for themselves the wealthiest and the strongest of those holds was built atop an iron mountain that was then known as crack a drac the dragon hole settle the top rich reserves of sapphire and silver the dwarves of krakadrak prospered despite the constant warfare with chaos monsters giants ice drakes and other nameless creatures mutated beyond recognition after surviving centuries in the chaos corrupted lands and being separated from their kin by great distances the norsken dwarves became further isolated from the rest of the world through time their culture and language changed so much their customs became unrecognizable to their relatives in the south more often than not the dwarves of the world's edge mountains compare the oddities of their estranged cousins to those of the norsken men with whom they interacted often grim as the barren mountains they occupy and stubborn as the enemies they endure many who speak of this act unsurprised for it is only but predicted to go raggedly mad living so close to the chaos wastes and neighbor the men who worship chaos for centuries crackadrak remained the capital of the norsken strongholds one after another the great kings of the city welcomed the representatives of the other norsken cities in their great timber halls above the surface important matters were annually overseen during the feast of grungni and the owl thing of the ancestors where the kinship in the north was further strengthened it was in the age of the king thorgard cromson when the great war against chaos dawned on the world and the darkness arrived realizing the urgency of the matters king crumpson answered the call of the high king thorgrum grudge bearer and joined his forces to aid kisled in their time of desperation after ages of separation the near end of the world had brought the kings beside one another and their people closer the oaths of alliances were repeated and the rings of kinship were exchanged to remember the common flow and the fight against the ever encroaching dogs [Music] carrick azorn was one of the few strongholds built in the unwelcoming territory of the mountains of mourn its crafters were dwarves set on a mission to find the legendary mountain of gold which was believed to be located eastward into the yet to be discovered desolated mountains during one of such expeditions a clan of the fable pursuing dwarves stumbled upon a mountain rich in minerals to mine after deciding to excavate a new home for themselves they axed and carved the bedrock establishing the second largest dwarf stronghold in the mountains of mourn their fortress was built strong and rigid to endure the spiteful creatures lurking in the mountains and the forceful blizzards it is said that these blizzards were so intense and unnatural that they flung giant boulders against their walls their rune inscribed gates were hidden and well protected against the enemies they were yet to meet the terrible fate of the stronghold was sealed the moment an orc hunter laid his eyes on the city by sheer luck the loathsome dweller lost no time to carry the word to none less than thoga the smash club the ruler of the angry fist tribe although surprised by the existence of the settlement the ruthless tyrant was neither a stranger to the delicious meat of a dwarf nor to the treasures known to be hidden in a dwarf hold or settlement followed by his bloodthirsty and greedy horde of frenzied ogres though marched to the gates of caracazor the city was smaller than the strongholds he had seen during his days in the world's edge mountains yet thoga but still mets with the same dwarf mastery in defense failing to break the doors and smash down the walls the stubborn tyrant still refused to fall back the siege turned into a battle of wills for many years as the dwarves showed great resilience to the sway of despair occasionally a small group of ogres would manage to find a weak tunnel entrance to crawl through only to be slain at the end of a sharp axe by the furious dwarves finally at the command of thought smash club the ogres captured and tamed three gigantic stone horns to use their brute force to blast the gates the massive impact of the clash knocked down the main gate and sent the dwarf warriors flying across the courtyard the ogre legions then rushed across the upper levels and sliced through the unfortunate defenders that stood no chance against the seemingly unstoppable wave of older infantry on their way to the floors beneath the surface the ogres had finally laid their meaty hands in the prize which they thought was even better than the riches hidden in the hold the glorious dwarf eo the slaughter was quickly halted and the ogres built a giant bonfire in the great hall of carrick azor in triumph as the stolen ale was gulped keg after k the roaring ogres roasted the still fresh meat of the dwarves on the sizzling flames the black smoke of the fire soon reached the noses of the remaining war to the treasure hall where they stood on guard around their king almost frozen in place from terror the mortified warriors waited for the ogres to make their appearance to their surprise the ruler of the angry fist tribe left them free and carried on with a great feast confused and terrorized the dwarves left their doomed home and ran along the slopes of the mountains to escape a terrible death though smash club was delighted with the victory and was certainly not growing merciful for his intention was only as mischievous as it was to be expected from his kind soon after the bellies were full the ogres would go after the dwarves again the rumors had it that the meat tasted better when infused with the fear of their prey to the east of carrick angor dwarves used to dig for silver and other minerals in the deep mines of the silver pinnacle the spacious rooms in countless levels of the mountain were promptly taken from them in one night by brute force the new master but rather the mistress of the silver pinnacle was an unexpected enemy a queen of deadly beauty who commanded an army of undead the unexpected and swift victory of the vampire queen soon found a lengthy entry in the great book of grudges and in the hearts of the never forgetting dwarves [Music] after the fall of her birth city lamia queen neferata and her priestesses fled from the crushing forces of al-qatazar and then from the tyrannical grasp of nagash for neferata desired no master other than herself following long years of exile in the shadows of the old world nephrota and her loyal followers of the sisterhood finally found a new home within the thick walls of the silver pinnacle the mountain became the shelter wherein nepherata would endure the coming centuries and pull the strings of many puppets all over the world in disguise the dwarves would know her as the queen of evil the sinister heart of the queen desires many things of the world but her greatest wish is to lead an empire of the undead from her seat in lamia yet nehekhara is still ruled by the tomb kings and taking back what is hers demands the queen's patience and preparation in the safety of her new home however if she were to wait in the gloomy chambers of the silver pinnacle then the remnants of any dwarf resistance had to disappear with the most ancient statues of the dwarf gods and goddesses demolished one has to dig deep to find traces of the time of the dwarves in the halls of the silver pinnacle there are only but a few chambers in the stronghold where the sunlight shines through and the rest seems to be covered with a thick blanket of darkness upon entering the dim rooms lit with torches one can smell the sweet scent of oils and strange perfumes the mysterious and beloved purebred cats of nepherata roamed the halls and the passages embellished with symbols in high nehekaran almost as if spying on the queen's subjects the undead wardens fully dressed in black patrol the courtyard and the corridors of the transformed city lamian women of extraordinary beauty and skill are invited to the silver pinnacle to be trained as the handmaidens of the queen learning magic disguise and manipulation to serve the desires of neferata the women who proved to be worthy of the lomian sisterhood are allowed in this exclusive sect once fully trained they are to leave the silver pinnacle and infiltrate kingdoms courts and ruling royalty to manipulate the world and the commands of the queen others who remain as neferanta's handmaidens form the deathless court of the silver pinnacle their days are spent tending to the queen's needs teaching the ways of lamia to the young bloods and practicing their alluring techniques on the select few visitors of the city as the true identity and nature of the palace and above all that of its queen is to be kept secret only a few naive knights of bretonnia and some trading merchants with luxurious goods are granted passage those who are allowed to enter the mountain are bewildered to see the reflection of the ancient lamia under the snow blanket that covers the peaks in the occasions when the queen herself meets with a handful privileged visitors in her chamber none can set their eyes upon nephrota as her face is hidden behind seven silken veils upon meeting the mesmerizing beauty of the handmaidens dressed in exotic clothes some of the mortal men never leave the gates of the city however the disturbing rumors passed on in the villages and small settlements nearby are contradicted by the lucky visitors of the castle who dismiss the superstitious fools instead they spread wild stories of the rich and mysterious countess of the silver pinnacle in the feast she throws in the honor of her guests many fall for this bait and willingly enter the realm of the evil queen only to never come back the past of the dawi is rooted deep within the mountains that shaped the backbone of the world since the first of the dwarf kings were born from the rocks of the mountains their bloodline traveled far and wide to conquer every mountaintop the enigma surrounding this mysterious kingdom sparks yet more wonder in the minds of the dwarf royals and commons alike aside from the mystery of its location merely the existence of this legendary place is a subject of doubt it is often in the good company of the fellow dwarves or rather in the better company of a proper bugman's beer one begins to talk about the lost riches of carrick zorn whether these stories are true or not the eyes of the listeners shine in awe upon hearing about the underground city carved within a mountain of gold precious elements nested in the deep veins under the mountain are rumored to be so abundant that the dwarves of carrick zorn supposedly used diamonds and rubies for their everyday currency the gems adorning the giant ivory gates of the stronghold shone brightly upon the friends of the dali while granting no passage to their enemies yet nowadays the doors are even invisible to the kin of their own masters carrick zorn is said to have been built by the dwarves who left their ancestral homeland and journeyed far into the core of the southlands if this is to be believed then this unique settlement was set upon the white captain mountains looming over the wild jungles that covered a vast tropical continent driven by the legends of old more than a few embarked upon long and often perilous journeys define the lost kingdom all in vain ambiguous maps claiming to show the secret paths the gates of carrick zorn are still passed down and sold for a fortune none of which suggests the same location yet each different route inspires a new wave of treasure hunters who pay no mind to the warnings of the seasoned explorers far too many adventurers of young and fools brave the heat of the misty jungles and the icy winds of the mountains to never return home again there are yet some who swear to have happened upon the hidden gates of carrick zorn by sheer luck or missed an expedition but never again could they track their steps back such claims are almost always ignored by all but a few for even the promising clues seem to lead to a dead end time after time some believe that carrick zorn has existed in the past but perished due to an unknown disastrous war or a similar fate bordered by cursed and treacherous lands the east and west the dwarves of carrick zorn doubtlessly endure the regular attacks from orcs and other creatures unseen in the old world perhaps their paths crossed the lizardmen of the southlands if so whether this encounter was a friendly nature or not is not registered in the books known to the dwarf lore keepers assuming the settlers of carrick zorn were alike their cousins then they were most certainly curious and fascinated by the hidden city of slatland and the riches it held if the lizardmen indeed have the knowledge of the fate of character then the past shall remain uncharted [Music]
Channel: The Book of Choyer
Views: 400,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Total War, Total War Warhammer, Cinematic Battle, Total War Cinematic Battle, Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer Lore, Total War Cinematic Battles, Warhammer Fantasy Battle, Warhammer Fantasy Lore, Total War Warhammer Lore, the dwarfs full movie, dwarfs lore warhammer, chaos dwarfs lore, total war warhammer 3
Id: s1D7AuiNP34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 13sec (3973 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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