Dwarf Fortress - (Minotaur Attack & Bridge Mayhem) [part 2]

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let's go back uh into our world our active game here on the planet of enchantments uh Hill lenses we call it uh We've made it we're in the Autumn the fall of our third year it's the year 102 or yeah 102 so the fall of our third year and uh no one has died that's a good way to start this thing off to know that we will have a great day um I've got a bit of a fortress uh plunged ourselves into the mountain here and uh we'll do a little bit of a tour of this place uh my favorite part of this is our bridge but we'll look at all that in a minute um our wall we're getting worked on we're working on the wall it's not quite there yet we've got emotes our moat has been built uh the front door previously was right here we're getting ready to block that off uh is over did I do that right oh gosh I'll have to CL I'll block that out somewhere else uh our front door is over here we walk in down the row of statues we'll have to make that a little fancier maybe we'll get our moat in there to add to it and uh we've got our uh um a nice statue foyer first thing you see when you walk into this into this Fortress Is you see a uh an elf statue statue of an elf not sure how I feel about that statue of the elf is also devouring a dwarf I'm not sure how I feel about that either and then next to that elf eating a dwarf is a fly statue of a fly it's a nice nice Fortress we come back we got we got like furnace lands out here in the back kind of like we got like construction row here in the middle and we got stockpile laying in the back pretty basic uh there is the the dining area right here with all the food and drinks uh Barracks is over this way food and uh food and farm and land up here I set this up with doors here I should put a bridge here I think is what I probably should do because if my my animals are over here we should have some way of getting getting to those animals so I guess I should set a bridge of some kind [Music] um I forgot about that we could just use the door but it's a long walk to get out there to get to those animals so figure something out uh we've got a fishing pier over here for our our River and a whole bunch of mussels uh uh over this way where Bulldog fishes loves to fish doesn't think about anything but other than fishing we go up we don't haven't gone any down yet we go up and we got our uh our meager office layer not a whole lot there but we'll get more eventually uh oh yeah above the door we've got a um defense land up a little higher we go to our bedrooms all the bedrooms on the side we got the nicer ones on the other side which is gonna be for like the lobels and things like I know those are the same size aren't they those would just be more bedrooms uh up one more statue there we've got the library and across the bridge which goes over the river my favorite part of the Fortress and we go into the Temple of this Fortress we'll get some more temples eventually but there's one uh of those and we've got the rest just the rest of the mountain up the way here we have some honeybees up there too so that's pretty much uh it what is this oh we have Traders coming in that's right we left off last time with Traders coming in um we should deal with that so we got our entry uh walkway here Trader's gonna come cruising down the mountain they can walk over the river not a big deal we can get a bridge eventually but we got a trade Depot up and running and we'll get some things to sell um and I think the day the day's plan if I can get more than 31 people in this Fortress even if I can't I think the day is going to be focused around getting our military up and running we've got uh we've got the elf ear piercers who shoot things we've got the standards of warmth who hit things and uh they're staggering their training uh and hopefully getting a little bit of skill we'll get them some gear we have lots of medals uh we can get those going the alert is Caravan has arrived and then we'll grow from there and then I think maybe today we'll go down there's a lot of things uh down in the mines I think we should be looking at um let's see The Outpost liaison has arrived there he is uh oh he's over there he's not over there he's on the other side of the map oh whatever um let's go look at yeah Caravan has arrived needs need some cloth as well and yeah we could probably get something like that running it'd be nice to go uh downstairs because if we do that we could start getting an animal an animal area inside we can make up a nice pasture inside have the fungus kind of give us a nice green space um maybe we can like make our remote kind of come in and we have like a pond inside maybe we'll make like a big a big Greenery area uh over this way you know like um like a Botanical guard we can have our animals in there we have a pond in there we ever need water we'll have it there we'll have a grape that kind of comes cuts into our mountain and um I think I think I want to do that just a big um Arboretum or whatever you want to call it so that's what we'll try to do I did the storyline one died to a tree fall nice nice hey Gavin thank you very much 14 months Gavin hey Gavin how you been cam Johnny thanks for following so first thing we got to deal with is our Traders let's go ahead and bring some things over here to trade and sell uh I got a whole bunch of wood bolts but we need them um have do I have 400 bolts I thought I said to make 25 I made a ton of bolts let's sell some bolts not only that many that's probably enough I don't know I have so many bolts I that's a lot of bolts we'll sell some bolts off that'll make us some cash uh I've been making some I've got some bars plates and other things we've got made our uh my Army my military should grab those things um another thing I have to make yeah look at all the iron we've got already made here look at all the iron bars I've got already wow 53 of them silver bars copper bars Coke and I haven't even dug down yet charcoal some ash we're using the ash to go and fertilize our Farms uh we got a bunch of beds hanging around in the bins um I was making section oh yeah we got these muscle earrings we should probably dump on them sell sell on them they're not worth much but I don't want them so we'll get rid of those I'll just Mark everything and we'll we'll pick it out uh what's in the other what's the other bin over here there's two bins in there well we'll get some some we'll go and just get some trading done here and and uh make a little money oh that's on my cloth I actually didn't have any cloth you lie uh what do you got another earring over there we'll make sure we take that over there and this is just like splints and things oh there's earrings in there too ah they can stay okay um blocks body parts those muscles shells are worth nothing hey Captain Johnny thank you very much thanks for popping on over here twitch um I have oh I have a chicken in a cage I did I forgot the last the poor chicken I cut a chicken in the cage lash Trader and I forgot to take him out of his cage laughs we got some gems we can sell as well some of these are worth some money we could dump them like we could like make some nice things out of them but I'm gonna give them back to my dwarves we can make more and we want to make we want to sell this stuff buy some nice things some books and some things we can display some instruments uh some gear if we need we got some hats there to make this place an attractive place to come to because we want to make sure that folks coming here and also get some more seeds made or buy some seeds uh some more statues over there Statue of flies a giant spider monkey excellent uh tables thrown and I think that's it we have start your day with Anatomy is a book we've got in the in the old library uh keys thanks for following and the weapons we've made we've got some warhammers here should get picked up by my my Fighters and much crossbows for my Archer Squad okay uh so we'll get those things hauled over here and hit play my Traders dwarf should come in here and hop in and get that taken care of I can't believe I put that there and didn't flatten that out first I don't know why it did that I thought I had it up against the wall I guess not let me go ahead and come in here and and we'll remove those that fans make it nice and sheer and then we'll put in I don't know something else all right so our liaison is here uh talking with old tindi his name is Aiden hello Aiden Aiden's asking what do you want next year I don't know whether I think you're fine just bring whatever you want I would you know it'd be nice to have like foreign [Music] okay stealing cats steel and cats skilo thanks for following hey Scott how's it going yeah I don't need a lot you need a lot of bolts um I don't need that many bolts but it's okay I've got it marked as a task I think yeah to make more bolts so they'll keep making bolts I think what's happening is they're putting them in bins and they're not they're not recording them or something until they keep making them that's fine it's fine uh I do I'm gonna bump my my drink from plant up a bit to like let's put up the to 300 drinks and I'm gonna I'm gonna modify this when it gets less than 150 then I want him to kick in there 150 is kind of low make it let's make it let's make it 200 I think it's below 200 then come in and make some more drinks get it up to 300. um it's probably a safe a safe bet weekend after today's work for one week of work left this week Excellence excellent excellent uh what is that Goblin is that a goblin that came in it's a migrants oh we got my room's already this isn't this isn't a goblin migrant he must be maybe he's one of the ones that came in later on yeah maybe he might be with the Traders I guess they're not Goblin Traders are they no you're not um all right I've got uh went to was it three new arrivals three new arrivals yeah so who wants to be a dwarf what's a good way to start this uh this one off we got a few more maybe more coming in we do have more coming in excellence a petition huh Fury pepper vices wants to come in here and entertain us all right fear you come on in now you're not that Goblin are you we gotta it looks like we've got a uh the brunch Tangles of blushing a performance troop are here a couple bunch of poets all right poets and bards are here singing to us it's all right it's all right they can come in here are they naked humans are like naked a goblin oh the Goblin's part of that performance troop and you're singing to us all right oh we got a bunch more we got 40 dwarves in here now not all right so yeah uh uh another one the brunch oh they want to stay here and entertain um okay I guess so I guess so there was a whole wait it was there 12. was there 12 of you no but I just bumped him 40 to 52 and I'm concerned about this so we've got a bunch of poets and the Goblin is a dancer okay that's okay they'll hang out in our Inn they'll dance around a little bit it'll be fine it'll be fine oh we've got we do have a goblin Miner that joined us stradno who came in here he is part of yeah he's a performer all right I haven't figured it out yet if there is a way to sort my migration wave I haven't figured that out yet sort by that's name profession I if there is I'm not sure I wish there was if they're if like this is just alphabetical and either if they like in in uh dwarf therapist I miss dwarf therapists I'm sure we'll get into a version of it eventually um now let's go on the lists uh who wants to be an elf anybody uh we're a little little kid here all right we'll start with uh with mud we'll start we'll start from the bottom um and work our way up so uh mud mud you get to be uh my hunter okay and we've got my human poets Who Wants To Be A not sure where these guys came in from they came in I cannot just stand by I will take my road take revenge oh yeah a legendary cook he's 322 years old oh vampire she likes her seats I just gave her residency she was one of the ones that asked um how long do uh accomplish usually live slowly tired she's clumsy I don't want to be like suspicious of you or anything but you know and you know one daughter one son all right all right all right uh who else we got goblins are goblins are Immortal I do have comment happening let's go look at that I missed that goblins are immortal uh my beekeeper is going to be uh you know what's going to be me I want to be in this Fortress I mentioned what's going on over here uh I was by a lion beekeeper punches the line in the left front paw with our left hands punches the lion the lion charges The Beekeeper the line collides with The Beekeeper beekeeper is knocked over and tumbles backwards scratch scratch the lion is biting and biting tearing muscle charging biting oh a silver bolt came flying through and hit the The Who shots the lion scratches um through the shoe beekeepers missing is The Beekeeper the one fighting the silver bolt goes flying in the Lion's having trouble breathing the lion Falls Over The Beekeeper punches The Lion The Keeper scratches the line beekeeper punches the lion in the neck lion attacks The Beekeeper but she jumps away she punches the lion again the lion locks the beekeeper's right shoulder with a lion's left rear leg releases The Joint lock beekeeper punches the line again keeper latches on be Keep The Beekeeper bite slime and then punch punch punch the Lion's having trouble breathing bites bites more and starts uh no doesn't start shaking around but starts biting more punch punch and punch and punch and punch and more punching is the lion dead the hunter was in on that too I saw but mud was in there um is he still out there he is still out there we should probably deal with this there's a lion out there all right this is a good job this is a good thing for our military that's what I want to do today is get the military working let's get the military working okay let me do that real quick I got it I got okay um GMT I can get you in there but you're gonna be an elf if you if you want in so if you want to be an elf I'll get you in there that's the warning you're gonna get uh name the elf okay okay [Music] there you go do you want to be an elf okay okay all right you said it um you can be where was my elf ATS um the elf Oh you mean elf Craftsman that'll work uh or GMT a good a good name for a good name for an elf all right so we gotta go get that lion we're gonna do some trading here in a minute but there's Lions about and we gotta go get our military some work because I'm not doing anything uh where's he at he's up here on the mountain I think yeah there's there's this lion blood there's the lion all right so look at the military in on this do you want to call in we want to get both you guys to get over here and get that lion confirm now I was talking about this earlier today can you usually can you hit period and go turn by turn I guess you can't do that anymore guess not all right so we're going to go ahead and put space in one go for it I'd like to um if I can follow that line now we left what do you go and leave for all right well um no more lion kill and he ran away um let's see uh Ono and trance throws wants to stay here as well you know what I've got enough I don't want any more no no more like dancers none of that he's gonna you're gonna cause me problems frame rate style if I do that one day a nuclear engineer at the power plant got him in assignments at work to come up with new ways of arranging the fuel later while cooking the salmon and potatoes for dinner they had an idea for fish and chips fish and chips fish and chips tonight get out of here I don't want all this I got my performance troop I don't need anyone else Merchants are here it made the nice bracelets there's the fights uh ax stores and all that okay back back to where you were doing before uh let's go back to the over here and see if we can get some things sold get the broker over here uh speaking of we're gonna do some new folks in here let's see if anyone is better at jobs that we don't normally have like um I'm Lori is pretty good so we'll leave Lori doing that one medical dwarf we got the doctor uh bookkeeper is uh kavraka is an expert bookkeeper he book keeps he Farms can't stop the guy and then my militia captain is sporkip which is fine yeah no one tells seals with that so that's fine um you don't need a sheriff just yet okay I'm not gonna no okay sure asked get out okay this is gonna be a little more a little more lively here here as uh as folks and start coming into here um let's go ahead when he gets here we'll do some trading and we'll buy some things yeah thanks for making those make those bracelets oh stop I don't want you here uh Darcy thanks for the sub thank you very much all right let's go get this this this wall done while they're doing this are you not here yet where are you got you there he is okay I do like you can kind of you can tell apart pretty easily here the different dwarfs okay so you can have all my stuff you probably can't take everything because you only got brought some donkeys can you bring like wagons next time if you run a lot nicer you can have my my uh um you can't have all of them each you can have the earring it's a backpack in there speaking of backpacks you can have my earrings backpack full of full of earrings or just I think it's just backpack in there which my military should grab I'm gonna take a look at them and make sure they're grabbing their stuff they should go pick up all the stuff that they need if they're uh if they're a metal armor group they should grab metal armor which I've got some laying around if they're archers they should get the leather stuff and the bows and all that I got a lot of earrings I hope there's a shortage of earrings in the empire in the back of back home I mean these things we gotta have I'd love to click the whole bin but I can't do that because we've got other things in the bin these actually are very lightweight this is actually a good thing to be selling because super lightweight only worth like 10 20 bucks 20 dwarf bucks but it adds up we got some bracelets in there too but they're less than a pound they're super lightweight and it gives me something to do with them shells I suppose we could go in and crust some of them with with something nicer too and all these bolts I want to get rid of the bolts too 9 000 there let's do that what is that Gavin Hawk thank you for the gift soaps thanks Gavin I appreciate that okay let's scroll through here so I don't need any bars I got those I don't need any good gems um I'll uh I got some ropes I'm gonna pick a couple more pick more up because the kind of a pain I always need them when I do need them I never have the stuff to make them so just having a stockpile I'll pick up the water skins because it's cheap um I will take I don't want any of that no Rems please um what do you got oh you got a rooster do you well I got a hen last time still in a cage I'll take it I got enough cats I don't need any of those uh we should make some cages actually so we can get some defense going here uh I do want some more seeds because I'm running a little low on those so I forgot if there is some plump helmet spawn I like the most beefem and Venom no thanks nice battle ax there I can make that stuff now seems cheaper than it normally is I'll take the boots because they're just save me some some time uh a steel helmet I'll take bronze cap makes a mix for following I'm gonna grab some of these bags just just to have them around because they'll just save me some some headache quick lime sure so there is no there's nothing that we can make well you know we could we could start planting it would be a better idea to start planting like some Sweet pods or something just get something else in there because I'm actually doing anything else just plump moments right now so let's get some of them in here I think I've got some but just in case I don't throw some of them in I'll go ahead and grab some sand uh there's Temple cups also we could do I'm gonna go ahead and take a box of wool I got a ton of money so take some wool a bunch of leather I'll take that uh yeah give me all that leather we can stock up we can get some things made and get some cloth like stockpiled in this place um oh a hype train thanks Anonymous haha train thanks thanks all right guys more leather more leather uh elk antler figurine of a forgotten beasts that's the kind of stuff I want in my Fortress you know the Anvil the mine hasn't been stolen yet uh Cave lobsters there's Plum helmets I don't really need any more pump helmets I'm gonna I'll take a couple I'll take them all just to have them around so we don't run into these seeds anyway that nonsense happening I'll grab the threads uh I'll grab some pants and some loincloths I'll take a backpack I got tons of cash here so I'm just gonna basically just buy in everything um he doesn't have enough weight for this so because my stuff's so light I don't need any cheese that's why I got left I'll take your pot and I don't have any books supposed to do without any books we can take these parchment sheets and we take the parchment sheets and we can go and make our own artifacts and documents and we put some in the library don't write this stuff so we can go ahead and take those and get set up to start making our own books but man I need some more I can't just give you all this stuff I guess I'll take the buckwares there's not really much point in that take the robe take a breastplate I guess a nice one I got so much I can't just let them run off of here with all my money so we'll just take a bunch of stuff silver mace is nice uh a bucket uh what do you got in here we could go grab it like um just Dwarven beer maybe some variety we have to open here make some variety we can get like some milk some sheep milk some honeybee venom uh uh oh maybe we have Dwarven wine we don't have Dwarven beer so we'll take we'll take the Dwarven beer Plum milk isn't it too Dwarven beer reindeer milk toys guess I can take I got bars but I'll take them just because give me them okay anything else that I need I don't think so I've got clay I think I've got clay nearby this is like the beginnings of an instrument not a full instrument I think if I I think I might be wrong I'll take them I've got like I don't know I'll take them give me all your stuff uh I gave it all I don't know where I'm gonna put it I'll take it all okay great treasure we respect that this is no mere trade yeah sure all right it'll be out here who wants to come in here uh oh Mathis wants to come join us and Ethel also if you want to go and like hunt monsters then you can I think mostly it's gonna start happening when we when we dig down into the cave so I think we should probably start looking at bats bringing some folks in few goblins in our Fortress here all right so uh we're gonna get our military taken care of which they're they're sort of set up I would like to get a wall put in and complete this thing I think I'm gonna go to the edge here I'm gonna go mark this out and flatten this one maybe like you know jam it up against the wall here it's not really the safest thing I would like it to all be like um one wall you can go up a little higher and have like a double wall going it would be real nice so people can't just hop over it I'm not quite there yet though so we'll work on we'll clear that out what you're doing right now we'll build the wall around we'll get this wall that goes back here also just to get it set up dresses to keep being getting made I think I in order to make dresses and and they're just constantly get made so people are picking them up Mark poet's visiting let's build uh another wall and I want something like that I want all out of limestone do I have my Limestone bars how do I launched some bars I got 18 limestone I need to get my guy back working on we got siltstone blocks but I don't want my wall to look different [Music] so cancel that I might add a limestone some still tucked in there and some back over that way let's um maybe we kind of could build like a Stairway down somewhere because this is this done here no no no entertaining get out of here thanks for the hype train okay they're taking off now the human mercenary is visiting us that I will certainly take I would love to take a mercenary uh let's go back over here and get some beds made and tuck them in uh right in here I think what we want to do kind of tuck them in like like they are over here we have 52 people now we need to make more beds give me a work order here make some more bids more beds uh I'm gonna make like 20 of them 25 of them we're in Lots we'll meet a bunch because we've got to get that done I've got to get more carved out and get some more spots for these folks to get some bids we're gonna make some more uh we need more taverns more um taverns more temples as well for our dwarves we need I'm surprised we haven't had any requests for uh for any Guild Halls yet seemed to happen a lot but last time I played haven't been happening um obtaining no get out of here can you get your own Workshop um let's see what you're doing where are you I put it by this way you are you're just standing around talking you're not the most happiest either could it could be happier but just stand around in here Yammer it on so uh I think like we've got we got a defense I should say um let me get you making some blocks you know what okay let's go do this um I want locks lots of Limestone blocks I'm gonna go tell him to make some blind some blocks so on rock blocks and I want those blocks to be uh limestone so our walls outside we least all look kind of the same and uh I want you to make like a hundred of those just making a whole bunch of blocks toss them in stockpiles there which is that one that's Rock um this one which is not very big no entertaining no entertaining if you want to if you want to fight for me I'll let you fight with no entertaining there you touch how's it going I mean either a stockpile um I think I do want to stick with that thing where I had the the big open area with the moss growing on it we had to dig into the caverns get the Moss to come in so I think I want to do that so I'm gonna start digging down I think do we want to dig down where we where we dug up like right over here that's is that the plan I think I don't see why not now remember I can we can we dig can we do this is already up it should should just replace it should just it's up there right now I should should add it up and down stair I think I've changed it's not changed really but it sort of changed the way the mouse command and all that works and I'm a little confused about it dig um we'll dig like one down you know actually I don't know if I want to put this cat the cavern level that way it does work that way okay thanks gold so we'll do like a um a couple down and then maybe we'll do a haul and then we'll just go straight straight down oh we found some hematite in here debating whether I want to go just straight down with four four all the way down yeah some doors between my main areas and some uh some tunnels yeah yeah that's what I'm thinking here with with this so that'll go down we're gonna mine this one out so we'll just have a little bit of a separation and then we'll have some doors or like a bridge or something to close it off so in case something bad comes in here we can we can deal with it let's go get a bridge uh workshops we're gonna get snow bridges are in constructions and a bridge which we're gonna put in It's Gonna Raise This Way and we want it to be right there okay let me get a little bit of material it's fine I don't care what material it is um it could be important but I think what's there is cancel that I want a better Bridge I want a nice Bridge I want something that won't get broken so let's build a bridge out of if you don't make that iron there we go nothing getting through that okay now now we don't now we dig and we're gonna go down to level uh let's go to negative negative 23. see what that takes us see what we can find I'm looking for a cavern plump helmet spawn yeah I noticed we were a little low on season those Traders didn't have any but as long as we're making making booze we'll be fine are you making booze food drink appliances happening yeah yeah so we're good okay um doesn't need to grow a little bit about Z levels it kept forgetting to ask if I dig out level 14 or whatever number it does the floor on level 13 vanish yeah um we found a camera already uh I'm not sure um it's not quite sure what what uh how you're asking that down down there we go we found where's the way into it oh right there okay a bunch of mud tetrahedride some mud looks like it goes down into a little bit of mud more mud over there it was quick retail some Mega Karen but we've just touched we've just like barely scratched the edge of it marble over there where's my stairs at stairs in there um let's dig let's dig like um over a little bits and we'll go back down to there and then we'll connect ourselves back up so we can find out in these tunnels so so we're coming down we're going to go over and then we'll go back down some more and then back over to the wireless spot and keep on going this will connect us up this will open it up right here into that area and on down I'm hoping that we'll find we'll we'll get into that cabinet if we don't get that that camera what we'll do is we'll probably come one of these lower levels here and see if we can we can dig a tunnel over into it and see if we can find bigger spots because it should be bigger than this retaining no I'm almost that seed number um I forgot something I was gonna do also was grow some of the stuff oh you know there's there's more camera over here oh there's water in here too okay let's do this let's do that Olivine in here but that's I think I thought it was water I thought I saw water I guess maybe we just found more of the same Cavern that okay there we go we found that we found the cavern okay what is that Quarry bushes I thought I saw it moving all right a bunch of cave moss and what we could do is we could put our animals in here uh this will give us access to Silk there's some spiders down here there's also these mushrooms count as um count as trees some cave spiders wait there's gold in here we make some golden statues lots of good stuff in here there's a like a negative what 15 or so 14. it isn't any water is it dense cave Moss some trees some plump helmet men okay it's over there we catch it up or where we where we were where's my stairway there it is oh I saw pumping with men coming they're coming up [Music] well we caught up to that one there's a spider down there we'll have to deal with that so we'll probably put like a wall or something in the way there Cobalt tights where's our um there it is all around yeah we caught in cut into that one there's some bat remains [Music] and let's take a look at the uh the the other or uh yeah other than the poets we got Owen's got got a he's oh he's in my Fortress there's a problem man in my Fortress singing all right we've got a a Jaguar woman scholar are you in my Fortress too and then so we had a Peregrine and a bunch of bats and some and some Plumping wet Folk uh where are you at in you're climbing up aren't you yeah walking by you're not doing anything you know what you want to walk around I'm not gonna stop you but uh you stay away from my stuff no stealing stuff um what's going on dog is fighting a plum helmet man I thought I told you versus ants yeah dog doesn't like man all right well uh we can take care of that pretty easily um we can take care of them I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna send the The Archers I want to see them downstairs [Music] I need to make sure I mark this as a thing that that camera's really close my Fortress is at what 41 and the cavern's at that's starting at 28 it's real close [Music] kind of I want to position them down here if I'm going to go just find the thing to kill it I think what I might do um let's just position them here at the door so if it's something that needs killing we'll have them stand there so we're going to send them over there to stand I'm gonna send both you guys actually over there come over here and just stand by the door it's a simple one to come up for a bit and you can take care of it as long as there's nothing Rowdy about him fine then they can hang out oh I forgot I completely forgot there's a there is a steam key for Dwarf Fortress in the Discord volume tomato thanks for uh donated one for us for a giveaway forgot let's go it's uh ending here in an hour or so it's going on over there not sure how I feel about about them cruising around uh we gotta we got a fey mood here entertaining no entertaining but if you want to fight you can fight so kakor has claimed the leather works we'll deal with this real quick and then we'll go do this still working so grabbing things see where he decided to go no one's running around the veil took off did they come they must have left the fort was it come up above ground and then taken off oh it's down there's a falcon or actually he's upstairs so uh you guys are free to do what you want someone left a shield behind [Music] he's still going to see where he's at [Music] so we'll have an issue last night with uh with Discord um not letting them join I had to try it a couple times my Farms are all down down here you always get a you always get a Dwarven Caravan in the fall and you sometimes get an elf one and L for human one earlier in the year I know it's right there right where's he at least had to go a long way to grab something oh I'm probably got something from downstairs what's going on whoa whoa Cobalt pause it where is he where is he Goblin is it a goblin Thief oh yeah there's a bunch of them okay we got to get him there's still stealing my kids Goblin thieves all right that won't be happening we're gonna send uh you guys go get that one and I need where's the other one at where'd it go there she is okay these are three of them you need to go get that one what else we got out here yeah we've got three of them so there's there's Nico you can't both be near there where's the other one that's Nico where's um we know where snow dub is where's where's Naco was there oh nickel's right there behind that thing oh okay um who's that oh tinti congratulations you should you've just joined the military um we're gonna create a squad of I don't care what you what you grab on YouTube metal armor and you're going to be tinti I need you to go in there and punch that guy where are you lieuten D you congratulations you've just joined the military it's who is that can we tell it's sweepy maybe sweeping okay neither two of you you guys to kill that okay do it okay you guys go for that one they're gonna try to get they're trying to run away we've got that one pinned in our Fortress the one in here should be oh yeah they're pinned as well we could try to deal with this one who's running quick do you have one I don't think they have anyone yet problem Thief foreign run away okay yeah punch punch punch there goes the crossbow dwarves right there I lost one that took off but this one where's my melee at okay lock the doors let me go someone someone's on it oh dead got it okay uh did we get one okay that one's dead what about the other one anymore any more noises that one's dead that one's not there anymore doesn't help me any uh did we get him do we get it I think get away a lot of blood over here oh no I think we I think we got it but it might have gone away they're running around like they yeah it got away I don't think anyone disappeared though our number's still good I don't think they got anybody we're good we're good cancel Waters you're good you did good we got we got it I apologize for for um calling you a Cobalt it was a goblin goblins and my Fortress move that thing out there okay done struck on all kinds of things another one the same is this the same one okay began his mysterious construction so he's good to go uh militia winter snatchers lots of fighting going on we killed the thieves apparently there's an elk bird around here somewhere where's this at oh down down here oh wait what's going on mud oh mud that thing's freaky can we get we don't need everybody the round boots can probably retire we'll leave them off duty in case we need to just call somebody real quick but these two down here we're gonna get them in here get this up Bird taken care of and sweep these hunting mud is hunting mud can you handle that thing mud it looks like it's a lot of blood is that your blood oh it's elk bird blood you're doing good you're doing good mud I may not need any help yeah he's just shooting it you can see the arrows coming out he's just blasting that thing oh he's blasting it oh you ran it oh you got it well done mud well done okay you guys are all free to go there's another one down there mud's doing a good job all right anything else scary comes down here we'll keep an eye on it but this is a this is a big cabin this is a real big cavern I don't even know where to start there's a there's a way in right there we should probably like build a wall or something around it to kind of keep a little bit of organization or something and then down oh we did find another one there's another another Cavern down here look at that we stand on top of a goblin uh mushroom camp we've we have created a voracious cave crawler leather coats he offers it to the snarling Flags well thanks thanks once you wear it you can have it and we got water down here we go we can get a well now now that we have water we can get a well that goes into that it's good we can have water inside the Fortress lots of silver walls in here so if I um this came down to yeah right there so if we wanted to get a hole all the way down we could do that and get a um oh well it's been a hole all the way down and then put a well in the Fortress of where that hole is all the way up here so we put like a well like right here and go all the way straight down all right Bird fighting mud's doing a lot of shooting and we got a new coat um speaking of coat we got some new folks in here let's see if anyone wants to go and join us we need some more archers who else wants to Archer anyone else we got a wrestler there we got you're already in the squad kakor is novice get on in there um that bearded dragon is my Ranger but he knows how to shoot some things but of course is skilled he just got better but if I if I make mud do that he won't be shooting anything he will um I mean he won't be uh uh he won't be 100 anymore he'll be in the military so I'm gonna leave it like this if we need him we can we can grab him in real quick but for now it's fine and then for my my melee go gets anyone do want to fight uh B knows how to how to stab stuff come on in there we're gonna grab anyway we grab someone that has no skills and then train them but I don't know we're in no hurry liaison for my sieve is a goblin oh man I wonder if um I wonder I've had that before where like my whole people were goblins basically just run by goblins everyone's got orders canceled right I'm gonna go ahead and disband this last Squad here and I want to check on you guys and check on your equipment how you doing uh okay so again you're getting some stuff some of you have leather armor we need more leather armor two pants I'll do what I remember so we leather armor and pants with little bolts there with those two they should grab them and then you guys aren't anymore here you guys don't have anything you've you've got stuff right you just gotta go pick it up what's the deal you've got it you just don't like it do you want something different you don't have a metal uh you don't have any gloves yet you do have a spear so that's good everyone has a weapon at least not sure what the yellow between yellow and the green means I haven't figured that out yet some are green as if like that's what he wants if it's maybe it's a good quality I think well maybe it's maybe it's higher quality because these guys are yellow yeah I don't know any ideas anyone know uh keto thanks for following has any ideas about that let me know not sure but we could use one leather armor and two leather pants so let's go make that other legs two pants and do you all have hats we got five leather hats need made I'm gonna do that over here what's it called leather Helm yellow means are grabbing it and green means they have it yeah that's what I thought at first but they've had it that way for a long time it's oh maybe maybe it is what it is why aren't they grabbing it then is it maybe maybe something with with bins they're throwing them off foreign could be the bin throwing something off it's all laying right there why don't they grab it how they put it into this you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm going to there's no just use our armor rack finished goods I'm going to finish good stuff why are those in the finished good stockpile foreign [Music] over there as well oh you know what I almost forgot forgot my and it's been an exciting day already okay my chicken let's take take care of my chicken so we've got our uh kitchen over here my asthma oh yeah get these guys out of here get uh get him over here uh get dump that thing I don't have a place to dump it dump it away from when put it in here if I have a dumping stockpile or not just throw it just throw it over here in the river The Versatile cat thanks for following I need that one dumped just one over the other one that's oh you got him already good you dump them in the water yeah into the water splash okay where's the other one's at we got one in here somewhere I forget what the other one we know it got one there is anyone outside oh right there there get that guy out of here okay and everything else there we can go ahead and keep anything that needs that needs keeping like the bolts whenever they shoot their bolts they they get they get um they won't go pick them up outside kisses a bunch of fighting you guys you won't go out and grab them uh I do not remember the way to I'm sure there's a way of setting that up to permanently happen but I don't know what it is to where they go pick up the stuff [Music] uh there's a giant earthworm happening yeah where's this at foreign good a lot of ostriches are they downstairs no they're outside okay Hunters should take care of those there's a bunch of them home renovations I'd like to put a roof on here we could actually you know what we could do a roof on there real easy I think this was gonna be difficult before it's gonna be real simple how about those those ramps there we'll come up here and we'll just we'll flatten uh a roof out put a wall up to there uh actually we just need we just need to come in here and um put some floors down and done floors we'll make them out of whatever we got thank you out of siltstone's fine I think I'm gonna figure out a way of quickly doing this I'm sure they're oops not right clicking tried uh the where's my salt Stone so Stone bars where'd they go clicking control clicking alt clicking oh good I need 56 I'm sorry to be a little short but we have a silt Stone somewhere Maybe silts down there it is I'm gonna run a salt stone for this at least cover up the I'll get that too we need that done uh siltstone let me make it out of I don't want different colors up there that's gonna be ugly we'll wait we'll find some more endorphin on your own [Music] if we're putting a roof on this so then things can't just come swooping down here and take stuff like I think we had a problem with earlier I'd like to have a like a borrow up here for my archers a nice place for the station so something wants to attack us we'll have it we'll have a dwarf there they can defend that uh we need to get some walls and all that in here as well see if my my Limestone walls are happening I'm Stone bars blocks I mean okay [Music] I was gonna put in probably not too important because if I want to put a wall in there because they can always just like hop on down because that isn't really that big of a wall yet we'll get one in there eventually but I probably should get a bridge in here eventually something small that they can get they can get by yeah are just gonna attack things out of these levels it's uh with it it's they can't go too high but there's like two Z levels or something like that of of uh able to do it all right so that armor should get done so let's let's take a look at them again so yellow yellow all the way down for for armor beanie that needs a shield we'll get a shield we need some pants we need a metal pants and gloves for everyone metal pants metal boots let's do that first I need Iron Pants and give me some iron boots two of them [Music] then what do we need we needed a hats [Music] um armor or a shield we can make out of wood we need five gloves iron gauntlets I guess we needed them hey Draven how's it going okay one Shield and we need we need four leather boots one metal boots or eight I guess most my doors have two feet I'll make two extras then we need what was it two um Iron boot iron what's a boot a grieve a grieve is that what is that a oh my cow I forgot to put my coward I need to go Stone Crusher bulldog has revealed the presence of divine marks to the human swordsman posic don't do that I'm completing that's done that's done fighting some ostrichins shooting okay keep doing that uh what what what are my iron boots called it is just a boot I didn't show up Greaves are uh bracers is that a grieve iron in there iron this is a low low boot yeah make a couple of those okay Gauntlet appraiser gauntlets are hands but a grieve is does a grieve fit in the same spots or is a green fit under a Grieves are on their Shin okay okay what am I thinking of we're out of limestone should start seeing some moss growing up here and I'm not seeing any oh there's some we got dirt in here we can we can use that Moss stock dog thanks for following um I really want to make this like indoor grassy area I don't know if it's gonna work like I want it to I want to try dad joke time flies by fast when I'm playing Thor Fortress just seconds it's not straight is it that one what'd I do wrong when I do wrong I did nothing wrong uh that's diagonal those aren't oh something's way off like that maybe that look right ish perfect thank you all right uh all right there's this die-hard merry Mariah Carey Die Hard Mariah Carey fan he got uh he got her a parcel of lands as a gift but she said I don't want a lot for Christmas I think I told one of those uh one of those types ones a while back but it's worth a second one [Laughter] uh what's what's in what is this naked mole dog is that making Bulldog blood yeah I'm not running around the Fortress we should go deal with that I'm gonna have an issue with things coming into my Fortress now because I've got a hole in the ground what's going on down here is there a dead fella the cats [Music] oh there's a cow corpse in there yeah the cow corpse is there any other animals that came in that I should have should have put in my pasture I always guaranteed I'm gonna get some animals killed because I'm gonna forget about it oh my chickens I must okay um chickens so now I cannot remember my chickens all right chickens you guys are gonna live right over here uh I'm gonna put you in here next to the kitchen there you go chicken lands and in that land is chicken and chicken and we can put the peacock I think can go in there just fine but we'll put them outside oh we have a pee hand and a peacock okay oh yeah and that's let's have some baby peacocks and eggs okay we'll throw them over there and uh then we can have some eggs we just make nest boxes so we'll make some of those I want to make four nest boxes uh we can make them out of iron that would be cool [Music] Ness boxes uh let's get some tree chopping done because I think we're gonna be running a little low on trees and there's a lack of trees in this forts in this place foreign dog is fighting around there's a whole bunch of them I'm gonna have to station some some folks down here I've got like two entrances here and this is probably a problem something has collapsed on the surface you do oh you're not okay the tree fell you fell out of the tree all right all right did I um okay so chickens are set up okay I gotta close that thing off I oh dog needs to get dumped let me set up a stockpile out here to get rid of this stuff so they can get it out of here corpses and refuse [Music] I can do both yeah well okay I'm gonna do this way though so refuse and thanks friends some dead over here he's right there how we select there it is oh there's a whole bunch of corpses yeah it's usually why you want to put the uh the butcher outside because it will start stinking up the place especially when all this this meat starts hanging around here why isn't the meat like uh somewhere else or being cooked mutilated Corpses and it hasn't it's rotten though someone's rotten [Music] is it that because it has that symbol around it no they all do that [Music] you're what it is oh creepy crawler remains how do I get rid of those foreign things for us because we don't because we have so much food and we don't place to put it this is all drink this is all food it's a place to get stinky foreign spider in here they're playing Space Invaders [Music] to get Mossman to make that we have to make this green and we can do that by doing [Music] foreign [Music] Channel down here we're gonna Channel it down so we have like a um kind of a pitch pump some water in here um I'm gonna do this very carefully we'll see how carefully I can do this it's a little bit lower a little bit lower level than my Fortress just to kind of saved me a bit but we gotta we got a channel in here we got a river right so we can make uh something fancy [Music] so we're gonna we're gonna cut through here first cut through that we're gonna have a channel cutting into our Mountain actually we need to do this over here a little bit straighter we're gonna make a pond go to it's gonna go to like right in there we might have to cut through here like that where I have a bit of a hole in our Fortress but we'll fix it put a grade up so they should yeah they're gonna lower this thing down so we need to push down a level I'm going to put in a pawn in the middle of this place I'm not sure that's it it's big enough to keep my animals in it probably is we'll set up a pond in the middle here we'll set another Channel so we can funnel it into a spot and have a pond underground we're gonna cover the place in dirt first so Moss will grow in there and then we'll have a place for our animals to live inside the Fortress foreign [Music] thanks for following [Music] well I think I was standing around doing nothing there's some people who are looking a little grumpy just fix that fix your attitudes smooth that stuff out there um let's get the we'll get the offices to smoothed out I'm gonna smooth out the bedrooms already oh you get those doors in there making more bedrooms also [Music] I'm not sure I have enough doors yeah let me make a rock and I think I'm gonna need like 25 I got 25 beds we're gonna make 25 doors [Music] keep on going that way with it like this one can go over here we can make a bunch more in here let's do another row of them here oh that's the back foreign 15 we've already got 24 plus that's 32 no more than that 30. 36 37. plus a 15 is what 52 ish I have to go another level okay one more level up well we can put more bedrooms up here wouldn't hurt anything um we could also build across the way what's going on oh the elves have arrived the elves have arrived all right so I know a lot of folks are watching this series that have not played a lot of Dwarf Fortress and uh there's a very important thing that happens when you come across elves and let me be your ambassador to what happens when we come across dwarf uh elves that want to go and trade with us there's two things there's two ways to do this you can do it you can be nice to them you can be nice to them and you comb it you come over here you send a broker in there you just say this is mine and and they leave you just take all their stuff and get them out of there the problem is a lot of stuff we don't really care about uh we could also just shoot them uh with uh with bows or axes or wherever we want um let me move this statue and put that wall up there build a wall around with no doors [Music] um oh my bookkeeper has withdrawn so what's he gonna do you know I I feel the same way uh Cav is has left us he's mad because there's like there's elves hanging around and he's not okay with it crazy there he is strange mood where you at buddy let me fall there's nothing something else dead in here yeah there's a rotten worm let me follow him around see where he goes a bookkeeper you're gonna go to the where you going do I not have a station that you want I'm doing all right he says [Music] if I don't have the station that he wants I must not what is he what's he good at a good planter Record Keeper fish cleaner cook stone Carver Carpenter I have all those things though have all those things what do you want nothing in here I don't have is I'm screw press I don't have a Siege shop he could want he could want to die I guess I've got the other ones Tanner fishery kitchen I've got all this stuff [Music] what's he wants could want to kill him I guess yeah or a glass furnace I love either of those that could be what he wants I don't lose him he's pretty important he's my he's my bookkeeper foreign stockpiles that some of them do that and see if we can get that taken care of that's one way to wake up a Minotaur has arrived a giant humanoid monster with a head of a bull all right where where is he where is he let me add him I want to see him look how much trouble is downstairs we've got uh where is this there he is thull Uninvited Guest there he is oh he's real close you're gonna jump down on my bridges yeah just put a wall on that first seen a Minotaur than an elf you know one good thing about this is there's gonna be uh elves in the way [Music] let's go uh here's what I do let's go get our our military we could set everyone into a burrow so they don't go running outside might be a good idea so let's set up a burrow closed off here you might be able to get through those uh yeah you probably hop out those doors real quick if you wanted to uh I'm gonna he's not outside here the cats are out there I'm gonna go ahead and lock this door I was like go fight that thing we're locking the doors and we're gonna come over here and lock these doors as well he can probably still break him down but at least it'll slow him down a minute we get over there um these I'll leave open because I want them to go that way so that we can fight him over here I'm gonna make sure we get everyone uh set to go hide out I'm gonna put a burrow up over here let's make a burrow yeah yeah I got it okay so we want to burrow I'm gonna set it in like that is fine yeah yeah whatever and then I want to assign everyone to it can I click everyone can I click on every one button I feel like I can so I want everyone but my Fighters um it's fine we can fight inside I'm gonna come inside we got we got elves outside he'll come smash through the elves and then we'll go get him I may lose a few here maybe our first Dwarven deaths today mud we're gonna need you today that that uh fighting spirits of yours oh yeah we got a baby dwarf I missed that would be okay um signs I think it's sets right [Music] my workshop's gonna Source materials from outside the bro no thanks [Music] um oh yeah that's fine actually okay so everyone should go and stay inside that area okay everyone from outside should come in uh tag note the Dwarven child is going to hang out there and let the Minotaur come and say hello tag notes well why don't you come inside stop play make-believe poet's been found dead oh he jumped down the bridge yeah it was one thing I was hoping he wouldn't do oh so much blood where is he he jumped on out of the bridge oh we found a dead poet um I know where he's up there let's go find him again so uh wait where is he did we kill him [Music] well he killed him I didn't get to see him die foreign yeah Phil right there mangled corpse oh you know who's there mud's there ax is there oh my my Fighters actually got where they need to be uh the mud's there we know we know we're fine because mud's there we lost one um we also want arnoldus lost his teeth but uh kaizenike um got jumped on or something let's see what happened here um where is Minotaur is fighting what's he doing so he jumps the Carpenters the first one takes his shots mezar punches the carpenter in the upper body Carpenter I think was I think was um was Kai's having trouble breathing uh Minister grabs the carpenter by the right hand with his left hands can't break the grip oh and Minotaur releases the grip he Gores the carpenter in the lower body with his left horn Mentor stands up Carpenter Mrs Minotaur Gore is the carpenter left foot ninja grabs the carpenter by the neck with his right arm and he throws him by the neck [Music] AR stands up he scores the Carpenter on the leg Commander misses he punches the carpenter he twists the carpenter arteries are opens ligaments torn Mentor throws the carpenter again stop throwing him around uh thull starts shouting I was attacked how auxiliary Carpenter misses mantar stands up now the dog came in started trying to get him didn't do much good dog biting dog biting Minotaur grabs a dog by the left eye tooth left eye tooth with his right lower arm Minotaur stands up he seems to fall down a lot I don't know what he's doing he's going on with that Minotaur maybe because he's getting on his legs and Goring I guess is what's happening uh Mr scratches sensory nerve been torn up Mentor releases the um the the dog's tooth and uh Carpenter is still fighting still fighting I don't know what left eye tooth is either uh Carpenter misses carpet Minotaur punches the carpenter uh pulls the need Carpenter's still fighting the quick looks sick oh cause the cook just walked up there and got gourd into the into the stomach through the guts cook fights cook loses Mentor grabs a cook by the first toe and then throws him around grabbing his toe and throwing him around punching punching and Goring it's quite this is a long fight you realize how long this bar is all right I mean everyone else started jumping in and piling on it I completely missed it Minotaur collides with peasants the present looks surprised by the ferocity of the minotaur's onslaughts I am too and then who got the who got the kill here the poet was was biting on him we used to be we could see Huga who had kills who had any kills we'll see if we can still do this poet is latching her firmly everyone's grabbing onto the Minotaur official dwarf flashes on yeah yeah grab him when did he go down oh there he goes he's giving into the pain here oh yeah the hunter the hunter bashes the mentor on the left foot oh man and he's not even using his bolts he's over there smashing him mud is walking in there he's not shooting the Minotaur he's bashing him with his crossbow because that's mud he doesn't slow down he's he Slaughters ostriches he Slaughters elf Birds he Slaughters uh plump helmet men add minotaurs to the list Hunter bashes the Minotaur yeah in the upper body [Laughter] all right we got one dead everyone else made it though well we should go Mount that thing up somewhere uh we do have oh we got a dog too dog's dead so let's get this dog out of here and we're gonna go bury that we're gonna go bury our hero here oh no we have more dead oh I know there's a lot more dead Zoe who else is dead Mangus is dead never mind we have a few more they're all lame right there there's Zoe I don't know where Mangus is human swordsman uh posic was spotted sneaking around I'll live to fight another day excuse me horrified seeing the Minotaur uh die what does that mean anyone have any idea on that one thank you Casper for falling a little patience we are at war with the humans do you think that has something to do with it I wonder if we can see because in in the other version we can see who has the kills and who got what kills whatever um I don't know if we can do that here I'm not sure what that means but I kind of want to go kill you now he's probably gonna get out of here though he's off yeah he's out of here probably means he's he's stealing something he probably stole my book I bet you he was talking about he I saw a lot of things popping up over there where he's like figuring up location of books and things I bet you he stole my book yeah pretty sure it's got to be what it was well all right uh get rid of that burrow now so that is no longer active oh coveraka has made a siltstone scepter offers it to the snarling Flags thanks yeah Manga she did you died on the bridge what a place to have a fight though of all the places to have a fight I couldn't have picked a better one this is the place right here on the bridge I kind of want to leave the bodies there just just for the uh the Allure of it let's go get we had what we had three deaths so let's set in a a hall of Warriors here that's what I do over here can go very far so we'll go in like we'll put one there foreign from here so we'll just like we'll put six in there we can come back around put some more in but this will be our our Hall of warriors I'm sure we may need more since more than six but we'll get uh we need to get a couple of coffins Mane I'm gonna need 10 of them three I will do light we'll go ahead and get the six Main [Music] I'm glad I'm glad to help out SAS keeper are those teeth oh ax axes teeth Elaine on the on the bridge as well all right man it's certainly been an interesting day here in the Fortress last uh yesterday it was kind of a kind of a slow one but today I haven't had time to get anything done and all like hacking and slashing and uh monsters it's usually a good way of of upping the excitement level typically he is uh go to the caverns that's where the good stuff is and it's also where the excitement is too how to move these also foreign [Music] love to get some display cases so we can we can present our stuff a question about my my kitchen right my kitchen there it is why aren't you making like I've got orders for your rights easy meals I've got fine meals and lavish meals I guess because we got too much food foreign [Music] is busy doing everything oh you know catch a bunch of fish I guess it's fine we got food the meat's rotten and all that all that um I'll open one of these doors here a lot of rotten things in here too we got creepy crawler remains I'm out of here go dump them in the river foreign which too long was the Minotaur I think his dog blood also there's some vomit on the wall hey while you're up there are you stuck you're not stuck up there I'd love if if you would put a wall up there that doesn't happen again you have to be able to do it though because you gotta be able to get to it before you can do it that's like build up and around to get get a covering on that what we could do is we could do it uh like here put a another Bridge or something just like a plank across the top so things can't just jump down on it all things are getting smelly okay well we'll get those get those coffins put in uh oh my migrants uh no no migrants but no migrants the elves I forgot the deal okay I forgot the elves were here mole rats and mud here comes the army so you have a job of killing can I click on I think I can do it with so a couple of ways I've messed with military stuff much I'll show you my microphone's kind of my way here let me do this so we've got a couple different orders we can do um we can click on assign a Kill Order so we can go and pick uh um one another and click the thing like I was doing before with fighting stuff and click on that click thing they go kill it we gotta move forward you can just sign them to go stand in the certain spots you've got a patrol order which kind of orders them around so if you want to have people like that kind of follow the wall around the fortress on a patrol route we can do that we've got a a burrow defense order which will just sort of stand in one spot and hold the Tower or whatever and then we've got a training order to go and something for the barracks I'm gonna go ahead and just have him kill I don't know if we can do more than one thing I want you to yeah this way this way so I want you to get the elf uh we'll get the donkey donkey they have a they have a tiger they have a tiger I would love to have a tiger as my pets I wouldn't mind keeping a dingo either so we'll get everything but the uh but the tiger and the dingo I don't know if it's any I bet it's in a cage I hope it's a cage so let's go get him confirm get him arrows are flying I try to run away uh yeah we just we just knocked the donkey out of the cage and didn't kill it I feel kind of bad about that one okay mud's out of ammo yeah because he doesn't stop shooting I need to make more ammo all right done now we got all kinds of free stuff okay I'll take it all we'll get them out of here we'll toss them in the in the river we'll take their uh their tiger for sure where's that tiger at I miss it Yak bull cage there he is I see him uh I want it yeah bring it in I know we're gonna do with it it's I think it's a tame didn't it really helps with that poor donkey I'm over here okay flatten that one out uh we're gonna go flatten out another thing here and then we're gonna we're gonna put another little channel in here um oh hang on hang on hang on hang on I almost did something real dumb okay A little bump there's actually only thing that's like saving my Fortress here so the water's gonna come in here is gonna puddle into this into here we want it to puddle in a certain spot but I wanted to puddle in a minute [Music] um let's do this so I'm gonna make I want to Pond let's just do the pond over here [Music] foreign River okay we'll come back around this way and we'll go and we'll eventually we'll go enter here I'm gonna dig a small pond and I'm gonna have this whole thing fill up with water and then we'll let the water evaporate that'll give us dirt um and that allows allow to put Farms inside okay so that one's been flattened now in order one thing we got to do this we're gonna make sure we stop this thing so it doesn't flood our entire Fortress because it won't stop um I'm gonna do that by coming in here and putting in we're gonna dump that down let me go ahead and finish foreign Ness at one and then let's put it put in a bridge to stop it from flooding place foreign [Music] there [Music] foreign right there um I'll put a bridge in here and then we'll continue channeling it out so then it won't it shouldn't go over that bridge because the water's at this level it won't go any lower than that [Music] come in here mind that out Bridge right there should work uh I need I have an order for more bolts I guess we need more than those so let's set that up to we are pretty low let's get like 200 volts hey on Sunday has [Music] a blood over here snow dub Goblin blood I may wash themselves off over there things what's going on [Music] so that goes there and I'm gonna come in here and put in floodgates we could do that way but I'm I've I've done this um yeah I'll show you my way so we're going to do a bridge we want to go we wanted to lift that way and we want to make sure we pick our materials something strong one square is fine actually I'm going to change that I'm going to do two squares because you can't maybe maybe you can now but used to be you couldn't tell if the bridge was up or down if it was only one square so we're gonna do two squares lifted lifting up like that come on click click aren't you clicking perimeter [Music] whale now what do you hide oh where you at zinc oh he was up there you never got why did you jump oh he couldn't jump down there he couldn't all right I'm gonna pause the game real quick as I'm dealing with this people are dying let's go back over here okay so we gotta get I guess we're gonna do a one Bridge because I'd rather not but I'm gonna do one um sorry zank I uh I kind of forgot about you all right right there we'll make it out of limestone it's fine okay I'm gonna go break ourselves a lever I'm gonna get a couple levers actually I'm gonna put them we'll put them in here in the middle of the Fortress put one in the barracks because I need one I'll need one eventually for down here I guess that's the only one I hit I have all right so zank is dead uh that we'll get that done um let me get anything else we gotta deal with here is angsted we gotta get those coffins made a lot of naked mole dogs and Elk birds and all that but mud's got it under control mud can handle all this uh up here we got some bodies oh it's backpack it's a nice leather Duds there I want to put in some coffins okay there's our four dead we'll get them buried in those coffins uh taka thanks for following so thank you you fell over um I'm not sure how you got there I think I think what happened was yeah actually I know what happens you got in a fight with the troll the troll was throwing things or the uh control the the Minotaur was throwing things around grabbing people by their toes and their teeth and just passing me across the place and um you got tossed up onto a wall there and couldn't get down okay so now we should set up I'm gonna have this works I'm not as bad we want a tomb that's yeah it works now for these these tombs we tell them what um what nothing nothing oh yeah there's zinc is already in there zinc's already been tossed in there no he hasn't I guess that's that's a spot we haven't got to him yet because we can't get to him how are we gonna get to him I can just leave him up there build stairs and go out that's gonna be kind of a hole because we're gonna have to this will also give us the ability to put a a roof on our Bridge we can go get him now and once we get him we'll put a there we go we got him already and there's his T we'll left his teeth behind so it's okay floor this up out of thought sounds fine okay then we'll put a wall there and close it up all right how are we looking over here the bridge is done so let's go make sure that our lever right here we're going to go link that lever to [Music] that one okay we should go see them go do it hey Nick how's it going mud's out of ammo he keeps on using all his ammo up okay so this has been set up now [Applause] [Music] okay so I'm gonna try this we're gonna pull the lever and see what see that it we're gonna see if there's a difference it used to be there was no difference okay there is Excellence all right so now what we can do pull the lever all right so we gotta get a good way of of uh doing this now but you human bard okay Bridge down I like that it looks different uh we're gonna go ahead and dig this thing out and we're gonna fill this place up so what's gonna happen is the whole place is gonna get filled with water but not much just a little water and then we're gonna we're gonna let it evaporate and it's gonna give us mud once we get mud and it evaporates then we can build farms on it run run run who is it we're gonna laugh a laugh I don't know why somebody need to laugh so the Channel's Gonna Fill Up first it's okay we want like a nice lazy river in here you know I'm gonna go it only needs to be like level one of water yeah I do kind of like that Draven right it would automatically take you to the to the bridges [Music] if we can't close this bridge and it doesn't work like I hope it does then we're gonna be in real trouble those rocks are slowing down them oh no it's filling up here first and then it'll fill up the rest of the place it's gonna be kind of a slow little waterfall going in there because we've got a great there I guess the bridge will work uh it's just coming through one thing and a bunch of rocks getting pushed along the way [Music] yeah probably good idea just in case make sure that lever works [Music] excellent The Rock's actually going to go over the bridge pull that lever again real quick don't do it one try not to do what people are walking on it one place one time I played Dwarf Fortress I was trying to get mud fall out of the whole base and killed everyone I saw yeah people keep talking about the keyboard uh navigation I haven't messed with it yet so I'm not sure how sure how well it works campaign things are following I'm gonna fling that rock there it goes okay so that's been blocked so what I want to do I need to get the rocks out of here no space for rocks though let me set up another stockpile over here I'm gonna do that I'm gonna get them out of there I want to be in there [Music] I guess it's okay we do it whenever we need to stand there thank you some gems I think it's gonna be underwater it won't be underwater so we can grab these rocks out pretty easily they're gonna have a nice nice pond in here and then this will be a nice nice place for my animals to hang they can be inside they can eat the grass and the fungus or whatever it'll be nice and all this lichen that's growing in here animals love that stuff especially ducks [Music] I don't know where the tiger is uh where's the button what's it this one no this one no big deal it's kind of ugly oh someone got did someone get drowned in here who who was that hang on stop walking in here okay do people I guess we had people come in here and I missed him but we gotta we got a few folks in here I didn't gain anybody though I lost three I think you need money uh yeah uh I'm giving you some uh give me some names Doom I'll get you in here my militia Commander is named Doom I thought my relationship was was not the same person is it was skull before it's gold still around did skull didn't die used about this hmm yeah we had a goblin in our Fortress we got a couple elves too yeah he went missing uh skull I'm not sure what happened to you there no one mentioned you died but uh you might have died who else we have in here new oh we got Dwarven child I missed uh someone had a baby we've got a uh oh one of the poets is in here I have to go look um it's like a change then changed your name and it must it must have because I may remember the look of the person all right I'm changing it that's what I do I'm going back to school I'll give you do I'll give you another person appreciate unless I could be losing my mind and thinking of someone else but um oh well Dad joke let's get things back on track and boom wreck my My Expedition leader has changed right did the the um I think the names didn't save who was my exhibition leader it was it was oof tinti yeah no change in no changing names on me um Doom you want to be a goblin there you go Doom you're at the goblin that's meditating on death I forget it's only appropriate seems like it fits uh yeah nil's dead whoever nil was uh it's been an hour since the last dad joke man I'm still feeling it so uh the other day I was having some troubles hearing someone to go see the doctor and first thing he does he asked me for my symptoms and I say well Homer has uh Roma's a homer is a fat bald dude Marge is blue hair I kind of bungle that joke a little bit I apologize but you get the idea if it's you know where it's you know where it was supposed to be going I may have messed it up a little bit yeah can we get these bodies put in here please how come it says oh is it is it oh I know what to do wrong okay so this um this is only zang's tomb we don't want that we want multiple tombs in here uh we want we want a multi-tube multi-tune uh to multi is that gonna work I don't want to be no not the whole thing no no change coffins in order to form tombs it recognizes two places does it need to be individual ones you think we can do this way I want doors for each one though component whose tomb it is but it does say it's it's his but he's not he's in this one he's not in the other ones do individual tombs each time I want to do doors it for everyone but yeah it's all one tomb I can't separate the zones though without having to do it like multiple times seems um quite seem right it's working though they're getting put in there all right um there we go good let's go close that off foreign too but it's okay okay doors closed that'll block that off those will that will eventually evaporate and we'll have a nice muddy place we got a pond in here and a muddy place we got a dead dwarf in there um discourse on dash dots what you have a book Tiger Iron bound codex written portion you get a book down there well don't just leave it in the water all right we'll get that thing now all right so where's my tiger at I have an animal stockpile we set one up over here I thought I had one but let's go get one just back here for animals and we got our tiger out there and I think it's a tame Tiger but if it's not well we may have an instant incident stones in there elk bird in my Fortress right here can we kill that okay we got him okay so there is the dingo and there is there's a kid in the way now this this tiger that I have he's a tame tiger I want him to be trained for war when a war trained I want a war tiger new dog War I expressed actually maybe we should do hunting because there's a lot I know it should be a hunting tiger there's a lot of hunting going on downstairs and I would love to have you down there helping out with that so let's let them out um we do that in here also right we come in here pets and we say get out of your cage buddy where are you still out there oh I can borrow ya and then and then get you out I'll put you in here with these chickens we'll see what happens we have the cow in the in the bowl also so we'll let the tiger out in there and then we'll put the other guys over here Mr Mr sonder bar thanks for following we got some fighting going on it's real quiet so dingo cow and bull that's in this Fortress foreign a whole lot of people visiting us everyone's fighting uh elk bird in a doctor probably the one that was upstairs there it's kind of hanging on with the cats because they will come in handy if we need some bones or something yeah here comes the dingo getting pulled out there's the the yak where's the tiger ants the cat's hanging out looking at it another yak tiger hasn't been pulled out yet oh there he is there's a tiger nice okay now it's probably an easier way doing this but I don't uh you can like put it in the cage and then open the cage but let's let the tiger go hey tiger your job is to go and join the war and go help fights I Would Love Actually if I could get a tiger if I get the tiger to be mud's pet [Music] tiger you're gonna be assigned to Mud where's mud at [Music] mud is the Hunter um I think it's fine either way either way he'll be standing next to mud and should help fight or whatever we needed we need to train them we'll just let him stick with mud because mud gets in fights he'll be there think of the warm laps in the winter this will evaporate eventually it felt a little too high you know you want to go for a swim 's gonna have a nice nice swim oh yeah my doctor oh yeah uh I never made any soap did I uh we can make them we can make some now because we've got cats cats are gonna make us some some uh some tallow maybe a bunch of that I think we've got a bit of Tallow hanging around let's make a bunch of soap let's get some a chest in here I probably should have done this a long time ago right there a chest will hold the the soap for the doctor and there's bones laying down that's not really what you want to see when you go to the doctor is just a bunch of Bones sitting at the doorway also we need doors I need to finish my my bedrooms doors for the doctor loads and loads of beds okay bedroom time an elk bird in the bedrooms no more doors yep bird is vomiting all over my bedrooms I'd rather him not do that can you put that one there okay beds everywhere all the best doctors have bones by the door that's what standing skeletons are and beds are in there we got a few more chests hanging around we don't need more doors I'd like to make a few more of those oh we got it we do have it in there maybe more um no no uh no babies yeah there was something there I need to put those those nest boxes in that's gonna be in Furniture I think where's Nest box ants [Music] what's that what's that something something nice boxes uh gremlin where where is he where is he where is he a skeletonwolf Goblin basement it was a troll down there too giant cave toad also all kinds of stuff Gremlin there he is uh look at that little guy look at those teeth okay we get someone to kill this thing so I want you two to go get that thing if mud wants to handle it he can handle it too he um follow him around and run away because there's dwarves around there now he's scared [Music] nope that was quick [Music] get that out of here we have a troll down there also I wanted to deal with bird Gremlin fighting let's go get that troll where is he [Music] can we name this do this a little differently yeah let's go go get that troll he's over here oops he's over here in the mud try to go get him he's way down there climb the walls you're supposed to get him if he's climbing the walls get down here not very fair if you go climbing walls am I supposed to kill you he's way up there well cancel that don't worry about that just right now he's way down there he's not hurting anybody oh he died it's all smelly in here now it's starting to go down you can start seeing a little bit of mud popping in here now this is why we did this and it's got a nice sprinkling of Elf blood you know why um because is that because yeah it's because we there's elf there's plucked over there it's because we killed the elves and we we threw their bodies in the river and then the river came flowing into our Fortress [Laughter] so we fertilized our fields with Elf blood and uh some moldog blood hey how's it going uh it's gonna start making some dirt and use that dirt to make a farms in our farm actually when I was gonna do uh that's not that's not from that's our Arboretum we're gonna have our animals in there we keep our Farms where they're at Arboretum over there so our animals you know hang around in here we can come and take walks and I'm gonna look at the animals or something it's probably extra fertile over here actually might be a good place for for a farm we got more kittens now uh I want to look at something real quick um let's go like this way some mud I want to see mother's got no job bud hang around reading some books it feels so good he says now what about your your military here no you're not in the military I just want to know no migrants again Gavin's withdrawn from society behind the craft stores Workshop okay we'll get mud in seconds looks like he's out doing something [Music] as long as he uh is out grabbing things that means it means think something's right if he gets there any any stops and he just stands there and doesn't do anything that means we're missing something I am dropping frames you just give it a second here hang in there OBS hang in there the frame monster strikes all the time I can handle uh I can handle a Minotaur but not a not a not the OBS monster green again unless I'm just watching this let's keep an eye on Gavin uh while we're watching on that let's go look at what I was doing here so I want to see if there's a way of finding out trouble controlling my temper says but yeah you've yeah okay I want to know if I can see like how many kills you have that was the dwarf therapist thing before mostly remember a bath he may not have been the one who killed the thing gradually drinking the same old booze and I'm not sure how to tell who without like going through there it's a great marksdorf he's a you should what about your your tiger pets does that make you feel happy where is your tiger you're here where's the tiger at there he is he's in the bar with you uh oh that was kills I just saw it it is possible military kills yeah he did not kill the Minotaur you got some elk birds and also spins some uh dogs who got who how am I supposed to find out who got it so many people were standing around there goat was around so it's got no kills I don't know how we would find who got that kill what if we look at might be one of them in here like this guy can we see anything on him no yeah I don't know how we'd find it a lot of dead chinchillas in this place because of you oh I had mad selected before okay Gavin has stopped what do you need buddy are you doing it are you making it oh yeah he has I need that man I I need that that dwarf therapist sound to know that he's got it a little vomit in the river so you clean this place up it's almost there we probably go ahead and let the animals in uh well I guess we should wait for the we should wait for this stuff to pop in there's a little bit of an underlying that's what we're looking for because we've because we've hit the caverns and it's we've got mud it'll start turning into some lichen that's what we're here for yeah this is the in-game music I'm well I'm actually playing the soundtrack because the in-game music is really sporadic and I don't like this I don't like the silence kind of bothered me so this way this music displays there's a lot of downtime a lot of just what's the word just nothing who's mad let me know who's mad I mean when it's like lost our minds you're fine right Gavin Gavin made uh a willow earring thank you Gavin's actually one of our uh our poets that came in foreign might be stuck somewhere we've had that happen before oh yeah I gotta put a wall up here I'm gonna go just put a wall a hole in our Fortress there [Music] a whole bunch of people that were were um trying to join us a while back now they've all they've all left the beds are done right I just got to get the the doors done you know those those are I should get those you like 20 cabinets and we need some we've got some chess but we can use more chests were you getting a dad joke did I miss one [Music] on this one leather is great for sneaking around because it's made of hide I think we can walk over the river for your right and they can Siege you from there too yeah yeah they can come in to right here I don't have much of an opening there I need to get like a bridge there I leave that as for my fisherman fisherman to get into so I could put a bridge here so we can close it up eventually which uh might be a good idea [Music] let's go raise raise that way raise back we'll put it like that we'll make it out of limestone and we'll go close we can we keep we don't have to leave it closed but we have the ability to close it I'll put a lever over there next to it we'll put it in [Music] we'll put it right there oh I forget it's there mechanisms need to you need mechanisms for the for the lever and for the bridge [Music] statues hanging around I should use [Music] see more blood than anything else in here I have to wait for it to get fully fully filled up I almost feel like I should make this my okay I'm gonna make it a burrow let's go ahead and make a new one there and uh we'll make it red or something um foreign [Music] 's assigned to it right now but I just want to make it set up So then whenever we need to we can go and throw my archers in there so if we do get attacked they can stand up here and shoot uh chocolate nights my tiger is uh my hunting tiger is fighting excellent she won those chocolates get him are you getting oh yeah he's getting them get him is he doing he's vomiting all over the place go bite him walk faster buddy why are you walking so slow you hurt oh you are hurt what's wrong there buddy your upper body's cut open we'll go get fixed you choose face off then go get fits fixed maybe time to expand our doctor a little bit um can I I can put another row over here beds [Music] I don't like the way the smoothing makes it like you can't see anything through the smoothing button it might be an option you can change but kind of hard to see what is kind of hard to see what's behind once you said it we'll always get my pads smoothed [Music] and look at this for sure see-through smoothing is a top mod on Steam I understand why or doors we have three doors done now well it's a decent amount we can go do this and any more doors for over there the bed right there on the ground where's my guy making doors is it you are you doing it making rock doors get get to work it's cold get to work um bedrooms are important to engrave yeah to engrave and smooth uh you think bedrooms are more important than the tavern area here not sure how I'm not sure about that I don't know I'm not saying you wrong I'm not sure very well could be right [Music] foreign get some rock tables 10 more should do it and then some rock chairs Thrones [Music] I want to do something about this out here too foreign [Music] [Music] dwarf and see how they feel we'll go to uh kogan who doesn't have a name for some reason kogan I'm gonna name you uh bot Ross is your name kogan who loves a laugh which I think is Skull I don't understand how somebody can become so obsessed with by what somebody else has all right uh tell me your thoughts so you're uneasy with lack of decent meals for too long yeah I haven't made any good meals we probably I've got them set up but they're just not getting made lonely being away from family we saw naked roll naked mole body uh horrified reliving the god seeing the Goblins no dumb yeah that was uh that was rough um anything else in particular here [Music] disgusted right uh writing on my asthma trauma from seeing the gremlin die okay yeah you're all right though you got like what you need you need necessary stuff the problem isn't food the problem is my Fisherman's making all these this we got tons of fish and none of my um that's all we're eating is just eating fish over and over again I've got the like they're making they're making them I've got the probably lower the easy meals a bit to like something quite a bit lower like just keep like 10 emails around and then the fine and lavish I like to have more of but we've got so much food later on maybe next time we get a we get one we'll just sell them oh yeah hydrate 35 minutes ago foreign I'll get you in there see if I have someone in here any more unnamed or uh previously named that no longer are you got I got an L for you Trey even if you want an elf oh yeah we have we have a little Dwarven kid door when you uh Draven you want to be a kid or an elf or you want to wait or an elf poet or a goblin dancing be a goblin dancer that's oh no it's not nevermind he's named already not a goblin spot I just I didn't that's that's a goblin name okay there we go Draven the child I think you're like kind of tiny you are Oh no you're 17. you're about to be uh about to be an auto child I saw a dwarf tell the story of the end of the membership of the tier closed orb in the hermitic volcano it wasn't it's interesting we got a new toy boat and there's some chocolate like bodies laying around we need to get rid of Doom you're already in there wait this is we've made it a one year oh no a crash a crash I hope it's saved we were in autosave when it crashed [Music] they didn't like Draven being named oh it's still it did save it did save Autumn 103 it just saved yeah good [Music] Draven cursed the game oh Draven what are you doing to us [Music] okay let's see if it actually saves it's where we were I'm glad I looked at it yeah that's where we were just Draven I'll fix the screen here in a second is Draven named yeah clumsy draven's still there so I'll dwarf recite the sun sets on wide at the cakes of Lansing it's interesting I'm very interested uh dwarf [Music] I cut anything off does that look okay Joe what do you let me name yourself or you want to be it's it's jaboy Rick you want to be that I'm a masterpiece door just Rick okay we'll cut off of it at the top which is another it's not a white bar showing in there um I don't think I have any more dancers I think I just have I have one I've got a I've got a elf poet what was the other elf yeah I don't even wear um more dancers I'll get you next to the next uh next thing we got unless you're willing to be just just elf you only have you know this elf doesn't even do it like you don't have a name you don't have a possession position you're just elf laughs [Music] um I kind of want to name you this one just be just because elf and it's also going to be Rick that's Rick he's an elf [Laughter] I saw a human recite the the things okay there's Rick the elf oh sluggish sluggish what's going on uh oh great how'd they get into my Fortress how did the bird get into my Fortress and steal all my stuff cats in there in the way or something they stole a bunch of stuff my boots my butler my shield my pick my Warhammer they still here no a lot of like a beer like bats oh no they're done I don't think they even show up on yeah they show up on there for a minute they're just they're in and out quick how about on day one uh stole your battle axes honey brick what's your possession what's your profession I'm just an elf I feel like it's something that's something that a dwarf would say that's Rick he's an elf more doors what we got Tigers hunting uh we'll see how that Tiger's doing make sure he's he's still doing all right this is the first crash I've heard uh some folks talk about crashes before someone's saying they played for like seven hours and they got a crash after seven hours um actually you know what this is this is seven and a half hours right now we just hit because I played for four yesterday we just hit three and a half today I turned out to be a wearable for a vampire how you doing tiger where are you make sure you're okay buddy I don't want you getting hurts or being hurt anymore your body's dented other than that you all right though chasing you look like you're you're uh oh yeah you're just following mud around a dwarfin is in his tiger I love it he's out just he's got a cat following him too just out there combing the caverns keeping the place safe mud you done good you didn't get the kill for the uh for uh for the uh the Minotaur but I know I know you did your part I wish I could see who actually got the kill the windy tunnel I don't know if I've seen tunnels like this before Windy's like caves or uh like a Meandering cave system [Music] oh found one friendship is forever says mud It's gotta get kind of tired spider there I haven't set up any of uh I should I should do this let's go set some so I've got like robes getting made I don't think like hey out of silk we should go make sure we're collecting silk um don't even say silk thread I don't think we just collect it and we can make whatever room out of it let's make some like Silk pants Oh trousers let's make those and set up I want to just make um just have like 10 like I did before we're gonna have two laying around we're gonna have a work order so if we get less than one we'll make some more um that should be fine um yeah like that if there's less than one we'll make some more so we always have some silk trousers laying around I think we can go to the clother here wherever he went I think he's with my clothes are at over here to go and make sure that's to make the silk um the loom goes and collects webs okay they're already doing it and they're weaving that thread in the silk which is then getting made over there uh we got a caravan here human uh dwarfs yeah Dwarfs okay they've all arrived and no migrants I'm never getting any migrants the deal is she usually has to do with World Generation and how your how your uh your civilization is doing like I may have like a dead civilization or like a dying civilization anyway yeah I know you wouldn't want to be mud you want to just be elf I know we want slow on bolts I hope we get some more of those made we got to sell you know I can sell I got a lot of fish all these fish barrels they all contain one thing plants in there plump helmets in that one we go we could just get rid of a bunch of these fish 18 outdoor how's it going I have like a big bin of fish we can just dump on these people there's a whole bunch of muscles in there yeah let's get rid of these they're not worth much but they'll clean up some of my food stocks okay uh net thanks for following just bracelets it's not my clothes we got instruments oh yeah amazing it's been a while back and I never did anything with it all that leather I got made which I I'm just keeping it around just because we'll eat it for leather armor at some point it'd be nice to have better or bigger squads I don't know what four or five people in each Squad that's probably to have a few more if I should just give them these all these muscles and just like say take them take them all I don't want them because I'm they're just taking out my storage well a lot of its bones though too keep about leading THE BONE make other stuff out of those bones oh someone's laying eggs we got a blue pea and egg and a hen egg I got 390 muscles should I just sell them all here let's take them all it's gonna take a long time to get them hauled over there just take them and then we'll we'll get maybe some more assortment of food in here okay so that's probably good there's a hole over there and we'll uh we'll buy hopefully they have like some books or something for us this time I love like if we get some glass we can make some some display stuff that'd be cool to have um you know anything nice to know what we got a little place in a floor here I would use closest material but I'm afraid it's going to take like metal I don't want that and I also want to be the same color in fact what I really want is an assortment of colors I can't because that's in a way so let's get rid of these we'll put new statues into seconds make some better floors here [Music] oh look more kittens what is going on over here why why are you walking that way this is open this is the faster way it doesn't seem faster oh they're just walking in circles so they're going in just walking in a big circle okay it's uh it's cat slaughtering time I've got too many cats slowing things down two mini cats look at all the kittens I've got all right I apologize to you cat people I'm I'm one of you but they're just killing Mom they're they're lagging out here you can't keep a boy cat around okay yeah calendar makes it makes a fine armor it's a good idea to put some sort of um actually I can do that actually right now I can put a grate a hole and then put a grate above it over here is it a hole no okay put a hole here above the uh the butcher so it doesn't do this put a hole there and I'm gonna put a we're going to put a grade on top of it that way that the stink can still go out the miasma can go it is a great idea I thought so too thanks Harley there we go now I can stink everything else out not not my Fortress here uh let's go build what's going on over here cats are getting slaughtered pants are getting made Tiger's fighting so I want a one uh I'll make an iron iron grates one iron great please not 10. and we'll do we still hauling stuff over here let's get the broker in here get on in here [Music] probably get a sheriff in here no one no one wants to be a sheriff let's do I'm gonna sweepy the bone Carver how about Runa cat peasants be a sheriff you need a you need a study and yeah you need like a quarters and a chest and all kinds of stuff I'm gonna hammer or two to keep things in line you know around here ax blood spray that's that's the name of a hammer if I ever heard one I don't know Atomic I've not figured that out yet if um because it used to be you could have certain ones were impassable it seems like they're walking through here just fine though I've been keeping an eye on it so I don't know like this one looks like it looks like you can't walk there so it's possible I haven't blocked any of them like that looks like you can't walk through that but I don't know he just went through there cat went through that one so those are fine nope the catch went through that one too so I don't think they are anymore all right so uh you're not there yet oh he's sleeping well while he's doing that set this one up floor we're gonna do we'll do like two on the sidewalk some like some gray ones on the side like Limestone or something I think I have a bunch of that yep it's got to be an easier button for this I feel like an idiot for just clicking this many many times but I don't know what it is let me put in the middle there I want something like something like red or something we had copper before I'm gonna squander my copper for that we can do silt Stone which is kind of tan the Olivine is kind of cool it's green microcline is really cool because it's blue I need 48 though I could do I got Limestone there man I tried all the shift clicks and control clicks and all that a lot of silt Stone but that's it what is this this is boxites bauxite's red it's kind of it's kind of nice so then once we get um once we start getting a proper military and start getting Brave uh it might be about time to go out into the world and start hacking and slashing we've got I mean we're not war with these guys anymore oh we're not oh yeah yeah we are but there's like a human Hamlet to the West there's 50 humans there the faint Council um we could go we could go take their stuff they don't have anything there but none of these guys have anything there no artifacts well we could still go raiding pillage and all that just for because we want to my my bookkeeper to telling you that if Tindy likes to rest I'm actually getting mushrooms growing in here dimple cups and stuff and you know what I I um a long time ago I set up a farm I'm gonna do more farming this actually may not be big enough for us anymore let me do can I build it there what am I missing can I build it why can't I put it there it goes no yeah I might even do these we'll get that one done we'll put in a little bit double crops I need more farmland we know how to make it I could make this a big farm and I really want this to be like my my my place for for my animals to hang and all that [Music] up birds a lot of things hanging around here I might need to like set up I used to have military just to like like have them one of the orders to be just sort of stand stand here and kill things like this I think I'm gonna do that there's awkwards all over the place I'm on our other place okay so let's get a let's go to the standards of warmth anyone want to join this this uh this group mud likes to hit stuff he's look he likes to hammer things he likes to shoot things uh I'll be in there put me in there and we got there's a wrestler I thought I saw in here oh I don't see him in there he's busy rangering put six um we'll put Migo in there okay so they'll go get some gear and then what I want to do um cat has adopted the goblin Miner has been adopted by the cats we're not killing that cat are we I hope not okay so now this squad is a complicated thing let's go set the schedule up see your orders or me off did I why did I switch it around so that one that's what I want you to do your monthly schedule is not is not that I want I want you to train but I also would like let's see what I can do here so we need all of you to do it but I just need like two of you and the order is I want you to to just like patrol around here over here and then you can come back in here and down this way and up here just yeah just sort of uh that that's just Patrol there I don't need 10 of you so the other words is they're actually gonna be training but two of you between the training order I'm gonna get rid of that one so this is the patrol order I want you to do the other one is training so I'm gonna do training and I want training to be I think two's fine because we got enough of us here we don't have to all train so that's my order so I want every month I want two people training two people patrolling the rest of you can be up I'm gonna do it every month this time is yeah wherever you want in your room fine done editing so we're going to take that order copy that paste it everywhere else military is kind of confusing but that's the orders I want so we should have two people always standing in that doorway now [Music] so we should see [Music] there you go we think that might want one of them yeah there's bean beans hanging around here so we should have always two dwarves hanging around the front door so if we shouldn't have any more mold dog noses and ears laying in our Fortress but they hopefully keep whatever comes up so if they do come up and get into North Fortress they can stand there and and fight them off well we couldn't maybe do also is actually put them here thanks again skull for hanging out this actually would have been probably a better spot for them to hang [Music] um oh whoops whoops they left already okay I'm left yet oh but I'm too late would you go asleep the whole time for whoops [Music] okay [Music] okay will destroy my left Mouse button let's talk about that earlier I was like I've clicked so much these last few times in Dwarf Fortress then oh my Dwarf Fortress days I never used my mouse so much people to think about that I never had so much in this game I've never had so much hematite and just left it chalk might be nice I need something to go in that wall in there's more boxite there it's back at the opening oh jet is cool Jet's great okay let's go get some let's mine some Jets it's all jet yeah this is all jet okay that's what I want we got a whole bunch of jet done and we're gonna we're gonna use that for our floor in the entryway hope this is all jet and then I want to make sure we get jet blocks done so we'll set an order um I want to make blocks and I want those blocks I want we need like 60 of them I'll make 80 of them uh and I want them to all be yet [Music] okay that should be that should look good probably need a few more I'd like to leave I don't want you cave-ins yeah I'm really I'm sure there'll be a mod in fact there may be one there already to help to add some soundsense noises in there yeah that's what I'm missing need more soundsense stuff there's so like like Kevin's used to be a big problem they're not as big a problem as he as he used to be but they do still happen so you got to leave them just in case there is a mod that has more and more notification out of the cues yeah the problem it's just got so quiet even if if what they have in there is fine but it just needs to be louder something uh Metals thanks for following metal lover Madness Metal Lover are you a blacksmith there's a giant rat in my Fortress can we please deal with the giant rats you guys uh both you I don't care whoever gets there first go kill the rats how'd they get by my squad oh got him look at all that's going on up here what is this okay both you guys move and just stand here foreign kill those things please uh Don't Kill The Bard uh uh okay we'll let the elf stay but everything else needs to go [Music] no need louder noises you know there we go we get them all heavy metal music listener gotcha with a small bout of insomnia well okay I can I can understand that one anyway a baby chicken yeah that sweet Easy's got it got it cleaned up a little little bit of a redecorating there [Music] [Applause] I have no complaints for the music though [Music] okay we should have enough bedrooms here [Music] so we got four more doors though we need I don't know why there's a bed there I didn't I didn't put it there I don't know why it's there it's been marked to go somewhere I think it's probably needs to go in one of these but no one's moving it for some reason oh they're gone can we dump these things please oh yeah and that then that thing too any more bodies in here there's some skeletons in there that many people people don't get happy about that um and let's get this stuff smoothed up here a dad joke again man time flies when you're my door Fortress okay let's just move this level here well not all of it [Music] my great is done that before I uh lose everyone and let me get you that joke so where do you get dragon milk from a cow with short legs [Music] or grapes right all right hey KN watcher I'm heading to raise we have forgotten bees come in we had a um a Minotaur showed up wasn't really forgotten piece it was just a Minotaur really I guess it was anything fancy but we took care of him all right he hopped on our Bridge would he kill three of us killed three of us well four technically one of us got left behind whoever needs to go there I'm gonna tie it to that bridge time flies like an arrow fruit flies like a banana foreign The Detonator the following it's a long time for that stuff to grow since I came back from that crash a little bit laggier than it was before these shells out of here I'm gonna make this one a dimple cup I forgot what I had plans we do a little bit of everything tails some sweet pods we'll put some sweet pods in there and more sweet pots sure you seem to have had a chicken chicken boom here look at all these chickens come on let me pause ah hey beemu thanks for the bits look at all those chickens look at a whole bunch of chickens good just what I was wanting no uh nope peacocks though peacock uh chick looks same as a chicken chick [Music] yeah I agree um I like I like well these are all different because they're different material but the beds are nice because it's just sort of a randomly placed thing so the the beds look a little cooler I do like that I don't like the smoothing taking up all the uh stuff I can see a lot of jet in there good after we found some some hematite down here too um so if the jet maybe goes this way more than over here we gotta find we gotta get 80 of these things so we gotta order of making making that jet into blocks is he doing it my stone blocks he's not you're not told him to do that yet jet blocks back my manager top priority get them name jet blocks done I wanna I got a path I gotta make I want it to look good oh yeah we probably should do some of this [Music] oh six side I gave birth to a boy oh does that okay let's move this out and we'll stick a wall in here actually we don't need to even do that but we'll build a wall here so we can fill that hole in and maybe that's where the birds came from before the manager knows which which workshops to use oh yeah that was a whole there was a whole art to uh ASCII and put different colors in there and then the different looks to whatever error ASCII character it was in there yeah door Fortress was the first game that I played asking I kind of I saw the prettiness of what ASCII could be um can you see what things like Rogue or whatever you know it's it's not much but um you can kind of see where it comes in with with some of the Roblox open on this side let's do it there um we got 11 we got 14 so we get seven on each side so seven on each side so we can do one [Music] two three five six seven almost we can do it for now all right that's a statue is that a squirrel there's a bunny there or something look my return back to war Tales I didn't really play on it I'd say I liked my return yeah yeah it was good stuff I enjoyed fourtails I kind of wanted to play I didn't kind of I really wanted to play more um but dual Fortress was coming out and I kind of I had I could only really do one night with it because then this came out but I was looking forward to more I when I played before uh when Early Access hits wait four or five streams with it and five I think so I played a lot of it which is a lot for me anyway yeah I like that one a lot yeah someone with uh someone was talking about that earlier the E3 smoothing mod Optical I have to go get that I think I use all my statues up just in case I didn't yep let's make a couple more of those and you're pretty busy I could probably use another Mason and this would be a good spot for them I set this up for the glass maker whatever but he found his spot I don't need it now I don't have any sand on this map I don't think but a good Mason over here will be good because we've got all these over here and we need the the jet to get done so let's put in our Mason in sorry Stone worker I don't know what to deal with these new terms are I'm not okay with that uh come on now um these you talk about this stuff this is moss if you have dirt in your inside the fort whenever you break into the caverns and it'll turn into Moss or Moss will grow on I should say no we can't make that one can we okay well we got that wall in there to stop that [Applause] I need to change my RAID sounds terrify me thanks what was that dark twinge thanks for this thanks for the raid I appreciate that vampire survivors nice I heard vampire survivors thanks again for the raid and hello dark twin jites um I I heard vampire survivors is getting a DLC is it out yet or it's coming out I haven't kept up with it since since it first came out but good stuff looks like Jimmy has claimed the the the the jeweler where's Jimmy at Jimmy's going to get something we have we've got gems laying around so he should be all right we got bone now because we cut all the cats up uh welcome Raiders um he is begun his mysterious construction where's my sound hats he'll go get to work on something jewelry is good stuff um that's good that's real good let that lever up real quick easy way to select multiple walls at the same time so you can make them out of one material no I've been asked by that earlier as well I don't know oh we got a baby girl uh bought Ross is fighting a troll it was in the forts there's a trolls mutilated corpse right there yeah he came into the barracks good place for him to be I guess so yeah we've got there he is uh no that's not him but you can kind of see my dwarf running around here I should have two of them running around keeping this place cleaned up do I have any jet yet four jet blocks I want to see what it looks like we could do like Jet and then like something different in the middle I look like a street that we don't we don't want that put some jet in there I'm assume it's gonna be black something tells me Jimmy has created uh that's Tad thick Thug lyric shotok a picture a picture Jasper figurine of Locum Rampart Rampart attic he offers it to us good I like it uh where is the way to see all of our things named objects is this one it's there's Divine marks which everyone is gets keeps getting told about where it's at Everyone likes to talk about that one when they come visit um my books are all there oh you made it you made it you made a tomb I don't remember that you made a tomb there's the book is it do we ever dig that out no what's down there there's a lot of artifacts so he just made what do you make was it the figurine that one yeah uh I'll craft storeship with his highest quality item is a masterfully designed image of Locum the dwarf and the human in picture um opal all of fancy is striking down Locum artwork relates to the killing of the dwarf Locum by the human opal why we keep having pictures of this I'm going to have pictures more pictures of the dwarves killing other folks put the other way around see any beds as if you can well you get this done and I can actually see [Music] that all the doors I think that's all that's that's yeah that's everything cool mayura thanks for following a Dwarf Fortress multiplayer mod how would you do that I guess you um I guess yo I guess yeah room world has it wouldn't be too terrible trail of puke and blood in my River yeah so we had some issues um this is recent we had some real issues down here where I may or may not have killed some Elves that came to trade with us and then I um opened up my Cavern here to add some water in and they elves brought their blood with him it's all kind of smeared up against my bridge in my into here elves you know even when they're dead they're messing things up sorry if I can put we could clear that out and put some stairs there look a little nicer construction some stairs we want stairs to go like [Music] that's yeah like that we have stairs and go down like you know this is a nice place to put some stairs there now you can bathe in the blood of your enemies oh yes we bathe in our vomit too if we want looks like they got somebody that's probably laying there let's get him out of here oh there's a lot of things oh this is his arm his head uh and his skeleton so we got somebody it did something there's this oh there's another head and there's another leg good I'm glad to see that's happening that's working troll got through here somehow there he is what his body parts are gonna start stinking up his place let's get those out of here it should Auto dump this stuff I'm not sure why they're they're not I've got oh because it's full that's why because it's full of muscles you take bins right pick take bins and um I think I Will Barrow too okay so now let's go get some bins made probably best to do a work order here but um let me see if it works mm-hmm leave it to the elves and make a mess leave and bodily fluids all over the place yeah I know I know it's I have yet to play the multiplayer mod in rimworld possible to work in a similar way into a fortress scene in the mouse crochet player the problem is wormworld is is real time and dwarf fortresses I guess it's real time isn't it because it's each tick is something but no not really any different than that I suppose never mind what I said I suppose it would work there it would work elsewhere black I like it the only we could do is we could add in maybe like a little bit of something real nice in here like what if we did um I went floors and like every so often maybe between the statues so we need one two three four five six seven I don't want to look like a street I don't know if we could find something [Music] to go kind of in the middle and make it look real nice like green I was like a street not a highway I want a highway we could just do um a longer ones that wouldn't work maybe more like a highway ninths microcline's really nice I want to use it foreign [Music] [Music] okay it might look like a street foreign [Music] yeah it looked like it'll be a street we got 65 Jets okay um let's do it's more yeah let's do it [Music] block jet blocks and Jet regular jet will look the same on the ground I hope [Music] I mean maybe another crash are you saying oh you gotta crash not good at all [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] just smooth these but we can put some jet in there also to help make it look cool is the bedroom's looking oh look at that look at this look at the difference that's what I look like that even in in texture pack or asking mode it always looked a lot nicer once the once they were in we have down here anything we can put in uh get some more tables put down here [Music] [Music] short one table the only one complaining there's no chairs it doesn't room world but still look at it it very much looks like a street it's getting late time for me to call the call today oh that's a lot of stuff is sort of adding up this large rat and the troll those are done Jimmy made his thing uh I need uh I need two names I think I got two new dwarves did I get one in here before we got Draven done uh we got Rick in here let me uh anyone else what's a a dwarf just shout out or spin spend your points and I'll make sure I see it we got bezmar and dealer zero years old pick Fitness how you been picked minutes zero years old excellent and old baby dealer is the zinc Junior named after uh I'm not sure if it's your father but you're hateful you're hateful and you're sloppy you disdained Independence ba you say I so I did hear that they're changing they're gonna add in Sprites for babies yup for kids and babies and not just use smaller versions of the of the adult ones I'm not sure how I feel about that I like the little babies with with beards so your mom is six-sided your father is Migo all right um good uh do you have any uh you know you remember who zank was oh yeah Arnold is your niece I'm not sure who erosh is are you here oh you are all right um lastly they do so if you you can set up the work orders to only be like one of the shops or one shot Max or whatever but we'll leave it anyone can make them foreign and build a bridge somewhere I'm not sure we're going to it'd be nice to channel down here and have this River go all the way through or at least maybe like a pond or something I wish these would grow a little faster there's a way of doing that making them encourage them to grow a little faster I don't think so I think as long as there's mud that's all there is to it what kind of freak doesn't have a beard this one it's gonna be my my animal uh pasture eventually bins in here wheelbarrow is here but on no bins we're out of wood that's oh the dingo unless you get them inside they're getting kind of scared about all that stuff out there um let me see I haven't really gained anyone new other than a couple kids I'd love to get like one more wave of migrants something to give me someone that can join this this group so we've got we've got five archers I guess we can get that bearded dragon he's a ranger but I think mud handles all that so we'll put you in there I'm gonna let mud be because if I put mud into the military then he's not gonna be doing as much hunting he'll be training for military but he's I'm gonna let him be he runs this place we'll put sweet easy in there she's a ranger so particularly they know how to shoot things so we'll just do that that's going to give us it gives us seven altogether now I'm gonna look at your gear everyone has something we got two people don't have pants though we need two leather pants two little hats nobody gloves no one has any arrows either how many more of these I'm making wooden bolts I wish I could make bolts out of shells oh I know the problem is I'll keep it at 250 but I haven't I didn't change this so if there's less if there's less than 150 then come in and make more these looking any better are they we are fertilizing it where does it say with the soil quality poor soil still it's fertilized though Cavern soil is best I mean I want to put a farm in here and see what this says is this one better just right there I'm gonna see what that says that it's that it's uh not poor quality there's a rat in my animal area how'd you get through you guys come uh come kill these things well done foreign soil quality being a thing before either but I may have just not seen it and I don't pay attention now your eyes there's you and your and your mom [Music] yeah potash I remember using that because I guess you always could probably just do this word a little different so I didn't notice it okay they can get down here they must be able to because the rats came down just fine my Farmer ants right busy over here [Music] this isn't a very secure thing if I put a wall on this would make it more secure but I don't mind I don't know if I mind them using it maybe I do yeah I think I do [Music] foreign versus ASCII um yeah I think the like the the frame rate basically if you think that way I think that's about the same I think that it plays faster though because um he doesn't pause like as you play the game normally every time you every time you build something you pause the game it's how it's just how it plays out it doesn't do that you don't do that anymore so it's always running so I it seems to me like things are just like flying by because I'm so used to think just pausing the game for so long like at this point seven hours of the game um I don't know I know I wouldn't be four years into the game that's for sure what was seen being stolen by who who oh someone stole that boot who did it know who did it [Music] it's that boot where's my boot this one where is it mud stole it [Music] he's hauling it he's stealing it [Music] look just because you're like a hero [Music] oh he's frustrated because he's not unable to acquire something for too long and he's mad so he went and stole the boots mud I said all these things about you I gave you a tiger and this is this is how you repay me look you don't want you want the boot put it on your foot it's not gonna stop you it's hidden yeah he's he's he stole it [Music] right you have it now the human has it the human has it I don't mind mud stealing it but this guy I have a problem with that guy no one steals from me time for justice to be served in this Fortress was passed to a thief yeah I saw it you right you still haven't yeah in your hands [Music] where's my arm yet he's trapped he's gonna be yeah he's trapped he's trapped here we come around the bolts we're smashing up we're smacking them with our with our uh our crossbows we got him his teeth are laying all over the place that's what happens I'm taking my thing back and you're going into the drink stealing my stuff how dare he tsunami chips thanks for following we just fertilized the in here again nice nice what was that oh Jeffrey Jeffrey thanks for the thanks for the reason you walk into a solo four okay you carrying the corpse okay good get out of here yeah dang humans mud I I allow that you know he he hasn't acquired for some some something for so long he wants to pick it up and look at it but a human I don't think so what is this pig finish hey thanks Pig Finn for uh for subscribing starting a hype train the second hype train of the knights outrageous thank you very much [Music] there's a there's a dog nose and a mole dog knows here we should get those out of here [Music] um yeah yeah three people three people are kind of grumpy what is this thing bauxite statue of what of a giant yeah it's a big bunny this one is a flies anything else that looks cool in here what is that that is a giant a spider monkey giant spider monkey and block science excellent ah bits thanks Pig finnets Praise Him he knows my bedtime and I really need to go to bed these are uh keep me up past my bedtime some of that uh are you adoring okay these I got all the bedrooms how many do we have does it does it say it used to be a bedroom's button I I gotta add all that up and I want to too late for that the door right there [Music] is it it's a door under okay so under there where are you going he came up up here why was he up here why are you doing that why are you going up and around oh because you can't because there's a there's a wall down here you can't just can't just jump off like that who will monitor their Fortress if you go uh we've got troglodytes downstairs we're fighting okay so they seem to have them under control oh they're all right there oh no uh deal cripple's dead wait a minute wait a minute I don't have 50 dwarves now because Dill crippled died maybe they don't have it under control maybe I lied that's no way that's not that's no high note to end on here let's take a look where is he oh down there oh yeah the truck lights got him man there's a bunch of them bunch of them came up yeah that's where I thought maybe we should put those guys but I guess it's okay right there if we feel like a bunch come up then we'll have it's usually some mercenary folks in here there's a human there right now that will help clean this up there's a chocolate leg on my statue oh man lost a kid well we got a spot for him [Music] that's too isn't it [Music] nice we're gonna go a little tomb over here because we might be needing it a prison system well I have an ax lots of things to dump here let's get the stuff out of here get that bed out of here that's putting beds down it's good stuff it's good it's good stuff well well worth it your mom will be fine with it maybe more cabins I can put in here too you uh resume making these things that's probably what those beds are laying out there probably those uh Dwarven child is fighting a bat that's a problem do you come up here yeah there he is he did problem is they go in the military and they they walk around in the military with with bats or with with their kids in their arms as they go fight so that slows us that uh causes a few casualties [Music] doctor office there uh does it have do I make any soap cloth and thread in there don't we need soap in the doctor's office do we use second chest tables do we need tables in there I know we need a table without I know we need traction bins anyway tables crutches splints powder for cast we don't have any buckets we do have one soap uh doctor I do have a doctor Dr J eps diagnostician is going to be him as well he does everything surgeon Dr Jason bone doctor oh we can't do everything okay no one else knows how to do anything though diagnostic that's you now it's gonna be just you so I get a table in here somewhere I guess we can put that on the side ah the elves have arrived they came back they came back they had such a good time last time they were here they thought you know what I like this place we should compare table and [Music] I guess probably use a couple more tables but we need we need at least two more tables okay well I like to go out on a high notes and I think I got I've got a high note for us [Music] and it involves this Caravan coming in [Music] foreign come on in we're gonna I got a tiger for you to meet tiger actually came from them they kindly let's let me have him oops let me wear that blue stuff yeah are they here just a couple a couple little Merchants there all right we're gonna March down here we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna ins we're gonna encircle them first that we're gonna show them this is this is what we're gonna do um we're gonna go and and March if I can click for out yeah uh new route yeah yeah Circle walk walk around him go do that I want to intimidate the elves first we want them to know that that uh we're coming yeah Circle them look walk around in circles don't go inside you have things to do want to go away okay the elves are here there it is I can't talk to you [Music] okay okay I can't talk to you maybe they want to talk hatred I can't entertain citizens I got enough folks in here entertaining already enough of them all right well uh what's the deal here all right I wanted more of you to come in here can you guys just move and just stand here maybe do that Jeff thank you very much dwarves are all right we're going out on Ohio this is this is the the grand finale of the uh of the fort not of the forest but of the night anyway the dwarves are gonna gather up um the actual rokus was spotted sneaking around I'll live to find another day he says what that means but I don't like it I think you need to die buddy I don't know who you are but you your children and your two lovers are about to have I don't know what to say I don't know where I'm going with that follow this guy and see if we can get him before he gets away [Music] I'm already outside no he's out here well you know what that makes me kind of mad and all these petitions to join me makes me kind of mad too so I think what we need to do he must have I don't know if he stole something I should have looked at his inventory and see if he had something [Music] back back over here dwarves back over here there's just there's still elves here yeah use a good hammering so we can't we couldn't get that guy he stole our stuff and so clearly this happened when the elves came so clearly it's the elves fault I get asked this question every once in a while like what's wrong with elves what'd they ever do to you well there you go exhibit a they come to my Fortress things get stolen I put two and two together [Music] all right we don't need to kill the bull or the horse or the parrots we're gonna get a parrot yeah they have what is that a stray giant Bushmaster is that a snake that's the kind of laugh I'm looking for right now as these elves come in here uh see thanks for seem seem villain thanks for I think what's up they have a snake I'm so excited [Music] okay elves gone we're about to get ourselves a snake Okay now um I'd give it to Mud but I don't know about the whole boot Fiasco he just gave us uh eradicating monsters that I'll take it two long trust axes come on in here and Daton yes throney yeah there's plenty of monster killing I love you guys to go down in this cave that I've been looking for you for a while get them Monsters uh my uh this is kind of big are overflowing can I expand it into a different stockpile Momos yeah anybody solve anything um let's get him in let's see the snake I think it's tame I can set a tame yeah a domesticated snake it's an eight-year-old snake yeah you killing things no but you're gonna you're gonna gonna join us I wonder if I can train it to be on my military oh um let me get um I'm sorry I'm sorry I just I just tried to I just I saw an ad was coming up and I tried to pause it and I hit the wrong button and I ran it instead so I apologize sorry it's getting late okay I'm sorry um let's go over here I'm sorry plus um we go here and hit snake yeah I'll take the snork I'll take a snork I'll take the stork as well yeah come on in I'll put you guys wherever you need to go um these kids keep on telling us we're telling These Guys these visitors where everything is how old is that tiger at tiger is seven years old disgusted wretching on some of my asthma okay so now we can go here and we can let's is he in there you see the snake in there says oh there he is he's getting pulled in now okay seems safe put the snake in the chicken coop foreign between me and brain drilled I'm trying to steal my stuff that's what's going on did you get it doesn't have it I'm not sure what he's going on about he really wants it so maybe he feels for us after being caught he was being he was caught so he was going to steal it but he got caught I need to like set up I'm just gonna go away um I need to set up some sort of a vault I got all this this nice stuff it's just laying around people are trying to steal it I need a vault okay now that's snake hang on that Nest box at the moment but I want to see if I can give him to uh somebody what do I do with a snake he's not available I can't make him as a hunter he's available he can be someone's pet someone wants to be I can't I can't assign him to be someone's pet but if he wants to be someone's pet he may he's available for that and he'll go follow someone around hopefully he goes involves mud around that'd be great but we'll see Dad jokes carrying some birds around a dad joke a dad joke okay this will will end the stream on on this is going on over here why is it dying what happened would you fight you fought it can't be the ostrich that did that oh thob did thob come back that guy is he dead that's thaw right there stop this bad guy who's sneaking around don't know about that dad jokes in the minutes we got a crisis [Music] I don't know who I don't know who that is Jeffrey okay he's over there Slaughter my peasants he's trying to steal my stuff get him something just got just fell out of that guy oh man I think he killed more of us he got you know I thought I don't know who modem is but he killed Migo and kakor kokor's been around forever ID where's Ian what you did over here just somebody murdering people in my my fort get out of here [Music] I don't like finally look at all the blood oh he okay he got hit and ran to the doctor's office and died sorry ID uh I'll get you know I like I just expanded the place like blood's all over the place this is not a high note I was gonna go out on a high notes we kind of did we got a snake we got some Elves out of here and now dwarves are dying oh man small streamer could use a boost from the best community out there all right all right I'll hunt them down so um here's our dad joke to wrap it up for the nights clear these outs I'll deal with the nonsense in a minute or uh next time when we come I'll come back tomorrow and we'll do some more of this but the dad joke to go out on so um I'll give you I'll give you a I got a long one in here somewhere all right so there's an old guy he's on his Deathbed and uh his family's all right he gathers his family around his wife is he says are you here darling his wife says yeah yeah I'm here he looks over and he says son son are you here and he said yeah yeah Dad I'm here what about my daughter where's my daughter she says Dad I'm here says well off you're all here why are the lights on downstairs [Music] there's your grand finale dad joke for this evening [Music] so thank you for hanging out tonight cam I don't you know what dad joke aside I don't understand how hard it is to turn off the lights every time we leave the house like the closet light is always on their bedroom light is always on why I've watched them like my kid I've watched them go back there you know grab something grab a bag come out and they just it's like they don't even go in the closet they turn the light on and leave not understands all right get me riled up let's go let's call it a day thanks for hanging out tonight for um for uh uh to our Fortress nights I'll be back here tomorrow night is not normally a stream night but I'll it's a special week so I'll be here for some Dwarf Fortress tomorrow night
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 227,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dwarf Fortress nookrium, Dwarf Fortress steam, Dwarf Fortress tutorial, Dwarf Fortress beginner, Dwarf Fortress, kitfox, bay12, nookrium, colony sim, df, dwarf fortress nook, simulation, rimworld, armok
Id: 8AR0XYmA_R0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 59sec (14039 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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