FreeCAD: The 2022 Complete Beginners Guide To Part Design |JOKO ENGINEERING|

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this video is for free cad absolute beginners i want to go through all of the tools necessary to make models like this this was a cylinder head that was made completely in free cad part design which we'll be covering today and i anticipate this to be a pretty long video because there's a lot of tools to cover to make something like this of course watching this video you probably won't make something like this straight off but you will know all of the tools that would be required to make something like this and then it's just up to practice to be able to know what tool to use when and how to make the models that you wish to make but this was made completely in the part design workbench and we will cover the tools to be able to make this now this corsair also was made almost completely in the part design workbench and i think you actually could make it in part design if you wanted to completely likewise this chair and this wheel and this compressor and each of these also i have videos on my channel where you can make these step by step with me so i recommend watching this video first to get a good idea of the fundamentals and then you should be able to be able to go on and see how i use the tools in the part design workbench to make each of these models so let's get on over i'm going to close these we'll get on over to the start page and this is what free cad looks like there is a lot to free cad part design and i anticipate this will be a longer video it takes a lot of effort to make something like this but fortunately i've had help thanks to i've had the support in making a complete guide here there are many courses to take on and i have especially enjoyed the scientific thinking course i have covered finite element analysis on this channel and the structure section of scientific thinking on offers a similar way to understand finite element analysis mesh and the forces that can propagate through structures also it helps me learn more effectively than other material because there are animations that make it easy to visualize what is happening and do so much more effectively than just looking at static images on a page this attention to detail is what emphasizes understanding for spatial and visual learners like me and is evident in every level throughout the courses on this site i especially appreciate this because my first videos covered math and as i learned how to make content with these videos i realized what a challenge it is to illustrate things that are clear for understanding brilliant does this so well and they do it with animations that work which if you are as concrete and mechanical as i am it would be something that is important for you too the scientific thinking course can take you through learning about gears fluid flow structures and more now free cat is programmed in c but most of the user interface add-ins workbenches and macros are programmed in python and i'm eager to start the python course and brilliant and potentially begin contributing to such an awesome open source platform whether you are a student trying to have help doing math homework a university graduate trying to pick up an employable skill or just someone trying to stay sharp i think there's something for everyone on brilliant most of all i'm so happy to have help from people who have the same goal as me to make complicated information simple and accessible for everyone click on my personalized link in the description below and see what brilliant can do for you today the first 200 subscribers will receive 20 off so now that we're in freecad straight off if you ever see something like the report window that pops up down here uh i don't use the report window very much and so if it gets in your way i just drag it over here and then it kind of hides in the back so it doesn't get in the way at all this will be the first time after you install freecad this is what freecad looks like any file that you've opened recently will show up here and you have examples that freecad gives you down here you do have some help options right it gives you some links to user hubs it has documentation on the major workbenches which we'll go through and it shows you where to get help from the community and this is development related here probably not relevant for an absolute beginner so let's go to part design example because that's what part design is that's what this video is about right part design so i go into my part design example and this is an example of a part that has been modeled in free cad so you could 3d print this if you wish or you can measure it or analyze it or do whatever you want to do in freecad which you can do all those things how do we adjust our views when looking at a part well here i've got a keyboard monitor so you can see all the hotkeys that i use as well as how i click my mouse so keep an eye down here if you get confused on how i use my keyboard or mouse i can pan my view up and down by using the center mouse button i can roll my view by using the center mouse button and simultaneously right clicking so i can roll my view around [Music] i can zoom in and out with my scroll wheel right i move my scroll wheel forward and i zoom in i move my scroll rule back and i zoom out so those are the major view controls that you have but you can also do preset views like this is the front view right this is the top view this is the side view this is the rear bottom and other side so you have these preset views up here you also have isometric right which is basically viewing it at an exact angle kind of on all three planes all right so you have some views down here i never mess with that so this is an example of how to move your screen let's go into the sketching environment now not the sketching environment but rather just new part environment so right here i have the option to create a new object this button does the exact same thing create a new in our case empty document all right now make sure that if this says start which it probably does you scroll down here to part design you can see these are all the different workbenches that freecad has to offer and if i change to a different workbench you'll see that my options and tools up here change so all of these represent a very high selection of different tools you can use for different things we are only doing part design today but it is the absolute best for beginners and is the absolute best for beginners for a number of reasons it is very straightforward if you are an absolute beginner that has never used a cad platform before and you start using the part design workbench then you'll be able to transfer your skills and have a good understanding of how to use solidworks or onshape or creo or solid edge or any number of parametric modelers a libre is a great one as well uh so you'll be able to transfer your skills to other platforms if you've never done modeling before likewise if you have some parametric modeling experience say in solidworks or libre the part design workbench has a workflow that works a lot like those so you'll be able to understand freecad a lot more quickly and effectively than with uh trying to use any of these other options so part design is probably the best for absolute beginners kind of no matter who you are now if you're coming from 2d modeling like autocad do yourself a favor and forget everything you've learned about the 2d modeling environment i get a lot of comments from drafters on the channel that are unnecessarily underperforming and unnecessarily frustrated because they're approaching 3d cad just like it's 2d cad and it doesn't work because you have to think differently so forget everything about autocad and focus on this like it's something completely new because it is so here we are in freecad now i like the dark mode so let's go from style sheet to no style sheet to pro dark if you like dark mode apply that and i think that looks just beautiful and you know what while we're in the settings let's go to a few other things um over here right you can scroll this way and find your units right now i'm in standard millimeters if you prefer inch i i recommend imperial decimal but there's a few other us options that you can experiment with as well but imperial decimal gives you decimal places that's really well cut out for mechanical engineering what freecad was meant for great so other things if we go to display i just showed you how to navigate your view of course with zoom pan and roll views if you don't like those controls you can come over here to display navigation and then you can change the controls from here and this will tell you what the controls are that you've chosen let's go to sketcher now i like these settings under general i don't like having escape being able to leave the sketch edit mode that's highly arbitrary but some habits that i developed using other platforms so if you're in a sketch which we'll go through and you hit escape a few times you can leave the sketch [Music] and i like having that setting off auto remove redundance is something that we'll talk about redundance later and i like having that on so we're going to say okay all right now we're in part design the first thing that you generally do is create sketches when you do cad so we're going to go through the sketching environment and everything that freecad has to offer i think it's a great sketching environment to create a new sketch we go to this yellow and white button that says create a new sketch click on that and then we have three planes now do you remember the views where i had my front view top view right view and so on it is best practice to model the part to where this plane kind of runs along the top of the part if i look straight onto this plane i'm looking at the front of the part if i look straight on this plane i'm looking at the side of the part you don't have to do it that way but it's uh it's best practice so let's say that i want to sketch out like the top of my part let's go on to the x y plane and learn how to sketch right i simply click on the x y plane or i can choose it from this menu and i click ok now there's a number of sketch tools to go through i can create this is the first one here i can create a point in the sketch and that's not particularly useful right i'm just going to box selected of course i take my mouse drag it box select it and hit the delete key to get rid of my point the next tool is i have a line tool much more useful right i click i click somewhere else and i have a line that i've drawn way useful now an arc tool this is very useful as well i click a point and that will be the center of my arc i click again and now i can draw my arc around the center point that i just clicked and i click a third time to complete my arc next i can draw a circle i can choose a point i choose another point and that draws a circle in much the same way that i've made an arc i have this little ellipse thing right and it's not too often that you'll need to draw ellipses but i click to where a imaginary center of my ellipse is and then i can make the ellipse as eccentric as i wish so that's how we draw ellipses i almost never use that tool but it is extremely handy to have in freecad let's go with a spline this is kind of a tough one for beginners but with my spline i can click in many points in kind of whatever sequence that i want and then if i hit the escape key once it draws a spline that is relative to the points that i've drawn right so i can drag these points that i've clicked and it changes the profile of my spline this is a kind of hard to use and kind of hard to define but it's extremely useful if you need non-constant radius geometry that works pretty organically you know but again a little bit hard for beginners all right let's go with polyline so if you remember my line tool polyline allows me to get a new line every time i click otherwise it is the exact same thing as this line tool that we just used again i'll highlight everything and delete let's go with a rectangle right i click two points and those two points become the corners of my rectangle i have a polygon we default to six as that's a pretty common polygon but i can choose a square pentagon hexagon heptagon octagon and so on all right next one is a slot if you need to make a slot shape this is incredibly useful i simply click two points to define my slot and as you can tell this slot is simply made up of two arcs and two straight lines so you can draw your own slot with two arcs and two lines but this saves a lot of time likewise just by clicking the same button and moving up i can make a vertical slot instead of a horizontal one alright the rest are sketch tools that we'll get into but those are the ones that you actually use to draw the elements of the sketch so maybe i want to make a house shape that's pretty simple i can choose my polyline tool or my line tool right if i choose my line tool and i go to draw a house shape and you can tell i just draw it line by line here or i can choose my polyline right here and i've can hit escape to get out of my sketch tool right so there's a few things about this i can drag anything anywhere and these points are connected i can delete elements of what i've just made by highlighting something and hitting the delete key so i what if i draw a line and i want this point to be connected to this point well you can do that initially because when i hover my mouse over that point it turns yellow and i get that little red thing that shows up on the lower right part of my cursor those are known as constraints in other words if i highlight this point yellow and click to draw my line it constrains the end of this line to always be connected to the other line that is called a constraint or a relation and there's many of these that you can have in your sketch all right so maybe i'll highlight this line and what if i want this line to always be vertical well there's a tool for that that would be known as this little vertical guy so i can highlight my line and click on this vertical guy and now no matter what i do this line will always be held vertical it is very important to add these kinds of constraints and relations to your sketch it is best practice to always fully constrain a sketch meaning i want a sketch so defined that i can't click and drag anything so you'll notice that i have this little point here this is called my origin if you recall we had a top front and right plane and we're currently sketching on the top plane or what we would call the x y plane as freecad would call it well the the place where all three planes intersect is known as the origin there's only one point that all three planes share and so i can use my origin to my advantage to help position things maybe i'll delete my house shape and go line by line i'll grab one line or my line tool i'll highlight my origin yellow as i've done before and i will go to draw a horizontal line you'll notice on the lower right of my cursor you have that little horizontal line that looks a lot like the horizontal line in this little toolbar up here that's telling me that if i click in that position it will automatically add a horizontal for me which is what i want now if i check to see how i can move this line indeed it only will move horizontally this little guy right here means coincident being coincident means that it is fixed upon this line in other words one point is fixed upon something else that's what coincident means so for example if i draw a point then i can choose the coincident relation and i can choose this point to be fixed upon this plane right and now it is fixed coincident all right so we have that worked out what if i want this to be a specific length can i give this a dimension well i sure can over here i have you know i think my toolbar is a little bit busy so i'm going to move this up here and this up here and this up here there we go now i can see all my red tools so now i've got a horizontal dimension right here i'll click this line and we'll make it 50 millimeters and you'll notice it turns green that is the goal of sketching we want everything to be green like this because green means that we're fully defined freecad knows exactly where this line belongs because we gave it the definitions of where it belongs we told freecad this line must be horizontal this point must be coincident upon this plane here and we told that there must be a length of 50 millimeters so let's draw our house shape some more by draw maybe i should say sketch i'll come down here all right i've drawn my house shape now what other constraints and relations can help us get a green sketch presumably i want this line and i want this line to be the same length that for that we can choose equal right i choose the equal tool and my lines become the same length when i click both of them so that no matter what i do to the sketch they'll remain the same length likewise i probably don't want to have a crooked roof i mean that's kind of contemporary and cool but for a traditional house i can choose equal for these lines equal length excellent now maybe i want to give this house a height on its walls i'll choose a vertical dimension right which is like the horizontal dimension just flip 90 degrees and i'll make this something like 40 millimeters now you can see that this is green this is green and this is green and the only thing that isn't green is our roof so let's give the house an overall height maybe i can choose my vertical dimension i can choose my roof and my origin and give this a height to say 60 millimeters well now everything is green so we were able to fully define our sketch now what if i wish to edit my sketch maybe i want to have a perfectly round roof well let's give that a try i'll select the parts of my roof and hit the delete key you'll see i'm still fully defined i just don't have a roof now i'll choose an arc that would be my arc drawing tool here i'll choose a point kind of in the middle and i'll choose my endpoints so i should be when i move this i should be coincident up to my walls with my endpoints now if they're not i still have the option to add the coincident constraint i'll choose coincident in fact you know what if i'm fixing a point on a point i shouldn't use coincident i should use this point right here this is a coincident constraint but it is for points only so i'll choose this point and this point and they're fixed together and i'll choose this point and this point and they're fixed together but that's not good enough i mean how do i define this well what if i want my arc to end completely on horizontal so that i don't have a sharp edge right you can kind of see where they intersect right now there's that sharp edge what if i want a perfectly smooth transition well i can select my arc and my wall and i'll choose tangent bam right so we are fully defined what if i hit ctrl z to undo the tangent constraint that i've just done another way of doing this is taking the center of my arc and this little end point of my arc and setting them to be horizontal with that horizontal tool now this point and this point are set to be horizontal and you have that same smooth transition because that's just the basic way that geometry works it's the same thing as putting a tangent there i can also delete my constraints and relations by selecting them right i can click that horizontal i just made and say delete and now we've deleted that i can also dimension this with a dimension right arcs are often dimensioned by their centers so i can select a vertical dimension here i'll select my arc center and i can select my origin here and i can give this a distance of say 20 millimeters right and that will define the distance of the arc center point and that fully defines our sketch as well i'll delete my dimension maybe i'll even delete my arc what other things can we do with free cad if i go back to a normal roof let's say i want a 90 degree angle on the elements of my roof right so i want a 90 degree angle between these two lines several ways to do that i can choose this perpendicular constraint that i select both lines and they're held perpendicular that makes sure that these are 90 degrees apart an interesting uh anecdote as i move this uh the way that the geometry works is we're actually making a perfect arc this top point here is tracing out a perfect arc which is kind of fascinating but anyway so we talk about degrees of freedom uh in our sketches and we want our degrees of freedom to be zero and we're down to one degree of freedom right now that means i can only move this point in one degree and so i can simply fully constrain this by making sure that these are equal and voila we've done it but maybe you can see that equal is constraint number 14 here and perpendicular is constraint 13 and i can track my constraints in this menu right here and so i can choose to delete constraint 14 from here or from the sketch now that we've deleted constraint 14 how else might we be able and i'll delete constraint 13 as well how else can we define this well i can choose an angle tool right so i select this button fix the angle of a line or angle between two lines i click on the two lines and i can make that 90 degrees and now it's held to be 90 degrees and i can use the same equal as before so you can use perpendicular or you can use angle and select 90 degrees and it works out the same way likewise i can choose a 60 degree angle and that will give me a roof of 60 degrees or 30 right whatever we want so i'll delete that okay what other tools are worth using what if i delete my house to begin with right you can see whoops didn't mean to do that we'll come back here so down here you can scroll between the start page and the part that you're working on so down here i have my origin off to one side of the house what if i want my origin to be in the exact center of the house well there's a lot of benefits to that when you start modeling so what if i delete everything and decide i want my house to be centered i'll select my rectangle and draw a rectangle now this is known as the symmetric constraint so maybe i'll click my two points along the top here and i want them to be symmetric about this vertical green plane i'll select that green plane and i'll say symmetric and you'll see freecad has made sure now that whatever i do these points will be symmetric about this green plane i can do the same thing right here here and here and choose symmetry and now i am both vertically and horizontally symmetric now a cool thing is you don't have to choose a line to be symmetric about i'll delete my rectangle and draw a new one i can choose symmetric and i can choose this point and this point diagonally to be symmetric about this center point and now my rectangle is completely symmetric about my origin excellent now i can choose my roof and notice i have a little automatic automatic constraint with my plane that is coincident so if i click on that then i know that my line will be kept coincident onto my plane so it really helps to know your automatic constraints they always show up on the bottom right of that cursor and there we are with another house shape but i have an extra line here now if i delete this line it works out kind of i lose some of my constraints and relations that's a problem because i want to make sure i'll hit ctrl z to bring that line back i want to make sure that i adjust things properly and everything stays constrained so you can argue that i can delete my line and then i can choose my coincident tool and reconnect these lines and we're kind of back in business right and then i have to take this point and this point and make sure that they're horizontal and now i'm moving like how i was moving before but that's kind of a lot of work so sometimes you have a line that is really useful to be there but you don't want it to actually be part of your sketch you just want it to be there for reference and when we want something to be for there for reference we'll choose this button toggles the toolbar to or from construction mode so if i highlight that line and hit that button it turns blue and that means well this line isn't actually part of the sketch it's only there for reference and i can have all the constraints and relations that i previously had without having to worry about this line anymore likewise maybe i want the elements of this house to fit around a circle well if i hit this button without anything in my sketch selected then it changes my sketch tools over here to be blue you can see how i toggle them from white to blue so maybe i'll draw a blue circle around my origin and i want to define it to make sure that everything here will fit around as a specific radius now maybe i'm actually going to delete my circle and instead make the center coincident with this plane so that my circle can move up and down well maybe if i want everything to kind of fit around a circle i'll select my circle select this line and choose the tangent which we've which we've used before and that makes sure that this line intersects with the circle in a manner that they are tangent then i can choose my roof right here and my circle and we'll choose tangent right here lost the button for a second right and then how else do we move well everything is tangent so then now that i know that my roof and my floor can form a circle i can dimension it however i want but if for some reason you have to dimension a house that way you can use a construction circle to easily make sure that it's dimensioned properly all right what other sketch tools are useful sometimes i might say i just want to lock this point down and i don't care about what dimensions it's given just as long as it's locked down i'll select the point that i wish to lock and i can hit this little lock button and automatically just gives it the vertical and horizontal dimensions that it needs right so it constrains as that point all right now i can give these two points a vertical dimension here i can give these two points by selecting them a horizontal dimension as we've gone through but you may say i just want to dimension the length of this line or just whatever the dimension is between these two without having it vertical or horizontal here's a nice little diagonal dimension and that will allow us to diagonally dimension these two points or diagonally dimension that line likewise what if i want to give this circle a size well i can choose a radius here and i can give it a radius of 40 millimeters using this button now what what if i care about diameter well i can click this little drop down arrow and i can choose diameter from there and now when i click it i can give it say a diameter of 100 millimeters so if i wish to fully constrain this it says that i have two degrees of freedom that means my sketch can move in two degrees in this case i can see that these points can move horizontally and vertically so if i select this point and i select my origin and i choose horizontal i can give it a horizontal dimension now we only have one degree of freedom and that is i can move this vertically so i'll select my point select my origin and give this a vertical right let's say 30 and my house shape is fully defined excellent all right so i'm going to draw a little bit more of a simple house shape i'm going to of course toggle this back into white i'll use my polyline tool and again i'm making it horizontal you can see that little vertical auto constraint you'll make this coincident great so to constrain this i want this to be symmetric so you know i want these two lines to be of equal length and that would make it symmetric so i can either choose equal and that makes these points symmetric or i can use a symmetric constraint as i've used earlier now i can choose a say horizontal dimension we can go with a hundred millimeters let's choose a vertical dimension let's say 200 millimeters right kind of a tall house shape and then i'll move my roof up so it looks a little bit more house-like again maybe from here to here we're going to say equal right so hopefully these work examples are starting to make sense on how we constrain our sketches i'll give this a vertical now if i select a point without selecting anything else and i choose a dimension it automatically puts that dimension on the origin a nice little time saver tool so i've added a 300 millimeter dimension to the height of my house and i think we're looking pretty good maybe a few other tools that i haven't covered yet i'll go back to drawing a construction line here and what if i want my roof and this line to have the same angle well we'll make them parallel this means that they'll be always at the same angle so that if i change this by double clicking on the dimension and making it 250 the angle of this line changes to the angle of this line right so that's the parallel tool so we've covered coincident coincident vertical horizontal parallel perpendicular tangent equal symmetric this one is just another way of locking things down and then we have the lock which adds dimensions horizontal vertical our diagonal dimension our radius and our angle this is a little bit complicated i don't think you need to worry about that one as a beginner all right maybe one last tool to go through i'll change this back to driving dimensions or white what if my roof what if i wanted it to have an arc or a radius between these two lines so it doesn't come to a sharp edge well this is a good thing for this tool right here right so this is create a fill it between two lines so i choose two points where i want my fillet to meet these lines and it automatically adds a little fill it now see we lost some constraints relations dimensions etc because we've broken the line segments to make a fill it or what we think of as just an arc so we have to reconstrain some things and there's no right or wrong way of constraining there are better ways than others and that's called design intent but from here i'll just make these lines equal and then i probably need to give this center point a height so i'll choose my vertical dimension and say 230 and then maybe i'll choose my radius and give my arc a radius and we'll give that a radius of 20 right now we're fully constrained again so that's called a sketch fill it or create a fill between two lines according to free cad this is for trimming an edge and extending an edge that's a little bit more advanced and i don't think we have to go through that for for here oh maybe i'll do the trim the edge trim so let's say i've got intersecting lines i simply choose trimming an edge um from the point of intersection if i click this side it gets rid of that line that i trim right so it can be useful it also adds a coincident relation at the point of intersection okay so hopefully that was clear enough there's my house shape again i think i've covered everything that is necessary to make sketches with this is not something that you just go through once and all of a sudden you can sketch right this takes practice it takes a lot of figuring out on how to make a sketch go right so if i delete my house yet again and i redraw my house right if you don't know what isn't constrained well first off something that is white is a good hint because if i give this a dimension of say 25 and i say wow i have white elements and it's telling me that i have one degree of freedom how do i lock that down well clicking and dragging says oh you know what i know that i have to fix this point that's moving around and it's moving in the vertical direction so i'll give it a vertical dimension say 50. so clicking and dragging and this little degrees of freedom menu are very helpful likewise i can click on this degrees of freedom and you can see that this point turns green when i click on degrees of freedom that directly shows me what the degree of freedom is in the earlier version of freecad that was a highly requested feature all right so we click the origin we'll say make that vertical i said horizontal by accident i'll hit ctrl z we'll click that dimension and say vertical and then we have one degree of freedom we can only move up and down here maybe i'll lock that in by going vertical for 90. so if you draw a whole bunch of sketch elements and you have trouble constraining them it might help to draw one sketch element at a time and constrain each one right so maybe i'll draw another line and i know that i want this point and this point to be symmetric across my center so i choose these two points and my center and i select symmetric and we're fully constrained again and then i draw a vertical line and my auto constraints make me fully constrained again and if i draw a line from a known point to a known point a line is simply something that runs between two points so i'll be fully constrained again right so those are some tips on how to do the sketch now what if i try to add a diagonal line onto something that's defined you'll notice sketch contains redundant constraints redundant constraints and notice that it's automatically removed redundant constraints means that there is more than one thing that tells my sketch where to be whoops so even if right like it's giving me the right number 47.17 millimeters would be the length of that roof to solve that but since i already have dimensions telling it where it needs to be no cad platform freecad solidworks whatever likes or will take multiple dimensions or relations that tell the sketch how to define itself there can only be one set of complete solutions that tell the sketch where to be so it gets rid of my dimension that it doesn't like now that's because i have auto remove redundance checked if i uncheck auto remove redundance and i say okay well it still auto removes redundance i think that's just kind of a yeah you know what let's get out of this sketch we're going to say tasks close and edit sketch and whoops looks like my toolbar kind of moved around on me so we'll take these two and drop it back down now let's try ah yeah it's getting rid of it okay sometimes i'm going to actually recheck that sometimes you may come across an error that you can't recover from right it doesn't just automatically remove and so then you have to go through and figure out what about your sketch needs to be removed so that there's only one solution now maybe you want to just measure something right maybe these are the dimensions that you know that you want and you want to figure out how long this line is well you can do that several ways first off you can over constrain your sketch but check this reference option and just like the blue reference line that we had here earlier we have a blue dimension which means that this isn't a driving dimension it's just a reference dimension and we can measure the roof that way likewise if i delete this i could turn my sketch geometry blue and white using this button i can change my dimensioning tools blue and white using this button and so i can put a blue dimension down here so those are ways that i can have reference dimensions just like i've had some reference sketch elements all right so this takes practice practice fully defining sketches it's like a little puzzle in a way and hopefully it's kind of fun and over time you'll be able to do this just like you're ringing a bell you'll be able to look at a sketch and understand what needs to get defined straight off so don't give up it gets easier the more you do it here we have a fully defined sketch and this is the next chapter how do we make a solid out of this sketch right how do i make a house shape well let's close and let's talk about in the part design workbench which it looks like i've reset my toolbars again so i'm just going to click and drag these down how do i make a solid out of this i'm going to choose this little uh pad button right here right so i have a sketch and if i choose this pad button by padding this sketch you can see that we've generated a solid now this is the editing menu where i can change how many millimeters i want to right i can click up i can click down or i can type in number and it will give me whatever distance i want the idea is pad is often called extrude in other platforms and we're simply taking the profile the sketch that we've made and pushing it out of the plane of the sketch right just like it's extruding you can see it looks like something extruding out of the sketch all right so i hit the enter key or likewise i can hit this green ok key and there i have a solid so what if i want to add a chimney well maybe i want to make another sketch i i click in this little blue area first and i make sure that nothing is highlighted or selected and i choose a little sketch menu and that brings up my planes and so i can make a chimney by selecting my plane again and maybe i'll make a rectangle right and then i want to dimension my chimney so i can choose a horizontal dimension and i'll select this line and say maybe 10 millimeters and i'll choose my point and my origin and do another horizontal uh maybe seven millimeters right and then i'll choose a vertical and i'll select this line and say another 10 millimeters so it's a square chimney and then i'll select with my vertical dimension maybe 20. so it's not quite in the middle but close and then we'll close and then i'll choose pad again and you can see that as we're coming out but we're coming out the wrong side right we want to come up through the roof so maybe i'll say 50 and i want to choose reverse and that will change my direction now looks like 50 actually isn't large enough so we're going to say 75 right and there we are starting to come out of the roof and that's pretty cool looks like a chimney so i can go ahead and select that and say okay so now we've got a house with a chimney and both times we've used this pad tool to be able to do that however there are many options besides just pad to be able to make a solid so let's go through some of those but first before we do that you know i'm getting ahead of myself let's talk about a few other things i don't have to choose a plane to sketch on i can also choose a face so i can choose this face right here and say create a sketch and now my view changes so that my sketch is on my face so i can create a little polygon right here and we should in best practice go through and fully constrain this polygon for demonstration purposes i'll close without doing any constraints and create a little pad just to show you what it looks like when you choose a face that's not on a plane so now i've got a completely unconstrained that is coming out of our roof i'm going to delete that and delete the sketch right click delete alright so let's talk a little bit about the structure of our tree this is known as our history tree over here and as you can see i've made my first pad which is the house shape and then i have another pad which is the chimney now what if i wish to go back and edit some of the dimensions of my house i can do that i've got this little drop down carrot that has my sketch which is my house shaped sketch if i right click and edit my sketch maybe i'll shorten this to 75. if i close that you can see my solid has a much shorter roof and my chimney stays the same well let's say i have to edit my chimney now well i i know that this is the pad that created my chimney so i can edit my pad maybe down to 75 that was my original one all right 75 so i've lowered my chimney so if if you feel so inclined it is a great practice to choose this rename right here and i can say house body right and then i can rename this to say chimney i think that's how you spell chimney i'm not a very good speller i'm an engineer we're not paid to spell all right so that's how we do our parametric modeling we can go back into the tree and change certain parameters right maybe i want to change the location of my chimney and i can make this how about five and that will move the chimney uh to one side of my house so that is how we can do some modeling where we're not just sculpting clay right blender is known as a direct modeler and it's great for animation but for engineering we have parameters and we need to change all the parameters and so this tree gives us access to make the changes that we wish for editing parameters i'm going to create a new part now and notice i can always tab over to the part that i've been working on and if we feel so inclined we can save and then i called that house so it shows up down here is house and then i can tab over to my unnamed part now don't be confused because house is still in my history tree the history tree just has all of my open parts that i'm modeling with so i can still access my house history tree while i'm editing my other part if that confuses you then just go ahead and close house and then you only have one part in your history tree so in this new part let's work on another sketch we'll go on to the say x z plane and we're going to say ok i'm going to draw a sketch say we'll start off being coincident to this line and you know what i'm going to switch over to polyline and i'm going to draw this sort of sideways u shape all right great now i want this line to be vertical like this line so if i desire i can make it vertical i can make this line and this line equal i can make this line and this line equal i can make this line and this line equal you can tell i just kind of want to be symmetric about this red plane here so everything looks like it's acting kind of symmetric the next thing is we'll just give it some dimensions i'll take this line give it a vertical dimension let's say we'll make it 50. we'll take this line we'll give it a horizontal dimension let's say 30 is good select vertical dimension and give this line a dimension of say 15. then we'll go horizontal and give this line something like 25 you know that's a bit thin 15. and then we say oh but we've added all the dimensions maybe i'll click and drag and see ah the whole thing needs to be constrained relative to the origin so grab the origin we'll grab this little point and now we're fully constrained i'll give that 60. so we'll close that in freecad i can choose to revolve a sketch around an axis so if i choose this little revolve sketch right i have axes that kind of correspond with the planes the origin is in the middle and i have my vertical axis right here which you can also call the x axis as you can tell freecad predicts pretty well what access that i would like to revolve around so extrude takes the profile of our sketch and just pushes it straight out normal to the sketch we would call it revolve is taking this axis and spinning the sketch around that axis and adding material as it goes so we've made kind of like a bobbin looking shape and we don't have to have it be 360 degrees right we can take our sketch and make it whatever degree angle that we want but this is a pretty good visual of how our sketch is revolving around this axis we can also reverse the direction if we wish and we can also make it symmetric to the plane if we wish so the plane that we sketched on of course is right here also known as our zx plane and we can just revolve symmetric to that plane around the axis of course i'm going to choose 360. and i hit enter and it's made also you can just say ok so that is how we make a solid with revolving let's skip to another part of part design that i think is a little bit more simple before we start lofting and sweeping let's save this nice i called that bobbin let's create a new part and if you notice back on the start page we have bobbin and house and our recent files so we can go ahead and reopen our file if we wish i'm going to create a new part and let's talk a little bit more about planes and reference geometry because that's that's an important conversation to have so if i create a sketch right i have my x z plane my y z plane and my x y plane right and if i cancel this and i go to create a body which again we'll talk about in a little while i have my origin right here that has my x axis y axis and z axis and if and i have my x y plane x e plane y z plane right but that doesn't mean that those are the only planes that i can use so what i can do is say select my x y plane or my top plane and then i can create a new datum plane with my x y plane selected and what i've done is i've said i want my plane to be parallel with the x y plane and then in the z direction i can offset it right i can say i want this to be say a hundred millimeters above my plane my x y plane so if i go to create a sketch right it shows my planes i'm this plane is a hundred millimeters above this plane so i'll choose my top plane in fact you know i'll choose my datum plane that i just made and create a sketch on that what i'll do first is i'll make a rectangle and i'll select the two edges and i'll select my origin and i'll choose symmetric i'll choose a horizontal dimension of say 15. i'll choose a vertical dimension and make this line something like 10 and it says fully constrained sketch it's all green that's what we want we're going to close that now in freecad your spacebar can hide certain objects right i think datum planes can be kind of annoying to look at so i select my data plane hit the space bar and it disappears if i ever want to see it again i can go to my tree and find my datum plane hit the space bar and it shows back up again so i'm going to toggle that off because i don't need that plane anymore i'm going to choose my xy plane in my tree here and say sketch i'll choose say another rectangle you know what maybe i'll make four lines just to make this interesting and i'm going to draw kind of a strange rhombus and we'll choose to make these lines parallel and maybe we'll make these lines parallel also so that no matter what i do those lines will stay parallel with each other this is kind of an odd shape to constrain let's say 11. i'll choose another vertical dimension and we'll dimension this guy down here let's say 15. we'll go horizontal from here to here let's say 20. then we can click and drag and see what else that we need to constrain maybe i want to constrain an angle between this line and this line we'll choose that little angle dimension and say 1 145. so i have two degrees of freedom left and it looks like this line we can constrain to move not up and down anymore we'll say 15 one degree of freedom looks like i just need to put a horizontal on that point that i'm dragging horizontal negative 20. and i'm saying negative because it is on this side of my origin whereas dimensions on this side are positive all right so we'll close that so we have this tool called a loft right i sketched out a rectangle profile here and i sketched out a kind of rhombus profile over here and what if i want material to go from this rectangle to this rhombus and in between slowly turn in from a rectangle into a rhombus well let's give it a try this is called the loft tool and we'll go from here to here oh no and we'll choose say our first sketch and then we'll have this add a section and i'll choose my rhombus and as you can tell we are changing from our rectangle into our rhombus as we go kind of a fun shape now the fun part i can delete my additive loft and then i can select my two sketches and hit the space bar so they show up again the cool thing about this is i can choose my xy plane again and i can say something like in the z direction 25 millimeters and you can tell we now have a plane it will go a bit further and we can say okay to that but if i choose this plane and i create a sketch on it whoops i'll go back here maybe i'll make a circle in between both of these right a big circle and i'll choose my radius and give this a radius of 27. close that and i'll select my plane and hit the space bar now if i choose my lofting tool oops i'll cancel that and look sometimes choosing the loft will make your planes show back up i'll select this sketch right here right and i'll say that that is my starting sketch so with this selected i choose the loft tool now it has me add a section and i'll choose my circle and add another section and choose my rhombus you can tell i can use as many profiles as i wish to make whatever shape that i wish now i broke one of the rules that is a best practice in order to show you this so let's go back and fix it you can see i have four corners on each side but i've got a few more lines than four in my view that are running along the body that's because free cad doesn't know exactly how this corner should interact with that corner and so on so i can help as it is a general rule in lofting if i show my sketches with the space bar to use the same number of sketch elements here i have four lines here i have four lines up here but here i have one circle and so going from four lines into one circle into four lines can be confusing computationally to almost any cad platform so how do we deal with it well i can edit my sketch i'm going to choose edit sketch and i'm going to edit my circle sketch and let's say that i want this circle for reference like we've talked about so now this is blue i changed the blue with this button and we no longer have a circle that is driving so instead of four lines to one circle to four lines let's go four lines to four arcs to four lines and that way we have the same number of sketch elements so i'm going to choose my arc tool right here we're going to go one two three four and then it's just simply up to defining where we want these endpoints to be i'll select these two points and make sure that they are horizontal i'll select these points make sure they're vertical and these points horizontal so now we have one degree of freedom and there's a number of ways that we can solve this right we can make it dimension horizontally we can make a dimension vertically what if i want this to be a perfect square well perhaps one creative way of being able to do that is to add let's add a construction line where i select this point to this point and then another line from this point to this point and there we have it now all i have to do is set these to be equal and i have a perfect fully defined sketch where this is a square where these points end up so let's close that and you can immediately see that as compared to last time we have only four lines because we only have four vertexes on our start and end constraints so it's a much better loft to be able to loft to the same number of elements hopefully you see the difference that made so that's called lofting now let's cover another concept known as sweeping i'll save this and let's create another file i'll close my loft down here so let's create a sketch let's do so on our xz plane and i'll make sure that my tools here are white and how would i grab polyline and i make a u kind of shape we've already made one u shape so to bolster our experience maybe i'll constrain this in a different way i'll select this point this point and this middle line and i'll select symmetric now these points are symmetric i want to do the same over here this point this point this vertical line symmetric and then i can assign a vertical dimension here let's say 25 i'll choose equal and make sure the other side is equal let's choose a horizontal dimension and we'll give this one something like 35 you can tell i have green elements of my sketch now if i click and drag i can see my degrees of freedom it looks like i need one more dimension there horizontally we'll say something like 20 and then i need to go up and down right so we'll choose this line vertical dimension 15. oh looks like i've got one more degree of freedom looks like this point um looks like this line and this line right here i can just say equal right now we're fully defined i also could say this point to be vertical to this point right many many ways to constrain a sketch either way we have this fully constrained u-shape now we'll close that we'll grab a sketch on the x-y plane and say okay i'm going to draw from my origin a vertical line and we'll give that a vertical dimension of something like 85 millimeters going to draw an arc i'm going to put my center point way out here and you'll see a little problem that i had my arc of my endpoint is coincident onto this plane but i want it to be connected to this point so i'll use this coincident constraint for points and i want this to be tangent so i can select my lines select my arc and choose tangent this is telling me that i did have a coincident constraint but the tangency constraint was applied and that covers coincident as well so it removed the coincident that i no longer need and that's fine let's give this a radius something like 200 i'll give this a vertical dimension say from its endpoints say 190. maybe i'll make another arc whose center is over here i'll have this endpoint end up being say vertical so we've added a vertical constraint and let's make sure that this is tangent there's tangent all right so it says we have one degree of freedom and that's got to be our radius let's add a little radius here let's say 440. all right we'll close this so i have this kind of question mark looking hook sketch that's just some lines or i should say linear in the sense that it's not closed right this u shape is a closed sketch this is an open sketch because it has not a closed profile let's go with sweep so with sweep i select this button and it says what sketch do i want to sweep i'm going to choose this sketch and what i'm going to do is i'm going to take this sketch and run it down this kind of hook line and add material as i go around this sort of hook shape so i'm going to say okay and then it says what path do i want to sleep will sweep along i select object and i choose my other sketch and now if i say ok you can see that my profile has gone down the sketch that i've just sketched out pretty handy now sweep and loft have a little bit of a similar functionality in that we can change the profile as we sweep down the path let me give you an example i'm going to delete my additive pipe and i'll use my spacebar to show both of these sketches and let's put a plane right on the end here now this may coincide with a plane that we have in the sketch but i want to show you in this part environment rather but i want to show you how to make a plane when it doesn't i'm going to select this point and select my arc here you can see that when i select my point it deselects and so on so i'm going to hold ctrl and select this line and its endpoint i'm going to choose a plane and i'm going to select normal to edge and that creates a plane that ends normal to my arc so i know that when i sketch on this it's coming straight out of this profile i'm going to say okay i'm going to begin sketching now you'll notice my origin is right where my edge ends also i haven't talked about the view cube but if i want to go snap straight to my right view i can just click on the view cube and it goes straight to my right view and i can select the edges of the cube to give me different views so let's make something that that's still a u-shape but just has different dimensions the number of sketch elements like in lofting applies here for best results and sometimes the only way to get results is to use the same number of sketch elements that we that we originally started with so we're going to say you know what let's go to my model and i'm going to hide my datum plane and then go back to tasks up here much easier to look at so let's go up here and say equal and from here to here both of these lines are now equal from here to here right equal equal as you can tell the symmetric constraint that i used probably isn't the fastest because i mean look how fast this is coming together now what i'm about to add here should be a redundant constraint no no it isn't okay so we have three degrees of freedom let's add a vertical dimension here we're going to say about 50. and that kind of oriented the sketch in a way that i didn't anticipate so let's hit the control z button to get our original sketch back all right so this is part of the troubleshooting when it comes to sketches that's why it's sort of misbehaved you can tell that there appears to be a constraint or a relation that we didn't intend to have i don't want these to move up as i move this down and vice versa so let's go through here and i'm going to highlight 25 that looks fine 26 looks fine 23 good let's look at 24 that's this line and this line being equal right i'm gonna hit delete and get rid of that and that looks like it solved it so sometimes you might find a constraint relation that you have trouble with just troubleshoot by looking over here and seeing exactly what needs to change for it to make sense let's try that again select this line vertical 50 and that moved in a much more predictable way let me try re-adding that now that i have the dimension and yeah that's moving kind of peculiarly so i'm going to get rid of it ctrl z right i'll just dimension everything else and see where that puts us next we're going to say horizontal 40 horizontal again 25 let's go with vertical and i'll click this line at oh 20 that's fine up and it looks like we're fully constrained so those equals were probably going to over constrain our sketch and that's why it was acting so funny let's go with close now we want to take this profile run it down this path and as it runs down this path we want it to gradually change into this profile up here so we're going to choose sweep we'll choose our first sketch we're going to say path to sweep along over here we can see it's sweeping very nicely but that's not good enough we're going to change it into this shape with different dimensions so for transform mode we're going to change it into multi-section and we're going to add our end sketch and there you have it you can see how it slowly becomes bigger until it changes into this new shape pretty cool right so so far we've done extrude where we come straight out of the sketch revolve where we spin around an axis loft where we go from one sketch to another sweep where we do this now we have this tool sweep a selected sketch along a helix very useful tool indeed so let's save this and we'll close that we'll create a new create a sketch i'm going to go on the yz plane let's create a circle we'll create a radius we're going to say how about 10 right that's a good number we have a radius of 10. close that and we'll choose pad also known as extrude in some platforms we're going to give this a dimension of say a hundred so i've made a cylinder let's create another sketch now and i want to choose my xz plane alright so in this sketch let's try to make a bolt like something that has threads i'm not going to make this an official bolt although you can right i'm just going to make up some dimensions both threads look like this they usually have a 60 degree angle right maybe a little fill it in there but i want my bolt to snap to this edge but if you notice i grab coincident and it'll snap to my plane here but i can't select this upper edge and so i have to rely on a tool to reference the geometry that i've already made that's solid right this is known as import so i come over here create an edge link to an external geometry where i just say import geometry i click on this and then i can click on my edge and now look my edge becomes selectable and it gives me that little dot where my edge ends so i hit the escape key to exit my tool i'll grab my little point to point coincident tool and i'll just snap onto that perfect so let's make some threads i'm going to choose an angle and i'm going to be pretty easy about this and just make these 60 degrees apart that i have to check my thread dimension chart that could or could not be correct we're going to say equal between these two lines and then we'll say horizontal give us a horizontal dimension of say 10 right this big thread very big thread um great so let's close this now as i mentioned before freecad has axes you can see the axis down here right our z-axis our y-axis and our x-axis and this little orientation tool right because it moves when i move is a nice little shorthand way of looking at the axes in freecad so i'll grab my sketch and i'll grab my helical tool right here and i'm going to say i want this to be a helix along my x-axis but this is not an expected result this is not very good so sometimes in free cad i you need to intersect your bodies a little bit to get what we're expecting i'm expecting something that looks like a bolt thread so let me go and edit my sketch and let me turn this into reference geometry i'm going to take my line tool and extend it down just a little bit now notice i can't see what i've sketched in here uh so now we're kind of sketching inside of this body and that's a little bit awkward so we need to have another tool and that tool is located around here that's better this button right here switch between section and full view so i click this button and it sections out my parts so now that i can see everything that i'm sketching we'll have this guy come down here and this guy come into here right i'll give this a vertical dimension and it doesn't really matter what this dimension is because this will be inside of my body that already exists and so they'll merge together i'll just say that this is two meters two millimeters rather close that and that is the predictable result that we wanted so this is something that occurs in all cad platforms that i know this is called zero thickness when you have a result like this right i hit control z to go back to where we were we're saying that we have a sketch that we're moving on and we don't know if we need to add material or not right where these things intersect right right at that point is there material or not so by adding a little bit of extra material inside of this part we have resolved that error now if you're confused by zero thickness i have another video on my channel that explains zero thickness in a lot more detail feel free to look that up so zero thickness joco engineering should come right up i'm gonna hit redo and there we go right there's our there's our bolt thread so if i double click in additive helix i can change my pitch and i can change which axis i'm using of course and i can change the height right i can make the height of my helix taller but maybe it's awkward to try to um define it by the pitch and the height of your helix that you want well in that case you can change the mode to say pitch and the number of turns on that pitch and that will fully define your helix right so we can add turns as we please but maybe that's awkward so you can also define it by the height and the number of turns i can say i want the height of my helix to be exactly 80 millimeters and i want it to have 10 turns i might that might be a lot of turns yeah that's when it turns black like that you know you've created something that's really not computationally able to be made so let's try seven yeah seven turns and then we can make this a left-handed thread if we wish or we can reverse it although that's kind of silly to have a hollow helix you know but you can reverse it if it goes the wrong way and we're going to say okay so that's how we can make helixes all right so if you care to make threads or anything else that's helical that is a shorthand easy tool to make uh this is kind of a newer feature to freecad and i could still make helical stuff and freecad before this it just wasn't as easy the developers have done a superb job in making this easy all right next we can make primitives so let me save this so we can make primitives um i'm going to save this as helix we'll just close that down and create a new one so when i insert primitives i'm simply adding simple shapes right and i can say instead of 10 by 10 by 10 maybe 50 by 10 by 10 right and then i can add in another primitive circle or a cylinder you know that's great let's do cylinder and radius of 10 is fine height maybe we'll make that 50 right and it just lets us insert some already pre-made shapes if we so desire i'd rather sketch all my stuff personally that's a workflow that makes more sense to me but this is another legitimate way to model in fact old school modeling was known as csg modeling and uh it's a way that you can do it is totally great and your dreams will come true and stuff but sketching really is my personal preference so but you can add in boxes and stuff if you just need to model a box and you think that that's an easy way to do it we'll go through some of the more csg modeling type stuff in this video later on okay so now let me make a sketch on my say x y plane and i'm going to draw out a rectangle and select corner to corner to the origin we're going to say s for symmetric that's a hotkey right saying s for symmetric is the equivalent of clicking on this button which as you can tell has a little s in parentheses in that description so almost all these are hotkeys and honestly i just use the hotkeys more than anything but i'm trying to use these buttons to make it simple all right so we hit s we're symmetric we're going to go with a horizontal dimension let's say 150 millimeters let's go with a vertical dimension that will fully constrain us at 50 millimeters right let's close that we'll go to extrude we're going to say 50 right so we've just made a primitive now let's sketch on this face and let's say that i want to put a hole in this face in fact let's put a whole dead center on the origin we'll grab a radius and we're going to say 15 millimeters and we're fully defined we'll close that but now i'm going to use the next tool you'll see that this is blue and red this is creating a pocket and as i click this it works the exact same way as extrude except it removes material instead of adds material so i can say through all and there we are i've got my complete hole through all totally done it's brilliant so as you can tell i can go into my tree i can edit my sketch and i can even say delete my circle and i can add a nice how about a heptagon right i can do the same thing with my heptagon and to fully constrain this i simply grab a horizontal and make one of the lines horizontal and then i can add how about a vertical dimension and i can define that however i wish let's go with 19 millimeters close that and it updates parametrically to now have cut a heptagon right so this yellow adds material and it extrudes or what the part design workbench calls pads and this one subtracts material but it does the exact same thing so what's this one then well this is create a hole with the selected sketch so let's do an example right because i have to have a sketch create a sketch here maybe i'll make a circle there we want to fully define this of course because that's best practice so we'll create a horizontal dimension and we'll go with 55 we'll make a radius of 6 and we're fully defined right one example of something that can go wrong is if you don't have the coincident auto constraint you know maybe you'll say hey how come not fully defined and then when you click and drag you realize oh okay i need to add either a coincident or a horizontal so i'll grab my center grab my line here and i'm coincident right so that's one just example of something that came to mind all right so i've selected my sketch right it's green and selected in the tree i create a hole with the selected sketch and i can add say isometric whole and then i can even select this box for it to be threaded right handed threads m1 maybe we'll make that m8 make it a little bit bigger we'll go with countersink right or whatever you want you can just choose all the different parameters of your hole right there we go i was thinking that there was some missing stuff there so we have this and we can select you know certain particular clearances or diameters or whatever we need but you know you you're the engineer you're making the hole you know what hole you need so get this stuff to be the hole that you want and then say okay and then i'll move this back so this is what in solidworks you'd call this the whole wizard it's an easy way to make holes from circles that um have a lot of would ordinarily have a lot of stuff to them now you can say hey we made this an m8 hole and look there's no threads and you'd be right there's no threads this is how solid works and other platforms do it too threads are very heavy they're very graphically heavy they're very heavy on file size and so threads are not really shown by default this is a hole that would probably be the right size to tap an m8 hole because that's in a lot of manufacturing processes what you need for an m8 hole right it also makes it easier to inspect for quality before you make the threads you don't have to use a gauge or something like that okay so we have holes now if you need to if you need threads if you need to print threads that's a different conversation apart from the helical tool there is the fasteners workbench which i don't think i have installed right now so we'll get to that at some point or you can just watch my video on freecad fasteners if i forget to in this video moving right along we have revolve whoops i click the button revolve but this is a groove right because it's a subtractive revolve so here we have revolve adding material here we have the same thing but it's removing material so i guess this is kind of a weird looking part i'll just carry on create a sketch going to say okay maybe i'll create a grooved rectangle again you can't see what i just sketched because we have to section the part here and so if i create a grooved sketch i guess i'll fully define this because that is best practice we're going to say 25 to the origin we're going to give this length a horizontal dimension of say 28. we'll give this a vertical dimension as a line of say 10. we'll give this corner another vertical dimension of say 25 we'll close that so we have our sketch selected we're going to choose groove you can see we've made a circular groove with that sketch where these inner walls and outer walls both are circular so that's an example on how to use the groove tool same thing as a revolve you're just taking material away instead of adding it we have subtractive loft same thing you sketch through a solid you use your subtractive loft and uh then there's no more solid wherever you left right same thing with subtractive sweep subtractive helix and a subtractive primitive right the idea with the subtractive primitive is let me cancel that make it easier to see let's go with a sphere all right we have a sphere and let's make it something like 50 millimeters and then a sphere with a radius of 50 millimeters has been subtracted from my part it's just a primitive that takes away instead of adds material all right so we have done that i hope that this whole subtractive concept makes sense because we'd be in for a much longer video if i had to show how to subtract a loft in a sweep okay well maybe a subtractive loft won't take that long just in case someone is very angry at me so i can go to my tree right and delete my groove delete the sketch for my groove delete my hole delete the sketch for my hole delete all this stuff right this should be pretty straightforward so we're gonna go here we'll create a sketch on this face and i'm gonna break a rule because making a bunch of arcs isn't very time efficient for presenting right so i'm just going to go from here and i drew you know a heptagon i'm going to draw a circle over here maybe we'll make it smaller we'll close all right and one thing that i should point out is notice that i have this yellow icon by my sketches whereas this does not have that little yellow thing this means that the sketches are not fully defined so you can tell even the platform itself cares and telling you that these sketches are not fully defined it's telling you that i'm doing something that's not best practice so i think that's pretty cool let's go with again our subtractive loft we're going to go from sketch one we're going to add a section and select sketch i said pad i want to remove that we're going to add a section and actually click on my sketch and say okay right so our subtractive loft has gone [Music] from this little polygon into a circle and a smooth transition all the way through the part so that's how you can use subtractive lofts and you know with the simulators between sweep and loft if you've watched this video you should kind of get an idea of how to use a sweet path through there right not too bad all right so let i don't know let's just save that subtractive loft i guess so we're going to open up a new part and let's make something new again with the let's go with x z plane create a sketch create a symmetry by grabbing both corners and the origin we'll go with a horizontal let's go with a hundred vertical let's go with say 50 we'll close that we'll do a pad and this time we're going to well let me show you we're going to go 100 millimeters right but what if we want and and if we reverse it right then our plane that we're we've sketched on is right here and we're going the other way so we can reverse the direction on the plane that we've sketched on but if we want it to be in the middle we can just choose symmetric to plane and then it goes right in the middle and it goes 50 one side and 50 the other side and we're gonna say okay right so a few things to uh to do let's choose this face and sketch on this face just like we sketched on the house maybe i want to add a little detail up here well for that i'll have to import this little corner point here or i can import the whole line whatever you know either one works and i'm going to sketch out a little rectangle and let's choose a horizontal dimension to be say 30 millimeters we'll choose a vertical dimension right we just want to fully define this to be 15 millimeters now we'll close we'll pad if i choose symmetric to plane it shows up right so if it disappears then freecad might have some trouble thinking about it to begin with just play with some settings and it will come back we'll go with reverse we're going to say okay multiple solids so if you run into this error that means that free cat thinks that this is not connected to this so we'll cancel that i'm not sure why that happens because i almost never run into that error but of course it runs into it in my beginner video but let's work on fixing it right because if it comes up for me it'll come up for you we'll select this line we'll choose for construction and just like before with that zero thickness error which hopefully you've you're going to watch my video on zero thicknesses as well i think that's done in solidworks but it is actually the same thing between solidworks and freecad oh and looks like i missed a few automatic constraints we'll add them in myself this point coincident to this point and this is a good example again of handling an error in a sketch when we're over defined so i wanted this point to be fixed onto this point coincident and it's telling me that i have too many things that are defining a certain point it says that i have a redundant constraint that is 16 right so i'm going to go to 16 and say delete and now it's fixed the sketch so those directions where it tells you where the redundant constraint is are pretty good let's go to vertical so that's an example of how to fix you know a sketch that has that kind of error we'll choose a vertical dimension now it doesn't matter how far we go into the solid but just because i'm overlapping the sketch into the solid it'll tell freecad that they're going to be one solid and not two they'll be connected so we'll close that we'll go to it pad and we'll reverse we're gonna say okay and now they're connected i have a little bit of a graphical artifact because my sketch went down in but this doesn't really make any difference to anything really it's just graphics okay so let's talk about some ways that we can pad that are a little bit more than uh what we've been doing let's select this face we're going to say sketch right i'll create a sketch maybe i need to import some geometry let's do this coincident from point to point fixed we're going to go with horizontal we're going to say 10 let's go with a vertical dimension now say 5 good so what if i want to pad this sketch all the way up to this yellow face that is perfectly doable what we do is we select pad actually let's cancel that make sure that i have sketch 0 2 selected we select pad and we're going to say up to face and we choose this face and what the advantage is if i were just to measure the distance from this face to this face and then pad at that distance what if i change the dimensions of my cube then the pad will only go that same distance and not update but now i can change the dimensions of my cube and this pad will go to this face no matter what the dimension is so it's very handy to be able to use that kind of thing for what we call design intent likewise i can say to last and of course it tries to find the last face in this example it's not if i say to first then hopefully it will be to the first face that we extrude to and had trouble finding the first face so i kind of just prefer saying up to face because you know manually specifying the face that i'm going to is excellent all right so what if we want to go to two dimensions we're going to edit our pad and i'm going to choose two dimensions down here and of course i lose my ability to go up to a face but again my first length now is going off one side of the sketch so i'm going 16 millimeters over the edge and then this is going 100 millimeters in this direction so you can also pad in two directions excellent i'm going to get rid of this pad now and this sketch and get rid of this pad and this sketch let's move on to something else let's sketch on this top face here i'm going to sketch a circle we'll give it a radius that radius tool and we'll make it 30 millimeters close that and we'll do a little pad and okay so how do we do some direct editing of things fillets are very very important to many designs i'm going to take a fillet well of course i have to select an edge first right so if you don't know what a fill it is a fillet is taking a sharp edge and rounding it out it's a rounded end so i've selected this edge i select fill it right here make a fill it on an edge face or body and you can see i've rounded that edge out now isn't that nice and i can change the radius of which i round it so now i'm at five millimeters right that's probably good now i can do multiple edges as well i can select add and i'll click on another edge and when i say okay i've rounded this face and this face and then maybe i can do a fillet of a different radius and i'll do a fillet here and you can see that it continues all the way down all of the tangent edges and maybe i can make that two millimeters right so i can start rounding edges now we can also use what they call a chamfer or some people call it chamfer i had a professor that always called it a chamfer which is kind of an unusual thing to call it but that's what i've been calling it ever since so a chamfer is just a straight line you can tell that's my straight line that was once a sharp edge and i can change the length of that right that's five millimeters equal distance you can also say two distances and you can think of that as you know an angle to do it so you can change the angle by which you create this chamfer so if i make them both eight then that's you know a chamfer at 45 degrees all right let me get rid of my chamfer and my fill it and my other fillet what if i want this part to be hollow right what if it sits this way and i just want a quick easy way to make this whole thing hollow i can do i can sketch out a pocket and do a you know pocket cut but that might take a while and i'd have to haul this part out too in multiple steps so here we have something called the thick solid command when i highlight this face which i say i want this face to be the open face to the hollowness and i choose thick solid you can see i've made a box that has a consistent thickness of one millimeter all throughout so it is a quick and easy way to hollow something out okay excellent um let's try draft now when you work in injection molding or even casting it's very important to have some faces be angled slightly so if i choose draft then let's um reverse our pull direction here and i draft this at say 10 degrees which is a very extreme draft and you can see how this is now leaning inwards i have a whole video on drafting so you can look up joco free cad draft i bet it'll come right up and you can see how i've drafted these faces let's try it again right we'll draft here and if i make this 10 so you can really see right we're we're drafting it kind of what if we want the draft to be in the same way as this well i can select my neutral plane and i'll choose this bottom face and now everything is drafted toward that bottom face but it's going in the wrong direction so we'll reverse the pull direction and see that all of our faces are now drafted 10 degrees the way that we want so that's draft likewise i can select this face and i can choose to fill it every edge connected to this face and it does so right very useful feature i've just added fillets off of every edge on that face maybe i can add this face and i say okay and there's all my fillets so you can use draft and fillets and chamfers all together these are ways to be able to directly edit the part okay maybe i'll save that so that's saved we're good there i'm going to make another part let's go on the x y plane and say okay another rectangle this time point point center there you go so we're symmetric again you've probably seen that five times now will go horizontal we're going to say 150 millimeters we'll go vertical vertical dimension of 50. we're going to close that we're going to go to our pad we're going to say 25 let's do another hole with our pocket function right so i create a sketch and maybe right here we create a hole we'll go vertical and we're going to say 15 horizontal dimension we'll say 60. radius for fully defined we'll say five close that and pocket i'm gonna do through all note just as before i can say up to face choose my face by clicking on this face button and it will go up to that face so you have the same techniques with that other pad that we just did now with our view cube we'll click on this little corner and that gives us kind of a nice little isometric angle to look at next let's talk about some of the repeating repeating features that we can do so again i mean we our planes aren't visible but if i go to create a new sketch you can see my yz plane running through the middle this way and my x z running through the middle this way we can use those to our advantage let's go with mirror right here right so if we want to mirror a hole there's our pocket hole that we just created and it shows us our planes now it says hey how about i mirror across the vertical sketch axis which is really just a way of saying the the y z plane so i can specify the y z plane if i wish and so now this hole is mirrored across this plane okay likewise i can go back and say edit mirrored and i can change this to mirror across the x y plane no the z x plane x z plane yeah there we go and we're mirrored across this that is very useful let's look at this in another way right i'm going to delete my mirror i'm going to select my pocket or in fact i'll click blue and just select nothing i'm going to say create a linear pattern feature i'll choose my pocket which is my whole and now i want to have two occurrences over the length of 100 millimeters let's change this to say 125 millimeters and now i have two holes over the course of 125 millimeters i can up this to three and now i have three holes and four holes and five holes and six holes and seven holes right so you can specify the length that you want to have your pattern and then the number of holes equally spaced in between that length isn't that fantastic i'm going to say ok and now i have patterned holes now let's delete this and let's say i want to mirror this hole across this plane and then mirror this across this now a common error right this is not the right way to do it is to take my hole mirror it across this plane and then say okay i'm done and then i want to mirror my mirror and i want to say take my pocket and my mirror i can select both by holding control and it says only additive and subtractive features can be transformed and i say okay well darn so maybe i'll take my pocket and choose a mirror feature and i'll mirror across this reference and that works but then how do i get this third hole that's mirrored that's kind of a drag right so that's how not to do it if you want to do two mirrors like this i'll select my pocket and i come over here to create a multi-transform feature and a multi-transform feature lets me use all the transforms so i can say right click i want to add a mirror transformation and it already goes across my yz plane and then i want to add another mirror transformation and this mirror transformation goes across my other plane my x z plane and now i've added that right so i can say okay great we're done i can do the same thing with uh i'll delete that and do the same thing with linear patterns right so i choose my multi-transform feature i choose my whole and then i right-click and i say add a linear pattern and i choose my number of occurrences there's seven and then i can choose another linear pattern and that's putting a linear pattern on my linear pattern except this time i want to choose my other direction how about my vertical axis with the reverse direction and 100 millimeters is too far so i have to say like 10. there we go maybe i'll make that more like 20. you know what let's i'm going to push i'm going to try 30. yeah and then i can you know add another current center and i can make an array of holes really easily so one thing i didn't i forgot to mention let me delete my multitransform is the polar pattern which works just like everything else let me edit my sketch here and just bring this in closer we're going to take this 60 and let's make it like six or something and we'll make this that 15 is good okay so as you know freecad has vertical and horizontal axes running through this part as well we just say polar pattern which is this button up here create a polar pattern feature we're going to choose our pocket and it already knows our normal sketch axis right that's our axis that is normal to whatever we've sketched and i can add occurrences you can tell i've created a circular pattern so that's great to be able to pattern around an axis that is already existing let's say i want to make my own axis i can create a plane right i select this face i create my own plane you don't have to create a plane mind you right i'm just in in my particular case it works well to create a plane and i want to go in the z direction i'll flip sides here right maybe i just want to position my axis in some weird plane like this i can select my datum plane create a sketch and i'll create a line and your axis does have to be vertical right or you know normal to whatever feature you're trying to pattern here now let's go shift h negative 15 so shift plus h is how you insert a horizontal dimension into your sketch just a shorthand way of clicking this button let's close that and now with this axis we're going to say polar pattern pocket and now i want us right now it's going around this axis of course but i have sketched out a different axis so why don't i say something like 10 occurrences how does that look okay polar pattern let me actually edit that there we go 10 occurrences was too much but you can see we're going right around that axis and we want to go around this white axis that i sketched out so i say axis select a reference i choose my axis here and uh i've got a problem right my axis doesn't fit so let's go edit this axis here now let's edit the pad so here's my sketch i'm going to of course i've got my pad i do my carrot off of my pad and i edit the sketch that produced this pad and i'm going to give this a 500 right make it really big so close that and then look my my sketch is way over here now because why because i defined my sketch and my plane based off of a face that moved and so when the face moved my plane moved right and so i can compensate for that by going to my data my datum plane and saying instead of 18 i have to move this like 450. oh and then i went the other distance of course now let me just show my plane with the space bar great so i show my plane with the space bar edit my datum and we're going to say say 200 and then this little button right here means regenerate so this line is drawn on this plane but this plane moved and so i have to update some of the changes that i made so when i click update my line moves back onto my plane right and that should be closer i'm going to edit my plane one more time 225 update that should be good all right so let's actually delete this polar pattern and let's create so i've got my sketch 002 which is this line right we go to add a polar pattern and we say pocket and then i say oh you know what i can use that line as a reference for an axis and i go to do that line and i have error vector has zero norm if that happens to you sometimes you can get away with using a sketch but it is best practice to select what the line that you sketched out to use as an axis and select this new datum line right create a new datum line and it puts a datum line where that line is and then the datum line makes an excellent reference so we're going to say let's stand on pocket create a polar pattern but instead of our normal sketch axis we're going to select reference choose the datum line we just made and now if i add occurrences you can see we're revolving the pattern around the datum line so that's a method on how you can use a sketch as an axis around this around this polar pattern so let's cancel that right and let's kind of show the power of this um i want to make this absolutely gigantic we're going to go to our sketch editor sketch let's say a thousand by a thousand close that and of course my datum plane moved again so now we're going to say 500. we'll update that right that puts our access pretty close so to show the power of this let's go with create a multi-transform we'll go with our pocket we'll right click and add a polar pattern as before i'll select a reference and i'll choose my datum line let's add seven occurrences i'll say okay and then we can say add a linear pattern and let's make this length say 400 and we'll add some more occurrences that looks good how about six occurrences okay add a linear pattern and you'll notice the graphics are slowing down because patterns are very heavy so if it slows down on you just let it do its thing it'll probably work let's go with vertical sketch axis there we go looking good okay and then we'll go with a polar pattern you can tell we made one whole and as it's thinking about things we can make thousands of holes in various patterns like this all off of one single hole this isn't going to be a very pretty pattern because you know it's overlapping and everything but i think this goes to show the kinds of varieties of things that you can do with just one hole if done right in freak head so depending on your hardware that could take a long time but there is an example of kind of a messy in the middle pattern that we made i'm going to say okay to accept that and as it's thinking about i'm making that into actuality patterns are heavy but you can do a lot of patterning and free cad and there it brought it into actuality so again depending on your computer hardware that could have gotten kind of computationally heavy i'll go ahead and save that as a patterning example despite how sloppy that is in the center all right this is kind of a heavy part so let's get rid of that let's bring up say our house that we made the very first part all right so there's our house and let's examine for a minute our tree you can see that we have a body and everything under this body are the things that make up this house and several things come to mind first off i can hide my chimney feature and show my house body feature so if i'm ever confused about my tree i can use the space bar and show things and step by step how they made right i can say first i made my house then i go to the next thing and hit the space bar and then there's my chimney that i made right so it's one way to roll it back kind of easily and understand what's what in the history tree if you have any questions but secondly here we have this body that encompasses everything and you may notice the somewhat suspicious button over here that says create a new body and make it active and so if i click that then i have body 001 whereas my house is my other body and so if i go to sketch well let me let me back up a little bit right okay so i have this if i double click on my house body you can see how that text goes bold and then i can double click on my body 0 0 1 text and that text becomes bold so whichever text is bold between these bodies is the active body if i go to sketch something and extrude something it will merge with whatever body has the bold text so in this way i can have multiple bodies in a single part now for me that's multi-body modeling that's what you would use it for and let me give you an example of multi-body modeling right now my body001 has the bold text and so i'm going to create that body right i can go to this plane and say ok now i'm not actually working with my house at all so i can go to my model tab and i can stand on my body and hit space bar and it will hide the whole body and now the only thing that's visible is my body001 which i'm currently working on i'll head back over to the tasks tab under my combo view and let's say that i make this gigantic hexagon and i'll select this line make it horizontal i'll select these two points and shift v to add a vertical dimension right if that's confusing i just come over here and say vertical and reselect my two points but shift v is like a little shortcut on clicking that button and i say 43 how about i close that we'll go into part design and say pad and maybe i will pad something let's go symmetric to plane and let's say 50 millimeters all right so now if i stand on house and hit the space bar right i have these two bodies that are intersecting but they're not merged right you can see where i have this little black line where edges meet and there's no black line where these two edges meet they're just two bodies that happen to overlap and occupy the same space well there's something called a boolean that you can use that causes two separate bodies to interact with one another so this is the boolean button right here where we create a boolean operation with two or more bodies so my active body right now is this one because it has the bold text you can tell if i collapse these body zeros or one has the bold text i can make body bold if i want just by double clicking on it and now my body is active so i click on boolean and whatever i clicked is the active body and i can add a body by clicking the add body button and then clicking on the body that i'm adding and if i fuse these then i've made these two bodies into one body and i can do something like add a fillet in that little edge where they fused right now if i delete my boolean go into my tree and hit the delete key i can't even select the edge that i just created to fill it on because there's no there's no edge there it's just a place where two separate bodies intersect so by creating the fuse that i just did by saying add body there and i have my fuse right here then i've turned two bodies into one body and now i can not only select the edge right there but add a fill it right so now this is one single part um okay let's go with now let's edit the boolean my next option is i can cut right i can take that hexagon body and cut it away from my house remove the whole body now the next one is my personal favorite let's edit the boolean again we can add a common and a common is saying hey you know that spot where those two bodies intersect with each other i only want material to be where they intersect right that's pretty that's a pretty fun one so that's how we can do some multi-body modeling we can take two bodies and merge them together and the common is actually quite useful all right so we have our boolean let's delete that um great so those are two those are that's how you do the boolean basically right now let's go over cloning so i'm going to take my body you know what maybe i'll just do a quick save so that if you wish to download this from grab cad you can we're going to do a save as call this boolean example so i just saved i'm gonna do another save as so let's cover shape binder now shape binder is a really fun tool and as we've covered right this is a body and this is a completely separate body and shape binder is a tool to manage multiple bodies in free cad so i go to body 001 you can see it's a hexagon shape this body here is our house and when i double click on a body i'll go back to my model here the text becomes bold and that means that's an active body whereas the not highlighted text means that this body is not active and what does it mean if a body is active it means that whatever extrusions or cuts or anything i do applies to the body with the bold text and no matter how i extrude or cut or anything it will never affect body zero zero one if i want to extrude or cut something on body zero zero one i have to double click that so it has the bold text and then everything i do will affect it right so even though we have multiple bodies in the same part and even though they take up the same space you can see they're overlapping here the active body is the only body that will be edited so i'm going to make my house active and let's say that i'm sketching on this face of my house and i want to reference something on my other inactive body i can use my import tool but if i try to import anything you can see it will not let me import at all so i cannot import or reference geometry from my inactive body and that can be a problem in some designs so what i'll do instead i'll delete my sketch to clean up my tree first i'm going to click on this button right the shape binder and when i click to create a new shape binder i am given the option to add geometry so click on add geometry and i can select faces and edges i think i can even select a point possibly maybe not click add geometry there yep so i click add geometry and yep it even lets me add vertexes so i can choose faces edges and vertexes to reference for geometry i'm going to say ok and now i'm going to hide my body and you can see that my shape binder is actually under my house and since our import tool will only import things part of the active body why i have the shape binder here that is part of my active body now and i can reference it so if i click on the same face and i click sketch you can see that i can import the elements of my shape binder right edges and faces and even that vertex can all be imported to reference off of and this kind of pinkish brown or i guess pinkish purplish color that's just treat it like it's reference geometry like the blue lines that we've covered so it's pretty powerful and pretty beneficial to be able to import uh parts from other bodies to use for our shape binder it's a great feature so that's how i use shape binders and let's i'm going to delete my shape binder now and let's cover the next thing i'll stand on my body and hit the space bar to bring it back into visibility um what if i want to import the entire body and like use it for booleans why we have a sub object for a shape binder right so i'm standing on my body but my house is my active body right so whatever body is active you stand on the body that you wish to import and click this green sub object shape binder and you can tell it imported the whole thing i'll turn my body invisible again and the cool thing about this is you can position it right so i can open up this little placement here open up this little position and i can say maybe in the z direction which i can reference over here you can see that we're pointing toward the z over here the x direct or the y direction the y direction straight up and down in the x direction over here so i know what my directions are let's say in the x direction i want to move 10 millimeters and in the z direction i want to move 20 right and i can position this in whatever way i want i can even rotate this around an axis so if i have a one value in my z axis and i type 45 then i know it will rotate 45 degrees around my z axis i type 45 there it goes and then i can right change my z to 0 and my x to 1 and it will update that to 45 degrees around the x axis and so on so i can position and rotate things the way that i wish and then i can run a boolean right so my binder again is under my active body my binder sub object and i can go to my boolean value and you can see i can fuse this together into one single body or i can do a comment right and i can say well i only want material where these two bodies overlap and if there's a body where it isn't overlapping i want to get rid of that material or i can choose a cut and hey that makes a pretty cool porch thing so i think i'm going to keep that right so we've made a cut between one of our shapes we'll close that and that's how we deal with bodies in free cad at least with shape binders one other thing to note if i delete my boolean and i delete my binder and i show my body once more you can move things around by right clicking and choosing transform and i can move my body and i can rotate it around whatever axes that i want to position this and i can even make this a different increment so if i wish to only move 10 millimeters at a time you can see i i snap at values of 10 millimeters and you can also change your increment four degrees right now we're snapping every 15 degrees so that's a useful tool but be careful because if you try to relocate this body and you try to use a shape binder and i add geometry to reference this position it actually adds the geometry to the original position that this body was in and that's one reason why you want to use a sub object and relocate the sub object instead so one other thing that could be useful right i can do something like stand on my body create a sub-object and then i can hide my body with the space bar and maybe i could choose a specific face and by the way just so you know i can if i delete my sub object and show my body again i can highlight say one face of my object and still use that in a sub object just like i did with face or shape binder and i can stand on my face right i can highlight it and choose something like a pad and i can create a solid just from one face likewise because i have the flexibility to move things around i'll hit ctrl z here because i have the flexibility to move things around i can say relocate my binder position in the z direction maybe i'll make it a hundred millimeters right and i can choose something like revolve i can revolve around a certain axis just like we do with a sketch so i can treat those faces as they are a sketch and have the same results which can be extremely useful so there's a lot of cool things you can do with multi-body modeling if you need to use more than one body and some people even use it to simulate an assembly you know where you have a model that's made up of multiple parts i do i would say that's not the proper way to do an assembly but it also works really well if you need to do it that way too all right let's move on to clone okay so i'm gonna stand on my body here and i'm going to click this little i have no idea what that is but to me it has always looked like an orange cyclops it's actually kind of cool so i click on this and it creates body 001 and it doesn't look like anything has happened in the graphics display but what what's really useful is i can transform body001 and it turns out i made an exact copy or a clone right and maybe i can choose the appearance on this and make this blue so blue is the clone and this one is just not the clone the original the parent parent and child and again you just right click right you right click in the tree and you can choose appearance to do that now between my parent and my child this is what's really interesting i select sketch on this and of course it doesn't it removes the clone from this view but as i'm sketching right and for the sake of time i won't fully constrain i'm going to do a pad and it shows up on the child right through all so any change i make it is sent to the child even after i clone it which is very useful if you need to have the same bodies and then of course i can let's grab this body right click and say transform right i can do something like move these kind of together maybe i'm going to change this back to one millimeter and just overlap them a hair and i say okay then i can choose my two bodies and then i can even do a boolean and fuse them together isn't that cool now of course it added that extra one on the end because it uh you know it had that extra body in there so when i fuse them together that was part of the clone that showed up but you can start doing booleans with clones right you could say anyway so that is just a super cool feature that freecad has that you can do clones with bodies and boolean them and everything i'll transform that again cool so that's the clone feature now maybe i want to measure stuff between bodies and whatnot i can choose this little measuring tape and i can choose this edge actually i can't choose that edge i should choose a point and another point and it will show up my graphics display the distance between two points so i can close that now this right here measures the angle between two edges so i can choose one edge and another edge and so i can choose linear distances and angles and then if i update my part right if i go into my house body and i edit the pad and i make it 55. well this still says 50 even though it's now 55. and yeah then i can use my spacebar to show my pocket there um well this if i click update will update that to 55 and likewise right i can measure from there to there and so on and so it's really handy to be able to have a visual on some measurements that might be important to you likewise i can clear all dimensions from the screen if i wish and then i can toggle currently visible dimensions on and off so this gets rid of the dimensions entirely if i go to add another let's say linear dimension from point to point oh and i forgot to mention yes you do get a few diagonals um vertical and horizontal components as well as the overall diagonal then we can close this and then i can toggle currently visible dimensions on and off so this is what it's talking about when it says toggle direct dimensions right just the red one is a direct dimension and then finally toggle the orthogonals right which go completely up and down so you have kind of options to say what to toggle on and off so that's how all those measuring tape dimensions work and we've gone over all of our shape binders and i think you have an idea of these datums now we've gone over how to make new parts we've gone over subtractive and additive primitives i think we've covered basically every button in the part design workbench i have sat here for three hours my voice is being lost i bet if you listen to the beginning of this video and the end of this video you can just listen to how much my voice has been lost i think i'm bare i think i barely have a voice right now i've been talking so much as well as i just finished up my full-time job today so it's been a lot of talking today and my throat hurts i'm gonna go enjoy i don't know a nice warm beverage with my wife and i hope you've enjoyed this video i hope it's been helpful please subscribe and i'll catch you in the next video it's been epic thanks [Music] you
Channel: Joko Engineeringhelp
Views: 441,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joko, engineering, help, jokoengineering, engineeringhelp, ACADEMY, jokoengineeringhelp, tutorial, how, to, howto, engineer, JMT, EXPLAIN, EXPLAINED, GOENGINEER, KHAN
Id: Odr5viqPwkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 55sec (9355 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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