Dwarf Fortress: Adventure Mode Tutorial - (Beginners Guide)

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Reddit Comments

its 2 late for tutorials for me now as i already watched half of your df playlist

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/FingerBlaster3K 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

Didn’t know you were on Reddit! Love your content

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Arbitrary-Lines 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

Shit I might need this. I get my Adventurers killed off so fast. I think it's because I have no concept of hazards or dangers. Too much time around other dorfs.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/FisherDwarf 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2018 🗫︎ replies

I've watched your 45 Minute Tutorial like say 3 hours ago and after that i made an fortress and yet! It is still standing and it is my first "Not counting other tries because they was an attempt :D" this one is my best succesfull one also it really gave joy!

Thanks to you Nookrium You got an sub and an prayer :)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Chestergazi 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome to a dwarf fortress tutorial on adventure mode there are loads of tutorials and everyone always plays fortress mode but I thought today we would explore the little lesser-known adventure mode with dwarf fortress we're gonna be using the lazy noob pack for this one we're gonna be using the where is it Phoebus is going to be our towels that we using for this one we can't play this course in ASCII if you are a purist but for ease of of new lookers we're gonna go with Phoebus and as well we're gonna using sound sense to help with some of the sounds but anyway let's jump in here and and get started with this one so I'm gonna try to be as concise as possible and well jump in here we'll get rid of an adventure done and and as much as possible getting sort of a at least an overview for for new folks so like fortress mode we're familiar with fortress mode you use attendants dwarves you build yourself a fortress and you go and and have some fun well adventure mode you take a single person human dwarf Goblin Birdman and you terrorized the world or or you go and sing her out you can do really anything and that's that's the key point that you have to think whenever you go into adventure mode is it not a set goal it's clearly a sandbox sort of thing where you're going out and you're doing whatever you want you have to sort of make the fun yourself so like in fortress mode now we can use one of our worlds from fortress modes I think is the most fun way of doing that but for this one we're gonna go ahead go ahead and create a world here that we will be adventuring in if we had used a world that we had a fortress on we could we can visit our fortress we could even start from our fortress and hire our dwarves from our fortress and go out and doing adventure mode sort of things kind of blending the two but I'm not gonna worry about any of this I'm gonna try to keep it simple don't even worry about it just just let's just jump in here and get the thing going again Dwarf Fortress all your keys that you can use are here for you is there any press y and we'll start building our world just like you would and forge mode your form or if you play fortress mode you're familiar with this of course it's not really familiar with how to read this grey mountains we got Browns the roads here we've got a necromancy tower here at the I there's another much elves are on the side of the yellow over this way hit the elves there's a goblin fortress down this way what is this one over here that is a dark pit right there and a volcano the tooth of stiring right in here but anyway this is fine this is a perfectly fine map let's go ahead and use the world as it is if we could just let the thing run all over the whole way through but it's fine let's go ahead and start off so as with if we're from there with us it'll bring us back to the main menu where we can go ahead and finally jump into adventure but there's where we make a choice adventure mode fortress mode or legends mode the I would highly recommend you start getting familiar with legends mode once we get into adventure mode it will you'll come across times whenever you want to know more about the item these folks talking about maybe the person that you have recruited to follow you is a really good fighter in you and figure out what all he has done in this past you can pull it up in legends mode and figure out more about that guy but we're gonna keep it simple today and just jump straight into adventure mode and select ourselves a character so roblox style we're gonna be choosing a race we'll be choosing our staffs like are we a good fighter while we do eat are we strong are we a j'l are we are we maybe or maybe we're not a fighter at all maybe we're a singer maybe we're a poet we win a troop we go around singing do you uh playing the drum all kind of different options here we'll get into that I'm gonna go ahead and move down to a human there's no a lot of differences here well I guess there is a lot of differences here the main differences are dwarves elves and goblins are all small so if you come across equipment that says it's small they can wear it if it's not then humans can wear it and and there's a few other folks in here we can great horned owl man apparently our part of the elves over here where it shows up blue is where you will be beginning your quest unless you choose an outsider but we've got humans for instance artery it's all that human town before right they are gonna be right in here there's also some down to the south we saw have a human spot down there we can also if you feel like being brave or a little crazy you can choose to be a a brown recluse spider man and he does have eight legs and he is venomous as well you me a chipmunk man you can be a an eagle man or that will fly you can be an elephant man you can be a fox man you can be all that we're going keep it simple today a human as for status he's Plus behind a sign the change he's around this selects how many points we get to spend on things like strength agility how good we are with an axe we'll stick with I guess for a new player we probably go with demigod because you're less likely to die immediately so let's go ahead and press ENTER to get started and ask us where are we from if there was multiple human civilizations we could choose the different ones here but there's only the one so we're gonna choose the destined realm which is this one here or we can be an outsider which is some guy just from the woods I guess we're gonna go with that one now we have 105 points because we're demigod to choose on our attributes we have a hundred 61 points to pick on our skills it's kill to be something like you're familiar with with to a fork with fortress mode attributes let's go with let's go with a fighter on this one so we're gonna put some points into the obvious ones strength agility toughness these all it makes sense they should be pretty understandable what they do the only one that's really out of the ordinary that might actually call attention to is social awareness you're allowed to bring a couple folks with you and you will want to you need to bring someone with you to join you in your adventures with social awareness you can actually increase that number more people can follow you around if you wish yeah well put points in here we can have musicality like remember we wanted to be a performance troupe kind of guy we can do that sort of a thing memory patience intuition willpower willpower is a good one let's just go with a nice round number of a little more strength and a little more toughness there we go so we're gonna be a fighter and what kind of fighter oh we do we carry a sword do we carry a mace do we carry a pike I deal the only one I'd really point out would be ax man because you can build in adventure money to build a house and if you can always go out and make an axe grab a stick cover Rock sharpen the rock you can make yourselves an axe in adventure mode you can shortcut that a bit if you just become an axe man because you begin with an axe you can chop trees down with the thing and that will help you to chop down trees get would build a house let's just go with that that's good we can be a put some skills into fighting the only ones that really that are what I would highly recommend they're almost they are musts is you have to have at least one point in swimming that way in case you come across a brook you don't die from drowning and also reading because you never know if you come across a necromancer tower and you have the urge to read a book to learn how to be a necromancer that allows that if you want to maybe write your own poetry you can do that writes our own but you want to copy books writer can do that you want to be a poet these are the options down here percussionist you can be a a dancer if you were to be a dancer you could wish to maybe you go around you don't kill enemies with axes you kill them with your mighty teeth you can do that with a biter you can kick them to death um we're gonna pick something a little more a little boring today but what kind of I will go with just a simple axe man fighter he has he knows how to use a shield he knows how to use armor he he can he knows how to swim yeah nice uh nice average em cash risen helps is the guy's name we are a newly minted hearth person of the great Nick dinner grottoes in blanket char coy human Hamlet destiny is calling you're a faithful worshipper of ear see the goddess of gambling we can always change the stuff we're way down here which is not acceptable I want to be up towards the action so we're going to randomize all this by pressing plus or minus and we can be not out there either that's on the middle of the ocean let's go with one like anyone over here here we go hearth person of the great a cool host países a human Hamlet that's fine handle it will work just fine weird worshipper of after rigged the fatal urns goddess of death and disease sounds great now the other options here we can change our first name if we don't like Adam cash we can select it we can change that one out if we want to just do a completely random name the price are we want to be croisé Oh Bois de s-- tapir fantastic we want to be a man we can do that with G be a man we're quaza we can select a customized name by pressing C changes our last name same going to be instead of botas tapered we want to be let's be how about dive I'm just using arrow keys here dive dive douve I'm croisé o dived ov if you only need a little work starting with quas o dived ov the anger escape done hey I'm croisé o dived of the anger new human hearts person of a cool push pages in drill parts and let's go ahead and get in here enter done now what kind of person are we what we look like that's the next page where we have wavy hair extremely long broad nose extremely long as noses bridges convex this is all just role-playing things just sort of our look of our guy if you don't like the looking impress are to randomize your guy fully randomizes and respecting it sort of throws out the base or the the world building aspect it just makes whatever but we'll stick with this guy it's fine enter done now again more descriptions what kind of things do we like we believe that self mastery and the denial of impulses are of the highest ideals we can also randomize this as well for when different points in here the only real thing that this does for you say we have a mark need to argue by by doing that it'll give us focus which which can't help us out a little bit but most of this is just for oral play but this is all fine enter go I personally value artwork I sure do let's enter and get started we finally got equip it together such as it is now it is time for action and adventure in the rush of excitement you forgotten were you going to go a foolhardy soul my try to rescue the children that have been kidnapped perhaps me of your friends here have ideas this this can change sometimes it doesn't tell you about the children being kidnapped but apparently some in this town have been kidnapped by apparently some goblins out there somewhere and we could do that now as I mentioned before this is a sandbox you make the fun you do whatever you you want to do here and so we want to go save the children we could do that we could go and go for the tower we could we can do whatever we want it's it's worth mentioning there was a question mark will give us all the key bindings that we have in here any sort of your first adventure it gives you a nice I would recommend reading through this gives you a nice a nice rundown of some things in town and some just basics for the image so yeah question mark read this but let's get started here so I am the guy with the axe in the shield that's me right there in the middle you see there's some bags around here we've got we can press L to look around we have the dancer spoor oh and Missouri right here on the rock block floor we have a rope read bag right there we have a swordsman oath all right up here we have a hatch a floor hatch means are something down below us we have a stool right there a cup or throne and they have a mace man says but we also have a swordsman Sabu and there are some pedestals right over here some sort of museum or something going on over here in the top right corner if there's something but above us we would be shown up here on the left side we have our compass which tells us where things are that's when there's a town to our south southwest we saw that on the map that's what that little plus sign is there there's some goblin pits to our Northwest if we ask about where something is you'll notice it pop up there so we can kind of guide ourselves where we want to go but we're gonna use the number peek at a numpad to walk around the the village here somebody talks you can see there's a one over his name now means the sorbets swordsman Sabu is either one here he's talking to the dancer spoor oh right over here it was inevitable he says if we want to join the conversation we'll do that in a second but let's go over what we have this is a robot rank explain what when we have on our person we have a bronze grade X or what our armor is a turkey leather shirt we can press I and we can see our inventory great bronze great axe and left hand copper shield in our right hand we have some wool phones we have lots of wool gear on our person here we have a tiger shark leather water skin which has three ice in it it would normally be water but it's because it's cold it's ice we can warm that up over a campfire later on we also have a leather backpack here which has some some thorn thorn back rays which are a fish that we eat and we also have a large copper dagger in our backpack now the first thing you probably would recommend if you're gonna go on some sort of a fighty adventure would be number one you have to get people to follow you you can't go alone at night because there are bogeyman out there and they will kill you unless you have someone with you if you gots even just one person they won't mess with you so first job is to find someone to join you so let's go ahead and hit kay kay is the talk button now you can see we have options I have popped up here now we can begin a performance we want to be a dancer we can that's the word we will dance or shout or sing or whatever we can shout to everybody we're using plus and minus to go through this we can talk to our god if we wish or we can just assume identity we can we can select if we want to be say we go walking into an Elvin camp and we want to sneak into the Eldon camp we can pretend to be an elf by the name of whatever we make up and we just sort of make up our person we can sneak around that sort of thing but what we want to do is we go talk to this swordsman here so we use the arrow keys to go over to him swordsman Sabu it's Neagle key press entered so we're gonna greet Sabu here and you can see the numbers popping up again there's me I'm the the at sign here hello Sabu long live the cause swordsman responds it wasn't oh he still talking to the dancer here and then now he says it to me it's wider it's good to see you long live the cause yeah whatever the cause is long live it the dancer is also talking about several years ago my only daughter is oz Zoku was kidnapped from Jill Park by Bosa banner Millian we can talk to him and figure out that if we care about his daughter but we're here too talk to the swordsman so let's hit K again ongoing conversation with swordsman savelist we do that we have all kinds of interruptions using plus and minus you can see scroll plus and minus what do we want to do we're gonna want to say to the swordsman well we can we can ask about any troubles if you want but right now we want him just to join us so let's go to ask listener to join you we want to join him to join us on adventurous he can only ask soldiers people I have weapons there clearly shown on the map who to join you on adventures you can also if you want to be an entertainer a performance troupe you can do the entertaining but we're just doing a fighter so school with him join me on adventures I say come join me the dancers yammering about something swordsman says I will agree to travel with you if you leave you to glory and death it's almost certain the dancer so four years ago my only son rim till was kidnapped by man that guy stole your whole family alright so now we want to let's go we get someone else let's talk to the the mace man down here so let's go ahead and plus start a new conversation we're gonna go down to this guy mace man says baa says baa forget the greeting we have I can press see we can see Sabu is a swordsman and we have says baa the maisman here we've gained them and they both will follow us and join us on adventures so we've had followers now so there's no more threat of bogeymen so now our next goal is to get some sort of gear because we just have wool socks wool gloves we have leather caps leather shirts if we can we'll see if we can find some better gear we can press L we can see these bags over here and we can press a on the bag and we can see this bag has rope free bag has shield sheep wool yarn and iron hairs there's a bag in there as well we can go look at this one this one has a silver spear and a leather quiver not really what we're going for is so let me go walk over here onto the hatch if we want to go down the hatch just like a fortress mode you usually greater than and less than signs and we go down stairs and all that's down here is a Bowman and a hammer man well let's go grab this Bowman actually let's um let's see let's do a little more talking with Bowman and press X highlight the Bowman Bowman Heather press ENTER we're gonna greet Heather greetings Heather hello it's good to see you praise rebirth let's talk again so Bowman Heather one thing we can do here we can say how do you feeling Heather I encountered a fascinating conundrum recently and then when you go press K and go back to her again you can move on to some more that we can say accord about any troubles any troubles well we got an army on the march abductions beasts brewing trouble with our neighbors let's sit k again and ask her about these things so we can ask her about the army the marsh can have abductions the beast is brewing trouble somewhere let's ask about the the beast the Great Beast threatens to bring ruin to our people the disemboweled night is in the horn of caches seek this place if you hunt sista stood renowned the spit of spring Hydra miss Val Fein has killed 164 in her lust for murder which means that she will certainly kill us as well but what a hero we would be if we went there and killed her press K again we can ask her for the whereabouts where is this Hydra at Hydra is in the disavowed night is about night is in the horn of caches so I for directions where is the disemboweled night the night is far to the south you receive a detailed description in 104 the elf Sparkle Queen was struck down by the Hydra in this bit of spring so now now that we have a detailed map we can press shift Q and we could find her it was cesta stood where now that's her right there so let me find her we can go highlight her and we're gonna press Z to center on her lots of things in this map and I'm just gonna show this real quick I know she is down here in this pit so now if we wanted to go find that Hydra we could do that that would be a bad idea but that's something we could do if we were brave but we're not and this place has no other boxes so there's nothing for us here so we're gonna leave this place and we're gonna go walk outside with our wool clothing our friends will be following us you can see them following behind us here so we've got Sabu right here and we have jespah right here behind us we're gonna pick our weapons and put them in our hands and while we're outside here well show a couple more things off that are very important you will get hungry and know we have thirsty as time goes on and if you're in the winter like we are right now we can look around we can see snow-covered dense purple more grass and piles of snow this is all snow out here which is why it's so white but if we wanted to heat some things up we can press G and we can make ourselves a campfire select which square you want to make it in will make it over here to the west see there we go we had a campfire now no what do we do with campfires well we hit shift I to interact November our Tigershark that leather water skin had ice in it well we can press in and says what do you wanna do with that you want to fill it with snow do you want to heat the weather skin you know the campfire yes I do press deed so we heat the Tigershark letter water skin and what it does is my this guy is yappin whatever we're going to press I again you can see there's now water in it we have warmed it up so if we want to drink it we can press e to eat then we can select all kinds of things we can eat or drink if you select your @a or ax you will look at we're gonna select the water there we go we drink the water and if we want to put more snow in there we can go with shift I again we can go through water skin in we can fill it with snow there we go now it is uh it's now filled with two waters and a snow so they go that's how you keep water skin filled up you can also grab food of course they're gonna need both of these things but what we're gonna do now is we're gonna go a bit of a travel where we gonna go we probably don't really have much of an idea but let's just show off the Travel Map so we hit shift T this is the overland travel map now we have this site on the left you can see us where the @ symbol right here where in the tavern here called the bearded spiral over this way is some sort of houses or something the orange spots over this way there's another tavern over here there's a this is a big town this is a big lot of grass of a big town over here press M and we can see an Overland map here we pressed him again and see a bigger map here we know to the south has a pretty decent sized town we can maybe find some people to talk to we can see you isn't it reminds countdown this way we know that that Hydra is down this way is to dwarven or actually goblin fortress there we have a road right through here but what we want to do is we're gonna find this town right here that we meet one of the hamlet there so let's just use the arrow keys and we're now walking overland so we can walk a much faster we'll just follow the river here and we will come down to family you're out now at toast water a town and in toast water we'll cross a bridge here crossing over the water and we'll see if we can find place to stop which there is there we go is what we want so you can see all this green stuff is really just like feel you see the fields it's not a whole lot to it but the brown as we come over here I'm gonna press M again so I get description of what is around us using M to cycle through the side over here we're gonna come up here we see there is a bunch of shops woven clothing shops Boyer's shop leather clothing shop warehouses bone carvers shop all these different shops that are in here there is a general imports Jim cutter shop the lime of cinnamon which is gonna be like a a tavern or something and cheese market meat markets we have up here this thing looks like here this funky-looking and castle thing is indeed a castle this is some sort of a proper place there's nobility here we're gonna stop right here when press D and stop with the Oval and travel and we're gonna appear here just outside town so he heard me my friends are here we have a bunch of markets and stores around we can go and check these things out we're on a paved road you can take a look you can see this is a rock block floor we're on we have some wooden walls some doors here there's a sign that would love a shop sign right there over here we've got the woven clothing shop here's a gem cutter over here we have a general imports over here let's go and let's go home visit these spots and there's nobody here there we go there's there's nobody inside now we could be a thief we can take a look this cheap wall back there is strawberry plants inside there what's gonna be in the chest there is lots of coins in here so we could be a thief if we wanted to there's also a bed where is this guy wood cabinet has nothing in it oh yeah it does oh yeah it does buffalo leather armour I will take it so he's not here I'm gonna go ahead and pick up the buffalo leather armor has a plus by it means it's nice so I'm going to grab it that that is going to be mines gonna be in my backpack that I have in my inventory everything else and yet we want it's a vest there's a coat fist or more leather armor reindeer leather armor there's some even nicer alrighty you can see that one we can press the slash and ask resign to go down I want I'm getting greedy I want the reindeer leather armor the nice one and we're going to drop the other one D D drops we'll drop the water buffalo one there we go and is there anything else that we want from here a cloak okay now we have these things they're in our backpack now they're not on us they're in our backpack so we can press W and we can wear them what we like to wear I went to wear the armor hey so now I'm wearing it I'm not gonna wear the cloak and now you can hit I and you can see we have leather armor on our body backpack on our body we're also wearing a leather shirt I will Rove as well we're we're decked out but it's it's a it's it'll keep us nice and protected so we don't do that when sermons someone's home but no one's home so I mean it's free hood taken right uh there's a weapons miss shop over here let's see if anybody's home you know just now if there's a dollar sign by uh means you have to purchase them that was just some this is somebody's like room and he just I don't know why he left his dresser empty but there's nobody here typically you have to purchase these things you have to go up somebody and actually buy it because there's a dollar sign buy it but we're gonna try and see is anything here we want I mean we have an out what can I actually have we have a bronze great X so we want to use an axe there's an iron balance right there okay so let's go here pick it up remove remove the battle axe from our backpack which is s our to remove s to get it out and we want to drop our bronze great X Q a couple times we draw copper shield and a new battle axe that we have stolen someone may have a problem with that but until they say otherwise it is mine now let's go check out that fortress over here we are now here at the walls of the fortress and you can come out we can see down here as I mentioned before you can see the Loess on this side which is above us this is below us you can see there's a door there just walk in here there is a take a look it got tall goblin Lasher he's a apparently he's somewhat friendly so we'll leave alone let's go walk inside here I'm here now at a great dwarven for a great human fortress over here we look for the door and there is a dead goblin laying there I'm pressed L to look at him and then the the slash and Astra store a scroll through the pages you can see all his stuff he has on him he has mutilated and mutilated corpse this guy had a bad day it's all small so we can't work cuz we're human if we were a dwarf we could wear that stuff there is a lot of dead goblins in here and this and dead humans in what happened here it's been some sort of raid or something let's go and see if we can find someone to talk to so I'm gonna find a mayor to talk to but we can talk to the pilgrim I guess unless I'm just missing there's a a goblin criminal there there's a lawgiver as well here starts with the lawgiver so we're okay highlights the lawgiver and we go talk to him greetings lawgiver my name is quasi dived of the angler bro the anger he says ah I'm Keegan length pair so let's continue talking you damn uh any troubles around here you've got the army on our March abductions beast criminals bandits bone-chilling horror and trouble brewing with our neighbors how about we ask about the bone-chilling horror tell me about that there foul goings-on over at the tower of tall shake where is the tower of tall shake I bet I know where it is we can tell them like it must be stopped we can tell more opinion how we feel about this place I just want to know where it's at it is a half a day's travel to the southeast let's pull up our quest map so I shift queue and we we know it's right here it some sights yes and we can find this place if we go to sites but we can also just go down here can we can see that place this is tall shake right here we could scroll through here and try to fight also but there we go there's tall shake right there what which is where the bone-chilling a horror is which means that there is evil necromancy sort of things we ready to leave a town but as I was walking out I noticed press L here we have a low cheekbones goblin Lasher no quarter no quarter means that they don't like us and they will not yield no matter what so I think it's a perfect time to show off a fight so goblin I'm gonna walk up to him see if we can catch him if we wanted he's running away is he moving in that direction we're going to hit shift s we're going to sprint we want to catch up on this guy we're going to run you can see our speed down here which is increased by a lot we're losing him because he went downstairs down the ramp here there he is right there so he's moving into this square what we're gonna do is we're going to go back into walk mode and we're going to just press period to let time pass one isn't so he has jumped ahead of us so now we press shift day so welcome to combat we're going to we have two we have three options we can strike the guy we can wrestle what the guy wrestling would be like the feelin do like a bar fight we could do that and choke the guy with wrestling or we can dodge if he's attacking us which we're not much of a Dodger so we're going to hit a strike the gauntlet now we get to choose everything we do with combat do we strike him in the leg did we strike them in the head did we strike him in the I'm using the slash and Astra stood a scroll through here did we get him in a throat do we go for the mouth the tongue cheek we can hit anything we can go for his lower lip if we want but no we're gonna go for a we'll go with an easy strike to his on his hand I went here is like I want to top him from running away so we're gonna go with a normal strike to his right leg can't quite hit it squarely but it'll be alright so we're gonna go with K so with my axe in hand we're gonna hack at his leg press B I never go you hacked the low cheekbones goblin masher in the right upper leg from the side with your iron battle axe that we have stolen we're using the muscle through the small choke troll for cloak so now he's still gonna run away he's still kind of scared we can look at him and we can see a all the things that are on him we can see his uh how he feels is a I want to see his description he's a small humanoid we can see his lower leg is bruised from me upper leg is bruised his nose his mangled beyond recognition he's been in the fight already he's blinking blinking means he's injured her up her feet front teeth are gone lower front teeth are gone so she's had a bad day she's about to have a birthday so we're to go for it again shift a again we're going to strike we can go with a tricky school strike to the head buddy be square if we could do it our friends will join in here in a while but maybe eventually we're gonna go for D head and we can strike with the copper shield we want us to hack with the battle axe that's what we're gonna do she rolls away so she got away he was able to dodge the store and do it again if we want to be lazy if we want to select our strike we can just run into it like a rogue light and there we go we just be kicked Goblin Asher in the right lower arm from behind and we bruised her and we really hurt her her right elbow she loses hold of her iron shield because the kids are so hard and she says I must withdraw so she's surrendering right now so I think it's a good time to show off um some wrestling so let's grab her with me let me put my weapons away cute and we're gonna HOH hey wrestle we're going to grab her with my right hand and I'm going to go for her throat press period to past time I've got her I grabbed her on the by the throat with my right hand now we're gonna do it again shift I went to wrestle we're going to wrestle using my right hand that's on her throat and we're going to choke her you go you place a chokehold on her she is scratching me in my left foot bruising me but we're gonna keep on we're in cape on Chokin gonna go for B wrestle wrestle he's in the hand we're going to strangle her now pressing period again the past time strangling her throat she has now passed out so now she is unconscious now we've done it what we can do is we can go ahead and strike her we have a simple easy to cuz he's unconscious he just laying on the ground we're go for the neck and we're going to O it weapon town escape escape but Q get my weapons back out shift a strike neck see we're going to hack and we're gonna do it again it's been cloven asunder really that wasn't enough neck again hack jespah is laughing in the face of death yeah we're gonna go for it again and see if we can take her out um neck hack and she won't die we're gonna do this the easy way is gonna walk into her there we go she has suffocated I strangled Oh cuz I still had hold over with my other hand well there we go she has been killed so we went our stuff we can look at her we see all the stuff she has we could take her stuff we could go and sell it if we wanted to but mmm I think it's fine she had a buck gobbling bone bracelet eh I'll take that eat uh yeah I want that so let's walk on her here press G and we're gonna scroll through the list press e I think it the bone bracelet put in my backpack I want to wear it w I'm gonna wear the goblin bone bracelet which is now I'm pressing I there it is I pressed Astra's to go the next page goblin bow and bracelet on my right hand excellent I'm also covered in rain cuz it's raining so there we go there is combat we have killed ourselves a goblin and now we talked to somebody we can tell some home about this if we would say we went on a quest and we actually killed that Hydra we could actually go in here we can talk to somebody who can sit let's chat with with says boo right here and we can say bring up the specific rumor incident or rumor and we can say we can tell her about the conflict about whenever I whenever I was attacked by whoever that was that attacked me I don't never been happening in which we killed that goblin I killed that goblin the defenseless are safer from outlaws thank you yes well there we go this is a sort of explains what's happening here a bunch of goblin outlaws are attacking this town and we just killed one of the goblins attacking the town so there we go we're heroes if we were going the quest to kill the Hydra we can come back we could tell the person then he'd be very grateful if we killed that Hydra one last thing let's go and visit that Hydra now if we want to fast travel now because we have a stolen axe we can't just walk out with sawing we have to we have to actually leave the the region of the town or if to go back and buy the thing but you know what we're just going to just leave the vicinity of the town we are a thief now but you know what happens it happens if we want to be a good you know role playing character we could certainly should probably be nicer but whatever uh I think this actually just bringing me to a good point here we have a river here we want to cross the river how do we do it we can swim across by just walking across we could climb a tree and try to get across that way or we can try to jump it we're in sprint we're gonna give us some distance and we're going to run you see my speed is going up pretty high as I move as we get to the edge we can press J and we can jump right there and there we go we have jumps across the river move our speed back down to walk even though our people are behind the river they will eventually catch up once we go into fast travel mode which we cannot oh I can't do it oh yeah okay we're far enough away so we can walk now so there we go so now M we're going back we're gonna go find that Hydra well we're out here I do want to show off building I got a guy with an axe so I might as well show it off real quick I'll just do a quick rundown of how we do it so we have an axe in hand already so that's our chopping utensil we have lots of trees around here we are out here sort of in the middle of nowhere we gotta get off of the river here sort of in the middle of nowhere we can see that towers over here the town we came from is up this way let me walk a little bit further away from the river here and then we will start chopping some trees down in order to get ourselves a bit of a house there's nice clearing right over here so let's stop here let's walk up to this tree we're a press hmm creature the night has our people cowering in fear these people talk all the time we're a press G and we have an option here we can pick some sisal flowers or we can fell plum tree which is this thing right here so we're going to do that so I'm taking some time but we will chop this tree down and I pressed period and there we go tree has fallen and there was a big whole bunch of logs laying here now we can chop a bunch of these down so we want a lot a lot of logs but just for the simplicity one tree will do we're gonna go into Paris be now this is build menu we have two props we make walls floors ramps stairs we can also make things out of different materials we can press C shift C for constructions which is what we're at right now B is for buildings like chairs and beds and bookcases workshops we can make all this stuff in in adventure mode but we want to go shift C back over here let's make some walls so pressing W all we have to do is it's actually really easy just go over if you want press ENTER and then press ENTER and there you go there is a wall we can also name this site if we want to call it a thing but we can go with there's such hang a little Hut here something like that and let's put in a let's go into buildings and we want a door D put a door right there okay that is that's pretty good if we wanted them to say build this first and then phase 2 + now after that stuff is all done then I want a chair right here and a table right there and if you have any wood left which you probably won't because we didn't chop down very much we can put down a floor on all of this it's really simple it's even easier way easier than fortune SMO to do this now when we're done we press s and start work so brings up this window here we need 20 logs to do all this and we have 48 it also wants table thrown and door which we don't have any of because we don't have a carpenter shop but we can press why we worked for 8 hours they will also work to get this thing done these 23 hours to finish this thing we're gonna press W and it'll just pass the time and we'll have ourselves a little house out in the wilds it's gonna be a site on the world map that we convince your to later on and eventually I don't know we're not we have finished here you can see it's all done all done there's still some wood left if we want to builders house carpenter shop we can do it back in B and we can go into buildings make ourselves a workshop W and carpenter shop and we're put it right there and start work okay need one log got 28 all my friends will also work I can switch out if I want to work I can tell them to work and I can go walk off and do whatever I want to do but that's fine I will help them out I'm a good leader we'll build this thing and then we don't have carpenter shop so he in this carbon chop we can craft chairs log doors and all that and finish up our house if we wanted to but for now let's just press Z well first let's eat let's eat array and we're gonna go ahead and snooze we're gonna press Z sorry shift Z and we're going to sleep for eight hours until dawn whatever we want to do or just sleep until dawn deep and then enter and then once Dawn passes we won't want to be drowsy you can see the asterisks walking around here these are other adventurers walking around in the world they may be they may be bad they may be good there's just random things they're just sort of wandering around in the world that may want to kill us down here as we mentioned I am on the ground right now I press s to stand up and I still am very hungry and very thirsty we make a campfire real quick and get get back to moving if you press Z it brings you to this page this shows all of our skills that we chose before were a a dabbling woodcutter we're a talented axe man proficient shield user we are a bit thirsty hungry we've got also our things we saw it at the character creation screen s will give us our attributes that we saw before in time these will these will gets better if we do things with superhuman strength H for health how do we feel we're thirsty and we're hungry we can scroll over no wounds no treatment no history we're doing good this is how we see our health in this menu so if were we can't walk or something that I'll show up right there okay four kills we can see we killed that goblin and there he is and what year we killed him we also can look at description we can see myself my injuries would show up here as well I can also get myself a nickname there so that is the Z menu but I think we're ready to go let's go ahead and continue on I have eaten and drinking I'm still kind of hungry interest because I put it off so long but let's go in fast travel again I didn't name the site did I let's name it be name site shift in we're gonna name it raw wing how about well my name is anger right how about anger wing there we go excellent escape done there we go this is now angering so whenever we play the game for now on this will be here we can see it on the sites something may happen here who knows time may pass and exciting things may happen here but we're going to find our way to that Hydra we are very very nearly there you can see without spot we saw because we talked to somebody it shows up here but we can't actually see it on the map just yet because we can't see it until we get a little closer and walk her in here and see if we can find oh there it is right there right there let's go over here we can't go through the mountains like that we can go around I try to find this place there is a few say he maybe this thing it could be him right there there's a lot of things walking around here I don't know what it is maybe thinks trying to find the Hydra but let's go walk in and say hello there's a cave right here so let's stop right here and see if we can find this cave and say hello to the Hydra and then die immediately as we're walking around if we can't find the thing we can see it mentioned up here in the compass as I mention before because we know it's here II it's East and there is our little blip we have to go due east to try to find his spot and hopefully find it before he you know eats us and we are on top of it now it's right here somewhere so we can look around and it's probably some sort of cave things somewhere that we can find that will lead us to wherever he is I'll see I'll do some hunting around see if I can find this thing here I was looking for a cave some sort of entrance and there is right there l will get us a look at him we can scroll over here look at the Hydra a frail Hydra yeah right press a we can see a description a dragon-like monster with seven biting a heads and yes it does have seven heads it will chew our face off but we might as well go ahead and say hello well let's go uh you guys why don't you guys go first what are you running away where did it go did it run away I have found him again there he is all right let me get away this time Hydra we could sneak up on him if we wanted to we could creep but no we'll just uh walk up to him let's let's try to entice umm we're gonna press T over to throw our large copper dagger at him press C and we're gonna go ahead and highlight them and press enter spinning dagger misses the frail Hydra I think he's that he he sees us now I will have my revenge yeah Sabu and the says we're going to die immediately we're gonna go abso here he comes the Hydra attacks chest but he jumps away Hydra misses Jetta everyone's missing awesome missing going on Hydra has latched on firmly on to Sabu Sabu stabs the fro Hydra in the right rear foot with a copper longsword tearing the fat blocking away Jesper is attacking so yeah we're all way in there I'm gonna go head and get in there phew I went in cyber losing the Hydra shakes a blue around by the neck so shabu bites down or the Hydra bites down on Sabu shakes him around by the neck and now there's our turfs being torn he's he's losing hold of his shield and his sword Sabu is on the ground Sabu is down he bites Sabu in the upper leg he bites Sabu again bites Abu again Sabu is missing he's still trying to swing but he's not doing very good bite him in the head chest but it's still there bashes the Hydra in the fourth hit right he has seven heads not looking good for us the cloak is getting ripped to shreds bad things are happening we're gonna get in there Sabu bites the frail Hydra with sigh but with my friend is biting the Hydra as well tearing the scale on the first head Sabu is still getting shaken around by the Hydra there is a neck muscle getting torn apart arteries are being torn apart Sheikh Sabu around by the neck bad things are happening Sabu he's latched on firmly to right Sabu in the left ear and the injured part is ripped into loose shred so his ear is gone twist the head hang apart skin Sabu still trying just east of awake but he's not doing well shaking Sabu around by the head the skull collapses and Sabu has been struck down no more sadly so it's just me says ba' and a lot of heads on a hydra so we're gonna go with the shifty a he's attacking me right now so we could try to block this thing grab we're decent at blocking let's um we can try we're try I'm gonna go with see we're gonna try to block I don't know with her blog bites or claws maybe we just dodged because we came so let's dodge we're another very good dog we're gonna try it we're gonna dodge to the north I know what we did he claws at me he closets my teeth and my teeth went flying off he bites me in the upper leg not looking good I fell over he has hurt my leg so much I've fallen over jespah is is missing him I am now bleeding so I can press shift seat or shift-z I'm sorry Z not shift just Reuters even go to health and we can see I am heavy bleeding right now I'm in slight pain I'm bit thirsty I've lost my ability to stand because my leg is in court cut apart and bleeding cut apart cut open and so now he's too far away from me we could throw something at him let's throw some ice at him that'll show him spinning ice misses the Hydra says was having a bad day so he's been clawed he has been clawed by the Hydra the hydras biting him hydras last time firmly a couple of times and Sabu who jumped bite is really dead I must let grief passed me by says jespah yeah it's a bad day says be' and jespah has been torn apart he's losing hold of his things just by still punching though and he's last on firmly multiple times but he's here on me we can attack let's attack the Hydra he's right now the Hydra I was recovering from attacking chest so he's he's not attacking when I'm at the moment so we're gonna go for him and we can strike him we can strike him we have a nice easy strike on the upper body we can see all the different neck sea house because he's a Hydra it's got loads of different necks and heads and all of that but they're kind of difficult strikes so we're gonna go with a nice easy upper body strike we're going to see if we can just let's just hack at it nice and easy and hack we could buy them if they wanted to we could scratch me but we're gonna go with a hack you hack to throw harder and upper body tearing the scale there we go it's just but it's still losing he lost hold of his boot and it's suck he's been shaken around by the foot the foot has been ripped away from the remains of the fell Hydra script so you unique crab she has apparently grabbed the foot and yanked it out okay oh no it's held off it okay so he bit it and it sailed off in an arc gotcha attack him again he is still attacking the maisman so let's get him again strike him we're gonna go for can we maybe chop a head off you think we could go for his tail let's try to top his tail off heck we missed chess but doesn't feel good chespin has been struck down so now it's us I can't stand up but I can still swing heat oh there's eight heads eight heads where's the seven heads I don't know what it was what a Hydra has okay strike lower body let's see if we can get a neck let's go for the fourth neck is a tricky strike but very square let's go for that one we're going to hack at it he attacks at me but it's blocked by my shield I'm doing good at blocking things I missed he closet.you in the upper front teeth and sever I'm losing all my teeth here oh my god I've had a Goblin earlier so around wait to attack again shift a strike we're gonna go for a difficult strike to the let's go with a 5th neck it's square if we can get it right hack we missed last hole of my shoe and socks cuz he is shaking me around by my leg and my leg has fallen off my leg had been ripped away okay striking again we're going to go for a upper body what's just uh let's bite him no they didn't go well he bites me in the lower body uh he lashes on firmly he's shaking me around I missed my bite and I have given in the pain and he claws me in the head pulling the neck tearing apart the skin bruising the fat I have bled to death there is an adventure mode tutorial a nice rundown on how you can find a quest thick some of the keys you can see your inventory you can go camping you can you can feed yourself you can find quests you can find gear you'd steal gear if you want you can find people to join you and you can go on quests so most of them are easier than killing hydras but um thanks again for watching if you have any questions just leave them in the comments I will try to answer anything in there also leave a link to a helpful key bindings thing as well remember you can always press question mark to bring up any sort of key bindings or any sort of help you may need here anyway thanks again for watching and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 144,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dwarf fortress, dwarf fortress tutorial, how to play dwarf fortress, dwarf fortress starter, dwarf fortress for beginners, guide dwarf fortress, lets play dwarf fortress, dwarf fortress how to play, dwarf fortress play, dwarf fortress gameplay, dwarf fortress quick tutorial, dwarf fortress game, how to play df, dwarf fortress 2017, dwarf fortress 2018, df 44, dwarf fortress 0.44, dwarf fortress adventure, adventure mode
Id: Br0_zc7RzLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 19sec (3079 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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