Bronze Age - (Ancient Era City/Empire Builder)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well hello everybody it's been a little while since we did a proper streaming I suppose it's time we should uh we should do this thing again how's everyone doing hey Pedro how are you Devon how's it going Conor how are you so I I had a I had a real hankerings my camera crooked like maybe this is crooked what's crooked all my cameras for good I'm not sitting crooked maybe maybe all right so we're gonna plays in bronze-age today I had a real hankerin for some some project zomboid something about Black Friday and zombies I just had a hankering but it's it's one of the final days of free games month around here and it's we got a we got a fit Bronze Age in so been on streams I'm not gonna be here often was around 1:30 a.m. sorry King that's the way it works around here so um but anyway we can play some Bronze Age so those of you they're not familiar with Bronze Age I should probably say first off I apologize for not being here the last couple streams I I still have a little bit of it man I got a I got a cold that hit me at like I guess was last Friday hit me and it just beat me down and so we cancelled basically all of livestream all the Lightroom's last week canceled I did absolutely nothing it's kind of rough because it's like been a week out of no school for my kids and so it's been like the time to sit around and do nothing and that's what I did [Music] anyway I'm better now mostly so we're gonna play some Bronze Age today and we've got we've got two days left X I guess technically one day left the free games month before moving to December back into the usual of string of things and we're in prison Bronze Age hey how's it going speaking of some fine tea have I talked about the the tea at IKEA I'm sure I've ever mentioned it but it's pretty good stuff however I put a little too much sugar in this one it's a little bit on the sweet side so making me keep me awake even longer musics kind of like I'm turned out of it there were guys to be a little there uh yes okay so um today never been IKEA well you're in for a treat zabi do you like tea because I got something to tell you alright alright alright so we're playing bronzy today so this is a free game it's still in development been developing for you a long time I've played it multiple times on the channel it's a where we go start with Orion man of exiles forge an empire and dominate the ancient world that's the plan thanks Ryan we're gonna be going in here and building little settlements and building an empire eventually if they'll if all things go as planned a thumbnail and sort of conquering the world there's a lot of development still to be done here but a lot of things certainly happened in the in the past and I guess there's supposed to be new updates I was all really wanted to hold off until this came out but it's free games month I gotta play this game the beta for I guess no three will go in very soon what'd you get us something new I wonder can I get access to beta 3 maybe no not yet in January sometime we'll get beta 3 we're just gonna add all kinds new things and what we can see new pictures new things ooh sort of ooh but eventually we'll eventually we at that point I am playing on this one which is like I'm not sure which version it is but it's the one this one here I guess it's 2.6 is what I'm on right now so we're going to be taking building a a bit of a I can get so let's try it out oh yeah this is free you can pick it up here on it you can of course support dev if you want to thrown the tip this way but that's that so let's go plate all right Bronze Age oh so you know there's mods I did a model in time we like a space mod or something on there anyway let's make a new world let's go with medium size world and we'll go with medium hostility sure we have a few different kinds of landmass we can do continents is like little islands Mediterranean is just like big ocean in the middle Mesopotamia I think is more just rivers and things deserts both continents I think that's you know what actually I say that'd be really cool to do countenance I think the continents look the coolest but they I don't think the opponent the enemy does boat warfare yet so let's do Mediterranean you can train wolves that's correct let's generate that yeah if there's a Wolf Den nearby you can train them miss right anybody have any exciting exciting Thanksgiving things for you uh you Americans out there a trees legend how are you all right name of my tribe is the the nook the the new Como's and we can choose where we start we starting up in the the clever saying playing we got all kinds of few things here we do have a nearby Wolf Den deer nearby as well this one is a small lowland we have a small as well that has grapes nearby team you know what you know what I like the idea of wolves we can always find wolves later this one his fertile soil it has grapes has trees it has some small so we have to probably find if that wolf didn't 1/2 where is it this one where's the wolf didn't one this one yeah it is me alright the nickel bows are gonna be we're gonna be yellow so we can see us alright welcome Bronze Age I don't need your help I know what I'm doing sort of all right so here's our map so far we've got three settlers we're gonna take you we got over to farmland around here we're gonna wolf Danette there's no wolf din around here you lie there's an enemy right over here though so let's build over your some trees I suppose we're gonna go up here let's settle up this way I think doing wait wait about a water though let's go over here it's real time and then you guys I guess you can go just just explore just explore explore that zone you explore this one up here try not to run into the enemy can see the red borders means there's an enemy over there alright let's build a place it's not like trees you have a bit of a problem but we could always build you can see these white lines here this is sort of like our boundary this is this is one city within this boundary so if we build it we can build a city here we can build a city here as well so that's kind of how that works it's kinda strange gear are is the name of my town sure they won't wheat and you know what and you want beer okay so we have a tent here let's go ahead and build up something let's go make kind of a vineyard in here [Music] let's build a brick works first some bricks coming in so we can see within the town we've got one guy working right now that's the only guy in this whole place and he's working what kind of brick works at the moment what's this immigrants have arrived hey yeah come on in so they got one guy immigrant has arrived we're gonna come in here and we're gonna have him go and build a build a house the house over here how about have our house that way can't see what from ahead what's in the way alright I can upgrade you with some bricks sure Oh crazy which gives me more administration which maybe make more things lots of food for happiness yeah I remember happens to being a thing a lot of trees up there a lot of trees all right let's get a we got two guys now hang around do nothing let's get a a lumberyard build that in there let's go do a farm let's put a couple farms over here farm there got one free guy left we can upgrade this house for a tip for a tin would will get in a minute so sure everyone's busy right now can't build anything at the moment so you'd end up making pretty big towns and then of course we can make multiple towns and send trade routes between them we'll have to get like a wall or something built up here cuz we're gonna tact why do you guys all right here we got two more free people let's go build a house more houses more houses need more space for people we have a shortage of beer people want beer and then get over it this is the lumberyard we can throw like a beer place I guess somewhere over here right here next to the main place isn't beer already fine fine you can kind of see here we've got extra food extra wood short beer lots of bricks Hugh I can upgrade you with lumber which I will do you need a baker he kind of got Bickley right now I can make up things have changed a bit so I can make a only I do bakery yet she's at so autosave time I mean you know menu autosave make it like ten minutes okay Scouts are happening what you got what you got there what are those looks like a deer yeah deer deer that a wolf oh yeah wolf right there okay we can go claim this land is that someone else if someone else over here to wear yellow guys we got red guys over here and some pink guys over here and I guess they do sort of see them not really no okay we got plenty of oh we have lack of food some equal farms more farms I can upgrade these farms if we find some copper but there ain't no copper around here which we can find nowhere hey you do you explore this side some copper but to build another town for copper mmm-hmm soon as we find you guys we can talk to him I do need probably to get a tower actually let's build a tower here fill the tower to Capri at our house really the buildings you the city you can get on this thing's pretty fancy seven vans I'd say it's more like what you don't know what you compare with in me and the green forest Shore or is it where I don't see any on my map where green forest sure is up here they probably see a wolf I'm guessing swamp over there I think hmm all right we'll build that Tower let's get some more houses in here house over there and we get a house right there we need more food pretty cop so that Lakers make wheat into bread no that's not there something new now because there is now windmills which mean which make flour I think then once we make it wooden melting we can make a bakery I think it's how that works there's no deer around you're either they're all up here I may need to make another town up here real quick and just get some hunting going on hunting in wood and get some trading between the two book is on that it's fine anybody over here no how about you guys over here what are you doing what they go they die hey where'd you go you die hey you are hey you I want you to come settle up here with bill at town right here is this deer we're gonna ship actually put in the middle here all right there and you can we can get a bunch of deer a bunch of meat and would trade between the two yeah yeah mm-hmm yeah just one guy making this game working on it for a long time how's food looking over here perfectly fine we can also come in here we can make temples to certain gods so anak ee gives us administration which we have plenty of imitation right now neetha is growth because it's extra food and we have marred oh who does production industry there's gonna be food land I think of her so we're gonna bake a temple to neva hey Adam how's it going okay listen setup can I come in here make a brick works first same as before industry brick works that one guy put him to work I can make you guys move into town Jenny actually do like to find a place as stone no explore this one shouldn't be presents regularly we can beat the present peasants this way throw feasts execute the fun the ones that are having problems but no everyone's happy don't like skeet the ones that are happy just the jerks one free guy here excellent excellent I don't keep losing kind of compact for the house here mm-hmm I met these guys yet we should probably sitting someone over there to say hello and create a settler to go say hello yeah you come over here let's move over here just say hello to those guys don't great some houses and we showed a little bit of food let's do another farm oh not a free population [Music] no worries maverick we really do anything we don't really do anything until you show up make sure of it nothing happens got three people over here just make something happen make that no would fry right right the whole reason we're here is for industry lumber industry nope how do you get the meat how do you watch now would come any wood hello they want flour now there we go where's ADA enemy ha ha hello hang on hang on who are you this is a lag so let's talk with the name is wasted that's the name of the tribe is wasted hello wasted how are you what say to you what do you say to Gilgamesh um go to mesh um I say Darmok his arms wide let's start negotiations I like to propose No what can I offer you I can offer you trade rights what do you say it's in quite a lot he says balance - - what if I give you maybe a gift of a bit of wood what are you saying how about more wood no you know let's just talk what's up why about your tribe we are the waisted armies are strong people are many far more than you own in your own we have copper you have copper do you oh I need cover I think we could use four guys with wood limestone or bronze you earn our gratitude well I have it let's deal I give you wood I request trade rights propose nothing so he says what if I give you would you just give me your maps no isn't like that either hmm what if I just give you so to give you some wooden there you go ah plus one standing uh okay now I'm going to offer you would offer a gift of No oh you offer one gift a year alright nevermind goodbye bought by friends let's explore any bronzer on over here what's this gear up Wolf's Wolf's I see him I see him okay we should go get that Hut how do we do that I want to wolf a kennel bricks what we got it do that one more free guy over here upgrade your house neck over here I should have done two towns I can't keep up with this um give me you got food you do you don't you want flour though so let me give you a windmill here what right there there you go that's real nice isn't it yeah have under the farm just make sure we stay on top of that we bring some pigs to do some sort of a stir things come over here I worry about a farm self or dog that's right that's right pastor are pigs build it hello what's this we are they sing your praises oh yeah holding amish chief of wasted we see you who might we sing guys we welcome you friends best friends so over here we should have we have shortage of food because some more meat i should have good point i live one free guy build a house housing oh there's bakery is it civil bakery there it is so these guys have a shortage of food we're going to get some food over here we can take care of this money pause hello who are you this is some eath it behold food galley chief of eath it we see you who might keep her in distance we won't have trouble hello friends let's talk i want to talk with eath it let's talk what do you have we are armies a strong people are many more than us what you need via this wood limestone copper or bronze will get you would earn our gratitude well I got out of it what do you know about these wasted folk they don't know all right goodbye let's explore their land [Music] and I got pigs pigs yeah let me get some more houses okay up here we're gonna upgrade that house and we need more food here badly so let's go get some hunting lodge and a butcher was it that was agriculture where's the butcher what's that you hit a little point so do I have kennel missing a dog's ready for work help with hunting and fighting how do I make them actually do I just build a barracks and I gonna make him that sounds all right what's over there where's all of the stone sent in earnest we just do everybody hey Randall I was going [Music] yeah I'll get some roads let's get a road ada is angry it is at you yeah I know I know I'm working on it there's wolves right there hey shoot them okay I guess we got one let's build a tower here war dog barracks that's what we want build a tower first we go to war dogs upgrade this place yes dogs near a ton yeah we know hmm Mountains over here is there I guess over on this side hey you explore over here you can I'll go a little more roads if this a doesn't happy because I'm because they're all hungry hey don't you know what I'm doing what I can hear hunting lodge the butcher is up and running right up great hunting lodge I have dogs yeah yeah of course dogs we hunt better to doctors are those those are my archers isn't the arch resent me hey wasted let's deal you like me right I know I went to do that trade rights I'm happy I gave you would ruptor one so now we can do trade rights now still minus one though that's green okay generous hope this agreement we mutually profitable where I mines one standing right now no big deal okay so we can trade with you guys now let's get some drinking let's go build a right here on the coast let's create a trade house right there how's the food going over here which food do you need is this wheat that was short on we should have meat though what you meet I guess I can I can build a farm still no free population are you know you're in for that or stone what is that sir archers friendly archers I assume so when you go into a hunting dogs and bein in that so we can build a house II live maybe [Music] hey Redman excellent can I set trade up we don't have a tree I do have a trade post now so I can set trade here I mean you're a time that's pricing wolves or something do you in here so I want to new I'm gonna import from wasting okay I want your copy said you had copper you're liars are you lying would flower copper I once I'm gonna have five I'm gonna import five events under what I gave you for it and I will export to you export route to only theta okay I'm just what I'm spending for that but der are needs more food so now that I have copper maybe maybe I'll get some copper I can upgrade this place hey Arwen to free people let's go ahead and reclaim that place and see the exits here I don't see anybody oh hey they did make it over there how they get over there oh there's a land bridge oh let's settle over here hey I want to be able right here right in the middle copper copper copper iron over there right there let's be friends with easier I said we can set our trade caravans through here with ourselves oh great this guy we got dogs wagons are still going through look at their town I like I got a roundabout I knew we'd be best friends people are the best people we could positive seen you can go all the way up to you here so yeah it's big this is a medium-sized map but it's still pretty big hey Brian okay over here we're gonna go same usual thing with where's it industry reports I'm trying control three times now doggies yeah here doggies I want to I wanna build a a dog thing to make trees I can see you let's build a war dog barracks yes excellent lumberyard can you upgrade Oh yep we have copper now right where's my copper tools get in here and give me my confidence it is a mad about things why what do you whine about food did I go to farm what a farm [Music] meet someone new question we see well if you'd share with us we'd be grateful okay you've got your goods have proven quite popular in our lands yeah yeah oh yeah well good give me a copper copper we have lost two copper now okay so let's upgrade some farms reel that up build up my main my main place light stone for that and Iron River they won't more be here temple where my brewery I gonna make one brewery limestone what's that a tolling flower I'm going to abandon this place real quick okay at our house house this place over here doing bricks helps people okay upgrade and we'll build a keep things rose height here we'll build a house don't spot us yes we got friends so far lumberyard I think when you get trade ship it's gonna go right here trade ship right out here let's look at rate that friends with us hey RAF dock make that right now bricks yeah and then we get some mines coming in here also upgrade that as we get some wood which should be coming in a shakes learn who is this Pancho's you know we could also do what else is going on just burning these guys down okay can i reclaim that yeah we claim that's another house a little bunch of houses it's my trailer I would like to put like a tower over here somewhere my concerns keep an eye on things [Music] Weston housing and more housing okay the trade ship is here so we can set up trade routes if we have a dock over here we need a will put it right there I would like a trade rep dock yeah hey Louis we can do a road before I forget so make me a raft like it should be able get trade healing right now so I want to you export you got plenty of wheat to a new export route going to sorry okay give them five wheat per season okay so that boat comes out he should go do that there he goes I clicked and then we can have a boat over here now he goes he's already doing his thing over here I would like to like to do it import no no we're gonna export them over here with our free people we got it we have limestone here let's go to mine stone mine no wood where's my wood at the lumberyard yeah I didn't yeah I did weren't you working worked better what sort on the wood is it you another one yeah I really like the look of the version one pocket longboats okay you done you got wood now what's using all the wood over here it's efficient wood you got like two things that would what's wrong with you if I have you to make copper though give me a couple mine would insufficient would I so much wood make a house there haters are how we goin yeah I've been a little under the weather took a bit of a YouTube vacation that gets along with it with a house in there not really a willing vacation back you know so I got that now we can get a couple more wood woods coming in here a couple mine and stone alright okay so now we can export from here to Gerar and I'm going to give them we got two homes even at somebody we've got Rosa - this one we can give you green and ten I'll give you eight copper if I can and eight limestone okay season with this waste it says you full wealth if you would like share some with us we'd be grateful sure sure you like us yeah we're great eight boats you got this guy right over here on those on his wagon are you going that way for him this is okay use a dog over here also they help you guys out hey doing your food is short a doggy which I can't anything about we have dogs you make you make dogs deploy yeah we got doggies can I remove these treats some ham come stand just come stand over here I want to see you outside the trees hey what's wrong with you exhibition point what's wrong with you you're very big shortage of wood I should build a upgrade you with copper now and we should be bringing wood in though from you do I have a tray right here I don't spill a trade spot trade house no free population max I prayed that hey otters hold hands nice my doggies hey yeah I wish I could zoom in more there they are move over here and go look at our friends hello friends it's about a nice looking around about you got over there wasted drew very profitable margins are satisfied they love me mmm lag is ours leave it once I'm just sending my dogs out to go take a look at you calm down over here buddy free one free guy let's build more houses housing lots of houses already here one up can I build you up limestone but I should be getting I'm stone over here yeah we are excellent I'm crazy then you to carry on it's one in here it's a poor neighborhood I just lectured yeah just like she dogs yeah that guy he's my little guys this is a small village is it really though this is a tiny village but like me here people like me over here yeah sort of what is this Archer just walking through my land probably should put a you something over here to free people we have a lot of wood we can upgrade a lot of stuff we definitely need at our rides here of content to play a long game not really I mean we keep works go to war and stuff but there's there's a lot of like AI Empire stuff that's not quite there yet so wasted loves me yeah yeah wasted best buds wasted like a tower in that regard that now looking good some exploring over here though great house no I want to create a settlement do I want to my one free guy really these yeah like a big fancy house hey battle droid explore over here we could set just build a boat and go to for them to up here we'll go ahead and reclaim that more houses houses give you a temple to right royal royal things yes yes yes I'll give you a temple this is like woodland sir there's gonna be industry Lane I think so maybe we give you the Mart oh one Mario temple we have any yeah we have plenty of limestone now I'll grade these there we go up to what 16 people here 17 bit stone houses now about fainting yeah is there next level up where's of spear Slayer chief of spear steel herb and mine is yours where are you at power equal population less economy weaker where no we will crush you get them meet about three people over here yeah let's go yeah shoot him take that right here on the on the coast we're gonna put in a bags scrub your bags yeah do you know that someone over here oh is that no we don't know where there's somebody over here some had eat uh sard Guam where oh you guys exploring wait where are you Anson oh let me guess the guys have fancy walls you're stronger than us hello don't kill myself speech just exploring yeah there is a there is a game called Bronze Age which is like a edutainment kind of game I think there's nothing I have limestone bill at my main tower hello council way cooler than wine I want to look like a tablet my tumblr like that they're way cooler look in my tiny okay we can make a look fancier [Music] the middle this rain put in a royal well he's doing royal barracks trains and supports a castle elite warriors we need we need visitors five eyes ears where do they come from well these fancy guys I don't know why they come from though war wagons luxuries no oh gardens and monuments I remember all that let's put in the middle here a monument gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment sure what about a garden rare flowers and pools of water yeah who's this weird I believe the barracks right here yeah war wagons I know what a war wagon is trains war wagons quit moving vehicles carrying its go-to warrior effective in melee and range combat decent scouts yeah Audie charioteers oh hang on we'll make these cumbersome barracks I just keepers those look very interesting will we stream that one couple months ago there's like a free demo kind of thing for logistic keepers I don't always opposed to becoming out though the full version not too much longer I think remember barracks there oh yeah deploy my skirmishers he doesn't make more they're just the one okay so we have a we have a group of skirmishers we're gonna just move these guys to stand over here please - come on we could send him out to scout some walls go in here some like right here eighth house this place by doesn't need the walls so much but we're gonna make them walls probably anymore you didn't on this side if we do have bandits over here let's just pull over here put a gate there walls what do you want together none could stand against them our might join us or will think twice about challenging us this is from wasted yeah sure so we come around this way eight is unhappy what's wrong wrong with you you want beer flower pigs yeah we give you flag as I can okay so a little bit and we're putting a farm over here and windmill next to it and then you want fear row there row there a brewery over what was it luxury yeah here oh no administration okay we have a parade this sit over here again so wall to go I think we run this way and then down you this is plenty of compliment we don't need all these over here so let's go wall [Music] longest trees more walls now what you guys are mad about what lack of beer and flour and flakes I can do that row goes through here kind of in a way eight house Road house right there you want a windmill have a farm but we're getting food from the Levittown farm and windmill [Music] [Music] now what again Ready's responsive what do you want this from wasted yeah yeah we're great okay we're up to twenty trade agreements with them we could get trade more stuff with them for a-1 planning to rule your army as week says had eat oh yeah is that you are you had eat you could eat who are you whose head eat oh no where are you we know where this is hostility better war in mine his had eat the one that was over this way nets others had yo the blue t-ball okay do you kill my Scouts and if you do not very nice my scouts go tell my Scouts I did what might be in zoomed out from wasted yeah we're great okay this is wall up here wall their wall their wall was good because we're put a tower in here wall there let's change one of these for a tower we're gonna demolish these hey Andre I will put a town I'm not sure if again if I put it up to this this is count as like a wall these mountains can't walk around those right I want to have a space here don't remove this one hey Draco is he going are you going they confused Muffit Winx Road there we go up here see this once try still going between these guys I'm ignoring these guys over here um upgrade your houses sure okay yeah [Music] more housing in there sure Matt what's over here aren't you making this thing we need me for this you liking liking wood sheathing wood from you right make a export route I want you to go here this is a de no no I want you to import from Aida from Aida and you're gonna bring in speaking of lag you bring in some wood bring in like ten wood if I turn down I'd really it's got some roads we're gonna go I don't put on the limestone [Music] wall they're all there and we'll come over this way there we go no way if we put something on here do we want to do that yeah I'm fine another gatehouse I made there as a tower we need to put a gate not really all right there let me go yeah I'll put it over on YouTube eventually probably pretty soon cuz I'm gonna be behind on videos so I'll uh probably tomorrow the next day I'll have it up move that up and we'll get you get a road coming through here when you do yeah like that he also come in this way and enter here for me to what seems reasonable right there road I'm gonna go over this limestone go to the mine on here let's gonna the mind going there house go in here more house could go over here maybe this house would be kind of a tiny one but ended up being pretty big hey expendable bike what is this archers hey you guys won't you go scout some things go explore this there you go go find some things I know there's somebody evil out there we'll find them it will kill him sorry has become a small town no proposition to support a Vizier now build royal buildings in this settlement Hey look at that it sounds actually bigger than the other one the only just 20 people here how many are in this one over here is 2020 claim sorry see ya hungry I'll grade you there more houses you don't have a busier here the food for all this I think so a lot of beer though Ritter brewery can you tell for house one a night that one has my cell there I see it you yeah you do do you you do not even you have 19 people though that's kind of neglected well swamp in don't zoom out done like that um here for one claiming the rule you're on Mia's week says Hat beeped who are you wasted likes us and Lisa loves us and wasted really likes us turn all this into stone buildings we need to which we probably will 41 I'm gonna hold off going on unless don't Justin kids me me okay that guy was in the way Oh their Road I'll do this fancy guy in here we have royal folks we can put in let's put him right here I have one guy barracks gives us elite warriors we have granary gives us extra food storage plus 20 percent food scribes give us or administration a little sort Engineers give us lots of Industry I want the barracks let me build another barracks a militia barracks over here hey drink a Judas how are you in molesting you guys come from you'd be a lot of space honor Tech we need to destroy these guys they're just in the way do you take him look of a proper army we could upgrade you scarves your barracks yeah deploy you and what's with the excavation point you have a vizier also so I'm gonna give you your kind of a food capital of the world your nose I'm gonna make you my granary royal granary just applying food to multiple people they're bringing food in from the north you're delivering food West in fact we probably need more more better food here there we go upgrade all those with our copper we have laying around the bronze for that which we don't have I have any tin doing see it's all stone so we get bronze and tin makes or or copper and tin makes bronze hey why don't you go explore over here [Music] right basket that's the room you're making tons of food here and you're still delivering plenty over here correct no you're not okay so this one want more food give me like 15 and then exports to Gerar exporting the exporting eight of each of those can you go up to like 12 okay let's do a new tweed ooh a new one might as well a new one - ADA give them bringing a little exports just like those five of each of those they don't even need that what did that okay let's waste it again you leave me alone trading we do you know I'll train these guys who are able to cross a river and go north past your wall where this this is the mountain blocks this off just way in there there's we can we can go around here if we have to I think that's blocked off okay you're the veins you go right royal barracks I for cheerio I for charioteers yeah for that boat okay - militia need some more beer around here like a brewery the brewery up figs are fine a little bit of flour yeah he's good down a whole lot of nothing yeah war wagons until we have a road come through here Road Oh more people we're open go back down this way what is this this is a barracks down here some housing over here you're free guy will build another one here you guys are a little path through because we're allied with our friends with him tell who that is it just says archers doesn't say who I guess you can tell with the color I mean I don't really know maybe these are these guys here they're friendly with them right here you think they can walk through that this is a gate what's right ham the farms and the mills and bakeries are protecting us read those people over here only one point of administration can we you afraid this thing one more time yeah okay oh yeah we're cheery eight years with that we had a food over here oh no we're starving hey any more food anymore anymore more food we're starving over here upgrade my farm that do you have here there's a whole lot of nothing up there why those bandits we can miss we can take them out I think we gonna kill these guys right here though because you know what we breathing room this is all kind of my land I've been really kind you know letting us walk through here and all that but I only got one tower we got war chariot ears we will hear in a minute I'm just itching to kill things I'm gonna build on top of this I want some war war wagons yeah who's this wasted yeah really we really should go kill the blue guys other ones I don't like us March over this way come around these guys I'm gonna be mad if it's walking through there but we can come over here think there's a walls they've got though plus they killed me didn't they I don't like those guys we should go kill him change plans Nicola bridge can I look at that okay we're gonna build it right here okay gonna ruin our water route with these guys all right so I like you to move come stand here on the bridge and you anybody any weight in you this is this you're already out was that row granary okay these houses no wood afraid that brewery and afraid the palace yeah this is barracks right barracks and we'll put another one here [Music] how many dogs over here skirmishers militia more skirmishers that's just war wagons were there this is this you yeah why aren't you operational marriage operational with heavy chariots light areas bronze any bronze from both of these have bonds oh wait I can get bronze oh I think we can call in import from lag you guys have bronze you do okay I will give you and she can import import me some bronze we're back with your bronze ad where's your bronzer I know you have some salt where's your nose where's your bronze [Music] Dawn's bronze bronze where there on debt any moment [Music] so if you're like a wood over here should be coming where's my trade on you exporting to uh tutor are some would do more make sure you are chopping wood [Music] shouldn't have a lack of same trade people [Music] should get a road going up here though let's do this right up there I mean you guys can build a road awesome [Music] we have a trade house of this one that we do train right there there we go yeah click-and-drag refer for words we fantastic okay you good non-operational will be operation please well you need pigs no pigs here doesn't pigs right there aye sir here I'm give pigs extra pigs you have lots of pigs tons of pigs you just deliver pigs or wherever you need to go you guys will have any pigs either so why don't you import some pigs from your our hey I got some pigs yeah give me give me just like one Pig per season is really plenty else on a boat Cinnabon over still exploring over there alright yeah roads connect nice now fancy I like to take this thing out but I got a bone to pick oh hey there's deer up here no there's my dogs you move to here let's assemble everyone any military around here what do you mostly bears its operating do for you copper tips beers yeah what do you need you need wood which should be coming in now okay won't you use the road buddy we built it for a reason you know put some more of those I go would you got dropped off so these hunting lodges are using up my dogs if I were to come in here and say cousin lies well have 40 dogs though can I come in and make a new one of these no just a one but can I make another war dog barracks yeah more dogs there we go okay send it in the hellhounds to the blue people none of admin 256 we have 19 coming up here I didn't because we didn't have pigs what we do now I'm not sure things move faster with they certainly move faster with seed we get some live stones sent up here which he might be carrying right now taking on my wood [Music] one free guy no admin we can't do anything over here play all my dogs okay buggies move over to uh into the swamp move on in we've got you guys as well deploy no no no rod one okay ploy well I just destroy there no no no you're already out move over here you don't get it yes so my shortage of beer over here that you bakery we're in the brewery can I have one early fine of the farm there where we can go hey how's it going see you a while has been I'm gonna bacon that's right that's right you got stuck back there are you are you stuck back there oh you are why'd you go Matt that aside for I'm at the other side hey you um you already out okay there we go hey you guys gonna come join the army and then where's my war wagons hey Adam how's it going we got a few folks over here war wagons no I don't have any bronze but I want bronze trains war wagons with movie goes to any school where's any charioteers what you have you don't know you many pigs that's what's missing pigs aren't you bringing pigs in don't drink pigs in me enough like a building form just for the one guy so bring in two pigs then bring in like three pigs 14 for peace you think that bronze will be important in a game called Bronze Age but yeah you'd be right you Roman over here use a road if you feel like my guys what's my Scout zone and this map is a giant got somebody else over there oh it is hey these are people we finally we saw a very beginning of the game hey there's our army I kinda want that bridge there because it's ruining my trade with these guys my ship trade I don't actually know what I'd get out of it though there's no money in the game so what do I get for trading with them what is it what is it imports with allies do let's make them happy hey Tom having memory yard LeBron's as far as people also actually people around here this is big enough army quite a few over here anybody else coming and that one coming up from over here are you making it you notice if Pig yet yeah pigs no none pigs but war wagons led by pigs here they come oh yeah yeah it's a it's a pig - Pig chariot fantastic get over there you guys really seem to be concerned about me walking for the territory that lag games not like going on fast meal come on come on oh this is then probably yelling at me uh even warns get another place it's an e minus one you know what I'm about to kill yeah is that you right there thinking about it I got blue people to go first though my war wagons I know I gotta itchin to kill him too but he'd probably do it right now you know they got nothing over there okay you know what training is going to involve killing the red guys you're right - you're right we really should go over there then we kill blue guys blue guys gonna be tough because I got walls and all kinds of things so everybody over here I want you all to move over this way so we're gonna capture their town if we find the the tribal people we could actually capture their stuff and get new things over here also those are too many Wars that's fine just explore his land we got TRADOC as well lots of food around here trees this is my spot no stone huh no war dogs see shoo do what you do the name of the leader I have a boat out there we could also build a boat right here we can build maybe to do it you the guys we're gonna get more space come over here and put in statuary next to this one let's make a few men commending a war raft doc dos or Tom beer berry people want amigos already make anything else over here never made a warehouse we should do that stash it along the road here okay that supposed to be a road in the house over there whatever scheme used to have a thing with temples see like how to have like temples also place specifically I'm not kind of glad they got rid of that it's kind of kind of annoying all right what are you doing here you go trade I don't know that one does this name right there we should we should declare war first I talked with this guy declare war goodbye okay you guys move in doggies going in first our job is to capture that place right there let's get in there doggies you can attack the tower I don't know it's kind of sad sounding what are you doing capture that building in there no no Christmas everybody aggressive attack things capture oh I guess dogs can capture another making sense hey war wagon go attack that guy over there good attack now no I'm over here I don't know come over this way done mine capture capture capture did we do it shoot who has fallen yeah yeah okay okay pseudo is now ours okay we did it force a little beard um upgrade what's this enemy sighted in the blue sea oh that guy but you know enemy anymore he's um should be all right now right see trade for us when we show how we doin over here this is chuh do which is very short on food okay hopper [Music] can tell who that is idiots the other guys our friends or something better standing there okay alright well we got a town town that's starving for some reason yeah let's build a farm no add me a frame I'm trading very slowly because you need wood why is he walking brewery you - 180% why why is it so terrible because it's occupied do I make it here let's let's import from wherever we'll bring it in from or sorry we're here next to us they have a little bit of us - would make a little there so stuff okay I bring in just give me like two wood for now it's fine just give me something and give me a little bit of flour whoops - of that flour give me a pig you don't yeah sure and I'll take I'll take a food I tell food for them do in some mud grades just get something coming in here and I also want you to import from girar some food we'll do one beer I guess and five bricks I think maybe because there's a lack of administration is what's killing us do my army over to here I kind of think what's I think was hurting us is yeah that lack of administration so once we get that we can maybe it'll fix it open Searle awesome doggies in that fight you make more doggies yes yes oh yeah laughing I know not an enemy friend nor operation why there's no admin so I'm hoping that when he shows up hey tired you go in there you over here you got to trade around right how about you have actual pigs over here No [Music] make you some pigs whereas while your pigs at a great big farm master no no admin no limestone a guy okay you can drop some stuff off here buddy he's going around just passing through you know what else we could do here mud should be coming in doesn't seem to be coming in though trey is hopefully happening we can try doing a I mean here the doc as well so he should be trading over here not operational why does it needs admin is that the problem with my war raft you come here can you come attack this thing oh I see that doggies can I control click shift click yeah doggies I need you attack those we'll over here just passing through no we can do with this um I mean we could like burn things down we're winning everything because we're short or waste or administration but we need we need wood what if I were to like burn down a fall I just need some wood over here we do have a busier person when you trade raft trade raft hey where's my minute oh great hey there we go we're almost there we need just a little bit more wood we'll be there okay one more trip what do you trade for this time all right doggies come back I'm a tag you ready go they're all dead fine trade book oh it's a war wagon attack go aggressive it's a trade boat I don't just go aggressive do whatever you want to do I think we got something going though right because we oh we have we have wood now okay so can I upgrade you know but if I get ten wood we can so we just import more wood will be good I think I do want to go and make a new trade house here though you know I need to bring in this limestone which we are but not enough bring me in ten and ten cover okay okay something happening baby short on wood again but we get that other thing over here no pigs no pigs because we have no ministration no administration because we have no lifes done how about you you know what like this town over here it sounds good let's give it you spray me copper and why aren't you working Oh your war raft maybe another war raft you know what just go explore [Music] okay severe lack of wood goes no training going on over here coz this place is broken and I know I get more pings what do you know my pain my trade house using pigs no are we eating them all on the butcher [Music] you have pigs right yeah trade some pigs what are you doing [Music] [Music] crickets [Music] well we're getting somewhere move over here where's those doggies at you come back where they go doggies okay we'll still go kill some folks okay so new trade dogs coming in hopefully why aren't you on oh because you have no wood boy fine just make me a wood please nothing broken trade routes here yeah this yeah at my house my house we're going my dog's going away in a flower no pigs no admin you know I could do I could burn down a hunting dog place because it takes admin abandon the give me give me an avenue does now we can make a big place so fix everything okay pigs pigs now you are now working where is he there is easy working trading for garage how much you're trading for this guy trading for ADA excellent you have pigs on your carry-on right now slapping music that's the way ya rockin oh look there's an immune site in the blue sea trade raft why don't you trade for these guys would you do something move over here then move I'll keep broken yeah he broke he's broken he's broken can I just recall him hey boda recall come back here he's right there nice trade he's broken all right we're going to demolish the trade dock and rebuild yeah this is the key music give him a cloud trade craft build okay I'll show you game roads on this this will spur a landfill exciting I do do I want to have a path here now I don't the path there's nothing up there let's landfill over here sure hey marking has gone alright vote you're back I expect work new raft is coming in come on raft do things trade there he is hey he's a working ok excellent now deliver some wood over here please lagging maybe we might be at the at the the peak of this game because we're lagging out over here you guys I'm no no admin which I can't we have anything about until you get trade gone happening which I could just have you just build where wagons there's guy right here he's doing nothing my other trade playset what is this not why is this all getting built under construction for what copper yeah cuz on our rafts broke where is he yes he's working okay I think things are linked they're back he's got 50 food he's bringing it over here food and pigs which he should bring copper back something we have a couple which you have none so maybe we should build a mine a couple mine if I want ability a bronze smelter that requires tin and copper Hamilton there's a couple of mine please where's a stone there's some stone stone mine good warehouse over here just in case okay you want bread do ya I'll get your bread we're at a luxury put bread break civil bakery yeah well it's good to be back marking me even better whenever I finally heard this cold mostly gone mostly alright back to our old routine and the routine of killing the red people are the the Blue Beetle the blue people are the worst here comes our army yeah hit that way you don't look too healthy buddy Steele do okay keep on marching that way and just the see I'm a guessing yeah needs anybody needs looks like breads needed by somebody these guys you'd be happier if I gave you bread but you're already pretty happy so I don't care what you want you're making bread enough no family plus 1.5 weeks all we have here [Music] pull a wagon arm there no it's gonna need more little windmill here I'll put it there plenty those out the road it looks cool we got 36 people here it's a small town is pretty big if you ask me do you more more houses bought that off date night you've got here okay let's hit 40 and see if we get something special hey how you doing over here you got things no you have wood these things are working over here can i braid you yet you don't we live stuff the importing limestone import from here import limestone yeah you know doing a very good job of it got it right there okay well let's go kill somebody it's my Scout would you find new land across the sea with with with with copper don't you tin over there hey won't you come over here and look over this way for this one all right army we're gonna march this way into the blue people and through the swamps this is not operational still I sit seen that I mean we're giving away our pigs wouldn't say plus to them [Music] oh that's enough a lot of walls let's go see it of tons of limestone hey how about you an export to - ADA limestone yeah give him 20 then I'm gonna do it looks like the trade route screen is very laggy you know that screens fine Oh will you upgrade drawers now a full town hey as two of these folks yay okay uh Rosalie go there we'll put that round this way and we'll put it in right there wait wait want to put in granary use for food scribes are for administration they don't need it Engineers give me settlement bonus for for industry which I don't have a lot of industry here and the barracks of course gives me these charioteers which one he wants lead copper though which should be coming in eventually alright blue folks had enough of you and your filthy blue color I'm not sure where my chariot which are you go [Music] where'd you go dead not in my list okay attack that thing get him you know just move in just move inside there's a big hole over here murder the dogs that's what they're there for they're at it for instructions sounds gonna say it okay yeah get him doggies get them take that yeah okay move on in and I think we just burn this place attack that you guys can't attack it but you can attack these guys get over here are attacking be folks capture you shooting arrows in bringing slaughtered I want you to capture this the shoot whatever you got my doggies are game there's a lot of do people they got slaughtered that's not how it supposed to happen we're supposed to win why didn't work um new new people where you were at war wagon where'd you go there that blow my Spearman do guys out this way you know you bronze for you okay all you let's March this way you ever figure this fix this town how you guys feeling no you're terrible hey talk is broken I can't build a doctor we can just like demolish this one maybe maybe the hub a little bit people when they're happy I don't know why I'm happy Lucy yeah yeah good if you bugs hey Seanie how's it going I mean I don't how much admin we actually have here whatever it is it's a not enough I can't upgrade you until we get wood oh we have wood she's gonna give me admin we have to admin excellent I'm gonna put the trade how sprayed out here on the home tip nope yeah trade trade raft dock bill you can trade so that gets built for this town trade for this town fine trade for this town you you work now how about you if I tell you to trade for this town you gonna move go key start all right well he was nice it's thought an operational wine training archers are there another ready so yeah deploy those play all of our army again full strength now that's you anybody uh you got doggies really how many dog yeah we do doggies doggies like he's not operational cousin on the doggies cuz all of our dogs are going to here well I don't really want that so no the mall stands watch that one too I think using our dogs I don't want that to happen there's nothing over here somewhere oh there was more doggies move over there can I upgrade you any to better skirmishers yeah you too archers those archers were pretty good when they got upgraded all right we'll get his time I can feel it we also have we have charioteers over here now so we can put in the chariot barracks thing the heavy chariots we can do war wagons we can do chariots because what have you brought I had cherry Cheers and I never build it oh no copper yeah I wasted yep we're best friends what's this Lucy all right upgrading if I recall you you longer you better eat wood over here no copper are you bringing copper in hey who's sorry we're sorry give me copper not enough I guess okay you go back over here hey couple minds do we have one more my little build it's can also upgrade these can i yeah okay make lots of stuff no more beer to you Road let me go to be the strobe built-in you Road Road time you lay a road there and there okay now we got put one there just just doesn't look right for that okay neat yes wasted we're best friends I can't get you to like what kind of omens you can do here look at that fancy they are let's talk with wastin talking ask questions ask about how to eat we know of the hadith we think our forces are about are about matched tribes are about same size we are war with them the contest is yet to be decided okay that's it okay goodbye I love the trade with you guys you guys have bronze yet import from lag says they have bronze want bronze why is it listed there it is okay yeah give me all your bronze I want all of it yeah there we go excellent now we can upgrade Clank like later there and we'll get another couple of yards because we're kind of slacking here on the lumber speaking of slacking that copper just ain't getting delivered where's that guy going why is he going around that way easy to go out this way another bridge any more roads move a road all way through here if we need to it's time looking all better follow this times looking great okay yeah um I think I could do with you guys that we need to do with you know limestone we can get some of that in here easily don't you where you trained with him already give me some some limestone hump me a lot just a little bit you have a lot that don't you import you know import something there we go come on game hold together bring it's limestone come on just close her about throw bat at the end here I can make it too much longer okay you're back deploy and deploy okay come on up here move here all right we can't in this until we slaughter the blue folks I think we need to do that before we can do that is we could build more more units so we got plenty of space here let's go make if we do here oh we can deploy everything back over here I want to come over here and we're gonna build scree to this area also a skirmish are the archer guys with some pretty stone can do more I can't that's how we can build okay I thought we build roads look at that shadows before found the way to build roads okay and then you guys I'll be roads never knew that was a thing there we go look at that roads Hey all right and you have a road going over there well then we can get walls going in here for you too can I feel like if anyone needs a walls gonna be these guys we could like extend our wall across the water here and then build it around if we wanted to build like a giant wall that goes across across all of our nation here game is winnable is it how you win oh wait before we do that can I just come in here and say deploy army the only one to be a lot more than that Oh that'd equate done yet there they go yeah let deploy everybody okay okay now marching here if my my guy died is gonna be sad again we're gonna come up this way though come through the hole this way we're gonna make our friends mad they can get over it they love us here to destroy every village is how you in and Phil that's sure let me feel that one well this what is this whose wagon is this the gates open right come to the gate okay yeah the party mad we're coming through maybe not because we're allied with them so maybe they're okay with it clever fields where's that Zen enemy right there besides our town I wish my tablet like that that's neat I know we should get a road going over here too more people here okay can't handle fast speed try that before tonight come on come on come on nice I think if I get rid of the bridge guy will actually hey mr. K yep still free okay let's make housing there you go oh right right right no admin I forgot about admin here do you have limestone yet where's the lime sometimes wonder if I put in a right here we can't let's get rid of these houses or one of something so we can have more free people oh they have free people we burn this house down so we can put in the one free guy's gonna come over here and be a a doc I let's ruin a house though there's okay yep we're great what do you have to say Lucy yep all right here we go the war to end all wars here comes I think we first destroy things outside that's kind of people we are you know pillaging and all that here we come okay but they only have to two towers there are stone towers a little more scary than what we have both long as we can take out this stuff I hear kill their army to make a march in digs it's pink very noisy okay everyone you're gonna go aggressive just murder whatever you want okay what you murder murder whatever you want it's a pretty murder day seem to be not murdering things what a steal do know sir is choppy though get those red guys get them doggies hunting out here come some more come in well I'd rather not go die down there fine you know what get it choppy choppy we got him Moore should be coming in here pretty soon soon more here don't go those mountains in the way come back out okay nobody getting through here coz there's a mountain in a way we just break your stuff now I went it's gonna be mine pretty soon I wanna break it all here they come choppy yeah we defensive right now where are they I know you're in there come on out they're not war with them oh you know what hey blue people come on game um or at war here they come yeah mow them down before they get to us excellent behold Gilliam oh where are you who taught you this is who who Oh those red guys I guess that came out of us were somebody different all right I will crush you okay um we just go in capture this one it's gonna work some of them are moving in everyone else just move in hey arrow in my town after the town those that can capture capture those I can't just shoot things it's a very poorly built town because there's no towers within range of their main building taking it smoking take it the only a few of us experiment I think are the ones that could take this place mice pyramid storming throwing javelins - that's just burn this place take it already it's mine anybody we ready not really oh hey we got it all right my town now right guys out here we got fancy stone towers now how's this town looking desperate can we upgrade this place so 43 people here there's nothing here this place this man it's really hard that when you take the place it's pretty hard it takes place cuz you got to go in and you gotta like bring wood in easy let's bring in trade routes I guess import we need foot we need everything because we need to operate this place with admin we can't do because I don't have any wood fair girls are always buggy so we're gonna import which was report from black they're right next to us I would like like 30 would give me a lot of arm let's do like big 10 10 10 food I mean and 20 21 and a few mud bricks not 200 no no no no it's so laggy twenty twenty-one twenty what kind of game pause pause pause pause too much going on just pause the game I think I think this might be it I think we can play anymore all right pause no no no more noises import from lag I like 20 would please one deep and I like I like 10 bricks there we go I'm not sure we can really do this because I don't honey piggies here but we'll see how it goes okay I'll we import from the Gerar also sounds much cooler than mine maybe we won't maybe maybe this is about the end of the stream I think end of the video anyway as uh we've hit maximum lag too bad users are starting to get excited stop pausing there we go we got a fancy like hexagonal town now can you go explore trade boat no you're you're break things again aren't you we found things over yet the other side of the sea that guy did anyway we got rose going between everybody we ever find that village over here oh we did own they died so there's the the the natives they like farm warmth or something these are the little native people with with hoods that come at us over there in the world map which is I got fraction of them of the map we've got this is a medium-sized map it's giant really giant okay um I think we I kind of have to quit here because it's it's kind of at the end kind of at the end of the lag handling let me just save a trick oh I wouldn't show something off here I want to see something real quick we can come into a new game let's see what a huge world looks like hostility hi well look at a Mediterranean what we had and look at that again let's preview it see what happens so I think what you can do is you can sit back or effort they have war pigs over there - you're right you're right and yes I think if you preview it it's just sort of like an AI run game you don't play it you just see other factions grow I'm gonna really go on any sort of killing sprees though kind of one we never really got attacked we never had anyone aggressive at us earlier versus the game and just other versions of the game or other times I've played and I guess pretty rough you get you get people throwing everything they have at you and having to really defend yourself that was a very peaceful day flag the feature yeah I'm curious pulled up here I guess not yeah I do okay so some of the things planned here let's see we see ya rival AI Empire is what I certainly won cuz these are just sort of like they're more like neutral did you can fight or whatever I'm going to see a rival AI for sure mushroom people race there's the next one it's supposed to be coming in so Monday three below general release here he said in January last up it was all the combats and partially no character gains skill from experience as rules govern his generals unhappy populations world well that wasn't an earlier version of the game which was really rough new units recruitment system tray stones and swim is a I asked for settlements they want hey it's the Royal we haven't ripped our already and it looks a little more top-down II I placed one before I must have gone back to it where they had like the squares that you could go conquer most me if I had oh I don't know no anyway okay here we go so here's a huge map which to me is huge and you can see all the different factions and they actually they're actually doing the other thing there's some little tribesmen over here doing what they do building up we have a city I think up this way yeah no more tribes where's the city yet more tribes sending out some folks to go conquer here's it see it's the city of Swasey room and they just sort of build on our own putting an idea of the map size and there's much towns right in here these are what is gray these are sort of neutral folks build up stone over there another one over this way where's that one on the coast there it is good spot lots of deer hits wolves right there and it got medals up there too I'm curious how big I'm gonna prank this up on fast beat and see how fast they actually grow if they actually do any fighting on their own I think I've I think I've played the Brawn you know what I think I play the Bronze Age 3.0 beta yeah they have the rat rat riders thinks what that is no they go on charging around forest land over here where's more Pixies there's one there's some fighting going on yeah you know what I know that I know I've played the three point okay let me see look at my play this game I play different bait I think goodnight I don't know we look though I think I'm in there discord yeah I think I may have deleted it though [Music] minute that's old ice on it hmm pigs are hairless rats sure sure I'm sure where it is but I'm pretty sure that you can I know you can get it on you somewhere on a discord oh look at this fancy modern Industrial Age Bronze Age fancy so there's that mother there's thick like a space ball that's in here as well earlier it's not it's not pinned as they say it is oh yeah here we go you know what okay I found it let's try the new stuff we're playing old version let's play new stuff put that into Bronze Age 3 ok let's see what the new stuff is all about I don't play this a bit but I don't remember what I'm doing with it sure sure sure okay the beer is it louder okay yeah you know I remember this okay so we can be cradle civilization land of mini rivers or river valleys sure near lion Atlantis my tribe is the shoal but no no no the the what way the way before the Makri lows we will be yellow and black yeah let me be black and yellow that's not good black and red I'll still be high this time okay here we go things are much different this time all right so this time yeah okay so we are like here if I'm more how to do this you might settlement like this is like the overworld map and we come in to the this map part of the map give it some graphic issues look like we can zoom out and we can add in different parts to our world this is somebody else that lives down this way hey who's that guy is that me I got a dynasty fancy okay let's come in here where's my where's my adviser I need to be wiser let's build our no brick works a couple of those sure and maybe a few tents like that's that's where you like us support things can I upgrade you okay sure have a fine looking guy if you say so myself I got a Mac advisor su-sure let's build a wave farms farms are like outside right we're going to see my what I'm bringing in discovered a mud brick that's what's bringing him right now we have one thing of wheat coming in which i think is down here got those pigs sure build a pig gatherer and with that grassland looks great let some pigs are here discovered pigs chops clear some trees okay can like build roads I think great road how goes yeah this is the 3.0 beta that's all rows look like looks funny now we're sort on food build a bakery somebody's coming of age somebody's been married okay oh hey I have a wife and I have kids baba this guy and a Papa skills and statecraft administrator middle-aged watch yourself 38 on middle age 38 is prime of your life tax rate Gruden army sure a little garden yeah right here this must be a war I'm here suppose me what bleep okay working no recipe selected make one then make it butcher brewery bridge warehouse since capital [Music] I don't know if you mean all that stuff I don't know what I'm doing I lost my oil I think only works for the main game Oh who wants to governor sue um let's see I mean this guy came of age sure don't you take take care of this place okay Andrew we have more pigs down here and here I have a dynasty yeah yeah yeah my economy whatever that means we do have pigs we're using more food than we're getting so we need to probably go in maybe farm this can they farm it ideal for farming let's do that deer fish dealer fish Hales do some at how about we build a butcher [Music] people are unhappy why this is a perfect place to live we've discovered meat because way out I don't know how to claim things I assume this all belong to us yeah I don't know what I'm doing Oh help that help no hell doesn't work I remember congestion being a thing we can see like how poor people are moving pigs going in here to get chopped very nice of the pig just just walk there there's more pigs coming in here to get eaten that's a mark we already have a market we do with it we're trying to upgrade it [Music] which distributes meat and pigs we are the things there's anything on where that is great look at this guy's all those guys ma'am oh that's just that one you're very big Joe how do ya like that hmm look at all that I'm clearly doing something wrong deal for farming let's talk with with with we'd lets these guys down here hey we must negotiate let's share your maps I'll get my maps okay I just do your lands off to access my lands they have a lumber camp over there bunch of farms that guys shooting some some deer Kure has been injured by an attack in suit what happened an arrest in Sioux who started her violence you've been injured in the most recent that's she has she's like a 8 year old is she lower taxes series of murders in Sioux two people are dead maybe I maybe it's a it's its lackeys job he's failing me maybe we can do trade nope no traders I don't know what's what Cindy here cuz I know what I'm doing but I think we're to call it a day on the stream we'll do a death match though to end this thing and then I'm gonna go to bed cuz I'm still not quite all there with this then cold and I want some sleep so Randy dad [Music] let's do a proper deathmatch though will do just uh just I could go when you later match I think Oh excellent there we go yeah it's free it's in the description I think it is yeah at least the old version is version 3 you have to go on to the discord to find it I just don't have a link to it anymore all right so let's go I think I have everyone in here I have oh no you know what I do have a couple new patreon supporters I have let's see make sure I pull up Guyo is new make sure I mean login login what's here yes one is a it is both of those things yeah make sure it's alright yeah yeah that was very that was old sure get you here in the match though let's save that and go to the link later where's my come in here and there and we'll do yeah I missed my mods for for rimworld so what do a gloomy later match this time go away and we're gonna go with uh like the Earth Map exam will do definite shape is right Oh thing I was gonna do um yeah no piece right right no piece this time okay I like 999 those not reverse order you go away go away and okay let me go alright I'm to murder each other thanks for watching tomorrow we'll do some more livestream I don't wanna play tomorrow um if I can find sport fever key if I do we'll play some of that I guess um not sure fame has an ideas let me know actually it's going to be the end of free games ones we should play something free that would make sense I wouldn't it try to find something that that that would make a good livestream game and this going a lot much faster with all the wars this isn't lasting any time at all like the IO is dead already iku isn't first with 85 where's that coop right here right the middle of everybody though musics playing with a rich the risk strategy are here conquering Australia first we just legal emulator the whole livestream that's uh that's a free game for phones anyway fortnight forty minutes free get out of here marking just wait maybe I will play it who's still at first though moving into Africa Ryan Allen our champion for the month is uh is falling apart Erwin banana has conquered all of South America musique still holding tight over there look Wade look dead judas is still there find a rabbit Drouin where's velvet Oh right up here came will textile hanging in there what'd you get Vita Nova's dead pirates dead Mike Pettine that's right big cakes gone are that holy site of something has been constructed in in who thing was that I missed it planetary has left with that me a quest was that mean update to this game yeah with all Wars all the time is much more time right now I think so who made that thing Crusader Kings had to free DLC as well I think that oh yeah I did yeah I didn't yeah well the Violetta just sat in in in Greenland forever and then decided to go on a bit of a rampage Irwin is almost a story banana Mike who's hanging in there but constant war much better much better should I have this on a long time ago that who's fighting back always the exception those Mongols losing is gone we're down to five who's left bananas still hanging in here barely fighting off a small army done here looks like valve it's about to go you can see that much ships been here fighting around well sort of there's a few coming in oh how cool is falling apart camel tech wait here is it you only you're 24 it's fantastic we done this long time ago at KU is falling apart s-- ik who is there aku's did bananas still hanging in here somehow in Thanh tyloo Marin is leading them with our six stars faith is immersion immersion so me ISM new ruler tech level one though the new ruler apparently is is angry right angry stop being loud music alright strewing and banana is dead drouin is the champ right let's just throw in your even beating back the new guys alright there we go so thanks for watching everybody will do life time again tomorrow same time and we'll play something I don't know what we'll play but if you have any ideas let me know and I will consider them yeah anyway thanks for watching I'm gonna go to bed and I will see you all next time
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 20,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bronze age
Id: A8c1wwAcs38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 55sec (10315 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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